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451: Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails!
Something that is not good, but is so subtle that it is difficult to put a finger on it. Each partner becomes involved in his own work, club activities, and other worthwhile causes. You begin to spend more and more time apart. You are simply too busy to talk together and to be together. After a while you find that it doesn't even bother you to be apart so often. Complete indifference now characterizes a once vital and growing relationship. Obviously this is not what God had in mind when He said: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife" (Genesis 2:24). The word "cleave" suggest a close, intimate, cultivated relationship. When flowers are not watered, they die. The same is true of marriages. When husbands and wives become indifferent - when they become dull to each other's minds, spirits and bodies - the marriage is deprived of life-giving water. As a result, it withers. However, husbands and wives do not have to succumb to the devastating ... ...
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452: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
a woman murders her rival and marries her prize, but she ends up lonely and confesses after 20 years, to a doctor rather than a man of God. "A lady came to my office. She refused to give her name, said it did not matter, since she wished to have only the one consultation. It was apparent that she belonged to the upper levels of society. She had been a doctor, she said. What she had to communicate to me was a confession; some twenty years ago she had committed a murder out of jealousy. She had poisoned her best friend because she wanted to marry the friend's husband. She had thought that if the murder was not discovered, it would not disturb her. She wanted to marry the husband, and the simplest way was to eliminate her friend. Moral considerations were of no importance to her, she thought. The consequences? She had in fact married the man, but he died soon afterward, relatively young. During the following years a number of strange things happened. The daughter of this marriage ... ...
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453: Scriptures were more important than tradition to Apostolic Fathers
God's providence gave us the 27 book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and brought about His will to form the Bible we see today! Scriptures were more important than tradition to Apostolic Fathers Go to: "Canon of the Bible" Home Page Scriptures were more important than tradition to Apostolic Fathers Introduction: Roman Catholic and Orthodox leaders love to follow their man-made rules and doctrine, especially when it directly contradicts the New ... The blessed apostles, then, having founded and built up the Church, committed into the hands of Linus the office of the episcopate. Of this Linus, Paul makes mention in the Epistles to Timothy. [2 Tim 4:21]" (Irenaeus, book 3, Chapter III.-A Refutation of the Heretics, from the Fact That, in the Various Churches, a Perpetual Succession of Bishops Was ... ...
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454: The Interactive Bible:
Think about other people who are less fortunate than you, and do something each day for them: call them, write them, make something for them, etc. 6. Read your Bible daily and see how God has always cared for His children and planned for them to live with Him eternally in heaven after this short life, filled with trouble. In James, Chapter 4, verse 14, the scriptures say, "For what is your life? It is a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away". Heaven, the eternal home God has for man, is really where we belong, and there, no pain and sickness will ever be. As we read in Revelation, Chapter 21, verses 1 through 4: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He ... ...
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455: The Interactive Bible:
Think about other people who are less fortunate than you, and do something each day for them: call them, write them, make something for them, etc. 6. Read your Bible daily and see how God has always cared for His children and planned for them to live with Him eternally in heaven after this short life, filled with trouble. In James, Chapter 4, verse 14, the scriptures say, "For what is your life? It is a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away". Heaven, the eternal home God has for man, is really where we belong, and there, no pain and sickness will ever be. As we read in Revelation, Chapter 21, verses 1 through 4: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He ... ...
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456: Lesson 6: Christ Has Paid Our Penalty
Master index of 25 studies: "Determine your salvation" Lesson 6 Christ Has Paid Our Penalty Click to View We have all sinned, and the penalty had to be paid in order for God to be just. Christ has paid that penalty. Romans 5:6-10 says, "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall ... It is beyond our imagination what he endured. Christ came to this earth for the purpose of dying for our sins. There are many Old Testament prophesies that foretell the inevitable death of Christ. For example, please read for yourself, Psalms chapter 22 and Isaiah chapter 53. Christ's death was no accident, because it was in God's eternal plan to redeem man. Christ in his omniscience, fully knew what was ... ...
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457: What is Bible Repentance?
... Having arrived at this conclusion, the young man faced about in an opposite direction and did according to his father's request. All men need to repent. All men sin and as a result, all men need to turn from sin and turn to righteousness. When Paul was speaking from Mars Hill to the Athenians and reasoning with them concerning the living God, he told them that in times past God had winked at such ignorance as the Athenians were then involved in, but now commanded all men everywhere to repent. This story is told in Acts Chapter 17, and reference here is made to verse 30 of that Chapter. Unrighteous people need to repent. In Acts Chapter 8, the story is told of a man who obeyed the gospel, he was baptized, but later for the love of gold and popularity, he wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit. At this time it seems apparent that Simon's heart was not sincere and pure. God, knowing the hearts of all men and certainly knowing the heart of Simon on this occasion, directed Peter by the ... ...
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458: Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails!
Something that is not good, but is so subtle that it is difficult to put a finger on it. Each partner becomes involved in his own work, club activities, and other worthwhile causes. You begin to spend more and more time apart. You are simply too busy to talk together and to be together. After a while you find that it doesn't even bother you to be apart so often. Complete indifference now characterizes a once vital and growing relationship. Obviously this is not what God had in mind when He said: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife" (Genesis 2:24). The word "cleave" suggest a close, intimate, cultivated relationship. When flowers are not watered, they die. The same is true of marriages. When husbands and wives become indifferent - when they become dull to each other's minds, spirits and bodies - the marriage is deprived of life-giving water. As a result, it withers. However, husbands and wives do not have to succumb to the devastating ... ...
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459: Must I giving $$$Money$$$ to the church?
In I Timothy 5:8, the Apostle Paul says, "If any man provideth not for his own, and specially his own household, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever". But apart from our necessary living expenses is that portion of God's gifts which should be invested in the advancement of his kingdom. A part of this must support the work and service of each local congregation. But how much of our time, energies, and possessions should be used for our living expenses and how much should be devoted directly to the Lord's work is left up to our own conscience and our best judgement, but in I Corinthians Chapter 4, verse 2, the Apostle says, "It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful". In the end, therefore, God will judge as to how faithfully we have fulfilled our stewardship, and how rightly we have used our abilities and our possessions. I have known those who, like Israel, gave a tenth of their income to the Lord, but I have known others who give the major part, and ... ...
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460: What Is Satan Really Like?
A long time before Satan gained his paperback popularity, he was alive, ambitious, active, and achieving his objectives of deceiving, deluding, and destroying the souls of men. Man's fertile imagination has produced many fanciful theories about Satan, some of which have been popularized through paperback books. However, the Bible has the only reliable information about Satan and what he is really like. Satan is introduced in the book of Genesis. No explanation is given of his origin, but there is an unfolding drama of his work throughout the Bible. He is cast in the role of the adversary of man, an arrogant aspirant to the authority that belongs to God. Satan is a usurper of ... Ephesians 2:1,2. Following the course of the world is to follow the rule of Satan, to have a spirit of rebellion and disobedience toward God. These people who inhabit the devil's domain live in the passions of their flesh, following the desires of body and mind (Ephesians 2:3). They are hedonistic, blinded in ... ...
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461: Does Jesus have a human body NOW?
Does Jesus have a human body right now? Two basic positions given: Truth Jesus by virtue of having once been human, forever retains the description of human even though he possesses, at this time, no human qualities. Jesus body from resurrection to ascension was in no way different from his body before the ... Jesus resurrected body is nothing like what our future resurrected body will be like. False view Jesus actually retains some metaphysical qualities of being human right now in heaven and that is why he is still called a man. He possesses a glorified "spiritual flesh and bones but no blood" body. Jesus resurrected body is exactly what our future resurrected ... To say that Jesus resurrected body is the same as our future body makes the entire discussion in 1 Cor 15 silly because "He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now" v 6. They could simply ask some of the eye witnesses! 1 Jn 3:2 " now we are children of God, and it has not ... ...
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462: Are we Saved By Faith Only?
From Colossians Chapter 2, verse 14, we learn that the law of Moses was nailed to the cross of Christ and is no longer bound upon anyone. We know that the only hope for salvation for lost humanity today is through the gospel of Christ. We do not propose to be saved by the works of the law, but through the works of faith and the labor of love in obedience to Christ. While the Bible says: "By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified", it also says in James Chapter 2, verse 24: "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only." 'These works then must not be the works of the law, but are the works of faith revealed in the gospel of Christ. The law of Moses is dead and its works mean nothing today, but the works of the gospel mean much. A person is saved by the blood of Christ, through the grace of God. He is not saved by faith alone, but through obedience to the commandments of Christ. Jesus became "the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him" ... ...
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463: Why Pentecostals say, "knoweldge is of the Devil" (anti-intellectualis ...
View "Why waste time studying the Bible when you can experience the Holy Spirit anointing" Click to View Pentecostalism is a religion that roots in emotions not the mind. They say, "You feel religion, you don't think it." Click to View The devil has deceived all Pentecostals into confusing the presence of God in their assemblies for emotional chaos! Click to View You don't learn Pentecostalism, you experience it Click to View "these are ignorant and unlearned men" Pentecostals often quote the religious Jewish leaders statement in reference to the apostles in Jerusalem, "these are ignorant and unlearned men" (Acts 4:13) Yet God chose apostle Paul to write 2/3's of the New Testament. He used a man of high intellect and education. "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God, just as you all are today." Acts 22:3 "although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh. ... ...
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464: The triple Nature of man: Body, Spirit & Soul
Death in the Bible is pictured as a separation between two things. Physical death: (separation of body and soul): Eccl 12;7; Gen 25:17; Jas 2;26 Spiritual death: (separation of God & man):Gen 2:17; Isa 59:1-2; Lk 15:24; Mt 8:22; Eph 2:1,5;1 Ti 5:6 Hell is described as the second (spiritual) death: Rev 20:14-15 Our first spiritual death was when we first sinned and were separated from God. We will be reuited with God again at the judgement. The wicked will be separated from God a second time for eternity in hell. Dead to sin joined to God: Rom 6:2,11; Gal 2:24 Dead to the Law of Moses, joined to Law of Christ: Rom 7:4; Gal 2:19 B. The ... E. Carnalists believe man is wholly physical and material yet the Bible says: You're not getting older...but better! Text Outward man Inward man 2 Cor 4:16 Outward man decaying Inward man renewed Rom 7:22 The body The inward man Mt 26:41 Flesh weak Spirit willing 3 Jn 2 Be in good health just as your soul prospers F. Carnalists believe man is ... ...
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465: Myths about raising and disciplining children and the Bible
Children bring great strain on a family, especially the mother of young children. While it is true that couples who have children have a lower divorce rates than those with none, having children creates huge stresses on a marriage. Physically spanking children as a form of discipline is harmful to them and a crime. Click to View God is smarter than man and he commands to spank with a rod! Proverbs 13:24; 23:13-14 Reasons to spank: 1. The so called "studies" that supposedly prove spanking is harmful to the children are junk science, agenda driven, opinion ... If children truly feared parents and teachers, it would dramatically improve society. First children learn to fear their parents and obey them. Second, they learn to fear God and obey Him. 4. Spanking is more merciful to the child over grounding and "time-outs" because the discipline over quickly and forgiven. The child feels good faster because all is forgiven. 5. Spanking is often the only form of punishment that is truly ... ...
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466: Is the Bible of human or divine origin?
Is the Bible the product of God, or the product of man? Since man has never been able to write a better one, it sounds as if it came from God. Since it is in a class all by itself, it sounds as though it could not have come from man. Since men have never been able to destroy it, though they have desperately tried to do so, it must be the product of God. Since there has never been known to be a principle for better living which the Bible does not incorporate, surely God inspired the writing of it! Consider the accuracy of the Bible. Time was when the Bible was the only information men had on certain historical data. The Bible contained names of some kings that historians had no other record of. Some therefore doubted that such kings existed. I refer particularly to King Arioch, mentioned in the fourteenth Chapter of Genesis, and King Sargon mentioned in the twentieth Chapter of Isaiah. While men once denied that these kings existed, historians now say that they did exist. Through ... ...
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467: Christians Should Be Different!
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." The apostle, Paul, instructing the young evangelist, Timothy, wrote (in I Timothy 6:3-5, saying: "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and ... Christians, however, have direction about marriage, family relationships, child-raising, and the selection of friends; they are untroubled in their own lives by today's philosophies, but they grieve deeply over the results of sinful ideas and associations upon our civilization. The book of Hebrews (Chapter 13, verse 4) reveals that, "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Jesus said about divorce in Matthew 5:32: "But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the ... ...
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468: Lesson 20: Preaching In Worship
Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap to them teachers; and they will turn their ears from hearing the truth." The kind of preaching God wants must convince, rebuke, and exhort. We must be careful that we do not turn our ears from hearing the truth by having someone preach what sounds good to us, but contradicts what God says in the Bible. No man has the right to pass off as truth things that contradict the Bible, but many do. All you have to do is look around at ... Why do men in seeking to glorify themselves continue to ignore what the Lord says? Why do men want to refer to themselves as Father so and so? They want to receive glory that only belongs to God. King Herod in Acts chapter 12 took glory upon himself which belonged to God and we read in verse 23, "And immediately the ... ...
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469: Pre-tribulation Rapture: The Kingdom is the church
... Ephesians 2:11-16 is a direct fulfillment of Isa 2:2-4. It shows two fulfillments in that the gentiles are saved and the gentiles and the Jews are at peace in Christ: "Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called "Uncircumcision" by the so-called "Circumcision," which is performed in the flesh by human hands- remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it ... ...
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470: The Bible and Pyramid seed!
To their delight, the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the accuracy of our modern Bibles and muzzled the skeptics. The Holy Spirit compared the Bible to imperishable seed, "You have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and abiding word of God. For, 'All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls off, but the word of the Lord abides forever.' And this is the word which ... God has promised that He would preserve the text of the Bible, "My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it" Isa 55:11. Jesus said in John 10:35, "the Scripture cannot be broken". One reason that the Bible cannot be changed over time is that God will judge every man by the words of the Bible. It comes down to a matter of justice. How could God judge man according to a book that had been ... ...
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471: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
... When Jesus prayed the Lord's prayer (Luke 11:24), was he praying to himself'.) When in the garden of Gethsemane he prayed, " O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: Nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt." Matt 26:36-39. Was Jesus praying to himself'.? That Jesus, of his own admission and by his own actions, acknowledged, worshipped, and prayed to another being as God is clear proof that Jesus himself is not God. 4. According to the Bible God is an Invisible spirit ... but Jesus was flesh and blood While thousands saw Jesus and heard his voice, Jesus himself said that this could not be done with God when he said. " No man hath seen God at any time." St. John 1: 18. " Ye have neither heard His voice at any time nor seen His shape." St. John 5:37. He also said in St. John 4:24. " God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." That Jesus would say that no one had seen or heard God at any time, while his followers both saw and ... ...
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472: TRINITY: Christology: Diety and Humanity of our Savour!
For example, if God granted man or angels to be omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, they would NOT be God but a creature. 2. It is noteworthy that Gnosticism was the first heresy regarding the nature of Christ: a. It dates to about AD 105 when 1st, 2nd and 3rd John were written b. The Gnostics viewed spirit as good and flesh as evil. c. They taught that Jesus was uncreated God d. The Gnostics taught that Jesus as God, was spirit only and did not have flesh and bones. e. John attacks this false doctrine and calls it the antichrist: i. "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every ... be reconciled only in the form of the Trinity, that is, by distinguishing in the one and indivisible essence of God three hypostases or persons; at the same time allowing for the insufficiency of all human conceptions and words to describe such as unfathomable mystery. (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church New ... ...
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473: Psychopaths and sociopaths are not insane
Usually above average intelligence, but not always. Anyone who has the ability to comprehend the philosophical implications of atheism/evolution is capable of becoming psychopaths. High self-esteem and narcissism: They view themselves as smarter, "the evolutionary man of the future", ahead of their time, better than others. Test to see if you are a psychopath: Question: A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in ... Evolutionary theory, atheism and humanism have created fertile ground for a large crop of psychopaths to germinate, grow and come to maturity. Most of them are not really dangerous, but they have adopted their own personal version of morals and made themselves their own god. Whatever they have decided is ok to do, is ok to do! They can murder, and it doesn't bother them because after all, they kill mosquitoes and rats and cows all the time. ... ...
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474: Definition and Nature of God
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit share the quality of eternal pre-existence with each other equally. No angel, devil, demon or man have ever, or will ever possess this quality. It is absolutely unique to God. II. Qualities unique of God: God is everywhere (omnipresent): Mk 5:10; Jude 6; Rev 20:1-3; 1 Ki 8:27; 2 Chron 2:6; 6:18; Isa 66:1; Acts 7:49; 17:27-28; Ps 139:7-13 God is all knowing (omniscient): Ps 139:1-6; Job 42:2; Acts 2:23; 1 Tim 1:17 God is all powerful (omnipotent): Gen 17:1; 35:11; Rom 13:1; 1 Tim 6:15; Rev 19:6 III. Qualities that God shares with righteous angels and men after resurrection: God is a Spirit, without flesh and bones: Luke 24:39; John 4:24; Matthew 16:17 God is ... So. although Jesus was "everywhere" (omnipresent) before incarnation, he was limited to being in one place at one time, when he was a man. Obviously then, omnipresence is not an absolute condition of being God, because the fullness of deity dwelt in Jesus while he walked the earth. (Col 2:9) Although ... ...
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475: The Mormon church examined and refuted!
... Book of Mormon COINS verified from archeology: ZERO 6. We don't need the Book of Mormon... we have the New testament being infinitely superior in every way. Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE tell us if we have misrepresented Mormon Faith Click to View "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be." God was once just a man! Man will become equal to God! God has literal flesh and bones God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus God is considered the literal biological Father of Jesus in the same way that Mary is the literal biological mother of Jesus! The salvation of Mormon wives depends upon the whim of their Husband! If a man didn't like his wife on earth, he controls her eternal destiny in the resurrection! Self-esteem is at an all time low for Mormon women! Beware! Click here to contact a Christian If you are ready to leave the Latter Day Saint, and want to learn the truth and attend a church that truly restores New Testament Christianity, click the link to the left. Understanding ... ...
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476: Who is The Devil, Satan?
God created: Psalms 33:6; Psalm 148:2,5; Isaiah 40:26; Ephesians 3:9-10; Revelation 10:6. Christ created: Colossians 1:16. Live in heaven: Luke 2:15. Were angels present at the creation of man? Possibly: Job 38:4-7 Were these sons of God, that were shouting for joy, angels? 1 Corinthians 11:8-10 "symbol of authority" was to show rule over all creation Genesis 1:26-28. "Because of the angels" may mean because of angels being there at time of creation or because of angels watching women or more likely because of angels job of counting hair (1Samuel 14:45; 2 Samuel 14:11; 1 Kings 1:52; Luke 21:18; Acts 27:34) How many ... The word angel is always masculine. Psalms 104:4 angels are spirits. Do angels marry? No: Matthew 22:28-30 and Mark 12:25 "For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. Do angels die? No: Luke 20:36 "nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels..." Do angels eat? Yes. Psalms 78:23-25. Do angels ... ...
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477: Do animals go to heaven? Animals have both a soul and a spirit
For 12 hours plants inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, then for 12 hours they inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Humans breath 14 times per minute and plants breath 1 time in 24 hours. It might be inferred that plants also have spirits and souls. Will animals be in heaven? 1. God has a spirit and a soul: a. Note ... And what His soul [soul/nephesh] desires, that He does." (Job 23:13) 2. Only man is made in the image of God, partaking of the divine nature: a. "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over ... Both man and animals have spirits: i. "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath [spirit/ruwach] of life; and man became a living being [soul/nephesh]]." (Genesis 2:7) ii. "Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is ... ...
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478: Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Raising God-Fearing ...
C. Children will ultimately be responsible for their own eternal destinies; Ezek 18:20. 1. God has ordained that children are to be obedient and respectful:Eph.6:1-3;Col3:20; Prov. 4:1. 2. Children have the responsibility to serve God without any parental help:Eccl 12:1; Ps 119:9-16. 3. Children reap what they sow: Gal.6:7,8; ... A. Openly discuss having children with your spouse, even before marriage: 1. Often one spouse can tend to avoid the subject, this is poor communication. B. Having Children will not resolve marital conflict only highten it. C. Wait a period of time after marriage to allow for adjustments: Duet 24:5. D. Are you financially able to provide for ... Proverbs 15:12 "He who neglects discipline despises himself, But he who listens to reproof acquires understanding." Proverbs 15:32 "Better is open rebuke Than love that is concealed." Proverbs 27:5 " A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy." Proverbs 29:1 "Stripes that wound scour ... ...
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479: Praying And Looking For Seekers!
... The mother suddenly announced to Loreen, "The priests cannot help my daughter, but you can." I talked with the 25 year old son, was able to set up a Bible study which lasted for several months. In the end, none of them obeyed to gospel, but that is not important. God had led us to this young man who was seeking at the time. We are the workmen. Each soul we teach must make his own decisions. Yet looking back, I can see God's providence and answer to our prayers by leading us to this young man. Perhaps the biggest lesson learned here was that we do not know where God will lead us and we should be careful not to prejudge who is a seeker. I will never forget sitting at that table after the questions had started, and thanking God for answering my prayer and asking His forgiveness for thinking He had let me down. A woman telephoned the manager of a large opera house and told him she had lost a valuable diamond pin the night before at the concert. The man told her to hold on the line while a ... ...
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480: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
Click to View Ellen G. White Prophet? or Plagiarist! The White Lie! By Walter T. Rea White copied The Desire of Ages and The Spirit of Prophecy from these sources! Chapter 6/Selected Exhibits by Walter Rea Click to View Order Walter Rea's book: "The White Lie" Books Written by White: Sources from Which She Drew: White, Ellen G. ... Christ condescended to take humanity, and thus he unites his interests with the fallen sons and daughters of Adam here below, while his divinity grasps the throne of God. And thus Christ opens the communication of man with God, and God with man. The Life of Christ William Hanna 1863 [108] You have heard ... on the banks of the river, the ... The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 2 E. G. White 1877 [343] The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated to commemorate the time when the Hebrews dwelt in tents during their sojourn in the wilderness. While this great festival lasted, the people were required to leave their houses and live in booths made of green branches of pine or ... ...
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481: Death is a departure to the spirit world, not extinction
Death as "non-existence" is a member of "Domino Theology" (Refute one element & refute the whole system!) Bible verses where death is pictured as a departure 1. "It came about as her soul was departing, for she died" Gen 35:18 2. "The time of departure has come" 2 Tim 4:6 3. "Lay aside my bodily dwelling... my departure" 2 Pet 1:13ff 4. "Poor man died and was carried away by angels" Lk 16:19-31 5. "To die and be with Christ much better than living in flesh" Phil 1:22 The expression "gathered to your people" proves death is a departure into the spirit world! "It is a place where one can reunite with his ... Isaac breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his people Gen 49:33 Jacob finished charging his sons, he drew his feet into the bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people. Num 20:24 Aaron shall be gathered to his people Num 31:2 God to Moses: afterward you will be gathered to your people Deut 32:50 God to Moses: Then die on the mountain (Mount Nebo) where you ... ...
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482: Does your salvation experience match the Bible pattern?
The definition suggests that persons who are converted are changed and are set on a different course or direction. The Lord associated forgiveness of sins with conversion when he said "lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them" Mark 4: 12. Peter ... It is worth noting that in each example of conversion, there is preaching or teaching of the Gospel followed by a certain response to that preaching or teaching by the person converted. The first recorded example is found in Acts, Chapter 2. When Peter and the other apostles filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke to the great multitude on the day of Pentecost and told them that God had raised His Son, whom they had crucified, to ... Two more examples of conversion are recorded in the 16th chapter of Acts. When the Apostle Paul took the Gospel into Macedonia, he found certain women worshipping by a river side. "And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, (of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God), ... ...
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483: The 7 Promises Of God to Man
The 7 Promises Of God to Man We are all accustomed to promises. We are also accustomed to seeing them made and broken. Anyone who has lived for a number of years would certainly never lay claim to having kept every promise made. There are many ... of God? How certain are they? The Apostle Paul, in writing about the promises of God to Abraham, addressed the church at Rome with these words: "For the promise that he should be heir of the world, was not to Abraham or his seed through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith . . . therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed" (Romans 4:13, 16). God's promise to Abraham was first spelled out in Genesis Chapter 12. It ... John 11:25, He did so fully realizing that He had been empowered with this right by the Father who had promised to raise Him from the grave. There were more than 500 brethren at one time who bore witness to the fulfillment of this promise according ... ...
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484: Premillennial Theology Refuted: Christ is on Throne of David ...
in righteousness. " (Isaiah 16:5) 5. "Then say to him, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, "Behold, a man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of the Lord. "Yes, it is He who will build the temple of the Lord, and He who will bear the honor and sit and rule on His throne. ... seat one of his descendants on his throne, he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh suffer decay. "This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. "Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the ... But to which of the angels has He ever said, "Sit at My right hand, Until I make Your enemies A footstool for Your feet." (Hebrews 1:3,8,13) d. "Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all ... ...
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485: Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
... Rutherford, addressing the meeting, said in part:...'The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society is the greatest corporation in the world, because from the time of its organization until now the Lord has used it as His channel through which to make known the Glad Tidings'." (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1917, p. 22, quoted in, The Finished Mystery, Studies in the Scriptures, VII, p. 144). 1917 "In all his (Russell's) warnings he claimed no originality. He said that he could never have written his books himself. It all came from God, through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 7, p. 387.) 1922 "This chronology is not of man, but of God. ... The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates (suppressives), even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship." (Watchtower, Nov 15, 1952 p703) 1952 "The agency which the Master uses to distribute or dispense his truth is called his 'faithful and discreet slave'. Matthew ... ...
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486: Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study!
... This may surprise you, but the Bible describes how someone can get to heaven in an amazingly different way than we have discussed. 4. May I share with you how the Bible showed me that I could know I was going to heaven? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Not Now If YES, turn to pg. 2 of the "Are You Going?" booklet or pg. 4 of the "2 Question Test" booklet. If NOT NOW, ask: "When would be a more convenient time for us to discuss this further?" NAME (please print) PHONE STREET ADDRESS CITY GLAD TIDINGS Click to View GOD/MAN QUESTIONNAIRE Hello, I'm And this is We attend ... Least best - third day (call again). d. If you call any later than three days the person may forget who you are, your purpose, and may lose interest after getting involved in their day to day activities. 3. Die to the flesh (pride and emotions). a. Be ready to face rejection. b. All they can do is say no. c. Remember you're the King's kid! 4. Be a "best friend". a. Have a sense of humor. b. Be personable with a genuine interest in the ... ...
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487: Does the RC church have more authority than the Bible?
Jesus did not appoint any man or group of men to preside over His church. The function of the apostles and prophets was to deliver His will concerning the church and not to personally devise laws and regulations for it. His church has no earthly president or headquarters because He Himself is its only head. Jesus is now reigning from heaven. He was promised the throne of His father David (Luke 1:31-33) and was raised up to sit on it (Acts 2:29-31). Jesus sat down on the throne after He ascended into heaven (Heb. 8:1; Rev. 3:21). He would be priest at the same time He sat and ruled upon His throne (Zech. 6:12-13). He became the high priest when He sat down on the right hand of God (Heb. 3:1; ... He simply meant that the gates of hell would not prevail against Him in preventing Him from building His church. Acts 2:31-32 says, "...He, foreseeing it, spoke of the resurrection of the Christ. For neither was He abandoned to hell, nor did His flesh undergo decay. This Jesus God has raised ... ...
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488: Why Be A Christian?
First, open your New Testament to the book of "Acts of Apostles" Chapter 11, verse 26. The last part of this verse says: "The disciples were called Christians, first at Antioch." The second time we find the name Christian is in the same New Testament book, "Acts of Apostles" Chapter 26, verse 28. The Apostle Paul was given an opportunity to speak before King Agrippa, and tell why he was a believer in Jesus. At the conclusion of his speech, King Agrippa said, "almost thou persuade me to be a Christian". The Apostle Peter gives us some very direct instructions formed in his first letter, I Peter, Chapter 4, verse 16. First he warns us not to be a murderer, or a thief, or an evil doer, or a busy-body in other peoples business. (This is in verse 15). Following these statements he says: "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf". The name "Christian" is divided into two parts - Christ and "ian". It means belonging to Christ. ... ...
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489: What Early Christians believed about Hell & Eternal Punishment
by their deeds are punished with terrible torture in unquenchable fire, the righteous, who have done good, and who have endured tortures and have hated the luxuries of life, will give glory to their God saying, 'There shall be hope for him that has served God with all his heart!'" (Second Clement , 17:7). 150 AD Justin Martyr: "No more is it possible for the evildoer, the avaricious, and the treacherous to hide from God than it is for the virtuous. Every man will receive the eternal punishment or reward which his actions deserve. Indeed, if all men recognized this, no one would choose evil even for a short time, knowing that he would incur the eternal sentence of fire. ... That clever fire burns the limbs and restores them, wears them away and yet sustains them, just as fiery thunderbolts strike bodies but do not consume them" (Octavius 34:12-5:3). 250 AD Ignatius of Antioch "Corrupters of families will not inherit the kingdom of God. And if they who do these things according to the flesh ... ...
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490: Comparison list of 26 Moses/Paul Shadows, Types, Antitypes and ...
Sinai 1. The primary typology between Moses and Paul is that both are scripture writers of the canon a. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible that were the sole written authority in Israel until the time of Samuel and David. b. Paul wrote 14 of the 27 New Testament books. Paul went to Arabia immediately after being converted: "But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went away to Arabia, and ... for God just as you all are today." (Acts 22:3) iv. "But when they stretched him out with thongs, Paul said to the centurion who was standing by, "Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman and uncondemned?" When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and told him, saying, "What are you about to do? ... ...
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491: Beliefs of the Quakers (Shaking Quakers, Shakers, Friends)
God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in One, yet not three Gods but One (Jn 5:7). Of Christ: Christ is God (Jn 1:1). Christ Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matt 1:18). Jesus Christ, God made flesh (Jn 1:14). Jesus Christ died for our sins but rose again the third day according to Scripture (1 Cor. 15:3,4). Christ is the only Mediator between man and God (1 Tim. 2:5). Of the Holy Scriptures: The Holy Scriptures are inspired by God, therefore true and profitable (2 Tim. 3:15,16,17). But only Christ Jesus is the Word of God (Rev.19: ... Observers reported tongues, uneducated peasants and young children prophesying in pure, elegant French, enthusiastic, demonstrative worship, and people "seized by the Spirit." Cevennes: After Montanus, the next time any significant tongues-speaking movement arose was with the Cevennol Prophets of the seventeenth century. The Cevennol prophets likewise were outside of the church - their primary emphasis was on ... ...
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492: Reading the Hearts of Men!
And another also said, I will follow you, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home. But Jesus said to him, No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Jesus communicated with three different men. What Jesus said to them makes little sense unless we understand that he knew their ... One person might express the need to discuss their new commitment with parents, spouse, or friends. Another might say they want to wait until their financial situation settles, or wait until they straighten out their marriage, or wait until summer or winter comes when they think they will be able to make time, or wait till the cows come home, etc. The excuses given in the parable of the dinner in Luke 14:16-24 sound ridiculous, but they are typical of what soul-winners encounter every day. The record says: A certain man was giving a big dinner, and he invited many; and at the dinner hour he sent his slave to say to those who had been invited, ... ...
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493: Interactive Bible Home Page
Historical documentation of what early Christians believed Searching for New Testament Christianity Seek and you will find! Family Life Marriage, parenting, teens, dating, loneliness, low-self esteem etc. The Supernatural God, Holy Spirit, angels, demons, Deity of Christ, heaven, hell, soul, spirit How to Be Saved You need the blood of Christ! Here is how to apply it to your soul! Systems of False Doctrine: Do you know what your church teaches: Official teachings of almost every church. Sabbath Keepers Refuted An defense of why Christians worship on Sunday and not Saturday. For Jehovah's Witness New Converts Information every new Jehovah's Witness should know about his new religion. Evolution vs 6 day creation When God created the earth in 6 days He was taking His time! The Roman Catholic church examined Is the Roman Catholic church the original one true church? Mormonism Exposed Are the Book of Mormon and the golden Nephi plates from God or man? Calvinism refuted The famous 5 point ... ...
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494: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
... Numerous confessions in the Anabaptist tradition were used in the preparation of the first Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith. A confession such as this one is an expression of the biblical ideals of the brotherhood, revised from time to time, reflecting the faith which such a fellowship believes and preaches. Its validity ... We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, whom the Father sent to reconcile us to Himself and to redeem us from sin and eternal death. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary. Thus He is true God and true man according to the Scriptures. He lived a perfect, holy and sinless life. In the redemptive purpose ... It is a supper of remembrance, celebration and praise which strengthens believers for true discipleship and service. Mt. 16:24; 26:26-30; 1 Cor. 10:16-17; 11:23-32; 14:26; Rev. 3:20 Marriage and the Christian Home We believe that God instituted marriage for the intimate companionship of husband and wife, and for the procreation ... ...
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495: What Teenagers Need to Understand About Dating!
One of the most important decisions a teenager will make is choosing the people he will date. The Bible tells us in I Corinthians 15:33,"Do not be mislead: Bad company corrupts good character". (NIV), and in Psalm 1:1, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked " (RSV). We easily recognize the influence of ... If on the majority of your dates you are alone, and you go to cozy, intimate places, are you not making it easier for Satan to break you down? Double dating can be a help. It is also a good idea to avoid prolonged, steady dating. Time and familiarity with another person can slowly but very surely break down our defenses. It is a valuable ... total life, just as the icing is an important, but a small part of the cake. Dating too often (or for too many hours) is like a cake that is all icing. Keep dating activities in balance; do not let dating interfere with your duties to God, to family, to school, or to self. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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496: What Teenagers Need to Understand About Dating!
One of the most important decisions a teenager will make is choosing the people he will date. The Bible tells us in I Corinthians 15:33,"Do not be mislead: Bad company corrupts good character". (NIV), and in Psalm 1:1, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked " (RSV). We easily recognize the influence of ... If on the majority of your dates you are alone, and you go to cozy, intimate places, are you not making it easier for Satan to break you down? Double dating can be a help. It is also a good idea to avoid prolonged, steady dating. Time and familiarity with another person can slowly but very surely break down our defenses. It is a valuable ... a teenager's total life, just as the icing is an important, but a small part of the cake. Dating too often (or for too many hours) is like a cake that is all icing. Keep dating activities in balance; do not let dating interfere with your duties to God, to family, to school, or to self. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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497: Kung, Hans: Christianity and the World Religions
... "The Trinity-An Insurmountable Obstacle?: For Jesus himself, the central problem was this: In the face of the coming Kingdom of God, how to overcome legalism by fulfilling God's will in love? For the Christian Church, however, the central issue shifted, over the course of time, to the person of Jesus and his relation to God. And the controversy between Christianity and Islam remains wholly concentrated on this ... Refrain; better is it / for you. God is only One God. Glory be / to Him-that He should have a son!" (sura 4, 169) it might seem that for all the points of agreement in the Muslim and Christian understanding of God and man, we have finally come to a dead end. The situation resembles that of the most recent declaration of the German Catholic bishops "On the Church's Relations with Judaism" (1980). The statement does acknowledge that the Christian belief in the "Son of God, equal in essence to Him" strikes "many Jews as absolutely contradictory . . . to strict monotheism, if ... ...
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498: Suicide, psychiatry and the bible: The freedom to sin by killing ...
... Contrary to her view that she had no one, Amanda Todd had 10,000 who cared for and even loved her. d. Life moves forward for good. Endure another day and light will come. e. Suicide is a cry of desperation for help. In Amanda's case she had been crying for help a long time and felt life was a cruel hopeless place. f. If only she had become a Christian and let the love of God fill her soul with light and hope. D. Suicide cases in the Bible: 1. Suicide breaks the Ten Commandments: "you shall not murder". Suicide is self murder. 2. Man is created in the image of God. We do not have the right to destroy ourselves. 3. Cases of suicide in the Bible: a. Abimelech, the son of Gideon, ordered his armor-bearer to kill him after he was fatally injured by a woman: "Then he called quickly to the young man, his armor bearer, and said to him, "Draw your sword and kill me, so that it will not be said of me, 'A woman slew him.' " So the young man pierced him through, and he died." (Judges 9:54) b. ... ...
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499: The God Helmet: Junk psychiatric science: 2002 AD! Psychiatry ...
This is an area of the brain that makes Christians out of atheists. If they can just fix this malfunctioning part of the brain (because God doesn't exist) then they can rid man kind of this silly notion of a creator. The new world national anthem they envision is John Lennon's Imagine : "Imagine there's no Heaven. It's easy ... Progress in genetics and neuroscience has encouraged some to look, quite seriously, for such a God gene, or else a God spot, module, factor, or switch in the human brain. By the time the amazing "God helmet" (a snowmobile helmet modified with solenoids that purportedly could stimulate subjects to experience God) in Sudbury, Canada, became a ... It also shows them to be elitist snobs who believe they are "better adjusted" and "better than Christians" because they are atheists. They look down on Christians and view their faith as a mistake in evolution. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with ... ...
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500: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
Trinity for its rule of faith." (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) In His disputation with the Jews He claimed that His own Sonship was not simply from David, but from a source that made Him David's Lord, and that it had been so at the very time when David uttered the words (Mt. xxii. 43). ... The earliest foreshadowing is contained in the narrative of the creation, where Elohim is seen to create by means of Word and Spirit (Gn. i. 3). (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) It is thought that Gn. i. 26 ('And God said, Let us make man in our image and after our likeness') implies that a revelation of the ... the elements out of which theology has constructed the doctrine. The teaching of Christ bears testimony to the true personality of each of the distinctions within the Godhead and also sheds light upon the relations existing between the three Persons. It was left to theology to formulate from this a doctrine of the Trinity. ... ...
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