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151: The Apostolic Fathers believed in expedient, optional tradition
Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Introduction: Expedient man-made tradition that is optional and not a matter of faith, since the apostles were silent about such matters. (Tertullian, The crown or De Corona, ch 3-4) This 4th category of tradition are optional practices usually associated with carrying out specific commands and liturgy that are recorded in scripture. In 200 AD, examples of "expedient tradition" these include giving a person a cup of milk mixed with honey immediately following baptism and then not bathing for a week afterwards. Roman Catholic and Orthodox "Classical Reformation" apologists have a great deal of difficulty explaining why this ... G. Expedient tradition and the Easter wars: The Quartodecimans (14th Day Christians: Nissan 14 & Easter controversies) calculated the date for Passover according to the Law of Moses. Hippolytus was the bishop of Rome and for reasons unknown, came up with an entirely new way of calculating the date for Passover. (Easter) What is ... ...
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152: The Bible can be interpreted correctly by every person without ...
... It assumes a degree of absolute objectivity that would make the most ardent positivist cringe with embarrassment. ... this is exactly what the doctrine of sola Scriptura assumes: a bare text that somehow imposes its meaning on the reader." (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 100) Three false sources of truth other than the Bible: Click to View #1: Illumination of the Church Organization by the Holy Spirit The church is not an infallible source of truth Click to View The church is not illuminated by the Holy Spirit! Click to View The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches both claim the Bible cannot be understood by the common man and that only the church can properly interpret scripture. This is false doctrine. Click to View #2: Illumination of the Individual by the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit does not "guide us" to understand the Bible. Click to View Personal illumination of the Holy Spirit is a false doctrine Click to View ... ...
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153: The Decepto-Meter goes crazy when you bring it near the Watchtower ...
A typical example of a false dilemma is where anti-Trinitarians lead the reader to falsely conclude that if Jesus is subordinate to the Father, that Jesus must be a creature. Self-quoting: Quoting fellow anti-Trinitarians to trash the trinity, is no better than a Catholic quoting a priest to prove that Peter is the first pope! Click to View This symbol at the left, indicates that the source is used in the "Should you believe in the Trinity?", Watchtower booklet. (Use "Control + F" on your keyboard to search) Decepto-Meter ... No need to misrepresent the opinions of one of their own! Buzzard, Anthony Who is Jesus? Deceptive Quote Self-Quoting: Unitarian To quote a Unitarian theologian, as an authority to prove the pagan origin of Trinity, is about as trustworthy and believable as quoting the a Catholic Bishop to prove that Peter was the first Pope! Click to View Lamson, Alvan The Church of the First Three Centuries Accurate quoting but, Self-quoting Self-Quoting: Unitarian To quote a ... ...
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154: Sola Scriptura: All-sufficient: The Bible alone is a blueprint ...
And if he thus wrote to Timothy, who was filled with the Spirit, how much more to us! "Thoroughly furnished unto all good works"; not merely taking part in them, he means, but "thoroughly furnished." (John Chrysostom, Homily 9, commentary on 2 Tim 3:16-17) Click to View John, who is commenting on 2 Tim 3:16-17, clearly believes the scriptures are all-sufficient and nothing else is needed for truth. But he says something far more profound that modern Roman Catholic and Orthodox leaders cringe at: Chrysostom, interprets Paul's statement as saying that "the scriptures were given IN PLACE OF Paul". ... Our point, however in this discussion is to show that the Roman Catholic church makes the same statement about the need for "apostolic tradition", yet concludes the opposite: baptism by sprinkling. This illustrates the vacancy of using "church tradition" to settle any doctrinal controversy. Carlton should actually be spanked for making such a silly statement that the scriptures are unclear as to ... ...
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155: Sola Scriptura: Apostolic Fathers Catechism Class for Catholics ...
Click to View Apostolic Fathers: Dates they lived and other information. Click to View Apostolic Fathers: Five kinds of Tradition. Click to View Mandatory: Apostolic Fathers Catechism Class for Catholics and Orthodox. Introduction to the Catechism: In order for our truth to shine through, it is important that Catholic and Orthodox believers understand exactly why their objections to sola Scriptura are invalid when applied to us. So we have created a special catechism class especially for you so that you will not make the mistake of ever using these invalid objections as you read the information below regarding the apostolic Fathers view of using "scripture only" as the only source of doctrinal authority. ... Why is pointing out the fact that many of the Fathers whom we use as examples of sola Scriptura, then go on and discuss a number of "catholic type" doctrines, of no power in refuting sola Scriptura? Answer: All Roman Catholic or Orthodox priests think their doctrine is taught in ... ...
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156: Interactive Bible Home Page
Click to View Search for this: Submit Advanced Click Your Choice The Interactive Bible: Interactive Bible study series lessons where you learn Bible truths while on line for yourself. Anyone can understand what the Bible says. It is fun!!! The Bible is God's Inspired Book! Do you really believe the Bible is Inspired? Fundamental Bible Doctrines What the Bible ... For Jehovah's Witness New Converts Information every new Jehovah's Witness should know about his new religion. Evolution vs 6 day creation When God created the earth in 6 days He was taking His time! The Roman Catholic church examined Is the Roman Catholic church the original one true church? Mormonism Exposed Are the Book of Mormon and the golden Nephi plates from God or man? Calvinism refuted The famous 5 point T-U-L-I-P doctrinal system refuted by scripture! 20th Century Tongues exposed Are modern day tongue speakers guided by divinity or self-delusion? neo-sadduceeism.htm A doctrine ... ...
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157: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 200 AD: Hippolytus
Not according to our own will, nor according to our own mind, nor yet as using violently those things which are given by God, but even as He has chosen to teach them by the Holy Scriptures, so let us discern them." (Hippolytus, Against Noetus, ch 9) Click to View This is a powerful contradiction and refutation to the modern Roman Catholic and Orthodox view of tradition. Although Hippolytus was fully aware that the gospel was first preached 100% orally through the apostles and prophets even before the first book of the New Testament was ... Refutation of All Heresies, book 8, ch 11, The Quartodecimans). Click to View The Quartodecimans (14th Day Christians: Nissan 14 & Easter controversies) calculated the date for Passover according to the Law of Moses. Hippolytus was the bishop of Rome and for reasons unknown, came up with an entirely new way of calculating the date for Passover. (Easter) What is so important about this example, is that Hippolytus labeled these men Quartodecimans and ... ...
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158: Sola Scriptura: Moses' Seat is not an antitype of the Papal authority ...
This means that it must have been passed down to the Jews orally, and not in written form but through their oral Tradition. Obey the Pope, for He sits in Peter's Chair." Click to View click to enlarge "Moses seat" at the Chorazin synagogue. "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them." Matthew 23:2-3 Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "Moses' Seat is the antitype of the Papal authority and proof of both oral tradition and Papal succession. Matthew 23:2. ... If Moses' seat really was an antitype of the Papal chair in Rome, then the Catholic church should have a 6 tier organization: the pope + "leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens". But the Roman Catholic church only has three tiers: Pope, Bishops, Priests. It is also important that while Moses was the actual law ... ...
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159: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 325 AD: Athanasius
... of the Church may be secure, as the Fathers defined it in the Council of Nicaea (Athanasius, History of the Arians, Part 5, 36) Click to View Athanasius has already stated that "Ecclesiastical Canons" "tradition from the Fathers" "Apostolical rule" were based directly upon scripture. We do not question that Athanasius took the view that there was a tradition based upon succession of bishops in all the hundreds of churches. We simply point out that until the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches can point out a single place where Athanasius or any early writer tells us: "This is a doctrine not found in scripture, because the Bible is not ... Indeed, because Athanasius believed ALL HIS DOCTRINE, even the one's he was wrong about, came directly from scripture! "For where is there a Canon that a Bishop should be appointed from Court? Where is there a Canon that permits soldiers to invade Churches? What tradition is there allowing counts and ignorant eunuchs to exercise authority in ... ...
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160: Sola Scriptura proof texts: 1 Corinthians 4:6
Click to View Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View More Anti-Sola Scriptura proof texts! Introduction: The larger context of 1 Cor 4:6 is in a section of 1 Corinthians we call, "preacheritus" (Chapters 1-4.) The church was beginning to follow men rather than scripture. Of course Roman Catholics today say, "I am of Peter" ... the pope. This directly violates what Paul said here. These four chapters are a contextual unit. We connect Mt 16:18 + 1 Cor 1:10-13 + 1 Cor 3:5-17 + 1 Cor 4:6. "upon this rock I will build My church" Mt 16:18 + "as gardeners and builders... each man must be careful how he ... written" (1 Cor 4:6) Click to View Jesus intended his church to built upon scripture, not Peter or oral traditions. Conclusion: 1 Cor 4:6 so clearly refutes the Roman Catholic and Orthodox church's doctrine of oral tradition, they do not know what to do with it! Jesus said, "upon this rock I will build My church" and Paul warned: "in ... ...
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161: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 360 AD: Cyril of Jerusalem
Even to me, who tell thee these things, give not absolute credence, unless thou receive the proof of the things which I announce from the Divine Scriptures. For this salvation which we believe depends not on ingenious reasoning, but on demonstration of the Holy Scriptures. (Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lecture 4, 17) Click to View What an incredible statement! Cyril sure sounds like one of us "good 'ol Bible thumping Protestants"! He sure doesn't sound very "Catholic or Orthodox". Although he knew of creeds and canons, was himself a Bishop of authority, he demanded, "proof from the Scriptures" and ... Cyril applies 2 Thess 2:15, "So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us." to the very process of memorizing this creed. It must be most unsettling for Roman Catholic and Orthodox defenders to learn that Cyril identifies Tradition as "the scripture". The Nicene creed certainly cannot be used by these ... ...
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162: Catholics wrong: Mary had many other children in addition to ...
Mary had many other children in addition to Jesus Click to View Because these verses so clearly contradict Catholic doctrine, Catholic interpreters will insist these are cousins, kinsmen, or from a supposed earlier marriage of Joseph. Of course, the Bible proves all these things ... The Catholic church teaches that the Mary in these passages is the mother of Jesus, but Jesus brothers and sisters are children of another woman also named Mary. The children are so clearly the offspring of the "Mary" of this passage, that the Pope has come to the conclusion is must be a different Mary! Incredible! Now read it for yourself from the scripture and see if you agree with the Catholic church that the Mary of these ... And they took offense at Him. 4 And Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his home town and among his own relatives and in his own household." Are you still Roman Catholic after reading that? Matthew 12:46 & Mk 3:31 & Lk 8:19 Jesus is distinguishing between ... ...
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163: Official creed of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
It was (the) use of creeds as 'tests of fellowship' that the Disciples' founding fathers fingered as the major cause of division among Christians...(So) unlike most other churches, we Disciples do not have an official doctrinal statement we can refer to when someone asks, 'What does the Christian Church believe?'" Kenneth Teegarden The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a community of ... and has endorsed the following anti-Biblical positions: ordained women ministers ordained women elders denied the requirement of immersion for salvation as essential to salvation, as they did when they were first founded. participated in unity discussions with the Roman Catholic church, apparently acknowledging the latter's claims and doctrines. A few have denied the virgin birth of Jesus A few have participated with other liberal denominations in undermining the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible. A few have supported gay marriage. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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164: Scriptures were more important than tradition to Apostolic Fathers
... Such statements anger the true Christian because non-believers pick up on his statements and use them to trash the Bible as a useless book that cannot be understood by anyone, leading to atheism. The devil loves people like Raymond L. Zell, because he leads people away from the Bible to his apostate, false doctrine filled, church. So after throwing out the Bible into the garbage can as a source of doctrinal truth, Zell, tells us that man-made church tradition of the Orthodox church is the only reliable roadmap to truth. Forget the Bible, just trust the church tradition! Click to View So lets run with this. Ok! No Bible. Only church tradition... Lets reword what Zell said. Before we do, remember both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches both claim to be God's exclusive organization for truth and tradition. Both claim to be the apostolic church. Yet they teach many very different things, have different liturgy, cast innumerable anathema's upon the other's "saints", severed communion ... ...
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165: Silence of Scripture and Bible authority
... Institutionalists will argue: "God never said one church could not send money to another in evangelism and set up a sponsoring church" Click to View God said to Sing, instrumental music prohibited. Denominationalists: "God never said we couldn't play an instrument in worship" Both circumcision and instrumental music were endorsed by God in the Old Testament. (Ps 150) But the New Testament Christians were commanded to sing without instruments. Eph. 5:19 Historically the early Christians did not use instrumental music from the time of the apostles until 670 AD when organs were first introduced sparingly and with great opposition. The Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches split in 1033 AD in part over instrumental music. The Orthodox church, even today, has never used instruments. No Protestant church used instruments before the 1700's. "Pope Vitalian is related to have first introduced organs into some of the churches of Western Europe about 670 but the earliest trustworthy account is ... ...
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166: Scientology is anti-Christian, Satanic and Neo-Gnostic?
Origin of Christianity: There was no Christ The Creator and God Man has no soul; Christianity is false Christ Game and Christ had a good "implant" Reincarnation The Church Bible Prophesy Christian Love Poverty Click to View Comparison between Christianity and Scientology Teachings Click to View Scientology is Neo-Gnosticism Click to View Hubbard thought he was Satan incarnate? Scientology Falsely Claims to be Compatible with Christianity ... Scientology and Reincarnation "The Egyptians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jainists, Sikhists, Brahmans, NeoPlatonists, Christians, Romans, Jews and Gnostics all believed in reincarnation and the rebirth cycle. It was a fundamental belief in the Roman Catholic Church until 553 AD when a company of four monks held the Synod of Constantinople, (without the Pope present) and decided the belief could not exist. They condemned the teachings of reincarnation as heresy and it was at this time that references to it were expunged from the Bible." ("Have You Lived ... ...
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167: Mad-Doctors: William Battie: 1703-1776 AD
... Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage William Battie was a Mad Doctor who lived 1703-1776 AD in England. Like modern chemical psychiatry, Battie was caustically hostile to Christianity and religion in general. His entire A Treatise on Madness, written in 1758 AD, does not mention the words: soul, spirit, God, Jesus. The only time Christianity is brought into the subject is his rather stupid suggestion that the laziness of Roman Catholic and Anglican monks and nuns, was actually a cause of madness because their "nerves" were out of shape due to lack of use the same way the lazy man has weak heart. It was a clear slap against religion. He was one who ... But at the same time, another mad doctor named William Battie used most of these same methods. He tells us that for him to reject vomits as a cure, would be considered heresy. Indeed, of all the treatments of the 1750's, vomits was viewed as the cure of choice! Battie believes that mental illness is caused by a clogging ... ...
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168: Great Bible Doctrines! The Interactive Bible:
Veil of Temple torn in two Tombs opened, saints resurrected 6 PM: Sunset & moonrise at precisely the same time Eclipsed blood-red moon rises (NASA) Read more The Six Trials of Jesus: 3 Jewish and 3 Roman The Jews found Jesus guilty 3 times. The Romans found Jesus Innocent 3 times. Read more Click to View Hermeneutics: The science of how we interpret the Bible. Why We Must Obey God's Silence: Acts 15 God's Road map on how to determine doctrine from the Bible 1. The doctrinal dispute in Acts 15 2. Examining the four argumentation methods 3. Generic and specific authority 4. A critical lesson from the US Constitution! 5. A critical ... Various Bible topics: 1. The Bible rejects any concept of reincarnation 2. A Christian Analysis of Reincarnation in Contemporary American Society 3. The 7 Promises Of God to Man 4. Is Doctrine Important? 5. What is the true Bible "Christmas" story of the birth of Jesus? (separating fact from Catholic myth) 6. Sunday is the day Christian's worship! 7. What will ... ...
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169: Trinity proof texts: John 1:1
... In this case Barclay actually wrote a letter after the Watchtower abused his materials. This is certain proof that the Watchtower is a deceiver when it quotes from sources! Usually the Watchtower misquotes those who have died and are not able to write such letters of protest. Click to View Click here to get the full story! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #16 Click to View Johannes Greber quoted in the JW's doctrinal encyclopedia, "Aid to Bible Understanding" "A translation by the former Roman Catholic priest Johannes Greber (1937 ed.) renders the second appearance of the word "god" in the sentence as "a god."" (Aid to Bible Understanding 1971, p 1669) Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #16 refuted Click to View "The Decepto-meter" Satanic Quote One of the most common references Jehovah's Witnesses once used to support "a god" in John 1:1. There is irrefutable proof that Greber was known to the Watchtower as an occult spiritist in 1953, but they did not stop using Greber until 1976. Then in 1983, the ... ...
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170: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
... Click to View 350 BC - 106 AD: Nabateans at Petra The Nabateans enlarged and enhanced the tomb city of the Hebrews. Everything we see today in Petra was the work of the Nabateans. Like Pharaoh in Egypt, the Nabateans removed all traces of the Hebrews in the multi coloured sandstone. Petra is a second use of the Hebrew Kadesh ... Only when we realize the evil Helena did in her blind and random choice, do we begin to search for the real Exodus route. This location is "canonized" by the Catholic and Orthodox churches, even though most people are certain it is not the true Mt. Sinai. It is clear that the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches are not only no help in ... Kadesh Barnea cannot be located Ein Hasb or Ein El Weibeh or Ein el Qudeirat for the same reason: Kadesh was not located within the promised land. In 1856, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley considered and rejected Weibeh and stated that Petra was the location of Kadesh. Stanley concluded with Petra as his choice for Kadesh: "Is it too much ... ...
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171: The Madaba map (mosaic floor) 542 AD St. George's Orthodox church ...
... Click to View 6. The Bible clearly shows that the border between Egypt and Israel was just north of the Wadi al-Arish: Genesis 15:18; Joshua 15:4,47. The Wadi al-Arish is the southern/eastern border of the promised land. 7. This proves that the modern Sinai Peninsula was under the control of Egypt and considered Egyptian ... Click to View It is truly sad that this portion of the Madaba map is missing that shows Mt. Sinai and the shape of the Red Sea. We must keep in mind that in 545 AD, the prevailing view of the Western/Latin church (Rome/Roman Catholic) was that Mt. Sinai was located at Mt. Musa in the modern Sinai peninsula. The Madaba Map is located ... This means we would expect to find Petra somewhere directly below this text that highlights the events of Num 21:4-9. What we do learn from all this, is that their understanding of the Gulf of Aqaba was as bad as their understanding of the Bible geography as the scriptures revealed. Click to View E. The exodus route: Arabah ... ...
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172: Synagogue prototype master summary chart and introduction: The ...
Weekly attendance No (3 times a year) Yes: every Sabbath Yes: every first day, Sunday. Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:2 Government Levitical High priest Sole top authority (like Catholic Pope) Democracy: Body of equal rulers (Mark 5:22, 35-36, 38; Luke 8:41, 13:14) Democracy: plurality of equal elders/ bishops/ shepherds. 1 Tim 3; Tit 1 ... On almost every single specific of function and practice, synagogue and Church worship are the same. 2. Modern Rabbinic Judaism is as foreign from Biblical mosaic temple worship as the Roman Catholic church is foreign from New Testament Christianity. a. Both Rabbinic Judaism and Catholicism have huge volumes of the exact type of ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections Go to: Master Synagogue ... ...
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173: Rejected books, widely used in the first two centuries, but not ...
Rejected books, widely used in the first two centuries, but not considered inspired or part of the New Testament Canon. A conservative, bible believing perspective! God's providence gave us the 27 book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the ... Metzger puts the date at about 150 AD. (The Canon of the New Testament, Bruce Manning Metzger, 1987, p 169) It was accepted only in Egypt. It has heretical doctrinal slant of the Gnostic Encratites. "Literally, "abstainers" or "persons who practised continency", because they refrained from the use of wine, animal food, and marriage." (New Advent Catholic Enyclopedia, Encratites) Gospel According to the Hebrews: The date of the book is difficult to know but ... have come down to us. The book itself has long disappeared." (ISBE, Hebrews, Gospel According To The, 1915) This book was never considered canonical. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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174: Exodus Route: Men who misled the world away from truth
Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula, but did not believe that the modern Sinai Peninsula was part of Arabia. This creates a problem for those today who say the Sinai Peninsula was considered as being "Arabia". (Against Apion 2.25) Apion fabricated a whole series of lies about the Jewish people. Josephus rejected all the "facts" that ... Catherine's monastery based upon a vision she saw in a dream. b. Helena chose many sites in the Bible lands, most of which we know today were wrong. 2. Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have decreed that Mt. Sinai is located at St. Catherine's monastery which closes the door and the mind to considering alternatives ... Instead of Rohl "reexamining" Genesis 41 and fabricating his novel "flood famine" exegesis, he should have "reexamined" his New Chronology as unworkable, or at a minimum, admitted the nilometers refute his thesis. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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175: Synagogue Organization and Government: Elders, officials, attendants ...
... Plurality & equality 4. Proof that all four terms "elder, overseer, shepherd, steward" refer to same office because of their interchangeable usage: All terms refer to same single office Elder or Presbyter (Presbureros) Overseer or bishop (Episcopos) Shepherd or pastor (Poimen) Steward (Oikonomo) Acts 20:17,28 Tit 1:5,7 1 Pe 5:1,2 F. Apostacy in church organization 1. It is truly shocking that in spite of two different passages outline the qualifications of church leaders (Tit 1, 1 Tim 3) most churches today totally ignore every detail. a. Women pastors are common. b. One man is sole overseer in a local church or in the Roman Catholic case, one man is over ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections Go to: Master Synagogue List ... ...
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176: Aramaic: Native language of Jesus
in 30 AD and the Pope toady addressed their crowds, nobody understood either of them without a translator. f. If the common Jew visited the temple services conducted in Hebrew, it was exactly like sitting in a Catholic Latin church service today. I. Jesus was trilingual: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek A. Jesus was Trilingual in Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew 1. First century Judea spoke 4 languages: a. Hebrew: The religious language of the Jerusalem High priests, Sadducees, temple elites, very much like Vatican Latin today. b. Aramaic: The language of the common Jew including Jesus. c. Greek: The language of commerce and common language of the Jews everywhere. d. Latin: The official language of the Roman empire. 2. ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible Manuscripts Page Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: ... ...
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177: Seventh-day Adventist view Ellen G. White as an inspired prophet
... "ELLEN G. WHITE (1827-1915) was the author of 55 volumes translated internationally into 100 languages with close to 20,000,000 copies in circulation. She is considered to have been inspired by God. Many of her prophecies about world events and the modern-day condition of man have already been dramatically ... But the pope had changed it from the seventh day to the first day of the week; for he was to change times and laws." ("Early Writings of Ellen G. White," page 33.) Again on page 65 of the same book Mrs. White says, "The pope has changed the day of rest from the seventy to the first day." Click to View Official SDA statements of inspiration for Ellen G. White: E. E. CLEVELAND: ... View with Charles Bradford and Philip Follett. Follett was quoting from official Glacier View document: "The Relation of Ellen White's Writings in Doctrinal Studies" SDA BOOK: "Elder I. H. Evans, the General Conference representative at the conference declared: 'When the statement from Sister White is ... ...
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178: What makes an apostle The Gift of the Holy Spirit
... I. Uninspired writings prior to 300AD considered the apostles to have not successors. 1. Tertullian (A. D. 145-220) defined true doctrine as that which the "churches received from the apostles, the apostles from Christ, Christ from God." a. False doctrine was that which was contrary to the truth taught by them (III: 252). b. ... century heretic who believed that divine revelation continued through him beyond the New Testament. Apparently no other tongues-speaking was practiced in Christianity until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when it appeared in several Roman Catholic groups in Europe (Cevenols and Jansenists) and among the Shakers in New England. ... greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:8-13) Holy Spirit outlines: Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Holy Spirit in the New Testament Gift of the Holy Spirit Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Tongues have Ceased By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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179: Official creed of the Lutheran church; 95 Theses or 95 Articles ...
LUTHERAN Click here to view: 95 Theses or 95 Articles of Martin Luther, 1517 AD The Augsburg Confession (1530): The Augsburg Confession is the first of the great Protestant Confessions. All orthodox Lutheran church bodies base their teachings upon this treatise because they believe that it is a faithful to Word of God. ... Wherefore Christ said, John 16,6: Without Me ye can do nothing; and the Church sings: Lacking Thy divine favor, There is nothing found in man, Naught in him is harmless. 95 Theses or 95 Articles of Martin Luther, 1517 AD In the early 1500s, one of the ways the Pope made money for the Catholic church was by selling indulgences. These were pieces of ... It must needs be, therefore, that the greater part of the people are deceived by that indiscriminate and highsounding promise of release from penalty. The power which the pope has, in a general way, over purgatory, is just like the power which any bishop or curate has, in a special way, within his own diocese or parish. ... ...
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180: Unavoidable Consequences Of Inherited Sin
... It is important to realize that Whitefield was indeed a Calvinst who taught it was impossible to be born again until the Holy Spirit enlightened you. This pamphlet was written by John Harman who theologically disagreed with Whitefield. John Harman gathered the quotes and doctrinal statements and ideas from first hand witness to ... If God had not been so bountiful, thou couldst not have been so sinful." (The Whole Works of the Rev. Mr. John Flavel, 1627-1691 AD, Presbyterian, Volume 5, Page 299, 1820 AD) Isaac Watts was a Dissenter from Anglican the way Luther was of Roman Catholic. In this article Watts discusses the various views taught in the Anglican church ... you need to keep reading to learn why you must either give up Calvinism ENTIRELY or have the guts and honesty to teach newborns go to hell. No newborn babies go to hell. The idea of elect babies go to heaven and non-elect babies go to hell is heresy and a false doctrine. By Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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181: Review of what the Canadian Christian Missionary Alliance church ...
... Although the Christian Missionary Alliance church would argue that the creed merely teaches the Bible, in fact all church creeds make the same claim, yet they contain contradictory doctrines both between themselves and the Bible. All doctrine determined from central point like Roman Catholic faith: "The General Assembly," [world ... "A candidate shall state on the provided forms, knowledge of Bible doctrine and acceptance of doctrinal distinctives of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Willingness to accept the constituted authority of The Christian and Missionary Alliance must also be expressed." (The Manual, Ordination of ministers section, Christian ... Thereafter forgiveness is granted to the child of God, by repentance and prayer. Click to View See interactive study on baptism. Article #7: They teach the false doctrine known in some theological circles as "entire sanctification". This is where the Christian, after being saved, is worked on directly by the Holy Spirit to be ... ...
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182: They are digging up Bible stories! Start Page
... Musa in a vision to be Mt. Sinai that settles it. Since Constantine proclaimed it Mt. Sinai in 325 AD, the Roman Catholic church will never look elsewhere. Since the Orthodox church built St. Catherine's Monastery in 550 AD at the foot of Mt. Sinai, they won't even discuss the possibility of another location. Although we have escaped the dark ages of science, we are still held in the shackles of the dark ages of Bible geography. While some Catholic and Orthodox scholars may even state Mt. Musa is not Mt. Sinai, there is absolutely no chance that the Pope or the Ecumenical Patriarch will change their view. To do so would call into question their entire foundation based upon human oral ... Source must be credited to Not put on another website. Not put in books that are to be sold without Permission. No alterations without permission. This is an open process. Join us! By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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183: The Vulgate: Jerome's Latin Translation of the Hebrew Masoretic ...
Jerome began his work, at the request of Pope Damasus in 382, with a revision of the Gospels which was completed in 384. Here he seems to have used as the basis of his revision a Greek MS closely akin to the *Codex Sinaiticus. That he revised the ... A bilingual law school was founded in Berytus, Syria (modern Beirut), Latin appears with increasing frequency in surviving papyri from Roman Egypt, and significant pagan authors living in Antioch and Alexandria adopted Latin as their literary ... The writings of Origen (ca. 185-254) and other Greek Christian authors began to be carefully translated into Latin by scholars such as Rufinus (ca. 345-411) and Jerome (ca. 345-420). It was in this context that Damasus, bishop of Rome from 366 to ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible Manuscripts Page Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue ... ...
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184: Solomon's Fortress at Elat, Aqaba: Tell el-Kheleifeh and Jezirat ...
... A. Location of Elat and Ezion-Geber: Click to View We believe Tell el-kheleifeh is ancient Elat (Eloth) which is located on the border between Israel and Jordan today, 500 meters from the shore of the Red Sea. The general location of Ezion-Geber is on the east shore of the Red Sea in Modern ... In Jerome's time it was a very busy port (Vita Hilariaris, 18, and cf. Commentary on Ezekiel 47:18). Eusebius does not indicate its size but it may be inferred that it was a polis. A bishop was present at Nicea. Eusebius uses some army source and the text is useful for noting the deployment of the Roman legion. The Tenth is located here. The Notitia Dignitatum (73:18f.) verifies this entry. The Tabula ... If Tell el-Kheleifeh is not in all finality to be identified with Ezion-geber: Elath, then it must be considered a fortified industrial, maritime, storage and caravanserai center for both." (Ezion-Geber, Nelson Glueck, Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh, 1965 AD) J. Archeological details of Tell ... ...
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185: Haruskah Anda Percaya Kepada Watchtower???
Click to View Click to View Haruskah Anda Percaya Kepada Watch Tower (Jehovah Witnesses)? Haruskah Anda Mempercayainya? Apakah anda percaya kepada Tritunggal? Dalam tulisannya "Haruskah Anda Percaya Kepada Tritunggal", Watch Tower (Menara Pengawas, selanjutnya disingkat sebagai WT, organisasi para ... Those who disliked the Nicene formula took every opportunity of attacking its principal adherents and succeeded in condemning several of them on charges of doctrinal error or uncanonical conduct. Their chief victim was Athanasius, who became bishop of Alexandria in 328 (see ATHANASIUS, SAINT). At first Constantine supported him, acquitting him of several charges, but he eventually lost ... Terlebih lagi, dari latar belakang dibentuknya Kredo Nicaea tsb memperlihatkan bahwa doktrin Tritunggal sudah diterima oleh sebagian besar gereja pada waktu itu, hanya sebagian kecil dari petugas gereja yang tidak sependapat. Catholic Encyclopedia, walau pun tidak dapat menyatakan secara pasti berapa ... ...
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186: What Christians Need to Know about Scientology
... The Great Door of the Great Beast." [Corydon, p. 307] It is possible that Hubbard not only believed in Satan -- he believed he was Satan! According to Ron (Hubbard) Jr., his father considered himself to be the one "who came after"; that he was Crowley's successor; that he had taken on the mantle of the "Great Beast." He told him ... I don't know how they found it; either by watching madmen or something. But since that time they have used it. And it became what is known as Christianity. The man on the cross. There was no Christ! The Roman Catholic Church, through watching the dramatizations of people picked up some little fragments of R6. [LRH, Routine R6EW] Then in ... Miller, Russell. 1987. Bare Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard. London: Penguin Books, Ltd. Petersen, William. 1982. Those Curious New Cults in the 80's. New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats. Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your ... ...
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187: Jehoiakim, King of Judah 609-598 BC seals, bulla They're Digging ...
... Both in Revelation and during the Babylonian captivity of 587 BC, Jerusalem was called SPIRITUALLY EGYPT AND SODOM. Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BC and 70 AD ON THE SAME DAY OF THE YEAR: 10 Av. Both Nebuchadnezzar in 605 BC and Titus in 70 AD were "princes" who became kings after capturing Jerusalem! Peter, Bishop/Elder/Shepherd of the church in Jerusalem, writing from Jerusalem called Jerusalem, BABYLON! Unless you are Roman Catholic this is an easy point to see: "Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the ... Was assassinated by Baalis, king of Ammon. Baalis 587 BC King of Ammon Sent Ishmael to kill Gedaliah. VI. Extra-Biblical documents: Babylonian Chronical, Berosus and Josephus A. Babylonian Cuneiform tablet: Battle of Carchemish and capture of Jerusalem Click here for full translation Babylonian Chronicle for 605-595 BC Click here for full translation of cuneiform tablet. 2 Ki 24:1-17; 25:1-30; 2 Chron 36:1-21; Dan 1:1-6; Jer 36:9; ... ...
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188: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... This prophecy, which is nearly identical with the description of the little horn of Daniel 7, unquestionably points to the papacy. [242] We find a power symbolized by a great red dragon.... the great red dragon is considered a representative of Pagan Rome. The next phase presented by Rome after the Pagan form was the Papal. Rome ... supposing that in so doing they were keeping the Bible Sabbath; and there are now true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion, who honestly believe that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. [449] The most fearful threatening ever addressed to mortals is contained in the third angel's message. ... With this issue before them, those who yield to his requirements instead of the requirements of God, will worship the beast and receive his mark. Click to View Order Walter Rea's book: "The White Lie" Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to ... ...
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189: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
Communion Reenactment Rituals 1 Cor 5:7; Jn 6:31-35 Descension and Ascension Psalm 68 God the Rock of Moses Ex 17:6 The Begotten Son Psalm 2 Shadows, Types and Antitypes Click to View MAIN Messianic Prophecy Website Click to View List of 75 similarities of Joseph as a type of Christ Click to View List of 64 similarities of Moses ... Instrumental music was banned in all first century Jewish synagogues and the Orthodox church has practiced acappella worship without instruments from Pentecost down to the present. The Roman Catholic church introduced instrumental music in AD 790 in one church, which let to the churches severing into two different communions of ... There are nine different categories of how prophecy was considered fulfilled by New Testament writers: a. Citing direct, literal fulfillment in Old Testament texts widely understood before the time of Christ to be messianic prophecies without any other possible fulfillment. b. Multiple fulfillment prophecies where the first ... ...
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190: The Historical Development of "Arian style" (Jehovah's Witness ...
... But he was not an Arian subordinationist for he did not make the Son a creature and an adopted son of God. Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria made a notable, if unintended, contribution to the developing crisis by bringing into prominence the three basic trinitarian deviations that are known to history as Sabellianism, Subordinationism, and Tritheism. and the urgent need of precise trinitarian concepts, terms, and distinctions. His encounter with the Pope of Rome also turned a strong light on the ... Initially, both the requirements of monotheism inherited from the Old Testament and the implications of the need to interpret the biblical teaching to Greco-Roman paganism seemed to demand that the divine in Christ as the Word, or Logos, be ... really only one differs from the creatures, an indefinable being who only becomes God in becoming man, and who is neither God nor man." (Outlines of the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p251) By Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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191: Other False Doctrines that originated from inherited sin
The parents, by proxy, make a commitment on behalf of the child to serve God. B. The personal faith of godfathers and godmothers is considered an acceptable substitute for the faith a newborn lacks. "Catholic parents who put off for a long time, or ... We are not certain from Sacred Scripture of the exact time and circumstances of the institution of Confirmation." (A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Pg 265) B. Confirmation is not a Christian doctrine! Notice that the Catholic church actually admits ... Council of Trent, decreed in 1546 AD, "The doctrine of the conception of all men in sin was not intended to include the Virgin." In 1708, Pope Clement XI appointed a festival in honor of the immaculate conception. On Dec 8, 1954, Pope Pius IX, ... his 5 point "TULIP" system of false doctrine. It must be stressed that if someone believes any one of the 5 points of Calvinism, he must accept them all or reject them all, there is no in-between. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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192: Discussion: Eternal torment or annihilation?
... Much of this was stuff written in prior discussions, not all of it in response to the Annihilationist, but covers the same material, or at least close enough for government work. Click to View 2. Revelation and Second Death the Annihilationist writes ... Though the imagery has basis in these fundamental doctrinal truths, the visions of Revelation were limited in the application to the pageantry of apocalyptic description of the fortunes of the early church and the divine judgments on its enemies." McGuiggan (Book of Revelation) writes (p289): "I've said several times already that the lake of fire is a symbol, in this book, of total and irrevocable defeat. The devil would have been thrown into this after the Roman defeat, were it not for the fact ... Click to View 5. Nature of man Ok, a lot of what has already been written comes back to things written here. This is one of several placed I considered starting from, maybe I should have, but ... A. Nephesh BDB Hebrew lexicon give nephesh 3 basic ... ...
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193: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
Qedeis until Ein el-Qudeirat dethroned Ein Qeudeis in 1916 AD. Scholars like Keil & Delitzsch in 1867 AD, William Smith's Bible Dictionary in 1884 AD and the New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD all focused upon the similarity of name. ... At the oasis and in the neighbouring region there are scattered remains of many temporary and permanent settlements, dating from the Palaeolithic, the Middle Bronze I and the Israelite, the Persian and the Roman-Byzantine periods. The large permanent settlement situated near the spring is Tell el-Qudeirat, which lies on the main road leading through the oasis." (The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, M Dothan, 1965) C. Chronological History of Qudeirat as Kadesh Click to View 1916 -2004 AD: Ein el Qudeirat ... In 1981 AD, Rudolph Cohen misrepresented Nathaniel Schmidt as the first one to identify that Ein el-Qudeirat was Kadesh. In fact Schmidt considered Weibeh, Kades and Qudeirat, rejected them all and concluded that Kadesh was at Petra: "It seems to me ... ...
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194: The ministry of Dr. Hugh Ross exposed
A statement concerning the ministry of Dr. Hugh Ross by Borton Davidheiser: Ph.D., Zoology Click to View Publisher's Note September, 1993. Dear Friend: Greetings in the Lord. We are pleased to print Dr. Davidheiser's booklet entitled "A STATEMENT ... In his book he writes, "Many of the early church fathers and other biblical scholars interpret the creation days of Genesis 1 as long periods of time. The list includes the Jewish historian Josephus (1st century); Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, apologist ... However, Flavius Josephus, famous Jewish historian of the first century, wrote about creation in the first chapter of Book One of his Artiquities of the Jews, "..God commanded that there should be light: and when that was made, he considered the ... He said there is to be "a purging baptism of fire," and thus he anticipated the idea of purgatory, which became a doctrine of the Catholic Church at the First Council of Lyons in 838 A.D.. and affirmed at subsequent councils. Then there was ... ...
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195: John Wesley (1703-91) Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural ...
... His widely read and frequently reprinted Primitive physick (1747) provided homely remedies within the reach of all; The family physician (1769) laid down rules of health and hygiene; and The desideratum was written to popularise what he considered ... ELECTRICAL TREATMENT Click to View (The desideratum: or, electricity made plain and useful. By a lover of mankind, and of common sense, [1760] London, Flexney pp. iii-vi) In the following Tract, I have endeavoured to comprize the Sum of what has been ... When Sir John Floyer published his excellent Book on Cold-bathing, many for a Time used and prosited by it. So did abundance of People by Cold Water, when it was publickly recommended by Dr. Hancock. The ingenious and benevolent Bishop of Cloyne, ... But if any are sick, or bit by a serpent, or torn by a wild beast, the fathers immediately tell their children what remedy to apply. And 'tis rare that the patient suffers long; those medicines being quick, as well as, generally, infallible. 5. Hence ... ...
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196: The $200 Text: A Written Debate Concerning the Sabbath
Affirms: David F. Smith (Seventh-day Adventist) Denies: Gene Frost (Christian) Click to View How it all began! Mr. Smith places an ad in the newspaper to which Mr Frost replies. LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Wednesday, December 14, 1949 $200 FOR ONE TEXT I hereby offer $200 for one Bible text from the Bible -- either the King James (Protestant) Version or the Douay (Catholic) Version -- stating that Sunday -- the first day of the week should be observed by Christians as a day of rest and worship. A ... Planning an audience participation at my church, I offered $200 for a text. The date, time and place for this meeting when claims for the money would be considered were printed plainly in the newspaper advertisement. A number of my own congregation, ... I was under the impression that he had had enough of "texts" and especially 2 Corinthians 3. I attended his service at which time he advertised to "answer all doctrinal charges" made in the paper, but I failed to hear any mention of the text. In ... ...
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197: Official Creed of: The Independent Fundamental Churches of America ...
We believe the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be the verbally inspired Word of God, the final authority for faith and life, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20,21; Matthew 5:18; John 16:12,13). 2. THE GODHEAD We believe in one Triune God ... Ecumenical Evangelism Ecumenical Evangelism is that effort to promote the gospel by bringing fundamentalists into an unequal yoke with theological liberals and/or Roman Catholics and other divergent groups. c. Neo-Orthodoxy Neo-Orthodoxy is that theological movement which affirms: the transcendence of God, the ... In subscribing to these articles of faith, we by no means set aside, or undervalue, any of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; but we deem the knowledge, belief and acceptance of the truth as set forth in our doctrinal statement, to be essential to sound faith and fruitful practice, and therefore requisite for Christian fellowship in the IFCA. Click Your ... ...
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198: Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors!
Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors! Click to View Tongue Speaking of today is not the tongue speaking of the Bible. Compare the genuine in the Bible with the fakes of today! First century Today Spoke a known language. Acts 2:8 Today don't ... Only One Interpretation Possible Often Interpretations Vary Emphasis On Public Demonstration Emphasis On Private Devotion Considered a childish gift of lesser importance 14:5 Stressed As A Sign Of Spirituality A Sign To Unbelievers 14:22 A Sign To ... But a very remarkable thing happened soon after I received this list. I was in Pampa, Texas in a meeting and watching a religious program from Amarillo. They had a Catholic nun on the program who claimed to have been baptized with the Holy Spirit. ... In the early 1960's neo- Pentecostalism began in Van Nuys, California, and has spread rapidly through the traditional existing religious organizations. It has become very popular, even in Roman Catholicism, and has divided a number of Protestant ... ...
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199: Criteria used by apostolic fathers to determine canon.
... Orthodoxy: This theological concern led the early church to employ the "rule of faith" as the criterion of "orthodoxy" to determine which writings could be used in the church. Bishop Serapion (ca. 200) rejected the reading of the Gospel of Peter in ... It was not because of its questionable authorship, though that may have played a small role, but because the theology was considered out of step with the "rule of faith" operating in the church. (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The ... "Accordingly, among the canonical Scriptures he will judge according to the following standard: to prefer those that are received by all the catholic churches to those which some do not receive. Among those, again, which are not received by all, he ... that in such a case the authority on the two sides is to be looked upon as equal." (Augustine, Book 2, Chapter 8, The Canonical Books) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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200: Petra, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea, Sela, Joktheel, En-mishpat ...
... Since Kadesh cannot be inside the promised land, it must be Transjordan. ein el-Qudeirat is where all Bible maps have mistakenly placed Kadesh since 1916 AD, but this puts Kadesh 27 KM inside the promised land. This blatant contradiction should bother Bible students. Click to View 3. Imagine ... In Jerome's time it was a very busy port (Vita Hilariaris, 18, and cf. Commentary on Ezekiel 47:18). Eusebius does not indicate its size but it may be inferred that it was a polis. A bishop was present at Nicea. Eusebius uses some army source and the text is useful for noting the deployment of the Roman legion. The Tenth is located here. The Notitia Dignitatum (73:18f.) verifies this entry. The Tabula ... World, Vol. 31, No. 2., Feb., 1908, p 86-100) The sacred spring created by Moses, as described in Exodus accounts, has been equated with the Ain Mousa spring outside Petra although controversy exists as to its location (and historical accuracy) and sites in Sinai must also be considered. ... ...
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