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151: The False doctrine of Roman Catholic papal infallibility
"The entire Roman Catholic argument depends upon the assumption that Rome could not do what Israel did. The problem is that in reality she has done exactly what Israel did. She has placed ... in his ministry, that Paul condemned him as a heretic: Gal 2:11 "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide ... Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend My sheep. John 21:15-17 To suggest this ... The chief shepherd is Jesus not Peter. Jerusalem council: Acts 15:6-29 The Jerusalem council provides absolutely no help to the Roman Catholic for the papal authority of Peter and the supremacy ... divided against themselves in doctrine! obviously then, the traditionalist interpretation of this passage is as vacuous as it is illogical. By Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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152: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Zombie ...
This practical companion volume to Biblical Psychiatry© includes not only diagnosis, but also in-depth discussions by experienced Christians for Biblical approaches ... Rebecca would get hyper (manic) and out of control, then later she would be depressed and start crying. She was essentially drugged into submission by atheistic ... She suddenly had to learn that which she refused to learn 30 years earlier. The drugs did not help her correct her behaviours, they merely made her so lethargic, that ... Although her body is 30 years older, her maturity is still that of a 25 year old. Now that she is off the drugs forever, she is once again feeling things that make ... She had mistakenly thought she was chronically depressed and in desperate need of continued medication." (Your Drug May Be Your Problem, Peter Breggin, David Cohen, ... out of control bully that threw a temper tantrum if she did not get her way. A child would say of her, "Why does she throw a tantrum when she doesn't get her way?" ... ...
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153: Only The Truth Shall Make You Free!!!
Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that we don't have a legitimate reason to offer as to why America should be blessed. History will bear out that nations have enjoyed freedom and have maintained ... And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" Mark 12 :30,31 . When we have love for God and our neighbor, it will necessitate living by the principle found in the Golden Rule, "Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them" Matthew 7:12. ... The Lord opened his eyes and he looked and the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around (II Kings 6). God had the prophet say to his servant, "Do not fear, for those who are with us ... our pathway. (Psalm 119:105) Search it. Seek to understand it. Always be willing to accept and obey it. If we can help, we would welcome the opportunity. It is the truth which can and will make us free if we will abide in its holy teachings. Click Your Choice Back to START ...
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154: Jehovah's Witness leaders sympathized with Hitler
Love hurt" "You are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Tell us if you feel this material misrepresents facts Click to View The Jehovah's Witnesses are proud of their war-record, and are today writing articles about how they were the only church resisting Hitler and his Nazi government. The basic problem ... This is a case of "do what I say, not what I do". Can the Watchtower leaders be trusted? Watchtower leaders tried to compromise with Hitler, and supported him in most ... Photo of Declaration of Facts 1943 Go back to Main Jehovah's Witness Index Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Click to View The letter Jehovah's Witnesses sent ... This might also be due to the amount of our literature and the high demand put upon the respective officials. For this reason the things discussed at the conference ... "The people are in great distress and in need of help to understand the reason for their unhappy condition and what is the means of relief. The Scriptures, when ... ...
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155: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
The development of the Adventist ghetto began almost at once after the Millerite movement reached its peak in 1844 and started its descent. With the help of Ellen ... Even those around Ellen had trouble keeping her from drawing things too tight with her visions. James, her editor husband, had to make it clear that there might be a ... In theology it's downright enjoyable. To learn to say nothing well is the first rule. The second rule is to say it in such a way that no one can question your ... hell for' not believing what the Millerites/Adventists themselves were wrong about and didn't understand, the group still had that problem of the shut door of mercy. ... With fear the lame can scale the highest wall, the blind can see enough to get out of the way, and the mute can have instant fluency. Love, the motivation encouraged ... Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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156: Official creed of the Presbyterian Church
... Holy Spirit, according to his will, with understanding, reverence, humility, fervency, faith, love, and perseverance; and, if vocal, in a known tongue. [6.115] 4. Prayer is to be made for ... of what we want; whereby we more strictly bind ourselves to necessary duties, or to other things, so far and so long as they may fitly conduce thereto. [6.126] 7. No man may vow to do ... Chapter XXVI (PCUS) Of Marriage and Divorce [6.133] 1. Marriage is a union between one man and one woman, designed of God to last so long as they both shall live. [6.134] 2. Marriage is designed for the mutual help of husband ... have been, are, or shall be gathered into one, under Christ the head thereof; and is the spouse, the body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all. [6.141] 2. The visible Church, which ... the [PCUS] constitution was followed Reference numbers, e.g. [6.001] are those found in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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157: The Incarnation of God, the Son: Jesus Christ
For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham. Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful ... The death of Christ poses a huge logistics problem for Unitarians because they always deny man consciously survives death (Lk 16:19-31; 20:37-38). In a perfect example of "Domino Theology" ... So Jesus is "once God always God" and we are "once man, always man". The list of specific things that Semi Kenotic advocates say Jesus divested himself of varies and includes one or combinations of the following: form of God ... He who comes from heaven is above all.... 34 "For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God 13. Jn 8:42 "If God were your Father, you would love Me; for I proceeded forth and have come from ... I don't know. I don't know." 4. John Welch: Faith principle required Jesus to start from scratch. a. (none of these are direct quotes, so they may be misrepresentation) b. "Memory tapes erased ... ...
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158: Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted: Galatians 4:14
This proves that Paul's "contemptible speech" was not a problem with vocabulary or ability to compose intelligent letter. In fact Paul's writing skills were considered impressive! 2 Cor 10:10 "For they say, "His letters are weighty and strong, but his personal presence is unimpressive, and his speech ... To the world, would Paul said, "we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now" 1 Cor 4:13. But the Galatians did not treat Paul in this ... Heb 1:13, on the other hand clearly states that Jesus IS NOT an angel. Even if Gal 4:14 directly called Jesus an angel, WHICH IT DOES NOT, it wouldn't help prove Jesus is ... The point revolved around the difference in how they accepted Paul, an angel, and God. Arians love to play on words and confuse people by pointing out that the original ... awe and respect, when in any of their personal presence's in Gal 4:14. And that my friend is the simple meaning of the text! Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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159: Trinity proof texts: John 10:30-33
... There is nothing I can say to convince you because you are evil and hard hearted. So rather than arguing with fools, I am going to start a theological fire that will ... that He did not say 'one' person. For one placed in the neuter, intimates the social concord, not the personal unity. . . . Moreover, that He says one, has reference to the agreement, and to the identity of judgment, and to the loving association itself, as reasonably the Father and Son are one in agreement, in love, and in affection." (Novatian, Treatise Concerning the Trinity, chapter 27, 225 BC) This doesn't help Arians one bit, for the expression, "I and the Father are one" is clearly ... We have not problem admitting that taken by itself, "I and the Father are one" would not likely be viewed as a claim of deity, but taken together with the other ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted In fact the Jews wanted to stone Jesus for two things: blasphemy and making himself out to be God. Did they also misunderstand the ... ...
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160: Sola Scriptura debate charts by Pat Donahue
... Acts 17:11 (the Bereans) received the word with all readiness of mind, & searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so II Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the ... This must have been a matter of faith: marriage - a God given/regulated institution canon law The Bible never changes, but Catholicism does 34 How Can Catholic Church Be Authoritative, If It's ... I have a tape where a Catholic, Janet E. Smith, Ph.D., is lecturing on "Contraception" to a mixed audience of men and women. Is the problem interpretation, or a love of the truth ? 38 Church Fathers Always Right? Peter ... But if ... upon ... Peter only the whole church is built by God, what would you say about John ... or each one of the Apostles? Shall we otherwise dare to say, that against Peter in particular ... I Pet 1:23 . word of God, which liveth & abideth forever "Sola Scriptura" didn't start until the whole New Testament Scriptures were completed and all in one place (I Corinthians 13:8-13). 42 ... ...
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161: The $200 Text: A Written Debate Concerning the Sabbath
... OF TRANSGRESSION." (Gal. 3:19) Marriage and the Sabbath were made for man BEFORE sin entered the world, hence obviously were not added because of transgression. ... Smith, "would" or "do" you intend to stand by your ad boast? I have something more to say about this matter of honesty. I was honest enough to give the text he ... I mention these things to keep the record straight. My Attitude My motive for meeting the challenge of Mr. Smith was not mercenary, but for the sake of the truth. Man cannot be saved by false doctrine, even though it is propagated under the guise of religion. While I hate the false doctrines of men, I love the souls involved. It ... But will my face be clean if I smash the mirror to bits? Not at all. The mirror is to help me. Neither will the enemies of the law clean up their sinful hearts by ... You use it for "ensamples" for inspiration and information only. But this isn't what the BIBLE SAYS you should do. WHEN WILL YOU START FOLLOWING THE BIBLE? Friend ... ...
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162: The weekly Sabbath is abolished, being nailed to the cross!
... Click to View Adventist's use this false 3 part argument to prove the Adam kept the Sabbath: 1. In the beginning God made "all things" Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16. 2. The Sabbath day was MADE: Mk 2:27-28. 3. Therefore the Sabbath ... Click to View Sabbatarians falsely argue that the Sabbath is an eternal sign between God and his people and therefore we must keep the Sabbath today! The problem is that animal blood and circumcision are also spoken of as ... The fallacy of this is illustrated by the fact that many Sabbatarians, who do not participate in Halloween, will themselves will refer to it as a time system. They might say, "Our church is having a party for the kids, ... Hanukkah (John 10:22) just because they are mentioned in the New Testament! Click to View Reading the "Frequently Asked Questions" will help you learn MUCH faster! Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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163: What Early Christians believed about Hades: where conscious dead ...
... us abruptly; but if we regard its sense and purport, it naturally fits in with the mention of John wickedly slain, and of Herod, who had been condemned by him for his impious marriage. ... when all men, and angels, and demons shall stand, they will send forth one voice, and say, Just Is Thy Judgment; the rejoinder to which will bring a just sentence upon both parties, ... For what God hath now concealed in silence [will be then made manifest,] what neither eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man, the things that God hath prepared for them that love him. In ... prayers of good men, the help of the brethren, and our own sincere repentance and constant care. It is a good thing not to sin at all; it is also good, having sinned, to repent; as it is best to have health always, but it is a good thing to recover from a distemper. To God be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen. Go to Early Christian index Click Your Choice Go To Start... ...
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164: Death of the Anti-Black Doctrine, Salt Lake City Messenger, December ...
... Well, these things did not happen. The stories that go around to the contrary are not factual or realistic or true,...I cannot describe in words what happened; I can only say that it happened and ... in the Salt Lake Temple with his wife and 5 sons for sacred ordinances...Thomas S. Monson, member of the church's Quorum of Twelve Apostles, conducted the marriage and sealing ceremonies [sic]." ... "The decision to deny the priesthood to anyone with Negro ancestry ('no matter how remote'), had resolved the theoretical problem of priesthood eligibility, but did not help with the practical problem of ... Actually, the Mormon Church has the same problem in the United States. Patriarch Eldred G. Smith remarked,"I had a young lady who was blond, a[n]d no sign or indications visibly of the Negro line ... We published this revelation in full in the book Mormonism Like Watergate? in 1974. The most important verse of this revelation reads as follows: "4. Verily, I say unto you, that the wisdom of ... ...
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165: PLAY: The Holy Spirit Game: Prove the Holy Spirit is a person ...
The problem for Arians is to explain why God chose to invent the entire concept of the Holy Spirit at all. Why was it necessary for God to give "electricity" apparent ... When called upon to read in orderly sequence, each member must lift up their biceps with the happy face and practice their ventriloquism by getting the happy face to say ... Jn 16:13 "He will guide you" 1 Cor 2:10 "the Spirit searches all things" Eph 4:30 "and do not grieve the Holy Spirit" Acts 15:28 "it seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit" Rom 15:30 "I urge you by the love of the Holy Spirit " Holy Spirit game script: What each person says in turn to tell the story. ... Acts 13:3-4 "being sent out by the Holy Spirit" 14 I told him, "I know you have no experience in court trials, but I can HELP YOUR WEAKNESS in this area". Rom 8:26 "He ... Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Steve Rudd, inventor Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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166: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
This practical companion volume to Biblical Psychiatry© includes not only diagnosis, but also in-depth discussions by experienced Christians for Biblical approaches ... She plunged into cosmic distances, into outer space, where she met with the winged demon. As is the rule with such things, she projected his figure onto me during the ... But if he had made any sexual advances she would have shot him dead. Her statement is a hauntingly beautiful and sad cry for help. Benefits from behaviour: This ... Revenge: EDS-7.4.8. As a trauma victim she manufactured behaviours which were calculated to say to her incestuous brother: "This is what you did to me. Hope it makes ... This illustrates the Law of Narcissistic Selective Dysfunction (NSD) EDS-7.7.3.NSD She had a huge problem to deal with and instead of confronting her brother, telling ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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167: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... who was preparing the manuscripts for the printer, made inquiry regarding time and place, Mother would say that those things are recorded by conscientious historians. ... letters or materials that he was getting except to express that the report of help was overdrawn and there was no reason to believe that The Desire of Ages was ... November 29, 1978, just two years before the meeting where he was now denying that any problem existed. The letter was a sensitive one and was not for public notice. ... upon Edersheim for some of the things she had written in Desire of Ages, as well as for the very organization of the book itself, and the use of many chapter titles. ... administrators presents a crisis "with the very real threat of schism in the church we love,' according to a leading Adventist biblical scholar, Raymond F. Cottrell. ... 11. Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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168: Psychiatry damages society and individuals
People are unaware of just how much damage Psychiatry and mental health industry do overall. Yes there are things they do that are good, but the net effect is definitely negative. A. What honest Psychiatrists and Psychologists say about their own industry: Veteran psychologist Tana Dineen sums ... Anti-psychotic drugs cause permanent brain damage and can make a normal person into a lethargic zombie unable to work. Neuroleptics are how society drugs their problem people ... Destroying and killing brain cells through electricity is how your psychiatrist thinks he can help you. Click to View Has society labeled you "biologically-impaired"? Millions ... In 1935 AD: the lobotomy (leucotomy or psychosurgery) If you enjoy Chinese food, then you will love having two chop sticks shoved into your eye socket into your brain to ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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169: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... Why would anyone quote from another's published work without intending to cite that person as his authority? 4. It has now been conceded that Ellen had much more help than the church members had been led to believe ... Her authority was not the final authority with them. 13 9. Ellen herself well knew what was being done, had a part in it all along, and encouraged others who worked for her to do the same and say nothing about it. 14 This last statement (item 9) seems to create the greatest ethical problem for the ... J. N. Andrews, who at the time was in Battle Creek, was much interested. After one of the meetings he told her some of the things she had said were much like a book he had read. Then he asked if she had read ... Palo Alto Ca Bull 46. Manlyn Dunlo~, "Were Adventist Founder's Visions Caused by Injury," Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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170: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Matthew 24 The Olivet Discourse
... Mt 19-23: Divorce, discipleship, miracles, triumphal entry, second cleansing of temple, condemned by chief priests, 3 parables: two sons, landowner, marriage feast, Pharisees and Sadducees silenced and condemned, ... Isaiah 66:10-24: Physical to spiritual Jerusalem. "Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her, That you may nurse and be satisfied ... This presents a serious problem for Full-Preterists who say the kingdom of God did not start until Pentecost Sunday, 22nd June AD 66 because there never was a time when the wicked and the righteous co-exist together in the kingdom. d. When Full-Preterists have the beginning of ... The Generation in the Olivet Discourse: i. "Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation." (Matthew 23:36) ii. "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place." (Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; Luke 17:25) iii. "But first He ... ...
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171: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... When I showed this book to a church member one day, I was told that the problem of the book was that it was too much like another book that had not been written by Ellen White, and that it ... Time and study made it obvious that Mrs. White had obtained liberal help from these additional Edersheim works. Further investigation would reveal that Edersheim had written also a New ... Michigan, discovered an unmarked file of my work and comparisons (in the White Estate duplicate material housed in the library there) did things begin to take on the air of a mystery tale. ... To say that I was in a state of shock after the meeting is to put it mildly. My file at that very time already held several letters from that same Olson encouraging me to keep sending him my ... Believer (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Perennial Library, 1951). Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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172: The Biblical pattern of counseling
In fact they have no solutions, since they do not even know what the problem is. It is very typical for people to enter counseling and receive no tangible advice ... This "NO" is a warning - an invitation to look more closely at the claims that psychotherapy works." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 114) "So, I say ... I'm not prepared to yield to a society enamored with Sigmund Freud, B. F. Skinner, Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis, or Joseph Wolpe. Pastors can still do things that ... Based on this, one could conclude that 85 per cent of clients would improve with the help of a good friend and 40 per cent without even that. Many similar studies ... final goals in view Wisdom to know which approach to use and when with genuine love gentleness reliance upon God F. Overview of what the councilor must do: ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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173: Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology
... ARC, Affinity, Reality, and Communication; when a cultie meets a cultie, a comin' through the rye. ARC is used as a synonym for love or like or general warmth to be ... Enturbulated, Hubbardese for being upset. "Suzy found ars so enturbulating, she ran away." EOC, 1. End of Cycle, the end of a cycle of action (start, change, stop.) ... I mean $129,000.99!) Visa or Amex accepted, but cash preferred. Loans available at 25% per week. Financial help with getting a mortgage on your house free of charge. See Clear Certainty Rundown. Gradient, a gradual approach to brainwashing that Scientology employs so as not to scare off potential recruits. Things like OT-III, ... See also Dianazene, Purif. H: Return to the Index Handle, to fix something up or solve a problem. "Helena Kobrin and Elaine Siegel were assigned to handle the ... That's right; 4 *quadrillion* (4*10^15th, or 4,000,000,000,000,000 years!) What's that you say? 250,000 times the age of the universe? Don't let that stop you from ... ...
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174: Religious attributions pertaining to the causes and cures of ...
... This is the goal of the chemical psychiatry industry: to rid the world of Christianity. The problem is that only one side of both evolution and psychiatry is ... Demon possession was always accompanied by two things that mentally humans lack: supernatural strength and supernatural knowledge. Schizophrenics are anything but ... There are three cases of mental illness in the Bible and many clear passages in the Bible that say God will strike sinners with mental illness. This is not demon ... Furthermore, four treatment factors emerged: religious means, professional help, help from others (non-professional) and self-initiated means. Explanatory variables ... Christian Values, t(202)¼4.73, p< 0.001; Factor 5 Conformity: Social-practical, t(202)¼2.19, p <0.05; and Factor 6 Self-Reliance, t(202)¼4.55, p <0.001. In ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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175: Augusta Triumphans, Daniel Defoe, 1728 AD
... or unprovided, help yourselves how you can, there is no redress; though I think there ought, in all conscience, to be as much law for the master as for the servant. ... and if he persisted in his barbarous abuse of the holy marriage state, to send him to the house of correction till he should learn to use more mercy to his yoke-fellow. ... How many, I say, of beauty, virtue, and fortune, are suddenly torn from their dear innocent babes, from the arms of an unworthy man, whom they love, perhaps, but too well, and who in return for that love, nay probably an ample fortune and a lovely off spring besides, grows weary of the pure streams of ... I must beg my reader's indulgence, being the most immethodical writer imaginable. It is true I lay down a scheme, but fancy is so fertile I often start fresh hints, and ... Our common women, too, have learned this vice; and not only strumpets, but labouring women, who keep our markets, and vend things about street, swear and curse at a most ... ...
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176: 671 BC: Victory Stele of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria
... Tirhakah also rebelled against Assyria and his son Ashurbanipal defeated him a second time while Tirhakah was allied help of Manasseh. 2. Shockingly, scholars ... the alliance of Hezekiah with Pharaoh Tirhakah in repelling the attack of Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem in 701 BC. b. "This, in turn, settles another old problem. ... In 701, Shebitku ruled Egypt, and Taharqa was his Nubian lieutenant, precisely as Shebitku himself had been for Shabako. There was thus a clear, practical Kushite ... very angry with Isaiah from the days of Hezekiah, king of Judah, because of the things which he had seen concerning the Beloved, 16 and because of the destruction of ... (proper) place from the city Ashur; the king whose food offerings the great gods love and whose priestly service they established forever [in the tem]ples; Lines: ... Find me a church to attend in my hometown this Sunday! By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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177: Discussion: Eternal torment or annihilation?
... There are no garments covering the conditionalist emperor here either. 8-) Click to View 6. Definitional stuff I had debated where to start with this whole thing and almost started here, ... Is it still burning?" the Annihilationist follows the classic error on the part of the conditionalist tradition. Lets see if I can help here. Morey writes (p139ff): <begin quote> ... Thus, the annihilationist with glee have always pointed to this passage that "eternal fire" need not be eternal.The problem with their interpretation is that the Greek text does not say that the cities suffered "the punishment of eternal fire," ... carry the idea of everlasting, eternity, or eternal, since they are sometimes used of temporal things. However, the idea in the Greek is that these things last for the length of the age. ... The punishment fits the crime. Violation of an infinite holiness requires punishment on an infinite scale. In God's love, He has provided mercy and justification (forensic acquittal - ... ...
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178: Hypochondriasis: A Practical Treatise, John Hill, 1766 AD
... hyp,' where we should say 'You give me a pain in the neck"7; and I myself have heard the expression, "You give me the pip," where "pip" may be a corruption of "hyp." ... ("lowness of spirits, and inaptitude to motion; a disrelish of amusements, a love of solitude, Wild thoughts; a sense of fullness") and causes (the poor and damp ... Let him begin with plants: he will here find a continual pleasure, and continual change; fertile of a thousand useful things; even of the utility we are seeking here. ... Judicious as is the logic of this recommendation, one cannot help but feel that the emphasis here is less on diversion as a cure and more on the botanic attractions ... For example, the title page of the copy in the British Museum reads, Hypochondriasis; a Practical Treatise On the Nature and Cure of that Disorder, Commonly called ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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179: Catholic doctrine contradicts the Bible!!!
... Where then did this man get all these things?" Matthew 13:55-56 Click to View Click here for proof Mary had other children. Question #2: Did Joseph begin normal ... of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. ... liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully ... "Now Simon's mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever; and immediately they spoke to Jesus about her." Mark 1:30 Question #2: Did Paul say all the apostles including ... FACT: Catholics are taught that only the priests can understand the Bible and the common man in the pew cannot understand the Bible without the priests help. Click to ... you about what the Bible says? Is the Roman Catholic church the church you read about in the Bible? o YES NO o By Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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180: Prophecy Blunders! 100 Years of Failed Watchtower prophecies
To the noble minded and the honest seeker of truth we dedicate this section. We speak the truth in LOVE! As one reads the prophetic statements below, it is important ... humane sign of Aquarius in 1914, the long-promised era will have made a fair start in the work of setting man free to work out his own salvation, and will insure ... (The Time Is At Hand; 1889; 1908 ed.; p. 99) 1908 "True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming twenty-six years all present ... We did not say positively that this would be the year." (Watchtower, November 1, 1914, p. 325) 1914 "While it's possible that Armageddon may begin next Spring, yet ... also be without hindrance during Armageddon. … Those... who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery ... Some of the consecrated ones thought they must be taken home to heaven at a time certain in order to help God run the universe. (The New World; 1942; 2,000,000 ed.; ... ...
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181: One verse refution of Transubstantiation
... But Tertullian turns the word figura against the Docetism of Marcion (IX.6). The language of symbolism does not help those who deny a real body to Jesus. The bread would ... in his goodness resurrected. (Smyrnaeans 7) 1 will make plain to you the dispensation in the new man Jesus Christ, by his faith, his love, by his passion and resurrection. ... Since therefore the cup that has been mixed and the bread that has been made, from which things the substance of our flesh grows and is sustained, receive the word of God and the eucharist becomes the body of Christ, how do they say that the flesh which is nourished from the body and blood of the Lord and is ... In discussing the language of the real presence in the early centuries, three aspects of the problem are to be kept in mind: #1: the identification of Christ with the ... to do with the orthodox emphasis on spiritual benefits? Early Christians Speak, Everett Ferguson, 1981, p 107 By Steven Rudd Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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182: The White Lie: Walter Rea: Chapter 1: How To Change History
... describe the horror or the glory of the hereafter (for a price). It is safe to say that the fear of the trip we have not yet taken is a powerful weapon in the hands ... From a shaky start with "amalgamation of man and beast" in one of her early books, 3 she straightened things out later with her reading of Paradise Lost. 4 Her ... Elder T. N. Andrews, who at the time was in Battle Creek, was much interested. After one of the meetings he told her some of the things she had said were much like a ... Perhaps the higher the better-because of temptation. Who knows? One writer who has studied the problem of Mrs. White and Milton's Paradise Lost may give some answers: ... One is dealing with truth as filtered, expanded, diminished, bounded, or defined by the I-saws of all the Ellens of Christendom-with a lot of help from the divines. ... 9. EGW, The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p. 535. Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to ... ...
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183: May Women speak in Church? 2 Tim 2:12 + 1 Cor 14:34
... of good things- that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own ... And Joseph and His mother did not know it. Just because one is baptized does not make one a man or woman. To say that a woman cannot teach a boy is to bind where God ... There is a difference in what is told to men and women. Titus 2:15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you. Titus could ... If and when she attempts to take over or to lead the class, and becomes domineering in any of our worship activities, then we would have a problem! This is what the ... She sinned first, but Adam was held accountable because he was the one ordained by God to be the head. The relationship of men and women are not just for marriage. ... life, all must submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He makes the rules, and we must come to Him on His terms. Wayne Wells Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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184: "Scientology: From Science Fiction to Space-age Religion"
... The doll was taken roughly to the Temple, and was zapped by a bishop's gun while the congregation chanted "God is Love." When the people left, the doll, out of ... For Hubbard, only an unaberrated thetan (i.e., one who by means of Scientology is truly enlightened) knows things as they really are and, apparently, Hubbard was the ... Nevertheless, because Scientology deals with the mind and certain practical considerations (e.g., communication skills) it may also use or discover relevant ... may extract certain feelings or information from the initiate that indicate an irrational fear of falling and a problem with vertigo. This observation may be true. ... If we realize that the entire purpose of Scientology is to help a (biblically) nonexistent thetan realize its true nature, we must conclude that it does not deal in ... Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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185: "Cast Out For The Cross Of Christ" by Albion F. Ballenger, 1909
... To the timid soul, whose love of peace and unity leads him to fear the consequences that may follow an investigation of the subject, let me say there is something ... When the time of trial shall come, there are men now preaching to others, who will find, upon examining the positions they hold, that there are many things for which ... I appeal by this to those in places of greatest responsibility down to the humblest believer in present truth. I care not through whom the help may come, only so it ... have been taught that we should say, when the powers of earth demand submission to the laws of men in opposition to the law of God, "Show us from the Word our error." ... This leaves those who believe in eternal misery to grapple with an insurmountable problem; and it leads to the most ultra Calvinism. . . . We have seen from the type ... A.F. BALLENGER. Tropico, Cal. Click to View Go Back to E.G.White Plagiarist website INDEX Go Back to Sabbatarian Main Menu Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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186: Mad-Doctors: William Battie: 1703-1776 AD
to realize that as an agnostic who didn't attend church, Battie rejected the idea that anxiety was a spiritual problem. He believed anxiety was common to all humanity, but only those with weak, bad or out of shape nerve fibers would be afflicted with anxiety. This explains why modern chemical psychiatry is in love with him. ... and Cure of Madness. ... requires the patient's being removed from all objects that act forcibly upon the nerves, and excite too lively a perception of things ... ... would never have led me to appear in print; but it was thought necessary for me, in my situation, to say something in answer to the undeserved censures, which Dr. ... and practiced by all doctors until 1858 AD! Monro claimed he had no idea what caused mental illness, but believed that removing "bad humoral body fluids" would help. ... Consequential nerve damage after birth curable Deluded Imagination "perception of objects not really existing" Start with vomits, cold baths, opium, blisters, ... ...
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187: Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder is not caused from ...
... condition and train themselves to experience sudden panic fits for an infinite number of specific things, it is not a disease. 8. Jesus commands us not be deluded. ... Despite the fact she's never heard of him, he finds imaginary signs that she secretly returns his love. Who else would be calling and hanging up? Who else would have ... Insanity is a solution, isolation is the problem. "In my experience, this is the root of most overwhelming helplessness-that we feel hopelessly cut off from human ... C. What biopsychiatrists, drug companies and governments say: Notice they admit they have no idea what causes it: "Research to define causes of social anxiety is ... It is only clozapine that is superior, although its side effects are clearly challenging." (Practical Treatment Information for Schizophrenia, Carol A. Tamminga, ... will allow you to believe anything you like, but stop paying your bills, start annoying people, neglect your personal appearance and you end up in the loonie ... ...
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188: What Christians Need to Know about Scientology
... When he was six years old, his father enlisted in the Navy after the start of World War I. For the next few years, Ron and his mother followed Harry to a series of ... After a second and similar semester, he dropped out of school. Later he would say he had been a student in the first course in atomic physics in the country and that ... Had the Veteran's Administration heeded Hubbard's plea for help, the outcome for many might have been different. The outcome of history is often ordained by the ... They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self.... Be strong, Oh man! Lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture ... the kings of the earth ... I've stripped the Magick to basics -- access without liability." "Sex by will," he says. "Love by will -- no caring and no sharing -- no feelings. None," he says. ... In all of the propaganda of Scientology, three lessons predominate: That there is a problem. That there is a solution to the problem. That the solution can only be ... ...
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189: May Women speak in Church? 2 Tim 2:12 + 1 Cor 14:34
... of good things- that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own ... And Joseph and His mother did not know it. Just because one is baptized does not make one a man or woman. To say that a woman cannot teach a boy is to bind where God ... There is a difference in what is told to men and women. Titus 2:15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you. Titus could ... If and when she attempts to take over or to lead the class, and becomes domineering in any of our worship activities, then we would have a problem! This is what the ... She sinned first, but Adam was held accountable because he was the one ordained by God to be the head. The relationship of men and women are not just for marriage. ... all must submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He makes the rules, and we must come to Him on His terms. Wayne Wells Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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190: The Samaritans: 720 BC The pagan half-Jews of the Old Testament ...
... The sons of Reuben built an exact replica of the altar of burnt offering in the tabernacle at Shiloh on the east side of the Jordan which created a huge problem. ... Used eventually for writing religious poetry (piyyutim), prayers, chronicles, deeds of sale, marriage contracts, letters to European scholars, and other writings, ... Then the Samaritans start a theological war with Ezra by pointing out (wrongly) that Joshua's Altar was built on Mt. Gerizim and that Jerusalem is not Holy to God. To ... Ezra created his own enemy in the Samaritans: Once Ezra refused to let the sincere Samaritan offer to help built the temple, they were first hurt then angry and ... There are many ancient literary sources that say Ezra restored all the Bible manuscripts that were lost during the destruction of Solomon's temple in 587 BC. i. 2 ... were harassed, and had almost left off the building. (176) But none of these things could deter Nehemiah from being diligent about the work; he only set a number ... ...
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191: Pentecostal tries to defend manifestions with Scripture
... She is one of the first Pentecostals who have made an attempt to quote book chapter and verse! Almost all other Pentecostals just say, "God is doing new things that are not in the Bible". For example: John Wimber ... We have documented this at this link: The major problem is twofold: these identical manifestations are also seen in occult and non-Christian religions both ... What are they and are they real? A brief description of some of the physical manifestations and a Biblical example will help your understanding. Falling It is the most common phenomena. People ... But Pentecostalism believes and practices SO MANY false doctrines and practices not found in the Bible that Edwards condemns, not supports them! 5. It manifests a renewed love of God and of man. ... and say exactly the same thing! Click here to see proof! By Dr. Shirley A. Elenbaas of White Horse Christian Center. Comments from Click to View Go To Start ...
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192: List of 300 Old Testament quotes in New Testament
... there was a connection with the tradition represented by the Targums is already an interesting result, especially in view of the disputed problem of their dating. ... Matthew 12:18-21 Isaiah 42:1-4 ""Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I take great delight. I will put my Spirit on him, and he will ... And in his name the Gentiles will hope."" (Matthew 12:18-21) "Jacob is my child, I will help him; Israel is my chosen one, my soul has accepted him. I have given my ... (John 12:40) "when he said, 'Go to this people and say, "You will keep on hearing, but will never understand, and you will keep on looking, but will never perceive. ... Also our fathers described them to us." (Psalm 77:2-3) "I will expound a theme, hold forth on the lessons of the past, things we have heard and known, that our ... "Who has wrought and achieved this? He who announced the generations from the start- I, the Lord, who was first And will be with the last as well." (Isaiah 41:4) ... ...
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193: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... So I told him that he need not deliver the note. But (could not rest. I was disturbed, and could not find peace of mind. Please won't you help me to understand this? It is the most serious of all the ... When I went to Colorado I was so burdened for you that, in my weakness ...1 arose at three o'clock in the morning to write to you. God was speaking through clay. You might say that this communication was only a letter. Yes, ~t was a ester, but prompted by the Spirit of God, to bring before your minds things that had been shown me. In ... The importance of this progression can't be overlooked, for what God said in 1858 he had to repeat in 1870, and even later in 1890, and so on. Now with God being God, that would be no problem for him; but ... View: PPPA, 1890), pp. 21. Arthur L. White to Henry F. Brown, 23 September 1943. Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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194: Testimony of H. F. Brown Ex-member after 80 years!
... But as I realized the problem before Me - I was a young minister nearing 40 and I was the father of two children and a wife and there I was. I went to defend that ... Robert Olson published in the Review and Herald some weeks back the fact that the Denomination now accepts the fact that more than 50% and some say almost 100%, of ... She was very kind to me but said that her father was too old and he became so wrought up with discussing these things. He was a nephew of Mrs. White. He considered ... For instance; Elder Ballanger,, with the tenderest of emotions, begged Sr. White, wrote her a letter, "Point out my difficulty. Show me where I am wrong. Help me. You ... He said that James was apparently a very over-sexed man and Mrs. White is not too very friendly on the discussion of marriage. He told me some of their difficulties. ... be an Adventist I'll close here. Click to View Go Back to E.G.White Plagiarist website INDEX Go Back to Sabbatarian Main Menu Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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195: Biblical Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
recourse to certain thought forms already present in the philosophical and religious environment, in order that, with the help of these, it might give its own faith clear intellectual expression. ... We seek this in vain in the triadic formulae of the NT. ... Early Christianity itself, however, does not yet have the problem of the Trinity in view"(Gerhard Kittel, Theological Dictionary of the ... Milman argues from it 'These things are in heathenism, therefore they are not Christian'. We, on the contrary, prefer to say, 'these things are in Christianity, therefore they are not heathen! ... so the ... The first Christians had with St. Paul a saving experience of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the love of God, and of the communion of the Holy Ghost; and the theologians of the ancient ... (sacraments) grew constantly more pronounced and offended vigorously thinking heathen even. (Outlines of the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p193-195) Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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196: Psychiatry: Chemical imbalances are mythical. Anti-psychotic ...
... But it is striking how much of our actual behavior-as distinguished from what we say and think about it- can be described in reptilian terms. We speak com-monly of a ... In a curiously apt passage, G. K. Chesterton wrote: "You can free things from alien or accidental laws, Opposite: Two photographs taken with an electron micro-scope ... The stunning pic-tures on page 65, taken with an electron microscope, show two close-ups of action in the third ventricle. The diagram on page 73 may help clarify ... Love seems to be an invention of the mammals.* '' This rule on the relative parental concern of mammals and reptiles is, however, by no means without exceptions. Nile ... Is it possible that dragons posed a problem for our protohuman ancestors of a few mil-lion years ago, and that the terror they evoked and the deaths they caused ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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197: A Treatise on Madness, William Battie, 1758 AD
... He separates each psychiatric symptom, and maintains that a definition must say what madness is and is not. (Ask any contemporary psychiatrist to define "psychosis" ... Precipitating causes of madness are "black November days, unpleasant weather" and the "tempest of love, hate, and other passions." Where protracted disease and pains ... were [vi] were able made a more ample and effeaual provifion for that help, which all Lunatics of whatever nation or quality must at all times Band molt in need of. ... the schools of Philofophy, and content ourselves with a vulgar apprehenfion of things ; we must reject not only every supposed cause of Madness, but also every ... speculative curiofity of man as the former, but very often as useful and as con-ducive to the attaining practical truth. [8] SECT. II. the Seat of natural Sensation. ... By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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198: Absalom's insurrection, Rape of Tamar, Satan child: 990-979 BC ...
Here we have a great spiritual king who, like some preachers, gets so focused on "spiritual things" that they neglect and lose their own families. David was building ... In fact, this example illustrates how all "mental illness" is a conscious moral behavior choice and not a medical problem at all. The key question that needs to be ... Many commentators have the age of Absalom when he died very wrong: These two commentaries are wrong because the 11-12 years, start counting from the rape of Tamar, ... and selfishness and she was hoping that he is stupid enough to actually ask David for her hand in marriage, not realizing such a request would surely be refused. c. ... girl's virginity to the elders of the city at the gate. "The girl's father shall say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter to this man for a wife, but he turned against ... Christ used his blood to make pure virgins (Christians) out of spiritual harlots (non-Christians), "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church ... ...
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199: The New Testament Jewish Sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes ...
... He challenges their interpretation of Scripture. When Jesus rebukes them for their love of the praise of men, He implies that they received the very things they ... Deterministic: everything determined by divine providence: A The Essenes affirm that fate governs all things, and that nothing befalls men but what is according to ... in both approaches: Luke 7:33-35. The Essenes evidently forbade both meat and marriage (Edersheim 313), thus following doctrines of demons: 1 Timothy 4:1-5. Biblical ... CONCLUSION: It will help us understand the Gospels and Acts if we see that the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes were political operatives. They used religion, at ... the law of Moses; and for that reason it is that the Sadducees reject them, and say that we are to esteem those observances to be obligatory which are in the written ... Merrill F. Unger, Archeology and the New Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962), 44-48. Oscar Miles Click Your Choice Go To Start: ... ...
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200: Apostate church organization: 150-250AD: The rise of the single ...
... Second, these men would start being called "the overseer" by taking a leading role, but still be seen as a man of equal rank with the other elders/overseers "on ... the other Apostles even as Christ; but the writings that go falsely by their names we, in our experience, reject, knowing that such things as these we never received. ... it, whom we call Docetae; for most of its ideas are of their school-from them, I say, I borrowed it, and was able to go through it, and to find that most of it ... from local congregations in the same province meeting for consultation in the second half of the second century in connection with the problem posed by Montanism. ... and Orthodox love to quote from Ignatius: Click to View Outline on the Fraudulent forgeries of Ignatius Now of course, Roman Catholics and Orthodox simply cannot accept that all of Ignatius writings are forgeries. He is their "organizational and hierarchical savior"! They desperately need Ignatius. The Bible doesn't help them. ... ...
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