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351: The Bible & The Husband's responsibility to his Wife!
For the husband is head of the wife, even as Christ is head of the church; and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so let wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wife as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it . . . So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church . . . For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shal.1 be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh". It is impossible to completely deal with the ... He should see to their spiritual development by the life he lives and the direction in which he leads his family. Your wife is a part of your body - you are a part of each other. For this reason Paul said, "Love your wife". He didn't say, if you want to. As you love her, you love yourself and are fulfilling the role ... ...
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352: The Incarnation of God, the Son: Jesus Christ
Incarnation of Christ: God becomes man, Creator becomes creature "Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says, "Sacrifice and offering You have not desired, But a body You have prepared for Me; In whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You have taken no pleasure. "Then I said, 'Behold, I have come (In the scroll of the book it is written of Me) To do Your will, O God.' "" (Hebrews 10:5-7) "Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that ... This passage says that he exemplified a mind of humility in giving up the "form" of God to come in the flesh ... there was a change in outward appearance ... It is not the form of angels nor man, but is exclusive to the Godhead. It is this ... reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may have cause to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain. ... ...
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353: Mental Illness is just like any other disease! Mental Illness ...
Mental Illness is just like any other disease! "once objective biological signs are found, disorders stop being mental illnesses and become medical illnesses. Epilepsy, general paresis, and various medically caused cognitive ... There is no difference between physical and mental illnesses... and other Psychiatric Unicorns! Introduction: The reason the chemical psychiatry industry believes mental illness are all biological in nature is the result of their atheistic/evolutionary ideology, not scientific evidence. Given that psychiatrists reject the existence of the Spirit of God, they obviously view the idea that man has a spirit made in the image of God, distinct from the physical body as a myth. This should trouble Christians and clue them in on the battle ... was powerful advocate that all mental illnesses had a biological cause: "In short, Charcot was not an innocent victim of scheming hysterics; he was a knowing conspirator in one of the greatest medical hoaxes of the modern age. ... ... ...
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354: Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails!
Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails! Why do marriages fail? There are perhaps many answers, but one reason stands out as a major cause of marital difficulties. Many couples are not even aware of this threat to the marriage relationship until they are in real difficulty. Indifference is the enemy we have in mind. Think back to the beginning of your own marriage. Your probably did almost everything together. Unfortunately, in many instances this doesn't ... Complete indifference now characterizes a once vital and growing relationship. Obviously this is not what God had in mind when He said: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife" (Genesis 2:24). The word "cleave" ... There is no better way to fill a person's need for respect than by being a good listener. You will discover the truth of the Roman poet, Syrus, who said, "We are interested in others when they are interested in us". Last, avoid extreme fragmentation. Our world ... ...
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355: Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails!
Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails! Why do marriages fail? There are perhaps many answers, but one reason stands out as a major cause of marital difficulties. Many couples are not even aware of this threat to the marriage relationship until they are in real difficulty. Indifference is the enemy we have in mind. Think back to the beginning of your own marriage. Your probably did almost everything together. Unfortunately, in many instances this doesn't ... Complete indifference now characterizes a once vital and growing relationship. Obviously this is not what God had in mind when He said: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife" (Genesis 2:24). The word "cleave" ... There is no better way to fill a person's need for respect than by being a good listener. You will discover the truth of the Roman poet, Syrus, who said, "We are interested in others when they are interested in us". Last, avoid extreme fragmentation. Our world ... ...
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356: Why I left the Pentecostal church
young man named Timothy. I was born into a Pentecostal family of many years. My grandfather preached "fire and brimstone" from the time I could remember until his death in 1968. He was some-what an intimidating individual who was demanding and abrupt. I was taught that only those who were "chosen" or "called" could ever enter into the "faithful" ministry of our Lord. I never challenged his thinking or his preaching. What he said was like a direct command from Jesus Christ himself. With this in mind .. at ... I consented to go with the attitude that I would be able to shed some light on his teaching and thus convince others of their wrong. Something happened: what was preached was what I had secretly believed all my adult life ... One did not have to ... I then began to teach and preach the Gospel of Christ, it has now become my life. My desire is to teach those who are in error ... the truth ... that they to might become part of this body of Christ. I. Let Me Tell You Why I Am A Member of The ... ...
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357: Mental Illness Myths and other Unicorns!
There is no proof of this, only speculation based upon the theory of evolution and the denial that God exists and that man has no spirit apart from the body. Click to View Hysteria Myth: The myth that "hysteria" is mental illness. Click to View Click to View History of Psychiatric Myths Psychiatry has not progressed in 260 years! Bloodletting and vomiting to cure "melancholy blood". Neuroleptic drugs to cure "chemical imbalances" See the Bedlam nut house of the 1750's Click to View deviant sex Myth: The myth that "deviant sex" is mental illness. deviant sex is a lifestyle choice with no biologic cause. Psychiatrists have it all wrong! "Just like any other medical disease": Mental illnesses ... Psychiatry claims a chemical cause, without scientific proof, for emotional/spiritual/non-physical problems of people who are in perfect physical health. Psychiatry perpetuates the myth that one's state of mind and emotions are biologically based rather than spiritual. Everyone, including ... ...
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358: Aphorisms: Concerning the Knowledge and Cure of Diseases, Herman ...
Thought. 1090. This Disease arises from that malignancy of the Blood and Humors, which the Ancients have called Black choler : And again, though this Disease doth begin in what is called the Mind, it yet doth render the Choler black in the Body very soon. 1091. It will be therefore needful to draw a small Sketch of this wonderful Disease, whereof the Doctrine is supposed commonly to be so dark, that Antiquity is unjustly blamed for it. 1092. If the most moveable parts of all the Blood be dissipated and have left the less moveable united, then will the Blood become thick, black, fat and earthy. And this defect will be call'd by the Name of an Atrabiliar Humor, or Melancholy Juice. 1093. Whereof the Cause is whatever doth expel ... By withdrawing the Mind from the usual object to others contrary to the fame. b. By causing and raising very artfully another Passion of the Mind contrary to the constant Melancholic one. c. Sometimes by Siding with them in their false and depraved Fancies. d. ... ...
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359: Advancement of Learning, Francis Bacon, 1605 AD
which had long impeded study of the sick mind that mental illness was the result either of bodily disease or divine punishment. He suggested four lines of research along which psychiatry has in fact mainly advanced since his time. First, investigation of the mental faculties, their seats, actions and disturbances and the interaction of body and mind, which apart from philosophical studies began in earnest with phrenology in the early nineteenth century; secondly, detailed ... HUMANE PHILOSOPHY or HUMANITIE . hath two parts : The one considereth Man segregate, or distributively: The other congregate or in societie. So as HUMANE philosophy is either simple and PARTICULAR, or conjugate and Civile ; HUMANITIE Particular consisteth ... Foot-steps, and impressions of Diseases; The reason of which omission, I suppose to be, because the first enquirie may be satissied, in the view of one or a few Anatomies : but the latter being comparative and casuall, must arise from the view of many . . . ... ...
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360: The passions of the soul, Rene Descartes, 1650 AD
... It was not until the 1900's that psychiatry rejected Christianity for the idea that man is nothing but a pile of chemicals. (The passions of the soul, Rene Descartes, 1650 AD) "When Descartes formulated his ideas of l'homme machine whose functions like those of the animal body could be explained mechanistically, he was faced with the difficulty of how to account for the mind or soul of man - this fundamental difference between him and animals and the ... top of the conduit by which the spirits of its anteriour cavities have communication with those of the posteriour, whose least motions in it cause the course of the spirits very much to change, and reciprocally, the least alterations befalling the course of the spirits, cause the motions of the kernell very much to alter. How this kernell is known to be the principall seat of the soul The reason which persuades me that the soul can have no other place in the whole body but this kernell where she immediately exercises her functions is ... ...
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361: F01-F09 Mental disorders due to known physiological conditions
... For example, getting hit on the head can cause a severe change in mental abilities but it doesn't change personality. Dietary and nutrient deficiency (starvation, neglect) can damage the body and impact cognitive abilities. Generally, physical ... The DSM-5 says that physical conditions can trigger depression, anxiety, paranoia and schizophrenia like symptoms. The problem with this is that it is possible for the human mind to change the body and make it sick. This is well documented. "Virtually any ... It is well documented that the mind can trigger illnesses in the body. Most "biologic psychiatrists" reject the existence of the spirit in distinction from the body. They view man as nothing more than chemicals. When they encounter a physically ... F05.8 Other delirium F05.9 Delirium, unspecified F06 Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease F06.0 Organic hallucinosis F06.1 Organic catatonic disorder F06.2 Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] ... ...
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362: Official creed of United Pentecostal Church International
The Scripture does more than attempt to prove the existence of God; it asserts, assumes and declares that the knowledge of God is universal. (Romans 1:19, 21, 28, 32; 2:15). God is invisible, incorporeal, without parts, without body, and ... See modalism as taught by the UPCI Refuted at: Modalism THE SON OF GOD The one true God, the Jehovah of the Old Testament, took upon Himself the form of man, and as the Son of man, was born of the virgin Mary. As Paul says "and without controversy great is the ... The word "repentance" comes from several Greek words which mean, change of views and purpose, change of heart, change of mind, change of life, to transform, etc. Jesus said, -except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). Luke ... Our Lord Jesus Christ went about Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and disease among the people. (Matthew 4:23, 24). "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). The ... ...
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363: Boer, Harry R.: A Short History of the Early Church
The decisive catchword of the Nicene confession, namely, hoinoousios ("of one substance"), comes from no less a person than the emperor himself. To the present day no one has cleared up the problem of where the emperor got the term. It seems ... When God desired to create the world, . . . he begot another divine being to create the world for him. This divine being was called . . . Son because he was born; he was called Logos because he was taken from the Reason or Mind of God. . . . Justin and the ... There he is presented as the Savior of mankind, the head of the church, and as Lord, fully divine and fully human. The early church accepted him as a man, and confessed and worshiped him as God. It placed him on the same level as the Father and ... In their view, the man Jesus whom God adopted was fully and truly human. Not so the Jesus of Arius. In his teaching, Jesus had a human body but not a human soul. The Logos took the place of the human soul in Jesus. He was therefore a creature who ... ...
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364: McKenzie, John L.: Dictionary of the Bible
The Watchtower takes little bits of McKenzie's comments on Jn 1:1 (a god) and leaves the false impression in the mind of the reader that McKenzie agreed with the JW's mistranslation. What is clear, is that when McKenzie says Jesus is a divine being, he is saying that Jesus is in that unique class of divine being with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to the exclusion of all others. Jehovah's Witnesses satanically redefine ... In the words of Jesus and in much of the rest of the NT the God of Israel (Gk. ho theos) is the Father* of Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that the title ho theos, which now designates the Father as a personal reality, is not applied in the NT to Jesus Himself; Jesus is the Son of God (of ho theos). This is a matter of usage and not of rule, ... Deity is conceived not in the Gk term of nature but rather as a level of being, "the holy"; between this level and the level of "flesh" there is an impassable gulf. Impassable, that is, by man; it is bridged by Jesus, the Son, ... ...
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365: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd Berossus: Babyloniaca or History of Babylonia 280 BC Click to View Oannes was the fish-man invented by Berossus In 280 BC, Berossus wrote Babyloniaca (History of Babylonia) Berossus records a ... Ararat to gather wood to be used a lucky charms to ward off evil. 2. Oannes is a fiction invented by Berossus: "an animal destitute of reason, by name Oannes, whose whole body (according to the account of Apollodorus) was that of a fish; that under the fish's head he had ... It is clear that Berossus copied from these previous works in his book as source materials. 3. We have no extant manuscripts of Berossus book called, "The History of Babylonia". However, several others quote from him in exerts from his book. ... build a vessel, and take with him into it his friends and relations; and to convey on board every thing necessary to sustain life, together with all the different animals; both birds and quadrupeds, and trust himself fearlessly to the deep. ... ...
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366: Conscious life after death proven from the Bible
... They refer to the body as "the outer man" and the soul/spirit as the "inner man" in such places as Rom. 7:22 and Eph. 3:16. The contrast is so clearly embedded in the mind of the Apostle Paul that he even described "the outer man" as decaying while the "inner ... In 2 Cor. 12:2-4, he could describe a person as being completely conscious while out of the body as well as when the person was in the body. The man in the passage did not cease to exist while out of his body. The man's transcendent soul or spirit could leave his body and ascend to the third heaven and be conscious in the presence of God. In 2 Cor. 5:14, the body is "an earthly tent" in which we dwell. In Phil. 1:22-24, Paul could speak of himself as an "I am" which ... Drought and heat consume the snow waters, So does Sheol those who have sinned. "A mother will forget him; The worm feeds sweetly till he is remembered no more. Job 30:22-23 "Thou dost lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride; And Thou dost dissolve me in a ... ...
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367: The Bible story of the boy who ran away from home!
It has been a real popular song among the younger generation. The theme raises a most profound and disturbing question for many. The reason is simply because they have no goal, no purpose for living and are just drifting along like the ... And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him unto his fields to feed swine. And he would have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my ... Many of us have left our earthly parent's home. It wasn't easy to do providing we enjoyed a happy family relationship. For others we could hardly wait to get out, the relationship was so unpleasant. I have had teens tell me: "My parents ... This young man found himself empty, lonely, in pain and confused. Nothing seemed to work or go right for him. He had no peace of mind and found no satisfaction in anything. To top it all off, he was at the point of starvation. He had to ... ...
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368: The Bible story of the boy who ran away from home!
It has been a real popular song among the younger generation. The theme raises a most profound and disturbing question for many. The reason is simply because they have no goal, no purpose for living and are just drifting along like the ... And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him unto his fields to feed swine. And he would have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my ... Many of us have left our earthly parent's home. It wasn't easy to do providing we enjoyed a happy family relationship. For others we could hardly wait to get out, the relationship was so unpleasant. I have had teens tell me: "My parents ... This young man found himself empty, lonely, in pain and confused. Nothing seemed to work or go right for him. He had no peace of mind and found no satisfaction in anything. To top it all off, he was at the point of starvation. He had to ... ...
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369: Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible
... Detailed self-inquiry of the cause of your problems. Click to View Part 3: Etiological Diagnostic Snapsheet (EDS-7) Diagnostics of the cause of your mental illness. God strikes sinners with insanity as a curse learn more Man is Dichotomous: Body and Spirit The ghost in the machine that consciously survives death and awaits the judgment of God. Human memory is not located inside the physical brain. Mood, emotion and choice have their origin in the spirit, not chemicals in the brain. The body generates physical feelings not emotion. learn more Click to View Sin can make you physically sick. The mind can destroy the body. learn more Click to View ... AIS: "Anger Induced Schizophrenia" MOA: "Money Oriented Anxiety" learn more Description: Description: Description: Description: Click to View Saul: The Psychotic king Saul drove himself insane out of hatred for David and rebellion to God. David spends 7 years in Saul's Palace (1019-1012 BC) learn more Nebuchadnezzar The sinful king God struck ... ...
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370: Official creed of the Unity/Unitarian Church
Unity has abandoned the popular image that God is an elderly, superhuman male with a white flowing beard who lives in a remote place "up there". We do not believe that God is fickle, answering some prayers and ignoring others. We do not look upon God as a deity to be feared. One fundamental attribute of God is that God ... conceives of heaven as expressed by Jesus: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand", and "The kingdom of God is in the midst of (within) you". Charles Fillmore definedit as "a state of consciousness in which the soul and the body are in harmony with Divine Mind". One does not have to wait until death. Heaven can thus be enjoyed at any time through prayer. ... Unity interprets Satan's temptation of Jesus symbolically. Satan did not tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread; it was the "voice of human hunger"; the temptation to throw himself off the highest part of the temple was "the voice of human desire for recognition"; the temptation to becomea ruler was "the voice of ... ...
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371: 5 Barriers to church growth
Would boss have him spend time selling or training others to sell? members: preacher says and does all the right things apathetic, stubborn and resistant to his efforts "Its the preachers job...what do we pay him for? If he pushes too hard he gets fired or quits in discouragement do not appreciate the luxury of having a full time man: "Only be around for 3 years" Preacher is not family, he is a ... Preachers and money: CHART: "THE MOST POTENT CHURCH BUILDER TODAY" Preacher thinks up some fancy program members supply cash Evangelism: first thing that pops into mind is a gospel meeting or ad in ... WOMEN OVERLOOKED Always unrest when women are overlooked: "He takes care of himself first, & I am at bottom of his priority list." Acts 6 there was unrest in the church because the women were being ... Dale Carnage "You'll never move up in the world if you're always running someone down Two doctors: "Halitosis of the mind" another "Ear Disease" Photographer: a negative that is developed and then ... ...
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372: Is Suicide an answer to life's problems?
Everything kept going wrong . . . My parents are always saying 'Do this,' 'Don't do that' and they never help me know how to do it." Problems such as these cause us many times to question what is really good about life. There is an answer to hopelessness, ... Judas, who betrayed the sinless son of God, died in this form of shame. "And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself." (Matt. 27:5) Thus, he did commit suicide with the gloom of disgrace against his soul ... You are important because you are a creature of God. As one observed: "One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man." Being made in God's likeness gives you reason to live. Second, for every man God has a plan. Every man is an expression of the thought of God. No man's life is purposeless, for God sent you into the world to do some definite thing. Being made in God's image, He wants you to use your body as his representative here on earth. He wants you to learn from His ... ...
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373: One verse refution of Transubstantiation
ONE VERSE REFUTATION #1: If you carefully read Mt 26:27-29 above, you will notice that after Jesus "gave thanks" and proclaimed "this is my blood", Jesus himself refutes both RC and Orthodox because he then afterwards called ... Supposed proof texts put forward by Roman Catholic and Orthodox advocates are most naturally seen as proving that the bread and juice were symbols of the body and blood. To see transubstantiation in these texts requires one to strain the text as much as our mind. Transubstantiation is a false doctrine because Jesus is not a ... "In the early Church, the only people who denied that the Eucharist was truly the Body and Blood of Christ were those who also denied that the Word had truly become man." (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the ... Just as you (Irenaeus) have argued that the bread and juice must be transubstantiated into something that is undetectable to our senses, we argue that the reason it is undetectable to our senses, is because the literal body ... ...
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374: What Early Christians believed about Hades: where conscious dead ...
not only continue to exist, not by passing from body to body, but that they preserve the same form [in their separate state] as the body had to which they were adapted, and that they remember the deeds which they did in this state of existence, and from which they have now ceased,-in that narrative which is recorded respecting the rich man and that Lazarus who found repose in the bosom of ... tells us] also of the answer given by Abraham, who was acquainted not only with what respected himself, but Dives also, and who enjoined those who did not wish to come into that place of torment to ... And, for this reason, the Lord declared to those who showed themselves ungrateful towards Him: "If ye have not been faithful in that which is little, who will give you that which is great? " ... he hath raised to life that body which was made as a compound of the same elements, to make it immortal; for it must never be said of God, that he is able to do some things, and unable to do others. ... ...
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375: Death: Why did God Kill My loved one?
Second, God did not make your loved one sick, neither did he kill him as a direct act. (Although God does chasten his children when the sin in various ways: Heb 12:4-14.) The fact is, some bad things happen by chance, others because of ... When people ask, "Why would God allow my husband to die of a disease at age 40?" they are asking the wrong question. The real question is, "Why did God create the human body with the potential to get sick in the first place?" People die of disease, because God created us that way at the beginning. All men are in a kind of "life lottery", where we really don't know how we will die. God knows, but that doesn't mean he is specifically picking on you or your family. All men are in the same state. Every man that ... What we see in this world is not eternity but a temporary state of things. When Stephen was being stoned to death in Acts 7:56 by the future Apostle Paul, he cried out to Jesus, not for himself, but for those who were sinning against him. ... ...
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376: Death: Why did God Kill My loved one?
Second, God did not make your loved one sick, neither did he kill him as a direct act. (Although God does chasten his children when the sin in various ways: Heb 12:4-14.) The fact is, some bad things happen by chance, others because of ... When people ask, "Why would God allow my husband to die of a disease at age 40?" they are asking the wrong question. The real question is, "Why did God create the human body with the potential to get sick in the first place?" People die of disease, because God created us that way at the beginning. All men are in a kind of "life lottery", where we really don't know how we will die. God knows, but that doesn't mean he is specifically picking on you or your family. All men are in the same state. Every man that ... What we see in this world is not eternity but a temporary state of things. When Stephen was being stoned to death in Acts 7:56 by the future Apostle Paul, he cried out to Jesus, not for himself, but for those who were sinning against him. ... ...
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377: Official creed and Baptismal vows of Seventh-day Adventist church
... Psalms 104: Hebrews 11:3 #7 The Nature Of Man Man and woman were made in the image of God with individuality, the power and freedom to think and to do. Though created free beings, each is an indivisible unity of body, mind, and soul, dependent upon God for life and breath and all else. When our first parents disobeyed God, they denied their dependence upon Him and fell from their high position under God. The image of God in them was marred and they became subject to death. Their descendants share this fallen nature and its consequences. They are born with weaknesses and tendencies to evil. But God in Christ reconciled the world to Himself and by His Spirit restores in penitent mortals the image of their Maker. ... Stewardship is a privilege given to us by God for nurture in love and the victory over selfishness and covetousness. The steward rejoices in the blessings that come to others as a result of his faithfulness. Support is found in these Bible passages: Genesis 1:26-28: Genesis ... ...
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378: Pre-Marital Sex and the Bible
in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge" Hebrews 13:4. In the Bible, a prostitute, a harlot, a whore, were all guilty of the same thing- fornication. One may prostitute himself for any kind of gain, not just money. ... The guilty Corinthians were forgiven, redeemded. Fornication is a sin against the other person involved. It is always a mutual sin engaged in by two or more. Involving others in your own sin, You sin against them. If your convictions had been strong perhaps they would have been encouraged to do right. The sin, the shame, the wrong is shared by both. For this reason Paul writes in I Corinthians 7:2, "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband". Temptation is not a sin fornication is. Fornication is a sin against oneself. Paul said, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body" I ... ...
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379: Sola Scriptura: The Holy Spirit does not guide us to understand ...
And from that fact it follows that for an individual Christian to dissent from the faith of the universal Church (i.e., the body of true believers), is tantamount to dissenting from the Scriptures themselves. (Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, Presbyterian ... Such then is a conviction that requires no reasons; such, a knowledge with which the best reason agrees-in which the mind truly reposes more securely and constantly than in any reasons; such, finally, a feeling that can be born only of heavenly revelation. I speak of nothing other than what each believer experiences within himself-though my words fall far beneath a just explanation of the matter. (John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, I. vii. 4) "In order for the ... Protestant, 2001, p 100) Protestant/Reformed: Inward Witness Anti-Creedalists: Sebastian Franck, 1499 - 1542 AD, is an example of a man who rejected the church creeds, while continuing to believe the Holy Spirit directly guides you to understand the Bible. ... ...
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380: Cigarette Smoking and the Bible
Obviously, something dangerous to the health cannot possibly enhance, or build up, the body. Smoking is contrary to healthful practices and acts to weaken or destroy the body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Christians do not ... Soul winning is more difficult for smokers. In Philippians 2:3-4, we read ". . - Let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others". In other words, be considerate. Be thoughtful. Smokers cannot be thoughtful when ... If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are? I Corinthians 3:16-17. Most smokers find quitting difficult. The smoker who loves Christ has good reason to want to quit, ... If you are one of these, endure the discomforts, remembering always that you can do so for your Christ; your agony is small compared to that which He suffered for you. You can quit for Him, for His cause, and for the sake of all those ... ...
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381: Reincarnation is not taught in the Bible!
Reincarnation says that the soul of one is reborn in another body or form. The idea that demons are spirits of departed wicked men come back to life in the body of another seems to me to be a form of reincarnation. The reason why a cow is so well treated in countries like India is because the 'cow' just might be grandmother or some other relative reincarnated. Jean ... One psychic researcher said, "I feel it is strong evidence of possible reincarnation." There needs to be kept in mind the big difference in the Biblical doctrine of life after death and in reincarnation; they ... says "we must needs die, and are as water split on the ground. which cannot be gathered up again, neither doth God respect any person. Job 14:1-2 "Man that is born of woman is a few days, and, full of trouble. ... He came back to life as himself, not as his uncle Or some friend. New Testament passages that refute Reincarnation: There are not only the above Old Testament Passages that disprove reincarnation, but some New ... ...
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382: Psychopaths and sociopaths are not insane
by others. They are also narcissistic and completely self-serving. Psychopaths share these qualities: Believe in atheism/evolution. Usually above average intelligence, but not always. Anyone who has the ability to comprehend the philosophical implications of atheism/evolution is capable of becoming psychopaths. High self-esteem and narcissism: They view themselves as smarter, "the evolutionary man of the ... A. The psychopath is not mentally ill or crazy: Most people wrongly believe that psychopaths are mentally ill, crazy and out of their mind. This is totally false. Hannibal in "Silence of the lambs" is what we imagine psychopaths to be. Psychopaths are famous in Hollywood movies for cutting body parts off a random victim, eating them while still alive, then dumping them ... Remember, a conscience only reacts to what a person believes is right or wrong. Psychopaths believe that its ok to murder and cannibalize. The reason they do not feel remorse, is because they do not think they have ... ...
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383: About who we are! The Interactive Bible:
We feel that the solution to the vast religious division, is for the Bible to be the only source of religious authority for worship, doctrine and morality. We believe that human creeds, catechisms and statements of faith cause religious ... We are determined to be simply Christians. We have no ambition to be anything more and we cannot be content to be anything less. For this reason, we are not interested in man-made church doctrines but only in the New Testament blueprint. With the Bible as our only guide, we ... We have no one to answer to but Christ. He is the head of the church which leaves no room for any human head. We do have a body of men who oversee each local congregation called "elders or bishops or shepherds". These three terms are ... All rights reserved. Free private use From our web site at, you may download the information and print it for yourself and others as long as you give it away and do not charge for it. In this case, free means free. It cannot be ... ...
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384: Official Creed of: The Independent Fundamental Churches of America ...
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and, that He is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing ... We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but that in Adam's sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God; and that man is totally depraved, and of himself utterly unable to remedy his lost condition (Genesis 1:26,27; ... We believe that Satan is a person, the author of sin and the cause of the fall; that he is the open and declared enemy of God and man; and, that he shall be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire (Job 1:6,7; Isaiah 14; 12-17; Matthew 4:2-11; ... It is further characterized by an attempt to accommodate biblical Christianity and make it acceptable to the modern mind. We believe that these movements are out of harmony with the Word of God and the official doctrine and position of the ... ...
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385: Why is Christianity the only true world Religion?
But if Christianity is not superior to other religions, then as Professor D.S. Sama has noted, "it just may as well join hands on equal terms as their friend and ally in a common cause". The majority of the world's religions are more of a philosophy ... There is no way of knowing what part of Buddhist teachings came from Buddha himself since no record of his teaching seems to have been committed to writing for over 200 years. Then too, Buddhism in its original form was not a religion at all. It was more a system of psychological ethics. Buddha felt no particular need for a god. To him, worship was useless and prayer empty. Confucius claimed to be an agnostic concerning the next life and the world of the gods. His mind was immersed in the ... He led armies that in time captured the territory of Arabia. The teachings of Muhammad were soon recorded in what is known as the Koran. Of course, like Confucius, Buddha and others, Muhammad went to his grave and remains there. When one turns to ... ...
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386: Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to attempt to prove "Inherited ...
... Notice that Acts 2:8 says that men were "born in a language". (They actually learned the language) That the reason he committed this sin is because, unlike all other men and contrary to nature, David was born a sinner. (Hyperbole/exaggeration for the sake of poetry) People often overstate things when they are in the midst of grief for their sin. Paul used Hyperbole when he called himself the ... Notice "our iniquities" is the cause with no mention of Adam. Jer 13:23 They were accustomed to doing evil, it doesn't say they were born that way. A leopard is not held accountable for not being able to change its spots. If all men are evil, how can anyone be saved if they can't change. Yet Ezek 33:13-16 teaches that each man has the freewill to do good or evil and that he will be judged ... depraved nature, then Christ also had it because the same word describes Him in Heb 2:14; 1 Pe4:1; 3:18; 1 Jn 4:2. Notice the battle between the evil "flesh" and the good "inner man/will/law of mind". ... ...
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387: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is pure "classic" Junk science ...
the cause. Why do you need to waste hundreds of dollars telling a shrink why you are anxious, you already know why you are stressed. He won't offer any solutions but just keep you coming back till you get over it yourself. The real solution is to do what Jesus said: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 "For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to ... Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which ... 2006) "Scientists currently think that, like heart disease and type 1 diabetes, mental illnesses are complex and probably result from a combination of genetic, environmental, psychological, and developmental factors. ... ... ...
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388: Arian (Jehovah's Witness) Subordination Refuted
These false teachers use the fact that of Christ's subordination, to prove Jesus is not God, but a creature. They reason it is impossible for God to serve, and if He does, he ceases being God. Click to View "Dogwoman" ... Class of being Rank order God and Christ Equal beings Christ submits God and man Man inferior beings Man submits Man and wife Equal beings Wife submits Man and animals Animals inferior beings Animals submit Parents and children Equal beings Children submit Boss and employee Equal beings Employee submits The subordination of Christ to the Father: Choices that cause us to be "down ranked" in authority! Before making the ... A lower rank than God: Must submit to God Phil 2:5-8 says that before the incarnation, Christ was equal to God, but when Christ chose to empty himself of this equality with God, he became obedient to the Father. Conclusion: Anti-Trinitarians create a false dilemma in the mind of the reader by projecting the false illusion that if Jesus is ... ...
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389: 10 Supposed extinction proof texts refuted!
... and send him away. "His sons achieve honor, but he does not know it; Or they become insignificant, but he does not perceive it. "But his body pains him, And he mourns only for himself." Job 14:19-22 Ps 39:6 "Surely every man walks about as a phantom; Surely they make an uproar for nothing; He amasses riches, and does not know who will gather them. "there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol" The dead are in a state of waiting where they are no longer building and planning. This verse is very simple to understand. Many have the false notion that the dead are living in their own little world of activity. This verse, and many others, clearly prove that the dead wait. ... Drought and heat consume the snow waters, So does Sheol those who have sinned. "A mother will forget him; The worm feeds sweetly till he is remembered no more. Job 30:22-23 "Thou dost lift me up to the wind and cause me to ride; And Thou dost dissolve me in a storm. "For I know that Thou wilt bring me to ... ...
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390: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) are not caused from chemical ...
... and depressive episodes, at least if they have the disease in typical form." (Lithium Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness: A Practical Guide, Mogens Schou, Karger, 6th, revised edition 2004, p10) 9. "Bipolar disorder is an illness that affects how a person feels, thinks and acts. ... David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric Times, December, Dec. 1996, Vol. XIII, Issue 12) 13. "What are the causes of Depression? The cause of depression is unknown. For some people an obvious stress seems to a precipitating factor, for others depression may occur without any apparent reason. There is evidence to suggest that depression is a biological disorder. Neurotransmitters in the brain may be thought of as chemical ... But even when they work well, antidepressant drugs act slowly and produce some side effects. Such effects led researchers to wonder if mood disorders came from chemical disturbances in the body or brain. If so, could they be put right by drugs? Intensive study has produced major ... ...
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391: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD is pure "classic ...
All three fall under "Autistic Spectrum Disorders" in the DSM-IV. Drugging children for any of these is child abuse. Click to View The 10 minute Video Challenge Mental illness is behaviour and not disease. Ritalin is poison not ... Autism, Aspergers are predictable, considering the variation of personality in the human population. Temperament is determined by the spirit, not the body, so genetics is not a factor. Spiritual temperament, however, does cause some children to have higher energy levels that get labeled "hyper active". ... In other words, they have learned they can act hyper, be disruptive, be rude, interrupt, do what every they feel like doing in total disregard to the rules all others must follow. Narcissism and rebellion are often the root of ... Conclusion: 1. ADHD, Autism, Aspergers are not diseases, conditions or disorders. They are so confusingly similar that many doctors do not differentiate them. 2. Drugging any child for any reason because of a diagnosis of ADHD, ... ...
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392: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 Benefits EDS-7.4 Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5 Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 Revenge: EDS-7.4.8 Monetary EDS-7.5 - Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6 ... He is upset about something EDS-7.7.12.PMO 5 years later EDS-7.7.LPT The case of "Lovesick" Philippe Pinel, 1806 AD: A young man is jilted by a woman who then commits a crime, ends up first in jail, ... As I found him free from fever, I merely prescribed a light diet, persuaded that his disorder consisted in great depression and distress of mind. On the succeeding days I observed but little change in ... Perhaps he went on a rage and did property damage. Perhaps he began to stock the girl or threatened her. After he landed himself in jail, he chose to become depressed to the point he was sent to the ... This may explain why he went on a wild rage of anger during one of Pinel's visits. Nobody had comprehended the real cause of his delusions and everything they said was stupid and wrong to him. And it ... ...
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393: The Bible and In-Law Trouble
The reason for this is easy to understand. Family relationships developed over many years ideally are very close and very enduring. Parents by nature love their children. They guide, teach, discipline them, and help form their sense of values, their ... What then is the solution for this conflict of relationships - a conflict which arises from the natural affection of parents for their children and of children for their parents? Jesus himself suggests the solution when, in Matthew 19:4-6, he quotes God's intention when he established the institution of marriage and the home. "Have you not read," he said, "that he who made them in the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and ... But if both parents and children are Christians, and try to exercise the love and compassion, the kindness and understanding which Jesus always showed for others, there should be no in-law trouble, but both the new and the parental homes will have a ... ...
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394: Material Possessions and the Family
Jesus said in Luke 12:15-31: "take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And ... But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall these things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. Therefore, I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat; neither for the body, what you shall put on. The life ... And seek not you what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, neither be you of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that you have need of these things. ... We seek after gadgets which will wear out in a few weeks or which will fill our garages after they have lost their fascination. We give little thought to our soul until some bodily warning of disease reminds us that ... ...
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395: Psychiatry views faith in God as a brain trick!
The bible provides no exception for the behaviour of mentally ill people. Sin will be judged. The Biblical doctrine of the dichotomous nature of man, being composed of an immaterial spirit and a physical body is called the "Moral/spiritual model" in Biblical Psychiatry. Evolutionary Psychiatry bemoans the fact that faith in God is so universal and wide ... also a professor of philosophy at the University of California in San Diego, pulls no punches about his commitment to a reductive-materialist view of the human mind. In his latest book, The Eitqine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul, he asserts that all human mental life is reducible to the brain viewed as a "biological computer. ... ... Psychiatrists, already adherents to evolution, believe the prevalence of religion in all cultures is because of a malfunctioning part of the brain! Even atheist Richard Dawkins embarrassed himself by flying 7000 miles to try it on and experience God for himself! Click to View Conclusion: It is ... ...
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396: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "faint ...
Not taking any prescribed psychiatric drugs. Benefits EDS-7.4 Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5 Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 Smokescreen for secret sin that is soon to be ... cause of significant unrest in the home with anger and yelling. Both were self-centered and hyper narcissistic. Both became romantically involved with men other than their husbands, after 15 years of marriage. Both told other sisters in the church about their feeling for the "other man", but portrayed themselves as models for Christian women to follow and imitate in their fight against temptation. Both fainted in church on Sunday morning shortly after the Lord's supper, and had to be taken away by ambulance where they were both examined by a medical doctor. All tests indicated the body was ... highly probable, led the patient to the place where the ebullition [boiling, unsettled] of his mind, could no longer be repressed." (Description Of The Retreat For Insane, Samuel Tuke, 1813 AD) ... ...
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397: Sunday: Weekly memorial of the resurrection of Christ
1, pg. 186) 190AD CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: He does the commandment according to the Gospel and keeps the Lord's day, whenever he puts away an evil mind . . . glorifying the Lord's resurrection in himself. (Vii.xii.76.4) 200AD TERTULLIAN: Others . . . suppose that the sun is the god of the Christians, because it is well-known that we regard Sunday as a day of joy. (To the Nations 1: 133) ... Gospel 4:16:186). 350 AD APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTIONS: Be not careless of yourselves, neither deprive your Saviour of His own members, neither divide His body nor disperse His members, neither prefer the occasions of this life to the word of God; but assemble yourselves together every day, morning and ... him to us, and condescended to let him suffer, and raised him from the dead. " (Apostolic Constitutions 2:7:60). More historical quotes Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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398: The Bible and In-Law Trouble
The reason for this is easy to understand. Family relationships developed over many years ideally are very close and very enduring. Parents by nature love their children. They guide, teach, discipline them, and help form their sense of values, their ... What then is the solution for this conflict of relationships - a conflict which arises from the natural affection of parents for their children and of children for their parents? Jesus himself suggests the solution when, in Matthew 19:4-6, he quotes God's intention when he established the institution of marriage and the home. "Have you not read," he said, "that he who made them in the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and ... But if both parents and children are Christians, and try to exercise the love and compassion, the kindness and understanding which Jesus always showed for others, there should be no in-law trouble, but both the new and the parental homes will have a ... ...
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399: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
When the Publishers issued the first volume of this work, they felt that it supplied a want long realized by the Christian world, in illuminating a subject which is of great interest to the Christian mind, the relation of the son of God to the Father, and his position in Heaven, together with the fall of man and the ... A lot of trouble and embarrassment would have been avoided in years to come if a few others than the "Spirit of God" had gotten some credit. Although the Scriptures do make it plain that every good and perfect gift comes ... Even those who might have had their own key to the vault (so to speak) found It fascinating that the shut door might have a possibility of being opened even a little. Donald R. McAdams, himself a competent researcher on ... The interesting and significant part of this story, as he tells It, is that the White Estate would not allow this church historian to release his work or conclusions to the church or the world. 7 McAdams had another reason ... ...
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400: Material Possessions and the Family
Jesus said in Luke 12:15-31: "take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And ... But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall these things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. Therefore, I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat; neither for the body, what you shall put on. The life ... And seek not you what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, neither be you of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that you have need of these things. ... We seek after gadgets which will wear out in a few weeks or which will fill our garages after they have lost their fascination. We give little thought to our soul until some bodily warning of disease reminds us that ... ...
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