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301: Lohse, Bernard: A Short History of Christian Doctrine
... With these affirmations, which for Jewish monotheism were utterly offensive, Christians expressed their faith that it was not merely some heavenly being which encountered them in Jesus Christ, but God himself, and that because of this, his coming, especially his cross and his resurrection, had meaning for the entire world. The New Testament affirmations about the Holy Spirit are not so clear and univocal as those about Jesus Christ. ... How vividly the early church experienced the reality of the Spirit, and how definitely it was influenced by that reality, can be seen on every hand in the Pauline letters. The Spirit is called the Spirit of God, as well as the Spirit of Christ (Rom. 8:9)., Here, too, however, the Spirit is not yet conceived in personal terms, at least not in the sense of the later doctrine of the Trinity. The New Testament is not satisfied, however, with these sometimes rather far-reaching assertions about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Some passages ... ...
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302: Biblical Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
... Arianism; they regard Arius as a forerunner of Charles Taze Russell, the founder of their movement. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979, Arianism, Vol. I, p.509) The basic concern of Arius was and remained disputing the oneness of essence of the Son and the Holy Spirit with God the Father, in order to preserve the oneness of God. The Son, thus, became a "second God, under God the Father"-i.e., he is God only in a figurative sense, for he belongs on the side of the creatures, even if at their highest summit. ... Comments: A technically more accurate term to describe Jehovah's Witnesses and Unitarians in general is henotheist rather than polytheist. But what Jehovah's Witness has ever heard of the term "henotheist". We frankly don't care to educate the Jehovah's Witnesses world wide! In a broader sense, in the way they define polytheism, by their own understanding, they are polytheists. We simply used their own measuring stick on themselves! Hindus would see little difference between themselves ... ...
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303: Neo-Sadduceeism (Acts 23:6-9) Refuted!!!
Click to View "the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit; but the Pharisees acknowledge them all." Acts 23:8 Click to View "Sadducees" (who say that there is no resurrection) Lk 20:27 Neo-Sadducees: 2000 AD Click to View Jehovah's Witness Click to View Adventists (SDA) Click to View Plain Truth/ Armstrong (WCC) Click to View ... nature" Click to View No conscious life after death Click to View Heaven is a literal restored "garden of Eden" on earth Click to View Hell is annihilation rather than eternal conscious torment Click to View Anti-Trinitarian (Even Ellen White & the SDA church was Click to View Arian/unitarian until about 1930 AD) Click to View The Holy Spirit doesn't exist, but is merely a personification of God's power Click to View The Devil doesn't exist, but is the personification of Sin Click to View Demons don't exist, but are personification of disease Click to View Jesus, being created by God, ceased to exist for 3 days in tomb. ... ...
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304: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
... John the Baptist, more especially, was conscious of the presence and calling of the Spirit, and it is probable that his preaching had a trinitarian reference: he called for repentance towards God, faith in the coming Messiah, and spoke of a baptism of the Holy Spirit, of which his baptism with water was a symbol. The agency of the Spirit in the incarnation is disclosed to Mary (Lk. i. 35), together with the intimation that the Son born of her would be called 'the Son of the Highest', and that 'the Lord God (would) give unto him the throne of his father David'. Thus the Father and the Spirit were disclosed as operating in the incarnation of the Son. At the baptism in the Jordan the three Persons can be distinguished: the Son being baptized, the Father speaking from heaven, and the Spirit descending in the objective symbol of a dove. Jesus, having thus received the witness of the Father and the Spirit, received authority to baptize with the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist would seem to ... ...
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305: Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted: Galatians 4:14
... In this we can clearly see there is not the slightest hint of the comparison revolving around the simple function of messenger. The point revolved around the difference in how they accepted Paul, an angel, and God. Arians love to play on words and confuse people by pointing out that the original language word for ANGEL is literally MESSENGER throughout the Bible. Of course functioning as MESSENGER does not make one an "ontological literal spirit creature" known as an ANGEL. Here is an interesting note, Jehovah's Witnesses who believe Jesus was created as an angel, do not believe Jesus functioned as an angel ... Deut 32:2 Grass is not an herb: "For they will wither quickly like [LXX: HOSEI] the grass, And fade like [LXX: HOSEI] the green herb.' Ps 37:22 Sodom is not Gomorrah: "Unless the Lord Almighty had left us descendants, we would have become as [Gr: HOS] Sodom, we would have been as [Gr: HOS] Gomorrah." Rom 9:29; Isa 1:19 Anti-Trinitarian faulty argument #2 The BAGD Greek Lexicon ... ...
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306: Neurypnology; the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, Hypnotism, Hypnosis ...
The two key concepts required to hypnotize anyone is the belief that the hypnotist can hypnotize, and a submissive, suggestive personality or disposition at the time. Hypnosis is seen to day with charismatics and pentecostals who are "slain in the spirit" by the "powerful man of God". They falsely believe he is transmitting the power of the Holy Spirit and they therefore fall backwards and "do the dead chicken" on the floor for a couple of minutes. It is learned behaviour and the "slain" are obeying the hypnotist's command! ... Immediately he will then place his free hand on the back of the party's head and press down, while rapidly continuing suggestions, "Melt down, melt down into deep hypnosis now." From experience the hypnotist can become expert in seizing the "moments of anticipation" of members of his audience resulting in instantaneous hypnosis. It looks miraculous. Hoke will pass through an audience snapping person after person into hypnosis by this method. The effect is ... ...
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307: Questions Pentecostals CANNOT answer!
God acts in the affairs of men today, but if these actions qualified as NT miracles, they would be impossible to deny (Jn. 11:47-53, Acts 4:13-22). Since the miracles in the NT were for the purpose of confirming the newly-revealed word (Mk. 16:20), what new revelation (i.e., not in the New Testament) is being confirmed by miracles today? If we cannot understand the bible alike, how are we to understand the confusion being generated by everyone claiming to speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 14:33)? If someone receives the Holy Spirit when they are saved or at baptism, why did the Samaritans, who were saved, in Acts 8 not yet have the Holy Spirit? Someone claiming ... Hence, spiritual gifts are not a sign of "spiritual elitism", rather they infer that something is missing or not yet complete. Why do people look over their soldier for the catcher, just before they are slain in the Spirit? If tongues is so centrally important, why is the gift of tongues not again mentioned ... ...
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308: Official creed of United Church of Christ
language. Statement of Faith We believe in God, the Eternal Spirit, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father, and to his deeds we testify: He calls the worlds into being, creates man in his own image and sets before him the ways of life and death. He seeks in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin. He judges men and nations by his righteous will declared through prophets and apostles. In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Lord,he has come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to himself. He bestows upon us his Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus ... Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto him. Amen. The United Church of Christ embraces a theological heritage that affirms the Bible as the authoritative witness to the Word of God, the creeds of the ecumenical councils, and the confessions of the Reformation. The UCC has roots in the "covenantal" tradition-meaning there is ... ...
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309: Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors!
... Many Speak Simultaneously If No Interpreter Keep Silent 14:28 Rarely Any "Interpreter" Only One Interpretation Possible Often Interpretations Vary Emphasis On Public Demonstration Emphasis On Private Devotion Considered a childish gift of lesser importance 14:5 Stressed As A Sign Of Spirituality A Sign To Unbelievers 14:22 A Sign To Believers Modern Day Tongue Speaking Is Not From God! In the Los Angeles area which consists of about 12 million people, every kind of religious cult that can be imagined is here. One of the churches, called the Rainbow Revival Church, located at 890 Crenshaw in Los Angeles, sent out an instruction sheet a number of years ago giving instructions as to how one may receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Listed below is the sum and substance of the instruction. Words Of Praise To Receive The Holy Ghost. Jesus who baptized 120 believers with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost 10 days after He ascended to heaven, is still baptizing Christians with the Holy ... ...
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310: SUMMARY: PROOF that TRINITY is NOT of PAGAN origin!
... In fact this quote is one of the "star witnesses" quoted in the introduction, then again later the booklet! Why is it deceptive? Because the author is an atheist and a Bible hater who not only claims that trinity is pagan, but the whole of Christianity is pagan as well! Read this quote from the Watchtower magazine: "The evidence of the holy spirit in the quality and content of the writings published by the Watchtower Society should be the thing that satisfies, that convinces, together with a comparison of these things with the inspired Word of God, the Holy Scriptures." (Watchtower, Oct. 1, 1959, p. 607-608) See the whole book: Arthur Weigall the atheist and Christianity-hater, is used by Jw's as their star witness to prove trinity was borrowed from the pagans! This you got to see! How Non-Christian's try to trash the whole of Christianity: Things Jews and Christians stole from Pagans: The Trinity Pre-Christian Pagans also had a trinity; it was the Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother and ... ...
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311: The triple Nature of man: Body, Spirit & Soul
In a more technical sense man is trichotomous possessing body, soul and spirit: 1 Thess 5:23 Soul and spirit can be divided: Heb 4:12 "Joints & marrow" are to the physical half of man what "soul & spirit" is the spiritual half of man Soul and spirit, although different in some way are used interchangeable in scripture: Lk 1:46-47 ... Hell is described as the second (spiritual) death: Rev 20:14-15 Our first spiritual death was when we first sinned and were separated from God. We will be reuited with God again at the judgement. The wicked will be separated from God a second time for eternity in hell. Dead to sin joined to God: Rom 6:2,11; Gal 2:24 Dead to the Law of ... Spirit can refer to intelligent conscious being apart from the physical body: Lk 24:39 God is a spirit: Jn 4:24 Jesus committed His Spirit into God's hands: Lk 23:46 The Holy Spirit is a "He" not an "It": Jn 16:12-14 Angels are spirits: Heb 1:14 Demons are spirits: Lk 4:33; Eph 6:12 Man has a spirit: Acts 7:59 (man is created in ... ...
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312: Chadwick, Henry: The Early Church
Witness reads this top ten list, they either conclude the Watchtower organization engages is satanic quoting practices, or become dishonest themselves! Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote : Trinitarian Misleads the reader to a conclusion opposite to what source is saying. Chadwick, Henry: The Early Church Click to View "Constantine, like his father, worshipped the Unconquered Sun; ... his conversion should not be interpreted as an inward experience of grace ... It was a military matter. His comprehension of Christian doctrine was never very clear, but he was sure that victory in battle lay in the gift of the God of the Christians." (The ... Even Chadwick indicates the obvious, that Constantine's faith grew with time as seen in both words and actions. Encyclopedia Britannica fully documents the incredible extent that Constantine went to destroy paganism and idolatry in the same spirit of many of the righteous kings of the Old Testament! Encyclopedia Britannica is a ... ...
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313: False dilemmas and the Trinity (Logical fallacies and horns of ...
... Angels are spirit that do not have flesh and bones Jesus denied he was a spirit and did have flesh and bones Jesus cannot be a created angel called Michael. (Correct answer: Jesus cannot be an angel because he had flesh and bones, but because Heb 1:5 openly states that Jesus is not an angel.) Beware: Jehovah's Witness will defeat Trinitarians who use false dilemmas to prove Jesus could not have sinned: If a Trinitarian says to prove Jesus could not have been tempted or sinned: God cannot ... Jesus wasn't man 1. God is all Knowing I Sam 2:3; Jer 23:24; Ps 147:5 2. Yet Jesus Learned Obedience/Increased In Wisdom Heb 5:8; Lk 2:52, and didn't know the time of second coming 3. Jesus isn't divine (Arianism) 1) God is all knowing. 2) God acknowledged that he now knew what he didn't know about Abraham previously. (Gen. 22:12), and the Holy Spirit didn't know the time of the second coming 3) Therefore, neither the Father or the Holy Spirit are God. 1. Jesus is God 2. Jesus Learned Obedience/... ...
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314: Development from the trinity as taught in the Bible and the trinity ...
Both groups promote and believe things that are not found in the Bible. Both are "salvation by organization" religions whose leaders have exclusive direct channels to God. Jehovah's Witnesses have a "new light" or "brighter light" theology where God reveals through the Watchtower new things never before understood. But herein lay ... Therefore, we do not defend the Nicene creed or the Athanasius creed, but are content to simply prove the deity of the uncreated Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. But for Jw's the rejection of Catholic doctrinal development, while teaching the identical thing themselves, is typical of the wild contradictions that exist ... the Bible, that Jesus is therefore a creature and the Holy Spirit is nothing more than electricity! (The average Jehovah's Witness has never even heard of the terms "economic and ontological trinity" but the Governing body knows better and aims at deceiving by deliberately leaving that important qualifying term out of the quote. ... ...
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315: The Occult And Spiritism
A. General Condemnations: 1. Central passage in the Bible: Deut 18:9-14 a) Jews did not heed warning but violated the commandment: 2 Ki 17:16-18 2. Divination, soothsaying, fortune-telling, mediums, sorcery, spell casting & dreamers condemned: a) Lev 19:26,31; 20:6; Isa 47:12; Jer 27:9; Micah 5:12 B. Astrology And Development Of Horoscope: 1. Eyes drawn to the stars beauty: Deut 4:19 2. Worship of the stars: 2 Ki 23:5; Rom 1:18-25 3. ... D. King Ahab's prophets meet Micaiah: 1 Ki 22:1-28 1. The Jews were warned against false prophets and spiritualists: Jer 27:9-10; Ezek 13:1-9 2. Christians today are warned about giving heed to false prophets: 2 Ti 4:2-4; Mt 24:11 E. Simon the sorcerer meets Philip: Ax 8:4-24 l. Today's Pentecostal pastors, faith healers and all who claim to have gifts of the Holy Spirit would react the same as Simon if they actually saw a true miracle worker: Col 2:18 IV. Conclusion: Today, disobeying God is the same as the sin of divination: 1 Sam 15:23 By Steve ... ...
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316: One verse refution of Transubstantiation
... Similarly, for Cyprian, literal language about drinking Christ's blood is balanced by language of "remembrance" (X.5) and "representation" (IX.7). Both symbolism and realism are present in the thought of Cyprian and Tertullian. The symbolism concerns bread and wine as signs. The realism concerns the spiritual gift that the sign carries with it.19 For Hippolytus, too, the bread and wine are the antitypes or likenesses of the reality portrayed.20 His consecration prayer ... There also appears the distinctive western and eastern explanations of what it is that accomplishes the change, whether the repetition of the words of institution or the invocation of the Holy Spirit.21 In general the East was more "mystical" and the West more "literal." Cyril of Jerusalem (IX.9, 10) tries to explain what happens. The Holy Spirit, sent down upon the elements by God in response to the celebrant's prayer, not only sanctifies but also changes. One becomes united with Christ through the participation. ... ...
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317: Trinity proof texts: Genesis 19:24
... Who Appeared to Moses is Distinguished from God the Father.) 180 AD Irenaeus "Therefore neither would the Lord, nor the Holy Spirit, nor the apostles, have ever named as God, definitely and absolutely, him who was not God, unless he were truly God; nor would they have named any one in his own person Lord, except God the Father ruling over all, and His Son who has received dominion from His Father over all creation, as this passage has it: "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit Thou at my right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool." ... Chapter XVIII. Argument.-Moreover Also, from the Fact that He Who Was Seen of Abraham is Called God; Which Cannot Be Understood of the Father, Whom No Man Hath Seen at Any Time; But of the Son in the Likeness of an Angel.) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles: "To Him did Moses bear witness, and said: "The Lord received fire from the Lord, and rained it down." Him did Jacob see as a man, and said: "I have seen God face to face, and my soul is preserved." ... ...
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318: 20th Century Tongues: Faith or Fake?
for, and blame it on the Holy Spirit! 2 Click to View Manifestations in non-Christian occult and satanic religions are identical to many modern Pentecostal churches. Gurus, Hypnotists and Pentecostals: Can you tell the difference? Click to View ...... Click to View Pentecostal Pastor actually tries to defend manifestations from Bible 3 Click to View Most manifestations in modern Pentecostal churches and revival meetings are not found in the Bible. Bible Miracles and Modern day impostors! Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors! The 9 Spiritual Gifts of Bible defined What is the Gift Of Tongues? Slain in the Spirit is unbiblical and occult! ... Click to View Why are seriously crippled people (ie. paraplegics) NEVER healed although Pentecostal churches are full of them??? Miracle workers who couldn't heal! 6 Click to View Pentecostalism looks and feels good, but is it from God??? Encyclopedia of Pentecostal ministries their leaders, organizations and false ... ...
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319: Boer, Harry R.: A Short History of the Early Church
... Hence the argument that Constantine is the catalyst of trinity doctrine is no stronger than the argument that Constantius is the catalyst of Arian doctrine. Full texts "This centrality of Christ in the faith and witness of the church arises directly out of the New Testament. There he is presented as the Savior of mankind, the head of the church, and as Lord, fully divine and fully human. The early church accepted him as a man, and confessed and worshiped him as God. It placed him on the same level as the Father and the Holy Spirit. It did this naturally and without any feeling of contradiction. The church recognized the mystery of the ... Greek philosophy made a sharp distinction between the spiritual and the material. Becoming a Christian did not always alter this Greek way of thinking. For the Greeks the creation of the world and the incarnation of the Son of God were major religious and intellectual problems. How can God (pure spirit) create the world (matter) and become man (matter ... ...
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320: Schaff, Philip: 1. History of the Christian Church. 2. New Schaff ...
... Far clearer and more fruitful suggestions presented themselves in the Old Testament" (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church New York: Scribner's, 1924, vol. 2, p. 566) The unity of God was already immovably fixed by the Old Testament as a fundamental article of revealed religion in opposition to all forms of idolatry. But the New Testament and the Christian consciousness as firmly demanded faith in the divinity of the Son, who effected redemption, and of the Holy Spirit, who founded the church and dwells in believers; and these apparently contradictory interests could be reconciled only in the form of the Trinity, that ... 30 A). Therefore he made the world good, and when he saw it he was delighted (ib. 37 C; cf. Gen. i. 31). God is the author of all good, and of good only, not of evil. " Every good gift cometh down from the Father of the celestial luminaries "; " for it is morally impossible for the best being to do any thing else than the best " (Timwus, 30 A; cf. Jas. i. 17). ... ...
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321: Trinity: Arius and the Nicene Creed
... Christian Dogma, An Historical Study of its Problems; Martin Werner, p160, Werner is a modernist who also advocates Angel Christology commenting on Arianism) The basic concern of Arius was and remained disputing the oneness of essence of the Son and the Holy Spirit with God the Father, in order to preserve the oneness of God. The Son, thus, became a "second God, under God the Father"-i.e., he is God only in a figurative sense, for he belongs on the side of the creatures, even if at their highest summit. ... extensively in a well-known passage: "'Like" (the Son to the Father): well, it is written about us that "man is the image and is the glory of God" (1 Cor 11:7); as for (the Son existing) ."always", it is written "while we live we are always ..." (2 Cor 4:11); as for (the Son being) "in him", (it is written) that "in him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28); as for (the Son being) "unchanging", it is written "nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ" (Rom 8:35). ... ...
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322: Official creed of Anglican/Episcopal Church
... For holy Scripture doth set out unto us only the Name of Jesus Christ, whereby men must be saved. XIX. Of the Church. The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same. ... Wherefore, although the Church be a witness and keeper of holy Writ, yet, as it ought not to decree any thing against the same, so besides the same ought it not to enforce any thing to be believed for the necessity of Salvation. XXI. Of the Authority of General Councils. General Councils may not be gathered together without the commandment and will of Princes. And when they be gathered together, (forasmuch as they be an assembly of men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God,) they may err, and sometimes have erred, even in things pertaining unto God. Wherefore things ordained by them as necessary to ... ...
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323: The Septuagint: God approved Translation in every synagogue like ...
Indeed, Greek-speaking Christians use it so generally that many of them do not even know that the others exist. From the Septuagint a Latin translation has been made, and this is the one which the Latin churches use." (Augustine, City of God 18.43, 400 AD) God foresaw at the tower of Babel the His word MUST be translated and the Holy Spirit wrote it in such a way so that the original meaning would transcend the translation process. In 446 BC, Nehemiah translated Hebrew into Aramaic for his listeners. In 282 BC seventy two Jewish ... See full outline) This original leaf of Matthew 13 from the 1611 KJV is in possession of the author. Click on photo for high resolution page of first printing 1611 KJV d. Having had many discussions with those who advocate that the translators were inspired in 1611 AD, I can bear witness that they have little historical Bible knowledge, are shockingly closed minded to the most obvious facts, suffer from a unique over self-confident arrogance and display ... ...
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324: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
One of the most pleasing features of this book is the plain and simple language with which the author clothes thoughts that glow with truth and beauty. 1 A lot of trouble and embarrassment would have been avoided in years to come if a few others than the "Spirit of God" had gotten some credit. Although the Scriptures do make it plain that every good and perfect gift comes from God, some of Ellen's gifts of writing were found to have come through quite a few human sources. In the late 1970s Robert W. Olson, for the White Estate (which is always pushed to ... I have sat at their feet and been taught by them. I admire and respect them highly. I would like to remind you, however, that you can search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and you will not find a single text marking out theologians as having the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures indicate, however, that prophets have a gift of the holy Spirit. Ellen White had that gift and she was canonical insofar as doctrinal ... ...
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325: Development of Trinity Doctrine from the Old to the New Testament
... However, the Pharisees opposed the Sadducees and Luke 16, (rich man and Lazarus) was exactly what they believed at the time of Jesus Even David understood conscious life after death: 2 Sam 12:22-23. The following will send shivers up the spine of every Jehovah's Witness! To their horror, the divine name underwent change and development. "God spoke further to Moses and said to him, "I am the Lord; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but ... But actually, in God's providence, the Jews were actually part of the change. The Septuagint was a translation in 250 BC from the Hebrew Old Testament by 70 scholars into Greek. They translated YHWH as LORD (Kurios). It was no mistake that the Holy Spirit Himself continued in this tradition in the New Testament. God ordained that YHWH would never once be found in the original Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Of course the New World Translation (sectarian paraphrase used only by JW's) adds YHWH into the English New ... ...
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326: Why is Christianity the only true world Religion?
... The accounts of creation found in other that the Genesis record are written on a low mythological plane with a sordid conception of deity. At times the gods plot and fight against one another. Only in Christianity do we find a prophetic message heralding one who is to be sent out from God as man's deliverer and Savior; the only begotten Son, designated God with us and ... Read Luke 1:26-35. Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, was informed by the angel that her conception was of the Holy Spirit - Matthew 1:20. The angels announced his birth to the shepherds Luke 2:5-11. John the baptizer was commissioned to prepare the way for Jesus. Read John 1:23-34. Jesus immediately affirmed His divine nature. He said He had come down from heaven to do the Father's will - John 6:38-39. He claimed to be "the living bread", John 6:51; "the light of the world", John 8:12; "the Good Shepherd", John 10:14; "the resurrection and the life", John 11:25. He supported His claim by miraculous works, even to raising ... ...
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327: Arian (Jehovah's Witness) Subordination Refuted
These false teachers use the fact that of Christ's subordination, to prove Jesus is not God, but a creature. They reason it is impossible for God to serve, and if He does, he ceases being God. Click to View "Dogwoman" copyright Paula Rego Are Jehovah's Witness females sub-human? When a female Jehovah's Witness tells you Christ is a lower "life form" than the God because He submits to the Father, ask her if she is a lower life form than her husband because she must submit to him! ... Arians don't understand that many Trinitarians openly teach the subordination of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to the Father. Biblical Trinitarians teach that the Divine, eternally pre-existent Jesus, is subordinate to the Father. The Athanasius creed is nothing more than human attempts to describe the raw Biblical data of the trinity, namely the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. Although they correctly define the Son and Holy Spirit as persons of God, they err in their view that the three ... ...
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328: The office of Elders, pastors and bishops
... You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone; for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs. Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account. But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:14-19 VI. The Limit of the Elder's Authority A. Elders authority in the Bible was limited to within one local congregation: Acts 20:28 "Be on guard for yourselves and for ALL THE FLOCK, AMONG WHICH the Holy Spirit has made you OVERSEERS, to SHEPHERD the church of God which he purchased with His own blood." 1 Pet 5:1-3 "Therefore, I exhort the ... ...
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329: True Bible Quiz booth Stories
... She was quite embarrassed and after I offered to restore the flyer, she took a second one then walked away. I am sure that she was going to use it to further demonstrate this ritual of disposing of apostate materials further to her two understudies. Prove to me there is a God! Rom 1:18-20 Daniel, my 14 year old son, engaged in a 2 1/2 hour Bible study on the grass 10 feet in front of the booth. The two other boys were about 15 and 16 years old. They were attacking the Bible and God and wanted ... "The not in the devil's tale" There were two questions that opened up a lot of discussions: #2 Ephesians 3:4 says "When you read you can understand". This means that: You must have a priest or a pastor explain the Bible to you. You must have the Holy Spirit to know God's will. Reading the Bible daily is a good way to learn the Bible. #7 Which of the following is a quote from the Bible? "You see that a man is saved by faith only" "Baptism now saves you" "Pray the sinners prayer and thou shalt be ... ...
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330: Trinity: plural references to God in the Old Testament: Plural ...
... Therefore Jesus cannot be an angel, but we begotten at his resurrection as Acts 13:33 says, thereby fulfilling Ps 2:7. The self contradictory doctrine of the Watchtower has Jesus the creature, functioning as our co-creator (Jn 1:3; Col 1:16). But this violates Rom 1:25: "worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator". This passage teaches that if Jesus is the creator, as the Bible says he is, then he cannot be a creature. Jesus cannot be creator and ... A. The evidence that "Let US make man in OUR image". (Gen 1:26) refers to the Trinity is irrefutable. The unanimous interpretation of all the apostolic fathers from 100 - 300 AD was that the US of Gen 1:26 referred to the trinity. They all viewed the Father talking to the Son and the Holy Spirit. They specifically rejected the notion of God talking to the angels. Of course they never discuss the concept of plural of majesty, for it did not exist at this time. The Unitarians and Christadelphians are wrong because they say ... ...
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331: Trinity proof texts: Isaiah 45:23-24 = Philippians 2:9-11
Suddenly someone says the name "JESUS" and everyone falls to their knees to the Father but not Jesus. And everyone confesses the name of the Father but shows no respect to the name Jesus. The obvious truth is, that at the name of Jesus, every knee bows TO JESUS and every one confesses that JESUS' NAME as Lord! The expression "to the glory of God" certainly does not mean that they are bowing to the Father. The act of bowing to Jesus brings glory to God, just like "accepting one another brings glory to God" Rom 15:7; and "our eating or drinking or whatever we do brings glory to the Father" (1 Cor 10:31); or "Let your light shine before men (our actions) in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Mt 5:16. There is no avoiding the forceful conclusion that every knee will bow to Jesus! Just as Isaiah 45:23-24 prophesied! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #3 Jesus was given his high name, therefore he did not always have this high status and therefore ... ...
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332: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
... Those who are at variance concerning him surely are in doubt regarding him, they have no knowledge of him, except the following of surmise; and they did not slay him of certainty... no indeed; God raised him up to Him; God is Almighty, All-Wise. There is not one of the people of the Book but will assuredly believe in him before his death, and on the Resurrection Day he will be a witness against them." (Qur'an 4:156-159) (The Institute of Islamic Information and Education) Muslims believe ... For Arians (JW's, Christadelphians) to appeal to Muslims to support their false doctrine is nothing short of incredible! Doing such is as dishonest as it is deceptive! JW's have not comprehended that if they had the Governing Body themselves sit down and explain their view of God (Father-true God, Son-a god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God) Muslims would immediately label JW's as TRINITARIANS or TWINITARIANS! Stated differently, from the perspective of Muslims there is NO REAL DIFFERENCE ... ...
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333: Thayer, Joseph Henry: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
... Thayer was a Unitarian, and the errors of this sect occasionally come through in the explanatory notes. The reader should be alert for both subtle and blatant denials of such doctrines as the Trinity (Thayer regarded Christ as a mere man and the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force emanating from God), the inherent and total depravity of fallen human nature, the eternal punishment of the wicked, and Biblical inerrancy." (Joseph Henry Thayer: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Publishers Introduction, page VII, ... The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are all uncreated God and are all equally divine, yet they differ from one another, or as Thayer put it: "The Logos [Jesus] was divine, not the divine Being himself [the Father mentioned in Jn 1:1b]. Click to View Top 10 List: Click here When a Jehovah's Witness reads this top ten list, they either conclude the Watchtower organization engages is satanic quoting practices, or become dishonest themselves! Go To Alphabetical Index Of ... ...
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334: Watchtower Deceptions: Confusing Modalism as if it were trinity ...
... The Trinity in Two Watchtower Publications By Gary F. Zeolla Jehovah's Witnesses believe "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" is "God's organization." As such, the average Jehovah's Witness (JW) places complete trust in the Watchtower (WT) and its publications. This four-part article will study two popular WT publications in an effort to determine if the WT and its publications are worthy of such trust. The focus will be on the teachings of the WT on the nature of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Trinity. In this article, unless otherwise indicated, Scripture references will be from the WT's own Bible, The New World ... LF was first published in 1982. A new edition was released in 1989. Since there are no changes in the sections to be studied between editions, the following page and paragraph numbers apply to either edition. The Doctrine of the Trinity Defined The main section of LF to be looked at is titled "Is God Jesus or a Trinity?" The first paragraph states, ... ...
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335: Extra-Biblical oral apostolic tradition does not exist today
... Hence, both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal feelings of devotion and reverence... . It is clear therefore that, in the supremely wise arrangement of God, sacred Tradition, sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church are so connected and associated that one of them cannot stand without the others" (Vatican II, Const. on Divine Revelation, Chp. 2, Sec. 9). "Christ did not leave his followers a religion in the sense of a 'package of clear well defined truths'...the Holy Spirit guides each generation to add it's own understanding to them...Nor did the apostles sit down and write a handbook of the ... I :8). "I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God leading everyone who believes in it to salvation, the Jew first, then the Creek" (Rom. 1: 16). "All Scripture is inspired of God and is useful for teaching for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so that the man of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work " (II ... ...
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336: Tradition wars: The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches make ...
... Orthodox keeps the original Nicene Creed, accepted by the Universal Church, East and West, during the first millennium without the addition of "And the Son" or the "Filioque." It accepts, on faith, Christ's words in the Gospel, that the Father is the Unoriginate Source of the Life of the Trinity, with the Only-Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit Proceeding from the Father Alone. We cannot know how the Begetting of the Son and the Proceeding of the Spirit from the same Father is different, only that it is and this distinguishes ... I do not consider it fair that the custom which obtains among them should be regarded as a law and rule of orthodoxy. If custom is to be taken in proof of what is right, then it is certainly competent for me to put forward on my side the custom which obtains here. If they reject this, we are clearly not bound to follow them. Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favour of ... ...
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337: Why Be Baptized?
... And he answered and said, 'I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God'. And he commanded the chariot to stand still; and they went down both into the water, and both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the enuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing". From these verses of scripture ... In Acts Chapter 2, verse 38, the Apostle Peter in his great sermon on the day of Pentecost said, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost". The Bible says in this passage that both repentance and baptism are equally necessary for the remission of sins. When we remember that Peter was speaking by the inspiration of God, this verse should forever settle this question in our own minds. Baptism, according to the Bible, is not because we have already been saved. But Does baptism really wash away ... ...
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338: Jehovah's Witness leaders sympathized with Hitler
... "This company of German people, who are peaceable and law-abiding citizens representing many others from every part of Germany, all of whom are earnestly laboring for the highest welfare of the people of this land, being now duly assembled at Berlin this 25th day of June, AD.. 1933, do joyfully declare our complete devotion to Jehovah, the Almighty God, and to his kingdom under Christ Jesus, whose shed blood bought the human race. We declare that the holy ... for my sake, for a testimony against them.' (Mark 13: 9) This explains why Jehovah God now permits his faithful witnesses to be misrepresented and persecuted, namely, that those of a wrong spirit may identify themselves as opponents of God and thus bear witness against themselves. The same materialistic spirit that caused the persecution of Jesus Christ now exists and is back of the persecution of us his faithful followers. "It is falsely charged by our enemies that we have received financial support for our work from the Jews. ... ...
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339: Book of Job: Bible textual variants analysed
However, the additional words of Job's wife (Job 2:9a,9b,9c, 9d, LXX) found in the Septuagint but absent in the Masoretic are a different matter altogether and likely represent a scribal addition (gloss). To everyone who reads the story in the Masoretic Text, Job's wife simply didn't say enough to satisfy human curiosity, but that's how the Holy Spirit may have left it. The single statement of Job's wife in the Masoretic Text might be viewed as "test bait" to "abide within the word of God" that some ancient Hebrew scribe (possibly Ezra) found irresistible and added ... Six lines from MT have been condensed by the O(ld) G(reek) Translator of Job into three." (The Text of the Old Testament, Peter J. Gentry, Journal Of The Evangelical Theological Society, 52/1, p38, March 2009) b. "The Greek text (LXX) is essentially a faithful translation of the Hebrew. A few variant readings bear witness to a different Hebrew text; but many of these variants are attempts to cope with an obscure text. ... ...
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340: God never named the church
... B. Geographic descriptors of the church in the Bible like these were the most common: the church that is in their house [Aquila and Prisca]. (1 Cor 16:19) the churches of Judea (Gal 1:22) the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea (1 Thess 2:14) the church which was at Jerusalem (Acts 8:1) the church that was at Antioch (Acts 13:1) the church which is at Cenchrea (Rom. 16:1) the church of God which is at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:2) the church of the Laodiceans (Col. ... Had these uninformed "language police" simply used good old Strong's concordance with a Thayer's interlinear, they would have noticed that the same Hebrew word for AWESOME in Ps 111:9, is also used to command us to Moses and Joshua AWESOME and children are commanded to call their parents AWESOME. II. "Attend Your church? You don't have a church, its Christ's alone! " Really? Not! "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For ... ...
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341: Trinity: "Plural of Majesty", "pluralis majestaticus", "singular ...
... The easiest way to dismiss the argument that the plural pronouns applied to God can be explained as "Plural of Majesty" is to observe that the Hebrew has many examples of plural pronouns also being applied to single human individuals. Plural of Majesty fails because we find plural references to both God and individual men. If the Holy Spirit intended to use these plural references of God as "singular of intensity", then why does He intensify both creator and creation alike? Obviously the, "Plural of Majesty" does ... Jesus is not included in their view of US. The Jehovah's Witnesses are right to include Jesus and the Father in the US of Gen 1:26, but make Jesus the created arch-angel Michael. But Heb 1:5 proves Jesus cannot be, nor ever has been an angel. Further, in their self contradictory doctrine, they have Jesus the creature, as our co-creator (Jn 1:3; Col 1:16). But this violates Rom 1:25: "worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator". This passage teaches that if Jesus ... ...
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342: 282 BC: Birth of the Greek Septuagint LXX
... To test their trustworthiness, Ptolemy had them tackle this task, each in solitary confinement. When they had finished, it was discovered that in their versions they had arrived at a wonderful, indeed a stupendous and obviously divinely inspired, unanimity in their choice of words; that they were in agreement in each word (at least so far as meaning and equivalent value are concerned), and in the order of the words they chose. All gave one translation as if there were but one translator, because, in truth, the one Holy Spirit was at work in all. God gave them this marvelous gift so that the authorship of the Scriptures would seem to the Gentiles divine and not human, and so that in time they would believe in and profit by them. We have lived to see this realized. There have, of course, been other translations of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek. We have versions by Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion, and an anonymous translation which is known simply as the 'fifth edition.' ... ...
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343: Trinity proof texts: Micah 5:2-3
The Messiah therefore traced his lineage, not from David, but from all past eternity, being like God himself, has always existed and timeless! No Jew would every apply this language to a created angel! Comments: The text is so clear that anti-Trinitarians have only one argument based upon the definition of the word translated, ... From you One will go forth3318 3318 yatsa' a primitive root: "to go out, come out, exit, go forth" she who is in labor has borne3205 3205 yalad a primitive root: "to bear, bring forth, beget, gender, travail" "His goings forth are from long ago" means "His activities date back to all eternity" because: If the Holy Spirit wanted to say ... If a single creation point was meant, it would have to be non-plural! Hosea 6:3 uses the "singular/non-plural" [4161 mowtsa'] in reference to God, making it more likely, according to Jehovah's Witness logic, that God had a single origin/creation point. "So let us know, let us press on to know Jehovah. His going forth [4161 ... ...
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344: Synagogue Organization and Government: Elders, officials, attendants ...
Temple worship was strictly blood and DNA determined and totally ignored any moral, social or experiential qualifications. b. While synagogues, through God's providence, were prototypes of the church in organization, God wanted to ensure an ultra high quality of leadership based upon faith, family history, marriage status, town reputation and morals. c. The Holy Spirit gave two detailed lists in the New testament of the qualifications of church overseers: i. "It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of ... ...
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345: Pentecostal "Slain in the Spirit" is occult, non-Christian and ...
Women who fall have their legs covered with clothes due to immodest positions they fall in Biblical accounts of people falling supernatural appearance of angels, or God Himself revelation of Gods will, usually set down in the canon of Scripture All fell forward, no one "caught" them, no women fell in the Scriptures Click to View ... This is no laughing matter. (Larry Thomas, No Laughing Matter, Audiotape, October 10, 1994) Click to View The Revivalists Apology for the Manifestation The Toronto Blessing FAQ Revised April 1997 FALLING IN THE HOLY SPIRIT- this is when we fall to the ground because we can no longer remain standing when the power of God is on us!!! ... Every text they have tried to use is taken completely out of its context and these leaders are guilty of wresting the Scriptures in a vain attempt to validate their practice. The leaders of the Holy Laughter movement prove nothing by the Scriptures they use except that they do not know how to properly interpret the Scriptures. ... ...
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346: Greek Scroll Twelve minor prophets Nahal Hever 50 BC: Septuagint ...
... This substitution of Mosaic Hebrew for Greek in the name of God is probably the very beginning point of "nomina sacra". c. Nomina sacra developed into the Christian era and became almost ridiculous because they would create substitutional abbreviations for other "sacred" things including: God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Saviour, Cross, Christ etc. d. While Christians eventually abandoned the practice of nomina sacra altogether, the Jews continue the practice by writing the word God in English as G-D where a ... The scroll probably dates to the middle of the first century B.C. Its importance derives partly from the fact that it antedates Origen's text-critical activity in the third century A.D. Based on space considerations the editors are "relatively confident" that the Book of Haggai originally appeared in the Naḥal Ḥever scroll between Zephaniah and Zechariah, as it does in traditional arrangements of the Minor Prophets. This scroll thus provides an important early witness to the ... ...
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347: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Matthew 24 The Olivet Discourse
... The disciples were expecting Jesus to not only conquer the entire world, including Rome, they understood he would usher in a new religious order that would replace the corrupt and dead temple worship in Jerusalem. Jesus understood that they hadn't yet comprehended the crucifixion and the spiritual nature of the kingdom of God. ... Rather than try to explain it in vain, Jesus just told them it did not concern them at this time and wait for the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost: "So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or ... You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time? "And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right?" (Luke 12:54-57) v. Starts small on Pentecost AD 44 and grows till second coming: "So He was saying, "What is the kingdom of God like, and to what ... ...
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348: Nuweiba Beach Red Sea crossing: Rejected, debunked, refuted
... In 1407 BC, the "way to the Red Sea" was the road in the Arabah valley from Kadesh Barnea at Petra towards Ezion Geber (Elat): Numbers 21:4; Deut 1:40; 2:1. c. The most logical route for the "way to the Red Sea" is due south towards the Gulf of Suez. God had forbidden Moses to go due west on the "way of the Philistines". d. The ... is a different word than "suph" in "yam suph", are in a dogfight with the Holy Spirit who twice used the ordinary word for the colour "red" in the Greek New Testament in "Red Sea" (Acts 7:36; Heb 11:29). Let us forever ban "sea of reeds" from our vernacular in discussing the Exodus route unless one begins by demonstrating that scripture calls all three saltwater ocean gulfs the Sea of Reeds. 7. The Red Sea crossing was deep enough to clearly be a massive divine miracle: At the Straits of Tiran the walls of water were up to 300 meters on both sides. The Red Sea crossing was a miraculous demonstration of God's divine power: Exodus 13:3; Deut 26:8; 7:8. Shallow ... ...
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349: Weekly Church Attendance is Essential!
... And on the day of our Lord's resurrection, which is the Lord's day, meet more diligently, sending praise to God that made the universe by Jesus, and sent Him to us, and condescended to let Him suffer, and raised Him from the dead. Otherwise what apology will he make to God who does not assemble on that day to hear the saving word concerning the resurrection, on which we pray thrice standing in memory of Him who arose in three days, in which is performed the reading of the prophets, the preaching of the Gospel, the oblation of the sacrifice, the gift of the holy food? (Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, book 2) Yes, church ... We abuse the Lord's Day when we do nothing; when we merely rest or seek entertainment. Such is not in keeping with the proper observance of the Lord's Day. We should use it to assemble together and to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, John 4:24. The early church gave the formula for church attendance in Acts 2:42. It reads simply: "They continued ... ...
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350: Top ten list of why the Roman Catholic and Orthodox take the ...
When the Church Fathers made reference to a "oral apostolic tradition" separate from scripture, they always viewed such tradition as duplicating what the apostles later revealed in scripture as a parallel witness. In other words, all doctrines that originated from apostolic oral traditions were finally recorded in the text of ... Virtually all the apostolic fathers viewed a progressive sequence of revelation passing through three stages: 1. Oral teachings of Christ to his apostles. 2. Oral teachings of the apostles based upon Christ's oral tradition and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for new information Christ never discussed. 3. All of Christ's and the ... On the Trinity, Book 1, 35), (Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity, Book 7, 16) When Basil and the Arians both claimed their tradition was correct, Basil said, "let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in favour of that side will be cast the vote of ... ...
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