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151: Bible Contentment vs. Mental Illness
Click to View Contentment, Mental Illness and the Bible Introduction: 1. Contentment is a cardinal and central teaching of Christ. 2. We are commanded to be content, regardless of the life situation we find ourselves in. 3. When we lack contentment, we become anxious and depressed. 4. "Without trying to answer this question here, let me emphasize only that investing hope in religious faith is perhaps one of the best psychological investments a person can make. This is because by investing a ... Hence, those with small capitals of hope may do best by investing their "savings" in religion. And this indeed is what they often do." (The Myth of Mental Illness, Thomas Szasz, Atheist, 1961 AD, p255) A. Contentment and the Bible: 1. "Therefore, since we ... Notice that Jesus was attacked, beaten, slandered, disrespected and shamed, but in spite of this was a man of joy! Notice the text, it tells us that! c. How could Jesus have joy when everything about his physical life was going bad? He saw the ... ...
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152: Psychopaths and sociopaths are not insane
The psychopath and the sociopath are not crazy or insane! Click to View Hannibal Lecter in "Silence of the lambs" Introduction: There is no difference between a psychopath and sociopath. They are different terms invented by different psychiatrists to explain the same basic type of person. We prefer the term psychopath. The typical definition of the psychopath is to fail to feel remorse or guilt for horrible crimes and actions. They are said to have no ... A. The psychopath is not mentally ill or crazy: Most people wrongly believe that psychopaths are mentally ill, crazy and out of their mind. This is totally false. Hannibal in "Silence of the lambs" is what we imagine psychopaths to be. Psychopaths are famous in Hollywood ... Man is just another animal. Psychopaths not only believe in the theory of evolution, they have understood its implications for the purpose and meaning of the existence of man. Since there is no God, then all morals are determined by the collective agreement of mankind. ... ...
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153: McKenzie, John L.: Dictionary of the Bible
The Watchtower takes little bits of McKenzie's comments on Jn 1:1 (a god) and leaves the false impression in the mind of the reader that McKenzie agreed with the JW's mistranslation. What is clear, is that when McKenzie says Jesus is a divine being, he is saying that Jesus is in that unique class of divine being with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to the exclusion of all others. Jehovah's Witnesses satanically redefine the meaning of the phrase, "divine being" into something different than what McKenzie meant. McKenzie, John L.: Dictionary of the Bible Click to View "Jn 1:1 should ... Thomas invokes Jesus with the titles which belong to the *Father, "My Lord and my God" (Jn 20:28). "The glory of our great God and Savior" which is to appear can be the glory of no other than Jesus ... The trinity of persons within the unity of nature is defined in terms of "person" and "nature" which are Gk philosophical terms; actually the terms do not appear in the Bible. The trinitarian ... ...
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154: Blood Circulation in the body (Exercitatio anatomica de circulatione ...
Blood Circulation in the body (Exercitatio anatomica de circulatione sanguinis) William Harvey 1649 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1649 AD, William Harvey discovered the blood circulatory system of the body. He notes that the mind, spirit and emotion cause physical changes in the body, sometimes causing death. "And what indeed is more deserving of attention than the fact that in almost every affection, appetite, hope or fear, our body suffers, the countenance changes, and the blood appears to course hither and thither. In anger the ... In the dead body I found the heart and aorta so much gorged and distended with blood, that the cavities of the ventricles equalled those of a bullock's heart in size. Such is the force of the blood pent up, and such are the effects of its impulse .. . We also observe the signal influence of the affections of the mind when a timid person is bled and happens to faint: immediately the flow of blood is ... ...
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155: Phantasmata or Illusions and Fanaticisms, Richard Robert Madden ...
Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1857 AD, Richard Robert Madden observed many historic cases of a kind of mass hysteria. What is interesting about this phenomena, is that it is clearly induced by freewill choices of the minds of a large number of people at the same time. This proves that such mass delusions and hallucinations are not caused by the body, but the mind. Madden understood that if the mind of a single person could induce insanity, so could ... Hallucinations of various kinds ensue; and imagination dominated by disease will eventually give a being, shape and form, 'a local habitation, and a name', to fixed ideas and chimeras which are the productions of the brain." (Phantasmata or ... The subject is one of deep interest, and not without its salutary teachings and warnings, for fanaticism, fixed ideas, and delusions of all sorts in our own times : though civilization has advanced, and many branches of learning and physical ... ...
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156: Suicide, psychiatry and the bible: The freedom to sin by killing ...
I'll kill myself to make you pay for jilting me!" A. How to help those who want to commit suicide: 1. Tell the suicidal person that God loves them and cares for them. 2. Tell the person that there are a lot of friends and family members who love ... For three hundred years, the legal and medical justification for psychiatric preventive detention-civil commitment-has rested comfortably and securely on that set of beliefs." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 99 2. "The idea of excusing the ... An executive is driven to suicide when he experiences financial destitution because of his own business mistakes. 2. The case of "Egg". A young man commits suicide when he realizes he has permanent brain damage and seriously downgraded cognitive ... Thousands who didn't know who she was until after she killed herself were sickened that they were not able to help her in some way. Contrary to her view that she had no one, Amanda Todd had 10,000 who cared for and even loved her. d. Life moves ... ...
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157: The Biblical pattern of counseling
cannot hold a job down, are high school drop outs, illogical, smoke cigarettes and drink and do drugs, are in terrible physical fitness, are angry, throw temper tantrums, they have learned that welfare and social assistance pays a lot more than the ... Click to View Full discussion of the requirements of the person being counseled Click to View Full discussion of reactions of the person being counseled to your advice A. God is our councilor! With Your counsel God, You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory." Psalm 73:21-24 "For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16 "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on ... Only until very recently (the 1970's) has the church begun to shirk its central role in spiritual matters and handed it over to atheistic, evolutionary psychiatrists. Back in the 1970's Jay Adams sounded the alarm with this enlightening statement to ... ...
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158: Anti-psychotic drugs cause Cause Diabetes
In Diabetes, One More Burden for the Mentally Ill N. R. Kleinfield New York Times June 12, 2006 Click to View Anti-Psychotic Drugs cause diabetes: Neuroleptic Drugs Psychoactive drugs Introduction: ... Her weight has soared to 241 pounds from 150. Dr. John Newcomer is a psychiatrist who generally treats people with severe ailments of the mind and spirit. But before his patients sit down, before he ... This is a little-recognized surge, but one that is jolting mental health professionals into rethinking how they care for an often neglected population. For decades, psychiatrists have worried ... are often the only doctors a mentally ill diabetic ever sees, some have begun to debate the customary limits of psychiatric practice, deciding to pay much more attention to physical ailments. ... "Some nights, the only thing I can do is read my Bible," she said. "I look in there to find answers. They're hard to find." Diabetes on top of mental illness asks a lot of a person, and of society. ... ...
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159: The passions of the soul, Rene Descartes, 1650 AD
The Passions of the Soul Rene Descartes 1650 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1650 AD, Rene Descartes described the body as a machine that was inhabited by a spirit, where ... When this is pointed out, psychiatrists will then come clean (a bit) and say that Plato thought the same thing. They almost always fail to point out that "Cartesian Dualism" is really a primary Hebrew and Christian theology. Even ... It is important to note that Descartes did not say that the pineal gland was the soul, just that the soul used the pineal gland as its physical connection to the body. "That there is a little kernell in the brain wherein the soul exercises her functions more peculiarly than in the other parts ... all ... body could be explained mechanistically, he was faced with the difficulty of how to account for the mind or soul of man - this fundamental difference between him and animals and the essence of the body (or brain)- mind relation. ... ...
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160: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion ... The case of "Hooky" (Hysteria, mentally induced disability) Click to View The case of "Hooky" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Hysteria, mentally induced disability Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Deception, lying, duty shirking Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Duty shirking, Unnatural repetitive thoughts or actions Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Physical disablement to stay home from school. Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug ... For about half an hour after-ward I was a little dazed. At the moment I felt the blow the thought flashed through my mind: "Now you won't have to go to school any more." I was only half unconscious, ... ...
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161: The Brain and Mental illness: Modern Psychiatry is neo-Phrenology
Neo-Phrenology, Psychiatry and the Brain Click to View Click to View In 1815 AD, Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Gaspar Spurzheim came up with a new and improved version of the junk-pop psychology theories of Lavater's ... that the size of some cerebral part was corresponding to these actions, he called these parts of the brain, organ of pride, of firmness, of courage, of theft, of murder, of religion .. . He [Gall] was also bold enough to speak to every person in whose head he observed any distinct protruberance" Phrenology was later popularized by Samuel Wells ... This thinking is seen today in the insanity plea and chemical evolutionary psychiatrists. "In criminology he advocated reform by re-education rather than punishment and suggested at a time when the criminal was ... A quackery known as "Iridology" was popularized by a Chiropractor (ChiroQuackery) in 1960's named Bernard Jensen. It maps both mental (inherent mental ability, ego pressure, mental speech etc) and physical functions ... ...
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162: Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting, Sir Charles ...
Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting Sir Charles Bell (Artist) 1806 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1806 AD, Sir Charles Bell, Artist, describes how madness begins in the spirit moves to affect the body, seen in the facial expressions. "to lay a foundation for studying the influence of the mind upon the body" This is rather ... Unlike Lavater (Essays on physiognomy, 1789 AD) who interpreted the bone structure of the face as a roadmap to intelligence and madness, Bell understood that a person whose spirit is continually under ... He backs up his belief that the spirit has a direct effect upon the body by quoting Dr. James Beattie, "Descartes, and some other philosophers, have endeavoured to explain the physical cause which ... There is a vacancy in their laugh, and a want of meaning in their ferociousness. To learn the character of the human countenance when devoid of expression, and reduced to the state of brutality, we ... ...
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163: Court ordered junk science psychiatric assessments in child custody ...
Both husbands and wives use this evil tactic of making false charges in court to gain an advantage of the other in custody cases. However, there are so many documented cases of mothers falsely charging their former husbands of physical and sexual abuse of them and the children, it has become an epidemic. It is ... of all kinds, and their medical validity is rarely if ever questioned." (Psychiatry: The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p 5) These assessments are where a person sits and talks with you (or you and your spouse) for 30 hours and "gets a feel" for your mental stability, ability to raise children, function in life's general activities and then gives his opinion. ... alone is enough to bankrupt many families. At 30-40 hours, they take 30 - 40 weeks, if you meet with the "assessor" only one hour a week. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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164: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Crutches" (faked physical illness for personal benefit) Hysteria Click to View The case of "Crutches" ... Never ingested opium. Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug widely used to create chemical ... It is difficult to tell who the greater fraudster is in this story; the woman, or Jung who proclaimed, "I am the doctor, and everything is all right." This is a classic case of Hysteria, where a person manufactures a ... ...
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165: The myth that Mental illness is caused by Genetics and bad DNA
What they don't tell you, is that this is a theory and a guess! The reason they believe mental illness is caused by genetics is because they reject the spiritual side of man. They view man as a pile of chemicals and nothing more. This is called chemical ... The "science" and "proof" of a genetic cause for mental illness is when psychiatrists ask: "is there a family history of depression or anxiety in your family? The problem with this, is that anxiety and depression are learned responses to how to deal with ... as caused by the mind which then in turn affects the brain, heart and other organs. He notes that different people handle common everyday life events in vastly different ways. The melancholy are unable to deal with these common life events without anxiety and loss of sleep. Burton further states that mental illness happens in family groups and is hereditary. He notes that it is not the physical body that transmits the disease, but the manner, personality, temperament of the mind. ... ...
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166: Pentecostal "Slain in the Spirit" is occult, non-Christian and ...
over, (3) are under a form of hypnotic suggestion, (4) demonic force weakens them physically many diverse reasons, physical & emotional healing, giving of "gifts," anointing for service 99% fall backwards, there is the need for others to ... Biblical accounts of people falling supernatural appearance of angels, or God Himself revelation of Gods will, usually set down in the canon of Scripture All fell forward, no one "caught" them, no women fell in the Scriptures Click to View Slain In The Spirit? Pastor Larry Thomas ... My wife and I have observed less than 10 people fall under the power with no human intervention of some variety in 30 years of combined charismatic experience. When people get slain it is due to the direct ministry of another person, not a ... There is no record of a Pentecostal or charismatic service where all the people fell out under the power of God simultaneously. Also keep in mind the amount of priests at the dedication numbered in the hundreds and all had the exact same ... ...
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167: Incomparable Oleum Cephalicum: The best method for the cure of ...
Incomparable Oleum Cephalicum: (Sulfuric acid applied to the scalp) The best method for the cure of lunaticks Thomas Fallowes 1705 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1705 AD, Thomas Fallowes, doctor and mad house owner, ... It is of an excellent and most pleasant Smell; and by raising small Pustules upon the Head, which I always anoint with it, opens the Parts which are condens'd, and made almost insensible, by the black Vapours fix'd upon the Brain; it confirms the Texture of the Brain, strengthens the Vessels, and gives a Freedom to the Blood and Spirits inclos'd in them : Being given at first beginning of Disorder, it removes the Cloudiness of the Mind, makes the ... be easily observ'd upon view; the Situation is in an Air neither too subtle and thin, nor too gross; the Gardens to the House are Commodious, Large and Pleasant, into which the Patients are admitted, in their Intervals, and with a Person to attend them. ... ...
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168: Official creed of the Shakers: Compendium (1859) Mother Ann Lee
The Shakers Mother Ann Lee [1736-1784 AD] Click to View Short Summary of Doctrines Major historical detailed document of Shakers Click to View Click to View Click to View Charismatic Manifestations ... The very name God, Almighty, in its original Hebrew form El Shaddai, reveals the infinite quality. El, God, its first meaning, Strength: Shaddi, the plural whose singular, Shad, signifies a Breast and ... The Christian resurrection is a resurrection of the soul from death in sin to a life of righteousness, as judged by the Christian standard, not the revivification of the dead physical body. ... faith of the Society, are being corrected; and the false judgings of certain discrepancies existing between the profession and practice of the people, are almost entirely removed from the public mind. ... with the powers of darkness, are now being received with joy and gladness by thousands of person, as proof of a telegraphic communication established between the two worlds; and no more to be ... ...
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169: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
The case of "Lovesick" (Schizophrenia from love lost) Click to View The case of "Lovesick" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Depression, delusion, violence, uncontrolled anger, rage, lazy Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 ... Being desired to ascertain the nature of his disorder, I felt no hesitation in pronouncing his state to be that of decided insanity, consequent either upon disappointed love, or upon the depression of mind occasioned by his confinement [as a criminal], or, ... Pinel correctly understanding that insanity was a spiritual problem, not an organic/physical problem with the brain. Instead of drugs, he cured insanity by "moral treatments". "My faith in pharmaceutic preparations was gradually lessened, and my scepticism went at length so far, as to induce me never to have recourse to them, until moral remedies had completely failed" Philippe Pinel would rise up today and oppose the chemical psychiatrists who believe insanity is a chemical ... ...
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170: Psychologists are wrong to say remembering and getting angry ...
Psychologists and therapists wrongly believe it is important for you to remember past trauma and get angry! This is opposite to what the Bible says! Click to View Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic Introduction: Psychologists say remembering ... The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9 Psychiatrists wrongly make your mind dwell on negative and hurtful things. C. The Bible says do not seek revenge: It is a sin to seek revenge of the person who wronged you in your childhood. The Bible tells us no to take revenge when we suffer wrong at the hands of another: "Never ... teach that malice, hatred, anger, anxiety are problems themselves, but then they go on to council people who are not anger, to become angry as a way of curing the repressed memory syndrome. "Psychiatrists warn that malice and hatred cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems. ... ...
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171: Discussion: Eternal torment or annihilation?
... How do we reduce God's nephesh to the principle of physical life? Having no physical body, it seems that were best off considering nephesh as reference to God's transcendent self, as we do when we read of the mind of God, or the heart, or will or self. Earlier, I pointed out that in the Old Testament when the person died his transcendent self went to Sheol, and while he was cut off from the living, he was not necessarily cut off from conscious existence before God. Fudge and co. typically make the error of restricting nephesh to only the meaning which supports their view point, ignoring that nephesh is used in more than one way. They also ignore the evidence that while the life force may speak of animals, man has a transcendent nature that goes beyond the mere principle of physical life. If we try to force the words, "life principle" or "physical life" in each passage where nephesh is used, it demonstrates that nephesh has more than one meaning. Can the life principle shared of man and ... ...
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172: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric ... Confronted with such persons-regardless of whether they were called "hysterics"-he realized that the person who assumes the sick role is not necessarily sick and that hysteria is not a bona fide disease. ... Realizing that the problem he was called ... Seeing another hysterical woman who claimed to be unable to get out of bed, he "threatened her with rape and commenced to undress. He got to his under-garments when the woman fled the room screaming." (Psychiatry: The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 ... Anosognosia Relativism (DAR) EDS-7.7.7.DAR More on Silas Weir Mitchell By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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173: Scholars on the Personality of the Holy Spirit
Personality of the Holy Spirit: Click to View Quotes by Scholars Anti-Trinitarians will misquote scholars so frequently, that they effectively projecting the false idea that these scholars actually ... wide a range of meaning from "wind" to "intelligent personal beings" including: Man, Devil, demons, angels, the Holy Spirit and even God the Father Himself! The word spirit means breath in some places, but not always. The Holy Spirit is associated with God's power, but is often attributed clear personality in both the Old and New Testament. To prove the Holy Spirit is not a person, Jehovah's ... of 381, in a decree accepted by the whole Church. (A Catholic Dictionary, William E. Addis & Thomas Arnold, 1960, p 822-830) Although this spirit is often described in personal terms, it seems ... His "spirit" may indicate no more than active power or mood Isa 40:13, "Who hath directed the spirit [intention] of the Lord?" or, "who has known the mind [intention] of the Lord," SO Lxx and I Cor ... ...
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174: A Treatise on Insanity and Other Disorders Affecting the Mind ...
A Treatise on Insanity and Other Disorders Affecting the Mind James Cowles Prichard 1835 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1835 AD, James Cowles Prichard, Doctor, pioneered to the detriment of mankind, the idea of ... In a page out of modern chemical psychiatry, Prichard ascribes as many different kinds of moral insanity as sins listed in the Bible: "the varieties of moral insanity are perhaps as numerous as the modifications of feeling or passion in the human mind" So Prichard has moral insanity varieties like "theft", "murder", "ponzi stock market scheming" etc. Prichard, like psychiatrists today, believed ... In many instances it has been found that an hereditary tendency to madness has existed in the family, or that several relatives of the person affected have laboured under other diseases of the brain. The individual himself has been discovered to have suffered, in a former period of life, an attack of madness of a decided ... ...
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175: Panic Disorder is pure "classic" Junk science.
about ethical confusion and contradiction, and ultimately about the struggle to create a life of satisfaction and meaning. The same principles also apply to lesser intensities of emotional overwhelm. ... Biological theories point to possible physical defects in a person's autonomic (or automatic) nervous system. General hypersensitivity in the nervous system, increased arousal, or a sudden chemical ... Studies suggest that medication and cognitive behavioral therapy are about equally effective and the decision about which to take depends largely on the preference of the person with the panic ... Treatment for panic disorder includes medications and a type of psychotherapy known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches people how to view panic attacks differently and demonstrates ways to reduce anxiety." (Panic Disorder, Freedom From Fear, Staten Island, NY, National non-profit Mental Illness Advocacy Organization) 3. "By learning more about how the brain creates fear and anxiety, ... ...
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176: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion ... The case of "Moonchild" (violent, catatonic, schizophrenic mute) schizophrenia Click to View The case of "Moonchild" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 catatonic, schizophrenic mute Schizophrenia, delusion, ... Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug widely used to create chemical ... That was the reason for the subluriar existence of the feminine half of the population. My patient made up her mind to do something for the moon people, and planned to destroy the vampire [Jung]. ... It seemed that I had stopped her return to the moon; she could no longer escape from the earth. This world was not beautiful, she said, but the moon was beautiful, and life there was rich in meaning. ... ...
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177: Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible: Hebrew Greek word study ...
Click to View Mental Illness in the Bible Hebrew/Greek word study of "insanity" and "madness" Introduction: 1. The Bible clearly says that God will strike sinners with madness as a curse. a. Exactly how God accomplishes this is unknown. b. Paranoia, panic and horror was a key factor in why armies would turn on themselves. c. Whereas Nebuchadnezzar was directly and ... E. Definition of Hebrew "Timmahown", 8541 "confusion, mental illness" 1. "(timahown lebab) mental illness, formally, confusion of the heart, i.e., a physical condition of weakness of the mind, and so a person is in a confused condition and unable to respond normally and naturally to his daily condition. (Dt 28:28)" (Swanson, J, 1997, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domain, 8541) 2. The root meaning is "be astounded, dumbfounded, bewildered," with an element of fear, whether because of an amazing or fearful sight (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament) 3. "The Lord will smite you with the boils of ... ...
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178: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Hercules" (Insanity cured with torture) Click to View ... Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug widely used to create chemical ... Pinel correctly understanding that insanity was a spiritual problem, not an organic/physical problem with the brain. Instead of drugs, he cured insanity by "moral treatments". "My faith in ... Both insanity and shoplifting are behaviour choices that are "cured" only when the person's will makes a different choice... or in Biblical terms... when the person is brought to repentance. Pinel was ... ...
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179: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) are not caused from chemical ...
Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) is pure "classic" Junk science. Psychiatry is Junk science No scientific data that Psychiatry works! Click to View Snapshot: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) is one of many ... It is not caused by bad parenting nor is it a consequence of a personality disorder, moral weakness, or a fault in character. Research shows that genes play a strong role and may cause changes in brain chemistry and abnormalities in the way brain nerve cells function. People with the disorder may be more vulnerable to emotional and physical stresses ... Manic-Depressive Illness: A Practical Guide, Mogens Schou, Karger, 6th, revised edition 2004, p10) 9. "Bipolar disorder is an illness that affects how a person feels, thinks and acts. It is a sickness in the brain. ... XIII, Issue 12) 12. "Yet conclusions such as "depression is a chemical imbalance" are created out of nothing more than semantics and the wishful thinking of scientist/psychiatrists and a public who will believe ... ...
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180: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912 New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1965 A Catholic Dictionary, William E. Addis & Thomas Arnold, 1960 The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912 What the Watchtower quoted: What they left ... In view of this assertion it is necessary to consider in some detail the evidence afforded by Holy Scripture. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912, Vol. 15, p 47-49) Our comments: The Watchtower sets up a ... The Catholic Encyclopedia: "Nowhere in the Old Testament do we find any clear indication of a Third Person." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912, Vol. 15, Trinity, p 47-49, As quoted in "Should you ... Yet it seems that the Gospel revelation was needed to render the full meaning of the passages clear. Even these exalted titles did not lead the Jews to recognize that the Saviour to come was to be ... Encyclopedia, 1965, Trinity, p299-300) Strictly triadic formulas and the triadic frame of mind so clearly mark at least later NT compositions, that the exegete and the historian must recognize ... ...
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181: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Soup" (Schizophrenia, secret sin) Click to View The ... Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug widely used to create chemical ... upon a system of lenity and forbearance; and when that method failed, upon corporal and physical punishments, such as confinement, chains, flogging, spare diet, &c. (p) Public and private ... Pinel "cured" the man because after this, the man submitted his will and restored his weak and over tired body and mind to normal health. Pinel realized that the man's schizophrenia was a solution to ... ...
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182: Doctrinal Flip Flops of Jehovah's Witnesses!
... Perhaps not as beneficial to their fellow men as the community is led to believe.. in his book Who Is Your Doctor and Why? Doctor Alonzo Jay Shadman says: 'The blood in any person is in reality the person himself. It contains all the peculiarities of the individual from whence it comes. ... in God's new world." (Watchtower, Sept. 1, 1961 page 564) [Remember that Jw's believe man is monochotomous, wholly physical.] Click to View Pick another/Go to top . . Hemophiliacs can consume blood for survival 1990 (How Can Blood Save Your Life, 1990, p. 27) Click to View Pick another/Go to top . . Heart transplant will change your personality? 1971 "How Is Your Heart? ... The heart, nevertheless, is intricately connected with the brain by the nervous system and is well supplied with sensory nerve endings. The sensations of the heart are recorded on the brain. It is here that the heart brings to bear on the mind its desires and its affections in arriving at conclusions having to do with motivations. ... ...
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183: Door Knocking as a method of Evangelism
Everyone meets at the church building Saturday morning at 10 AM. Then you hand out one page (street) for each person that shows up. Afterwards you all meet for lunch somewhere and discuss the doors of opportunity the Lord has opened up! Click to View The Therapy of Door Knocking By Stanley E. Sayers The word therapy has almost been overworked, but we ... This is more a paraphrase than a direct quote, but the thought is there. The Therapy of Exercise We are overweight, bogged down with frustrations, and simple physical exercise can do much to rid us of both areas of ... The Therapy of Clearing the Mind Knocking doors is a great source of mental health. For one thing, we tend to forget our troubles and difficulties, or at least minimize them. The therapy of being out in the open air and away from the confinement of an office or whatever, is a help in itself. But when we consider that we are not doing this thing for ourselves, but for the Lord, it takes on candid meaning. We somehow ... ...
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184: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD is pure "classic ...
... Sugar intake creates spikes in adrenaline (you know, that hormone that makes you hyper) then crashes giving the person a tired feeling. Do this to your body every for a year to your child and you wonder why you have behaviour problems? ... ADHD, Autism, Aspergers are not caused from chemical imbalances in the brain. c. Psychiatrists will tell you that your children have a chemical imbalance in the brain, are mentally ill and need drugs to fix the problem. This is not true and is an example of junk science at work when they tell you this. The idea of a chemical imbalance in the brain is pure myth and unsupported by science. Click to View 7. Jesus commands us to be good parents and the best place to learn how to be a good parent is the Bible. Click to ... abnormal levels" in children. "The chemical imbalance theory has not been established by scientific evidence." (Thomas J. Moore, Senior Fellow in Health Policy at George Washington University Medical Center, Prescription for Disaster, ... ...
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185: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Dogs ...
Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Dogs" (depression, schizophrenia) Click to View The ... Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 Yes. He ingested psychiatrist prescribed drugs for years. This indicates he likely has brain damage and Tardive Dyskinesia Benefits EDS-7.4 Attention seeking, Pride, Praise, ... This resulted in a significant long term improvement that was noticeable to all. However, it took him over 5 years to get the court order removed that forced him into taking the mind numbing drugs ... All prescribed psychiatric drugs, including heroin, cocaine and alcohol, all have the same effect on the person in that they cause disablement. They are a chemical lobotomy that scales down executive ... ...
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186: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion ... The case of "Brimstone" (Super Spiritualism, schizophrenia) See the case of "Candy" Click to View The case of "Brimstone" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Religious mania, Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia ... Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug widely used to create chemical ... he was as 'mad' as before, praying or singing, or giving thanks continually". This behaviour is how the convicted mind attempts to gain favor and salvation from God without repentance. It is that old "balance scale salvation" your next door neighbor believes will get him to heaven without ever going to church because he is a basically good person and the net good he has done, outweighs the bad. ... ...
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187: H.A.A. Kennedy: The Expositor's Greek Testament, The Epistle ...
... And this reminds us of the point of emphasis, the unspeakable contrast between the heavenly and earthly states the p. E)eoi and the it. 8o4,\ov. The Apostle's mind is overpowered by the profound ethical meaning and value of the Humiliation. -,&w4pXwv. Probably = " being constitutionally " (Evans on i Cor. xi. 7), ,being by nature ". Cf. Liturgy of S. ... Cit., P. 242), between elvat twos as = equality of nature and elvclt torel as pointing to 11 the state and circumstances which are separable from the essence and therefore variable or accidental," or, with Lft., to say that twos would refer to the person. while lacl has in view the attributes. As a matter of fact the adverb l~we ... Fairbairn, Christ in Mod. Theol., pp. 476-477, tries to show that Christ emptied Himself of the "physical attributes" of Deity while retaining the "ethical ". But does this lead us any nearer a solution of the mystery in the depths of the Son's personality ?) Ver- 7. A question arises as to punctuation. W.H. ... ...
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188: Trinity proof texts: John 1:1
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The three "a,b,c" clauses referred to in this document: John 1:1a "In the ... in its two occurrences in John 1:1. However, they define God as a personal proper noun/name for the same person, thus they want to read into the passage that Jesus is the same person as the Father. ... So although we give them a gold star for consistency, do fail to win the prize. Jehovah's Witnesses don't even get a gold star! Arians (JW's) and some well meaning Trinitarians mistakenly translate it ... precedes the verb...this statement cannot be regarded as strange in the prologue of the gospel which reaches its climax in the confession of Thomas. 'My Lord and my God.' - John 20:28" Feinberg: Dr. ... Logos Theology (Christadelphians) paraphrase of NASB to support themselves. "In the beginning God had a fore-ordained plan in his mind (logos). And this fore-ordained plan was with God, and this plan ... ...
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189: A treatise of dreams & visions, Thomas Tryon, 1695 AD
... with their noise, and vain questions to disturb the poor Souls" (A treatise of dreams & visions, Thomas Tryon, 1695 AD) "Through much of the history of psychiatry recognition of the importance of ... physical methods of treatment especially by 'Blood-letting', 'sleepyfying things' and `stupifactive Medicines' - the forerunners of the sedatives and tranquillizers of today. Not until Battie (1758) was a professional voice raised against this traditional approach to mental illness. Tryon was also the first who condemned the practice of exposing the insane at Bethlem Hospital to public view, ... and Words, rather than Realities, and do conclude that most Diseases arise, either from Irregular passions of the Mind, or poysonous ferments, occasioned by ill Dyet, or improper Physick in the Body. ... Questions. - As, what are you here for ? How Long have you been here, &c. which most times enrages the Distracted person, tho calm and quiet before, and then the poor Creature falls a Raving .. . ... ...
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190: Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament, Hugh Farmer, 1775 ...
to have an unclean spirit, and convulsed him, and then came out of him, and hurt him not; the meaning must be 'that his disorder', which was of the kind ascribed to demoniacal possession, returned upon him with great violence." Notice Farmer rejects demon possession and instead calls it a "disorder". Farmer almost stands alone as a church preacher for first equating demon possession with the diseases like common cold, and second for viewing insanity as having a physical/biological cause. It seems he may have been strongly influenced by William Battie and John Monro, who took the same view. ... It is necessary to add, that the same person was reputed by many both a demoniac and a lunatic: a demoniac, because they referred the epilepsy to the possession of demons; a lunatic, because the fits ... human body all at once by his operatic upon it; but his entrance into the body; his seizing the mind, thereby preventing the regular use of the rational faculties, and sometimes of the corporeal ... ...
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191: Death is a departure to the spirit world, not extinction
... False teachers claim that the expression "gathered to your people" refers to a common burial ground for one's relatives. Like when a person dies today and is buried in the same grave site as his parents and ... Keil and Delitzsch define rephaim as referring to "those who are bodiless in the state after death." (Death and The Afterlife, Robert Morey, p. 78-80) From the meaning of rephaim, it is clear that when the body dies, man enters a new kind of existence and experience. He now exists as a spirit creature and experiences what angels and other disincarnate spirits experience. Just as angels are disincarnate energy beings composed only of "mind" or mental energy and are capable of supradimensional activity and such things as thought and speech without the need of a physical ... Transfiguration had Elijah and Moses appear in spirit form "I think I saw a ghost!" (Jesus' Disciples) Click to View The disciples, who had spent 3 years with Jesus, clearly believed that the spirits of dead ... ...
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192: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter "Should you believe in the Trinity?" Part 2: Bible section refuted Brace yourself for the single most satanic and deceptive booklet ever printed in world ... A simple reading of these verses would convince anyone of Trinity! John 1:1 and John 20:28, where Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God" where Jesus is called God and Mt 28:18-19 where we are ... That is why nowhere in the Bible is anyone but Jehovah called Almighty. Otherwise, it voids the meaning of the word "almighty." Neither Jesus nor the holy spirit is ever called that, for Jehovah alone ... THE Bible calls Jesus the "only-begotten Son" of God. (John 1:14; 3:16, 18; 1 John 4:9) Trinitarians say that since God is eternal, so the Son of God is eternal. But how can a person be a son and at ... The Watchtower takes little bits of McKenzie's comments on Jn 1:1 (a god) and leaves the false impression in the mind of the reader that McKenzie agreed with the JW's mistranslation. McKenzie is not a ... ...
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193: Encyclopedia Americana
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quotes & False Dilemmas: Secular Extensive quoting that misleads the reader to a conclusion opposite to what American actually says. Encyclopedia Americana Click to View ... The simplest affirmation is that God is "Three in One, and One in Three," without making use of such technical terms, derived from law or philosophy, as "substance" or "person." God is Father, and the Father is God; God is ... "It is held that although the doctrine is beyond the grasp of human reason, it is, like many of the formulations of physical science, not contrary to reason, and may be apprehended (though it may not be comprehended) by the human mind." (Encyclopedia Americana, Trinity, p116) An all powerful God, Jehovah, is beyond the grasp of ... The classical exposition is found in the works of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose views on this subject have dominated most of later Christian theology, both Roman Catholic and Protestant. (Encyclopedia Americana, Trinity, p116) ... ...
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194: Seven Myths Of Denominationalism!
... But sometimes it hurts! Email your comments to the author: Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA PREFACE The purpose of this book is to increase bible study by those ... It should be clear that we are not saved by myths, no matter how much we might believe them to be true (Mt. 7:21-23). No greater injustice can be done to a person than to lead him to believe that he ... The verb denominate is used throughout this book with the meaning of to give a name to with the intent of distinguishing one group from another. Thus, a denomination is a religious organization which ... The totally counterintuitive nature of the New Testament teaching clearly demonstrates that it could not have originated in the mind of man. However, once revealed it is not difficult to understand by ... Note that often we speak of the New Testament as being more spiritually oriented and the Old Testament being more of an appeal to the physical aspects of man. This is true, and it demonstrates that ... ...
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195: Part 2: Bible Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter "Should you believe in the Trinity?" Part 2: Bible section refuted Brace yourself for the single most satanic and deceptive booklet ever printed in world ... A simple reading of these verses would convince anyone of Trinity! John 1:1 and John 20:28, where Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God" where Jesus is called God and Mt 28:18-19 where we are ... That is why nowhere in the Bible is anyone but Jehovah called Almighty. Otherwise, it voids the meaning of the word "almighty." Neither Jesus nor the holy spirit is ever called that, for Jehovah alone ... THE Bible calls Jesus the "only-begotten Son" of God. (John 1:14; 3:16, 18; 1 John 4:9) Trinitarians say that since God is eternal, so the Son of God is eternal. But how can a person be a son and at ... The Watchtower takes little bits of McKenzie's comments on Jn 1:1 (a god) and leaves the false impression in the mind of the reader that McKenzie agreed with the JW's mistranslation. McKenzie is not a ... ...
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196: The Biblical pattern of counseling: Reactions of the person being ...
The Biblical pattern of counseling Click to View Reactions of the person being counseled to your judgments and advice! "Hit dogs howl!" "Warthogs that know they are about to be hit fabricate ... Every person you counsel will commit one or many of these dishonest ploys to keep their BIG SIN hidden. Remember that "Hit dogs howl!" and most mentally ill people have never been confronted with the ... Even more so if you like studying the Doppler effect being applied to the animal kingdom. You know? The well-known physical effect of sound as it changes pitch when, for instance, an ambulance with ... Now, to my mind, a warthog crossing an electric fence is not the really funny part. The truly perplexing part of the whole story is why the pigs invariably decide an hour or two later that they simply ... A. Denial and pleading ignorance: People simply will not tell you what they have done wrong. They will lie and deny any sin. Psychiatrists don't even ask what they have done wrong so are utterly ... ...
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197: Rich man and Lazarus in Hades: Luke 16:19-31: Neo-Sadduceeian ...
... Such wild interpretations are obviously wrong on every count! Jesus was not trying to explain the physical realities of the afterlife. Instead, He was referring to the unfaithfulness of the Jews ... Crews is arguing that all the intimate detail in the story MEANS NOTHING of what it appears to. Further Crews says that the meaning is not directly IN THE STORY but must be gleaned by the larger context. We will accept that Crews interpretation of Luke 16 has nothing at all to do with what the text ACTUALLY SAYS! Click to View Two conflicting Christadelphian views: . Christadelphian view #1 ... For, in fact, it embodies their belief." Jesus used "Beelzebub", was pagan false doctrine, since the person of the Devil doesn't really exist. God used a fable in Judges 9:7-15 Christadelphian view #1 ... Consequently, it must be concluded that Jesus had in mind the fulfillment of the illustration and framed its details and movement in harmony with the facts of the fulfillment rather than according to ... ...
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198: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
... form of dementia praecox [schizophrenia]", yet in spite of all the hundreds of hours of studying her, theorizing which brain chemical was out of balance or gene was defective, nobody knew the simple explanation the family had known for years. The psychiatrists would label her, "catatonic dementia praecox" but a child would say she is daydreaming and her family would say she is avoiding the fact she was dumped. ... have children and do something positive. Instead she became the condemned person of the "parable of the Talents" who hid her talents in the sand. "Schizophrenia is how the mind rationalizes the irrational." When the road led to a place she didn't want to go, she created an alternate reality as the only rational solution. This illustrates the Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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199: Prayer: sermon
... 1 Jn 1:9-10 b) We are in the "bond of iniquity" Acts 8:22-23 c) It has a big effect upon our physical health too: Ps 32:3-7 C. THANKSGIVING: Phil 4:6 1. Adoration/praise & thanksgiving defined: a) ... b) Rom 1:21 "neither did they give thanks" Click to View D. SUPPLICATION 1. Petitions for a personal request: Phil 4:6 a) wisdom: Jas 1:5-8 b) Health: 2 Cor 12:7-9 c) Daily needs: Mt 6:33 d) Resting temptation: Mt 26:41 2. Intercessions for others: a) Intercession: lit, "to soften the face by stroking" as a child does to parent to change mind b) Christ intercedes for us: Isa 53:12; Rom 8:34; Heb ... The entire discussion was overheard by a young woman who had been serving the tea. She said, "What? A whole month to tell the meaning of that text? Why it is one of easiest and best texts in the ... but practice righteousness b) "without wrath/anger" bearing no grudge or anger towards another person: Mt 5:21-22 c) "without dissentions" no strife and discord towards another: Mt 5:23-24 2. Women ... ...
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200: The fruit of Psychology: Bogus Intelligence testing and culling ...
Psychiatry: IQ testing to cull evolutionary misfits! Sterilization laws, eugenics, the holocaust, atheism, Darwinism Click to View Psychiatry is Junk science Its fruits are IQ testing to establish ... If you have taken an IQ test and are still alive, congratulations! You are considered smart enough in the eyes of atheistic psychiatrists to be allowed to live on the earth! Intelligence Quotient (IQ) ... However, by mid-century, the scientific method, which had shown modest gains in the understanding of physical nature, began to be applied to human nature. Even at this early stage, the foundation for ... a young married couple to set up house." (W. J. Federer, Great Quotations, Muggeridge, Malcolm Thomas, 2001) C. The fruit of Psychology: culling evolutionary misfits: Sterilization laws: "As ... Einstein would be the first to tell you that the only IQ test you need to pass, is if you believe in God! (Now that he is dead and has met God in person) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for ... ...
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