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451: Why are most Jehovah's Witnesses former Roman Catholics?
A city where world headquarters permanently resides: Rome, Italy and Brooklyn, NY, USA Authority of this "world organization" is not to be questioned. Both consider God to be the head of the world organization. Both the Pope and the Governing body both claim inspiration. Both organizations are "spirit directed" ... not intend that the teaching of His Church should be always the same; but ordained that it should go on continually improving under the guidance of His Holy Spirit. Jw's employ exactly the same hermeneutic but call it by a different name: "New Light" Both teach the organization is supreme over the Bible rather than the Bible being supreme over the organization. The ... Both "explain away" doctrinal changes, reversals and flip-flops by claiming "new light". Both view every other church as heretical and false. No salvation outside of their organization. The word of the organization is unquestionably final. Interpreting the Bible is the sole right of the organization. Both make ... ...
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452: Sinai Text (SN): Moses, Sinai, 1446 BC Torah: Gen - Deut
See also: book of Law in Hieroglyphic Hebrew alphabet script 2. The alphabet used at Mt. Sinai was not Paleo-Hebrew but Hieroglyphic Hebrew I. The following religious texts were written in Hieroglyphic Hebrew in 1446 BC: 1. The "book of the Law" that ... read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the burning bush, how God spoke to him, saying, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; you are greatly mistaken."" (Mark 12:26-27) 2. Specific quotations from the Torah attributed to Moses: a. "And Jesus said to him, "See that you tell no one; but go, show yourself to the priest and present the offering that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them."" (Matthew 8:4) b. ... When Moses wrote "Genesis" to the Jews, he brought up the reason they kept the Sabbath in the Creation account, although it was not finally revealed until the events recorded in Exodus. l. Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy... ... ...
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453: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
... Peter, in explaining the phenomenon of Pentecost, represents it as the activity of the Trinity. 'This Jesus ... being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear' (Acts ii. 32, 33). It is not too much to say that the apostolic Church was built upon faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) Full text: "TRINITY. The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, and, though used by Tertullian in the last decade of the 2nd century, it did not find a place formally in the theology of the Church till the ... Christ's trinitarian teaching received its most clear and concise expression in the baptismal formula: baptizing into 'the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost' (Mt. xxviii. 19). Baptizing 'into the name' is a Hebrew form of expression, rather than a Greek, and it carries with it what would seem a ... ...
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454: How Sabbatarians twist scripture: What you must know to refute ...
Click to View 80 questions Sabbatarians don't like to be asked Also see: Exposing the Sabbatarian practice of quoting Sunday worshipping churches to prove we should keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy. (Quotes commonly used by Sabbatarians from various churches are examined for ... Thou shalt not arbitrarily switch the definition of terms like "commandments" and "the law" in passages to avoid contradiction with your own theology. Thou shalt realize that the book of Genesis does not contain the word "Sabbath" and nowhere in the New Covenant is the Sabbath day commandment found, instead, it says the Sabbath was abolished! Thou shalt never again misquote Matthew 5:17 (jot or tittle) as a proof text for Sabbath keeping. ... Thou shalt not claim that Ellen G. White was an inspired prophet, when in fact she plagiarized (copied) most of her major books from the local library including many of what she claimed were visions from God! Thou shalt not teach that the Ten Commandments and the Old Covenant ... ...
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455: Lesson 23: Summary of Worshipping in Spirit and Truth
Worship requires that we be an active participant and not a spectator. We must not pervert the worship of God by our being entertained by choirs, concerts, and other entertainment groups. Our worship is to be holy and sacred, because it is God we are suppose to be worshipping. We must approach God with humility and godly fear ... We are to do the singing ourselves and not have a choir to sing to us. God has only authorized singing. Man has perverted the worship of God by adding mechanical instruments of music, because man likes them. When God's word is preached, God is glorified. Only God's will must be preached. If one is preaching man's will, he is preaching a ... But as the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." We will all stand before the Lord on the Day of Judgment and give an answer as to how we have obeyed Him. But on that day, as we are told in Matthew 7:13-14, only few will be saved and the majority of people will be ... ...
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456: The office of Elders, pastors and bishops
In the same way we have different descriptive terms for the eldership. These terms are not honorary titles but descriptions of work to be done: a. It would be wrong to call someone "Elder Smith", or "Pastor Brown" In the table below, you will notice four individual terms (elder, overseer, shepherd, steward) and one ... Baptism D. Why did God use four different terms to describe the one office? Simple! Each term gives us a distinct view of the various functions of that one office. If God had used only one word, it would not be nearly as clear as it is with the four terms. Elder indicates an older man with wisdom that can only come from age and experience. ... "It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do." 1 Timothy 3:1 "Be on guard for yourselves and for ALL THE FLOCK, AMONG WHICH the Holy Spirit has made you OVERSEERS, to SHEPHERD the church of God which he purchased with His own blood." Acts 20:28 " The elders ... ...
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457: The Destruction of Jerusalem - George Peter Holford, 1805AD
Proof that Matthew 24 was fully fulfilled in 70 AD! Also see: Rapture refuted Click to View The Destruction Of JERUSALEM An Absolute and Irresistible PROOF OF THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY: INCLUDING A NARRATIVE OF THE CALAMITIES WHICH BEFEL THE JEWS So far as they tend to verify OUR LORD'S PREDICTIONS ... proofs of a sacred origin, as seem calculated to strike, with irresistible conviction, even those who are least disposed to admit the truth of the Holy Scriptures. In order to evidence their divine authenticity, God has done as much as man could possibly have required. [1] For, supposing that it had been referred to mankind to have prescribed for their own ... is highly probable) that our LORD, While in the act of speaking, pointed to the majestic and stupendous edifices, whose destruction he foretold, every word which he then uttered must have been clothed with inexpressible sublimity, and derived from the circumstances of the surrounding scenery a force and ... ...
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458: The Interactive Bible:
The Apostle Paul, speaking of Jesus Christ, says in Ephesians 1:22,23, "And gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body". A body is a living organism. The church is divine in its origin, since it was built by Christ himself. Jesus told the Apostle Peter after Peter had confessed him to be the Christ, the son of the Living God, that he would build his church (Matthew 16:16-18). The church is both divine and human since it was originated by our Lord and includes human ... The negative qualifications are: not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, not a brawler, not covetous, not self-willed, not soon angry. The positive qualifications include the following: blameless, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, one that rules well his own house, a good report of them without, a lover of good men, just, holy, temperate, holding fast the faithful word. The special qualifications are only four in number: The husband of one wife, having ... ...
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459: Demons and Demon Possession
... So we ask, exactly what disease could Paul have cast out of this woman to make her lose the ability to continue to "charge $35 per call"? Multiple personality disorder (MPD), cannot be used to explain this demon of divination. The ultimate dilemma: ... Christadelphians reject that the Holy Spirit, the devil and demons are actual personal beings. Rather, they themselves promote the false teaching that the Holy Spirit is the personification of God's power, that the devil is the personification of sin and that demons are the personification of disease. Christadelphians believe that Jesus would side with them in this matter. So Christadelphians say the following about demons: "Daimonion is the word used to describe certain diseases attributed by ... reason: Mt 12:43-45 d) Knew of coming judgment against them: Mt 8:29; Mk 1:24; 5:7; Lk 4:34; 8:28,31 e) "demons believe God and tremble" Jas 2:19 (gr: "tremble" lit: to bristle up hair) f) If merely an illness, how do we account for the reaction ... ...
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460: Unavoidable Consequences Of Inherited Sin
The Holy Spirit must specifically touch an individual, thus allowing them to respond to the gospel. Thus man cannot be saved without the direct and miraculous operation of the Holy Spirit. If men go to hell, it is because God never extended his Holy Spirit to that individual, thus giving them the ability to accept and comprehend ... Earlier, extreme Calvinists asserted that hell is a place paved with infants not over a span long; because of this sort of teaching and as a heritage from Rome came about the belief in baptismal regeneration. To such a position, of course, the Word of God gives no sanction either directly or indirectly." (Systematic theology, Doctrinal ... persons who assert it) I abhor the doctrine of predestination, a doctrine, upon the supposition of which, if one could possibly suppose it for a moment, (call it election, reprobation, or what you please, for all comes to the same thing,) one might say to our adversary, the devil, "Thou fool, why dost thou roar about any longer? ... ...
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461: Sola Scriptura: Paul got the names 'Jannes and Jambres' in 2 ...
... For example, the oral tradition among the Jews was that the disciples stole the body. Scripture records, "this story was widely spread among the Jews, and is to this day". (Matthew 28:11-15) So there was oral tradition in both Moses and the crucifixion, but scripture confirms by direct stamp of approval of the Holy Spirit, ... It was the Holy Spirit, who chose to name the magicians, not Paul, just as scripture says: "But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:20-21) We also want to remind the reader ... He gets so excited over this "mount Everest" discovery, that you would think the "oral tradition" was the exact date for Easter! (Which Catholics and Orthodox have always fought over, each claiming their tradition is the TRUE one.) Well because Carlton is so easily excited, we carefully and quietly say the word, "Hanukkah" ... ...
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462: What makes an apostle The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit Qualifications of an Apostle of Jesus Christ I. Introduction: 1. The office of an Apostle: a. "to occupy this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place."" (Acts 1:25) b. "through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake," (Romans 1:5) 2. Definition of "Apostle": Vines, "one sent forth" a. Any one who is sent by another: Jn 13:16 b. Jesus was sent forth from God: Heb ... Establish the church of Christ: Eph 2:19-21; 1 Cor 12:28; Rev 21:14 4. Also called an "ambassador" (Lit: to be elder, eldest) : 2 Cor 5:20; Eph 6:20 II. The 14 apostles The 14 apostles Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:14-16; Acts 1:13; Gal 1:1 ... Paul & Barnabas: Acts 14:4,14 d. Andronicus & Junias: Rom 16:7 e. Epaphroditus: Phil 2:25 f. James, the Lord's brother: Gal 1:19 2. Remember that the word apostle is a simple Greek word that means "one sent" a. Baptism is used in different ways in ... ...
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463: Shem as Melchizedek: A test case for validating or falsifying ...
... SHEM = MELCHIZEDEK: "Now Melkhizedek, king of Jerusalem: brought out bread and wine, and he ministered before God Most High. And he blessed him by saying, "Blessed be Abram before God Most High whose possessions are heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High who had delivered your enemy into your hand and has given him a tenth of everything." (The Aramaic Bible, The Targum Onqelos Translated with a Critical ... Apart from the Dead Sea Scrolls, Targum Onqelos is the earliest Jewish commentary extant and notice it DOES NOT DIRECTLY connect Shem with Melchizedek as later Targum do. i. However, the Hebrew word "ministered" is not in ANY bible manuscript but is a Jewish commentary (Targum) on the role of Melchizedek connecting him with the Aaronic priesthood. The use of this special Hebrew word was calculated to directly associate Melchizedek with the Levitical priesthood conferred upon Abraham. 1. "the woven garments as well, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the ... ...
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464: The Incarnation of God, the Son: Jesus Christ
... Image of God (Character) Jesus before incarnation Holy Jesus on earth Holy Jesus after ascension Holy Non-Christian man Sinful Christian man Sinful, forgiven Christians in heaven Holy PRESS THE EASY BUTTON I. Four views of the Incarnation of Christ 1. Bible truth: The Semi-Kenotic view of the Incarnation: "Semi Kenotic view" is ... It is in this distinctive form of the Godhead that Paul says he was equal with God." (Maurice Barnett 1990, The deity of Christ, p54-55) c. "existing in the form of God, the word God is talking about God as He is in heaven. We are not talking about a God who has no substance to him and is hence just an apparition, an outward vision, a ... And so when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments, and reclined at the table again, Therefore also God highly exalted Him He said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you? 13 "You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. 14 "If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to ... ...
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465: 50 ways Harold Camping's pre-tribulation Rapture contridicts ...
... Does the picture presented here allow a thousand years between? In no way. But the Premillennial view separates the judgments by one thousand years. The Premillennialist counters by saying that Matthew 25 refers only to Gentiles and not Jews, therefore there is not one judgment. But Jesus made the gospel for all nations. "Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the ... And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshipped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand; and they lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand years. The rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years should be finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, ... ...
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466: JESUS: The God Who Forgives
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." When Jesus hung on the cross, He being God, showed the perfect example in the attitude we must have in forgiving others. He said, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Lk 23:34. We take for granted how easily God forgives us while we will not forgive others who sin against us. Yet we are to forgive in the same manner that God forgave us. Stephen was stoned to death only because he was a Christian. His dying words were, "Lord do not hold this sin against them." Acts 7:60. In the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:21-35) A king forgave a servants debt of $10 ... She dredged up every mistake I have made in the past 20 years of our marriage and threw them at me in one big lump." You see forgiveness means forgetness! Not that you cannot remember, just that you don't call them to mind. Some husbands say nothing when their wife wrongs them. They just mutter under their ... ...
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467: Biblical Age of the Earth is under 10,000 years old
... Excludes pre-Adamic race. 2. I Cor.15:21-22; No death before Adam, Gen.1:30; Deut.14:21-22. 3. If death before Fall, Adam & Eve already destined to die. Return to dust anyway. Curse is meaningless. Kill and be killed, decay, cancers, all designed by God. C. In Six Days: H.&E. Created; "He spoke..."; First man D. Scripture ... Personal Letter, 4/23/84 b) Marcus Dods, evolutionist and Hebrew scholar: "If the word 'day' in this chapter does not mean the period of 24 hours, the interpretation of Scripture is hopeless." THE BOOK OF GENESIS, p.4. c) Cf. Cartoon: Stop sign. 7. Science of botany proves "day" is day: Implies millions of years of darkness followed by millions ... If scale is arm span, man is swipe of fingernail file. a) Implications are obvious. (1) Stephen J. Gould: "We cannot bear the central implication of this brave new world. If humanity arose just yesterday as a small twig on one branch of a flourishing tree, then life may not, in any genuine sense, exist for us or because of ... ...
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468: The Hermeneutics of the Bible and United States History!
Able: "God said an Animal sacrifice" Cain: "God never said not to use the fruit of the ground" John 4:20 Jews: "God said Jerusalem was holy" Samaritans: "God never said this mountain was not holy" Mark 7:4 Washing of sacrifices was commanded Pharisees: "God never said not to require washing of cups" Acts 15:1,5 Christians: "God said Baptism was essential to salvation" ... II. The Same Problem Exists Today: A. The problem back then regarding how the Constitution was to be viewed is the same problem which exist today regarding the Word of God. 1. Actually, this is the very heart of the matter regarding the differences between religious people today. 2. In other words, shall we be "strict constructionists" holding only to what's written, or will we be "loose constructionists" at liberty to do anything not mentioned? B. Consider how the Hebrew writer approached this issue. Heb. 7:14 1. Since Moses spoke nothing concerning anyone from the tribe of Judah being a priest, Jesus could not have been ... ...
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469: Christians Should Be Different!
Let's examine, briefly, a few Christian attitudes and actions typical in every aspect. In matters of religion Christians hear neither inner voices of instruction, nor the teachings of men; they listen well, however, to the voice of God, the Holy Bible. I Cor. 2:12, 13 teaches: "Now we have received, not the spirit of the ... I Cor. 10:23-33. 3. Will this activity place me under evil influences? I Cor. 6:19,20. 4. Will my doing this activity conflict with Christian duty? Christians must put God and His kingdom first. Matthew 6:33. 5. Will my doing this activity arouse in me indecent responses? Books, magazines, and movies that create indecent desires are contrary to ... But, compared to the many who claim to be the Lord's, these are few. Truly materialism is a great weakness among the Lord's people today. Christians are different because they live by the word of God. Thus, they are free of much of the envy, strife, and worry common to worldly people. Yet, even the best of Christianity ... ...
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470: Three 3 Promises to Abraham fulfilled
... Saul and Abraham: 1 SAM 15:28 What was said What happened Saul torn the kingdom from you today taken from descendants, not Saul Abraham Give you land this day Given to descendants, not Abraham Must God raise Saul from dead and give him the kingdom again at some future time only to take it from him and give it to David to fulfill the statement? Same true about Abraham? IV. The "river of Egypt" In Gen 15:18 is not the Nile but is the Wadi Arish A. Usage of Hebrew word for river in OT: Gen 15:18 uses: Heb "Nahar" (Strongs 5104) 1. Heb "Nahar" (Strongs 5104) of 98 uses and never refers to Nile except in Gen 15:18? 2. Heb: ... And Thou hast fulfilled Thy promise, for Thou art righteous. 14. Ps 105:42-44 For He remembered His holy word with Abraham His servant; And He brought forth His people with joy, His chosen ones with a joyful shout. He gave them also the lands of the nations, that they might take possession of the fruit of the peoples' labor, 15. Jer 11:5 in order to confirm the oath ... ...
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471: What do Jw's believe, but won't tell the general public
We speak the truth in Love... Click to View Their official list of doctrines: 16 Truths that Jw's teach 14 apostate and anti-Biblical false doctrines that Jw's teach Bible is God's Word and is truth Bible is more reliable than tradition God's name is Jehovah Christ's human life was paid as a ransom for obedient ... The Watchtower Society and its followers are all prophets of God today and the Governing Body is directed by angels from God. The Watchtower and Awake magazines originate with and are treated as equal to the Bible. They deny the that God consists of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They deny the deity of Christ (Arian view) Jesus is a created being ... Their light gets "brighter and brighter", allowing for many changes and "about faces" on their doctrines. Yesterday's error is today's "truth". Often the "light" bounces back and forth from old to new views and back again! (Might we call this discarded truth... "black Light"?) Blood transfusions are rejected and if a ... ...
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472: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Tabernacle/Temple Messianic ...
... For the Law appoints men as high priests who are weak, but the word of the oath, which came after the Law, appoints a Son, made perfect forever." (Hebrews 7:26-28) b. "For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; nor was it that He would offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the holy place year by year with blood that is not his own. Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by ... And the man was speechless." (Matthew 22:11-12) 12. Altar of burnt offering animal sacrifices are replaced by Christian Self-sacrifice and moral living: a. ""You shall offer up in smoke the whole ram on the altar; it is a burnt offering to the Lord: it is a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord." (Exodus 29:18) b. "'Its entrails, however, and its legs he shall wash ... ...
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473: The Exodus Route: Red Sea Crossing
... B. The Bible says the Red Sea is the Gulf of Aqaba. The gulf of Aqaba is called the Red Sea and is what the average Hebrew thought of when referring to the Red Sea: Ex 23:31; Num 21:4; Deut 2:1; Judges 11:16; 1 Kings 9:26. The gulf of Suez is called the Red Sea only ... The same word is used of both freshwater bulrushes: Ex 2:3,5; Isa 19:6 and saltwater ocean plants: Jonah 2:5. So for those not content to call it just the Red Sea, they should be consistent and call it: "sea of plants" "Sea of weeds". Calling it "Sea of Reeds" creates a bias towards a freshwater body and causes us to rule out the Gulf of Aqaba. Likewise calling the Red Sea "Sea of Seaweed" biases towards a saltwater body. Although the Gulf of Aqaba is the Red sea, we feel it best to just stick with what the Bible called it. The correct name therefore is "Red Sea". Let us forever cease from calling it "The Sea of Reeds". C. Deep enough to create a wall of water: Type of Baptism. The Bible says that God blew the water ... ...
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474: Early Christians always met on the First day (Sunday) and never ...
... Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath not to (do) any wicked deeds, never to commit any fraud, theft, or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of good food-but ... Assuredly they shall receive the holy inheritance of God. (Dialogue With Trypho the Jew, 150-165 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, page 207) 150AD JUSTIN: But if we do not admit this, we shall be liable to fall into foolish opinion, as if it were not the same God who existed in the times of Enoch and all the rest, who neither were circumcised ... On one day, the first of the week, we assemble ourselves together (On Fate) 200AD TERTULLIAN: "We solemnize the day after Saturday in contradistinction to those who call this day their Sabbath" (Tertullian's Apology, Ch 16) 200AD TERTULLIAN: It follows, accordingly, that, in so far as the abolition of carnal circumcision and ... ...
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475: Study resources for the Old and New Testament Canon
Study resources for the Old and New Testament Canon A conservative, bible believing perspective! God's providence gave us the 27 book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This providence does not mean that church ... From: Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate, Appendix A, B, p 580-584, 2002 Appendix A: Primary Sources for the Study of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible Canon By Lee Martin McDonald The following ancient sources are those ... See also the context in Sir 44:1-50:25, the "praise of famous men." Is the focus in this passage on sacred literature or holy men? Prologue to Sirach: three groupings of sacred literature. The third group is imprecise, and none of the literature ... Origen's awareness of NT literature (Comm. Matt. 15.3, which shows a Marcionite use of Matthew, and Hom. Jes. Nav. 7; and see also Princ.). Discussion of scripture, tradition, and authority in the church (Clement of Alexandria, Strom. 1.20, on the ... ...
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476: Official creed of Assemblies of God
... With the baptism in the Holy Ghost come such experiences as an overflowing fullness of the Spirit (John 7: 37-39; Acts 4:8), a deepened reverence for God (Acts 2:43; Heb. 12: 28), an intensified consecration to God and dedication to His work (Acts 2:42), and a more active love for Christ, for His Word and for the lost (Mark 16:20). 8. The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost The baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is witnessed by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives them utterance (Acts 2:4). The speaking in ... Since God's purpose concerning man is to seek and to save that which is lost, to be worshiped by man, and to build a body of believers in the image of His Son, the priority reason-for-being of the Assemblies of God as part of the Church is: a. To be an agency of God for evangelizing the world (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16) b. To be a corporate body in which man may worship God (1 Cor. 12:13). ... ...
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477: Lesson 10: Attendance Of Worship
... We should look forward to attending and worshipping God, otherwise how will we be able to enjoy worshipping God in heaven? Going to heaven must be the number one priority in our life. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." I want to "seek first the kingdom of God" by not allowing anything to hinder me from meeting with the saints and the Lord, don't you? We don't want to miss the greatest gift God will ever give which is our home in heaven. We are told in 2 Peter 1:10, "Therefore, brethern, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure." We need to ask ourselves, is my calling and election ... Are we rejecting the Lord's invitation of our regular attendance at His worship service in His church? Are we rejecting His invitation of partaking of His supper, "the Lord's Supper", and of feasting on His word which provides us with the spiritual food we desperately need? If we reject our Lord's ... ...
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478: The 10 commandments are Abolished Today
the Bible that come right out and call the 10 commandments "decrees... you know the equivalent word used in Col 2:14 and Eph 2:15. Click to View The 10 commandments and the Sabbath were given ONLY to Jews, but Sabbatarians falsely state that the ten commandments are for all mankind from Adam to the second coming. Click to View Click to View Ten commandments are the first/old covenant that was abolished at the cross. The logic is irrefutable: 1. The Ten commandments are the Old Covenant: Ex 34:27-28 2. The Old Covenant was abolished: Heb 8:13 3. The Ten Commandments are therefore abolished! Click to View Sabbath Keepers always misquote Matthew 5:17 as a proof text, that the ... The primary mistake they make is creating a false distinction between "The 10 Commandments" and "The Ceremonial Law". This distinction is foreign to the Bible! This Sabbatarian chart is refuted 10 Commandments The Ceremonial Law God's law The Law of God The Ten Commandments Written by God Stone tablets Moral law ... ...
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479: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
... figures as "ho Theos", that is, the Supreme God. (In the article " Does the New Testament Call Jesus God? ", Expository Times, lxxiii, No. 4 (January 1962). p. 118.) Now obviously the very few New Testament passages-possibly only one-which without question call Jesus " God " outright do not exhaust the linguistic evidence. ... To these first Christians, Jesus bore God's image, was in the form of God, the effulgence of God's glory, the stamp of God's very being. He had been raised far above all angels, was the firstborn of all creation, the alpha and omega, a heavenly high priest, the man from heaven, the wisdom of God, God's Logos (or Word) which was with God at the ... The order of service had been given me, but not the title of the anthem. The door opened a little, the organist put his face around it, looked only at me and simply said, " Come, Holy Ghost I " When I replied that it was not yet the hour for worship the gravity of the deacons collapsed I Thus by means of a digression into ... ...
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480: Hybrid-Universalism refuted: literal hell will come to an end ...
... But as we will see, this is not true. The word olam is used in Hab 3:6 for the identical period of time. Universalists argue that olam is first applied to "non eternal created things like a mountain" and "eternal God". For them, this is a clear way of answering the challenge to find a single verse that uses olam for two different periods of time. They reason that Hab 3:6 sets a precedent for explaining why Dan 12:2 and Mt 25:46 cannot be used against them as proof that the duration of heaven and hell are identical. D. Hab 3:6 uses olam for the identical period of time: Two different Hebrew words were applied to the mountains that will be destroyed: ad and olam. Then olam is applied to God. ... Matthew 7:13-14 The doctrine of limited duration of hell has no scriptural foundation and is wholly based upon the human reasoning that "a loving God wouldn't do it". Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians are not Universalists, but they all reject hell based on this human reasoning, not what the ... ...
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481: Seventh-day Adventist view Ellen G. White as an inspired prophet
... "At this time (20th century) the special endowment of the divine grace and power is not less needful to the church than in the apostolic day. Through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, the scenes of the long-continued conflict between good and evil have been opened to the writer of these pages. From time to time I have been permitted to behold the working, in different ages, of the great controversy between Christ ... and satan." p. 13 "As the Spirit of God has opened my mind the great truths of His word, and the scenes of the past and the future, I have been bidden to make known to others that which has thus been revealed" p. 14 Click to View In ... Why.? Because SHE HAD THE SAME GIFT THAT Daniel HAD..." -- Stanley Harris, cassette tape "Greatest Prophet Since John", from God's Last Call, tape #811, SDA pastor. RAYMOND COTTRELL: "ELLEN WHITE REINTERPRETS DANIEL for our time. And because I fully believe and am convinced that God spoke to and through Ellen White, I accept her writings ... ...
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482: Boer, Harry R.: A Short History of the Early Church
... There he is presented as the Savior of mankind, the head of the church, and as Lord, fully divine and fully human. The early church accepted him as a man, and confessed and worshiped him as God. It placed him on the same level as the Father and the Holy Spirit. It did this naturally and without any feeling of contradiction. The ... In this chapter we are concerned with the first group of questions. VARIOUS ANSWERS: The matter is put quite clearly in the first chapter of the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things. were made through him, and without him was not ... The Son (or Logos) had a beginning; God created the Logos in order that he might create the world. Since the Logos was the first and highest of all created beings, Arius was willing to call the Logos God. But this was only a manner of speaking. The Logos was a creature. And God himself could not create the material world; ... ...
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483: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Abba ...
... This became a point of conflict between John and his loving dad. A few months later, John took his father to a meeting with his new church and went forward at the "altar call". His father showed openly that he did not approve of this. John's father began to exert pressure on him to quit his new Bible believing church and come back to the ... as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: "Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, And he who believes in Him will not be disappointed." This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "The stone which the builders rejected, This became the very corner stone," and, "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed." 1 Peter 2:4-8 John felt like this Bible verse literally pierce his heart. ... ...
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484: Biblical Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
... JW's have not comprehended that if they had the Governing Body themselves sit down and explain their view of God to the Hindu's (Father-true God, Son-a god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God), that the Hindus would immediately label JW's as polytheists! Stated differently, from the perspective of Hindus, there ... Just as the lesser Babylonian gods called Anu as their "Father", so too JW's believe that Jehovah is called "Father" by Jesus. But it gets worse for JW's! Just as the Babylonians view Anu the supreme God over lesser gods. JW's view Jehovah as the supreme God who over all other lesser Gods. JW's call angels, Jesus, Devil, men all "lesser gods". Just as the ... Pagan God as a Father, King of the Land, Lord of all, Divine family with God's Son, God's begotten Son, incarnation, atonement, sacrifice, new birth, sin, divine word, angels, demons, washings Noah Flood story In the past century, scholars have found four major early records which preserve accounts similar to the ... ...
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485: Angels commanded to worship Jesus Christ in Deut 32:43: Textual ...
Heb 1:8 was primarily quoting Deut 32:43 not Ps 97:7. Deut 32:43; Ps 97:7 and Heb 1:6 Single Textual Variants in the Bible "Scripture cannot be broken" (Jesus, John 10:35) "My word will accomplish what I desire and succeed in the purpose for which I ... Deut 32:43 is a messianic "last days prophecy" which uses the exactly same Hebrew phrase "in the last days" as found in Daniel 10:14. The Christians after 70 AD would clearly see the destruction of Jerusalem as a direct fulfillment of the passage ... When the Holy Spirit assigned the worship of YHWH in Deut 32:43 to Jesus in Heb 1:6, it would greatly infuriate the Jews who did not convert to Christianity. Notice that Justin Martyr directly quotes Deut 32:43 in 150 AD to a Rabbinical Jew named ... All the literary and archeological sources contained the key phrase up to the time of Justin in 150 AD. The Septuagint therefore preserves the correct reading and the Masoretic reflects a theologically motivated alteration of the word of God to break ... ...
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486: Coins of Hezekiah Persian Governor of Judea: 350-333BC
A similar appellation is also known from a Babylonian chronicle from the seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar' s reign: al Ia-a-khu-du = the city of Judah (599 B.c.E.).26 Moreover, it is evident that the Persian satrapy of Samaria was call "S'MRYN," as was the city Samaria. A clear expression of this is to be found in a ... This coin features the word "Hezekiah" AND "governor" in a Hebrew script. c. "The term pehah (satrap) as the title of the governor of a province is well known from the Persian period. Zerubbabel was the first pehah of Judah in this period (Haggai 2:21), and even the Persian governor of the entire satrapy on the western side of the Euphrates was called "the ... This is one of those times when archeological information from outside the Bible helps us fill in gaps of information. The Bible is all-sufficient for everything we need for life and godliness. "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted ... ...
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487: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
Word and another paper called Present Truth (issued between July 1849 and November 1850) were to go through some stages of revision that would cause misgivings in the years to come. 3 It is only fair to hasten to explain that all this rearranging of history and theology was new to Ellen. Since God did not give her much material to work with, that might help explain some of the mix-up. In fact, it would seem at times that even God got mixed up, for she was to let others know that God had shown her that "His hand was over and hid a mistake in some of the figures" of an 1843 error. 4 Likewise she had been shown that "the time for Jesus to be in the most holy place was nearly finished and that time can last but a very little longer." 5 Even the ... I am just as dependent upon the Spirit of the Lord in relating or writing a vision, as in having the vision. It is impossible for me to call up things which have been shown me unless the Lord brings them before me at the time that he is pleased to ... ...
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488: Trinity proof texts: Mark 2:7
... The important points are the plural ('any' is plural in the Gk.; it points to categories, not individuals), and the perfect tense rendered 'are forgiven' (it means 'have been forgiven', not 'will be forgiven'). The meaning of the passage then seems to be that as they are inspired by the Holy Spirit (v. 22) the followers of Jesus ... himself; and whom you cast out of communion as impenitent, and obstinate in scandalous and infectious sins, shall be bound over to the righteous judgment of God.'' (Matthew Henry, John 20:21) W. E. Vine aphieµmi (ajfivhmi , (863)), to send away (akin to A, No. 1), is translated to remit in John 20:23 (twice), A.V. (R.V., to forgive). ... Catholic tradition (DB 920; DS 1710) has rightly seen in this act the origin of the Sacrament of Penance, even though it is equally true that the Church's power over sin is also exercised in baptism and the preaching of the redemptive word." (Jerome Biblical Commentary, Catholic, John 20:21) Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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489: Book of Balaam Son of Beor Inscription at Tell Deir Alla, Succoth ...
... It has been argued that, indeed, the inscriptions speak for Gileadite Israelites who worshipped El, a regional deity." (Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World, Context of Scripture, William W. Hallo, volume II, 2.27, 2000 AD) e. The overall story of a lower pagan god (goddess Shagar/ ... The text continues with descriptions of the netherworld reminiscent of Isaiah, chapter 14, the biblical oracle of Sheol. The word Sheol (šʾl) may actually occur in the text. We read that the corpse moans in the nether world. The unusual word used to designate a corpse, nqr, is known from Isa 14:19 in its Hebrew form, nēṣer. Alongside the depiction of the half-existence of ... in his own tomb. "But you have been cast out of your tomb Like a rejected branch, Clothed with the slain who are pierced with a sword, Who go down to the stones of the pit Like a trampled corpse. "You will not be united with them in burial, Because you have ruined your country, You have slain your people. ... ...
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490: pre-earthquakes-history-data
TV evangelists, like Jack Van Impe, are false teachers when they misuse the obviously fulfilled signs of Matthew 24 to predict the coming rapture! 6. So enjoy this file! Buy the book either from the bookstore or directly from the authors as listed below! So next time you hear ... To be able to assess accurately the claims of the Watch Tower Society, we must first seek an answer to these questions. Recording earthquake activity The Greek word for "shaking" and (when it applies to the earth) "earthquake" is seismós. The science of earthquakes, therefore, is called seismology. Seismology is a very young branch of science. "Not . . . until the early 1850s did the first true seismologist, as we would recognize the term, ... If we were to believe a recent claim by the Worldwide Church of God, an increasingly vocal organization proclaiming the speedy end of the age, the answer would be 'Yes.' On page 7 of the April, 1986, issue of its monthly The Good News of the World Tomorrow, Norman L. Shoaf, a ... ...
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491: The wilderness of Paran: The Great and Terrible wilderness from ...
... "For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched and to a blazing fire, and to darkness and gloom and whirlwind, and to the blast of a trumpet and the sound of words which sound was such that those who heard begged that no further word be spoken to them. For they could not bear the command, "If even a beast touches the ... in the recesses of the north. 'I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'" Isaiah 14:13-14 "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, In the city of our God, His holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, Is Mount Zion in the far north, The city of the great King." ... Jeremiah 50:3 4. Judgement on Philistia from the North: ""Wail, O gate; cry, O city; Melt away, O Philistia, all of you; For smoke comes from the north, And there is no straggler in his ranks." Isaiah 14:31 5. "I have aroused one from the north, and he has come; From the rising of the sun he will call on My name; And he will ... ...
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492: Eph 2:15 proves the 10 commandments are abolished!
Click to View Ezekiel 20:19-21 The weekly Sabbath is called "My statures and all My ordinances" Click to View Mal 4:4 Book closes with a call to keep "statutes and ordinances" which obviously include the 10 commandments because it would be ... Click to View Lev 23 The Weekly Sabbath is lumped in with all the yearly Sabbaths without distinction and they are all called "The Lord's appointed times" and "holy convocations". Click to View Ezek 20 calls the first and fourth commandment, "My statutes and My ordinances" Click to View Neh 8 uses interchangeably without distinction, the following terms: "the book of the law of Moses", "the law", "the book of the law", "the law of God", "book of the law of God" and includes Longer more detailed ... Ceremonial law Ceremonial law 10 commandments 10 commandments 10 commandments 10 commandments 10 commandments 10 commandments C. Greek word study "by abolishing [Strongs #2673] in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ... ...
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493: What is Bible Repentance?
What is Bible Repentance? Repentance is the act of changing one's mind. Webster defines the word as "to feel sorry for or reproachful for what one has done or has not done". Webster also gives the definition as to feel such regret and dissatisfaction ... idols to serve the one true God, First Thessalonians, Chapter 1, verse 9. Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthians and included a scathing denunciation of their sinful deeds. However, part of the second letter to them was written commending them for turning from their vile way of living. A certain man had two sons, and he said unto one, "Go work today in my vineyard", and he answered, 'I will not': but afterward he repented and went". This story is told in Matthew Chapter 21, verses 28 and ... In Acts Chapter 8, the story is told of a man who obeyed the gospel, he was baptized, but later for the love of gold and popularity, he wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit. At this time it seems apparent that Simon's heart was not sincere and ... ...
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494: Psychiatry's rejection of absolute right and wrong (moralizing ...
He threatens that she will never be released from treatment until she does away with her moral values. Listen to the following excerpts: "Your problem actually is the fact that you have a lot of what I call "shoulds," "oughts," and "musts." ... The main issue-as I said before-in my estimation, is that you set up a lot of ... 2:21 "Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. " Hebrews 13:7 "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you. " Hebrews 13:17 "Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me. " 1 Corinthians 4:16 "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ. " 1 Corinthians 11:1 "You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, " 1 Thessalonians 1:6 Christians are ... ...
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495: How Does the Devil Control Human Life?
Paul was well aware of such an influence when he wrote of the "law in (his) members, warring against the law of (his) mind" Romans 7:23. We are at war with the most formidable foe imaginable. His mission is to destroy our faith in God. Satan is not some ... Both Christ and Paul were so aware of his influence that their teaching is filled with warnings and dangers for those who try to live godly lives (Matthew 24:24; II Corinthians 11:13-15; II Thessalonians 2:7-11; Galatians 1:8). "The devil has a file on you." He knows your name and shudders every time you confess Christ. He wants to destroy your desire to live a holy life. In short, he wants you to worship him. You may recoil at the spectacle of an organized "Church of ... all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" Ephesians 6:13-17. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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496: Prayer: sermon
... A. Who has the right to pray? 1. God will answer the prayers of: a) His children: Mt 6:6; 26:39,42; 7:7-11 b) The righteous: Prov 15:29; 1 Pe 3:12 c) The obedient: Jn 15:7; 1 Jn 3:21-22 d) Holy men: 1 Ti 2:8 (characterized by godly living) e) Devout persons who are seeking God: Acts 10:2,30-31 f) Those who turn ... the Word; as I am busy with the little children, I ask God to make me become as a child; and so on, all day. Everything I do furnishes me with a thought for prayer." "Enough, enough", cried the old minister, "these things are revealed to babes and his from the wise and prudent. Go on , Mary, pray without ceasing. May we all do the same!" No Time For Prayer: I woke up late, no time to pray, I hurried off to school. I failed to take advantage of this important tool. Throughout the day I ran about, I had no time to kneel. When dinner came, I failed again, to thank God for my meal. When day was done, I went to bed, to get the rest I needed. But once again the Bible's call for ... ...
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497: Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted: Galatians 4:14
... Evangelicals are not reticent to confess that God the Father sent Jesus into the world, and are even comfortable in the proper context and meaning to use the title "angel" with reference to Jesus. In the functional sense of "messenger," we certainly agree that Jesus can be called ANNGELOS. However, we must not equivocate from that truth and then argue that this warrants referring to Jesus as an "angel" in the ontological sense of a created spirit being. The Bible never applies the word ANNGELOS to Jesus with that meaning, and differentiates Jesus from the ANNGELOS, notably in Hebrews 1-2. And the Bible isn't applying the word ANNGELOS to Jesus at all in Galatians 4:14. (Rob Bowman) Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian faulty argument #1 By way of Hebrew Parallelism, where the same thing is repeated twice in different ways for emphasis, "Jesus" is the "angel of God". That Jesus is outright called an angel in this passage is clearly seen in the phrase: "you received me as [Gr: ... ...
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498: The Levitical Priesthood
... When they had gone up into the Negev, they came to Hebron where Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of Anak were. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) Then they came to the valley of Eshcol and from there cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole between two men, with some of the pomegranates and the figs. That place was called the valley ... So the priests and the Levites consecrated themselves to bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel. The sons of the Levites carried the ark of God on their shoulders with the poles thereon, as Moses had commanded according to the word of the LORD." (1 Chronicles 15:1-15) c. The Kohathites got no carts but had to carry all the holy objects of furniture on poles and carrying bars: 1. The Kohathites did not get any carts like the Gershonites and the Merarites because they were exclusively entrusted with these holy items. 2. "Two carts and four oxen he gave to the sons of Gershon, ... ...
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499: 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Weekly giving on Sundays
... Sabbatarians have no basis for taking a collection on the Sabbath, it violates the Bible pattern. E. The phrase: "EVERY 1st day" in 1 Cor 16:2 is in the Greek: The Greek word "KATA" is the same in both 1 Cor 16:2 and Acts 14:23. Greek authorities agree that 1 Cor 16:2 says, "every week". 1 Cor 16:2 "first day of every [KATA] ... But ask yourself, don't Sabbatarians make a collection every Sabbath into a common treasury EXACTLY LIKE 1 Cor 16:1-2 really says? (or at least sounds like it says) Yes! Don't Sabbatarians wish to God the Holy Spirit had said, "Every Sabbath" rather than "Every 1st day" They would quote the passage in their assemblies like we do for ... The Jewish law of Tithing is forbidden in 2 Cor 9, yet Sabbatarians practice tithing from "the ceremonial law of Moses". The Jewish law against eating pork was abolished by Christ, yet Sabbatarians continue to enforce what they call, "the ceremonial law of Moses": Mk 7:18-19; 1 Tim 4:1-4; Rom 14:2; Acts 10:9-16 The Jewish ... ...
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500: The original 1830 Edition, Book of Mormon had 1000's of errors ...
... written in the Hebrew, behold, ye would have had none imperfection in our record. But the Lord knoweth the things which we have written, and also that none other people knoweth our language; and because that none other people knoweth our language, therefore he hath prepared means for the interpretation thereof." [Mormon 9:31-34] On page 564 of the first edition of the Book of Mormon we read as follows: "And I said unto him, Lord, the Gentiles will mock at these things, because of our weakness in writing: for Lord, thou hast made us mighty in word by faith, whereunto thou hast not made us mighty in writing: for thou hast made all this people that they could speak much, because of the Holy Ghost which thou ... One character at a time would appear, and under it was the interpretation in English." (An Address to All Believers in Christ, by David Whitmer, 1887, page 12) Martin Harris (another of the three witnesses) claimed that Joseph Smith received the translation directly from God, and that ... ...
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