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451: Death: Why did God Kill My loved one?
... All men are in the same state. Every man that eats a deadly poison dies, but not every one who is stung by a bee dies. Most smokers die of a smoking related disease 10-40 years before they would have, had they not smoked, but a tiny percentage are apparently unaffected. Aids kills most deviant sex practitioners stone dead, but some people are immune to the aides virus. So the real question is not why we died, but why God allowed to even get sick as a function of the human body! But does God care when we are sick or grieve the loss of a loved one? What an offensive thought! How dare you! You have sinned for even thinking this and are in need of repentance! Yes you are grieving right now, but how dare you blame it on God and think he doesn't even care! Remember, God originally provided a perfect home of eternal life in paradise in the Garden of Eden and MAN'S own sin got him kicked out. Have you ever sinned? Jesus, on the other hand, never did sin, but He died for our sins. God gave ... ...
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452: Grant, Robert M.: Gods and the One God
Deceptive quote: Trinitarian Gives false impression that author has no Biblical basis for believing in the divinity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit (Biblical trinity) Grant, Robert M.: Gods and the One God Quoted by Anti-Trinitarians What they failed to tell you "The Christology of the ... Before Nicaea, Christian theology was almost universally subordinationist." (Gods and the One God, Robert M. Grant, as quoted by Anti-Trinitarians) In any event, the passage [Phil 2:6-8] makes it plain that before Christ Jesus emptied himself he was not human but divine." (Gods and the One God, Robert M. Grant, p105) But Justin describes this Logos as a second God, one who ... Anti-Trinitarians create a false dilemma in the mind of the reader by projecting the false illusion that if Jesus is subordinate to the Father, that he cannot be God! A wife is subordinate to her husband, but is equal in nature. Her rank is lower, but she is made of the identical stuff as the man! Full Text: ... ...
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453: Death: Why did God Kill My loved one?
... All men are in the same state. Every man that eats a deadly poison dies, but not every one who is stung by a bee dies. Most smokers die of a smoking related disease 10-40 years before they would have, had they not smoked, but a tiny percentage are apparently unaffected. Aids kills most deviant sex practitioners stone dead, but some people are immune to the aides virus. So the real question is not why we died, but why God allowed to even get sick as a function of the human body! But does God care when we are sick or grieve the loss of a loved one? What an offensive thought! How dare you! You have sinned for even thinking this and are in need of repentance! Yes you are grieving right now, but how dare you blame it on God and think he doesn't even care! Remember, God originally provided a perfect home of eternal life in paradise in the Garden of Eden and MAN'S own sin got him kicked out. Have you ever sinned? Jesus, on the other hand, never did sin, but He died for our sins. God gave ... ...
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454: The Personality & Deity of the Holy Spirit proven from the Bible ...
CN Tower verses that proves the Holy Spirit is a person: Mt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14 (tallest free standing building in the world: Toronto, Canada) "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" Mt 28:19 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be ... II. The Holy Spirit simply must be a person and is much more than God's power or active force: A. The Holy Spirit is outright said to have a mind which energy does not. Rom 8:27 He has a mind. (The Father who searches the heart of man knows the mind of the Holy Spirit who intercedes.) B. The Holy Spirit ... The Holy Spirit is not some mystical, indefinite, indefinable, ethereal - like substance that enshrouds and permeates the universe like a fog. He is not a mere influence, or a vague, impersonal power released in response to human needs. The personification of God's power or the Bible B. The Holy Spirit is a ... ...
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455: Kittel, Gerhard: Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
What this means is that although Kittel says that "only-begotten" might imply the origin of Jesus is the Father, he rejects that this means Jesus is a creature, even if that is the case!. Kittel openly states that Jesus has always existed. Kittel's does suggest that this begetting could refer to the human phase of Jesus existence, "When Jn. speaks of the Son of God, he has primarily in view the man Jesus Christ". but even if this is so, Kittel denies it means Jesus is a creature. To prove that mono-genes does not mean source but relationship, ... Behind the individual relationships is the total context of salvation history as this may be seen most clearly and succinctly in Gal 4:4 ff.: God first sends the Son, and then, to continue the work. The divine work of salvation is thus prosecuted in the historical threefold relation of Father, Son and Spirit. This threefold relation soon found fixed expression in the triadic formulae in 2 C. 13:13, and in I Cor. 12:4-6.2" The form is first found ... ...
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456: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
The legends which belonged to Osiris and Apollo had been applied to the life of Jesus. The single Deity of the Jews had been exchanged for the Trinity which the Egyptians had invented and which Plato had idealized into a philosophic system, [and which had existed in Brahminism, too]. The man who had said "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God' had now himself been made a god or the third part of one." (Winwond Reade, Philosopher and historian, The Martyrdom of Man, p 183-84, quoted by Ulfat 'Aziz as-Samed, ... Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better ... Doing such is as dishonest as it is deceptive! JW's have not comprehended that if they had the Governing Body themselves sit down and explain their view of God (Father-true God, Son-a god and Holy Spirit-the force or ... ...
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457: Divorce, Remarriage and the Bible
The teachings of Jesus on this subject may be found in Matthew 5:31,32, and Matthew 19:3-9. These passages should be carefully read in connection with this discussion. Jesus went back to the beginning and based marriage on God's original intention in creation. God created man, male and female, and stated that man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and the two should become one flesh. Marriage is the permanent union of man and woman as husband and wife, as long as they both shall live upon the earth. It is not merely a physical connection, but a spiritual companionship in which each seeks to promote the other's highest well being through mutual forbearance and love and prayer. Each seeks the other's highest well-being, rather than his own. Considered as a contract, marriage is an agreement of man and woman to live together as husband and wife. There is, however, a difference between the marriage contract and all other human contracts. The terms of this contract ... ...
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458: Judean Governors, Procurtors and Prefects time of Jesus, first ...
See outline on the Shekel of Tyre. 7. Jesus would be born in 2-1 BC and Herod would die in 1 BC. 8. The Roman empire would control the Jews up until the first Jewish war of 66 AD. a. This rebellion resulted in the Romans coming down with a heavy hand and they easily crushed the rebellion and forever destroyed the temple in 70 AD. b. A new temple had been raised from the dust, just as Jesus said: His body, THE CHURCH. c. Jesus said the kingdom of God and the temple is not physical but within each of us! On Pentecost 33 AD, God set up his divine Kingdom which we know today as the Church of Christ which will never come to an end: "For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God." (Ephesians 5:5) "For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:13-14) Why not ... ...
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459: The transition from Temple to Synagogue to church: God's eternal ...
... physical trade for income as a man on earth: a. "Is not this the carpenter [Greek: tekton]" (Mark 6:3) 3. Master builder of the spiritual temple, which is the Church of Christ! a. "I will destroy this temple made with hands, and in three days I will build another made without hands." (Mark 14:58) b. Jesus is "the founder [archegos] and completer [teleiotes] of our faith." Heb 12:2 c. "Like a wise master builder [archi-tekton] I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:10-11) d. "you are of God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:19-22) C. In 2BC Jesus ... ...
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460: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
Suddenly the Genesis becomes the introductory reading assignment in all university science and history courses. Bible scoffers and unbelievers will always reject the Bible at God's word until the day they stand before Him in Judgment after the second coming of Jesus Christ our Creator. A. The global flood from the oldest archeology on earth: Exhibit Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View ... Sumerian Eridu Sumerian Kings Shuruppak Atra-hasis Gilgamesh Berossus B. Overview of similarities that flood stories share with the Bible: Bible 1440 BC Sumerian Eridu 2150 BC Atra-hasis 1635 BC Gilgamesh 1150 BC Chinese 2275 BC Man created with clay and spirit of god Gen 2:7 Tablets damaged Click to View Click to View Enkidu is a created god that becomes human Click to View "living dust man" Garden paradise Gen 2:8 Tablets damaged no Click to View Ut-napištim the immortal man lives in garden Click to View "Enclosure with 4 rivers" Or "perfect garden" Tree ... ...
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461: Review of the Official Creed of the Dominion Christian Centre
They believe that the ministers follow the example of Jesus and the apostles (everyone reads the Bible daily and should know), following both in what they preached and taught, and how they preached and taught. They believe that Jesus Christ is the mediator between man and God, and that He the ONLY Mediator. They believe that ... In all matters, the Bible is the final, earthly authority to both the minister and the priest (the people). WHAT ELSE THEY DO BELIEVE They DO believe that one should NOT dissect the Holy God. They DO believe that the Holy Spirit is divine, but whether the Holy Spirit is God, or Jesus, or both, they are not certain. Is the Holy Spirit wholly ... They do NOT believe in eternal security. They do NOT believe in the priesthood of all believers. They do NOT believe conversion can take place through the written Word without human agency. They do NOT believe one can know they are saved in this lifetime. They do NOT believe salvation can be attained without going through ... ...
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462: Lesson 22: Only The Saved Are In The Lord's Church
Master index of 23 studies: "Determine if you worship in Spirit and Truth!" Click to View Lesson 22 Only The Saved Are In The Lord's Church In order to be in the one church the Lord established, those added to it by the Lord must be saved ... The Lord makes no mistakes. We are not saved just because we think or say we are. We are saved only when we have done what God has said we must do. Jesus says in Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who ... The church is not to be overseen by a pope, patriarch, president, cardinals, association, convention, synod or any other organization that man has come up with. Each autonomous congregation of the Lord's church is to be overseen by a group of ... If we really accept the Bible as our only authority, we will want to worship God only as He has specified. We must reject human traditions and doctrines such as creed books, catechisms, manuals, articles of faith, confessions of faith, the ... ...
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463: Dictionary of Hindu, Yoga terms & Lingo
Some ashrams are graced with the physical presence of a spiritual Master. Avadhut A saint who has transcended body-consciousness is not bound by ordinary social conventions. They exist in permanent, perfect integration and bliss. Their state of transcendence radiates from them like the sun, drawing others into their field of perfect harmony. Baba Literally means "father". Baba is a term of affection for a saint or holy man. On this site, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa is "Baba". Bhagavad Gita: (lit., Song of the Lord) One of the world's spiritual treasures; an essential scripture of India; in which Lord Krishna instructs his disciple Arjuna on the nature of God, the universe, and the path to liberation. Bhajan In India, the ... Guru is therefore the spiritual Master who initiates and guides a seeker across the sea of Separation to the shore of Union and therefore, liberation. Guru is not simply the psycho/physical human form - the Model. Guru is principally the function of Self ... ...
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464: Pentecostalism: Worshipping God with your mind in neutral!
Click to View Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt "You are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Pentecostalism: The religion where you worship God with your mind in neutral! What this means: Pentecostals confuse the inward deception of their own feelings with the supernatural activity of God. There is a strong tendency in all forms of Pentecostalism to clear the mind of all thoughts and await the actions of the Holy Spirit in their life. Sometimes this is done in private by speaking in ... Angus further reported: "[Ecstasy] might be induced by vigil and fasting, tense religious expectancy, whirling dances, physical stimuli, the contemplation of the sacred objects, the effect of stirring music, inhalation of fumes, ... He experienced an exhilarating condition in which he believed his body ceased being a hindrance to his soul. According to Angus, ecstasy could "range anywhere from nonmoral delirium to that consciousness of oneness with the Invisible ... ...
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465: The weekly Sabbath is abolished, being nailed to the cross!
Click to View The Sabbath is an Old Testament shadow or anti-type of heaven and was never intended endure past the cross. God gave the Jews many physical anti-types that were replaced with new meaning in the New Testament. Incense, priestly garments and the Sabbath, for example were abolished and replaced with prayer, (Rev 5:8) good deeds (Rev 19:8) and heaven (Hebrews 4:4-11). Click to View Sabbatarians almost always misquote Hebrews 4 as a text that commands us to keep the weekly Sabbath. But the Hebrews 4:4-11 actually speaks about 3 different kinds of Sabbaths, and the one for Christians, is not the weekly Jewish Sabbath, but the eternal Sabbath rest of HEAVEN! Click to View Jesus said in Mark 2:27 "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath". Jesus taught that the Sabbath should be broken, if it conflicted with a higher law of God like human compassion! At times, Jesus broke the Sabbath without sin. That is because according to Mk 2:27, the Sabbath was made to serve ... ...
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466: Everything you ever needed to know about the Bible!
Man An Inspired "Blueprint" Answers to questions about the Bible itself. What does it mean to say the Bible is inspired? Is the Bible of human or divine origin? A list of 60 Bible prophecies and their fulfillment What does grain seed found in the pyramids have to do with the Bible? Click to View The canon of the Bible: over 27 chapters! Are there pre-discovery scientific facts contained in the Bible How do TV talk shows prove the inspiration of the bible? Are archeologists are digging up Bible stories? Click to View Burial Box of James, the Lord's Brother found! The inscription on the top reads, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Is The Bible God's Only Inspired Revelation? Has the Bible been lost, altered or corrupted over time? Would you die to promote a lies and deception? Click to View Encyclopedia of alleged Bible contradictions answered and refuted! Click here How to learn the Bible Blueprint: : Can you understand the Bible unaided by the Holy Spirit? Click to View Click ... ...
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467: Tongues Ceased in AD 100: Introduction: Cessation of Spiritual ...
False view Gifts cease at the second coming. Click to View Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt "You are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View I. Introduction 1. This study does not question the power or ability ... The purpose of this study is not to belittle the Holy Spirit in any way or deprive His of any of His power, personality or divinity. We are not belittling the Holy Spirit, we are elevating the scriptures. They are the "sword of the Holy Spirit", "the power of God ... Jn 20:30,31 "Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God" f. Bible examples: ... Charismatics are constantly claiming that God gives them visions and dreams, yet God says that these dreams are nothing more than the deception of the human emotions! 9. Jer 23:31 "Behold, I am against the prophets," declares the Lord, "who use ... ...
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468: Jesus Is The Example For Children In The Home
Subject of conversion) Thus divine message clearly understood. 4. This evening I propose to consider the laws of God on this subject in the context of the divine example found in this single incident recorded from the boyhood of Jesus. Cf. I Jn.2:6 I. "JESUS KEPT INCREASING," v.52 A. Jesus Was Human 1. Humanity requires development. But He was also God. 2. Conception difficult. How increase in favor with God?? 3. Was He infinite from mother's womb? Evidently not, v.52. 4. Through difficult to understand Jesus developed in mind and body as his human nature demanded, ... D. Jesus Grew In Favor With God, v.52 1. While difficult for us to understand, it is profitable when thought of as an example for us. 2. Responsibility not limited to children but certainly applies, I Pet.2:1-2; II Pet.3:18. 4. Spiritual growth also requires proper food and exercise. E. Jesus Grew In Favor With Man, v.52 1. Typical attitude today, "I don't care what other people think." 2. Christians should care, I Cor.8; ... ...
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469: Trinity proof texts: John 19:7
Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 Click to View The Jews misunderstood Jesus' claim to be the "Son of God". They mistakenly thought Jesus claimed to MAKE HIMSELF the "Son of God", when in fact Jesus actually claimed that GOD MADE HIM the Son of God. They wanted to stone Jesus for being a human usurper, not for claiming to be divine. (Winner of the "STINC" trophy) Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted This argument is so outrageous and desperate, we have awarded it the "STINC" trophy. The term "made himself out to be" means, ... JW's argue that the Jews correctly understood that Jesus was the Son of God, they misunderstood that Jesus did not appoint himself, but God appointed him the Son of God. Lets apply the Jehovah's Witness logic of John 19:7 to John 5:18 and 10:33 John 10:33 You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God." "Made Himself" means that the Jews thought that He was a self appointed God rather than a God appointed God. John 5:18 He was calling God His own Father, making Himself ... ...
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470: Noah was saved by water baptism: 1 Peter 3:21
alive in the spirit; in which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water. Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you-not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience-through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and authorities and powers ... These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you. " (Titus 2:11-15) 1. Every man or woman who is born can be saved if they make that choice to become a Christian and live godly ... In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also-not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves ... ...
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471: The Creation Account
Two of the Chinese words for God (see God in the Chinese Language), Ling and Shén, picture God's role in creation. Ling shows the Spirit of God covering over the waters (Genesis 1:2), and the three persons of God affecting the miracle of creation. Shén identifies God's voice as the active force in creation, as do the Scriptures (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26). This image also shows man, the crowning jewel of God's creation, and the garden in which he was placed. Bring Forth Three times ... So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:26-27, NKJV) Necessary Genesis 2 reveals that Adam was alone for a short time, the only human on the earth. God said, It is not ... The ancient Chinese recorded this operation in the word ròu, which means FLESH. It shows one PERSON taken from the BORDER of a second PERSON's body. God took a rib from Adam's side, closed up his FLESH, and from the rib made woman. Pictorially ... ...
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472: Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to attempt to prove "Inherited ...
If all mankind had been born "depraved" since the fall, then why would God suddenly destroy mankind at the flood? It was not that man was inherently wicked that prompted God's condemnation, but the fact that they were actually engaged in wicked deeds and acts, (God "saw" the evil). Gen 20:18 This verse does not say that He held the people guilty for Abimelech's sin. In fact God said himself in V6, that he did not sin. Calvinists fail to distinguish between spiritual & physical consequences of sin. Physical consequences do exist: pain in ... Sin offering was made when a child was born, but it was not for the child but the mother. This gives no support for infant Baptism to remove depravity. Job 14:1-4; 15:14; 25:4 Jesus was born of a woman: Gal 4:4 was He ... Rom 8:5-7 same context as Rom 7 The NIV mis-translates the Greek word "sarx" (flesh) into "sinful nature". (see Rom 7 above) Notice v12-13 Paul says we are under obligation to not live by the flesh but the spirit proving that ... ...
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473: Christians Should Be Different!
For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. " I John 4:17 states: "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement: ... I Cor. 2:12, 13 teaches: "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." The apostle, Paul, instructing the young evangelist, Timothy, wrote (in I Timothy 6:3-5, saying: "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our ... is foreign to the religion of Jesus who said, in Luke 12:15-31: "Therefore, I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat: neither for the body, what you shall put on. The life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment." ... ...
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474: The original 1830 Edition, Book of Mormon had 1000's of errors ...
The Mormon Church The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Click to View Inspired translation of Nephi Plates into English resulted in thousands of errors! Click to View Click to View Joseph Smith in the process of translating the golden Nephi Plates the angel Moroni gave him. This process of translation of "scripture" is the only time known to man, when God inspired the translator. Yet the original 1839 book of Mormon was full of all kinds of errors! The original 1830 Book of ... These difficulties to human work were removed. All was as simple as when a clerk writes from dictation. The translation of the characters appeared on the Urim and Thummim, sentence by sentence, and as soon as one was correctly transcribed the next would ... preparing the hearts of the children of men for to receive his word . . ." (page 261) [Alma 13:24] ". . . did pour out his spirit on all the face of the land, for to prepare . . ." (page 268) [Alma 16:16] ". . . after their many struggles for to destroy ... ...
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475: All Religious People Headed For The Same Place?
Is everyone entitled to his own belief? This question can be answered both yes and no. Yes! If one is asking if man is a free moral agent and that he yet has the inalienable right to choose either good or evil regardless of God's pleasure in the matter. But the answer is no if we are asking if our belief is acceptable even when it is in conflict with God's word and his will for us. The truth of God, the faith once delivered, is narrow! Jesus spoke of it as the narrow way and he admonished men to count the cost before ... process of our physical bodies. In all these areas and multitudes of others like them, exactness is demanded and man is not free to do what he wills and for all to be well unless his will is to do the right and to constantly double check for error. This principle is true in Christianity and it has always been true with God and his covenant people. In the Garden of Eden man committed but one wrong act and this one violation changed the entire course of human history. ... ...
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476: The Interactive Bible:
the time of Jesus Christ. Denominations were unknown during the times that the apostles of Christ lived and wrote the New Testament. Divisions, or denominational tendencies, that is, the tendency for one group of Christians to teach a doctrine different from that taught by another, were known about and experienced during the first century. Contrary to many religionists today, who praise division or denominationalism the apostles who (by the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God) wrote the New ... Then, we must ask, to what church did the Christians of the first century belong? It had to have been the Lord's church or body of Christ that Jesus died to save, that only and no other - Acts 20:28. It is both reasonable and logical to ask, "Can ... One first and obvious step is to believe that Jesus is the Christ and that through Him, and Him only, mankind can be saved. But, contrary to the teachings of man, we must go on beyond this simple belief or acknowledgment. We must be obedient to ... ...
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477: Lesson 6: Christ Has Paid Our Penalty
... Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in agony He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground". Yes, Christ was dreading the horrible death that he was about to endure for you and for me. Also, we read in I Peter 2:24, "Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed." Jesus has personally paid the price for our sins, so that we can be made righteous before God. When a person is made righteous, by obeying God's plan to save man, God will then save him. The human side of Christ knows how we feel. He had the same feelings, the same sorrows, the same fears, and He experienced pain just like we do. He fully knows what it is to live a human life. On the Day of Judgment, no one will be able to point a finger at Christ and say, "You just don't know what it is to live as a human." Yes He does. The dread, the ... ...
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478: Jehovah's Witnesses a replica of the Roman Catholic church!
A city where world headquarters permanently resides: Rome, Italy and Brooklyn, NY, USA Authority of this "world organization" is not to be questioned. Both consider God to be the head of the world organization. Both the Pope and the Governing body both claim inspiration. Both organizations are "spirit directed" by God. A simple definition of both is as follows: "Definition of a Catholic/Jw: 'Someone who accepts Rome/Brooklyn as God's visible spirit-directed theocratic organization upon the earth. Both ... The Bible is understandable by merely reading it: Eph 3:3-5 The Bible is the only guide for doctrine Creeds and the Watchtower are additions to the Bible that actually entrench doctrines that differ from the Bible forever. Salvation is an individual matter that is fundamentally rooted in faith in Jesus Christ and does not dependent upon any earthly human origination. Click to View We speak the truth in Love... Click to View Go back to Main Jehovah's Witness Index Click to View Go To ... ...
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479: Thayer, Joseph Henry: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
... Yet even here no one disputes that "theos" is applied to Jesus in John 1:1. Did you hear that? NO ONE, not even Jehovah's Witnesses disputes the Jesus is called GOD or THEOS in John 1:1! Interesting that Thayer could have added a personal comment here, but did not! However, he did add a reference to another famous Unitarian's article by Abbot! Proof Thayer was Unitarian Some challenge whether Thayer was Unitarian, saying, he was instead Congregationalist. We simply quote the "Publishers Introduction" to Thayer's famous lexicon: "A word of caution is necessary. Thayer was a Unitarian, and the errors of this sect occasionally come through in the explanatory notes. The reader should be alert for both subtle and blatant denials of such doctrines as the Trinity (Thayer regarded Christ as a mere man and the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force emanating from God), the inherent and total depravity of fallen human nature, the eternal punishment of the wicked, and Biblical inerrancy." (Joseph ... ...
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480: Catalogue and List of Divine Titles of God
Click to View New Testament names for Father Click to View New Testament names for Son Click to View New Testament names for Holy Spirit The following will send shivers up the spine of every Jehovah's Witness! To their horror, the divine name ... From Moses to Christ, God's name was YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah). For Christians the name of God is JESUS! "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) ... The Root And Offspring Of David: (Revelation 22:16) Son Of Abraham: (Matthew 1:1) Abraham's Seed: (Galatians 3:16) Son Of Joseph: (John 1:45) Son Of Man: (Matthew 26:64, see Daniel 7:13) Son Of God: (Matthew 26:63) Son of the Father: (2 John 1:3) ... The Alpha And The Omega: (Revelation 22:13) The First And The Last: (Revelation 22:13) The Beginning And The End: (Revelation 22:13) The Head Of The Body, The Church: (Colossians 1:18) Head Over All Things: (Ephesians 1:22) Heir Of All Things: ... ...
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481: Why are most Jehovah's Witnesses former Roman Catholics?
A city where world headquarters permanently resides: Rome, Italy and Brooklyn, NY, USA Authority of this "world organization" is not to be questioned. Both consider God to be the head of the world organization. Both the Pope and the Governing body both claim inspiration. Both organizations are "spirit directed" by God. A simple definition of both is as follows: "Definition of a Catholic/Jw: 'Someone who accepts Rome/Brooklyn as God's visible spirit-directed theocratic organization upon the earth. Both have official yearly ... Jehovah's Witnesses are Catholics wearing Sadduceeian coloured sunglasses TRUTH: The Bible is understandable by merely reading it: Eph 3:3-5 The Bible is the only guide for doctrine Creeds and the Watchtower are additions to the Bible that actually entrench doctrines that differ from the Bible forever. Salvation is an individual matter that is fundamentally rooted in faith in Jesus Christ and does not dependent upon any earthly human origination. Click to View Go ... ...
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482: The true Bible story of Noah's Ark
... Therefore, man was not like a news reporter who witnesses a divine event, then sits down and from his own personal creativity, writes a report. Instead, man often had no personal knowledge of the divine event and the Holy Spirit revealed it through them. "So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of the prophet's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. " (2 Peter 1:19-21) 4. When you ... three days in the belly of a whale, Daniel surviving a furnace of fire, the resurrection of Jesus and the miracles of the apostles. 6. Here you reading this right now and you must make a decision: Will I believe the Bible and find the secret to eternal life or will you reject the Bible to your eternal doom? ... ...
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483: Lesson 14: The Lord's Supper
Master index of 23 studies: "Determine if you worship in Spirit and Truth!" Lesson 14 The Lord's Supper Christ instituted the Lord's Supper in order for us to remember the great sacrifice He made for us and that we rely on Him and His sacrifice for our salvation. He gave us this memorial so we would not forget Him and what He did for us. In Luke 22:19, when Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, He ... It was in God's eternal plan of redemption for Christ to come to this earth and take our punishment for our sins by dying for us so God can now be just in saving us. In a number of places in the Old ... Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, Take eat; this is My body which is broken for you; this do in remembrance of Me. ... We are told in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29, "Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine ... ...
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484: Sola Scriptura: All-sufficient: The Bible alone is a blueprint ...
Wherefore I exhort and entreat you all, disregard what this man and that man thinks about these things, and inquire from the Scriptures all these things; and having learnt what are the true riches, let us pursue after them that we may obtain also the eternal good things; which may we all obtain, through the grace and love towards men of our Lord Jesus Christ, with Whom, to the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory, might, and honor, now and ever, and world without end. Amen." (John Chrysostom, Homily 13, commentary on 2 Cor ... And thence we may disprove what is false, thence we may be corrected and brought to a right mind, may be comforted and consoled, and if anything is deficient, we may have it added to us. "That the man of God may be perfect." For this ... From direct revelation of the Holy Spirit! Carlton sounds like the Bible-trashing, liberal theologians who see the Bible as the product of human effort. The Holy Spirit directly revealed the names to Paul. And notice just how ... ...
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485: Does the RC church have more authority than the Bible?
... word, "The name for this region was SHEOL (Heb.) or HADES (Gk.)...It was in Sheol that a man was 'gathered to his fathers'; the dead may not return to earth, but the living must eventually go to them (cf. II Sam. 12:23)." (p. 106). When Jesus said, "...Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," He did not promise to preserve the church from error. He simply meant that the gates of hell would not prevail against Him in preventing Him from building His church. Acts 2:31-32 says, "...He, foreseeing it, spoke of the resurrection of the Christ. For neither was He abandoned to hell, nor did His flesh undergo decay. This Jesus God has raised up, and we are all witnesses of it." Hence, Jesus was not stopped from building His church by being left in hell ("hades" in the Greek, meaning the place of the disembodied spirits) because His spirit was again reunited with His body. If He had been confined to hades, it would have prevailed against Him. ... ...
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486: What is the Gift Of Tongues?
First, the New Testament gift of tongues consisted of languages of men which were spoken miraculously, without previous knowledge of the language. Second, these tongues were given as signs to confirm that both the man who spoke and the message he spoke were from God. Third, only those who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and those who received the laying on of the apostles' hands possessed this miraculous gift. The first mention of speaking in tongues in the New Testament is Mark 16:17-20. In this passage, Jesus promised five kinds of signs which would accompany those who believed: (1) Casting out demons; (2) speaking with new tongues; ... The second passage is Acts 2:4-8. It tells the happenings on the day of Pentecost. The twelve apostles miraculously spoke in tongues which they received through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These tongues were human languages which the apostles miraculously spoke. Testament gift of tongues. Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits to see ... ...
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487: Josh McDowell's Powerful Evidience for Resurrection
A QUESTION OF HISTORY After more than 700 hours of studying this subject, I have come to the conclusion that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless hoaxes ever foisted on the minds of human beings-or it is the most remarkable fact of history . Here are some of the facts relevant to the resurrection: Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish prophet who claimed to be the Christ prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures, was arrested, was judged a political criminal, and was crucified. Three days after His death and burial, some women who went to His tomb found the body gone. In subsequent weeks, His disciples claimed that God had raised Him from the dead and that He ... FACT #1: BROKEN ROMAN SEAL As we have said, the first obvious fact was the breaking of the seal that stood for the power and authority of the Roman Empire. The consequences of breaking the seal were extremely severe. The FBI and CIA of the Roman Empire were called into action to find the man or men ... ...
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488: Who is The Devil, Satan?
God created: Psalms 33:6; Psalm 148:2,5; Isaiah 40:26; Ephesians 3:9-10; Revelation 10:6. Christ created: Colossians 1:16. Live in heaven: Luke 2:15. Were angels present at the creation of man? Possibly: Job 38:4-7 Were these sons of God, that ... Luke 1:28 come into the house as a visitor. Not always recognized: John 20:15 Mary thought Jesus was the gardener. Travel from the spiritual dimension to the physical: Judges 6:11-21 Gideon, Judges 13:3-9 Manoah, Luke 2:9,13 Shepherds, Acts 12:7 Peter. Were dreams foolproof or infallible? No: Dreams could come without being God's word (Jer. 23:28). Jeremiah lumped dreamers together with soothsayers, sorcerers, and false prophets (Jer. 27:9). Not every dream was thought to be from God. Some could be wishful ... Only cherubim and seraphim are represented with wings, Ezekiel 10:5. Describe a cherubim. Each cherub was 180" high or 15 feet. It's wingspan was 15 feet across (1 wing =5 cubits) Body includes hands, wings, wheels and face: Ezekiel 10:12-22 ... ...
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489: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
The earliest foreshadowing is contained in the narrative of the creation, where Elohim is seen to create by means of Word and Spirit (Gn. i. 3). (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) It is thought that Gn. i. 26 ('And God said, Let us make man in our image and after our likeness') implies that a revelation of the Triune God had been given to man when first created, inasmuch as he was to be given the divine fellowship, but that the consciousness was ... of Pentecost, represents it as the activity of the Trinity. 'This Jesus ... being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear' (Acts ii. 32, 33). ... Both the creative activity of God and His government are at a later stage associated with the Word personified as Wisdom (Pr. viii. 22 ff.; Jb. xxviii. 2327), and with the Spirit as the Dispenser of all blessings and the source of physical strength, ... ...
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490: Hick, John: The Myth of God Incarnate
Here a group of distinguished theologians and Biblical scholars ask whether the idea of the incarnation is essential to Christianity; and they question the whole development of the doctrine. Their thesis is that "Jesus was (as he is presented in Acts 2.21) 'a man approved by God' for a special role within the divine purpose, and . . . the later conception of him as God incarnate, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity living a human life, is a mythological or poetic way of expressing his significance for us." This reinterpretation of the doctrine of the incarnation has been criticized as sensational ... "Christianity without Incarnation?: Christianity is often described as an incarnational faith. The phrase may be understood in a looser or a stricter sense. The looser meaning characterizes Christianity as a religion in which man's approach to God is through the physical world rather than by escape from it. In its narrower sense it constitutes a description of Christianity as a faith ... ...
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491: Is the Catholic church an infallible interpreter of scripture ...
... As we said before, the Catholics have no passages which mention an official interpreter and, thus, they try to support their claim through human logic and reasoning. Anytime men do such, it amounts to nothing more than human philosophy rather than Scriptural proof. The Bible says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar..." (Rom. 3:4). It also warns, "See to it that no one deceives you by ... This shows plainly that the scriptures are not to be expounded by any one's private judgment or private spirit..." (From the footnote on 2 Pet. 1:20, Douay- Rheims Version, p. 582). "...St. Peter...declared against private interpretation of the Scriptures (2 Pet. I, 20..." (Father Smith Instructs ... These things are not received and are not accomplished unless one makes a private interpretation of the Word, thus, showing that a private interpretation is required. Man must exercise his senses upon the Word of God that he might be able to discern between good and evil (Heb. 5:14). Jesus expected the ... ...
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492: Men
Fossil Man "Family Trees" Are Unscientific Deceptive, Roger Lewin, Ed., Research News, Science, "The key issue is the ability correctly to infer a genetic relationship between two species on the basis of a similarity in appearance...can be ... Bones Of Contention, 1987, p.123. Ancestors? Richard C. Lewontin, Harvard, "... we don't know anything about the ancestors of the human species. All the fossils which have been dug up and are claimed to be ancestors - we haven't the faintest ... Like Pygmy Chimp, Adrienne L. Zihlman, U. C. Santa Cruze, "Zihlman compares the pygmy chimpanzee to 'Lucy,' one of the oldest hominid fossils known, and finds the similarities striking. They are almost identical in body size, in stature and in brain size... These ... The Fossil Trail, 1995, p.101 Language & Brains, Mat Cartmill, President American Association of Physical Anthropology "I tend to think they [Neandertals] had fully human language. After all, they had larger brains than those of most modern ... ...
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493: Can Ordinary People Understand The Bible?
Should you have questions regarding the origin, inspiration, and authenticity of the Bible, please study from the messages under Christian Evidences. We especially recommend the message "INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE", and "DO WE REALLY HAVE THE BIBLE TODAY?", also "DID THE BIBLE COME FROM GOD OR MAN?" So now ... voiced by the apostle, Paul, as he addressed the Christians of the church at Corinth: I Corinthians "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you." Jesus' prayer and Paul's admonition to the Corinthians are neatly summed in Ephesians 4:2-6: "With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." ... ...
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494: Is Suicide an answer to life's problems?
Because you have been created by a powerful and loving God means you are important. Not because of your educational level, your bank account, your social position, or any other human standard. You are important because you are a creature of God. As one observed: "One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man." Being made in God's likeness gives you reason to live. Second, for every man God has a plan. Every man is an expression of the thought of God. No man's life is purposeless, for God sent you into the world to do some definite thing. Being made in God's image, He wants you to use your body as his representative here on earth. He wants you to learn from His word, the Bible, how to live to please Him. And dear friend, you can understand the Bible and find out God's plan for your life. God sent his own son Jesus Christ to die so you could have a rich and full life here and then life in heaven when he calls us from this earth. Because He lived, you have great purpose in ... ...
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495: Interactive Bible Home Page
The Roman Catholic church examined Is the Roman Catholic church the original one true church? Mormonism Exposed Are the Book of Mormon and the golden Nephi plates from God or man? Calvinism refuted The famous 5 point T-U-L-I-P doctrinal system refuted by scripture! 20th Century Tongues exposed Are modern day tongue speakers guided by divinity or self-delusion? neo-sadduceeism.htm A doctrine that takes all the supernatural out of the Bible! (Human saviour, souless man, heavenless hope, non-existent Holy Spirit) Rapture and Pre-millenialism A system that teaches our God couldn't make it happen the first time! Searching for New Testament Christianity Seek and you will find! Anti-Sola Scriptura Those who try to destroy the Bible Lies of the devil: Doctrine doesn't matter Tares among the wheat! Archeology: Digging up Bible stories! The Exodus Route Discovered and More! Reaching out for help & Comments: Ask a Bible question??? Get a Bible answer! Request FREE Bible study course by mail ... ...
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496: The Crucifixion Of Jesus
Some of the Jewish leaders hated Jesus because He condemned their sins. They did not want to believe the truth He preached, as He urged them to repent and turn back to God. They became jealous of the great crowds that followed Him and believed in Him, and finally decided to get rid of Him by having Him killed. Since the Jews did not have the right to have a man killed without the approval of the Roman governor, they had to take Jesus to Pilate. At the trial they had no evidence of wrong-doing by Jesus, ... Here they laid the cross on the ground while they nailed his hands and feet to it with great spikes. The cross was then lifted and dropped into a hole in the ground. The entire weight of the body tore at the spikes, and the pain was almost ... His final words expressed his complete surrender to the will of God as He said, "It is finished; Father into Thy hands I commend my spirit". He then bowed His head and died. Even the earth could not accept the death of its Creator and Master ... ...
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497: What Early Christians believed about DISCIPLESHIP
Click to View 140-230 AD Tertullian, encouraged a group of local Christians who were languishing in a Roman dungeon with these words, "Blessed ones, count whatever is hard in this lot of yours as a discipline of your powers of mind and body. You are about to pass through a noble struggle, in which the living God is your manager and the Holy Spirit is your trainer. The prize is an eternal crown of ... kinds of tortures yet remain unsubdued even when their very torturers are worn out, they come to believe that the agreement of so many and the unyielding faith of the dying is not without meaning. [They realize] that human perseverance alone could not endure such tortures without the aid of God. ... Let there be the breaking and dislocating of my bones and the severing of my limbs. Bring on the mutilation of my whole body. In fact, bring on all the diabolical tortures of Satan. Only let me attain to Jesus Christ! ... I would rather die for Jesus Christ than to reign over the ends of the ... ...
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498: Lesson 18: Singing In Worship (Part 3)
Here we see that when we sing, we are "to sing with grace in your hearts" and "make melody in your heart." The melody God wants is to come from the human heart and not from lifeless mechanical musical instruments. The mechanical instrument does not have a heart from which it can worship God. In 1 Corinthians 14:15 we read, "I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding also." Not only does an instrument not have a heart, but it also does not ... Some people say "I like instrumental music in worship." If this is the case then what "I like" becomes the authority and not God. When man becomes his own authority then each worshipper can introduce anything he likes with no regard to what God has said. It becomes: ... And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." In verse 16 we are told to sing. In the very next verse we are told, "whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." Notice it says to "do all". Everything we do in ... ...
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499: Biblical Evangelism: Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism ...
... If we seek to be God's people, we must emphasize evangelism as much as God did when he planned a way for sinful man to be included in the exciting joys of heaven. When we minimize evangelism, neglect ... Matt 28:19-20 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NAS) One of the most important passages that impresses me the most is that complete picture of the kingdom which God intended. Its center was the death and suffering of Christ and its expected result was a stream of believers who had to tell the gospel to later generations! After the great prophecies of the crucifixion of Jesus, the ... Identify the words in Eph. 4:16 that show the importance of the participation of every member in Biblical Evangelism! Eph 4:16 16 from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which ... ...
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500: Sola Scriptura: Scripture tells us Elijah's drought was three ...
"Notice that while James gives 3 1/2 years as the duration of the drought, 1 Kings 17:1 only says, "these years". Obviously it was only known by oral tradition, because scripture did not tell us." "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months." James 5:17 "Now ... Inspiration means that the prophecy did not come by an act of human will. We are offended that anyone would suggest the authors of the Bible rely upon human records and not the Holy Spirit. "no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2 Pet 1:20-21) Scripture does tell us : "Now it happened after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year, saying, "Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the face of the earth." 1 Kings 18:1 Jesus tells us: "But I say to you in truth, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when ... ...
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