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351: The Ten commandments, by themselves, are not Gods Perfect Law ...
Did not condemn: Drunkenness, obscene language, laziness, pride, pre-marital sex, deviant sex, bestiality. Do not forbid brethren taking brethren to court. (1 Cor 6) Does not command: forgiveness, repentance or helping the poor or Baptism or the Lord's supper. The rich young ruler had kept the 10 commandments from his youth up, but Jesus said he lacked something even though he had kept the 10 commandments acceptably: Lk 18:18-23 It does not tell us about the kingdom of God or how to enter it. There is no provision for forgiveness of sin therein. Heb 10:4 It permitted swearing, but Jesus forbade swearing: Mt 5:32 Four essential things lacking in 10 commandments: Acts 15:28-29 "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than: these essentials: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well." Jesus said that the ten ... ...
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352: Earnest Haenchen: 1984 English translation of Haenchen's commentary ...
The Watchtower commits every offence with Haenchen's work. They selectively quote to make Haenchen appear to say something opposite to what he is actually saying. They overlook the fact that Haenchen comes right out and says Jesus is not a creature. They again confuse modalism with trinitarian theology. They redefine Haenchen's words like "divine" in a way that Haenchen himself would object to. Finally, they rely on a sloppy translation by Funk, who takes some liberties, that Haenchen would not. Haenchen, Earnest: 1984 English translation of Haenchen's commentary on John by Robert W. Funk Click to View Watchtower Magazine Earnest Haenchen is quoted in: Watchtower Magazine, December 15, 1985, p 25. How the Watchtower quoted the source "John 1:1, however, tells of something that was sin existence already in time primeval; astonishingly, it is not 'God'. The hymn thus does not begin with God and his creation, but the existence of the Logos in the beginning." (Ernst Haenchen, Das ... ...
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353: Beatitudes of Jesus and the Beatitudes Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q525
Like saying, "knock, knock" or "Roses are Red..." today, everyone sitting on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee was familiar with the format and listened curiously to the Nazarene's own variation on the poetic form. Jesus used known cultural paradigms so his message was: revolutionary, relevant and refreshing. Notice both Jesus' and Qumran Beatitudes use the same format of 8 short beatitudes followed by a 9th longer one. Beatitudes of Jesus 30 AD Qumran Beatitudes Scroll 4Q525 50 BC Matthew 5:3-12 [Words (or Proverbs) of David (or of Solomon son of David), which he spok]e (or [wrot]e) by the wisdom God gave to him [to ... ... to acquir]e wisdom and disci[pline,] to understand [ ... ... ] to increase knowledge or wisdom]. 1 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [Blessed ... 2 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. [Blessed ... 3 "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. [Blessed ... 4 "Blessed are those who hunger ... ...
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354: Mental Illness cures: 155 Sins in the Bible
The sins you circle, are the causes of many of your problems. Stopping the behaviour or attitudes (repentance) you have circled, will resolve most of your problems. The best way to improve yourself is to start reading your Bible daily and begin attending a Bible believing church in your own home town: Find me a church in my own home town now! Self-test 1: MMPI-7 (Meticulous Moral Principles Inquiry) Click to View This is test #1: Divine Sin Manual (DSM-7) An Inventory of 155 sinful behaviours Instructions: Circle anything that applies to you in any way. Jesus represents perfection and would not circle anything. You are a sinner, so be honest with yourself. The more you circle, the more things you must change in your life in order to achieve the highest perfection. Category Circle all that applies to you Heart sins Category #1 anxiety, depression (unending sadness), pride, boasting, envy, jealousy, conceit, vanity, cowardice, high self-esteem, a general feeling of entitlement, ... ...
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355: Psychologists view mental patients as victims, deny personal ...
... The summary address of the chaplain from a state mental hospital, 1965) "the therapist's attempts to excuse the patient's negative and undesirable behavior on the ground that it was determined by the past and so he had no reason to feel guilty about it" (Lawrence LeShan, "Changing Trends in Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychotherapy," Mental Hygiene, July 1962, pp. 454-463). C. Bible Verses that we must take responsibility for our own sins through confession: Blame shifting was man's first response to sin: Adam blames Eve, Eve blamed the serpent. None said, Its my fault! "The man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate." Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."" (Genesis 3:12-13) Aaron claimed the golden calf just popped out of the fire all by itself! "Aaron said, "Do not let the anger of my lord burn; you know the people yourself, that they are prone to evil. ... ...
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356: Algunos Pensamientos Sobre la Oración (Parte 4)
Algunos Pensamientos Sobre la Oración (Parte 4) La oración es uno de los privilegios más grandes concedidos a los hijos de Dios. No se de ninguno más grande hasta donde la vida está concernida - podemos hablar con Dios por medio de Jesús, nuestro Mediador, en oración. Jesús dijo, «Pedid, y se os dará». Pablo escribió, «Exhortó ante todo, a que se hagan rogativas, oraciones, peticiones y acciones de gracias, por todos los hombres ...Quiero, pues, que los hombres oren en todo lugar, levantando manos santas, sin ira ni contienda». «Orad sin cesar» (Mat. 7:7; 1 Tim. 2:1,8; 1 Tes. 5:17). No puede haber cuestión legítimamente dada que refleje la obligación o privilegio de la oración para el creyente. Las instrucciones de Pablo son aplicables hoy día. Jesús no sólo enseñó a Sus discípulos a orar, El oró mucho: en su bautismo (Luc. 3:21); en los desiertos; en el monte antes de seleccionar a Sus apóstoles (Luc. 9:18); en Su transfiguración (Luc. 9:27-28). Estas son ... ...
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357: La Música Instrumental en la Adoración
... Soy sabedor de que lo que estaban haciendo fue condenado por Jesús, pero aún así era adoración, porque Jesús mismo lo declaró de esta manera. (2) Pero era adoración vana, porque estaban haciendo, como servicio religioso, cosas que Dios no había mandado. Aún el pequeño asunto de lavar las manos estaba entre las cosas severamente condenadas por Jesús; pero ¿es incorrecto lavarse las manos? No, si esto es hecho fuera del servicio religioso; pero si, enfáticamente si, sí esto es hecho en el servicio religioso donde no hay mandamiento de Dios para esto. Aquí está un hecho que debería ser impreso profunda e indeleblemente en cada corazón, que acorde a Jesús, un acto, tal como el lavamiento de las manos, el cual es completamente sin pecado fuera del servicio religioso, es, no obstante, pecaminoso cuando es obrado en el servicio religioso ante la ausencia de cualquier mandamiento de Dios. Por tanto, aunque envuelto en la adoración a Dios, los hombres pueden al mismo tiempo, ... ...
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358: Sola Scriptura: Mistakes made by the Apostolic Fathers based ...
... Of course it doesn't refer to Mary any more than Christ, because now the Roman Catholics must deal with the fact that the text says "wisdom was with God in the beginning of time" as the Jehovah's Witnesses apply the passage. "From the texts Proverbs 8... which exalt the Wisdom of God and which in the liturgy are applied to Mary, the most beautiful work of God's Wisdom" (New Advent, Catholic encyclopedia, Immaculate Conception of Mary) "[13] and also concerning Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs, 8:22-31" (New Advent, Catholic encyclopedia, The Blessed Virgin Mary, Old Testament Types And Figures Of Mary) Christadelphians, who are Arians that reject Jesus existed before his conception, also reject that Prov 8:22 refers to Christ! That's because if it did, it would prove Jesus pre-existed the "incarnation" (which they also reject). Here are heretics that got the right interpretation of Prov 8:22 but now had to deal with the vast number of other passages that prove Christ pre-existed the ... ...
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359: Una Carta Amistosa Para Mis Amigos "Testigos de Jehová"
... Al ser tan entusiasmados por esperar un reino material sobre la tierra interpretan muchas profecías simbólicas del Antiguo Testamento y de Apocalipsis en una forma literal y así construyen su teoría materialista, pasando por alto los textos claros (y no simbólicos) que ya hemos citado los cuales enseñan que el verdadero reino es de naturaleza espiritual y que ya existía en el primer siglo. Sé que después de mucho tiempo de oír de un reino material, le va a costar aceptar las verdades sencillas enseñadas en los textos dados arriba acerca de un reino espiritual que ya existe. Solamente le pido que investigue los textos dados y que piense con una mente abierta acerca de este punto. LA DIVINIDAD DE JESÚS Pienso comprender las dudas en cuanto a la divinidad de Jesús. El captar como Dios puede tener diferentes manifestaciones y al mismo tiempo ser uno (perfectamente unido) es difícil. Sin embargo, creo que su conclusión errónea, que Jesucristo no era divino, se debe al tratar ... ...
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360: El Homicidio y el Enojo
... El va a la misma raíz y fuente del pecado y prohibe la actitud del corazón y las palabras que llevan al crimen exterior. En la proclamación de Su ley, el Señor Jesús trató con la naturaleza progresiva del pecado. El habla de tres grados de pecado, cada paso mas cercano al acto exterior del homicidio. "...cualquiera que se enoje contra su hermano, será culpable de juicio..." ¿Qué es lo que Jesús condena aquí? No todo enojo es malo. "...Dios está airado..." (Sal. 7:11). Jesús se enojo (Marcos 3:5). Los Cristianos pueden enojarse sin pecar (Efe. 4:26). Hay diferentes clases de enojo. Una palabra Griega describe el enojo a lo que rápida y quizás violentamente surgió y exactamente tan rápidamente se apaciguó. Otro término (el usado aquí) indica "ira de larga vida;...el enojo del hombre que alimenta su ira para guardarla tibia;...el enojo sobre el cual una persona incuba y que él no permitirá morir" (William Barclay, The Daily Study Bible, Vol. I, The Gospel of Matthew, ... ...
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361: Heaven, what will it be like?
Heaven will have a beauty beyond our imagination. The best John could do to describe heaven was to say it was like an entire city of transparent gold. He says: The walls of the new city are precious jewels. The gates are twelve single pearls. The city itself and its streets are pure gold, yet like transparent glass. This is found in Revelation 21:18, 19, 21. And the whole city is lighted by the glory of God. Heaven is a place of matchless blessings. Jesus has prepared a mansion for us there. Great treasure is stored up for us; in fact, the saints "will inherit all things" (Revelation 21:7). The leaves of the tree of life will guarantee our health. and the crystal pure water of the river of life will flow from the throne of God to the tree of eternal life. For the first time since the Garden of Eden, God's children may eat out of this tree in His paradise (Genesis 3:22 and Revelation 2:7). In heaven we will be given new names, new imperishable bodies. and we will be clothed in the white ... ...
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362: "Cristianos UNICAMENTE y SOLAMENTE Cristianos"
Pero, el denominacionalismo es como tal un estado que la Biblia condena. Por lo tanto, uno no puede ser salvo (eso es, un Cristiano) y estar en el denominacionalismo. Recuerde, un Cristiano es "un seguidor de Cristo." Uno no puede ser un Cristiano e ir a donde Cristo no lo lleva con Su palabra (Juan 12:48). Cristo no Murió por Todas las Iglesias En segundo lugar, no hay personas salvas en todas las iglesias ¡porque Cristo no murió por todas las iglesias! Acorde a la Biblia, Jesús "con la sangre preciosa, como de un cordero sin mancha y sin contaminación" compró una y únicamente una iglesia (1 Ped. 1:18-19; Hch. 20:28; Efe. 5:25-26, 29). El denominacionalismo no es parte de la iglesia que Cristo compró con "su propia sangre," y es, por lo tanto, no un sistema por el que Cristo murió. Uno Debe Estar en Cristo Por consiguiente, no hay personas salvas en todas las iglesias ¡porque uno debe estar en y permanecer en Cristo para ser salvo! Las personas que están en las ... ...
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363: Hebrews 4:4-11 prove that the Sabbath that remains for Christians ...
... The weekly Sabbath and the land Sabbath in Palestine were both based upon this verse contrasted with the Sabbath that remains, namely our eternal rest in heaven. The attainment of the spiritual land promised to Abraham. (click link) God spoke of another rest after Joshua, through David in Ps 95 "For if Joshua had given them rest (through the weekly Sabbath), He (God through David) would not have spoken of another day (eternal rest in heaven) after that." Joshua & Jesus were forerunners into the promised lands; Joshua of Palestine; Jesus of Heaven: Heb 6:11-13;19-20 full assurance of hope...inherit the promises...God made the promise to Abraham...this hope we have as which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us. Joshua was forerunner into physical promised land, Jesus into spiritual promise land. 3 Parallel verses Deut 1:34-35 Ps 95:11 Heb 4:3 the LORD was angry and took an oath, saying, Therefore I swore in My anger As I swore in My wrath Not one ... ...
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364: Can A Christian Sin And Be Lost?
At its other extreme, this doctrine is expressed as, "No matter how grievous, the sins of Christians will not be held against them in the final judgement". Those who hold this last view believe that Christians can do wrong, but they also believe that Christ will forgive them of any, and every, sin so that they will be blameless on the day of judgement. You researched this question to find, not what man teaches, but what the Bible teaches about the possibility of Christians falling from the way of truth, and becoming lost. The most clear treatment of this subject in the New Testament is found in the second chapter of II Peter. Study this entire chapter carefully. I quote now verses 20 and 21, which best summarize its teachings, "For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to ... ...
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365: Material Possessions and the Family
The answer to these questions is yes; it is possible, indeed, probable, for we know that our God is a jealous God and wants no other God placed before Him. If we prefer the enjoyment of things ahead of duty to God, we are placing our desires ahead of God. In a sense, then, our goods become our God and receive our time, effort, and worship. We know that this is wrong for we are certain that God is displeased. This is idol worship, a sin about which the Bible speaks often. Also denounced frequently in the Bible is the sin of covetousness, which is the overwhelming desire for material gain. Jesus said in Luke 12:15-31: "take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought to himself saying, what shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This I will do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I ... ...
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366: Lachatre, M. Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel (New Universal Dictionary ...
Even worse, the same source would GUESS and SUGGEST many elements of core Watchtower doctrine were "borrowed" from Plato! The Watchtower is creating a false dilemma in the mind of the reader by implying that the existence of similarities in pagan religions automatically means that Christians borrowed that similarity from the pagans. In utter deception, Jehovah's Witnesses know there are many similarities in Pagan religions that, using the same bad logic, could prove that the Watchtower borrowed the doctrines of the virgin birth, incarnation, blood atonement, the ascension, even the name Mary for the mother of Jesus, from the Pagans! Lachatre, M., Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique Click to View Quoted by Anti-Trinitarians including JW's: "It seems unquestionable that the revelation of the mystery of the Trinity was not made to the Jews." (Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, French Catholic) Our comments Trinitarians agree! Surprise! We also argue that Baptism, the Lord's supper ... ...
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367: Josh McDowell's Powerful Evidience for Resurrection
... When I was confronted with the overwhelming evidence for Christ's resurrection, I had to ask the logical question: "What difference does all this evidence make to me? What difference does it make whether or not I believe Christ rose again and died on the cross for my sins!' The answer is put best by something Jesus said to a man who doubted-Thomas. Jesus told him: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6). On the basis of all the evidence for Christ's resurrection, and considering the fact that Jesus offers forgiveness of sin and an eternal relationship with God, who would be so foolhardy as to reject Him? Christ is alive! He is living today. Learn how to be saved at: Salvation Josh McDowell, according to a recent survey, is one of the most popular speakers among university students today. He has spoken on more than 650 university and college campuses to more than seven million people in 74 countries during the last 21 years. ... ...
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368: Catalogue and List of Divine Titles of God
Click to View New Testament names for Son Click to View New Testament names for Holy Spirit The following will send shivers up the spine of every Jehovah's Witness! To their horror, the divine name underwent change and development. "God spoke further to Moses and said to him, "I am the Lord; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, Lord, I did not make Myself known to them." (Exodus 6:2-3) From Adam to Moses, God's name was "El-Shaddai" (God Almighty). From Moses to Christ, God's name was YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah). For Christians the name of God is JESUS! "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) Certainly the Jews never foresaw the time when YHWH would no longer be used as the name for God and it would be replace with Jesus! But actually, in God's providence, the Jews were actually part of the change. The Septuagint was a translation in 250 BC ... ...
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369: Living Together Common-law Unmarried
Moreover, other professed Christians condone the practice if "they really care for one another". In the Bible such a relationship outside of marriage is called fornication, or if it involves the married, adultery. Just to set the record straight on what the Bible teaches about it we will quote Paul: "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolater, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor deviant sex practitioners, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." (I Cor. 6:9-11) There it is! Those living together without the benefit of marriage are lost and cannot be saved unless they repent. This is blunt, but if one believes the Bible it is true. For the Christian there can be no ... ...
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370: Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!
... The Death of the Mystery Gods and the Death of Jesus The best way to evaluate the alleged dependence of early Christian beliefs about Christ's death and resurrection on the pagan myths of a dying and rising savior-god is to examine carefully the supposed parallels. The death of Jesus differs from the deaths of the pagan gods in at least six ways: (1) None of the so-called savior-gods died for someone else. The notion of the Son of God dying in place of His creatures is unique to Christianity.[13] (2) Only Jesus died for sin. As Gunter Wagner observes, to none of the pagan gods "has the intention of helping men been attributed. The sort of death that they died is quite different (hunting accident, self-emasculation, etc.)."[14] (3) Jesus died once and for all (Heb. 7:27; 9:25-28; 10:10-14). In contrast, the mystery gods were vegetation deities whose repeated deaths and resuscitations depict the annual cycle of nature. (4) Jesus' death was an actual event in history. The death of the ... ...
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371: Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to prove "Eternal Security"
The above texts prove Christians can be lost...salvation is conditional prior to judgement. Being a sheep and being in the hand of God is conditional. Hearing Christ (v. 27) Believing Christ (v. 26) Following Christ (v. 27) As long as a person remains a sheep. But a sheep can wander astray. What these passages are really teaching is that nothing can harm the Christian who submits to God and obeys His commandments. But if that individual starts to willingly disobey and openly practice sin in rebellion to God will be lost. Here they leave the security of the "hand of God". Jesus plainly said he would to unfaithful Christians "I will spit you out of My mouth" Rev 3:16 Jesus said he would "throw away branches that do not abide in Him": Jn 15:6 Romans 8:35-39 faithful follower of Christ, "they shall never perish." We cannot be separated from the love of Christ. But this verse does not teach that we can never be separated from the salvation which is in Christ. Christ's love for man and ... ...
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372: "Sunday keeping" DID NOT originate in the pagan religion of Mithraism ...
... Of course all the quotes the Sabbatarians use are worthless because they are written by Bible haters who say all of Judaism and Christianity is of pagan origin! Weigall Trashes the whole of Christianity as being of Pagan origin including the Sabbath! Click to View Contents of The Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall Notice #28 says Sunday is of pagan origin and #29 says the Sabbath The Twelve Disciples Derived From Zodiac: p25 The 27 books of the New Testament Canon is invalid: p37 The name Mary is of pagan origin: p41 The virgin birth is of pagan origin: p44,47,60 The early life of Jesus is totally unknown: p49 Jesus born in a stable and wrapped in swaddling clothing is of pagan origin: p52 Miracles of Jesus are of pagan origin: p58 Jesus' 40 day temptation in wilderness is of pagan origin: p61 Earthquake at cross is false: p62 Jesus Crucifixion was a Jewish human sacrifice of pagan origin: p69,76 Jesus Side Pierced is of pagan origin: p83,84 Jesus never actually died, two ... ...
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373: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Tabernacle/Temple Messianic ...
... Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him." (Hebrews 9:24-28) 9. Veil removed by Jesus' body signaling the way to heaven is known: a. "Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh," (Hebrews 10:19-20) 10. Aaronic priests are replaced by Christian men and woman: a. "to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, ministering as a priest the gospel of God, so that my offering of the Gentiles may become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit." (Romans ... ...
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374: Material Possessions and the Family
The answer to these questions is yes; it is possible, indeed, probable, for we know that our God is a jealous God and wants no other God placed before Him. If we prefer the enjoyment of things ahead of duty to God, we are placing our desires ahead of God. In a sense, then, our goods become our God and receive our time, effort, and worship. We know that this is wrong for we are certain that God is displeased. This is idol worship, a sin about which the Bible speaks often. Also denounced frequently in the Bible is the sin of covetousness, which is the overwhelming desire for material gain. Jesus said in Luke 12:15-31: "take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought to himself saying, what shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This I will do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I ... ...
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375: ¿Salvo? ¿Sin Ser Bautizado?
¿Salvo? ¿Sin Ser Bautizado? Hacher Click para navigar Hay varios textos en la Biblia que enseñan claramente que el hombre no está bajo la ley de Moisés (el Antiguo Testamento) pero, sí, "bajo la ley de Cristo" (el Nuevo Testamento)(1 Corintios 9:20,21; Gálatas 3:23-25; 6:2). Esta nueva ley entró en vigor, o se hizo "válida", tras la muerte de Jesús en la cruz... "Porque el testamento con la muerte se confirma; pues no es válido entre tanto que el testador vive" (Hebreos 9:17). Hoy en día todos los seres humanos vivimos en la Edad Cristiana. Estamos todos "bajo la ley de Cristo" y ella será la norma por la cual Dios juzgará al mundo en el día final (Juan 12:48). ¿Es posible ser salvo bajo la ley de Cristo sin o antes de sepultarse en agua para perdón de pecados? A continuación presentamos cinco preguntas y seis textos bíblicos. Al considerar detenidamente los versículos dados, usted mismo podrá ver la respuesta que Dios da a cada pregunta. ¿Es posible ser salvo... ... ...
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376: Una Carta Amistosa Para Mis Amigos Adventistas del Séptimo D ...
... Sé que después de mucho tiempo de oír de un reino material, va a costar aceptar las verdades sencillas enseñadas en los textos dados arriba acerca de un reino espiritual que ya existe. Solamente pido se investigue los textos dados y se piense con mente abierta acerca de este punto. EL SÁBADO Comprendo la frustración de mis amigos adventistas al ver a muchos que afirman aceptar los diez mandamientos sin embargo niegan guardar el sábado. Si alguien afirma que estamos bajo los diez mandamientos, ¡debe guardar el sábado! No obstante, ¡la Biblia enseña claramente que ya no estamos bajo los diez mandamientos! Son parte del ministerio de muerte el cual fue clavado en la cruz por Jesús (Col. 2:14; Heb. 8:6-13; Gálatas 3:23-25, etc.). Objeción: Si no estamos bajo los diez mandamientos, ¿podemos matar, robar, etc.? Contestación: No podemos matar, robar, cometer adulterio, etc. porque estamos bajo la ley de Cristo, la cual también prohibe tales cosas. Ilustración: Tengo amigos ... ...
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377: El Alcohol y las Drogas
... Sigue los impulsos de tu corazón y el gusto de tus ojos; mas sabe que por todas estas cosas, Dios te traerá a juicio." b. Isa. 50:11 "He aquí, todos vosotros que encendéis fuego, que os rodeáis de teas, andad a la lumbre de vuestro fuego y entre las teas que habéis encendido. Esto os vendrá de mi mano: en tormento yaceréis." c. Mat . 23:32, "Llenad, pues, la medida de la culpa de vuestros padres." d. Efes. 4:26, "Airaos, pero no pequéis." 2. Juan 2:9,10, (en fiesta de la boda en Caná, Jesús convierte el agua en vino) "Cuando el maestresala probó el agua hecha vino, sin saber él de dónde era, aunque lo sabían los sirvientes que habían sacado el agua, llamó al esposo, 10 y le dijo: Todo hombre sirve primero el buen vino, y cuando [los hombres] ya han bebido mucho, [entonces] el inferior; mas tú has reservado el buen vino hasta ahora". a. Recuerde, nuestra palabra española vino, en nuestro día y tiempo, lleva una connotación que no necesariamente debe ser forzada en ... ...
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378: ¿Qué Concepto Tiene Dios de los "Vicios"? (Parte 2b - La Bebida ...
... A otro hermano le encantó que yo predicara sobre "El Fumar" (véase parte 1 de esta serie), pero cuando predique sobre "La Bebida Alcohólica" (un vicio suyo) ¡se opuso! "El maestresala," razonaba el hermano, "es el que se encarga de verificar la calidad del vino alcohólico; no está para comprobar la calidad de zumo [jugo] de uva sino de vino con alcohol". Es verdad que el maestresala español del siglo veinte comprueba la calidad del vino alcohólico, pero ¿es esto lo que hacía el maestresala judío del primer siglo? Es un error intentar hacer que la Biblia se ajuste a las costumbres modernas. B. Argumento: "Jesús bebía vino fermentado", Lc. 7:34. 1. Sin embargo, Lucas "nada más relata la falsa representación de los fariseos y otros judíos incrédulos [en contra de Juan y Jesús]" (Bill Reeves, Interrogantes Y Respuestas, 1-50, p. 7). 2. Este versículo no prueba que Jesús bebiera vino alcohólico como tampoco prueba que fuera "hombre comilón". Eran acusaciones falsas. 3. ... ...
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379: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 9:1-7 "A child will ...
... And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and struck him and put him to death and became king in his place, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah." (2 Kings 15:29-30) 1. Echoes back to Isa 7:16: "For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings (Rezin and Pekah) you dread will be forsaken." (Isaiah 7:16) 2. "So the couriers passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, and as far as Zebulun, but they laughed them to scorn and mocked them. Nevertheless some men of Asher, Manasseh and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem. The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king and the princes commanded by the word of the Lord." (2 Chronicles 30:10-12) b. Humiliation by Romans and sin, liberation by the light of Christ: i. Jesus fulfilled Isa 9:1-7 at the start of his ministry which began in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali. Prophecy, ... ...
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380: Review of the Official Creed of the Dominion Christian Centre
... They DO believe that Salvation is FREE, but works gain rewards NOT salvation, for... They DO believe that Grace is FREE, independent of ANY works. 4. WHAT THEY DO NOT BELIEVE They do NOT believe in the Triune God They do NOT believe in the deity of Jesus; that Jesus is God the Son. They do NOT believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit; that the Holy Spirit is God the Spirit. They do NOT believe the Holy Spirit permanently indwells every believer. They do NOT believe in the finished work of Christ. They do NOT believe that Jesus came to be our substitute in His life and death. They do NOT believe that man is born in sin. They do NOT believe in eternal security. They do NOT believe in the priesthood of all believers. They do NOT believe conversion can take place through the written Word without human agency. They do NOT believe one can know they are saved in this lifetime. They do NOT believe salvation can be attained without going through their ministers (the workers). They do NOT believe ... ...
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381: Official beliefs of the church of God (7th day)
Our Beliefs The Church of God (Seventh Day) believes that . . . the Bible is the dependable and authoritative Word of God. No other writing is of such divine origin or is necessary for Christian faith and practice. God the Father is the almighty Creator and loving Provider, eternal King and Judge of the universe. Jesus Christ, the preexistent Son of God, is the Savior, Lord, and eternal Redeemer of all who truly believe. the Holy Spirit is the presence of God in believers - convicting, converting, teaching truth, prompting obedience, bearing fruit, distributing gifts, and empowering witness. humans are sinners by birth and by choice. Because our first parents disobeyed, sin and death follow on us all. We also have sinned in thought, word, deed, and in omission. Salvation is the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. It originates in God's grace, is achieved by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and is personally received by faith. saving faith includes repentance, ... ...
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382: Why Be Baptized?
... In verse 38 he says, "Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost". In Romans Chapter 6, verse 4, Paul tells us we are raised from baptism to walk in a newness of life. From these verses we see that a penitent, believing individual who is willing to confess the Lord can be baptized in order to walk in the newness of life. A person failing to qualify in any one of these areas should not be baptized. For example, since an infant cannot be a believer, the infant should not be baptized. If a person is baptized to please someone else rather than being a sincere believer in Christ, this person should not be baptized. If a person in unwilling to cease the practice of sin and live a new life in Christ Jesus, he should not be baptized. The student who is interested in further study along this line should read carefully the entire chapters from which verses have been quoted in this study. Click ... ...
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383: Lesson 5: The Nature of God
Man has a sin problem, but God has the solution and the answer. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". God is truly a loving God to give His only begotten Son to die for us. That is the ultimate of love. Nothing could be greater. Not only is God a loving God, but the Bible speaks of other aspects of God's nature. God is a vengeful God. In Hebrews 10:30-31 we read, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God". Most people like to think of God as only a loving God, and nothing else; but this is not true. On the day of judgment, the majority of people will find out just how fearful, that it is to fall into the hands of the living God. Not only is the Lord loving and vengeful, but he is also just. Jesus says in John 5:30 (KJV), "I can of my own self do nothing: as I ... ...
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384: Lesson 9: Role Of Women In The Church
Many people do not approve of what God has done, but this is still God's business. As we read in Romans 9:20, "But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this?" Who are we to question God? Also in 1 Timothy 2:11-13 God's word to us says, "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence For Adam was first formed, then Eve." God's word is very clear. It says it is not to be permitted. In other words it is forbidden. When we do things that are forbidden by God it is sin. It is sin which separates us from God and sin will cause us to be lost eternally. When a woman gets up before the church to teach, preach, lead prayer, or lead singing, she is in violation of what God has commanded. She is perverting the worship of God. As a result of this rebellion, God is not worshipped in spirit and in truth. As we have already ... ...
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385: Premillennial Theology Refuted: Christ is on Throne of David ...
... But to which of the angels has He ever said, "Sit at My right hand, Until I make Your enemies A footstool for Your feet." (Hebrews 1:3,8,13) d. "Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, waiting from that time onward UNTIL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL FOR HIS FEET. " (Hebrews 10:11-13) e. "'He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne." (Revelation 3:21) 2. Christ is reigning NOW and will give up the throne to the father at the second coming. 3. It becomes crystal clear that Jesus is seated on the throne of David right now until the resurrection at the second coming. C. Jesus vacates the throne of David at the second coming, (Premillennialists say Jesus receives the kingdom): 1. "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all ... ...
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386: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
... For, does it not at once evoke the query, What kind of God is it, then, who is only God with qualification, who is not God absolutely ? On any legitimate Christian use of terms is any being who is only God with qualification, and not God absolutely, any longer truly God? (4) 1 pass to a fourth reason for a re-examination of the traditional doctrine of the person of Christ. There now exists a widespread recognition that early Christology, and especially New Testament Christology, was an out growth of the Christian experience of Jesus as Savior--yes, indeed, as eschatological Savior. That is, in through and around him God was held to be providing man's full and final deliverance from the world, sin, death, from all demonic cosmic powers and Satan. To be sure, Jesus's advent was thought to portend the dissolution of the kingdoms of this world, the end of the present age and the inbreaking of the kingdom of God. Then in consquence of his God-appointed role in this stupendous series of ... ...
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387: The Apostolic Fathers believed man-made creeds were tradition ...
... times in the prophets, at last brought down by the Spirit and Power of the Father into the Virgin Mary, was made flesh in her womb, and, being born of her, went forth as Jesus Christ; thenceforth He preached the new law and the new promise of the kingdom of heaven, worked miracles; having been crucified, He rose again the third day; (then) having ascended into the heavens, He sat at the right hand of the Father; sent instead of Himself the Power of the Holy Ghost to lead such as believe; will come with glory to take the saints to the enjoyment of everlasting life and of the heavenly promises, and to condemn the wicked to everlasting fire, after the resurrection of both these classes shall have happened, together with the restoration of their flesh." (Tertullian, the Prescription Against Heretics, Chapter XIII) C. Full texts and further discussion: Irenaeus identifies that both inspired apostolic oral and written tradition are carefully preserved by the churches in succession over time. ... ...
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388: Modalism refuted: UPCI's Sixty Questions On The Godhead refuted ...
... If we grant there was one God present, we would insist that God was the LORD (Yahweh) Who is the one plural eloheem of the Old Testament and the Old Testament was still in force when Jesus was baptized by John. UPC Question #57. "Then what were the other two whom Trinitarians speak? One was a voice from heaven; the other was a Spirit of God in the form of a dove. Matthew 3:16-17." The one whose voice came from heaven was more than "a voice" because the voice identifed the one whose it was by saying, "This is My beloved Son,". The voice identified the one speaking as the heavenly parent of Jesus. His other parent, Mary, was not in heaven. Luke 3:22 identifies the Spirit as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a separate Spirit. See comments regarding #46 and #55. Each member of the eloheem was present. UPC Question #58. "What did the voice say at Jesus' baptism? 'Thou are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.' Mark 1:11. As the Son of God, Jesus was the one God incarnate." "As the ... ...
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389: The significance of the first day of the week (Sunday) for Christians
... A. Before Pentecost Christians met on Sunday: 1. The day Jesus was raised: Jn 20:19 2. The very next Sunday: Jn 20:26 3. On the day of Pentecost: Acts 2:1 B. After Pentecost Christians met on Sunday: 1. To partake of the Lord's supper or communion: Acts 20:7 2. To give money every Sunday: 1 Cor 16:1,2 C. Biblical significance of Sunday as the Lord's day: 1. Jesus raised from the dead on Sunday: Mk 16:9; Lk 24:1,13,21 2. Jesus was declared the Son of God on Sunday: Rom 1:4 3. Ps 2:7 "Today I have begotten thee" was fulfilled on Sunday when he rose: Acts 13:33 4. Jesus appeared 6 different times on at least 2 different Sundays: a. Resurrection Sunday: Mk 16:9 Mary Mt 28:5-9 Other women Lk 24:34 Peter (by way of inference) Lk 24:13-15 Two on Emmaus road Lk 24:33,36 + Jn 20:19 The apostles b. One Sunday later: Jn 20:26 The apostles 5. The sign that Jesus was glorified was given on Sunday: Jn 7:39 + Acts 2:1,32 6. The church officially began on Pentecost Sunday: Acts 2:1 a. Signified by ... ...
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390: What is Bible Repentance?
However, part of the second letter to them was written commending them for turning from their vile way of living. A certain man had two sons, and he said unto one, "Go work today in my vineyard", and he answered, 'I will not': but afterward he repented and went". This story is told in Matthew Chapter 21, verses 28 and 29. Whatever this young man did, Jesus said he repented. Jesus called his actions repentance. The young man reflected over the matter, he came to know that he was wrong, realizing that he had sinned against his father. Having arrived at this conclusion, the young man faced about in an opposite direction and did according to his father's request. All men need to repent. All men sin and as a result, all men need to turn from sin and turn to righteousness. When Paul was speaking from Mars Hill to the Athenians and reasoning with them concerning the living God, he told them that in times past God had winked at such ignorance as the Athenians were then involved in, but now ... ...
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391: Why Be A Christian?
... Now we are beginning to see part of the answer to: "Why Be A Christian". The first blessing I think about as to why I am a Christian is: I have been forgiven of my past sins! What a great feeling of relief to know my sins have been taken away! As a Christian I have the privilege of prayer. I can ask God to help me with every problem, and know He will answer. As a Christian my aim is living to please God. When I do this, I know I have the promise of a life, which will be better here on earth, and eternal life here after. Life is too short, and eternity too long for one to choose any other course. To become a Christian and live by the teachings of Christ is to live successfully. To neglect the great salvation offered to us is to fail in our mission on earth. Jesus came to earth to redeem us from sin. He died for us that we might live. He has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven. If we obey Him he will come again for us that we might be with Him eternally! This is why you should be a ... ...
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392: Adultery and the Bible
Technically there are differences in the original Biblical language as there is in the English between adultery and fornication, but as used in this brief study, adultery is illicit sexual intercourse between married or unmarried persons. God has graciously provided -for the sexual desires of men and women to be satisfied only in marriage and to engage in pre-marital, or extra-marital sex, before or outside of marriage is to sin in God's sight. It should be made clear, however, that the sin of adultery, as serious in God's sight, and as hateful as it -is to those who commit it, it is forgivable! The story of Jesus and the woman who was taken in adultery (John 8) shows that adultery may be forgiven when God's conditions of pardon are met. When sexual immorality of all kinds surrounds us on every side, may all of us desire to be, and strive to be, pure in heart and life. Like Joseph, when tempted by Potiphar's wife, can say "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" ... ...
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393: Divine Titles, Functions and Character Qualities ascribed to ...
... Ex 32:14; Ps 33:11; Ps 89:34; 102:26-27; Isa 51:6; Mal 3:6; Rom 1:23; 2 Tim 2:13; Heb 6:17-18; Jas 1:17 Heb 1:12; 13:8 - Preeminent Ps 97:9; 148:13 Col 1:18; Acts 10:36 - A Spirit, greater than man Num 23:19; 1 Sam 15:29; Job 33:12; Ezek 1:26-28; Jn 4:24; 1 Jn 3:20 Mk 2:8; Lk 24:39; Rev 1:14 "Holy Spirit" Unique, One of a kind Ex 8:10; 9:14; 15:11; 2 Sam 7:22; 1 Chron 17:20; Ps 86:8; 1 Ki 8:23; Isa 40:18,25; 44:7; Jer 10:6-7; Micah 7:18 Divine functions Jesus shares with the Father "Creator, Redeemer, worshipped, Prayer to, Forgives sin" Click to View Again, the key focus here is that the Son is uncreated God. We have placed great attention on collecting verses where Jesus is ascribed divine functions. Although we prove in a following chart that the Holy Spirit is a person, it is powerful to see that many of the Divine functions of the Father and the Son are also shared by the Holy Spirit. Divine Function The Father The Son The Holy Spirit Creator Gen 1:1; Ps 33:6; 102:25; Isa 44:24; ... ...
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394: Trinity proof texts: Revelation 22:3
... Both latria or latreuo are different forms of the same Greek word and they are without exception used in reference to divine worship, or worship in the highest sense. While Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus, the creature, can be worshipped, but not with the highest form of "latreuo" worship, Catholics say the virgin Mary, the creature, can be worshipped, but not with the highest form of "latreuo" worship. The argument is identical. Now here is the twist: When Jehovah's Witnesses accuse Roman Catholics of worshipping the virgin mother, Catholics respond, "We Catholics do not offer "latreuo" to the Mother of Jesus and therefore cannot be accused of Mariolatry. (worship of Mary) Jehovah's Witnesses go to great lengths to show that Catholics indeed to offer divine worship to Mary, in spite of Catholic objections. Yet when Trinitarians made the identical argument to Jehovah's Witnesses, in regard to the worship of Jesus in the highest sense, they deny it. So in utter hypocrisy, Jehovah's ... ...
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395: El Arrepentimiento
NOEO, percibir c. NOUS, mente 2. Dios nos exhorta a que seamos fieles. Él que suspira con tristeza no queriendo que nadie perezca, nos exhorta que suspiremos con tristeza acerca de todo pecado en nuestra vida para que podamos cambiarnos, convertirnos y escaparnos de su ira. I. El Ejemplo de Una Mujer Arrepentida, Lucas 7:36-47 A. Se llenó de sentimiento de dolor y quería hacer algo para aliviarse. 1. Jesús siempre surtía este efecto en personas humildes que tenían corazones abiertos. 2. Sus enseñanzas acerca de la verdad despertaron tales dolores entre los hombres sinceros y honrados. Sin embargo, no podía cambiar los corazones endurecidos. El fariseo de esta casa no tuvo esperanza porque no reconocía su necesidad ni su culpabilidad delante de Cristo, el Hijo de Dios. B. Jesús la perdonó. II. El Orden de Dios en el Plan de Salvación A. En el mundo en que vivimos siempre hay cosas que siguen a otras según su orden. 1. Por ejemplo, es necesario que los recién nacidos ... ...
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396: Lesson 18: Obedience To The Gospel
... C On no one. 8) T F One will still go to Heaven if he does not obey the gospel. 9) (Romans 6:3-5) We obey the gospel which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ when we A Say the sinners prayer. B Accept Jesus as our personal saviour. C Are baptized. 10) T F When we are baptized we are raised as a new person free from sin. 11) (Romans 6:17-18) When we obey the form of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ when we are baptized, A We are not saved. B We are not made free from sin. C We are then made free from sin. 12) T F We obey a form of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ when we are baptized. 13) (Galatians 1:6-8) If a gospel is preached other than what we find in the Bible then A It is a perverted gospel. B It is pleasing to God. C It is all right. 14) T F There are many perverted gospels being taught today. 15) (Galatians 1:6-8) One who preaches a perverted gospel A Is doing God's will. B Will be accursed and lost eternally. C Will be saved ... ...
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397: How can I be born again?
How can I be born again? Click to View New Life in Christ! You must be born again! John 3:3-5 + Mark 16:16 + Acts 2:38 (click on photo for high resolution) The New Birth is a cardinal doctrine of the Bible. Long before Jesus walked on earth God's prophets pointed to it (I Peter 1:10-12). It was the theme of Christ's preaching. He said to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). That should settle the importance of the subject. What, then is involved in the new birth? First, there is a cleansing from sin. Paul wrote, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost" (Titus 3:5). The word "regeneration" means "new birth" (Vine, P.267). This cleansing occurs when a penitent believer is immersed in water, as may be seen in Paul's own conversion. The instruction he received was, "arise, and be baptized, and ... ...
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398: Augusta Triumphans, Daniel Defoe, 1728 AD
... Nor will this be attended with so much charge as is imagined, for we find in many parishes, that parents have redemanded their children, on increase of circumstances, and paid all costs, with a handsome present in the bargain; and many times when a clandestine marriage is cleared up and openly avowed, they would purchase the first-fruits of their loves at any rate. Oftentimes a couple may have no more children, and an infant thus saved may arrive to inherit a good estate, and become a be nefactor where it was once an object of charity. But let us suppose the worst, and imagine the infant begot in sin and without the sanction of wedlock; is it therefore to be murdered, starved, or neglected, because its parents were wicked? Hard fate of innocent children to suffer for their parents' faults! Where God has thought fit to give his image and life, there is nourishment demanded; that calls aloud for our Christian and human assistance, and best shows our nobleness of soul, when we generously ... ...
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399: Neo-Sadduceeism (Acts 23:6-9) Refuted!!!
Click to View Man has no soul being "monochotomous in nature" Click to View No conscious life after death Click to View Heaven is a literal restored "garden of Eden" on earth Click to View Hell is annihilation rather than eternal conscious torment Click to View Anti-Trinitarian (Even Ellen White & the SDA church was Click to View Arian/unitarian until about 1930 AD) Click to View The Holy Spirit doesn't exist, but is merely a personification of God's power Click to View The Devil doesn't exist, but is the personification of Sin Click to View Demons don't exist, but are personification of disease Click to View Jesus, being created by God, ceased to exist for 3 days in tomb. Deny Resurrection & Angles Click to View Christadelphians, like the Sadducees, deny the universal resurrection of all men and deny angels are supernatural creatures. Study Links: Click to View Member of the "Domino Theology" (Refute one element & refute the whole system!) Click to View Neo-Sadducees are ... ...
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400: ¿Mi Adoración Afecta Mi Salvación?
... No es sorprendente que las excusas que escuchamos día a día con respecto a la adoración estaba presentes durante el tiempo de Jesús. "Usted adore donde quiera, y yo adoraré donde yo quiero", sería la respuesta de la samaritana hoy día. ¿Por qué Jesús pasó tanto tiempo con esta samaritana si ella estaba adorando en una forma aceptable? Ciertamente, Jesús no pensó que ella estaba haciendo lo malo, ¿o si? Escuchamos mucho acerca de cómo necesitamos (los predicadores) ser como Cristo, y no concentrarnos en las diferencias insignificantes e intranscendentes, sino "predicar sobre el amor" como Jesús lo hizo. Aquellos que creen que ponerse de pie por la verdad se hace sin confrontación, y sin herir sentimientos a veces, no conocen a mi Señor. "En Espíritu y En Verdad" ¿Qué quiso decir Jesús cuando dijo, "Dios es Espíritu; y los que le adoran, en espíritu y en verdad es necesario que adoren" (Jn. 4:24)? Estas palabras tienen un significado crítico, y deben ser ... ...
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