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251: Coins of the Maccabean Hasmonean Era 166-37 BC. Messianic Star ...
... He did this, unaware it was God's plan in preparation for Jesus Christ and the mass conversion of the Jews to Christianity around the world through the Greek LXX bible and synagogues, each of which had a ... When Jonathan and the people heard these words, they did not believe or accept them, because they remembered the great wrongs that Demetrius had done in Israel and how much he had oppressed them. ... had received this letter, he put on the pontifical robe at the time of the feast of tabernacles, four years after the death of his brother Judas, for at that time no high priest had been made. ... Send now one hundred talents of silver and two of his sons as hostages, so that when released he will not revolt against us, and we will release him." Simon knew that they were speaking deceitfully ... occasion to wonder at one Judas, who was of the sect of the Essenes, and who never missed the truth in his predictions; for this man, when he saw Antigonus passing by the temple, cried to his ... ...
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252: Lesson 18: Obedience To The Gospel
Lesson 18 Obedience To The Gospel After Jesus had died for our sins, was resurrected and just before he ascended into heaven, he commanded his apostles in Mark 16:15-16, "And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Our Lord wanted the gospel preached to everyone. The word "gospel" literally means good news or good tidings. In Romans 1:16 the apostle Paul says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto ... Also notice, they were saved by the gospel. So the good news of the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, as the following chart illustrates. Click to View Illustration by Robert Swain ... A Say the sinners prayer. B Accept Jesus as our personal saviour. C Are baptized. 10) T F When we are baptized we are raised as a new person free from sin. 11) (Romans 6:17-18) When we obey the form of the ... ...
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253: Lesson 6: Christ Has Paid Our Penalty
Also, we read in I Peter 3:18, "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God." Yes, Christ is the just, who had to die for us the unjust, so that it would be possible for us to be brought back to God. Because of the death and suffering of Christ for us, God can now be just in saving us. The only way that man can be saved is through Christ. There is no other way. John 14:6 says, "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man comes to the Father except through Me." The only way we can get to God is through Christ. We also read ... For example, please read for yourself, Psalms chapter 22 and Isaiah chapter 53. Christ's death was no accident, because it was in God's eternal plan to redeem man. Christ in his omniscience, fully knew what was soon going to happen. In Matthew 20:17-19 we read, "Now Jesus, going up to Jerusalem, took the twelve disciples aside on the road and said to them, Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the ... ...
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254: Trinity Proof Texts: 2 Corinthians 13:14 and Philippians 2:1 ...
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Philippians 2:1-2 "If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection ... This exactly echoes the promise of the "comforter" in John 14:16-17, "And I [Jesus] will ask the Father, and He will give you another [Gr. allos: of the same kind as Jesus] Helper, that He [the Holy Spirit] may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know ... Suffering is the "medium of a thing" that facilitates fellowship between persons: Phil 3:10 that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship [sharing] of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. Money is the "medium of a thing" that facilitates fellowship between persons: 2 Corinthians 8:4 begging us ... ...
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255: Lesson 10: Believe in God and in Christ
If we will not, then we are no different than those people that we read about in John 12:42-43, "Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him (that is on Jesus), but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." Many people believe that redemptive faith is merely a willing disposition to trust in Christ as their personal savior, independent of any further acts of obedience. This notion is completely alien from the truth found in the Bible. A belief that will not accept and do all that God tells us to do is not enough. If this is the case, then we are no better than the demons in James 2:19, "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble!" Our belief is a work of God that God requires of us. John 6:29, "Jesus answered and said unto them, this is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." Our belief must be an ... ...
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256: Lesson 20: Preaching In Worship
Master index of 23 studies: "Determine if you worship in Spirit and Truth!" Lesson 20 Click to View Preaching In Worship When God's word is preached and taught, God is honored and glorified. During the preaching of a sermon, the hearers feast on the word of God. 1 Corinthians 1:21, 23 says, "It pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe...but we preach Christ crucified." The preaching of Christ crucified is pleasing to God, but is foolishness to many people. It is only by this kind of preaching and teaching that man will be saved. ... Why do people desire to be taught falsely? Because they are not interested in what God has to say. The reason for all the religious division we see in the world today is people will not accept all that God says in the Bible as final authority. They have become their own authority. Jesus says in John 5:32, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Only by believing and obeying the truth can we ... ...
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257: Lesson 25: Salvation Summary
Please don't think less of me for trying to point you to what the scriptures say concerning our salvation. As the apostle Paul says in Galatians 4:16, "Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" I am only wishing the best for you. In closing, we ask the question again. Are ... Are you willing to repent of your sins and confess that you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Will you be baptized (immersed) for the remission of your sins so you can be saved? Then the Lord will add you to His church, the church of Christ, where we can worship Him faithfully until death when we will receive the crown of life in heaven. Please answer the following questions as they applied to you at the time you were saved and not as you now understand what you need to do to be saved. 1) Have you ever been saved? YES NO 2) Did you go forward in church at the time you were saved? YES NO 3) Did you accept Christ as your personal saviour in order to be saved? YES NO 4) Were you saved ... ...
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258: Trinity proof texts: John 17:3
Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted Click to View John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. (John 17:3 represents the primary proof text that Anti-trinitarians use to teach Jesus is a creature and trash the trinity. John 17:3 is to a Jehovah's Witness, what John 3:16 is to a Christian!) ... This argument is invalidated by the fact that, according to the same JW argument, Jesus is the top teacher, master and lord and the Father is secondary/derived! This is something that anti-Trinitarians cannot accept proving their initial argument proves more than they like. The Son is called: 1. the "only Teacher, ... John 18:37 You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. 1 Timothy 6:15 He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords; 16 who alone possesses immortality and dwells ... ...
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259: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
"Muslims simply cannot follow, as the Jews thus far have likewise failed to grasp, the idea of the Trinity" (as quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication) It is utterly incredible that the Watchtower or any Arian would quote from Muslims as proof that trinity is pagan false doctrine! Muslims, quote ... Note: Not even Reade questions that Jesus died on the cross. Muslims Reject the Trinity and the Deity of Christ "O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit ... There is not one of the people of the Book but will assuredly believe in him before his death, and on the Resurrection Day he will be a witness against them." (Qur'an 4:156-159) (The Institute of Islamic Information and Education) Muslims believe the faked Gospel of Barnabas that Judas was crucified being mistaken for Jesus ... ...
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260: cr-UBF-university-bible-fellowship
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all other things in the universe: that He is the Sovereign Ruler of all things; that the Sovereign God reveals Himself; we believe in his redemptive work and in his final judgment. We believe that the Bible is inspired by God; that it is the truth; that it is the final authority in faith and practice. We believe that since the fall of Adam, all people have been under the bondage and power of sin and are deserving of the judgment and wrath of God. We believe that Jesus Christ, who is God and man, through his atoning, sacrificial death on the cross for our sins and his ... The UBF (University Bible fellowship) is just another flavor of "Baptist". In Canada we have several of these, like Philpot Memorial (AGC Associate Gospel Churches). They all tend to be the same. Generally, they accept the Bible as God's inspired word and expect good moral living. However they all share the same false doctrines being Calvinistic, have women ... ...
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261: Texts Calvinists misuse to prove "Calvinistic Predestination
We Speak truth in LOVE 1. Acts 4:28 What was "determined before?" The death of Jesus! This death had been prophesied as a part of God's plan (Lk. 22:21-22; Acts 2:22-23). The Jews did not realize that they were fulfilling God's plan and He did not force them to kill His Son; they were accountable for their own actions. 2. 1 Corinthians 2:7 The context shows clearly that it is God's plan of redemption that was foreordained. In verse 5, the power of God is in the gospel (Rom. 1:16). In times past, it had been a mystery, not fully revealed. Even the prophets did not understand completely about Christ. But now this plan is revealed as the wisdom of God (Eph. 3:3-5; 1 Pet. 1:10-12). ... Those who answer that call are justified and glorified. 4. Ephesians 1:4-5,11 God has had an eternal plan in mind - a scheme of redemption for those who will accept it. Those who are chosen are those who are "in Him" (Christ) vs. 3-4 We become God's children by our faith in and obedience to Christ's gospel ... ...
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262: What Early Christians believed about SALVATION BY WORKS
of God through Jesus Christ [Eph. 2:8]." (Polycarp Philippians chap. 1) 125 AD Barnabas "To this end the Lord delivered up His flesh to corruption, that we might be sanctified through the remission of sins, which is effected by His blood." (Barnabas Letter chap 5) 110-165AD Justin Martyr "Our suffering and crucified Christ was not cursed by the law. Rather, he made it manifest that He alone would save those who do not depart from His faith.... As the blood of the passover saved those who were in Egypt, so also the blood of Christ will deliver from death those who have believed." (Justin Trypho chap. 111) 185-255 AD Origen "One of the doctrines included in the teaching of the Church is that there is a just judgment of God. ... To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are contentious and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be anger, wrath and tribulation.' [Rom. 2:4-8]. ... "But certain statements in ... ...
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263: The Supernatural elements of Christian faith
Father Son Holy Spirit Angels Man Devil & Demons Hell Heaven Hades Life After Death Miracles Will Spot be in Heaven? Click to View Click to View Click to View God, the Father Click to View Does God Really Exist? Click to View The Tragedy of Disbelieving in the supernatural God! Click to View Early Christians view on the TRINITY God, the Son Click to View The Deity of Christ Click to View Is Jesus an actual or mythical Historical person? Click to View Was Christ Actually Raised From The Dead? Click to View ... Click to View Early Christians On Hell & Eternal Punishment Click to View Eternal conscious torment or annihilation? Click to View Limited duration of conscious torment proposed by some Universalists. Click to View Debate: Truth vs. an ... Arians, who believe Jesus sided with the Sadducean view of extinction, simply cannot explain Luke 16. They are forced into falsely accusing Jesus of promoting what He knew was pagan false doctrine! The only reasonable conclusion, is that ... ...
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264: Disciples kept the sabbath the day after Christ's death doesn ...
The fact that the disciples kept the Sabbath the day after Christ's death does not prove we must keep the Sabbath today. Actual Sabbatarian false argument: Sunday keepers say that the Sabbath was abolished when it was nailed to the cross. Here the disciples are keeping the Sabbath "according to the commandment" after Christ died! Sabbatarian proof text: Luke 23:56 "And on the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment". Click to View Answer: A. We agree that the disciples kept ... kept, for the very next day Sunday was the day Jesus raised from the dead. D. We find the Bible mentions that they meet together on Sunday after the resurrection: The Sunday of Jesus' resurrection: Jn 20:19 The very next Sunday, the next week: Jn 20:26 On Pentecost Sunday, they were already meeting before the Holy Spirit came: Acts 2:1 E. How come Christians are never said to "keep the Sabbath ACCORDING TO THE COMMANDMENT"??? Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who ... ...
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265: Official creed of Church of the Nazarene
it is the official statement of the faith and practice of the church and is consistent with the teachings of the Scriptures, we expect our people every where to accept the tenets of doctrine and the guides and helps to holy living contained in it. ... With the Bible as our supreme Guide, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and the Manual as our official agreed-upon statement of faith, practice, and polity, we look forward to the new quadrennium with joy and unswerving faith in Jesus Christ. The Board of ... of the Triune Godhead, that He is ever present and efficiently active in and with the Church of Christ, convincing the world of sin, regenerating those who repent and believe, sanctifying believers, and guiding into all truth as it is in Jesus. ... V. SIN, ORIGINAL AND PERSONAL We believe that sin came into the world through the disobedience of our first parents, and death by sin. We believe that sin is of two kinds: original sin or depravity, and actual or personal sin. 5.1. We believe that ... ...
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266: Official creed of the Southern Baptist Church
It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. It reveals the principles by which God judges us; and therefore is, and will remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried. The criterion by which the Bible is to be interpreted is Jesus Christ. Ex. 24:4; Deut. 4:1-2; 17:19; Josh. 8:34; Psalm 19:7-10; 119:11, 89, 105, 140; Isa. 34:16; 40:8; ... He honored the divine law by His personal obedience, and in His death on the cross He made provision for the redemption of men from sin. He was raised from the dead with a glorified body and appeared to His disciples as the person who was ... IV. Salvation Salvation involves the redemption or the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadest sense salvation ... ...
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267: Jesus Our Hope!
... Often men will teach that God is dead and Christ was but a wholly mortal man and seek to divert us from the truth of God. But do not be dismayed for Christ is risen; the tomb where He was laid was empty that Sunday morning so long ago. He then walked among men for some 40 days thereafter, speaking to them and teaching them. His body was real for His disciples saw, heard, and ate with Him. For amplification of these facts study the Bible Research Library topic "Christian Evidences". Your study of this series will show you that the facts of Jesus' resurrection are supportable, logical, realistic, and true. Modern man of whatever level of education and attainment can find exacting proof that Jesus has both died and then risen. When under persecution, being put to death for their beliefs, Jesus' early followers died, gladly, a horrible and painful death which they could have avoided by denying their Saviour. They did so because they had seen and heard the Christ. They had seen His ... ...
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268: Angels commanded to worship Jesus Christ in Deut 32:43: Textual ...
Bible textual variants analysed Introduction: Angels are commanded to worship Jesus Christ in Heb 1:6 and Christians mistakenly think the quote came from Ps 97:7 alone, unaware that Deut 32:43 is the primary source quote. The key phrase in Deut 32:43 is missing from the Masoretic text which most modern Bibles (NASB, KJV) follow. However the Septuagint (282 BC), Odes 2:43 Apocrypha (150 BC), Dead Sea Scroll 4Q44 (100 BC) and Justin Martyr (150 AD) all quote Deut ... of Jerusalem as a direct fulfillment of the passage which would irk the non-Christian Jews. "For I know that after my death you will act corruptly and turn from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you [70 AD] in the latter days [cf. ... Jehovah's witnesses and Christadelphians may be won over for Christ when they realize Jesus is CREATOR not creature. b. Jesus cannot be BOTH creature and creator: "For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the ... ...
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269: What Early Christians believed about Hell & Eternal Punishment
Christ, we shall obtain rest; but if not, if we neglect his commandments, nothing will rescue us from eternal punishment" (Second Clement 5:5). 150 AD Second Clement "But when they see how those who have sinned and who have denied Jesus by their words or by their deeds are punished with terrible torture in unquenchable fire, the righteous, who have done good, and who have endured tortures and have hated the luxuries of life, will give glory to their God saying, 'There shall be hope for him that has served God with all his heart!'" (Second Clement , 17:7). 150 AD Justin Martyr: "No more is it ... XIX) 150 AD Justin Martyr: while we affirm that the souls of the wicked, being endowed with sensation even after death, are punished, and that those of the good being delivered from punishment spend a ... For the unbelievers and for the contemptuous, and for those who do not submit to the truth but assent to iniquity, when they have been involved in adulteries, and fornications, and homosexualities, ... ...
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270: The Interactive Bible:
The Bible teaches that there are many doctrines. Jesus said, "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Commandments of men, even though they be of a religious nature, play no part in our salvation and worship to God, according to Matthew 15:9. The Bible warns, "Be not carried about with divers (different) or strange doctrines" Hebrews 13:9. The doctrine that really has power in our lives is the doctrine of Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). The ... By abiding in it we have both the Father and the Son. In the Bible, the doctrine of Christ includes his virgin birth, his miracles, his death, burial and resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of God. However, there are other things ... In I Corinthians 15, the resurrection inspires us to work for Christ, "knowing that our labour is not in vain, in the Lord" I Corinthians 15:58. In Acts, the seventeenth chapter, the judgement of God prompts men who knew little of God to ... ...
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271: Trinity: plural references to God in the Old Testament: Plural ...
B. Why this is proof of Trinity in the Old Testament: Anti-Trinitarians and Unitarians alike, try to explain away the plural references to God in the Old Testament: "Let US make man in OUR image". (Gen 1:26) While Trinitarians expect to find such plural pronouns and verbs used in reference to God at face value, anti-Trinitarians fall all over themselves trying to find a way to avoid the obvious truth that there are ... The trinity was hidden in the Old Testament until Christ came and the earliest Christians began to "search the (Old Testament) scriptures daily" (Acts 17:11) to see if Paul's claim that Jesus of Nazareth, was the direct subject of prophecy. We have no doubt that Paul would point out the six passages where God is refereed to with plural pronouns. (Us, Our) ... Chapter VI.-The Sufferings of Christ, and the New Covenant, Were Announced by the Prophets.) 150 AD Justin Martyr: Speaking of Jewish theologians Justin calls the Jewish teaching that God spoke to angels a hersey: "In ... ...
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272: Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 do not teach we must keep the 10 commandmen ...
"And He answered and said to them, " Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition ? "For God said , ' Honor your father and mother ,' and, ' He who speaks evil of father or mother is to be put to death .' " (Matthew 15:3-4) "commandments of God" include one of the 10 and one from the book: Ex 21:17; Lev 20:9 "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the commandment of God our Savior, and of Christ Jesus, who is our hope, " (1 Timothy 1:1) Here the commandment of God refers to giving ... Therefore the testimony of Jesus is the word of God. C. The proper chart is like this: Revelation 12:17 Revelation 14:12 Who keep the commandments of God Everything God expects the Christian to Obey hold to the testimony of Jesus and their faith in Jesus Continue to accept Jesus died and was risen the their day. Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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273: H.A.A. Kennedy: The Expositor's Greek Testament, The Epistle ...
Deception exposed: Kennedy's assessment is that the text of Phil 2:6-10 clearly portrays Jesus as deity (uncreated God.) Kennedy's interpretation is summed up in our paraphrase: "Although Jesus while he walked the earth, knew he had existed before all time as uncreated God, He did not violently force [active har·pa'zo] men to accept his equality with God with the use of his inherent divine powers. Instead, he chose the path of humility that lead first to death, then to being proclaimed worthy of worship after the resurrection and exhalation by God to possess a name among men equal to Jehovah of the Old Testament. Full ... It may be useful to note certain cautions which must be observed if the Apostle's thought is to be truly grasped. (a) This is not a discussion in technical theology.' Paul does not speculate on the great problems of the nature of Christ. The elaborate theories reared on this passage and designated " kenotic " would probably have surprised the Apostle. Paul is ... ...
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274: Church Creeds: The fuel of religious division
In it, three Protestant clergymen were asked: "What is a Christian?" They responded by defining a Christian as one who believes in the Apostles Creed, the Holy Trinity, in God, the Divinity of Christ, and who subscribes to a confession of faith. Notice this definition denies to those refusing to accept the Apostles Creed and a denominational confession the name Christian. By it neither Peter nor Paul would qualify as a follower of Jesus, since such creeds were unknown in the First Century. In the decades following the death of John, the last living apostle, the early Church faced a difficult problem. False doctrines such as Gnosticism and Monticism plagued ... Even more unfortunately, the religious disunity which creeds help to perpetuate often causes seekers of truth to abandon their quest in utter despair. God has revealed his will for us in his Holy Book, the Bible. This is not man's interpretation of God's will, as is true of creeds, but it is God's will itself. In seeking to ... ...
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275: sola-scriptura-oral-written-final
by human teachings , in order to establish the heresy"(Clement of Alexandria, book 7, ch 16, Scripture the Criterion by Which Truth and Heresy are Distinguished) Click to View Clement shows the sequence of revelation starting with Jesus, moving through the prophets, then finally ending its journey in the written gospels. ... Again this sounds real "Catholic" or "Orthodox" because they are lazy and want the priest to simply tell them what the Bible says, rather than doing the work and studying the scriptures for themselves! "From this, therefore, do we draw up our rule. Since the Lord Jesus Christ sent the apostles to preach, (our rule is) that no others ought to be received ... The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have changed the original meaning of "viva voce" from the words spoken by inspired apostles, to whatever the current practice and dogma of the church is today. Here is proof: "But the appeal to antiquity is both a treason and a heresy. It is a treason because it rejects the Divine ... ...
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276: Chadwick, Henry: The Early Church
... truth lies somewhere in the middle. Thus it is beyond question that the Watchtower clearly misrepresents what Chadwick is really saying he personally believes about Constantine's conversion! Some quote Chadwick on page 126, as proof that Chadwick believed Constantine never gave up pagan sun worship: "In other words, Constantine was not aware of any mutual exclusiveness between Christianity and his faith in the Unconquered Sun. The transition from solar monotheism (the most popular form of contemporary paganism) to Christianity was not difficult. In Old Testament prophecy Christ was entitled `the sun of righteousness'." (The Early Church, Henry Chadwick, p 125-6) But if you read the full quote below, Chadwick is only commenting what he thought was going on in the mind of Constantine in at the time of his conversion in 311-312 AD. So Chadwick's personal view of Constantine at the time of his conversion in 311 AD is clear: Constantine knew the one true God was Jesus Christ, and knew that ... ...
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277: The Lord's Supper
Communion Breaking Bread The Lord's Supper Click to View Refuted: The false doctrine of "transubstantiation" Introduction: A. Bible's major references: 1. Jesus instituted the "Lord's Supper" in Mt 26:26-29; Mk 14:22-25; Lk 22:14-23 2. Paul gave us some more details in 1 Cor ... communion: 1. Unleavened bread represents the body of Christ 2. Grape juice represents blood of Christ 3. Anti-type of the Jewish Passover: 1 Cor 5:7-8. Ambrose (390 AD), directly applied 1 Cor 5:7 "let us celebrate the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" to the Lord's Supper: "Christ our Passover hath been sacrificed." For as often as we receive the Blood of the Lord, we proclaim the death of the Lord. ... Every Sunday: Acts 20:7 B. A memorial: 1 Cor 11:24,25 "Do this in remembrance of Me" 1. Every memorial can be traced back to its founder: LS proof of Jesus existence 2. Every Nov 11 Canadians remembers those who died so we could be free. 3. Every Sunday Christians remember Christ who ... ...
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278: Lunar Eclipses at birth and death of Christ: 1 BC and 3 April ...
Stunning events the day Jesus Died on the cross Birth of Christ: Spring 1 BC 10 January 1 BC: Eclipse of moon spoken of by Josephus (Antiquities 17.167) marking the birth of Christ, Herod's Slaughter of the children, the death of Herod the Great. Death: EVENTS ON Nisan 14, AD 33 Noon - 3pm: Darkness for three hours 3pm: Sunlight restored to normal Earthquake Centurion: "Truly this was God's Son" Veil of Temple torn in two Tombs opened, saints resurrected 6 PM: ... outraged that he would say such a stupid thing when the facts of science were available on the AIG website to refute Nye. AIG has mocked and hindered the ongoing search for Noah's Ark at Mt. Ararat so that the enemies of Christ quote AIG as proof the Bible is false! ... For Hagee it is all about making big money to pay for his big TV costs. If it really was some critical truth for the world at the end of time, he would let people read the text of his stupid book online for free! 6. Summary of problems: a. Tetrad eclipse moon ... ...
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279: The Final Resurrection of all the dead
The heathen religions of the world are likewise destitute. Unwilling to accept total oblivion, most of them opt for some form or reincarnation in which fleshly existence is repeated but devoid of any hope of something better. Only among Jews, Moslems and Christians is there belief in a super-natural God who exercises power over nature and who will some day raise the dead. Both Jews and Moslems, however, deny that any man has ever risen from the dead. They deny the resurrection of Jesus. Their hope is not based upon concrete demonstrations of God's power to raise the dead. click to view The following verses indicated resurrection after death in the Old Testament: Hosea ... In I Corinthians 15, Paul presents an unanswerable argument for the resurrection of the dead and promises that, as in Adam all died, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. W.C. Witcher, in his book Legal Proof does a masterful job, presenting from the standpoint of the brilliant criminal lawyer, proof of the ... ...
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280: Apostle Paul never kept the sabbath, certainly not 84 times as ...
to preach every Sunday afternoon and explain why Sunday is not the day Christians should worship. But after 84 Sundays in a row, the Adventist's fellow Pastors charged that he was breaking the Sabbath and keeping Sunday Holy by doing so. They said to him, "We argue that Paul did not keep Sunday because he was invited to preach in the Jewish synagogue by the Jews. If we as Adventists argue that Paul did not meet with Christians on Sunday because he was preaching Jesus to ... Actual Seventh-day Adventist False Argument #1: "Sunday keepers say that the Sabbath was abolished when it was nailed to the cross. Here the Apostle Paul keeping the Sabbath "according to the commandment" after Christ died!" (Additional Sabbatarian proof texts that Paul kept ... In a very real sense it was the Jewish non-Christians who refused to heed Jesus who were in fact REJECTING WHAT MOSES SAID! Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to ... ...
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281: 50 ways Harold Camping's pre-tribulation Rapture contridicts ...
... Daniel's prophecy when the Jews rejected Christ as their earthly king because God wasn't expecting the Jews to reject Jesus. Each of the first 69 weeks was a period of seven years, but he last week has already been almost 2000 years. The prophetic clock starts ticking again at the "Rapture" which is the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. There will be 3 ½ years of peace followed by 3 ½ years of tribulation. Truth: God foresaw everything just as it ... So God had to think up the church age as a stop gap measure until God could try a second time to get the Jews to accept Jesus as king during the millennium. Notice that the "prophetic clock stops" when the Jews crucified Jesus and it starts at the Rapture. The reason the ... For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death. " (1 Corinthians 15:23-26) Jesus gives up his kingdom to God at 2nd coming Jesus starts his kingdom at the second coming. Jesus is reigning now and ... ...
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282: History of crucifixion and archeological proof of the cross, ...
The Seleucid Antiochus IV Epiphanes crucified those Jews who would not accept hellenization (Josephus Ant. xii.240-41; cf 1 Macc. 1:44-50). Archeological proof of the cross, as opposed to a stake. (Text and photo is From Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses, by Randall Watters) Historical findings have substantiated the traditional cross. One finding is a graffito1 dating to shortly after 200 A.D., taken from the walls of the Roman Palatine. It is a drawing of a crucified ass; a mockery of a Christian prisoner who worships Christ. The Romans were no doubt amused that Christians worshiped this Jesus whom they had crucified on a cross. Click to View In June of 1968, bulldozers working north of Jerusalem accidentally ... This device provided some support for the victim's body and may explain the phrase used by the Romans, "to sit on the cross." Both Eraneus and Justin Martyr describe the cross of Jesus as having five extremities rather than four; the fifth was probably the sedile. (p. 48,49) In a ... ...
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283: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 250 AD: Cyprian
The earliest apostolic fathers considered Sunday the weekly celebration of the Resurrection and the Lord's Supper the weekly remembrance of His death. "2. Let nothing be innovated, says he, nothing maintained, except what has been handed down. ... words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to His doctrine, he is proud, knowing nothing: from such withdraw thyself." ... "8. Deservedly thus do heresies and schisms arise day by day, more frequently and more fruitfully grow up, and with serpents' locks shoot forth and cast out against the Church of God with greater force the poison of their venom; whilst, by the advocacy of some, both authority and support are afforded them; whilst their baptism is defended, whilst faith, whilst truth, is betrayed; ... Cyprian clearly states that there is nothing that Christ or the apostles said regarding our faith, that is not recorded in scripture. For Cyprian, scripture is the all sufficient standard. Most important here, is that Cyprian clearly did not accept ... ...
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284: Eliade, Mircea: Encyclopedia of Religion
... Christianity is not unique in believing God is "someone" rather than 11 something," but it is unique in its belief that Christ is the personal Word of God, and that through Christ's death and resurrection into new life, "God was in Christ ... doctrine of the Trinity, even though it was customary in past dogmatic tracts on the Trinity to cite texts like Genesis 1:26, "Let us make humanity in our image, after our likeness" (see also Gn. 3:22, 11:7; Is. 6:23) as proof of plurality in God. ... Further, exegetes and theologians agree that the New Testament also does not contain an explicit doctrine of the Trinity. God the Father is source of all that is (Pantokrator) and also the father of Jesus Christ; "Father" is not a title for the first ... The Stoic distinction between the immanent word (logos endiathetos) and the expressed word (logos prophorikos) provided a way for Justin Martyr (d. 163/ 165) and others to explain how Christ had preexisted as the immanent word in the Father's mind ... ...
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285: Difficult Questions for Mormons to answer
The Mormon Church The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Click to View Difficult Questions for Mormons Click to View Click to View Close-up of the golden Nephi Plates that were allegedly written in "Reformed Egyptian" General questions: Why did the angel take Nephi Plates back to heaven? Do they not belong with man? Would not their existence prove once for all that Mormonism is truth? God allowed the Jews to carry the 10 commandments for several ... Why are portions of Isaiah quoted off of the plates of brass when these items weren't written until after Nephi supposedly got the plates out of Laban's treasury? Why was Paul referred to before his time? (Paul said, "Death where is thy sting") Why is it that of the ... of the Lamanites were astonished exceedingly, because of the wisdom of the Nephites in preparing their places of security...they knew not that Moroni had fortified, or had built forts of security in all the land roundabout ...the Lamanites could not get into their ... ...
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286: Premillennial Theology Refuted: Christ is on Throne of David ...
David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. "And so, because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one of his descendants on his throne, he looked ahead and spoke of the ... know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-this Jesus whom you crucified." (Acts 2:29-36) A. Jesus cannot sit on David's throne on earth: Jer 22:29-30 + Mt 1:12 1. Earthly throne extinct: a. "Is this man Coniah a despised, shattered jar? ... B. Jesus must sit on David's throne now until the second coming: 1. Notice Jesus must reign until his enemies are defeated. The last enemy is death, which will be abolished at the resurrection: a. "For it was not David who ascended into heaven, ... who have almost no knowledge of prophecy or basic Bible truths. 8. Find a good Bible believing church that teaches the truth that Jesus has been seated on the throne of David, the throne of God, in heaven since the resurrection where he was given ... ...
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287: Is it OK that My church doesn't have Communion every Sunday?
not one like the Passover looking back to Egypt, but one in remembrance of him, of his death and of the new covenant he was bringing to men. "As often as you do this" indicates that it was not a single isolated incident, but was to be observed with regularity. Since he did not indicate when or how often the memorial was to be observed, we must look further to the record of the apostles, who received the Holy Spirit to instruct and guide them into all truth. ... from the Jewish worship, yet they held their separate meetings, in which they were instructed by the apostles and presbyters (or elders), offered up their united prayers, celebrated the sacred supper, the memorial of Jesus Christ, and the salvation he procured . . . . ... For the first three centuries, then, the church observed the Lord's Supper each first day of the week. Testimony to this fact comes from Justin Martyr, one of the earliest church fathers. To those who were sick and unable to attend the assembly, the communion was ... ...
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288: Official creed of the Presbyterian Church
... to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will, for his won glory, most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek him; and withal most just and terrible in his judgments; hating all sin; ... them willing and able to believe. [6.040] 4. This covenant of grace is frequently set forth in the Scripture by the name of a testament, in reference to the death of Jesus Christ, the testator, and to the everlasting inheritance, with all things belonging to it, therein bequeathed. [6.041] 5. This covenant was differently administered in ... to all who truly repent and believe in Christ; invites and commands all to embrace the offered mercy; and by his Spirit accompanying the Word pleads with men to accept his gracious invitation. [6.057 / 6.189] 3. It is the duty and privilege of everyone who hears the gospel immediately to accept its merciful provisions; and ... ...
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289: The False doctrine of Roman Catholic papal infallibility
... abroad to preach the gospel. Paul is the one who has not one recorded bad blot on his life after his conversion. Paul is the one who takes charge of matters and even rebukes Peter to the face. Paul had way more epistles written than any one else. Paul was a single man. Proof texts of Peter being the first Pope REFUTED! (Mt 16:18, Luke 22:31-32, Jn 16:12-13, Jn 21:15-17, Acts 15:6-29, Rom 11:17-22, Gal 1:8-9, 1 Tim 3:15) "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. Matthew 16:18 The church is built upon Jesus Christ: 1 Cor 3:11, not Peter. Although this is appealed to as a papal proof text, it is ... Luke 22:31-32 This verse simply cannot be used to prove the papal infallibility of Peter because Peter erred so bad later in his ministry, that Paul condemned him as a heretic: Gal 2:11 "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will ... ...
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290: Major errors of Pentecostalism
Analogies, Proof-texting, lack of formal training in Hebrew & Greek all lead to wrong conclusions. 4. FALSE TEACHINGS - WOF teachers promote a wide variety of false teachings regarding Healing, Health, Prosperity, Demons, Salvation and the ... The following are some questions to keep in mind when encountering anything calling itself a revival. These are in no particular order. 1. IS THERE IS AN EMPHASIS ON THE HOLY SPIRIT AT THE EXPENSE OF JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD? If the speaker almost ... Remember: modalism is HERESY. 2. IS THERE ENOUGH OF AN EMPHASIS ON SCRIPTURE? If the Bible (and its truth) is not emphasized enough, it is LIKELY that whatever is occurring will degenerate into heresy. 3. IS THERE UNCRITICAL ACCEPTANCE OF WHATEVER ... The heart is deceitful above all else (Jeremiah 17:9), and there is a way which seems right to a person which only ends in death (Proverbs 14:12;16:25). 12. IS THE BIZARRE BEING CONFUSED WITH THAT WHICH IS SUPERNATURAL AND WHOSE ORIGIN IS FROM GOD? ... ...
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291: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 350 AD: Hilary of Poitiers
... He sounds quite "un-Catholic" and rather "Protestant" in his scriptural "proof-texting" to refute the Arians! On every little point the Arians taught, Hilary proved them wrong, not from the Nicene Creed that was now 25 years old, but from the scriptures! "Yet it is well for us to know all that has been revealed upon the ... Yet Orthodox and Catholic defenders think they are better skilled at writing religious literature than God! For only in their writings can man understand truth! "The Scripture is accurate and consistent; we detect no such confusion as the plural used of the One God and Lord" (Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity, Book ... He would not have us grow weaker, driven about by every wind of vain doctrine, or vexed by empty subtleties and false doubts: he would summon faith to return, before it were shipwrecked, to the haven of piety, believing and confessing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of Man and Son of God, according to the Scriptures, this being the ... ...
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292: Unavoidable Consequences Of Inherited Sin
Total hereditary depravity (or Inherited Sin) Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE Click to View Unavoidable Consequences of Inherited Sin: A. Jesus inherited the depraved nature and guilt of sin like any other man, otherwise Jesus had an advantage in overcoming sin that we do not. Jesus was not made like his brethren in all things" Heb 2:14-18 Jesus was not tempted in all things just as we are. ... If men go to hell, it is because God never extended his Holy Spirit to that individual, thus giving them the ability to accept and comprehend the gospel then: God is therefore responsible for all the ... Some can teach this because they realize the words of Christ prevent it, while ignoring the obvious conclusions of their doctrine. I. Here is an historic gallery of Calvinists who taught babies go to ... Thou canst only entice; but his unchangeable decrees, to leave thousands of souls in death, compels them to continue in sin, till they drop into everlasting burnings. Thou temptest; He forceth us to ... ...
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293: What makes an apostle The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Any one who is sent by another: Jn 13:16 b. Jesus was sent forth from God: Heb 3:1 c. The twelve & Paul were sent forth by Jesus: Jn 20:21 d. Christians sent by local churches: 2 Cor 8:13; Phil 2:25 3. Purpose & function of an apostle: One sent by Christ to establish the church by bearing witness to His resurrection. a. Witness of the ... Simon or Peter wrote 2 NT books 2 Andrew brother of Peter 3 James or Boanerges "son of Thunder" son of Zebedee, first martyr-Acts 12 4 John or Boanerges "son of Thunder" son of Zebedee, wrote 5 NT books 5 Philip from ... that non-apostles couldn't 2. Both apostles & non-apostles received promised comforter of Jn 14:16,26; 15:26-27; 16:13 a. James,Jude & Luke were "guided into all truth" "brought to rememerance" "taught all things" b. ... miracle workers "chicken out" by saying "do not test the spirits". 3. Refusing to perform a miracle to proof they are God's spokesman, contradicts the very purpose of miracles! apostles Rev 2:2 2 Cor 11:13 apostates ... ...
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294: Trinity proof texts: Micah 5:2-3
... If the Holy Spirit wanted to say Jesus was a creature with a beginning, He would have personally chosen to use any of the words like the one's below. This is powerful evidence against any notion that Micah 5:2 is teaching Jesus is a creature. But the irrefutable truth, is that the very word "yalad" ... His going forth [4161 mowtsa'] is as certain as the dawn." Of course, we know God is not a creature, but then neither is Jesus Christ according to Micah 5:2! But the use of the plural "goings forth" is irrefutable proof, that the text means, "His activities date back to all eternity, without beginning" rather than, "He was created [singular] long ago". Even if we granted that the word [4163 ... Every Jew understood that water existed before it came out the of spring! "And he went out [3318 yatsa'] to the spring [4161 mowtsa'] of water, and threw salt in it and said, "Thus says the Lord, 'I have purified these waters; there shall not be from there death or unfruitfulness any longer.'" 2 Kings ... ...
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295: Creeds: The ancient "rule of faith" (regula fidei) was not a ...
On this account are we bound to avoid them, but to make choice of the thing pertaining to the Church with the utmost diligence, and to lay hold of the tradition of the truth. For how stands the case? Suppose there arise a dispute relative to some ... the ancient tradition, believing in one God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and all things therein, by means of Christ Jesus, the Son of God; who, because of His surpassing love towards His creation, condescended to be born of the virgin, He ... If any one were to preach to these men the inventions of the heretics, speaking to them in their own language, they would at once stop their ears, and flee as far off as possible, not enduring even to listen to the blasphemous address. Thus, by ... Heretics, Chapter XIII) Click to View The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches love to quote (Tertullian, the Prescription Against Heretics, Chapter XIII) as proof that Tertullian had an oral apostolic tradition that was distinct from scripture. ... ...
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296: The Sinner's Prayer: Modern apostasy and false teaching that ...
Today, hundreds of millions hold to a belief system and salvation practice that no one had ever held until relatively recently. The notion that one can pray Jesus into his or her heart and that baptism is merely an outward sign are actually late developments. The prayer itself dates to the Billy Sunday era; however, the basis for talking in prayer for salvation goes back a few hundred years. Consider the following appeal: "Just accept Christ into your heart through prayer and he'll receive ... This was where a systematic Sinner's Prayer began, but was not called as such until the time of Billy Sunday. Click to View R. A. Torrey succeeded Moody's Chicago-based ministry after his death in 1899. He modified Moody's approach to include "on the ... The Mission was Chicago's most successful implementation of Moody's scheme. Eventually, Sunday left baseball to preach. He had great public charm and was one of the first to mix ideas of entertainment with ministry. By the early 1900s he had become a ... ...
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297: Weekly Sabbath Assemblies in Synagogues absent from the Tanakh
Jerusalem Temple replaced by the body of Christ: "The Jews then said to Him, "What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?" Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Jews then said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?" But He was speaking of the temple of His body." (John 2:18-21) 3. Jews gathered every Sabbath day to a synagogue building for worship, prayer, Bible reading, singing and freewill contributions: a. "For Moses from ancient generations has in every city those who preach him, since he is read in the synagogues [Synagōgē] every Sabbath."" (Acts 15:21) b. 31 BC: "Therefore, he knew that they had ... would destroy the Devil with the cross: "Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil," (Hebrews 2:14) c. ... ...
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298: Are we saved by Faith without Works?
He tells us about man's perfect beginning, of his fall into sin by following the advice of Satan, and of man's bondage in sin until he is redeemed by a Saviour. God's word tells us how Jesus Christ died: "the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God", and how we may have salvation in Him, I Peter 3: 18. God's word also tells us of heaven as the great home for which we may hope because of our trust and reliance, or faith, in Christ, and because of our obedience to Him, Hebrews 5: 9. Now if "faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen", and if this "faith comes by hearing the word of God", then we are going to accept what God says as truth, respond to what He commands as ... This belief and response are seen clearly in Jesus' great commission to his apostles (Mark 16: 15,16). "And He said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not ... ...
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299: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
... Thus He is true God and true man according to the Scriptures. He lived a perfect, holy and sinless life. In the redemptive purpose of God, He suffered crucifixion and death for our sin. He rose from the dead for our justification and ascended into heaven where He now intercedes for ... God revealed Himself in saving word and deed in the Old Testament and established a covenant relationship with His people. He revealed Himself supremely and finally in the Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded in the New Testament. We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God as men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit. We accept the Old and New Testaments as the infallible Word of God and the authoritative Guide for the faith ... Christian Integrity Although the swearing of oaths was permitted in Old Testament times, it is forbidden by Christ. Christians are obligated to speak the truth because they are always in the presence of God. Therefore we simply affirm the truth in legal transactions. Because lodges ... ...
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300: Only The Truth Shall Make You Free!!!
... and often the difference between success and failure, or life and death. We are not satisfied with anything less than the truth in science, finance, or in that which we are told by our friends. If we learn that some business house has dealt with us dishonestly even to a small degree we will shun that place in the future. Truth is even more important where the welfare of our souls is involved. Only the truth of God can make us free. The truth leads to our sanctification, that is, the setting our ourselves apart to God and His service. Jesus prayed: "Sanctify them in Thy truth; Thy word is truth." (John 17:17) Christ Himself is the personification of truth, and He spoke of Himself as ... It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway. (Psalm 119:105) Search it. Seek to understand it. Always be willing to accept and obey it. If we can help, we would welcome the opportunity. It is the truth which can and will make us free if we will abide in its holy teachings. Click Your Choice Back to ... ...
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