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251: Apostate church organization: 150-250AD: The rise of the single ...
Finally this bishops of larger churches began to exercise control over smaller churches. Bishops began to control not only their own local churches, but a group of local churches within a geographic area that is known today as a "diocese". Click to View John Paul II Catholic, Bishop of Rome, Pope Click to View Introduction Click to View Graphical Mouse Rollover of gradual change of organization over time Click to View 4 Competing views of organization Click to View Outline: 33-150 AD Click to View Outline: ... Such men appear to me not to keep a good conscience, forasmuch as they do not assemble themselves together lawfully ..." (Ignatius to the Magnesians 4:1) 250 AD I have had the privilege of seeing you, through Damas your most worthy bishop, and through your worthy presbyters Bassus and Apollonius, and through my fellow-servant the deacon Sotio, whose friendship may I ever enjoy, inasmuch as he is subject to the bishop as to the grace of God, and to the presbytery as to the law of ... ...
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252: Sola Scriptura was not impeded by a 10% of people could read ...
Even a Protestant author admits sola Scriptura was impossible in the first century! "Literacy in the Roman empire, by very rough estimate, did not exceed 10 percent on average." (Wayne Meeks, The Moral World of the First Christians, 1986). Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "Sola Scriptura is impossible since only 10% of people could read in 100 AD" Literacy rates are irrelevant: Scriptures were easily accessible to all from Moses to 1436 AD. Sola Scriptura means you ... Acts 8:27-28 Paul's custom was to reason from the scriptures in the synagogues every Sabbath in order to convert Jews to give up the Old Law and start worshipping with Christians on the first day of the week. Acts 13:15; 17:1-2; 10-11; 18:4 "After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying, "Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it." Acts 13:15 "Now when they had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, ... ...
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253: Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! Irrefutable proof texts ...
... Matthew 4:1-11. Three times Jesus was tempted by the Devil and each time Jesus replied exactly the same three dangerous words that defeated the Devil: "IT IS WRITTEN" Read it for yourself! If any one could have used oral tradition, it was Jesus, yet he chose the only safe and sure way to defeat Satan: Scripture. We just with that the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches held scripture alone in the same high regard! Click to View 2 Timothy 3:16-17: No matter how traditionalists twist it, it still says that scripture alone is all-sufficient to equip us for EVERY good work. "2 Timothy 3:16-17 doesn't say the Bible is all sufficient by itself." Click to View CLICK HERE "How could 2 Timothy 3:16 teach the all-sufficiency of scripture, when several New Testament books were not even written yet?" Click to View CLICK HERE Click to View Luke 10:26: "What is written in the Law? How does it read to you?" Jesus expected even his enemies to correctly interpret the Bible by simply reading and ... ...
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254: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 250 AD: Cyprian
diversities among them, and that all things are not observed among them alike, which are observed at Jerusalem, just as in very many other provinces also many things are varied because of the difference of the places and names"(Cyprian, Epistle 74, 6) Click to View The Orthodox Church relishes this little anti-Roman Catholic text by Cyprian. But the text provides just as many problems for the Orthodox because it proves that the celebration of Easter began well after 100 AD, since at 250 AD the practice was all over the map. ... Whether does it descend from the authority of the Lord and of the Gospel, or does it come from the commands and the epistles of the apostles? For that those things which are written must be done, God witnesses and admonishes, saying to Joshua the son of Nun: 'The book of this law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate in it day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein.'" ... "3. what obstinacy is ... ...
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255: 10 Commandments for HUSBANDS
One thing that most men have in common is that they are married. Unfortunately, because we live in an "amoral" (morally neutral) society, most who enter into marriage have little training. Isn't it bizarre that a doctor trains for 7 years, a teacher 4 but there is virtually no training for becoming a husband. You can't take a course in university that certifies you as a husband...the closest you can come is a "bachelors" degree. Here are 10 principles for husbands that are found within the Bible. Click to View COMMANDMENT #1: Thou shalt not take thy wife for granted, but will honour and respect her as thy equal. (1 Pet 3:7) Husband, are you ... Gives orders without asking or permitting questions, thinks wife not as smart Asks questions, seeks to truly hear, suggests alternatives, desires imput-learns from others Makes demands, dishes out directives, lays down the law, cracks the whip-but doesn't delegate Deligates authority & responsability; Respects freedom & dignity of others, keeps ... ...
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256: The Interactive Bible Study: Why Be Baptized?
Why Be Baptized? Click to View All churches teach one of two positions Identify which one of the two positions you believe and click your choice. Read each of the Bible verses and read the two corresponding statements Place a check mark in the appropriate box to indicate either position 1 or 2. What does the Bible say? Check it for yourself! Identify which position you believe then click your choice. Position #1 Outward symbol that you are already saved. Baptism not essential to salvation. A wedding ring is a non-essential symbol of marriage. Likewise, we can be saved without being baptized. Click here if you believe position #1 Position #2 Your sins are forgiven at baptism and is therefore essential to salvation. If an unbaptized believer has attended with a local church for 10 years, he is not saved. Click here if you believe position #2 . . You have selected Position #1 You believe baptism is an outward symbol that you are already saved. Baptism not essential to salvation. A wedding ... ...
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257: Exposed and refuted: Falun Dafa, Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun
The dangerous false eastern religion of: A review by a Christian... Click to View Falun Dafa Falun Gong Zhuan Falun Questions and answers: Why is Falun Gong dangerous? Because it is a new "eastern religion" that disguises itself as exercise classes, non-religious relaxation and mediation. These exercises are the actual religious ritual of this eastern religion. Of course, it is not truth at all, but a man made eastern religion that incorporates the idea of reincarnation and "you can be a god" etc. In the west, many of their pamphlets deliberately picture ... Just as Scientology tries to "suck you in" with a "Free Personality Test", so too Falun Gong uses physical meditation classes to convert you. This technique is called "bait and switch" and in all western societies, it is illegal to do such by law and condemned by all Better Business Bureau's. Click to View Click to View Notice how all their photos feature "western looking people". Pictured in the Orange is "Master Li Hongzhi" with ... ...
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258: Dinosaurs in ancient Cambodian temple
Click to View An excellent example can be seen in the National Museum Of Cambodia in Phnom Pehn. He built the beautiful temple monastery Ta Prohm in honor of his mother, dedicating it in 1186. Click to View Click to View These awesome temples were rediscovered by Portuguese adventurers and Catholic missionaries in the 16th century and many were restored in 19th and 20th centuries. Ta Prohm, one of the most picturesque, was left in it's natural state. It recently gained international attention as the setting for the first Laura Croft movie. At ... How else could one account for the drawings' relative similarity to published restorations as well as to each other? The conclusion that the art students had not seen a Stegosaurus because their pictures are anatomically incorrect, is an obvious non-sequitur. It simply does not follow. How, then, should we assess the assertion that the Cambodian sculptor never saw a Stegosaurs because his depiction is imperfect (though better than the art ... ...
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259: The weekly Sabbath is abolished, being nailed to the cross!
... Click to View Adventist's use this false 3 part argument to prove the Adam kept the Sabbath: 1. In the beginning God made "all things" Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16. 2. The Sabbath day was MADE: Mk 2:27-28. 3. Therefore the Sabbath day was created or made in the beginning and therefore Adam had to keep it! Of course it is completely invalid! The "Sabbath is" Series! Here are a series of true attributes ascribed to the Sabbath in an attempt to falsely prove the Sabbath is for today. Sabbath is a "moral law". Sabbath is called "eternal". Sabbath is "hallowed". Sabbath is "holy". Sabbath is "eternal sign". Click to View Sabbatarians falsely state that the Sabbath was a moral law and not a ceremonial law. They say, "All other special Jewish days, seasons and yearly festivals are ceremonial, but not the weekly Sabbath!" Yet Sabbath keeping" is by definition a ceremonial law. Only Sabbath keepers are too blind to see it! Click to View Sabbath keepers use the false argument that since the Sabbath day is ... ...
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260: Sola Scriptura: The rock of the wilderness that followed them ...
"For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea; and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual food; and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ." 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "The rock of the wilderness that followed them was recorded only in ... The traditions interpreted the rock as both literal and two symbols: the water and a stationary well. The Apostolic Fathers never refer to Jewish tradition in explaining the verse. Instead, they take the meaning of the "Rock that followed" to be non-literal. They viewed its meaning to represent all the miracles God performed for Israel in the wilderness including: the rock, manna, living bread, cloud and pillar of fire. Justin, in conversing with a Jew, mentions both the ... ...
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261: Sola Scriptura: 2 John 12 does not prove the need for extra-Biblical ...
"I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink; but I hope to see you shortly, and we will speak face to face." 3 John 13-14 Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "In 2 John 12, John refused to write everything in scripture, but gave them oral traditions." Sola Scriptura: 2 John 12 does not prove the need for extra-Biblical oral traditions today. If we took all that is in the Bible and added what Catholics and Orthodox say is recorded in "oral tradition" we would still be missing a lot of information. So the argument is self refuting. Yes, there are many events and stories not written in the Bible, but what is written is all we need for our faith. That's what John says in Jn 20:31. The many things could have been details of the book of Revelation. The many things could have been non-essential personal items about himself, or public rebukes for the sin of adultery, or some heresy like using only ... ...
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262: Gospel Meetings: The Edification vs. The Evangelistic types
The meeting was conducted in 1891 and lasted 10 weeks. All that was done to get these results was to put up a tent. Masses of non-Christians flocked to hear the Word preached. During those days, a small ad in the local newspaper brought many visitors. Today, 99 years later, a total of $1,000 can be spent on a wide range of well chosen media without drawing a single visitor. Interestingly, our technique for drawing visitors is virtually unchanged since the 1890s. Click to View Yesterday vs. Today What has changed is almost every aspect of society. Gospel meetings today will never bring the responses of the good old days because of the following ... Invite friends and community by personal letter. Do no media advertising with exception of first class letter to area denominations. Do not invite area churches of Christ. Topics Meaty, doctrinal, motivational Christ and Him crucified, meeting human needs with Christ. Length One week or longer One Sunday AM only preacher Choice Outside preacher ... ...
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263: History proves Christians always met on 1st Day and not the Sabbath ...
... Click to View The Roman Catholic Pope DID NOT change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as Sabbath keepers falsely teach. Yes Catholics do claim they changed the Sabbath, but they also claim that Peter was the first pope! Sabbath Keepers reject the Catholic claim that Peter was the first pope, so they are in grave error for accepting the Catholic claim that the pope changed the Sabbath to Sunday! Guess #2: It was Constantine in 325 AD. Click to View Constantine (325 AD) DID NOT change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as Sabbath keepers falsely teach. Christians never kept the Sabbath from the apostolic age (33 AD) through the time of Constantine (325AD). Constantine merely made the first "Sunday closure law", since it had already been the day Christians worship for 300 years! Today's guess #3: Christians in 135 AD. Click to View The historical claims of Samuele Bacchiocchi, Seventh-day Adventist, refuted. Bacchiocchi is likely the top Seventh-day Adventist historian in the world. ... ...
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264: 10 Commandments for HUSBANDS
One thing that most men have in common is that they are married. Unfortunately, because we live in an "amoral" (morally neutral) society, most who enter into marriage have little training. Isn't it bizarre that a doctor trains for 7 years, a teacher 4 but there is virtually no training for becoming a husband. You can't take a course in university that certifies you as a husband...the closest you can come is a "bachelors" degree. Here are 10 principles for husbands that are found within the Bible. Click to View COMMANDMENT #1: Thou shalt not take thy wife for granted, but will honour and respect her as thy equal. (1 Pet 3:7) Husband, are you ... Gives orders without asking or permitting questions, thinks wife not as smart Asks questions, seeks to truly hear, suggests alternatives, desires imput-learns from others Makes demands, dishes out directives, lays down the law, cracks the whip-but doesn't delegate Deligates authority & responsability; Respects freedom & dignity of others, keeps ... ...
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265: sola-scriptura-pro-tradition-few-bibles-until-printing-press ...
Even a Protestant author admits sola Scriptura was impossible in the first century! "Literacy in the Roman empire, by very rough estimate, did not exceed 10 percent [10%] on average." (Wayne Meeks, The Moral World of the First Christians, 1986). Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "Sola Scriptura is impossible because there were so few Bibles in circulation until the printing press was invented in the 16th century." The invention of the printing press is irrelevant: ... Acts 8:27-28 Paul's custom was to reason from the scriptures in the synagogues every Sabbath in order to convert Jews to give up the Old Law and start worshipping with Christians on the first day of the week. Acts 13:15; 17:1-2; 10-11; 18:4 "After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying, "Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it." Acts 13:15 "Now when they had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, ... ...
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266: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 370 AD: Basil
Their complaint is that their custom does not accept this, and that Scripture does not agree. What is my reply? I do not consider it fair that the custom which obtains among them should be regarded as a law and rule of orthodoxy. If custom is to be taken in proof of what is right, then it is certainly competent for me to put forward on my side the custom which obtains here. If they reject this, we are clearly not bound to follow them. Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favour of that side will be cast the vote of truth." (Basil, Letter 189, 3) Click to View What a "flagship passage"! Every Roman Catholic and Orthodox priest should be required to hand scribe this text by Basil on parchment, rolled up and placed in a little clear bottle and hung around their neck! For the Roman Catholics who refuse to believe that such words could fall from the lips of a Catholic bishop, the Pope describes ... ...
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267: Largest Audio/Video library of Pentecostal Manifestation Heresy ...
The speaker for the evening (8-1-97) was John Scotland at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship TACF, who claims to have experienced spiritual drunkenness of the Holy Spirit for the last 3 years non-stop. Now remember, Pentecostals believe that the Holy Spirit causes these chicken sounds, they call it a "manifestation". He ... Report about the "Take another drink" Conference Taken directly from a TACF publication speaking about their own conference that John Scotland was a keynote speaker in. Click here to view John Scotland Click to View Contempt for the Bible [1:24 minutes] John Scotland shows his contempt for the Bible. Here are his introductory comments ... Rodney Howard-Browne starts prophesying at a Kenneth Copeland meeting over a minister who came up for the anointing. He starts to jump up and down on the spot like a string puppet. Finally Browne flops him backwards on the floor. Click here to view video The behaviour of Pentecostals on this video is identical to many occult ... ...
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268: Christians worship on 1st Day: Ats 20:7 & 1 Corinthians 16:1 ...
... Some Sabbatarian groups, comprehending the power of this argument, actually teach that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday and raised on Saturday. 1st Sunday is not the "Christian Sabbath"! Most churches teach that Sunday is the Sabbath and worship on the first day of the week. These churches are doing the right thing for the wrong reason, and Sabbatarians take advantage of the doctrinal confusion! Click to View Click to View Sunday worship is not of pagan origin! Leo Schreven and other Seventh-day Adventists ... With the liberalizing and modernizing of the Adventist church, recent converts are either unaware, or unwilling to accept the current and historic position of their church! Does Daniel 7:25 prove Sabbath keepers are the mark of the beast? "He will make alterations in times and in law" (Daniel 7:25) Click to View Reading the "Frequently Asked Questions" will help you learn MUCH faster! Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the ... ...
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269: Apostate church organization: 588 - 606 AD: The final dog fight ...
... Click to View Introduction Click to View Graphical Mouse Rollover of gradual change of organization over time Click to View 4 Competing views of organization Click to View Outline: 33-150 AD Click to View Outline: 150-250 AD Click to View Outline: 250-451 AD Click to View Outline: 451-588 AD Click to View Outline: 606 AD-Today Click to View Catholic organization today Click to View Orthodox organization today Click to View True Bible organization today Click to View Find a local congregation of the New ... "The Roman bishop claims, that the four dignities of bishop, metropolitan, patriarch, and pope or primate of the whole church, are united in himself. The first three offices must be granted him in all historical justice; the last is denied him by the Greek church, and by the Evangelical, and by all non-Catholic sects." (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, book 3, chapter 5) Click to View Learn from the Bible Blueprint, how the church was organized by the apostles! Click to ... ...
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270: Sola Scriptura: Moses' Seat is not an antitype of the Papal authority ...
"Moses seat" at the Chorazin synagogue. "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them." Matthew 23:2-3 Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "Moses' Seat is the antitype of the Papal authority and proof of both oral tradition and Papal succession. Matthew 23:2. Jesus relies on the oral tradition of acknowledging ... What we do have is a direct reference in Exodus 18:13-27. Here is Moses' Seat in the Old Testament: "It came about the next day that Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood about Moses from the morning until the evening. Now when Moses' father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people, he said, "What is this thing that you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit as judge and all the people stand about you from morning until evening?" Moses said to his ... ...
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271: The Apostolic Fathers believed in expedient, optional tradition
Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Introduction: Expedient man-made tradition that is optional and not a matter of faith, since the apostles were silent about such matters. (Tertullian, The crown or De Corona, ch 3-4) This 4th category of tradition are optional practices usually associated with carrying out specific commands and liturgy that are recorded in scripture. In 200 AD, examples of "expedient tradition" these include giving a person a cup of milk mixed with honey immediately following baptism and then not bathing for a week afterwards. Roman Catholic and Orthodox "Classical Reformation" apologists have a great deal of difficulty explaining why ... Although the Catholics and Orthodox fight over whose liturgy is the apostolic tradition, the truth is, no such uniform tradition ever existed. God deliberately left these liturgical choices up to each local church, otherwise the New Testament would resemble the legalistic system of worship seen in the Law of Moses. We are under ... ...
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272: Autocephalous Orthodox Churches centered at Constantinople
... I just laugh when Roman Catholics and Orthodox both claim their church has the authority to determine doctrine and that the Protestants are divided into many factions. Of course, the Orthodox claim they, not the Roman Catholic church are the one true apostolic church and depict the Roman Catholics "falling away" in 1054 AD. ... How can so many contradictory statements be based upon" apostolic tradition? "How can intelligent and sensible people" claim to be the apostolic church, "yet arrive at such opposite conclusions?" Here is a time line of history produced by the Orthodox church: Click to View II. Understanding ranks and titles within Autocephalous Orthodox ... Today, however, they are greatly reduced in number. Some of these churches have existed for centuries in areas where there is a non-Christian majority, and more recently others have suffered from many decades of persecution by communist governments. Because they denied Chalcedon's definition of two natures in Christ, these ... ...
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273: Myths about Sex in Marriage and the Bible
Myths about Sex in Marriage and the Bible: Married people have less satisfying sex lives than single people who have sex with as many as they desire: Proverbs 5:18-20; 23:27 (Married couples have sex more frequently and enjoy better quality sex, than those living common law, or sexually active singles.) I can say no to my spouses sexual advances because I control my own body: (In marriage, each spouse controls the other spouse's body. This means that if your spouse wants sex, you sin if you just say no. This is a powerful teaching of the Holy Spirit that guards against adultery. See: 1 Cor 7:4-5) Pornography, even if both husband and wife agree to view it, has no detrimental affect upon the marriage relationship: Matthew 5:28 Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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274: The 10 commandments and the Sabbath were only for Jews to keep ...
Click to View The 10 commandments and the Sabbath were given ONLY to Jews, but Sabbatarians falsely state that the Ten Commandments are for all mankind from Adam to the second coming. Actual Sabbatarian argument: "The 10 commandments are for all mankind and are God's universal eternal law!" Answer: A. If the Sabbath law was a moral law intended for all mankind, then: Why did God NEVER charge the Gentiles with breaking it. Interesting that God charges the Gentiles many times for breaking all the 9 moral commandments on the tablets of stone, but NEVER ONCE says anything about ... Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you" Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring non-Jews to keep it! (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20) If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the Gentiles (strangers) were never required at any ... ...
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275: The Bible and the Wife's responsibility to the Husband
The Wife's responsibility to the Husband Click to View Your interest in this subject is appreciated and I am glad that we have the Bible as our source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord". Then verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to ... His job seems to be to go out and earn the living and provide for his family while she looks after the home. Even though a wife does not work outside of the home in what we call public work, she is still vital to the income of the family. Hers is a non-income producing activity, but it is still vitally important to the overall success of the family. When God created woman, she was taken from the rib of man as is described in Genesis. She was not taken ... ...
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276: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 200 AD: Hippolytus
us discern them." (Hippolytus, Against Noetus, ch 9) Click to View This is a powerful contradiction and refutation to the modern Roman Catholic and Orthodox view of tradition. Although Hippolytus was fully aware that the gospel was first preached 100% orally through the apostles and prophets even before the first book of the New Testament was written, in 200 AD, he recognized that scripture was the only source of authority. This also proves that although Hippolytus may also have recognized the witness of church tradition, he saw that tradition was ultimately derived from scripture, since none of the inspired apostles were alive to consult with. And certain other (heretics), contentious by nature, (and) wholly uniformed as regards knowledge, as well as in their manner more (than usually) quarrelsome, combine (in maintaining) that Easter should be kept on the fourteenth day of the first month, according to the commandment of the law, on whatever day (of the week) it should occur. (But ... ...
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277: Noss, John B.: Man's Religion
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote: Christianity Trasher Trashes whole of Christianity and rejects the inspiration of the Bible Noss, John B.: Man's Religion What Anti-Trinitarians quote: John B. Noss 1968 "The doctrine of the trinity he [Michael Servetus] felt to be a Catholic perversion and himself to be a good New Testament Christian in combating it. . . According to his conception, a trinity composed of three distinct persons in one God is a rational impossibility" (Man's Religion, John B. Noss, 1968) What they fail to tell the same article also says: The high place which Moses has held in Hebrew-Jewish devotion is richly deserved. Recent scholarship, while denying to him the authorship of the Pentateuch and the extremely complicated legal provisions of the Law (the Torah), has vindicated his place of highest honor in the early history of Israel. He was a creative personality of the first order. Unfortunately the exact details of his work are shrouded from us in ... ...
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278: 10 Supposed extinction proof texts refuted!
... Shall we together go down into the dust?" Click to View Positive Bible proof that man consciously survives death Click to View False argument stated: "Job is plainly stating that when we die we cease to have the ability to even have hope, since we enter a state of unconscious non-existence." Click to View False argument refuted: Here Job states that he will not take his hope with him to Sheol. But what hope is this? Hope of resurrection? Hope of being saved? Eternal hope? No! hope of life on the planet! Job ... Click to View False argument stated: "The dead don't exist consciously and that is why they cannot thank or praise or hope." Click to View False argument refuted: The verse is simply affirming that from a human point of view, a dead body does not praise God. How ridiculous to suggest this poetic verse was intended to give a detailed doctrinal roadmap of the state of the dead. This verse says the same thing as: Ps 6:5, Job 17:11-16, Ps 30:9; Ps. 88:3-6,10-14; Psalm 115:17; Isa ... ...
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279: Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God
Deceptive quote & False Dilemma: Trinitarian They project the false impression that Fortman either rejects trinity, or that he is willing to accept trinity without any Bible support for the doctrine. Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God Click to View The Triune God, quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication Watchtower Deception exposed Although they identify Fortman as a Catholic, they project the false impression that Fortman either rejects trinity, or that he is willing to accept trinity without any Bible support for the doctrine. The Watchtower is a ... Paul's Christology is largely functional, although not entirely so, for some of it has what will later be called 'metaphysical implications.' As one scholar has observed, 'it might be said that he came as near to asserting a metaphysical equality of community of natures as his non-metaphysical framework of thought permitted him to do. This was the reason why the Church later had to move on from a purely functional ... ...
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280: The Bible can be interpreted correctly by every person without ...
They read from the book, from the law of God, translating [cf. Ezra 4:18] to give the sense so that they understood the reading." Nehemiah 8:3,8 "For the heart of this people has become dull, With their ears they scarcely hear, And they have closed their eyes, Otherwise they would see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, And understand with their heart and return, And I would heal them." Matthew 13:15 "And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears ... Three false sources of truth other than the Bible: Click to View #1: Illumination of the Church Organization by the Holy Spirit The church is not an infallible source of truth Click to View The church is not illuminated by the Holy Spirit! Click to View The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches both claim the Bible cannot be understood by the common man and that only the church can properly interpret scripture. This is false doctrine. Click to View #2: Illumination of the Individual by the Holy Spirit The ... ...
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281: How to commit your unwanted, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital
Even if the myth that schizophrenia is a medical condition (instead of behaviour) were true, it is illegal to force medical treatment on someone against their will. A doctor who forces treatment or drugs a non-consenting person who knows they are sick will go to jail even if it saves their life. A psychiatrist who commits someone who is suicidal to an asylum and force drugs them is guilty of a double crime. Psychiatric committal is a violation of the criminal code and doctor-patient ethics. Click to View Introduction: If you want to learn how to commit your unwanted, disobedient, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital, you have ... Yet with Barbarity do these there pityless Monsters exert the Power they have over them, that whoever is witness of it, would imagine they were rather placed there for the Punishment of some Capital Crime, for which Law has provided no sufficient Torture, than for the Cure of a Disease, by their nearest and dearest Relations. To find herself in such a Place, ... ...
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282: The Bible and the Wife's responsibility to the Husband
The Wife's responsibility to the Husband Click to View Your interest in this subject is appreciated and I am glad that we have the Bible as our source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord". Then verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to ... His job seems to be to go out and earn the living and provide for his family while she looks after the home. Even though a wife does not work outside of the home in what we call public work, she is still vital to the income of the family. Hers is a non-income producing activity, but it is still vitally important to the overall success of the family. When God created woman, she was taken from the rib of man as is described in Genesis. She was not taken ... ...
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283: Gospel Meetings: The fabulous congregational letter writing campaign
Gospel Meetings Click to View The fabulous congregational letter writing campaign What works and what doesn't Gospel meetings are a long-standing tradition in the church. And I might add, a good one. But, are we being as effective as we could be with them as a method of outreach? We have all heard stories of how old brother so and ... When someone asks how many visitors there were at a gospel meeting, the usual answer refers to the number of Christians visiting from other churches. We don't even think in terms of non-Christian visitors any more. We have two choices. We can view the meetings strictly as a time for edifying the saints and close the doors to the ... Norman of Alabama will be visiting my/our church to present ~ special series of Bible lessons on the family. The series is called, "Seminar On The Family". As it says on the brochure, this seminar will (IF MARRIED: "improve an already great marriage or provide Bible medicine for hurting homes".) (IF SINGLE: provide "practical ... ...
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284: Rejected books, widely used in the first two centuries, but not ...
... Metzger puts the date at about 150 AD. (The Canon of the New Testament, Bruce Manning Metzger, 1987, p 169) It was accepted only in Egypt. It has heretical doctrinal slant of the Gnostic Encratites. "Literally, "abstainers" or "persons who practised continency", because they refrained from the use of wine, animal food, and marriage." (New Advent Catholic Enyclopedia, Encratites) Gospel According to the Hebrews: The date of the book is difficult to know but may be as early as the first century. The book has been forever lost: "The Gospel according to the Hebrews" was a work of early Christian literature to which reference is frequently made by the church Fathers in the first five centuries, and of which some twenty or more fragments, preserved in their writings, have come down to us. The book itself has long disappeared." (ISBE, Hebrews, Gospel According To The, 1915) This book was never considered canonical. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click ... ...
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285: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 400 AD: Jerome
And even if it did not rest on the authority of Scripture the consensus of the whole world in this respect would have the force of a command. For many other observances of the Churches, which are due to tradition, have acquired the authority of the written law, as for instance the practice of dipping the head three times in the layer, and then, after leaving the water, ... baptized before the Spirit was invoked." (Jerome, Dialogue Against the Luciferians, 8) Click to View Jerome clearly believes that if the church in the entire world agrees on some doctrine or practice, it is as good as having a Bible verse in scripture and a binding command. We strongly disagree. Jerome even knew at the time he said this, that NONE of what he talks about in this passage like "laying on of hands after baptism" and "drinking milk and honey" after baptism, was universally practiced. And no one in the modern Roman Catholic or Orthodox church today does so either! What is most important here, is that the ... ...
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286: False dilemmas and the Trinity (Logical fallacies and horns of ...
False dilemmas and the Trinity (Logical fallacies) "The horns of the dilemma" God is all powerful: Can God create a rock so large he cannot lift it? Anti-Trinitarian false dilemmas usually involve two corrects facts that force an invalid conclusion. Jesus: "The Divine Man" God is Invisible, Jesus was visible God is Immutable ... When Jehovah's Witnesses deceptively try to prove Jesus cannot be God with the following false dilemma, "God is not a man, Jesus was a Man, Jesus cannot be God." Simply answer them, "Angels are not men, Jesus was a man, Jesus cannot be an angel." Click to View Click to View Definition: False dilemmas are errors in logic where you ... It will be enough if we can encourage more independent thinking; with scripture searching as our background, and genuine desire to serve the Lord as our motive." (Jim Everett) Constantine in 350 AD, discusses false dilemmas! "In this passage, however, where the argument is about the resurrection, both the law of the inference is ... ...
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287: Evangelistic, Small-group Home Bible Studies: Tips for success ...
If they appear interested at all, you must ask for their phone number! If they won't give it, leave them a card. If they say that they work evenings and couldn't attend, flip the card over and ask them if they want the first lesson of a free Bible correspondence course. Say, You can study the Bible in the privacy of your own ... You must invite this way in order to have ongoing success. There is no middle ground or room for any half-hearted effort! Either each Christian commits to invite like this, or don't bother starting up the program. Click to View Three Stages Of The Study Just as members are vitally important for bringing visitors, they also play a key ... Don't mention any specific denomination because you never know the background of the visitors. The place to talk about denominations is in a one-on-one study and not in a group study. Never disagree with a visitor or attempt to straighten their doctrinal views. This is the leader's job. Never disagree with what the leader says, ... ...
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288: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Inherit The Wind is intellectual pornography ...
Click to View Fraudulent pro-evolution arguments used in the movie now discarded Click to View Overview of the deception in the movie Click to View Detail of the deception in the movie by David N. Menton, Ph.D. Click to View Wanted! Patsy Teacher. How it all started: "We are looking for a Tennessee teacher who is willing to accept our services in testing this law in the courts," the New York based American Civil Liberties Union announced soon after the anti-evolution statute passed. "Our lawyers think a friendly test can be arranged without costing a teacher his or her ... The topic of sex and sin did not come up in the trial. Neither did Bryan believe that the world was created in 4004 B.C. at 9 a.m. Instead of Bryan being mothered by his wife, he took care of her, for she was an invalid. The people of Dayton in general and fundamentalist Christians in particular were not the ignorant, frenzied, uncouth persons the play pictures them as being. Scopes was found guilty partly by the request ... ...
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289: Neither the Pope or Constantine changed the Sabbath from Saturday ...
... message to the "Free Catholic Mailing List" on 8 Feb 1997 and said: I differ from Ellen White, for example, on the origin of Sunday. She teaches that in the first centuries all Christians observed the Sabbath and it was largely through the efforts of Constantine that Sundaykeeping was adopted by many Christians in the fourth century. My research shows otherwise. If you read my essay HOW DID SUNDAYKEEPING BEGIN? which summarizes my dissertation, you will notice that I place the origin of Sundaykeeping by the time of the Emperor Hadrian, in A. D. 135. This proves once and for all time that Ellen G. White was a false prophet! Click to View Seventh-day Adventists ... Answer: Constantine did not change the Sabbath to Sunday, he merely created the first "Sunday closure law" because Christians had been worshipping on the first day of the week since apostolic times. Sabbatarians can't get their story straight! Who changed the Sabbath? Is it the pope, Constantine or some Christians in Rome? First ... ...
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290: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
This "similarity of name" argument became the most important "proof" that Kadesh Barnea had been found at Ein Qedeis until Ein el-Qudeirat dethroned Ein Qeudeis in 1916 AD. Scholars like Keil & Delitzsch in 1867 AD, William Smith's Bible Dictionary in 1884 AD and the New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD all focused ... Although discovered years earlier, Ein El-Qudeirat was first identified as Kadesh Barnea in 1916 AD. It has been the world's unfortunate choice for Kadesh ever since even to the present time. Virtually all Bible maps incorrectly place Kadesh at Qudeirat. Click to View "L. Woolley and T.E. Lawrence described the site and its ... The problem is that both archeology and the Bible agree that Edom's territory was transjordan until after the Babylonian captivity of 605 BC when Nebuchadnezzar conquered all of Judah and took control of Jerusalem. It makes absolute non-sense of the story of asking Edom for permission to cross their territory to enter the ... ...
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291: Apostle Paul never kept the sabbath, certainly not 84 times as ...
... If Paul preaching to Jews on the Sabbath day proves he kept the Sabbath, then it also proves Paul kept synagogue worship as well! C. If Paul "kept the Sabbath" because he preached Christ to non-Christian Jews on THEIR Sabbath day in THEIR synagogue: then Paul also kept all the other ceremonial laws that the non-Christian Jews practiced while he was there as well. then ... Acts 2:1-38 Paul also rushed to get back to Jerusalem on Pentecost: Acts 20:16 Pentecost always fell on a Sunday Does this mean he was keeping Pentecost feast? No! It provided him a great opportunity to teach. No where after the resurrection "keeping the Sabbath according to the commandment" Click to View Adventist False Argument #3: "In Acts 18:4, Paul's custom was to worship on the Sabbath with Greeks. This proves it was not a Jewish worship service but a Christ centered worship service separate from the Jewish synagogue worship. The Greeks were uncircumcised and did not keep the Sabbath or the Law of Moses. False ... ...
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292: Booklist for Creation science research
... Click to View Darwin s Enigma Luther D. Sunderland Where's the evidence? After 130 years and untold millions in research, the answer remains elusive for proving Darwin's theory! This excellent, non-religious text uses quotes from interviews with heads of museums, expressing skepticism over many aspects of evolutionary belief Interest Level: High School - Adult Cat. No. DARENI 180 pages $12.95 Click here to Order Click to View Click to View Bones of Contention Marvin L. Lubenow Twenty-five years of research have gone into this brilliant work that takes you behind the scenes and exposes the so-called ape men: ... Could it be known to be true without the need of empirical confirmation? What people believe about evolution and Darwinism depends very heavily on the kind of logic they employ and the kind of assumptions they make. Phillip E. Johnson is a law professor at the University of California at Berkley. His specialty is in analyzing the logic of arguments and identifying their ... ...
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293: Newman, John Henry: Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote: Trinitarian It is deceptive to deliberately misrepresent Newman to say that trinity is pagan origin, when in the same breath Newman also says that incarnation, angles, demons, divine kingdom and new birth are also of pagan origin. In Fact Newman doesn't believe any of these things originated with Pagans! Newman, John Henry: Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine What Anti-Trinitarians quote: "Let us allow that the whole circle of doctrines, of which our Lord is the subject, was consistently and uniformly confessed by the Primitive Church . . . But it surely is otherwise with the Catholic ... from illness; holy water; asylums; holy days and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption ... ...
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294: Children's Aid Society (CAS) legally kidnap your kids while you ...
Court ordered psychiatric assessments and CAS Description: Click to View Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: Children's Aid Society are all over North America and vary greatly from place to place. There are cases where Children's ... The Children's Aid Society is a network of private non-profit organizations. They are organized on almost a town by town basis in a way that is independent and autonomous, not only from the government, but each other. Under the charities act, they are organized like independent churches with a local board of directors for each local chapter. The government has granted fascist levels of power, in unprecedented degrees to the CAS. With a single anonymous complain, the CAS has the power to enter your home and kidnap your children by force against your will, with the police if necessary. Veteran family lawyers describe the CAS as a "Gestapo, a law unto ... ...
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295: The Pattern of Congregational Benevolence in the New Testament
C. Texts where individuals are to show benevolence: (just a few of the many) 1. Gal 6:10 2. Jas 1:27 3. Mt 25 4. Heb 13:2 entertain strangers 5. 1 Jn 4:17 6. Parable of the Good Samaritan. II. The Pattern of collective benevolence A. Rich church to poor church. B. One church directly to another without intermediary organization like "missionary society" or "sponsoring church". Click on photo for high resolution: Click to View C. For the saints, not for non-Christians, without exception, establishing a pattern that ... Gal 6:1 Brethren, even if a man [an individual not a church] is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, [an individual not a church] and thus fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone [an individual not a church] thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one [an individual not a church] examine his own ... ...
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296: Christmas: Separating Bible truth from Myth
The Bible's story of the birth of Jesus by Steve Rudd Click to View Separating the Bible truth from the Myth Quick links in this document: I. List of Christmas myths: II. Strictly Biblical chronology of the birth of Christ. III. The date of the birth of Christ is 2 BC not 6 BC: IV. The Census of Quirinius in 3 BC not 6 AD: Lk 2:1-3 V. Jesus was born in a house not an Inn: Lk 2:7 VI. The archeology of the first century four room house in ancient Israel: VII. Where did the star lead the wise men (Magi): Bethlehem or Nazareth? VIII. What is the date of Jesus' Birthday? IX. Mary and Joseph: Marriage, betrothal, divorce and other personal matters. X. Focus on the ... After Jesus had been circumcised on the 8th day in the temple, and Mary performed her purification on the 33rd day, Jesus may have been taken to Joseph's home in Nazareth and this is where the star led the wise men: "When they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city of ... ...
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297: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Egg" ...
Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Egg" (Substance abuse: drugs, depression, suicide) Click to View The case of "Egg" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Substance abuse: drugs, depression, suicide Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Pharmakia, uncontentment, anxiety, depression, high self-esteem, self-murder Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Sources of personal trauma: I have a Disease, I experienced Destitution. Non-Christian troubles: U.N.F.A.I.T.H F. ... Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5 Self-punishment for personal failures or to ease a guilty conscience: EDS-7.4.12 Monetary EDS-7.5 - Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6 Med Diagnostic Laws EDS-7.7 Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB Law of Domino Problem Transference (DPT) ... ...
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298: Seventh-day Adventist's teach that Sunday worshippers ARE THE ...
The very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, on the part of the Catholic church, without any authority from the Bible." (Ellen G. White, The Mark of the Beast, page 23) "The Sunday Sabbath is purely a child of the Papacy. It is the mark of the beast." (Advent Review, Vol. I, No. 2, August, 1850.) "The change of the Sabbath ... is a step towards the mark of the beast Click to View Show me where Leo Schreven says: Sunday-keepers will be condemned The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God PROPHECY SEMINARS: LESSON 18 ... "Now, what is the Mark of the beast? It's a simple step by step counterfeit of receiving the Seal of God. Let's turn back to the prophecy in Daniel 7:25, "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." He would change times and laws. The first step the Beast must counterfeit is God's law. Why? ... ...
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299: The Exodus Route: Marah (bitter waters)
Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness of Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai Introduction: 1. The location would be somewhere with a natural water supply that was ... For example, even today, all the ground water south of Beersheba in Israel is brackish. Today, Israel has adapted by farming catfish (a non-kosher fish) that they sell to the "gentiles". 3. A tree of unknown species was thrown into the water. 4. Early Christians created metaphoric meanings for Marah: from ACC, Vol 3, p 83 a. "The wood that restores the sweetness to water is Christ" (Tertullian). b. "The waters of baptism are of no avail unless the cross of Christ is preached" (Ambrose). c. "The seventy palm trees remind us of Christ's seventy disciples" (Jerome). d. "The bitter water was the law of the Old ... ...
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300: The Temple in Jerusalem was not located over the Dome of the ...
... See more: 1864 AD field notes of Charles Wilson and Charles Warren Here is the plan of Charles Warren and Charles Wilson: Click to View Their drawing of the Dome of the Rock in 1864 AD: Click to View B. Joseph Patrich's theory: Joseph Patrich of Hebrew University announced in February 2007, a modified "south east diagonal position" was announced for the Temple located over the Dome of the Rock. The new non-east orientation of the Holy of Holies was based upon maps of ancient cisterns ... The theory is also based upon the Mishnah description of how the priests would ceremonially cleanse themselves with water before working at the alter of burnt offerings. The Mishnah says that water wheel was used to transfer water from a cistern into a laver where the priests would wash themselves according to the law of Moses. Click to View Click to View C. Leen Ritmeyer's 1984 AD theory: "that rectangular carved depression" Click to View Notice the small (red on map) rectangular shape in the Rock. ... ...
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