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1: Ministers Fellowship International (MFI)
Ministers Fellowship International (MFI) Every fellowship of ministers is distinct because of a common heritage, spiritual belief system or focus. Even as the Children of Israel in biblical times were all one people of God and yet had distinct tribes, so it is with the Body of Christ today. From God's perspective, there is only one Church. It includes all believers living and dead all over the world who have distinguished themselves by their ... to fulfill the express purposes of the Fellowship. Davidic Praise and Worship. We believe that the pattern for New Testament worship is to be found in the Davidic order of ... If the church is going to be filled with vision and under the full direction of Jesus, the prophetic voice must be heard. We do not accept that this and other ministries were to be ... If that is the name that God has chosen for His house, prayer should be a major focus of every church. Prayer is a pipeline through which the Spirit to moves. Local Church. We believe ... ...
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2: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal ministries and preachers
Browne, Rodeny Howard- Cain, Paul Campbell, Miss Ivey Campus Crusade for Christ Capps, Charles Cardale, Mrs. Cerullo, Morris World Evangelism, ... Foursquare Gospel Church Grant, Jr., W. V. Grace Ministries Hagee, John: Cornerstone Church Hagin, Kenneth Hickey, Marilyn Hill, Steve Hinn, Benny Holy Trinity Brompton (UK) Howard-Browne, Rodeny International Charismatic Bible Ministries (ICBM) Irving, Edward Jones, Bob Joyner, Rick Kansas (Metro) City Fellowship Kenyon, Essek Kilpatrick, John Kinchlow, Ben ... Hagee, John Cornerstone church A Statement of our Doctrine: The Lord Jesus Christ We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. We believe in His substitutionary death for all ... We believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it. The Holy Spirit We believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit as the ... Other teaching and prophetic ministers who travel extensively are: Francis Frangipane, John Paul Jackson, Kevin Porsche, Reuven Doron, Charles ... ...
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3: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
... reinstates him/her into fellowship and encourages him/her in the Christian life Mt. 18:15-35; Jn. 13:1-17; 17:21; Acts 2:38-44; 15:1-28; 1 Cor. 12-14; 2 Cor. 2:6-8; Eph. 1:22-23; 2:10-22; 5:21, 25-27; 1 Thess. 5:11, 14; 2 Thess. 3:6, 14-15; Rev.5:9 The Mission of the Church We believe that the command to make disciples of all nations is the primary task of the church. Every member has the ... The Gospel is the power of God for salvation and is able to meet the total needs of mankind. Mt. 2:23; 11:5; 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 5:18-20 The Christian Ministries We believe that God, through the Holy Spirit, has endowed His children with gifts for Christian ministry. Each member lovingly ministers to the other until all are built up to the maturity of Christ. Some members of the church have ... The Christian seeks to practice Christ's law of love in all relationships, and in all situations, including those involving personal injustice, social upheaval and international tensions. We believe ... ...
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4: beliefs Living Hope Christian Assembly on 1045 Garth St. Hamilton ...
... practice that is abolished by Christ at the cross. (Col 2:14) Tithing is forbidden in the New Testament: 2 Cor 9:7. The early church practiced freewill offerings where each person decided for themselves, between them and God, what they would give each first ... but that you needed to believe in Jesus (Mk 16:16), repent of your sins (Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38), confess the name of Jesus (Rom 10:9-10) and be immersed in water for remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16, 1 Pe 3:21). All of this is ignored for their direct from the Holy Spirit "feeling oriented" ... A. Historically, head Pastor Bob Leach, was once affiliated with Ministers Fellowship International Application for membership in "Ministers Fellowship International" (MFI). ... team agrees on? 3. MFI as an organization does not ask every pastor to hold the same doctrinal stance on everything, however we should agree on the basics [ie. The Statement of Beliefs]. B. Additionally, Living Hope is a cell-based church that was originally ... ...
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5: Official creed of the Evangelical church
Such Christians are nevertheless welcome to fellowship together with us. Our basis for fellowship is a biblical confession of the lordship of Jesus Christ, and the absence of a scandalous ... Procedural standards for our church government can be found in our Constitution. Article I. - Creedal Statements (The Reformed Evangelical Confession) A. The Apostles' Creed (2nd century) I believe in God the Father Almighty; Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his ... I believe man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever; I believe God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and ... church staff, defining the responsibilities of church staff, and delegating responsibilities to the staff of subordinate ministries. ... who are especially given to the labor of word and doctrine (1 Tim. 5:17), such men commonly being called pastors or ministers. ... Article VI.V. Missions All supported international or domestic CRE missionaries will not be sent by the presbyteries or church ... ...
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6: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History of Tongues: 150 AD - 1901 ...
The Toronto Blessing (TACF) was thrown out of fellowship from the Vineyard church denomination for heresy, yet the Vineyard admitted that they believed ... Clement of Rome (died 100?) reminded the Corinthians that "a full outpouring of the Holy Spirit was upon you all." (Clement of Rome, First Epistle to the ... ANF, I, 99.) Ignatius wrote to the church at Smyrna: "Ignatius... to the Church of God the Father, and of the beloved Jesus Christ, which has through mercy obtained every kind of gift, which is filled ... is baptized in Christ, and believes on Him, does not now speak in the tongues of all nations, are we not to believe that he has received the Holy Ghost? ... lived in a fellowship modeled on that of Acts 2, when all but a few ministers laid down their ministries and everyone listened attentively, as if to revelations, to the ... Brotherton Meyer, frequently visited Northfield and contributed an international perspective to American Evangelical holiness teaching. (The ... ...
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7: Sabbatatrians Refuted and Sabbath keepers Exposed: 2011 AD
... There is some evidence that some of the sects of Judaism were keeping the Sabbath according to the lunar calendar during the time of Christ, ... This concept is especially clear in the New International Version. We will start where the contributor quoted by Hanson left off: Genesis ... Today scientists believe they have proof that the magnetic field of the Earth has reversed polarity several times in the past, and some ... Therefore, we quote at length from a position paper posted by the Sabbath-keeping Bethel Church of God of Eugene, Oregon: Robert K. Sanders clarifies what God's law really is in the next section. THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT by Robert K. Sanders We observe that most ... It would seem likely that after they might have enjoyed hours of blessed fellowship together, God might have returned to His usual dwelling ... the right to introduce ceremonies in the Church, and to make laws concerning meats, holy-days and grades, that is, orders of ministers, etc. ... ...
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8: Official creeds for every church Home Page: Interactive Bible
Assemblies of God (Pentecostal) Associated Gospel (Philpott) AWANA Baha'i Baptist (Canada) Benny Hinn Ministries the fake. Baptist (reformed) Baptist (Southern) Baptist, (BBFI-independent) American Baptist Association Baptist, (Free Will) Bible Chapel Buddhism Catholic (Roman) Canadian Evangelical Christian Churches (CECC) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Missionary Alliance (Canada) Christadelphian Church of God, International (Cleveland TN) Church of God of Prophecy Church of God, International ... Foursquare IFCA International International churches of Christ Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship Jehovah's Witnesses Jonestown, 1978 Jim Jones Rabbinical Judaism Living Hope Christian Assembly, Hamilton, Ontario Canada Lutheran Pentecostal: MASSIVE: Encyclopaedia of Pentecostal churches Mennonite Brethren Methodist Mormons (Latter-day Saints) Ministers Fellowship International (MFI) Click to View Muslim/Islam Nazarene New Apostolic Click to View Orthodox, Greek, Coptic ... ...
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9: Official Declaration of beliefs of the church of God, International ...
The Christian Union was organized with eight members. Since that inauspicious start, the Church of God has become an international church with a membership approaching 4 million. The Church of God is a grassroots organization with an appeal to and a concern for the common man and his needs." WE BELIEVE: In the verbal inspiration of the Bible. In one God eternally existing in three persons: namely, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, ... In the baptism with the Holy Ghost subsequent to a clean heart. In speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and that it is the initial evidence of the ... As the Lord's Day, it commemorates the resurrection of Christ from the dead (Matthew 28:1) and should be employed for worship, fellowship, Christian service, teaching, ... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT WE, as ministers, maintain this standard in our own lives, in our homes, and in our pulpits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT WE, as ministers ... ...
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10: Official creed of United Pentecostal Church International
Articles Of Faith Of The United Pentecostal Church International PREAMBLE WE BELIEVE the Bible to be inspired of God; the infallible Word of ... hope, and all instruction for the church must be based upon, and harmonize with, the Bible. It is to be read and studied by all men everywhere, and can only be clearly understood by those who are anointed by the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27)."... no prophecy of the ... ARTICLES OF FAITH THE ONE TRUE GOD We believe in the one ever-living, eternal God: infinite in power, Holy in nature, attributes and purpose; and ... This one true God was manifest in the flesh, that is, in His Son Jesus Christ. ". . God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not ... societies or any other organization or body wherein there is a fellowship with unbelievers, bound by an oath. (James 5:12; 2 Cor. 6:14-18). ... Our desire being to raise a higher standard for the ministry, we recommend that ministers do not marry again. Judgment begins at the House of ... ...
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11: Bulwarks of the Faith Foy E Wallace JR. Refuting Dogmas Catholicism ...
... They dare not face us in the open forum nor meet us on the polemic plat-form. They therefore work subversively; they are international ... as was the first one- except, that the support of churches of Christ in the Greater Houston area was even more pronounced and the ... to teach others more efficiently the gigantic fraud with which Catholicism tries to obscure the New Testament pattern for the Church. ... We are ordered by the Spirit to "try the spirits whether they are of God." (1 Jno. 4: 1) Christ's preaching was both positive and negative-positive because He came to "bear witness ... It need not be said, I believe, to any who know me and the brethren who are promoting this effort that our only aim is to preach the ... If fellowship can be extended in such meetings to those who have been marked for their innovations, then it was wrong to mark them. But ... and legitimate right of acqui-sition and possession. 9. The ministers of the Church, and the Roman Pontiff, ought to be absolutely ... ...
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12: Officail creed of Dutch/Christian/Canadian Reformed Churches
Biblical passages quoted in the catechism are taken from the New International Version. In the German editions, biblical quotations sometimes include additional words not found ... The church may certainly read these books and learn from them as far as they agree with the canonical books. But they do not have such power and virtue that one could confirm ... And in another place it says: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you." "There are three who bear witness in heaven-- the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit-- and these three are one." In all these passages we are fully taught that there are three persons in the one and only divine essence. And although this doctrine surpasses human understanding, we nevertheless believe it now, through the ... We believe that this true church ought to be governed according to the spiritual order that our Lord has taught us in his Word. There should be ministers or pastors to preach the ... ...
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13: Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD
That prize to goes to Darby. 3. Prior to 1830, no church taught it in their creed, catechism or statement of faith. 4. Darby has had a profound impact on ... prophecy and that Christ would return within one generation. 7. There are two kinds of premillennialists: Those "Date setters" and "Date Teasers". "Date setters", set specific dates which are in fact a countdown clock to the extinction of their own ministries. (William Miller, ... Baptists, Grant Jefferies, Christadelphians.) 8. Most of the TV preachers who promote rapture and/or "date set" all wrongly believe they are a prophet of God with special illumination. Pentecostals believe they are inspired directly from the Holy Spirit as modern day prophets. ... to launch Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence. His followers became known as the International Bible Students, and they went about the country with the message, "Millions now living will never die!" His followers were to leave their churches and fellowship together. ... ...
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14: Official creed and Baptismal vows of Seventh-day Adventist church
... Through the Spirit we are born again and sanctified; the Spirit renews our minds, writes God's law of love in our hearts, and we are given the power to live a holy ... In continuity with the people of God in Old Testament times, we are called out from the world; and we join together for worship, for fellowship, for instruction in the ... Matthew 18:18: Ephesians 2:19-22: Ephesians 1:22,23: Ephesians 5:23-27: Col. 1:17,18 #12 The Remnant And Its Mission The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. ... 26:17-30: Revelation 3:20: John 6:48-63: John 13:1-17 #16 Spiritual Gifts And Ministries God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts which ... There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle which the Lord set up and not man. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making available to believers the benefits ... ...
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15: Neo-Montanism: Pentecostalism is the ancient heresy of Montanism ...
He believed that he was the first restored apostle to The Church, and later came to believe he was the prophet Elijah, the restorer, sent to pave the way for the ... came to 312 Azusa to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This revival lasted from 1906 to 1913 (Burgess, Stanley, Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Zondervan Publishers, 1988, pg. 31) and during these nine years 1,000's of Pentecostal missionaries went forth establishing ministries around the world. ... Four of these organizations exist today: The Church of God in Christ (black Pentecostal's) formed 1907 The Assemblies of God (white Pentecostal's) formed 1914 The United ... council in 1949. After this action, many Assembly ministers resigned or were excommunicated for their involvement and formed independent Latter Rain churches. ... of Prayer, etc.)." (Old Wine in New Wineskins: A look at the Kansas City Fellowship, Stephen F. Cannon, Personal Freedom Outreach, 1990.) The Pentecostal and ... ...
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16: "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced" by D. M. Canright, 1914
... And when he left the Adventist denomination, all who knew the man, if they were at all imbued with the Christian spirit, must admit that the change ... Did not God in his providence prepare me for this work? I humbly believe he did, and this reconciles me to the long, and bitter experiences I had in ... me to outlive nearly all the Adventist ministers with whom I began laboring. At seventy-five am full of faith in God and the hope of eternal life through our lord Jesus Christ. I love those brethren still and know that most of them are honest Christian people, but in error on many of their views. I would be glad to help them if I could. D. M. CANRIGHT, Pastor Emeritus of the Berean Baptist Church. ... be Seventh-day Adventists. Hence, they have no fellowship with other Christians; never work with them in any way, but zealously proselyte from all. ... churches in Michigan; was member of the Executive Committee of the International Sabbath School Association; member of the Executive Committee of ... ...
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17: Personal Evangelism 101
... It is in short, designed to be a series of "fencing lessons" to help Christians wield the "Sword of the Spirit" more effectively! It is time we stop just ... It is not an optional thing (See Hebrews 5:12). The Great Commission stipulates all who hear and believe are to be baptized and then tell others.(Though ... Is our model physical Israel (which had a national focus, mainly concerned about keeping the lineage pure so Christ could come) or spiritual Israel, the church, (which had an international focus, and looked outward as well ... Noah preached 120 years -- no results -- yet he never quit. If he had, do you think it would have pleased God? Illustration -- "Some hot advice for cold ... They are now readily available on video, so trade up if you haven't already done so. I personally have come to prefer the "WE CARE MINISTRIES" video series ... It is impossible for Him to allow man with the guilt of sin upon him to live in His presence and have fellowship with Him. Man's separation from God ... ...
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18: Is Scientology A Religion? YES! Alan Black
... have specialized religious functionaries such as gurus, monks, priests, imams, 'ulema, rabbis, ministers, shamans, etc. ... In Scientology, he added the other four. Given what has been already said about its concept of the spirit (thetan), ... Another official publication, The Background and Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology, begins with a brief account of various religious philosophies, noting points where Scientology is similar. It states: In Scientology, we believe as we become more and more spiritually aware, that inevitably we will become more aware of God, or the Supreme Being - the prime ... as the accounts given by evangelical Christians of the transformation of their lives as a result of an encounter with Christ. ... Class V organizations provide the core of the day-to-day ministries offered by the Church of Scientology. In four major ... The Executive Director International is assisted by eleven senior executive officers, each of whom oversees a particular ... ...
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19: "KJV Only" advocates refuted!
... Also, Isa 22 "He prophesieth Shebna's deprivation, and Eliakim, prefiguring the kingdom of Christ, his substitution" This is wrong and reflect the ... Do KJV only advocates realize that they stand beside the Mormon church in that both groups believe that they were delivered an "inspired translation"? (Mormon's believe Joseph Smith's English translation of the Book of Mormon from the Nephi ... have errors and none were translated under the inspired supervision of God? Why would the Holy Spirit mis-guide the translators to employ the use of mythical creatures like ... Now for a recompense in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged." As clearly understood from the New International Version ... the holy Ghost; lastly, the end and reward of the study thereof, fellowship with the Saints, participation of the heavenly nature, fruition of ... For the past hundred years, from the point of view of everyone -- ministers, professors, students, general readers, pious readers -- the Preface ... ...
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20: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
... 2. The Hebrews had a long history of inter-marrying with foreign nations to make the Hebrew population "international" a. Moses married a Cushite/Midianite in 1485 BC b. ... Torah-compliant Jews today can be saved, if they believe Jesus rose from the dead, repent of their sins, confess the name of Christ and be immersed in the name of Jesus ... beware of the false circumcision; for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh," (Philippians 3:2-3) d. The allegory of Gal 4:21ff: Israel replace by Church: "Tell me, you who want to be under law, do you not listen to the law? ... Once while he was sitting at the tribunal, a group of the saints was brought before him as prisoners, seven in number. For this was eagerly sought after by the ministers ... "universal Bishop": Catholicism is formally born in its final evolved form but the east never accepts Rome's claims and finally split fellowship with Rome in AD 1054. h. ... ...
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21: Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!
... Sim. (Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, June G. Beltzer, Ph.D., p. 343). Kundalini Yoga: "the serpent power." Click to View Click to ... In a sound Christian assembly, all are required and allowed to pray for another's, not just appointed ministers. Who can give Shakti-pat?: anyone who has ... Also, one alleged purpose of the manifestations is to remove blocks from people's lives (such that pride, self-control etc.) that sustain the Spirit from ... I told him to keep these packets under his pillow and under his bedsheet. I also told him to pray to his own chosen God incarnation. I believe he prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ. John also told me how during the ... About the year 1774, Mother Ann received a revelation, directing her to repair to America; also that the second Christian Church would be established in ... C. Peter Wagner and other prophetic ministries are 'redeeming' pagan cultural practices, dances, songs. Wagner has stated other pagan contact with the spirit ... ...
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22: Sabbathgate 1888 by Kerry Wynne
... The 7-day week was by no means universal in these ancient cultures. Finally, we must be willing to believe that the early church was so ... At the Council of Jerusalem, the Apostle Paul, through the help of the Holy Spirit, was able to persuade the other Early Church leaders ... and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. (NIV) Jews and Christians can now eat together and worship ... If commentators and theological writer generally had seen these gems of thought...and had been brought out in print, all ministers in ... See the article, "J. N. Loughborough," at The Narrow Way Ministries web-site for documentation of the re-naming of the book, which ... Records from The Agency for International Development, the U.S. Government agency that funnels money to ADRA and other world relief ... ...
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23: Scientology's Relationship With Eastern Religious Traditions
... Operating Thetan has not before been known as a state of being on Earth. Neither Lord Buddha nor Jesus Christ were O.T.'s ... Unmistakably, this is an allusion to the thetan, which Scientology sees as an immortal soul or spirit [see Hubbard, 1975: 432 ... In June 1954, Hubbard announced the formation of a new organisation, the Hubbard Association of scientologists, International ... This religious fellowship, Ron said, should prevent a repetition of such fiascoes as that in Detroit of more than a year ago in ... to be granted visitation privileges in hospitals "similar to those accorded ministers of religion" (Times, 1960a; see 1960b, c). ... Religious worship means reverence or veneration of God or of a supreme being. I do not find any such reverence or veneration in the creed of this church, or, indeed, in the affidavit of Mr. Segerdal [the acting chaplain]. ... Finally, many Scientologists continue to believe that their organisation's theology has significant similarities with various ... ...
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24: Official Creed of the United Church of God, an international ...
The following are statements regarding the fundamental beliefs of the United Church of God, an International Association. This is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of the beliefs of the Church. Questions about doctrine and belief will be addressed by a process adopted by the Council of Elders (Council) and approved by the General Conference of Elders (General Conference). FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS We believe in one God, the Father, eternally existing, who is a Spirit, a personal Being of supreme intelligence, knowledge, love, justice, power and authority. He, through Jesus Christ, is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. He is the Source of life and the One for whom human life ... They shall not be entitled to ballot unless they have in the interim been ordained as ministers in the United Church of God, an International Association. 4.4 RIGHTS OF ELDERS Members of the General Conference shall have the right to ballot with respect to those matters ... ...
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25: Official creed of the Wesleyan Church
The Wesleyan Church is an evangelical, Protestant, holiness denomination organized to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. The technical name for our church's theological heritage is Arminian-Wesleyan. This refers to the teachings of James Arminius and John Wesley. Arminius (1560-1609), a Dutch theologian, stressed that God has predestined all who believe in Jesus Christ for eternal life and those who reject Him for ... He added to Arminius' insights an emphasis on the assurance of salvation believers can enjoy through the inner "witness of the Spirit." He also taught about the entire sanctification of ... Christ in all that makes for the advancement of God's kingdom among all people, we, the ministers and lay members of The Wesleyan Church meeting in official assemblies, do hereby ordain, ... We believe that man is created in the image of God, that human sexuality reflects that image in terms of intimate love, communication, fellowship, subordination of the self to the larger ... ...
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26: Official creed of Latter-day Saiimts (LDS) Mormons
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (RLDS) Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA . . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Articles of Faith We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that men will ... Jesus Christ lived, was crucified, died, and rose again. The nature, love, and purpose of God are most clearly seen in Jesus Christ, our Savior. SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is the continuing presence of God in the world. The Spirit works in our minds and hearts through ... All people are given gifts and abilities to enhance life and to become involved in Christ's mission. Some are called to particular responsibility as ordained ministers (priesthood) in the church. The church provides for a wide range of priesthood ministries through calling and ordination of men and women. FREE CHOICE: All people have freedom to choose. Our ... ...
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27: Official creed of the Orthodox church
Church Click to View His All Holiness Bartholomew: Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Click to View Organization and hierarchy of Autocephalous churches in fellowship with the Patriarch of Constantinople. Orthodox Creed Orthodox Catechism Click Your Choice Go To Start Orthodox Creed Orthodox Catechism GOD THE FATHER: GOD THE FATHER is the fountainhead of the Holy Trinity. The Scriptures reveal the one God is Three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- ... The Father loves us and sent His Son to give us everlasting life (John 3:16). JESUS CHRIST JESUS CHRIST is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, eternally born ... In reciting the Nicene Creed, Orthodox Christians regularly affirm the historic faith concerning Jesus as they say, "I believe... in one Lord Jesus Christ, the ... The Orthodox Church does not condemn the person who keeps this propensity in check, and ministers to deviant sex practitioners who wish to find release from this ... ...
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28: Trinity Proof Texts: 58 Triadic Bible Texts
Click to View A refutation of Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals to this material. Click to View Use this material as an interactive Bible class in church! Analysis of Triadic Texts showing interchangeability of terms: Interchangeability of "love": Romans 5:5-6 love of God Christ died Holy Spirit who was given Jude 20-21 love of God mercy of our Lord Jesus ... Romans 8:14-17 Abba! Father!" fellow heirs with Christ Spirit Himself testifies Interchangeability of "fellowship": 1 Thessalonians 1:3-6: presence of our God and Father hope in our Lord Jesus Christ power and in ... God rests on you name of Christ Spirit of glory rests on you 1 John 3:23-24 He abides in us believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ Spirit whom He has given 1 Corinthians 6:11 inherit the kingdom of God ... of the Spirit of our God 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 varieties of effects, but the same God varieties of ministries, and the same Lord varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:11-12,18 placed the ... ...
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29: Official creed of Church of the Nazarene
To fail to do so, after formally taking the membership vows of the Church of the Nazarene injures the witness of the church, violates her conscience, and dissipates the fellowship of the people called Nazarenes. With the Bible as our supreme Guide, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and the Manual as our official agreed-upon statement of faith, practice, and polity, we look forward to the new quadrennium with joy and unswerving faith in Jesus Christ. The Board of General Superintendents Theological Tradition The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the Wesleyan-Arminian (Holiness) theological tradition. ARTICLES OF FAITH: I. THE TRIUNE GOD We believe in one eternally existent, infinite God, Sovereign of the ... The Church is a historical reality, which organizes itself in culturally conditioned forms, exists both as local congregations and as a universal body; sets apart persons called of God for specific ministries. God calls the Church to live under His rule in ... ...
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30: Official creed of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
churches, we Disciples do not have an official doctrinal statement we can refer to when someone asks, 'What does the Christian Church believe?'" Kenneth Teegarden The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a community of believers who through baptism into Jesus Christ are bound by covenant to God and to one another. Disciples draw their inspiration from Scripture and the Holy Spirit, celebrating around the Lord's Table the life, death and resurrection, and continuing presence of Christ. ... Originally part of the Restoration Movement (begun by Thomas and Alexander Campbell, Barton W. Stone and others), the Disciples of Christ adopted a denominational structure and created Christian Missionary Fellowship in the late 1800s, thus "abandoning" the "non-denominational" principle of the Movement. In recent years (1970s following), the Disciples of Christ denomination has sought to broaden its "liberality" and has endorsed the following anti-Biblical positions: ordained women ministers ... ...
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31: Review of the Official Creed of the Dominion Christian Centre
They believe that Salvation is possible with Biblical instruction, Faith in and obedience to God, and true Christian fellowship -- based upon the word of God -- because of Grace. (Rom:10:14) They believe that Salvation IS not CONDITIONAL, but that works do reflect a Saved individual: Finally, they believe that Salvation comes through faith and the shed blood of Jesus Christ REGARDING JESUS They believe that Jesus JESUS, THE SON OF GOD, DID ... brotherhood among the saved. they simply FOLLOW that pattern Christ left us. REGARDING MINISTERS They believe that only 2x2 workers can give spiritual translation of the holy bible. ... They believe that Jesus Christ is the mediator between man and God, and that He the ONLY Mediator. They believe that their ministers study the Bible (along with the church) constantly ... They DO believe that one should NOT dissect the Holy God. They DO believe that the Holy Spirit is divine, but whether the Holy Spirit is God, or Jesus, or both, they are not certain. ... ...
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32: Life of Mrs. E.G. White - Her Claims Refuted, by D.M. Canright ...
by God the same as were the prophets of the Bible. Defining her position, she says: "In ancient times God spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and apostles. In these days he speaks to them by the testimonies of his Spirit" ("Testimonies for the Church," Vol. IV., p. 148; Vol. ... Her writings are read in their churches, taught in their schools, and preached by their ministers the same as the Holy Scriptures. Their church stands or falls with her claims. This they freely admit. She stands ... I first accepted the Sabbath, and then other points of the faith, until I came to believe it all. Once among and of them, I found all stating in strong terms that ... She was accepted as leader and as "the second appearing of Christ." Like Mrs. White, she required "a peculiar kind of dress," and "opposed war and the use of pork" ... And, what is more, they make faith in these writings a test of faith and fellowship in their church. All this is susceptible of the clearest proof. Over and over Mrs. ... ...
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33: Official Creed of Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI ...
Independent Baptist Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI) The BBFI Handbook Statement of Faith We are Bible Believing Baptists. A Bible Believing Baptist is one who believes in a supernatural Bible preserved for us in the King James Version, which tells of a supernatural Christ, Who had a supernatural birth, ... Of The Scriptures We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired; that it has truth without any admixture of error for its matter; and therefore is, and shall remain to the end of the age, the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man; the true center of Christian union ... books of the Bible were written by holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, in such a definite way that their writings were supernaturally and verbally inspired ... Psalm 51:1-4,7; Isaiah 55:6-7; Mark 1:15; Luke 12:8; 18:13; Acts 2:37-38; 20:21; Romans 10:9-11,13 Of The Church We believe that a Baptist church is a congregation of baptized ... ...
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34: Official creed of Awana Clubs International (A.W.A.N.A.)
A.W.A.N.A. (Awana Clubs International) Doctrinal Statement AWANA DOCTRINAL STATEMENT THE BIBLE We believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is supernaturally inspired, ... GOD We believe in one God that eternally exists and reveals Himself in three persons - Father, Son, Holy Spirit - having each the same nature, attributes and perfections, worthy of the same worship and confidence. (Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; John 1:1-2, 14, 10:30, 14:15-17; 1 ... We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to save sinners. (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 1:15; 1 John 4:14) GOD THE SON We believe ... Forty days later He ascended to the Father's right hand where He is Head of the Church and intercedes for believers. From there He is coming again personally, bodily and visibly ... They are, however, not to be regarded as a means of salvation. But both of which are an evidence of obedience and fellowship with the Lord. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38, 41, 8:12, ... ...
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35: Official creed of Reformed Baptist church
Billy Graham: "Well I think I am in wonder fellowship with all of them." Larry King: "You're comfortable with Salt Lake City. You're comfortable with the Vatican?" Billy Graham: "I am very comfortable with the Vatican." Larry King: "You were preaching in his church (Pope) the day he ... Larry King: "You are a democrat" Billy Graham: "Yes." With Scripture Proofs Adopted by the Ministers and Messengers of the general assembly ... and providence do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men inexcusable; yet are they not sufficient to give ... and divine authority thereof, is from the inward work of the Holy Spirit bearing witness by and with the Word in our hearts. (John 16:13,14; ... are predestinated, or foreordained to eternal life through Jesus Christ, to the praise of his glorious grace; others being left to act in ... eternal life, his Holy Spirit, to make them willing and able to believe. (Gen. 2:17; Gal. 3:10; Rom. 3:20, 21; Rom. 8:3; Mark 16:15, 16; ... ...
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36: Official creed of The United Church of Canada
In doing so, we build upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. We affirm our belief in the Scriptures of the Old and New ... and by the Methodist Church. We present the accompanying statement as a brief summary of our common faith and commend it to the studious attention of the members and adherents of the negotiating Churches, as in substance agreeable to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. 2.1 Article I. Of God. We believe in the one only living and true God, a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being and perfections; the Lord Almighty, ... We believe that God is the creator, upholder and governor of all things; that He is above all His works and in them all; and that He made man in His own image, meet for fellowship with ... Ministry of Education, Service and Pastoral Care and calls men and women to these ministries; that the Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizes and chooses those ... ...
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37: Official Creed of The New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church Creed The head of the New Apostolic Church is the Chief Apostle, who is the supreme authority in all Church affairs. His official seat is in Zurich, Switzerland. (Our Ten Articles of Faith) The First Article of Faith: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. The Second Article of Faith: I believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy ... to baptize with water and the Holy Spirit. The Fifth Article of Faith: I believe that all ministrations in the Church of Christ are chosen and ordained into their ministries only by Apostles and that all gifts and powers must come forth out of the Apostle ministry; equipped with these, the community becomes a legible letter of Christ. ... The worthy partaking of the Holy Communion establishes our fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine, such to be blessed and dispensed by a Priestly ministry of ... ...
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38: Official Creed of: The Independent Fundamental Churches of America ...
IFCA International The Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA) We began in 1930 as an association of Bible believing churches, organizations and individuals. It has since served as a source of cooperative efforts in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and in the teaching of believers. Our Articles of Faith and Doctrine 1. ... We believe in one Triune God eternally existing in three persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-- co-eternal in being, co-identical in nature, co-equal in power and glory, and having the same attributes and perfections (Deuteronomy. 6:4; 2 Corinthians 13:14). 3. THE PERSON AND ... We believe that God does hear and answer the prayer of faith, in accord with His own will, for the sick and afflicted (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14,15). 12. THE CHURCH a. We believe that the Church, ... in our doctrinal statement, to be essential to sound faith and fruitful practice, and therefore requisite for Christian fellowship in the IFCA. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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39: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
"A dogma so mysterious presupposes a Divine revelation." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912, Vol. 15, Trinity, p 47, As quoted in "Should you believe in the trinity?", Watchtower ... In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son'. Yet, notwithstanding this difference as to origin, the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and omnipotent. This the Church teaches is the revelation regarding 'God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God came upon earth to deliver to the world: ... That His distinct personality was fully recognized is shown by many passages. Thus He reveals His commands to the Church's ministers: " As they were ministering to the Lord and ... So also, in I Con, xii, 4-11: "There are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit; and there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord: and there are diversities of ... ...
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40: A Review of the creed of The Evangelical Christian Church in ...
the limitations of a church hierarchy or a bureaucratic system which was once the characteristic of the medieval system. We have no creed but Christ, and no book but the Bible. Our biblical standard allows our ministers to walk in the freedom of Christian unity and love by following the motto: "Unity in the essentials - Liberty in the non-essentials - Charity in all things." Ten Articles of Faith The Bible as the written Word of God The Virgin Birth The Deity of Jesus the Christ The Person and work of the Holy Spirit The Trinity Salvation through the Atonement The guidance of our life through prayer The ... The Canadian Evangelical Christian Churches` Ministerial Position Statement is based on biblical truth an the biblical standards for which we hold and stand on. We Believe that: Marriage ... CECC does not believe in denominational walls that separate believers in the Spirit of Christian unity. We believe that all Christians are one in the body of Christ, and enjoy fellowship ... ...
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41: Largest Audio/Video library of Pentecostal Manifestation Heresy ...
Peter Popoff Certified fraud that does the same stuff as the rest! Some Pentecostals behave in church, in ways Christians discipline their Children for. The behaviour of ... For 20 years I've preached 3 point sermons; nobody set free. Now I get drunk and ramble and God offends people to reveal their hearts." John Scotland The speaker for the evening (8-1-97) was John Scotland at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship TACF, who claims to have experienced spiritual drunkenness of the Holy Spirit for the last 3 years non-stop. Now remember, Pentecostals believe that the Holy Spirit causes these chicken sounds, they call it a ... More importantly, she reveals that the spirit claims she will be purified by the pain apart as in the occult rather than from the blood of Christ. Was it Amy who coined the ... Pastors slain with drunkenness and laughter Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard-Browne call for full time ministers to come forward so they can receive the anointing of ... ...
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42: "Cast Out For The Cross Of Christ" by Albion F. Ballenger, 1909
... There is little reason to believe those problems will be resolved as long as Seventh-day Adventists believe Ellen White to be the most reliable, divinely-inspired interpreter of the ... PREFACE Four years ago the writer was separated from the ministry of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, and from fellowship in that body, because of convictions entertained regarding the mediatorial work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. When asked by the brethren what my future plans would ... When the crisis came, it found me in the position of most of the earlier ministers of the denomination, without means for the care of my family. But this will not excuse my failure to answer the calls for copies of my position. If I had always sought first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, "all these things" would ... Acts 7:55,58. From the foregoing it is evident that in the apostolic church, a church filled with the Holy Spirit, the fact that Christ at his ascension, sat down on his Father's ... ...
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43: The Dugger-Porter Debate on Sunday as the Lord's Day
A.N. Dugger Church of God (Seventh Day) Note: This is a quality debate, over 40 years old, where both parties conducted themselves honorably and finished the debate. The Dugger-Porter Debate Buy This Book Click to View Click to View A. N. Dugger Church of God (Seventh Day) W. ... Associate Editor of the Bible Banner and Evangelist of the Church of Christ Covering two questions The Seventh Day as a Christian Sabbath and ... DUGGER'S FIRST AFFIRMATIVE We believe the Scriptures teach that Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is the Christian Sabbath to be observed ... God's people, whoever they have been, have always been known as such because of their separation from the world in fellowship with him, ... This was about 52 A.D. At a still later date when the Holy Spirit recorded the event, we were informed that the day these Jews met on was the ... Moses, but his teachings against them was one thing that set the ministers in that day against him (the Jewish priests), for they received ... ...
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44: Official creed of the Shakers: Compendium (1859) Mother Ann Lee
We can't tell the difference... can you? Click here Short summary of Shaker Doctrines: God is Dual. Shakers believe in One God - not three male beings in one, but Father and ... The Judgment. "The day of judgment for any soul commences when brought to the Christ tribunal, whether in this or the spirit world. This judgment is initiated by the voluntary confession of all the confessant's sins to God, in the presence of a Christ witness, who likewise has confessed all sin." ... Ann Lee always acknowledged Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, the Head of the Church; but, when the two anointed leaders, before whom she had confessed her sins and whom ... [demons, or disorderly disembodied spirits, who are ministers of falsities and confusion], the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every hateful and unclean bird." ... The other societies are under the direction of Ministries appointed to preside over them. In most instances, two or three societies constitute a bishopric, being united ... ...
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45: REFUTED: Full-Preterist, "Realized Eschatology", "AD 70 doctrine ...
Today, Christians await the second coming of Christ: 1. The future second coming is the END 2. The dead will be raised immortal spirit bodies 3. The living will be changed into immortal spirit bodies 4. The physical universe will be "uncreated" into non-existence. 5. All men will stand before God in Judgement. 6. The wicked will be cast into the lake of fire with the Devil and his angels 7. The righteous will join God who ... mush of time. 1 7. The Kingdom of Old Testament prophecy is the church. 1 8. The entire first century church went extinct on Pentecost ... the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24-29. 1 24. Full-Preterists do not believe in the Devil or demons exists today. 1 25. Full-Preterists say ... to do with biological death, but with the loss of spiritual fellowship with God... if you mis-identify the death of the Garden, you will ... But you will be called the priests of the LORD; You will be spoken of as ministers of our God. You will eat the wealth of nations, And in ... ...
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46: Eternal torment proved ... annihilation refuted
Yet you will notice that almost all annihilationists dishonestly try to represent Dante's false view of hell as that which orthodox Christians believe! Catholic Purgatory Purgatory is another false view of ... Yet v22 proves this applies to ALL MEN! "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive." Click to View Click to View The #1 argument annihilationists use: (Notice it is an argument of ... Our God is a loving, merciful Father who does not want to consign anyone to that fate. (What Happens After Death?, United Church of God, an International Association) "The verse ... Rev 20:10 ... indicates that the devil is to be cast into the lake of fire that had already consumed and destroyed the beast and false prophet. Satan, being spirit, is the one who will be ... Every remnant of man's sin, every sign of iniquity, every last trace of evil will be devoured by the heat of this fire. (Heaven, Hell And The Hereafter, Triumph Prophetic Ministries (Church of God) W. F. ... ...
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47: Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
they are directly guided by God what to publish?" "If the Watchtower is a "Spirit led prophet" of God doesn't that make it equally authoritative and infallible as the Bible?" ... Weekly Watchtower study: Every church worldwide studies same thing, at same time Informed Jw's believe that the Watchtower magazine claims inspiration by God in its teachings. C. Now you understand why they are always asking you to buy their Watchtower magazine when they come door to door. It is ... remnant who are keeping the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Watchtower, August 1, 1930 p. 239) 1930 But it seems certain that when Jesus ... all things,' all the things that The Watchtower brings out." (Qualified to be Ministers, 1955, pg. 156) 1955 The goats as well as the sheep work out their destiny by the ... This 'prophet' was not one man, but was a body of men and women. it was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as international bible ... ...
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48: 7-seventh-day-adventist-false-tim-sly
sanctuary and Christ our high priest in Hebrews. But what really floored me was that Ellen G. White's writings and Adventist doctrine contradicted the Bible in the book of Hebrews. How could she be wrong? I did not know how to react because I had always been taught that she was a true prophet of God and we believed ... The fall-out in the early 1980's resulted in over 100 ministers leaving the Adventist church because they had to stay true to their consciences, many members and some whole congregations ... She also warned that the time will come when defiant rejection of God's Spirit will result in the complete removal of His restraining power over such ... But now all the other details do matter as it makes up the whole picture of her credibility. Especially when you rub elbows with those who believe she was a ... The Bible translation quoted in this paper is the New International Version. Any underlining or bold type in the Bible texts has been added. The Prophet Ellen ... ...
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49: Biblical Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
... In other passages of the New Testament the predicate "God" is without a doubt applied to Christ (A Short History of Christian Doctrine, Bernard Lohse, 1966, p37-39) ... occurrence of triads of deities in ancient Near Eastern paganism." (New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Colin Brown, 1932, God, vol 2, Three, p687, C. J. Hemer) "The Socinian and rationalistic opinion [Jehovah's Witnesses etc.], that the church doctrine of the Trinity sprang from Platonism and Neo-Platonism is therefore radically false. The Indian Trimurti, altogether pantheistic in spirit, is still further from the Christian Trinity" (Philip Schaff, History of the ... Just as the lesser Babylonian gods called Anu as their "Father", so too JW's believe that Jehovah is called "Father" by Jesus. But it gets worse for JW's! Just as the ... And God himself could not create the material world; indeed, Arius considered God so far removed from men that it was impossible to know him or to have fellowship with ... ...
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50: Part1: Pagan Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
Because Jesus himself said: "Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." So our entire future hinges on our knowing the true nature of ... They teach that Jesus has never been Almighty God's equal in any sense; he has always been subject to God and still is. They also believe that the holy ghost is not a person but God's spirit, his active force. Click to View Supporters of the Trinity say that it is ... How do supporters of it explain it? How Is the Trinity Explained? Click to View The Roman Catholic Church states: "The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of ... In other passages of the New Testament the predicate "God" is without a doubt applied to Christ The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology similarly states: "The ... And God himself could not create the material world; indeed, Arius considered God so far removed from men that it was impossible to know him or to have fellowship with him. Arius was ... ...
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