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351: Joel 2:28, Promise of the Father, Baptism of the Holy Spirit ...
The Indwelling "Gift of the Holy Spirit": Acts 2:38-39 "Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. "For the [miraculous] promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself [when we apostles lay our hands on you in the future]."" (Acts 2:38-39) The Gift of the Holy Spirit in ... In this new way, "the Spirit was not yet given" (Jn 7:39), even though the 70 disciples had been empowered for a time when they preached the gospel 2x2 (Luke 10:17-20). Jesus promised that after He ascended and was glorified (Jn 7:39) that He would send the ... They directly connected the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the miracles they witnessed in the Apostles that day. 3. Every Bible character in Old and New Testament who possessed supernatural power had been "baptized in the Holy Spirit", had the "indwelling of the Holy ... ...
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352: Differences between three different types or Mormons
So, also, when Jesus said, "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it", we see the timeless, unchanging character of that church. From the earliest days of the restoration of the "fullness of the gospel" (1 Nephi 10:14, Utah Book of Mormon), we have told the world that this included a restoration of divine priesthood authority, and by which the true Church of Christ would be restored as in the time of Christ and the ancient apostles. This was, in fact, the intent of God as revealed in the Book of Commandments 4:5, in March 1829: "And thus if the people of this generation harden not their hearts, I ... Many changes were made in the revelations to support offices not originally provided for, and these were introduced by men-not God! All comparison to the divine pattern should be with the New Testament of the Bible and with the Book of Mormon after Christ had come to the American continent. The same is true of doctrinal points. With these thoughts in mind, note ... ...
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353: Watchtower Deceptions: Confusing Modalism as if it were trinity ...
"AT JOHN 1:1 the King James Version reads: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Trinitarians claim that this means that "the Word" (Greek, ho lo'gos) who came to earth as Jesus Christ was Almighty God himself. Someone who is 'with' another person cannot also be that other person." ... Remember, how do you define the word God??? Did Jesus ever say He was God the Father??? In agreement with the WT we would say NO; but as we have seen the WT does not use the word God the way the Bible does. Now, did Jesus ever say He was God, not in the sense that He's the Father but in the way the Bible uses the word God? Emphatically Yes! ... Vol 7, 1917, page 11.) "...How strange that any should attempt to misuse and pervert these our Lord's words, to make them support the unreasonable and unscriptural doctrine of a Trinity, -- three Gods in ONE PERSON". (Studies in the Scriptures On page 76 of Volume 5) "...Ask the student, "How many Jehovahs are there?" ... ...
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354: What role does the Holy Spirit in my Conversion?
Still, while proclaiming that the manner of the Spirit's working in the Christian age is through the power of the Word, we must not be guilty of thinking the Spirit is not involved in our conversion. Conversion is the process by which man turns from sin to God. It is the "change" from the old life in sin to the new life in Christ. Conversion takes place in our ... any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:14). The gospel is the power of God to save (Romans 1:1.6). We know we know him if we keep his commandments (I John 2:3-5). Hence, the truth stands out vividly, it's undeniable: The Holy Spirit converts men through the revealed and written Word of God in the New Testament. If the Holy Spirit operates in a direct way, apart from the Word, why are there no Christians in some countries? If the Holy Spirit operates directly on some, and not on others, God becomes a respecter of persons. The Bible, however, says that he is not (Acts 10:34-35). ... ...
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355: Metzger, Bruce M. and Coogan, Michael D., Editors; Daniel N. ...
to the Bible, Daniel N. Scholwalter, author; Metzger and Coogan, editors, p 782-3) "Because the Trinity is such an important part of later Christian doctrine, it is striking that the term does not appear in the New Testament. Likewise, the developed concept of three coequal partners in the Godhead found in later creedal formulations cannot be clearly detected within the confines of the canon. Since the Christians have come to worship Jesus as a god ... Matthew 28.19 ... Matthew records a special connection between God the Father and Jesus the Son (e.g., 11.27), but he falls short of claiming that Jesus is equal with God. It is John's gospel that suggests ... In support of the authenticity of the passage, however, it must be said that the phrasing is much closer to Paul's understandings of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit than to a more fully developed concept of the Trinity. Jesus, referred to not as Son but as Lord and Christ, is mentioned first and is connected with the central ... ...
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356: History of Temple Mount, Tabernacles of Moses, David and the ...
... 15:16. 6. While pre-tribulation rapture false teachers, premillennialists and dispensationalists all teach that the church is a temporary afterthought, the Bible teaches that the church was in the mind of God from before the beginning of the world and will remain as the temple of God for all future eternity in heaven. ... The important matter is that the church was God's vessel of salvation from before the creation of the world which replaced the physical temple in Jerusalem. 8. This page is all about the church, the body of Christ, the Temple of God. The final end of a long series of complex antitypes! clilck to view 2091 BC: Abraham: Told to leave Ur of ... Sinai 2. 1446 BC: the Tabernacle is now built and the cloud illuminates and fills it with the Glory of God: In the 40 days that followed Pentecost at Sinai, God revealed the Tabernacle plan to Moses. a. Ex 33:9 whenever Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent; and the ... ...
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357: Are You Guilty of Spiritual Child Abuse?
... the Bible daily and to pray, indifference to attending the assembly, willing moral compromises, fears, doubts, or lack of assurance of salvation. We need to spoon feed our spiritual newborns instead of merely pointing the way to the kitchen! One solution to the problem is to have some form of follow-up program for new Christians. There are a number of programs that can be set in place, but the one that will succeed has at its center a one-on-one teaching environment. It is important that at least one other Christian take the initiative to stabilize and ground them. Ideally, this person is the one who either introduced them to the gospel or directly led them to Christ. ... Attendance, Giving, Outreach Heb 10:25 "Forsake not the assembly" Doctrine Detailed Bible knowledge 2 Tim 2:15 "study to show yourself approved" Devotion Developing a relationship with God through prayer & Bible reading Jas 4:18 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" Many times our efforts to ground new ... ...
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358: 300 BC: The Death of Hebrew Language, rise of The Septuagint ...
... In 587 BC a single Temple housed a copy of the inspired Tanakh in Hebrew. b. God foresaw that at the time of the coming of the Messiah in 30 AD, that Hebrew would be extinct. c. God providentially put the Septuagint in every one of the thousands of synagogues 150 years before the birth of Christ, each of which had a full immersion baptistry (Mikveh) ready to create Christians!!! Can you see the Jewish synagogue baptistry in the archeological top plan below? d. God providentially provided for a full immersion baptistry known as a Mikveh, beside each synagogue. 4. Like the Phoenix, the Hebrew language was restored in 1915 AD in modern Israel. The Septuagint LXX "Scripture Cannot Be Broken" Start Here: Master Introduction and Index Six Bible Manuscripts 1446 BC Sinai Text (ST) 1050 BC Samuel's Text (SNT) 623 BC Samaritan (SP) 458 BC Ezra's Text (XIV) 282 BC Septuagint (LXX) 160 AD Masoretic (MT) Research Tools OT Textual Variants Messianic expectation 300 OT quotes in NT Canon of the ... ...
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359: The polytheistic "henotheism" of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphi ...
Instead of outright rejecting the Watchtower organization as a satanic and apostate cult, they reject the Bible and make Jesus into a created demi-god. So poorly informed are Jehovah's Witnesses, that they are not aware that their view of Jesus was a concept borrowed directly from the pagans and not the Bible! Rather than accept ... B. Categorical summary of abused texts used by Jehovah's Witnesses to teach Henotheism: Jesus Christ is God: Jn 1:1; 20:28; Heb 1:6,8 Angels are gods: Ps 97:7 + Heb 1:6; Ps 8:5 + Heb 2:7; Job 20:15 in LXX; Theophanies: Gen 18:1,22;19:1,13 "Sons of God" are gods: Gen 6:2,4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Ps 29:1-2; 89:6. Satan is a "god of this ... Worshipping of angels is condemned: Col 2:18. Gal 1:8 warns that angels, like demons, can become agents of false doctrine: "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! " (Galatians 1:8) Even if angels were called "gods" (they never are) it ... ...
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360: Review of the Official Creed of the Official Creed of the One ...
... he practices and endorses shunning as consistent with the message of Christ. How very sad. Peter Rigo's error indicates a dismal understanding of the Bible. Yes Jesus said the gospel will separate Christians from their non-Christian friends and family, but for the exact opposite reason Rigo teaches his congregation. Peter Rigo is not a cult leader but he is a dangerous false teacher. Here is what Jesus actually said: "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. "For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be the members of his household. "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me." Matthew 10:34-37 Here is what Apostle Peter said: "so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. ... ...
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361: The Jewish Synagogue Mikveh was the "Christian Maker" Baptistry
... In this way the figure of water "washing away sins" was transferred from Mosaic Judaism to synagogue worship to the church. 4. Gamla, Jericho, Modein and Ostia Synagogue top plan show the location of the mikvaot: a. All the earliest synagogues ... Putting on clothing of Salvation: Gal 3:26-27 c. New birth: Jn 3:3-5 d. Circumcision: Col 2:12 e. Re-enactment ceremony of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ: Rom 6:3-7; Col 2:12 f. The Nicene Creed of 325 AD, verifies that this is the ... The "pool of Siloam is found 3 times in the Bible at early as 730 BC: Is 8:6, "waters of Shiloah"; Neh 3:15 "Pool of Shelah; Jn 9:7, "pool of Siloam". d. Josephus said the pool of Siloam was located at the end "Valley of the Cheesemongers" or the ... Accordingly the multitude of those that therein perished exceeded all the destructions that either men or God ever brought upon the world; for, to speak only of what was publicly known, the Romans slew some of them, some they carried captives, and ... ...
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362: The Growing vs. The Dying church
We are also faced with general apathy, poor attendance, compromising of moral standards, and morgue-like worship services. Actually, all these little problems are merely symptoms of one large central problem: a superficial relationship with God. So, rather than cracking the whip or laying guilt trips on members to reach the lost, deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ through a daily Bible reading and prayer program. Then they will volunteer to work at saving the lost! Couple this with some leadership in soul-winning by example rather than pep talks from the pulpit ... Then, the preacher hires the media to invite the lost to our elaborate programs and meetings while personally inviting no one. When we think about being evangelistic, the first thing that pops into our mind is newspaper advertising for a gospel meeting or a correspondence course. We will never be effective in reaching the lost until each member is convicted of their individual obligation to personally share their faith. ... ...
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363: Does your salvation experience match the Bible pattern?
Does your salvation experience match the Bible Blueprint? When our Lord spoke of conversion He used a word which meant "to turn around, revert, or to come again". The definition suggests that persons who are converted are changed and are set on a ... is preaching or teaching of the Gospel followed by a certain response to that preaching or teaching by the person converted. The first recorded example is found in Acts, Chapter 2. When Peter and the other apostles filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke to the great multitude on the day of Pentecost and told them that God had raised His Son, whom they had crucified, to be the Saviour of all who call upon His name (verse 21). Believing the apostle's message and being convicted of the enormous sin of rejecting and consenting to the crucifixion of God's Son, they asked "Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them. 'Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall ... ...
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364: Does It Matter What We Believe As Long As We Are Honest?
He was honest and sincere, however, God destroyed him very soon afterward because of this disobedience. The ardent Jewish Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, persecuted the church in the days soon after it's establishment, and brought many Christians to trial and death. He did Christ a very great wrong because he wanted to please God. But Saul did all these things with a sincere and honest conscience; years later, this same man (now a Christian) said, as recorded ... We must be doubly careful for there are deceivers everywhere; II Timothy 3-13 tells us, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Thus, the Bible must provide authorization for our every living act if we are to be pleasing to God. Yet, we are confined only to that which is written and we must not invent additions to the Gospel; read II John, verse 9. The Bible Research Library seeks to present the word of God free of human prejudice, and are everywhere documented thoroughly. We request that you ... ...
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365: The 10 commandments are Abolished Today
... by God Stone tablets Moral law Still in force today! Moses Law The Law of Moses Ordinances and Decrees Written by Moses Book of the law Ceremonial law Nailed to the cross! Click to View Jesus said, "Keep the commandments"! When Sabbatarians see the word "commandments" they think the word refers solely to the 10 commandments. But the truth is "Jesus commandments" are not the 10 commandments! Click to View Sabbatarians attempt to make a false distinction in Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 saying the verses prove we must keep the 10 commandments in addition to the Gospel of Christ. The Decepto-Meter goes crazy over this Adventist argument! Click to View Adventist Pastor said: "The next time a preacher tells you the law is done away with, just go to his church and break the eighth commandment and steal his offering and you'll find out real quick the law is not done away with." (Seventh-day Adventist Pastor in a public revelation seminar) Click here Click to View When Adventists learn the Bible ... ...
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366: sola-scriptura-oral-written-final
... than by those very churches which the apostles rounded in person, by declaring the gospel to them directly themselves, both viva voce [living voice], as the phrase is, and subsequently by their epistles. If, then, these things are so, it is in the same degree manifest that all doctrine which agrees with the apostolic churches-those moulds and original sources of the faith must be reckoned for truth, as undoubtedly containing that which the (said) churches received from the apostles, the apostles from Christ, Christ from God. Whereas all doctrine must be prejudged as false which savours of contrariety to the truth of the churches and apostles of Christ and God. ... anyone with an ounce of insight, this statement is not only opposite to what Tertullian means it is utter heresy because it ignores history (Fathers) and scripture. Anyone who has talked to a Roman Catholic or Orthodox preacher, knows this is indeed exactly how they think! by Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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367: What makes an apostle The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Any one who is sent by another: Jn 13:16 b. Jesus was sent forth from God: Heb 3:1 c. The twelve & Paul were sent forth by Jesus: Jn 20:21 d. Christians sent by local churches: 2 Cor 8:13; Phil 2:25 3. Purpose & function of an apostle: One sent by Christ to establish the church by bearing witness to His resurrection. a. ... B. Special claims & functions that only an apostle could make 1. Christ specifically chose them as apostles: Lk 6:13; 1 Cor 1:1;12:28; Gal 1:1; Rom 1:1 a. Barsabbas was qualified but not chosen: Acts 1:23 b. An "ambassador" (Lit: to be elder, eldest) : 2 Cor 5:20; Eph 6:20 2. They learned the Gospel directly from Christ: a. The twelve Acts ... They have no miraculous powers! Miracles ceased: 1 Cor 13:8-13 They haven't seen the risen Christ! Paul was last to see Jesus: 1 Cor 15:8 B. Spiritual gifts of miracles ceased when the Bible was completed: 1 Cor 13:8-13 C. The Bible warns about false apostles: 1. True apostles can be tested to prove they are apostles through ... ...
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368: Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-semitism and the Third Reich
Furthermore, Rutherford and his lieutenants tried to save the German arm of their movement by scapegoating the Jews and attacking Great Britain, the United States, and the League of Nations. During the first half of their history, the Bible Student-Jehovah's Witnesses were notable for their sympathy to the Jews. Even more ... During the long period elapsing from the time of their expulsion to the present day the Jews have not "borne the shame of the heathen" for Jehovah's sake, nor for the name of Christ. During all this period of time, and particularly during the World War, the true followers of Christ Jesus devoted to God, and to his kingdom, have been bearing the ... It's just surprising some people refer to it as if it were Gospel."[22] It is not surprising that Jehovah's Witness leaders are reluctant to discuss the nature of the Declaration, the Watch Tower letter to Hitler, or the Berlin convention of June 1933 any more than is necessary. After all, no religious organization is ... ...
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369: Hastings, James: Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
... In the effort they were led, inevitably, to effect an alliance between the gospel of their salvation and the speculative philosophy, and more especially the Platonism, in which they had been trained, while, in making room for the Christian gospel within the world-not altogether hospitable of the Greek philosophy, they found themselves translating their empirical knowledge of God-the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ-into a doctrine of diversity or multiplicity, as distinguished from merely abstract unity, within the divine Nature itself. In other words, in thinking out the ... Unfortunately, because JW's are forbidden from reading "apostate materials" or "spiritual pornography" they will never understand what Hastings is saying! But quite simply, Hastings is saying what any informed trinitarian would say namely: That the word trinity is used in two senses. Economic Trinity: First in a simple sense, as we find in the Bible, where there is an affirmation of the deity of Christ and ... ...
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370: The Power of a personal invitation!
I just walked in 6% I liked the minister 1% I visited here 5% I liked the Sunday school 1/2% I attended a gospel meeting 3% I liked the programs 79% A friend or relative invited me In this article I wish to examine this most powerful tool of evangelism the personal invitation. ... I have known several Christians who deliberately involved themselves in charities, coaching, and hobby clubs for the specific purpose of meeting new people for the gospel's sake. When we look to the Bible, we find the following conversions fall into this category. Family: Have you noticed that several of the apostles were related by blood. Andrew leads Peter to Christ (John 1:40,41). Philip brings Nathaniel (John 1:43-46). Work: Paul ... A good Biblical example of this is found in Acts 16:13-15 where Paul went to a riverside, where he supposed there would be a place of prayer. He didn't always wait for God to place opportunities in his lap. Here Paul aggressively created an opportunity to teach. We must do the ... ...
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371: TRINITY: Christology: Diety and Humanity of our Savour!
... VI. The apostolic belief in the deity of Christ is what drove the development of trinity doctrine. 1. The necessity to formulate the doctrine was thrust upon the Church by forces from without, and it was, in particular, its faith in the deity of Christ, and the necessity to defend it, that first compelled the Church to face the duty of formulating a full doctrine of the Trinity for its rule of faith." (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) 2. For the early Christian belief that Jesus was divine, the Son of God, and that as the risen, glorified Messiah or Lord, He was now at the right hand of God: required the use of theistic language. (Encyclopedia Americana, Trinity, p116) 3. They [Bible writers] assign Him [Jesus] the divine functions of creation, salvation, judgment. Sometimes they call Him God explicitly. (The Triune God, Edmund Fortman, introduction, p.xv) 4. GOD THE SON ... the Gospel According to John, which regards the figure of Jesus Christ as the ... ...
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372: Tongues Ceased in AD 100: Introduction: Cessation of Spiritual ...
... The same is not true with faith and hope. When Christ returns, faith in Christ is replaced with seeing Christ, while hope in the promises of God is replaced by the realization of those promises. Thus, 13:13 reinforces the point made at the outset of the passage in 13:8 where the apostle declares that "love never fails." Unlike the revelatory gifts which cease with the completion of the canon, and unlike even faith and hope which cease with the return of Christ, love never ceases. (Ibid.) Introduction: 1. The Bible clearly teaches that all 9 supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased upon the completion of the canon of the bible around AD 100. a. Those who ... The church exists in an immature corporate, collective state until this revelation is complete, at which point gifts are no longer needed and the church is fully mature. 3. "Perfect" refers to the completion of the revelation of the Gospel. (canon) a. What is the perfect? b. Whatever is contrasted "in part". c. "Perfect" is a ... ...
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373: BEWARE: Arian Biased Translations
Modernists who deny the virgin birth are quoted by Jehovah's Witnesses because both deny the deity of Christ! Bible Scoffers and Arians make strange bedfellows! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted Below are the Bibles Jehovah's Witnesses will quote to ... We have not discussed them because most of them are not Bible translations, but one man's a commentary where in he translates the single Bible verse. These men are usually anti-trinitarians themselves, so the vast majority amount to self-quoting. Bibles frequently quoted by Jehovah's Witnesses: Schonfield: is a Greek translation by one individual into English! However, Schonfield, author of "The Passover Plot", makes Jesus into a charlatan, and doesn't even believe in the deity of God the ... from the original Aramaic texts into English and written commentaries on it" (George M. Lamsa, More Light on the Gospel, p151) Lamsa denies the physical bodily resurrection of Christ, the actual second coming, the person of the devil and demons. ... ...
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374: Irrefutable questions that Roman Catholics can't answer
Since the synod Carthage in 393 AD stated, "But let Church beyond sea (Rome) be consulted about confirming this canon", does this not prove that Rome had no direct input or initiative in determining the canon. Since the two synods of Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage, (397 AD) were under the control of what would later become the "orthodox church", how can the Roman Catholic church claim they determined the Canon? Would not such a claim be more naturally due the Eastern Orthodox church? If the Catholic church, "by her own inherent God given power and authority" gave the world the Bible, why ... When you see the word tradition, why do you always assume it to be oral tradition rather than scripture tradition, when the Bible calls scripture tradition in 2 Thess 2:15, and Athanasius call scripture tradition: "the Apostolic tradition teaches in the words of blessed Peter, 'Forasmuch then as Christ suffered for us in the Flesh" Athanasius then quotes: 1 Peter 4:1; Titus 2:13; Heb 2:1 (Athanasius, ... ...
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375: Sunday: Weekly memorial of the resurrection of Christ
The first day of the week Click to View Weekly memorial of the resurrection of Christ A. Traditions of men vs. the Bible: We are told, not to remember Christ's birth on Dec 25, but his death every Sunday via Communion. Acts 20:7 Christians do not remember Christ's resurrection once a year at "Easter", but every Sunday, on the ... 107AD IGNATIUS: let every friend of Christ keep the Lord's Day as a festival, the resurrection-day, the queen and chief of all the days of the week. (Ignatius, Epistle to the Magnesians, chp 9. Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, pg. 62-63.) 130AD BARNABAS: Moreover God says to the Jews, 'Your new moons and Sabbaths 1 cannot endure.' ... (Apology, 1, 67:1-3, 7; First Apology, 145 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , Vol. 1, pg. 186) 190AD CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: He does the commandment according to the Gospel and keeps the Lord's day, whenever he puts away an evil mind . . . glorifying the Lord's resurrection in himself. (Vii.xii.76.4) 200AD TERTULLIAN: Others . . . ... ...
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376: The Canon of Marcion the heretic
Bible" Home Page The Canon of Marcion the heretic I. Who was Marcion and when did he live? Marcion was born about 110 AD, being the son of the wealthy Bishop of Sinope in Pontus. By 144 AD, at age 34, Marcion had caused such a stir, that his teachings were the subject of an investigation and condemnation. II. What did Marcion believe that made him a dangerous heretic: Marcion believed that the God of the Old Testament was an evil creator god that Jesus came to destroy. Marcion believed that this evil god did in fact reveal his will through the Old Testament. Thus he believed in the "inspiration" of the Old Testament from divine sources, although from an evil source. Marcion's canon: Luke + Paul's writings. Marcion accepted only the gospel ... Many scholars believe that it was partly in reaction to this distorted canon of Marcion that the early Church determined to create a clearly defined canon of its own." (Which Came First: The Church or the New Testament?, Fr. James Bernstein, Orthodox ... ...
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377: Official creed of Church of the Nazarene
To fail to do so, after formally taking the membership vows of the Church of the Nazarene injures the witness of the church, violates her conscience, and dissipates the fellowship of the people called Nazarenes. With the Bible as our supreme Guide, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and the Manual as our official agreed-upon statement of faith, practice, and polity, we look forward to the new quadrennium with joy and unswerving faith in Jesus Christ. The Board of General Superintendents Theological Tradition The Church of the Nazarene is the largest denomination in the Wesleyan-Arminian (Holiness) theological tradition. ARTICLES OF FAITH: I. THE TRIUNE GOD We believe in one eternally existent, infinite God, ... Le 19:17,18; De 5:7-10; 6:4,5; Mr 12:28-31; Ro 13:8-10 (2) Pressing upon the attention of the unsaved the claims of the gospel, inviting them to the house of the Lord, and trying to compass their salvation Mt 28:19,20; Ac 1:8; Ro 1:14-16; 2Co 5:18-20 (3) Being courteous to all men. ... ...
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378: Trinity proof texts: Mark 2:7
This is why they accused Jesus of blasphemy. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 The unbelieving Jews said this false statement of fact, not Jesus. The Bible also records the lie of the devil in Gen 2 that Eve would "surely not die". The Jews statement that "only God can forgive sins", is just as ... But he did not correct them, but rather reinforced their view because it was correct! Only God can forgive sin! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #2 The apostles could forgive sins just like Christ, does that make the Apostles God? John 20:23 "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have [already] been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have ... The apostles, in preaching remission, must begin at Jerusalem, though she had lately brought upon herself the guilt of Christ's blood: "Yet you may declare their sins remitted upon gospel terms.'' And Peter did so, Acts 2:38; 3:19. Christ, being risen for our justification, sends his gospel heralds to proclaim the ... ...
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379: "KJV Only" advocates refuted!
... Also, Isa 22 "He prophesieth Shebna's deprivation, and Eliakim, prefiguring the kingdom of Christ, his substitution" This is wrong and reflect the incorrect theology of the day.) Why would the translators use book headings like "The Gospel According to Saint Luke" since the Greek merely says "The Gospel According to Luke". Does not this show that the translators were influenced by their contemporary theology and the ... Is IT "given by inspiration of God"? [2 Tim. 3:16] WHEN was the KJV "given by inspiration of God" - 1611, or any of the KJV major/minor revisions in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1644, 1664, 1701, 1744, 1762, 1769, and the last one in 1850? In what language did Jesus Christ [not Peter Ruckman and others] teach that the Old Testament would be preserved forever according to Matthew 5:18? Where does the Bible teach that God will perfectly preserve His Word in the form of one seventeenth-century English translation? Did God lose the words of the originals when the "autographs" were ... ...
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380: Extra-Biblical oral apostolic tradition does not exist today
... (Christ Among Us, p. 166 169). "Like two sacred rivers flowing from Paradise, the Bible and divine Tradition contain the Word of God ...of the two, Tradition is to us more clear and safe" (Catholic Belief, p. 33.) But the Catholic Bible says: In regard to the true wisdom of God that, "God has revealed this wisdom to us through the Spirit. The Spirit scrutinizes al/ matters even the deep things of God. Who for example, knows a man's innermost self but the man's own spirit within him? Similarly, no one knows what lies at the depths of God but the Spirit of God... We speak of these, not in words of human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, thus interpreting spiritual things in spiritual terms" (I Cor 2:10 13). "May you learn from us not to go beyond what is set down, so that none of you will grow self important by reason of his association with one person rather than another" (I Cor. 4:6). "For even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel not in ... ...
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381: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
... He revealed Himself supremely and finally in the Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded in the New Testament. We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God as men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit. We accept the Old and New Testaments as the infallible Word of God and the authoritative Guide for the faith and life of Christian discipleship. We believe that the Old Covenant was preparatory in nature, finding its fulfilment in the New Covenant. Christ is the key to understanding the Bible; the Old Testament bears witness to Him, and He is the One whom the New Testament proclaims. Ps. 19; 119:105; Lk. 24:27, ... The Scriptures, particularly the records of the New Testament church, guide believers in questions of life and doctrine. Through His Spirit the Lord gives gifts to the church to be exercised for the upbuilding of believers and the propagation of the Gospel. Organization The local church is an association of believers, baptized and organized for worship, fellowship, nurture, service ... ...
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382: How to be attain Sanctification!
... When praying for his apostles, Jesus said: "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" John 17: 17. This marvelous change of our human natures, God's word declares, is made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all" Hebrew 10: 10. "For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified" Hebrew 10: 14. God himself is at the heart of this gift of his holiness to man. Our sanctification was part of his divine plan designed in eternity before the creation of time and matter. "But we are ... Christ. Christ calls for our complete trust or faith in him (John 7: 37-39), for our repentance from all past sin (Luke 13: 3), for our open acknowledgment of this belief (Matthew 10: 32-33), for our obedience in baptism to receive God's forgiveness (Acts 2: 38), and Christ sanctifying presence (Gal. 2: 20) and purpose (Phil. 1: 21). Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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383: Using "Wisdom Towards Outsiders"
... God wants us to be fully equipped workmen (Ephesians 4:12-15) and to put on the full armor (Ephesians 6:11,13). God expects us to learn how to do this. A successful teacher of lost souls avoids occasions of arguing and confrontation. The successful teacher looks for common ground. If there is a confrontation, let it be her against the Bible rather than her against you. Second Timothy 2:14,23-26 warns us about the traps of arguing religion rather than teaching the gospel. We are told not to wrangle about words. As fishermen must use different bait for different kinds of fish, we must also use different methods when dealing with different kinds of people. Basically, there are two kinds of people that will respond to your invitation to study: the committed religious and the uncommitted religious. The committed need to have a strong lesson on denominationalism. The uncommitted need a strong lesson on commitment, obedience to Christ, and weeding sin out of their lives. Not every one learns ... ...
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384: Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors!
Today - pray for tongue speaking. Spoke to instruct. I Cor.14:13 Revel in confusion - no instruction. Believed Gospel. Mark 16:16 Deny gospel because getting new revelation. Spoke to benefit hearers. I Cor. 14:9 No so today. Benefit in glory of ... Acts 2:4 No so today. Compare the truth with the fake: Simon The Fake Vs Apostles the truth: Acts 8:5-13 Purpose of the gifts Bible modern pentecostals To confirm god's word word confirms gifts Bring About Unity Of Faith Many Different Churches Claim ... Considered a childish gift of lesser importance 14:5 Stressed As A Sign Of Spirituality A Sign To Unbelievers 14:22 A Sign To Believers Modern Day Tongue Speaking Is Not From God! In the Los Angeles area which consists of about 12 million people, ... This was true for ancient paganism. The first written record of tongue speaking dates back more than 1,000 years before Christ. A certain Wen Ammon under stress gave forth ecstatic utterances, and the people thought God was speaking through him. ... ...
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385: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Delos, Greece #1: 250 BC ...
SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: Delos excavation top plan 250 BC c. Inscriptional date: 250 BC and Delos #2 synagogue inscription d. Literary date: none 6. References: a. Les Israélites de Délos et la juiverie délienne, Philippe Bruneau, BCH, p465, 1982 AD b. IJO: Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis, David Noy, vol 1, Arc67, 2004 AD 7. Related Bible verses: a. Woman at the well, "Spirit and Truth" John 4:7-45 b. Freewill "first fruit offerings" sent to needy Christians in Jerusalem by early Christians: 1 Cor 16:1-2 8. Further documentation: a. Delos inscription: 250 BC b. Delos excavation top plan 250 BC B. Discussion ... 4. Freestanding Columns: Antitype of Christians 5. Artwork: Heart-Shaped Columns 6. The bema: Prototype of the Church Pulpit 7. Synagogue Benches: Metaphor of Equality in Christ 8. Women Seating in Synagogues: Not segregated from men 9. The Moses' Seat: Metaphor of Pride 10. Niches & Ark of The Scrolls: Prototype of Church Apse 11. Table of the ... ...
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386: True Bible Quiz booth Stories
... Daniel, my 14 year old son, engaged in a 2 1/2 hour Bible study on the grass 10 feet in front of the booth. The two other boys were about 15 and 16 years old. They were attacking the Bible and God and wanted Daniel to prove God and the Bible. I could see that at times, they were whipping him good, but I ... We were able to emphasize that the Bible can be understood by simply reading it with the Eph 3:4 passage. Calvinists and Pentecostals alike always got it wrong! The quote from the Bible question was superb. We would say: "James 2:24 actually says NOT BY FAITH ONLY" we removed "not", so it is wrong. Baptism now saves you is a direct quote of 1 Pe 3:21 and the concept of "praying the sinners prayer" isn't even found in the Bible but is a manmade doctrine. We would ask, "did you know, that of all the conversion examples in the Bible, not one of them was ever told to pray..." If the person defended the "Billy Graham" gospel, we would point out that the official creed of their church did ... ...
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387: The Top 10 List: "Worst of the worst" of Watchtower satanic quoting
We have also included two examples of how the Watchtower deliberately misquotes Bible believing Trinitarians and makes them say stuff that is opposite to what they intended. Click to View We strongly recommend you read the "Hostile witness approach" misused by the Watchtower as proof of satanic quoting practices. Top 10 List: #1 Bulletin of The John Rylands Library The author is a Christianity Trasher! "the fact has to be faced that New Testament research ... has been leading an increasing number of reputable New Testament scholars to the conclusion that Jesus ... certainly never believed himself to be God." Quoted by Watchtower Click to View In one of the ... To Jesus and Paul the doctrine of the trinity was apparently unknown" So while Hopkins believes Jesus and Paul rejected trinity, he says one sentence before, that the Gospel of John clearly teaches it! Of course Hopkins is another flaming Christianity Trasher who also said: "Finally, the life, temptation, miracles, parables, and ... ...
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388: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Exodus "Out of Egypt ...
Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Exodus Story as a Messianic Prophecy: Mt 2:15 Thirteen Midrashic Messianic prophecies of Exodus: The Exodus Story as a Messianic Prophecy "Out of Egypt did I call My Son" Mt 2:15 Moses and Israel Jesus and Church Hidden from Pharaoh twice after two death threats: Ex 2:2,15; Heb 11:23 ... all passed through the sea; and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual food; and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ. Nevertheless, with most of them God was not well-pleased; for they were laid low in the wilderness. ... Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." (1 Corinthians 10:1-11) 3. The gospel of Matthew draws on the Exodus four times as messianic prophecy: a. Slaughter of the children and hiding of Moses/Christ b. Calling both Moses and ... ...
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389: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Abba ...
... He felt confused and exasperated and said to God: "Holy Spirit leave me!" He felt bad about this, but felt that since he was lost, that it was the best thing. One evening, John was reading his grandmother's Bible at 1 Peter 2:4-8: "And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: "Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, And he who believes in Him ... John ended up being committed to a mental hospital where he was diagnosed with manic depressive borderline schizophrenia, told he had a chemical imbalance in his brain and would need to be on drugs for the rest of his life. It was not until John was 20 that a Psychiatrist determined that religion was the problem and that he should just stop attending ... ...
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390: Ontological trichotomy of man: Spirit, Soul and Body
The entire man is actually trichotomous (three parts) in nature because the Bible speaks of a distinction between soul and spirit and body. However, we prefer to use the term dichotomous because it denotes a material differential between the physical body and the nonphysical (spirit and soul). "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23) The mind, the ... It accepts information from the outside, either from the body, or the spirit world after death. Behaviours and moral choices are determined by freewill choices in conjunction with the conscience. The conscience generates good feelings when we do that ... ...
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391: Ancient Synagogue Inscriptions from Delos, Greece 250 BC
of God, the ... and crown him with a gold crown..." 2. Glyptic artifact: Greek Synagogue inscription on marble 3. Provenance: Both Delos inscriptions #1 and #2 were found together on the seashore 100 meters from the Synagogue on Delos Island, Greece 1979 AD. 4. Current location: Delos Museum, Greece 5. Delos Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = 250 BC a. SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: Delos excavation top plan 250 BC ... Les Israélites de Délos et la juiverie délienne, Philippe Bruneau, BCH, p465, 1982 AD b. IJO: Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis, David Noy, vol 1, Arc66, 2004 AD 7. Related Bible verses: a. Woman at the well, "Spirit and Truth" John 4:7-45 b. ... Artwork: Heart-Shaped Columns 6. The bema: Prototype of the Church Pulpit 7. Synagogue Benches: Metaphor of Equality in Christ 8. Women Seating in Synagogues: Not segregated from men 9. The Moses' Seat: Metaphor of Pride 10. Niches & Ark of The ... ...
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392: Biblical Subordination expressed by scholars
... It offers no room for a statement of the relations of Father, Son, and Spirit which would imply that one of them is more or less properly on the divine level of being than another. (Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, Trinity, p899) "Jesus Christ does not usurp the place of God. His oneness with the Father does not mean absolute identity of being. ... Although completely co-ordinated with God, he remains subordinate to him." (Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament, J. Schneider, 1965, Vol. 2, p. 606) Wherever in the ... They argue that this suffices to establish that the author of the Gospel held subordinationist views, and they expound in this sense certain texts in which the Son declares His dependence on the Father (v, 19; viii, 28). In point of fact the doctrine of the Incarnation involves that, in regard of His Human Nature, the Son should be less than the Father. No argument against Catholic doctrine can, therefore, be drawn from this text. (The Catholic ... ...
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393: Petra, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea, Sela, Joktheel, En-mishpat ...
... The first reference to God being the "Rock" after Moses struck the rock, is: "The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He." Deuteronomy 32:4. b. The last reference is: "and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ." 1 Corinthians 10:4 2. The imagery of Christ as "The Rock", as well as all the varied "rock" imagery throughout the Bible, has its origin in Moses at Sinai and Kadesh. a. Moses striking the rock lays the foundation of a major Bible anti-type applied directly to Christ as the Rock that provides food and water for salvation, safety, security and judgement. b. Detailed study about the water Moses provided by miracle at Sinai and Kadesh. C. The Bible explicitly teaches that Kadesh is Transjordan: 1. It can be clearly determined that Kadesh lie Transjordan, east of the southern Arabah valley. This is ... ...
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394: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
... John was a prophet, yet performed no miracles. b. Elijah performed some of the greatest miracles in the Bible like raising the dead, yet was a man with a nature exactly like ordinary ungifted Christians, who also can accomplish much through prayer: i. "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, ... Christians today, who are not empowered with supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit as Elijah was, can like John the Baptist, "come in the spirit and power of Elijah" through prayer. i. Christians today function as prophets like John the Baptist and Elijah. ii. We have the inspired scripture of the Holy Spirit that informs us of the mind of God and future events like the second coming, judgement, heaven and hell. iii. Christians are commanded to preach the gospel of salvation to every creature and pray in the spirit and power of Elijah. (Mt 28:18) d. Jesus told his disciples that they would "perform greater WORKS than Christ" i. ... ...
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395: The False doctrine of Roman Catholic papal infallibility
... Peter was not superior to the other apostles (Mt. 18:18; 2 Cor.11:5;12:11). Peter and the other apostles, in consideration of their demise, wrote letters preserving their combined God-given revelations for all time (2 Pet. 1:12-15; 3:1-2; Eph. 3:3-5.). Peter along with the other apostles were to "sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Mt. 19:28). Peter was not the head of the church - Jesus is the only head of His church (Eph. 1:22-23;Col.1:19) Peter was not selected to be the Vicar of Christ on earth (no references in the Bible). Peter never talked about any "successors" to him. Peter and Paul never wore any of the many titles of the ... The Bible says apostle Paul was certainly in Rome, we have nothing in the Bible that says Peter was ever in Rome. Paul is more front and center in the book of Acts than Peter. Paul is the great apostle whose record we have of going far and abroad to preach the gospel. Paul is the one who has not one recorded bad blot on his life ... ...
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396: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
... In the assembly, Enlil takes note that the suffering has not reduced the numbers of men, in fact there are even more of humans now, and even more noise! Enlil now decides to kill every man on earth with a great flood, so he can get some sleep, brings about another rebellion among the lower gods led, again by Enki. Enki refuses to take the oath to carry out the plan to send the flood that other gods had made to Enlil. Enki says that he doesn't even know what a flood is, which ... The gods, therefore, are portrayed as being entirely selfish and self serving. Enlil destroys man just to get a good night's sleep and the lower gods object because there are no more men to feed them through regular sacrifices. Contrast this with the loving selfless God of the Bible who sent His son, Jesus Christ to save man when man was worthless (Romans 5:8-10). Also contrast the dependency of pagan gods on man for their survival with the God of the Bible who is entirely independence and needs nothing from man. ... ...
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397: The office of Elders, pastors and bishops
Each man must meet several high qualifications which the Bible lists in two passages. Elders are the spiritual leaders of a congregation. They also watch out for the souls of the members like a shepherd. Christ is the head of every local church. There is no human head of the church. The Bible is the only written creed for each local church, rather than a man-made written ... E. Although a different office, God did the same thing with "Pulpit preacher" terms by using three distinct Greek words to describe that one office: Minister indicates one who serves as a servant. Evangelist indicates one who spreads the good new of the seed of the Gospel everywhere. Preacher indicates one who proclaims the message of God. II. Unscriptural terms used by denominations: Titus 2:1 A. Paul told us to "speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine." Tit 2:1 This means that we must use Bible terms to describe Bible things. Many denominations use terms that are not found in the Bible. B. ... ...
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398: Gospel preached to whole world, and then the end will come!
Take the Self-test: 1. Take this simple self test and learn the truth that Mt 24:11 was fulfilled before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. 2. Read the verse and notice the way each speaks of the "whole world" 3. The basic logic is simple: the way you define "the whole world" in Matthew 24:11, you must apply this same definition to the other verses. When Was Gospel Preached To Whole World? Let the Bible speak for itself!!! First Century? TEXT Twentieth Century? click to view Col 1:23 "if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister." (Colossians 1:23) click to view click to view Rom 1:8 "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world." (Romans 1:8) click to view click to view Acts 17:6 "When they did not find them, they began ... ...
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399: Demons and Demon Possession
spirit is from God: 1 Jn 4:1-4 D. Existence of demons appeared to be generally accepted by the Jews: Lk 4:36 E. Demons will be cast into hell: Jn 16:11; Mt 25:41; 2 Pe 2:4; Jude 6; Rev 12:7-9 F. The Devil need not possess us, but merely cause us to die with unrepented sin or give up! G. That all demons were cast out in the apostolic age is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zech 13:1-2. H. While some teach that demons were exclusive to the first century, demons in fact were active from Moses to Christ: Deut 32:17; Lev 17:7; Ps 106:37 II. Different Views Of The Origin Of Demons: (Bible Is Silent) A. Intelligent powerful spirit beings: 1. Having reviewed the historical and Biblical data, I believe that demons are most ... F. Apparent supernatural ability to predict the future through fortune-telling: Acts 16:18 G. Able to perform false signs: Rev 16:14 H. Preaching of false doctrine & different gospel" Gal 1:8; 1 Ti 4:1-2; 2 Thess 2:8-12 VI. Casting Out Demons A. Jesus ministry of casting ... ...
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400: The Mormon church examined and refuted!
Mormon Faith The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Examined, Refuted, Rejected! Click to View Definition of a Mormon: "Someone who accepts Joseph Smith as a prophet and the book of Mormon (translated from the Nephi Plates) as an inspired message from God." (Left: Joseph Smith receiving the Nephi Plates from Angel Moroni) Why we must reject the book of Mormon: 1. The Book of Mormon does not give us any new ... LDS do not know what parts are original or which parts have been corrupted, so they use the Bible as a general guide but hold it at distance and suspicion. b. If there are differences between the Bible and the Book of Mormon, they reject the Bible. c. In fact there are MORE "lost, ... Click to View Mormons and Muslims share much in their religion! Click to View Click to View Overview of the Mormon church Click to View Mormonism Is A Different Gospel and therefore condemned Click to View God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus Click to View A 170 year old critical ... ...
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