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401: Are we saved by Faith without Works?
The subject of faith and works is thoroughly biblical, vitally important, and one about which much error is taught. Let's look at faith and works briefly in the light of scripture. Jot down the Bible passages and read them prayerfully from your own Bible. To get a good view of faith and its influence upon those who truly possess it, please read the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. Verse 1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". The Apostle Paul says in Romans Chapter 10, verse 17: faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". So then The word of God tells us of God's purpose for our lives and of ... Now if "faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen", and if this "faith comes by hearing the word of God", then we are going to accept what God says as truth, respond to what He commands as necessary for our salvation, hope for the fulfillment of His promises, and accept His word as ... ...
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402: Reasons why the Apocrypha does NOT belong in the Bible!
Roman Catholic and Orthodox Faith Examined and The Apocrypha "The Jewish canon, or the Hebrew Bible, was universally received, while the Apocrypha added to the Greek version of the Septuagint were only in a general way accounted as books suitable for church reading, and thus as a middle class between canonical and strictly apocryphal (pseudonymous) writings. And justly; for those books, while they have great historical value, and fill the gap between the Old Testament and the New, all originated after the cessation of prophecy, and they cannot therefore be regarded as inspired, nor are they ever cited by Christ or the apostles" (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, book 3, chapter 9) 21 reasons why ... It teaches immoral practices, such as lying, suicide, assassination and magical incantation. The apocryphal books themselves make reference to what we call the Silent 400 years, where there was no prophets of God to write inspired materials. And they laid up the stones in the ... ...
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403: cr-UBF-university-bible-fellowship
We believe that the Bible is inspired by God; that it is the truth; that it is the final authority in faith and practice. We believe that since the fall of Adam, all people have been under the bondage and power of sin and are deserving of the judgment and wrath of God. We believe that Jesus Christ, who is God and man, through his atoning, sacrificial death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection, is the only way of salvation; he alone saves us from sin and judgment and purifies us from the contamination of the world caused by sin. We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father. We believe that regeneration is by the work of the Holy Spirit, and that it is necessary if one is to enter the kingdom of God. We believe that God sent his Holy Spirit to empower his church to witness to Jesus to the ends of the earth. We believe that we are made righteous by grace alone, through faith alone. We believe that the Holy ... ...
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404: Sola Scriptura: The failure of extra-biblical oral church traditions
Sola Scriptura: The failure of extra-biblical oral church traditions Tradition is only valid, when it mirrors scripture, not adds to it or changes it! Click to View Sola Scriptura home page A. Our position on scripture and tradition: "The Bible is the mother of Tradition" Our view is that the scriptures themselves are the all-sufficient and infallible "Rule of Faith" (regula fidei) for every day living, doctrine and liturgy. Tertullian and Jerome started dangerous practices in writing their "Rule of Faith", because these creeds eventually supplanted the authority of the Bible itself. 100% of the information we need for salvation is found in scripture. This means that doctrines and liturgy not taught in scripture are superfluous to the will of God, and range from optional at best to condemned. All traditions are derived from and measured against scripture. Truth: "The Bible is the mother of Tradition" False: "Tradition is the mother of the Bible." Click to View Top ten list of why the ... ...
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405: Hase, Charles: A History of the Christian Church
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote: Trinitarian Misrepresents what Hase actually says. Hase, Charles: A History of the Christian Church Quoted by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, leader of "The Way International" cult, in his book: "The Origin of the Three-in-One God. Wierwille misrepresents Hase by inferring that Hase says that the Christian faith was quickly corrupted by pagan converts. Hase does not assert this, and especially does not say the Trinity a pagan doctrine. (Charles Hase, A history of the Christian church; translated from the 7th and much improved German edition by C.E. Blumenthal and C.P. Wing. New York : Appleton, 1866. pp. 53-71.) Go To Alphabetical Index Of Deceptive Quotes Written By Steve Rudd, Used by permission at: Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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406: Official creed of Vineyard Churches (AVC)
As evangelicals, the Bible is our final authority for faith and practice. Therefore, the statements that follow reflect our best attempt to understand and live out biblical precepts. Upon further reflection, greater biblical insight, or increased wisdom through experience, these statements could be revised. Until such a time, the Association of Vineyard Churches Board of Directors has formally adopted this document as our official statement of faith as of the Board meeting of November 1994. The official Association of Vineyard Churches Statement of Faith reads as follows: WE BELIEVE that God is the Eternal King. He is an infinite unchangeable Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, goodness, ... Gathering His disciples, He reconstituted God's people as His Church to be the instrument of His kingdom. After dying for the sins of the world, Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, fulfilling the convenant of blessing given to Abraham. In His sinless, perfect life Jesus met the ... ...
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407: Lesson 21: We Must Worship The Lord In His Church
Master index of 23 studies: "Determine if you worship in Spirit and Truth!" Lesson 21 We Must Worship The Lord In His Church The Lord is to be glorified by the worship He receives in His church. In Ephesians 3:21 we read, "To Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus." But how many churches does the Lord have? Jesus says in Matthew 16:18, "Upon this rock I will build My church." The word "My" shows possession and that the church belongs to Jesus. How many churches did He say He was going to build? He said, "I will build My church". The word church is singular not plural. The Lord only promised to build His one church. In Ephesians 4:4-6 there are seven ones listed: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Just as there is only one God and only one Lord we also see there is only one body. The Bible says there is only one body; ... ...
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408: Did you choose your church this way???
In the next fifteen years it is estimated that 25,000,000 American will choose a church. How shall they make their choice? Wouldn't it be wonderful it each one would begin with an open Bible in his hand? Let him read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, thus coming to believe deeply and earnestly that Jesus of Nazareth is truly the Christ, the son of God. And then let him read on into the book of Acts. There he will find the dynamic preaching of the good news about Christ. He will find that Peter, on Pentecost, preached a sermon about Christ at the end of which the people believed that Jesus was the divine son of God. They asked, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Then Peter said unto them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" Acts 2:37,38. In each of the major conversion stories in the book of Acts you will find the same pattern for becoming a Christian. Faith in Christ as ... ...
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409: Anglo/British Israelism Herbert W. Armstrong REFUTED!
... By the end of the nineteenth century, there were said to number two million adherents of British-Israelism, most of them Church of England members. 3. In 1859, John Taylor of London expanded the theory into the field of Pyramidology. In the book The Great Pyramid, Why Was It Built and Who Built It? John Taylor tried to show how Israelites built the Pyramid of Cheops, and how British Inches and measurements could be found in its design. 4. In 1950 this outrageous doctrine was promoted by Herbert W. Armstrong who founded the World Wide Church of God and Plain Truth Magazine. 5. After Armstrong died, his successor Joseph Tkach rejected as heresy most of Armstrongs doctrines in 1998 AD. This brought about a great split in the church that produced countless little splinter churches each following a different combination of Armstrong's theology. 6. A key error in Armstrong and all his splinter groups, is failure to accept the clear Bible passages that Israel got all the land promised to ... ...
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410: Collective Names of Synagogues: House of Prayer, Temple, Church
So the words "daddy" and "moon" are NOT names at all. e. Same is true with the church. In the Bible, God describes his people in 40 + different ways, but none of them are a name. Collective term/metaphor Meaning Verses Synagogue Gathering, collection, assembly James 2:2 Household Family: Love And Care 1 Ti 3:15 Kingdom Authority: Privileges Obligations Col 1:13; Phil 3:20 Priesthood Service 1 Pe 2:9; Heb 2:17 Temple Building God's Presence, Support & Dependency Eph 2:19-22; 1 Cor 3:11 Body Support & Dependency 1 Cor 12:12-27; Rom 12:4-5; Col 1:18 Church of Christ/God Christ's Possession & Holiness Rom 16:16; Tit 2:14; Acts 20:28 Christians Christ's Possession & ... For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of ... ...
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411: Official creed of the First Church of Christ Scientist
The Bible, together with Science & Health shall be his only textbooks for self-instruction in Christian Science. The Bible + Science and Health "Your dual and impersonal pastor, the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, is with you; and the Life these give, the Truth they illustrate, the Love they demonstrate, is the great Shepherd that feedeth my flock, and leadeth them 'beside the still waters.'" Mary Baker Eddy Through prayer, Mrs. Eddy found an answer to this need. In 1894 she appointed a new and unique pastor for The Mother Church, one that didn't depend on personality at all. Instead, it was an impersonal pastor consisting of two books-the ones to which she'd dedicated her whole life. First, the Bible, the book she'd turned to since childhood as her guide for living and worshipping God. Second, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the fruit of her lifelong study of the Bible and the complete statement of the Science of Christianity that she'd found ... ...
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412: Lesson 23: Summary of Worshipping in Spirit and Truth
is over, we "must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Worship requires that we be an active participant and not a spectator. We must not pervert the worship of God by our being entertained by choirs, concerts, and other entertainment groups. Our worship is to be holy and sacred, because it is God we are suppose to be worshipping. We must approach God with humility and godly fear in showing Him reverence and respect by worshipping Him in the way He has specified in the Bible. To worship God the way we see fit is disrespectful to Him. ... Is this what God wants? A denomination must have a man made creed, confession of faith, manual, discipline, catechism, and such like in order to exist. Each conflicting doctrine, which each denomination has produced, contradicts the scriptures. If people would follow what the Bible says, and only what the Bible says, then there would only be one church, the church of Christ. We have also seen that we must worship and only serve God, and not some idol or ... ...
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413: Three 3 Promises to Abraham fulfilled
Introduction: 1. Pre-tribulation Rapture and dispensationalists teach the false doctrine that God failed to fulfill the three promises he made to Abraham in fleshly Israel and the church (spiritual Israel). 2. All Premillennialists reject the plain Bible teaching that Israel possessed all the land God promises to Israel through Abraham. 3. For example, God said that if Israel got all the land promised, then ... And Thou hast fulfilled Thy promise, for Thou art righteous. h. Jer 11:5 "in order to confirm the oath which I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day." Then I answered and said, "Amen, O LORD." 5. So it is simply apostate theology to say ... B. Great Nation promise Spiritually fulfilled 1. Rom 4:16-17 For this reason it is by faith, that it might be in accordance with grace, in order that the promise may be certain to all the descendants, not only to those who are of the Law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who ... ...
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414: Sabbath Keepers Refuted Home Page!
Sabbath Keepers Refuted Homepage WATCH FREE VIDEO Ten Shocking Bible Truths Sabbatarians have never heard A person with dreadlocks holding glasses Description automatically generated Watch video now Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Sabbath Keepers Refuted: 1. Why Christians worshipped on the 1st Day! (Sunday) 2. 21 reasons why the first day of the week, Sunday is important to Christians. 3. Stunning New Book Utterly refutes Sabbath keepers, Sabbatarians and the Church of God splinter groups and the Seventh-day Adventist church: Read now for free! 4. All churches teach one of four positions on the day that Christians worship. 5. Stumper Questions Sabbatarians don't like to be asked! Sabbatarians will be up all night, unable to rest on the sabbath, trying to solve truth problems. 6. Formal debates: Sabbath vs. First day of the week 7. The Record of History: History proves Christians always met on 1st Day and not the Sabbath, right back to the apostolic age. (AD 33) 8. Early Christians Speak: ... ...
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415: A Short History of the Watchtower Organization
JWs are accustomed to defending themselves against the charge that they are a new religious cult. They will often respond that theirs is the most ancient religious group, older than Catholic and Protestant churches. In fact, their book Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose asserts that "Jehovah's witnesses have a history almost 6,000 years long, beginning while the first man, Adam, was still alive," that Adam's son Abel was "the ... But outside observers generally dismiss this sort of rhetoric and instead reckon the Witnesses as dating back only to Charles Taze Russell, who was born on February 16, 1852, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Originally raised a Presbyterian, Russell was 16 years old and a member of the Congregational church in the year 1868, when he found himself losing faith. He had begun to doubt not only church creeds and doctrines, but also God and the Bible itself. At this critical juncture a chance encounter restored his faith and placed him under the influence of ... ...
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416: The Bible defends itself against those who think it is an incomplete ...
Sola Scriptura: The Bible defends itself against those who think it is an incomplete dead letter. Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View Apostolic Fathers used scripture as the primary defense against false doctrine. Click to View The Apostolic Fathers saw scripture the final mode of revelation that succeeded oral revelation Click to View Mandatory: Apostolic Fathers Catechism Class for Catholics and Orthodox. Click to View Documentation that Catholics Don't use Bible only to determine faith! Click to View Does the RC church have more authority than the Bible? Click to View Shocking truth about how Catholic Authorities view the Bible Click to View The Bible is the all-sufficient blueprint: The Bible alone is a blueprint for life, doctrine and worship. Think of the Bible as God's owner's manual for your life and worship. by Steve Rudd Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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417: Official Creed of the United Church of God, an international ...
The following are statements regarding the fundamental beliefs of the United Church of God, an International Association. This is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of the beliefs of the Church. Questions about ... We believe in the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of God and of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the power of God and the Spirit of life eternal. We believe that Scripture, both the Old and the New Testament, is God's revelation, and His complete, expressed will to humanity. Scripture is inspired in thought and word, infallible in the original writings, is the supreme and final authority in faith and in life, and is the foundation of all truth. We believe that Satan is a spirit being who is the adversary of God and the children of God. Satan has ... Human beings live by the breath of life, are mortal, subject to corruption and decay, without eternal life, except as the gift of God under God's terms and conditions as expressed in the Bible. We believe that God placed before ... ...
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418: Lesson 19: Singing In Worship (Part 4)
Master index of 23 studies: "Determine if you worship in Spirit and Truth!" Lesson 19 Singing In Worship (Part 4) Since Christ never authorized mechanical instruments of music in the New Testament to be used in worship of the church, we might ask, when did man "take it upon himself" to start using them in trying to worship God? It is a historical fact according to early church history, no mechanical instruments of music were ever used in church worship until about the year 670 ... This showed that even by the 13th century the instrument had not gained full acceptance. Men wanted to have it their way with no regard to what God had specified. This was a departure from the faith and practice of what God has authorized. Those who have ... pleased. 10) T F If we try to justify the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship to God by the Old Testament law, we are fallen from grace. Click Your Choice Home page for: "Determine if you worship in Spirit & Truth" Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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419: Is Church Membership Essential to my salvation?
When asked, "Is church membership essential to salvation?", men usually reply that saved persons may join the church of their choice, or they say that there is no need to join a church unless one so wishes. Since you have visited this website, you want to know the Bible answer to this question; you want to know which of the forgoing alternatives is correct, or if God presents another alternative through His word, the Bible. The Bible tells, us in Acts, Chapters I and 2, about how (on the ... The addition of the one being saved to the church is done by the Lord, not by the believer, nor by any other person, nor by any other group of persons. As a result of his repentant, obedient faith in Jesus, the believer becomes a member of the Lord's ... Some of these other duties are: Obey civil government (Rom. 13:1-4); bring forth fruit unto God (John 15:7-8); love and pray for our enemies (Matthew 5:44-48). worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23,24); remain unspotted by worldly things (Jas. ... ...
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420: They're Digging up Bible Stories!
Archaeologists are digging up bible stories: 100 stunning discoveries that confirm the Bible. Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. And this is exactly what we have found. The Bible is the most historically accurate book of history on earth. Read the Bible daily! Photo Gallery of the 100 most incredible archeological objects ... You see, 100 years ago, no archaeological evidence had ever been found to prove it really did exist. "Just another Bible myth!" skeptics charged in an attempt to destroy our faith in the Bible. This, however, cannot be said today, for in 1906, ... Skeptics once rejected the Bible's claim that the Hittite Empire existed until they saw the evidence with their own eyes. Today, skeptics reject the Bible's claim that God himself exists or that the Bible is a divinely written book. Perhaps the ... ...
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421: Irrefutable questions that Roman Catholics can't answer
Since the two synods of Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage, (397 AD) were under the control of what would later become the "orthodox church", how can the Roman Catholic church claim they determined the Canon? Would not such a claim be more naturally due the Eastern Orthodox church? If the Catholic church, "by her own inherent God given power and authority" gave the world the Bible, why did ... Why would God suddenly provide such a list only after Israel was destroyed in 70 AD? How could the Jews know that books of Kings or Isaiah were Scripture? If the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches both believes that the scripture: "the church is the pillar and foundation of truth" means the church is ... (Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity, Book 1, 35), (Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity, Book 7, 16) If each individual possessing a copy of the scriptures is an essential pre-condition to sola Scriptura, then how do illiterate Catholic and Orthodox pew-dwellers know the Catholic and Orthodox Catechisms? ... ...
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422: Adad-Nirari III(810-783) The "Unknown Deliverer" of 2 Kings 13 ...
King Adad-nirari III (Assyria) they escaped Aram" King Ben Hadad III (Aram) Archeological Stele, Inscriptions, Tablets and Statues that confirm the Bible. Paul preached about the unknown God and this outline is about the UNKNOWN DELIVERER of 2 Kings 13:5 "For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you." (Acts 17:23) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer ... The Rimah Joash conquest stele and the Saba'a conquest stele and the Omri-land conquest stele tells the exact story found in the Bible: 2 Kings 13:1-5; 24-25 What you read in the book, you find in the ground! Find me a church to attend in my home town this Sunday! By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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423: Sola Scriptura proof texts: John 20:30 proves the Bible is enough ...
Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View More Pro-Oral Church tradition arguments refuted! Click to View "John 20:30 clearly tells us that the Bible lacks many things Jesus did" "John tells us that his book only contains part of what Jesus did, therefore we need oral tradition to complete the revelation. This proves that everything Jesus and the Apostles did and taught were not recorded in the Bible." "Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book, but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name." John 20:30-31 "And there are also ... We would only have a small fraction of the stories while Jesus walked the earth. So the argument is self refuting. Yes, there are many stories not written in the Bible, but what is written is all we need for our faith. That's what John says in Jn 20:31. It is well documented that the ... ...
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424: History of how Calvinism developed
Calvinism Refuted We Speak truth in LOVE History of how Calvinism developed: Because of the widespread influence of Calvinism, this is perhaps one of the most important studies a Christian can ever en age in. It is essential to become familiar with these false doctrines so that one will not be led astray. To that noble end, this effort is dedicated. History of the Christian Church Vol II P 246 Philip Schaff, "It was the universal faith of the church that man was made in the image of God, pure and holy, and fell by his won guilt. But the extent of sin and the consequences of the fall were not fully discussed before the Pelagius-Augustine controversy in the ... will of man with that natural liberty and power of acting upon choice, that it is neither forced for, by any necessity of nature, determined to do good or evil." (Westminster Confession of Faith) This freewill nature of man did not change when Adam and Eve sinned but is the same today. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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425: Controversy within the Seventh-day Adventist church (SDA)
Click to View Controversy within the Seventh-day Adventist church (SDA) The history of the SDA church has been embroiled in controversy over whether Ellen G. White was an inspired prophet! Click to View Click to View Click to View Two Stunning new documentary books exposes Sabbath keepers as frauds and hypocrites "I was a third generation Seventh-day Adventist of over 50 years of sabbath Keeping, but thanks to the good work of the staff, researchers, and writers at, I am no longer a sabbatarian! Adventists are having a much more difficult time keeping the TRUTH about the Adventist 'truth' from its own members and prospective converts." Kerry Wynne, June 2010 Book 1: Sabbathgate 1888 Book 2: Lying for God Must read books for Sabbatarians! Click to View The Arrest and Trial of Israel Dammon The Myths Debunked! Click to View It has been called the SDA historical discovery of the century! In March 1986 Andrews University Seminary graduate student Bruce Weaver discovered a ... ...
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426: Non-Catholic churchgoers before 1965 AD will be cast into hell ...
thrown to wild beasts, they lay down their lives, there will not be (for them) that crown of faith but the punishment of faithlessness. ...Such a one can be slain, he cannot be crowned. ...[If] slain outside the Church, he cannot attain the rewards of the Church." (Denzinger 246-247) Pope Saint Gregory the Great (A.D. 590 - 604) "Now the holy Church universal proclaims that God cannot be truly worshipped saving within herself, asserting that all they that are without her shall never be saved." ... Pope Leo XII (A.D. 1823 - 1829) "We profess that there is no salvation outside the Church. ...For the Church is the pillar and ground of the truth. With reference to those words Augustine says: `If any man be outside the Church he will be excluded ... is no salvation...Outside the Church no salvation.'" (Fr. Thomas R. Ryan, C.S.S.P., Orestes A. Brownson: A Definitive Biography, Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, IN, 1978, p. 798, n. 31.) By David J. Riggs Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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427: Christ Yes! ... The church, No???
Paradoxically, at the same time there has been a pronounced rejection of the church in terms of organized religion. The mood and temper of many young collegians (their feeling is not wholly foreign to the more mature, either is summed up in these comments: "I admire Christ, but I have no use for the church"; "Christianity is great, but the church is a racket"; "I don't in you can organize the spiritual". What we have on our hands, then, are sincere expressions of religious faith coupled with a vigorous dislike for structured ... While organization involves potential dangers, no movement can hope to survive without it. Christians are generally agreed that the heart of the gospel - "Jesus is Lord!" - is a central truth which begs for proclamation, both far ... To the question, "The church, who needs it?", comes the answer, "We all do". Jesus or the church? To these add a third alternative: Jesus and the church. To God "be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world ... ...
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428: Role of the Husband in the Bible
Role of the Husband in the Bible "But if any man does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. " 1 Timothy 5:8 "But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. " 1 Cor 11:3 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, " Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. " Col 3:19 Click to View See also: Click to View Ten Commandments for Husbands! Click to View The Husband's Responsibility to his ... Put away, Eph.4:31. 2) Easy to become embittered Especially with high self-image"; (I am not being treated right.) 3) Occurs when offenses not dealt with immediately, Eph.4:26-27. 4) Scriptural solution for husbands bitterness: Realize no excuse! Confess sin. Ask forgiveness of wife. Pray to God. b. Command proves love is not a feeling. 1) ... ...
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429: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
Scripture does not give us a fully formulated doctrine of the Trinity, but it contains all the elements out of which theology has constructed the doctrine (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) The necessity to formulate the doctrine was thrust upon the Church by forces from without, and it was, in particular, its faith in the deity of Christ, and the necessity to defend it, that first compelled the Church to face the duty of formulating a full doctrine of the Trinity for its rule of faith." (New Bible Dictionary, ... The earliest foreshadowing is contained in the narrative of the creation, where Elohim is seen to create by means of Word and Spirit (Gn. i. 3). (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) It is thought that Gn. i. 26 ('And God said, Let us make man in our image and after our likeness') implies that a revelation of the Triune God had been given to man when first created, inasmuch as he was to be given the divine ... ...
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430: Official Creed of: The Independent Fundamental Churches of America ...
The Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA) We began in 1930 as an association of Bible believing churches, organizations and individuals. It has since served as a source of cooperative efforts in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and in the teaching of believers. Our Articles of Faith and Doctrine 1. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES We believe the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be the verbally inspired Word of God, the final authority for faith and life, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and ... We believe that He is the Divine Teacher who guides believers into all truth: and that it is the privilege and duty of all the saved to be filled with the Spirit (John 16:13; 1 John 2:20,27; Ephesians 5:18). 5. THE TOTAL DEPRAVITY OF ... We believe that God does hear and answer the prayer of faith, in accord with His own will, for the sick and afflicted (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14,15). 12. THE CHURCH a. We believe that the Church, which is the body and the espoused bride ... ...
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431: Doctrinal Flip Flops of Jehovah's Witnesses!
If the "organization" rigidly taught these to new converts 25 years ago as "God's unchanging truth," but reject them today as apostate, how can you trust what they rigidly teach you as "God's unchanging truth" today? 100% All Quotations take directly from Watchtower Publications I didn't know the organization once taught that!!! Blood Transfusions Scientific blunders Scripture and interpretation Moral Issues Nature of God Advice on everyday living Beware of "organization." It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not ... century C.E. Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, used it in his book Pugeo Fidei of the year 1270 C.E." (Aid to Bible Understanding" p. 884-885) Click to View Pick another/Go to top . . ... from the tomb; because had it remained there it would have been an insurmountable obstacle to the faith of the disciples, who were not yet instructed in spiritual things - for "the spirit was not yet given." ... ...
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432: Lesson 17: Singing In Worship (Part 2)
There are two different kinds of music: vocal and instrumental. God has spoken in the New Testament concerning the kind of music we must use if we expect to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and that is singing. Singing is the limit of God's command. God nowhere in the New Testament authorized mechanical instruments of music to be used in worship of the church. A mechanical instrument of music cannot worship God. Only with our voices can we sing praises to God. God does not ... In speaking of people who are displeasing to God, 2 Peter 2:10 says, "They are presumptuous, self willed." Some may say, "The Bible does not say not to use mechanical instruments of music in worship." But again are we permitted to be so presumptuous? If so ... In the closing words of the New Testament we are warned not to add to His word. In Revelation 22:18, "If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book." In the sixth chapter of Genesis we have the example of Noah ... ...
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433: Will you pass the Self-Evaluation test for Christians?
Jesus said, "you will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:20) Although other men cannot read your heart, they can get a glimpse of it by looking at the outward evidence of your inward faith in God. Weekly attendance We are commanded by God to attend with the church every Sunday. "Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as is the habit of some" (Hebrews 10:24). ... In this way weekly attendance is truly an outward indicator of your commitment level. EVALUATE YOURSELF Committed Average Poor Your weekly attendance ? ? ? PERSONAL BIBLE STUDY Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing the word of Christ". Faith is not the product of some mysterious process. Rather it ... The New Testament describes the prayers of Christians as sweet smelling incense that rises up to the throne of God. (Rev 5:8) We communicate our innermost thoughts and feeling to God through prayer. How much time do you spend in prayer apart from giving of thanks at meals? Are you a sweet smelling fragrance ... ...
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434: Sola Scriptura: The illumination of the creeds by the Holy Spirit ...
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate criterion of truth, but He bears witness to the truth through this reciprocal relationship between Christian Scripture, the Christian Church, and the Christian creed. Each of these three relates to the other two in a unique way. The Scripture is the Spirit-inspired Word of God that bears witness to the truth of the regula fidei and bears witness to the identity of the Church. (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith ... It means that we can identify the fragments of the true visible Church by their acceptance of the common testimony of the Holy Spirit in the rule of faith, especially as expressed in written form in the ecumenical creeds of Nicea and Chalcedon. The Holy Spirit has born a ... to being taught by the Spirit the same essential truths in Scripture, then it follows that those truths are what Scripture says." (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 280) by Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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435: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
Click to View Ellen G. White Prophet? or Plagiarist! The White Lie! By Walter T. Rea The Robert Olson Letter The Seventh-day Adventist church tries to cover up the truth about Ellen G. White's plagairism! Click to View Order Walter Rea's book: "The White Lie" Ellen G. White Estate, Inc. Proprietor of Ellen G. White Publications General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 6840 Eastern Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20012 Phone (202) 723-0800 Telex 89-580 November 29, 1978 W. P. Bradley R. ... I felt that from a psychological standpoint it would be a good thing for us not to be dragged into this kind of a research program, but to help to foster it. Adventist scholars often feel that those of us here at the White Estate are really not interested in serious research along these lines. They have the feeling we probably are afraid of what might be found. I would like to dispel this notion In the minds of our Adventist Bible teachers if we possibly can. Whatever attitude we assume at this time, I ... ...
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436: Seventh-day Adventist's teach that Sunday worshippers ARE THE ...
"Sunday-keeping must be the mark of the beast." ... "The reception of his mark must be something that involves the greatest offense that can be committed against God." (The Marvel of Nations, Elder U. Smith pages 170, 183) "Here we find the mark of the beast. The very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, on the part of the Catholic church, without any authority from the Bible." (Ellen G. White, The Mark of the Beast, page 23) "The Sunday Sabbath is purely a child of ... The second step to counterfeit the seal is Daniel 8:12, "And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it CAST DOWN THE TRUTH TO THE GROUND; and it practiced, and prospered." He would "cast down the truth." Why? Because ... So Papal Rome had to change the law, and the day of worship to Sunday, so they could be worshipped." ... "Faith of Our Fathers, p. 14, C.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons: "Of course the Catholic church claims that the change was her act. And the act is ... ...
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437: Jehovah's Witnesses a replica of the Roman Catholic church!
Are Jehovah's Witnesses merely a replica of the Roman Catholic church? Click to View Click to View We speak the truth in Love... Click to View Jehovah's Witnesses share exactly these same qualities with the Roman Catholic Church Centralized World-wide church government from which all official doctrine comes. The Pope and the Governing body. A city where world headquarters permanently resides: Rome, Italy and Brooklyn, NY, USA Authority of this "world organization" is not to be questioned. Both consider God to be the head of the world ... Both claim "new light" or progressive revelation to explain doctrinal changes. Both teach the organization is supreme over the Bible rather than the Bible being supreme over the organization. The average members are told by the ... doctrines that differ from the Bible forever. Salvation is an individual matter that is fundamentally rooted in faith in Jesus Christ and does not dependent upon any earthly human origination. Click to View We speak the truth in ... ...
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438: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
JW's project the false view that they would have an easier time converting Muslims to Watchtower view of God, (where they call Jesus Lord, a God, and Messiah) than Trinitarians to the Triune God. The fact that Muslims reject the resurrection of Jesus says it all! Koran, (The Islamic Bible of Muslims, written about 600AD) Click to View Also visit our Islam debunked website: Islam: Truth or Myth: start page Click to View "Muslims simply cannot follow, as the ... Note: Not even Reade questions that Jesus died on the cross. Muslims Reject the Trinity and the Deity of Christ "O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle ... Conclusion The Church recognizes the Bible as the primary source of knowledge about God and Jesus. But since the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is not the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being is not Jesus, upon what basis have you come to believe otherwise? My brother ... ...
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439: Creeds violate sola Scriptura because they compete with the authority ...
Click to View All Church Creeds are Dangerous Click to View Click to View They violate sola Scriptura, since they are additions. Click to View They compete with the authority of the Bible! Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View All Church Creeds are Dangerous Click to View Historical origin of creeds: The ancient "rule of faith" (regula fidei) was not a creed! Click to View Luther and Calvin merely replaced Catholic ... It makes us grieve when denominations use creeds instead of the Bible alone. Israel claimed that a king was essential when they chose Saul. God was furious because they had in fact rejected God as being king. (1 Samuel 8:7; 10:19) Churches that use creeds have replaced the Bible ... They represent that which the entire Church has seen in Scripture. ... if the Holy Spirit has been promised to guide the Church into the knowledge of the truth of Scripture; if the entire Church for thousands of years confesses to being taught by the Spirit the same essential ... ...
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440: Pentecostal tries to defend manifestions with Scripture
John Wimber actually said: "There's nothing in Scripture that supports these kinds of phenomena that I can see, and I can't think of anything throughout the church age that would,' Wimber writes. 'So I feel no obligation to try to explain it. It's just phenomena. It's just people responding to God.'" "There is no place in the Bible where people were lined up and Jesus or Paul or anyone else went along and tapped them on the head and watched ... We appreciate and applaud Shirley A. Elenbaas for making this brave and rare attempt to justify the unbiblical manifestations seen throughout Pentecostalism! She is one of the first Pentecostals who have made an attempt to quote book chapter and verse! Almost all other ... We agree with Edwards, but Pentecostals openly DISREGARD the scriptures and appeal to FEELINGS as their ultimate source of truth. Pentecostals are quite anti-doctrine. Edwards condemns, not supports them! 4. It is marked by a Spirit of Truth. We agree with Edwards. But ... ...
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441: Camera Ready Flyers!
Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Discover it Yourself Click to View Choose Your Topic (We mail you the study) When does God allow divorce? Can a Christian ever be lost? Is the Bible scientifically accurate? Must I attend church every week? Why are there 1000 churches? Why get baptized? Does the book of Revelation prophesy today's current events? Is there conscious life after death? Should Christians keep the weekly Sabbath day? What are the signs of the great tribulation of Matt 24? The ... Why 550 churches but only one Bible? (Circle your choice on the reverse side) Click to View Is this an accurate map of end times events? Other side of flyer Click to View Is this the "666 mark of the beast"? Exciting Bible Information Just you & your Bible Bible prophecy Truth The Bible Only 33 Highcliffe Ave Hamilton, Ontario Canada L9A 3L3 or phone direct at 905-575-8437 YES! I would like to request the ... ...
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442: Development from the trinity as taught in the Bible and the trinity ...
The "slight of hand" tactics of Jehovah's Witnesses. This slight of hand tactic is missed by most first time readers (and all JW's) of their book of deceptions, it is quite obvious to the true students of the Bible. We must take this time to make an important observation about the "slight of hand" tactics of Jehovah's Witnesses as they try to convince you trinity ... The necessity to formulate the doctrine was thrust upon the Church by forces from without, and it was, in particular, its faith in the deity of Christ, and the necessity to defend it, that first compelled the Church to face the duty of formulating a full doctrine of the Trinity for its rule of faith." (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) In the immediate post New Testament period of the Apostolic Fathers no attempt was made to work out the God-Christ (Father-Son) relationship in ontological terms. By the end of the fourth century, and owing mainly to the challenge posed by various heresies, ... ...
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443: What is the CHURCH?
Support & Dependency Rom 16:16 Tit 2:14 Acts 20:28 The Church -Of God -Of Christ Saints Aliens The Redeemed Saviour Purchaser Redeemer - 1. Christ's Possession 2.Holiness Acts 11:26 1 Pe 4:16 Christians Christian Christ - Christ's Possession & Household Luke 14:27 Acts 11:26 Mt 28:18 Disciples Disciple Teacher - ... If all the churches people ever see are broken, dysfunction unbiblical churches, then they will be turned off the church!) a. Hypocrisy of members b. Some unpleasant experience c. money focused d. members do not have genuine love for one another 2. Result: Forget the church, faith in Christ is the important thing! B. God planned the church to be eternal from ... 11:7). c) By works (Heb. 11:7). d) By obedience (Gen. 6:22). e) By water (I Pet. 3:20,21). 11. All saved alike: a) By grace (Eph. 2:8,9). b) By faith (Gal. 3:26). c) By works (Phil. 2:12; Jas. 2:24). d) By obedience (Heb. 5:8,9). e) By water (I Pet. 3:21). Steve Rudd Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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444: Pre-tribulation Rapture Refuted: 1948 Israeli nationhood did ...
After the "certain hour" had passed they were struck with disappointment and a feeling of self-stupidity. This always follows in the wake of failed rapture predictions. 4. However since Israel became a nation in 1948 AD, Rapturists got all excited and began to preach that the end would come within one generation (generally 40 years) of Israeli modern statehood. 5. For example, Harold Camping teaches that exactly 40 years after May 14, 1948, that the "church age" came to ... of Israel as a nation in 1948 as the beginning of the countdown to the end, claiming it is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Nothing could be further from the truth. 7. The truth is that Israeli statehood in 1948 was and is irrelevant to Bible prophecy. 8. Paul said the hope of Israel was not physical restoration, but only in Christ: a. "And now I am standing trial for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers; the promise to which our twelve tribes hope to attain, as they earnestly serve God night and day. ... ...
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445: 12 Principles of wholesome Recreation for a Christian
Will this activity violate my conscience? Refer-to the book of Romans 14:22,23. If you offend your conscience because you do something without faith, to you it is sin. Study your Bible to assure yourself that what you do is in accord with God's will. Will my doing it cause others to fail, or stumble, in their faith? See I Corinthians 10:23-33. Though one having strong faith may participate in an activity without offending his own conscience, he must consider the conscience of another who does not have the same knowledge and faith. Do not risk leading a weaker, or younger Christian away from Christ by your example. Can I glorify God in my body while doing it? Reference: I Corinthians 6:19,20. Man's ... Read I Corinthians 10:12. Will it conflict with my duty? Read Matthew 6:33. Put God and his kingdom first. If I do it, will it bring reproach on Christ or His Church? Reference: I Peter 4:14-16. Reproach may fall on you because you are a Christian, but you should never bring reproach upon ... ...
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446: The organization of the Roman Catholic church
Click to View Find a local congregation of the New Testament church that is organized exactly as the Bible says Click to View 30-606 AD: The gradual historical Development of the Papal and Patriarchal Systems of Centralized Church Government away from the organization found in the Bible. Click to View Roman Catholic Organization today: 1 Pope Click to View 2946 Bishops/Dioceses (Mother churches over parishes) Click to View 219,583 Priests/Parishes (Local churches) Learn the Truth: Click to View The office of Elders, pastors and bishops Click ... of the Apostles Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church Patriarch of the West Primate of Italy Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province Sovereign of the Vatican City State Servant of the Servants of God Priest of St. ... designate all baptized Catholics who are not members of the clergy but exercise their baptism by leavening secular life with the presence of Christ and attaining holiness by fulfilling their own particular duties in life. . ... ...
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447: Sola Scriptura was not invented by 16th century Protestants, ...
Click to View A list of Sola Scriptura proof texts. Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View "Sola Scriptura is an invention of 16th century Protestants." "The truth of the matter is ... that the doctrine of sola Scriptura is not scriptural. In other words, the claim that the Bible is the sole source of authority for Christian life and doctrine is not found in the Bible." (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 117) "The irony is that the principle by which the Reformers sought to return to the purity of the early Church was itself unknown to the early Church. The idea of sola Scriptura was an invention of the sixteenth century. No Father or council of the early Church ever asserted that the Scriptures, in and of themselves, with-out any reference to the Church, are the all-sufficient rule of faith. The Reformation principle of sola Scriptura was an invention of the Reformation itself. ... This means that from the Day of ... ...
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448: Eliade, Mircea: Encyclopedia of Religion
But we could just as easily say this: "Theologians agree that the Bible also does not contain any prohibition against blood transfusions." or better yet: "Theologians agree that the Bible also does not contain any organization larger than the local church! (are you listening Brooklyn?)" Jw's use this quote to create a false dilemma: They think that this quote proves trinity wrong. Actually the quote is right and the same encyclopedia openly states that Jesus was considered God in the Bible! But Eliade clearly states that the ontology (stuff God is made of) was not even considered until the later centuries. He specifically includes the Arian view as a later development and not the original apostolic faith... Many Scholastic theologians speculated on this question. Thomas Aquinas admitted that while he saw no philosophical reason to deny the eternity of the world, the testimony of the Book of Genesis and his Christian faith constrained him to do so. In 1329 Meister Eckhart was condemned for ... ...
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449: Psychiatry views faith in God as a brain trick!
Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic Psychiatry is Darwinian Introduction: Psychiatry believes that when someone has faith in God, that his brain is merely playing tricks on him. Psychiatry rejects the existence of God, soul and spirit. In fact Psychiatry rejects the entire spiritual realm as vestigial genes we would be better off not having any more. The Bible explicitly teaches that man has a spirit and a soul that is not only entirely distinct from the body, it consciously ... In his latest book, The Eitqine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul, he asserts that all human mental life is reducible to the brain viewed as a "biological computer. ... Churchland's finale is truly mind/brain boggling. "The aim of these concluding ... from the scientific equivalent of megalo-mania. Most of its adherents are convinced that virtually every human action or feeling, including depression, deviant sex, religion, and consciousness, was put directly into our brains by natural selection. ... ...
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450: History proves the earliest Christians worshipped on the first ...
FACT: The record of history show that the very earliest Christians always worshipped on the first day of the week and did not keep the Sabbath! Click here for proof Click to View Actual Adventist false statement from "Revelation Seminar" book: "Let us open the pages of history after the Bible was written and discover when the attempt to change God's Sabbath to Sunday was made. ... Likewise, for one ... Christians originally kept the Sabbath, but due to the influence of the devil, Christians went into universal apostasy for over 1600 years until, of course the arrival of Ellen G. White, the Adventist prophet, who saw, contrary to what the Bible says in Col 2:16, that the Sabbath law was not nailed to the cross. Only in the 19th century did God, through the Seventh-day Adventist church, restore, by direct revelation, the truth that the day of Christian worship was Saturday The universal practice of Christians has always been Sunday, but some are doing the right thing for the wrong ... ...
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