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1: Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted!
Unitarians refuted verse by verse Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted! Click to View There are only three categories of misused proof texts: Texts that exclude Jesus from Deity. Texts that teach Jesus is a creature. Texts that claim the Holy Spirit is a thing not a person. Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted: 1. Texts that Anti-Trinitarians use to wrongly exclude Jesus from Deity John 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3 is to a Jehovah's Witness, what John 3:16 is to a Christian! 2. Texts that Anti-Trinitarians use to wrongly teach Jesus is a creature John 8:42 "I proceeded forth and have come from God" Arians argue that "proceeded forth" indicates a creation point and origin of Jesus as a creature. 3. Texts that Anti-Trinitarians use to wrongly teach Jesus is an angel Gal 4:14 "you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself." Arians argue that the text says that angel of God is ... ...
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2: Trinity proof texts: John 17:3
Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted Click to View John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. (John 17:3 represents the primary proof text that Anti-trinitarians use to teach Jesus is a creature and trash the trinity. John 17:3 is to a Jehovah's Witness, what John 3:16 is to a Christian!) What John 17:3 is saying: While Jesus walked the earth, he took off the outward robes of deity and ... Arians do not understand the difference between Trinity and Modalism. Modalists wrongly teach that Jesus is the same person as the Father. So such an argument is worthless and misplaced when arguing against trinity. Jehovah's Witnesses constantly apply anti-Modalist ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian faulty argument #1 Jehovah's Witnesses falsely argue that the Father is the top God, prime/source saviour and top king and Jesus is merely secondary as a derived god, saviour and king second to the Father. They appeal to the ... ...
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3: Trinity proof texts: John 10:30-33
... the Father is identical to the oneness that believers have with Christ, are you willing to insert your personal name in John 10:30? In John 14:9? In John 5:23? In John 16:15? Look up each verse and read it aloud! ... of Ps 82 performed no miracles like Jesus was which implies He had a more valid claim to be called God then they! ... and corrupted scripture. ("a straw epistle"): Both felt the texts contradicted true doctrine. Luther could not reconcile James 2:24 because he wrongly rejected water baptism as essential to salvation. ... So the Arian view that Jesus is a creature sent from God like Moses, one of the prophets or even an angel, is ... Three interpretations of what the passage is saying: I. The Correct Trinitarian paraphrase/interpretation: "When I ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Rebuttal #1 by Anti-Trinitarian Modalists (United Pentecostal Church, UPCI) When Jesus ... Anti-Trinitarian Modalist rebuttal refuted The word for "one" is the Greek word "Hen". It is used of both ... ...
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4: Trinity proof texts: Philippians 2:5-8
Trinity Proof Texts: Phil 2:6 Jesus is not a creature Click to View Philippians 2:5-11 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, ... On the first day of the week, by Jesus' own divine power, along with the Father and Holy Spirit, Jesus raised himself up from the dead. (Acts 2:32; John 2:19; Rom 1:4). The ... This is irrefutable logic, that no amount of Arian bias can overcome. The text simply makes no sense as the Anti-Trinitarians interpret it. When our line of reasoning that ... He did not "empty"; He "took on" the form of a man -- i.e., was fully God and fully man -- God manifest in the flesh. Anderson, G. W., Trinitarian Bible Society, Quarterly ... There is perhaps an intended contrast with Adam in Gn. 3 as the temptation to which he fell was wrongly to seize what he thought would make him 'like God'. · 7-8 So he ... ...
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5: Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted: Galatians 4:14
Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted Click to View Galatians 4:13-14 "you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time; 14 and that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself." Click to View False Arian argument stated: The two expressions "angel of God" ... Of course functioning as MESSENGER does not make one an "ontological literal spirit creature" known as an ANGEL. Here is an interesting note, Jehovah's Witnesses who believe Jesus was created as an ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian faulty argument #1 By way of Hebrew Parallelism, where the same thing is repeated twice in different ways for emphasis, "Jesus" is the "angel of God". ... Anti-Trinitarian argument #3 refuted If Jesus merely functioned as a "messenger" the word SENT in the gospel of John is more powerful than Gal 4:14. Anti-Trinitarian faulty argument #4 Gal 4:14 ... ...
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6: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
... drew heavily from Jeremiah and to a lesser degree Daniel, Zechariah, Isaiah, and a handful of specific messianic texts and the synoptics. ... Jews were the one's who wrongly connected this with Rome, especially in light of the first Jewish war that broke out in AD 66. a. ... opens in 49 BC: Dan 2:39; 7:5 "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and ... state of expectation and all were wondering in their hearts about John, as to whether he was the Christ," (Luke 3:15) d. "Jesus said, "The time is fulfilled, and the ... In AD 325, Eusebius names Domitian as the tyrant then quotes Clement's statement as proof Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 3.23. c. Nero as ... Written in affective and very moving style, the letter offers a brutal portrait of an anti-Christian uprising in Gaul (perhaps in the ... had greatly influenced many to deny the eternal preexistence of Creator God Jesus Christ and made the suffering savour into a creature. ... ...
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7: Trinity proof texts: Mark 2:7
Trinity Proof Texts Mark 2:5-12 And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, "My son, your sins are forgiven." But there were some of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, "Why does this man ... The Jews statement that "only God can forgive sins", is just as wrong as the Devil's statement to Eve, "you shall surely not die". Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted True, but an absolutely unacceptable suggestion! ... Only God can forgive sin! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #2 The apostles could forgive sins just like Christ, does that make the Apostles God? John 20:23 "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have [already] been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have [already] been retained." Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted If Jesus was merely forgiving sins like men forgive sins, they would not have called Jesus a blasphemer, for the Old Testament commanded men to forgive each other. Jehovah's Witnesses are always deifying the creature by ascribing solely ... ...
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8: Trinity proof texts: John 8:58
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View John 8:56-59 "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." The ... The fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are so opposed to translating it "I am" is proof that they know, deep down in their hearts, ... Fathers was that this was Jesus talking to Abraham, in Genesis 18. In this story, Abraham meets God and the two angels. ... Click to View Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals Jesus Echoes Jehovah! Click to View Another important Document: The reader who has seen an allusion to the exclusive claims of Yahweh [Isa 43:10] in John 8:24 and John 8:28 now knows that such a ... the truth; " and surely none of us is so simple as to suppose that truth did not exist before the time when Christ appeared. ... No where in the Bible is it stated that Jesus "is a creature", "is an angel", "is Michael", is "not God" or had a "beginning ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 refuted Christadelphians must argue that Christ pre-existed merely in "in the mind and purpose ... ...
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9: Trinity proof texts: Micah 5:2-3
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View Micah 5:2-3 But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go ... The Messiah therefore traced his lineage, not from David, but from all past eternity, being like God himself, has always existed and timeless! No ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: The only Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal The expression, "His goings forth are from long ago" actually teaches the messiah was a creature with an "origin", based upon the definition of the Hebrew word, [mowtsa'ah] which Strong #4163 defines as: "origin, place of going out from". The Only Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted below: Hebrew word links and definitions: (Strong numbers ... His going forth [4161 mowtsa'] is as certain as the dawn." Of course, we know God is not a creature, but then neither is Jesus Christ according to ... Such views are easily refuted through a simple study of the incarnation and pre-existence passages of Jesus! For example, John was 6 months older ... ...
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10: Trinity proof texts: John 5:18
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View John 5:8-18 Jesus said to him, "Arise, take up your pallet, and walk." 9 And immediately the man became well, and took up his pallet and began to walk. ... to note that Jesus breaking the sabbath was the first recorded controversy that John records in the single most important chapter in the gospel of John to prove the deity of Christ. ... He defended himself against this false charge." (Jehovah's Witnesses, Watchtower, "Should You Believe in the Trinity?") Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 refuted Jehovah's Witnesses know they are in deep trouble with this verse and resort to tricks. They imply that Jesus did not teach he was equal with God, but the Jews said this as a false charge because they misunderstood what Jesus was actually saying. Problem is that it is John the ... But as it is, Jesus is the only man in the Bible who ever performed miracles on the sabbath. That is because he is equal with God, being divine. Jesus is the creator not a creature. ... ...
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11: Trinity proof texts: Isaiah 45:23-24 = Philippians 2:9-11
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View Isaiah 45:23-24: "I have sworn by Myself, The word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness And will not turn back, That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance. ... Jesus was given his high name, therefore he did not always have this high status and therefore he cannot be God, for God's name is always high. Acts 2:36 says Jesus was made Lord and Christ. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted This silly statement fails to realize that Jesus gave up the "form of God" (outward appearance) and ... Rev 3:9 Isaiah 45:23-24 = Phil 2:9-11 has ALL CREATION bowing down to Jesus. (this also proves Jesus is not a creature) We see ALL CREATION bowing down to both Father and Son in joint worship: Rev 5:11-14. "And every ... Joint co-worship of Father and Jesus Both are co-recipients of worship Heb 1:6; Rev 5:11-14; Matt 14:33; 28:9; John 9:38; Rev 19:10 Both are co-recipients of the kind of "service" that is only allowed to God: Matt 4:10; ... ...
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12: Trinity proof texts: John 1:1
... Following are all the occurrences of THEOS in John 1. [N] indicates the definite article is lacking, [Y] indicates has definite article. This is proof of unscholarly & theologically ... If the NWT followed its own "self invented grammar rules", it would translate the texts at the right as we have done below in the right hand column. The fact they do not, further ... And this fore-ordained plan was with God, and this plan was as inseparable from God as is a thought from the person thinking it - thus the plan was God." v1-2 ... "And Jesus Christ ... The lack of the definite article demands John 1:1 be rendered "a god", showing Jesus is a lesser class of being. (a creature) Some Greek scholars and a tiny number of obscure Bible translations state that "a god" is the proper rendering. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 refuted: Hundreds of pages of highly detailed and lengthy arguments have been written on "what the Greek" says about "a god" in John 1:1. But it has not dawned on Jehovah's Witnesses, ... ...
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13: Trinity: "Plural of Majesty", "pluralis majestaticus", "singular ...
It is clear that these plural references to God in the Old Testament we hidden until fully revealed by Christ and his apostles with the proclamation of the deity ... Queen Elizabeth 1st would not be amused... about they way Anti-Trinitarians twist every plural reference to God as a mere "Royal We". After all, Elizabeth was a ... There are no examples in the either the Old or New Testament of Plural of Majesty. At the end of this document, we refute 5 texts that anti-Trinitarian say contain Plural of ... "And if I am a master [plural adonai], where is My respect? says the Lord of hosts" Mal 1:6 III. Five "Royal We" Biblical Proof Texts refuted: The "plural of Majesty" (royal ... B. "Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony." (John 3:11) The "we" refers to ... But Heb 1:5 proves Jesus cannot be, nor ever has been an angel. Further, in their self contradictory doctrine, they have Jesus the creature, as our co-creator ... ...
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14: The polytheistic "henotheism" of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphi ...
Click to View Jehovah's Witness Henotheistic system of Gods Click to View Henotheism refuted Click to View Roadmap into the mind of a ... for a way to reconcile the fact that Jesus, on one hand, is called "God", yet want to make Jesus into a creature, on the other hand. ... Devil, demon class of god not god false god a god No, YHWH disapproves Idol class of god not god false god a god No, YHWH disapproves I. ... 22:17; 2Chr 7:19,22; 28:25; 34:25; Jer 1:16; Hos 3:1 Abused texts Jehovah's Witnesses (wrongly) say that YHWH confers with other gods for council: Father + ... B. Categorical summary of abused texts used by Jehovah's Witnesses to teach Henotheism: Jesus Christ is God: Jn 1:1; 20:28; Heb 1:6,8 ... Jesus is called THE God with the definite article, in Jn 20:28 and Heb 1:6,8. But it still gets worse again, because 6 other times in John ... This is most profound and sends Jehovah's Witnesses into a tail spin when they try to appeal to this as a proof text that "angels are ... ...
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15: Part1: Pagan Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
Click to View Scroll Down in this frame to view You are in Part 1: Pagan section refuted of the Watchtower's "Should you ... Because Jesus himself said: "Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." So ... If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then Jesus is also excluded from being a Saviour or King. Click link for more. Various Trinitarian concepts exist. But generally the Trinity teaching is that in the Godhead there are three persons, Father, Son, ... Shortly afterwards it appears in its Latin form of trinitas in Tertullian." However, this is no proof in itself that ... The actual standard accepted dates of when the texts were written are consistently 20-50 years earlier! But these writings ... You can view our complete reference page of Anti-Nicene fathers by clicking here. Justin Martyr, who died about 165 C.E., ... Clement of Alexandria, who died about 215 C.E., called Jesus in his prehuman existence "a creature" but called God "the ... ...
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16: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
Click to View Scroll Down in this frame to view You are in Part 1: Pagan section refuted of the Watchtower's "Should you ... Because Jesus himself said: "Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." So ... If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then Jesus is also excluded from being a Saviour or King. Click link for more. Various Trinitarian concepts exist. But generally the Trinity teaching is that in the Godhead there are three persons, Father, Son, ... Shortly afterwards it appears in its Latin form of trinitas in Tertullian." However, this is no proof in itself that ... The actual standard accepted dates of when the texts were written are consistently 20-50 years earlier! But these writings ... You can view our complete reference page of Anti-Nicene fathers by clicking here. Justin Martyr, who died about 165 C.E., ... Clement of Alexandria, who died about 215 C.E., called Jesus in his prehuman existence "a creature" but called God "the ... ...
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17: Part 2: Bible Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
... Rules of grammar dictate the gender of the pronouns. The neuter gender argument against trinity is refuted, click here to view. In case you hadn't noticed, the use of HE in John 14:16 ... What About Trinity "Proof Texts"? Three in One THE New Catholic Encyclopedia offers three such "proof texts" but also admits: "The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught in the O[ld] ... Click here for a detailed look at John 5:18. "Equal With God"? AT PHILIPPIANS 2:6 the Catholic Douay Version (Dy) of 1609 says of Jesus: "Who being in the form of God, thought it not ... To suggest this, violates common sense and the context of humility! The Anti-Trinitarian view gives praise to a creature, for merely staying within the boundaries of who he knew he really was. A servant is not praised as humble because he does not kill his king to take his place. If the humility of Christ, as the text says, is not trying to become equal with God, this is not an act of humility, it is an act of sanity. Jesus, the ... ...
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18: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
... Rules of grammar dictate the gender of the pronouns. The neuter gender argument against trinity is refuted, click here to view. In case you hadn't noticed, the use of HE in John 14:16 ... What About Trinity "Proof Texts"? Three in One THE New Catholic Encyclopedia offers three such "proof texts" but also admits: "The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught in the O[ld] ... Click here for a detailed look at John 5:18. "Equal With God"? AT PHILIPPIANS 2:6 the Catholic Douay Version (Dy) of 1609 says of Jesus: "Who being in the form of God, thought it not ... To suggest this, violates common sense and the context of humility! The Anti-Trinitarian view gives praise to a creature, for merely staying within the boundaries of who he knew he really was. A servant is not praised as humble because he does not kill his king to take his place. If the humility of Christ, as the text says, is not trying to become equal with God, this is not an act of humility, it is an act of sanity. Jesus, the ... ...
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19: Sabbatatrians Refuted and Sabbath keepers Exposed: 2011 AD
... Quoting the tablet's translation, he finds: [The moon] He caused to shine, ruling the night: He set him then as a creature of the Night, ... Today scientists believe they have proof that the magnetic field of the Earth has reversed polarity several times in the past, and some ... The ancient texts of India during the Veda period state the year was 360 days in comments found throughout the Brahmanas. Nowhere is ... kept the lunar Sabbath for hundreds of years after the death of Christ. (See Appendix XI, excerpts from John D. Keyser's paper, "From Sabbath to Saturday.") The Karaite ... The predecessors of the Karaites were called by various names: Karaism has been around since God gave his laws to the Jewish people. At ... Historians have argued over whether Karaism has a direct connection to anti-Rabbinic sects and views, such as those of the Sadducees, ... The claim that Paul only targeted the ceremonial LAW is refuted by this fact. At the same time there is no license to sin because the ... ...
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20: Refuted: Anti-Trinitarians misuse these passages to prove the ...
Click to View Anti-Trinitarians misuse these passages to prove the Holy Spirit is not a person: Refuted! Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted Click to View #1 The Holy Spirit is the personification of God's power. Click to View #2 The Holy Spirit is directly called the power of God in Luke 1:35. Click to View #3 The Holy Spirit is neuter gender in scripture proving it is an "it" not a person. Click to View #4 The Bible calls the Holy Spirit an "it". John 1:32; Rom 8:16,26; 1 Pet 1:11 Click to View #5 The Holy Spirit was poured out, fell upon, filled men. Acts 2:4 Click to View #6 How could the holy spirit fill 120 disciples at the ... "But on the other hand, we find Jesus repeatedly using IMPERSONAL pronouns when referring to God's holy spirit, a most DISRESPECTFUL thing to do if the holy spirit were the third person of a trinity, coequal, & cosubstantial with Jehovah God himself.... But if the holy spirit were the third person of the trinity, equal to God & Christ in glory & honor as ... ...
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21: "Cast Out For The Cross Of Christ" by Albion F. Ballenger, 1909
Click to View Go to Ellen G.White Website Click to View Go to Sabbath Keepers Refuted Website Click to View Order Walter Rea's book: "The ... Ballenger, Albion Fox (1861-1921) was born on a farm near Winslow, Illinois. He was the son of John Fox Ballenger, an SDA minister. He was a ... his views on the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary to a committee at the 1905 General Conference Session and answered their questions. ... This work means substituting human interpretation for the interpretation that God has given. - Thus did the heavenly messengers pronounce upon ... statements as "the Lord has instructed me that he has misapplied texts of Scripture, and given them a wrong application" (MS 145, 31 ... From a child I have been taught to demand a "Thus saith the Lord" in proof of every doctrine, and I have looked forward to the time when the ... At the crucifixion, the typical system of sacrifices was done away by the great Anti-typical Offering." "Sufferings of Christ." p.3. "It is as ... ...
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22: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History of Tongues: 150 AD - 1901 ...
Click to View Go to 20th Century tongues refuted section Go to Start Click to View Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt "You are seeking to ... Most of their prophecies went unfulfilled. They were rabidly anti-Catholic, and advocated the use of armed force against the Catholic ... Some charismatics are troubled about this problem. (Charismatic Chaos, John F. MacArthur, 1991, p. 81) "Origins of Pentecostalism. ... wrote to the church at Smyrna: "Ignatius... to the Church of God the Father, and of the beloved Jesus Christ, which has through mercy obtained every kind of gift, which is ... There are also instances of nearly unintelligible utterances in some Gnostic texts in which Aramaic words or other nom na barbara can be ... This provides not proof of actual tongues! Interesting that tongues was isolated to Montanus until he died! His disciples DID NOT ... accomplish this deliverance God sent upon earth Jesus Christ, who, although very perfect, like the Holy Ghost, is still a mere creature. ... ...
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23: George Salmon's Infallibiliy of the church
... To this end, I have condensed the 500 page original-working from the Second Edition published by John Murray, London, 1890-into a ninety-six ... The Development of Infallibility General Councils The Development of Infallibility The Papacy The Proof texts for the Pope's Supremacy Did Peter ... If Catholicism cannot sustain this claim, all other claims are useless. [45] 1. Roman Catholics assume, as a self-evident truth, that God has ... First, Christ, in establishing a religion on earth to which all the nations of the earth were invited, left some rule or method by which ... from Scripture and revived the theory of some early heretics, refuted by Irenaeus, that the Bible does not contain the whole of God's ... if in these books heretics are called nothing but adversaries and anti-Christs; if we are told to avoid them as perverse and self-condemned, ... that in spite of all his care he had decided wrongly, and had wandered from the true fold out of which there is no salvation. 1397] 2). ... ...
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24: Bulwarks of the Faith Foy E Wallace JR. Refuting Dogmas Catholicism ...
... We hold no fear of the Roman Catholic religion as a religion only; their claims can be refuted and their arguments answered, every salient ... that man 12 BULWARKS OF THE FAITH is a creature of volition with the inherent freedom of choice in the exercise of his own will. ... some in-nocent and guileless brethren, and others neither innocent nor guileless, to gain a vantage ground among churches of Christ. ... The course of their own movement of innovation and di-gression is proof that they have not God-he has not been with them. From one extreme to another they went in ... Truly, "they went out from us" because "they were not of us." And as John continued, "if they had been of us, they would no doubt have ... Conversely, if the Roman Catholic Church is the house of Satan and the pope is Anti-christ, her doctrine human and her system an enemy of ... Ecclesiastical organization was a growth and is not therefore of scriptural origin. A casual examination of the so-called "Petrine texts" ... ...
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25: Trinity Proof Texts: 58 Triadic Bible Texts
Trinity Proof Texts: 58 Triadic Bible Texts Click to View 58 Triadic Bible Texts Here are a collection of texts that prove the concept of the trinity, is clearly imprinted upon every page of ... Click to View Analysis of Triadic passages showing interchangeability Click to View A refutation of Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals to this material. Click to View Use this material as an interactive Bible class in church! Analysis of Triadic Texts showing interchangeability of terms: Interchangeability of "love": Romans 5:5-6 love of God Christ died Holy Spirit who was given Jude 20-21 love of God mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ ... God will call to Himself in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins gift of the Holy Spirit 1 Peter 4:14 God rests on you name of Christ Spirit of glory rests on you 1 John ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 refuted: We openly admit that the underlying assumption when reading the New Testament, is the doctrine of the trinity. Your underlying assumption when you read ... ...
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26: Trinity proof texts: John 19:7
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View John 19:7 The Jews answered him, "We have a law, and by that law He ought to die because He made Himself out to be the Son of God." Click to View The irrefutable ... REJECTED THIS CLAIM! John 19:7 proves that the gospel of John uses the following terms interchangeably: "Son of God" "God" "Equality with God" "calling God His own Father" Comments: The Jews understood that Jesus claimed to be divine on many previous occasions. There they wanted to stone Jesus because he claimed "equality with God". Anti-Trinitarians say that Jesus never claimed to be "equal ... This proves that the term "equality with God" and God's son, were viewed as claims of deity by the Jews in a sense distinct from any creature. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 Click to ... They wanted to stone Jesus for being a human usurper, not for claiming to be divine. (Winner of the "STINC" trophy) Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted This argument is so outrageous and desperate, ... ...
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27: John Calvin: Commentary On The Gospel According To John (Translated ...
False Dilemma: Trinitarian Jehovah's Witnesses create a false dilemma in an effort to prove their interpretation of John 10:30. They try to project the idea that if Jesus was not teaching He was "made of the same stuff as the Father", then he was a creature. In fact, the passage ... Jesus never denied he was God. John Calvin: Commentary On The Gospel According To John; A new translation, from the original Latin, by the Rev. William Pringle How anti-Trinitarians quote the source Click to View "Regarding John 10:30, John Calvin (who was a Trinitarian) said in the book Commentary on the Gospel According to John: "The ancients made a wrong use of this passage to prove that Christ is . . . ... But this error is easily refuted, for Christ does not now argue what he is in himself, but what we ought to acknowledge him to be, from his miracles in ... and of all that depended on it, he again draws their attention to his miracles, in which there was a sufficiently evident proof of his Divinity. ... ...
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28: Interactive Bible Home Page
Trinity proven from the bible: 1. Start here: Introduction 2. Trinity and the definition of God 3. Trinity Christology and Jesus Christ 4. Incarnation of Jesus 5. Trinity history 6. Trinity and the Holy Spirit 7. Trinity and the oneness, unity of God 8. Trinity subordination within the Godhead 9. Trinity proof texts Unitarians and Anti-Trinitarians refuted: 1. Satanic and deceptive quoting practices in Watchtower by Jehovah's Witnesses 2. Anti trinity proof texts refuted 3. ... divinity or self-delusion? 9. neo-sadduceeism.htm A doctrine that takes all the supernatural out of the Bible! (Jesus is a creature saviour, man is wholly physical, Heaven on earth, the Holy Spirit is energy not a person) 10. Rapture and Pre-millenialism A ... Anti-Sola Scriptura Those who try to destroy the Bible 13. Lies of the devil: Doctrine doesn't matter Tares among the wheat! 14. Islam is Pagan monotheism 15. Full-Preterism, AD 70 Doctrine REFUTED 16. The Origin of Rapture Doctrine in 1830 AD (Inventor: John ... ...
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29: REFUTED: Full-Preterist, "Realized Eschatology", "AD 70 doctrine ...
REFUTED: Full-Preterist, Realized Eschatology, AD 70 doctrine Today, Christians await the second coming of Christ: 1. The future second ... after AD 70. 1 13. Full-Preterism violates the justice principle of God: 2 Thess 1:5-10. 1 14. Full-Preterists say there is no resurrection ... AD 70. 1 18. Full-Preterists deny water baptism was commanded by Christ, Peter or Paul. 1 19. Full-Preterists say the physical world will ... the "day and hour" of 2nd coming: Mt 24:35-36. 1 26. Catalogue of Full-Preterist proof texts. 1 Conclusion. 1 Full-Preterism debunked: Introduction. ... happened on Pentecost Sunday 2nd June AD 65. Full-Preterists wrongly date the 7th sign one year later to Pentecost, 22nd June AD 66. ... they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd." (John 10:16) Such a view is so absurd, no comment is needed. c. ... and Talmud are 100x more speculative and nuttier on every page. 6. Anti-Christian Jewish Rabbis who crusade against how the New Testament ... ...
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30: Trinity Proof Texts: 2 Corinthians 13:14 and Philippians 2:1 ...
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. ... This verse is so powerful in proving the Holy Spirit is a person, that anti-Trinitarians are at a loss what to do with it! They are forced into the most uncomfortable position of having to render the meaning of the verse as: " The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the sharing of electricity, be with you all." 2 Cor 13:14 and ... May the Spirit's fellowship/sharing/companionship be with you." This exactly echoes the promise of the "comforter" in John 14:16-17, "And I [Jesus] will ask the Father, and ... Rom 5:5 Eph 3:17 2 Cor 1:22 Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 "There is only one God mentioned in the verse not three. Even if the Holy Spirit is a person, there is a clear distinction between the three persons. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted We agree. Only Modalists ... ...
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31: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
to Christ, "in none of these instances is 'theos' used in such a manner as to identify Jesus with him who elsewhere in the New Testament figures as 'ho Theos,' that is, the Supreme God." ... Karl Rahner, the eminent Roman Catholic theologian, considers that there are reliable applications of " theos " to Christ in six texts (Romans ix. 5 f. ; John i. 1, 18, xx. 28 ; I John v. 20 ; and Titus ii. 13). Rahner, however, ... That Boobyer is a raving modernist liberal who trashes both Jesus' claims of being God AND Christ! What Anti-Trinitarians quote: "In his post-resurrection heavenly life, Jesus is portrayed as ... We openly admit that Boobyer denies the Deity of Christ, basically calls him a creature by lending support to Angel Christology. But JW's must admit that Boobyer also denies that Jesus is the ... This discussion must now draw to a close, but with what kind of conclusion? My reading of the facts must inevitably be limited and liable to error. Rightly or wrongly, however, I can but ... ...
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32: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal ministries and preachers
Pentecostalism looks and feels good, but is rotten to the core! Devastating proof that Pentecostals are false teachers! Click to View This is a ... Click to View Go to 20th Century tongues refuted section Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Information section! Self- Proclaimed Prophet Quotes, ... Promise Keepers coming Hagee, John Cornerstone church A Statement of our Doctrine: The Lord Jesus Christ We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the ... Babylon false church - he was still revered as a true prophet by almost every major Pentecostal and Charismatic ministry (who are Trinitarian). ... Branham was a modalist, anti-trinitarian and believed exactly what the United Pentecostal churches today teach. For refutation of this view ... said that "every sin that ever was on the Earth was caused by a woman....the very lowest creature on the Earth" The Spoken Word, Vol. ... ...
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33: Textbook of Disturbances of Mental Life, Johann Christian August ...
... Thus he is the first and the only creature on this earth who is a free agent. But this freedom of choice which is left to him between the ... that is, to lead a life of reason, or, in the words of the Holy Writ, a life in Christ, or must walk in light, all of which is the same thing. ... but will not admit that a wrongly led life is, if not a necessary, at least a decisive factor, even where physical stimuli are present. ... life, the more vivid the mood of the soul, and vice versa. This is confirmed by experience, and cannot be refuted by any demonstration. ... as those where loss of life is caused by loss of strength - all these are the clearest proof of the dependence of soul life on bodily life. ... and finds his salvation in it clearly need not look for anything else, has no other purpose in life, and money is his god. Can anyone deny it? ... truly evil in the stimulus and the stimulus to evil. § 176. Since John Brown is perfectly correct in saying that there is no life without ... ...
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34: Rapture Refuted! Pre-tribulation Rapture and Premillennialism ...
Introduction: 1. Rapture doctrine is widely believed today, but it did not exist before it "popped" into John Darby's head in 1830 AD. If you believe in the Rapture, you probably wrongly assumed it was a historic Bible doctrine, when ... have special illumination from the Holy Spirit and that God has revealed new doctrines not previously known by anyone, including the apostle Paul himself. ... Be A Rapture? 8. See also: Who is the Anti-Christ??? 9. See also: All the dead will be raised at same moment, not 1000 apart. Second Coming and End of the World Chronology (view and print free high resolution chart) click to view Rapture Refuted! 50 ways Pre-millennialism contradicts ... The signs of war, earthquakes, famines, warned Christians to flee Jerusalem in 70 AD Scientific proof earthquakes have not increased in the last 100 years! ... and is not a sign of a soon to happen second coming. 4. Rapture/Restoration texts refuted 5. Read more click to view The Gap Theory 1. Time sensitive prophecy ... ...
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35: BEWARE: Arian Biased Translations
Modernists who deny the virgin birth are quoted by Jehovah's Witnesses because both deny the deity of Christ! Bible Scoffers and Arians make strange bedfellows! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted Below are the Bibles Jehovah's Witnesses will quote to support their false doctrine. They quote them profusely. The fact is that Anti-trinitarians must scrape the bottom by ... However, Schonfield, author of "The Passover Plot", makes Jesus into a charlatan, and doesn't even believe in the deity of God the Father! Schonfield, an ... bears upon Luke's treatment of the supernatural. On the one hand, the presence of miraculous anecdotes ... is no proof that they are unprimitive. ... language who has ever translated the Holy Bible from the original Aramaic texts into English and written commentaries on it" (George M. Lamsa, More Light on ... Overall, the translation bears the stamp of modernism. If they can get big simple stuff wrong, we certainly cannot trust them in John 8:58. Jehovah's ... ...
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36: Trinity: The role of Constantine in the Nicene creed
Constantine the greatest Roman Emperor Anti-Trinitarians falsely portray Constantine as a pagan sun worshipper who had no faith in Christ and ... and Genuineness of Faith Click to View The fact that Constantine murdered his son is no proof that Constantine was not a Christian. ... Anti-Trinitarians irresponsibly portray Constantine as a faithless sun-god pagan idol worshipper with no understanding of Christianity who ... The majority opposed the Nicene creed because they viewed Jesus as a creature, not God. We will grant, for argument sake that a majority opposed the ... Even if this was true, Constantine's son showed "equal bias" towards Arius for 50 years, yet in the end, Arius was refuted! Detailed ... Luther was uneasy with the term trinity, not the idea of Trinity, for Luther most certainly always was a trinitarian. Luther did not disagree ... This was a complete victory [for the Arians]." (A Short History of the Early Church, Harry R. Boer, p117) Other texts of interest: "The ... ...
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37: Friday crucifixion three days and three nights Nisan 14 sign ...
God said to Moses: "Go to the people and consecrate them today [Mon] and tomorrow [Tues], and let them wash their garments; ... See also: Sabbath Keeper Refuted website 1. 150AD JUSTIN: "But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ ... The (Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians, chapter 9) Links within this document: I. Bible Proof Jesus rose on Sunday A. Mark ... the seder/lamb meal: D. Interpreting "Passover" in the Gospel accounts: IV. Types and anti-types of crucifixion fulfilled! ... Was it after sunrise as per Mt, Mk and Lk OR before sunrise as per John??? All are correct! John simply records that Mary ... B. Day and year Jesus died: Friday Nisan 14, (April 3, 33 AD): Note: The date of 30 AD was wrongly chosen and favored only ... the spice they rested the weekly Sabbath day according to the commandment (Luke 23:56.) Study these two texts carefully. ... ...
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38: Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD
Join Live Reports from Jerusalem! We will be on location in Jerusalem to expose Rapture theology as false and anti-biblical. Follow our live reporting from Jerusalem on Between May 21 and ... The only doctrine more recent is the invention of the sinner's prayer for salvation by Billy Sunday in 1930, which was made popular by Billy Graham in 1935. 2. The fact that John Nelson ... Today's date setters without exception wrongly believe that Israel gaining state hood in 1948 fulfilled Bible prophecy and that Christ would return within one generation. 7. There are two ... Hal Lindsay, Tim LaHaye, Pentecostals, Baptists, Grant Jefferies, Christadelphians.) 8. Most of the TV preachers who promote rapture and/or "date set" all wrongly believe they are a prophet of God with special illumination. ... When that failed, he is currently he predicting the second coming on May 27, 2012. Here is Weinland's current end of the world chart: VIEW C. Rapture Bible proof texts refuted: 1. Every Bible verse used ... ...
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39: Scholars on the Personality of the Holy Spirit
To prove the Holy Spirit is not a person, Jehovah's Witnesses and all Anti-Trinitarians deal with the subject of spirit by ... 16), and the authority of the Spirit is identified with that of God Himself (Mt. xii. 31 ; Acts v. 3, 9 ; I Cor. U 16 ; but of. ... Most of these places furnish no cogent proof of personality. ... In the fourth Gospel, however, this personal existence is stated ... I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you " (v. 16-18). "Advocate " is the same name given in 1 Jn- to Christ Himself, our advocate with the Father, and in each case the name is a personal one. ... Trinitarian formulae ... John, state it explicitly. ... The true divinity of the third Person was asserted at a Council of Alexandria in 362, by two. ... p 47-49) In certain texts the coordination of Father, Son, and Spirit leaves no possible doubt as to the meaning of the writer. ... were driven by the force of logic, to make the Holy Ghost a creature. (A Catholic Dictionary, William E. Addis & Thomas Arnold, ... ...
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40: False Doctrine of Modalism: As taught by the United Pentecostal ...
Modalism: As taught by the United Pentecostal Church (UPCI) Click to View See also: "Sixty Questions On The Godhead" refuted A False View ... believe that God changes forms or modes Click to View They wrongly view "God" as a name rather than a designation for a class of being. ... Two of the most heretical aspects of Modalism is first, that Jesus Christ had no pre-existence before his incarnation. They take the ... on the ONENESS of God passages, holding to a strict undefendable definition of oneness to the exclusion of the mass of Biblical proof of the distinction of God. ... The Bible says they are wrong! In the end, Modalists (United Pentecostal Church) are hardened ANTI-TRINITARIANS and enemies of truth. They ... Logos Word (Jn 1:1,14) "How do we explain the use of the word with in John 1:1-2 and I John 1:2? John 1:1 says the Word was with God, but ... Would any Trinitarian claim that God the father had no sympathy with his own son as he hung upon the cross? The Modalists never used the ... ...
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41: Anti-Trinity proof texts REFUTED: John 8:42
Anti-Trinity Proof Texts Refuted Click to View John 8:42 "I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me." Click to View False Arian argument stated: The expression "proceeded forth" indicates that Jesus was created by God who was the source of Jesus existence. What John 17:3 is actually saying: The expression, "proceeded forth" in John 8:42 means nothing more than "Jesus came from the presence of the Father, being sent". The text teaches that Jesus ... The text would therefore read according to the false Arian view, "I was created by the Father, and have come into the world; I am leaving the world again, and going to the Father. ... "Now we know that You know all things ... by this we believe that You were created by God." To imagine that the disciples were having a "faith problem" believing Jesus was a creature, is something even anti-Trinitarians could not maintain. If they failed to believe Jesus was a creature, they must ... ...
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42: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
... Taken by themselves, there is no indication they were prophetic in any way. These texts can be used as a proof of God's foreknowledge by causing two historical ... Bible authority is established by obeying the silence of God, Command, example, and necessary inference also called Midrashic hermeneutic. ... The Olivet Discourse becomes a triple prophecy using the Midrashic Hermeneutical method of first, the Christ coming in his kingdom on ... and inference as witnessed in how the Christians in Acts 15 refuted the need for the gentiles to be circumcised to be saved. 3. After ... Midrashic interpretation led the Jews to wrongly create the Korban laws which Jesus identified as contradicting scripture (Matthew 15:3-9). ... Anti-Christian Jewish Rabbis who crusade against how the New Testament finds messianic fulfilment in the Tanakh, use arguments that destroy ... Many Christians, including Full-Preterists, apply flawed 21st century black and white hermeneutical thinking (Epistemology, John Locke, ... ...
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43: Life of Mrs. E.G. White - Her Claims Refuted, by D.M. Canright ...
... Chapter I - Introduction From "Life of Mrs. E.G. White - Her Claims Refuted" by D.M. Canright, 1919 Seventh-day Adventists ... "Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits: . . .because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1). ... She was accepted as leader and as "the second appearing of Christ." Like Mrs. White, she required "a peculiar kind of dress," ... have no intercourse with other churches, and are renowned for their purity and devotion. In proof of Mrs. White's inspiration, Adventists cite the high moral and religious tone of her writings. They say her revelations must either be of God or Satan. ... Probably the secret of her influence lay in the fact that the poor creature was in earnest about her own delusions. So few ... into the Most Holy, and there began the "cleansing of the sanctuary," which they said was also the anti-typical atonement. ... Instead of Mrs. White acknowledging her mistake, Elder Daniels, the man wrongly accused, was induced to make the following ... ...
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44: Biblical Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
... According to the theology of the Gospel According to John, the divinity of Jesus Christ constituted the departure point for understanding his ... were convicted inexorably of polytheism and of deifying the creature." (The Formation of Christian Dogma, An Historical Study of its ... Alvan Lamson was a top leader and theologian in the a Unitarian type church! We ask how objective is it to use a Unitarian as proof that ... the hands of the Platonizing Fathers" they must turn to Anti-Trinitarians. Most often, they turn to atheists who trash not only Trinity, but the whole of Christianity as of pagan origin! Unitarian Victor Wierwille So how then did a Trinitarian doctrine come about? ... Victor Paul Wierwille, Arian, Leader of The Way International, Jesus Christ is Not God, p. 25-26) Click to View Click to View Christian/pagan parallels are ... SEE: Christianity was not derived from pagan sources Supporting Texts: "The phenomenon, admitted on all hands, is this: That great portion of ... ...
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45: "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced" by D. M. Canright, 1914
Ch 20: What Law Are Christians Under Ch 21: Forty-Seven Prominent Texts used by Sabbatarians Examined Ch 22: The Nature of Man Appendixes A,B.C,D,E Click to View Click to View Go to Ellen G.White Website Click to View Go to Sabbath Keepers Refuted ... I have denied them in every possible way, but they are still believed and repeated, and doubtless always will be. I leave God ... been known to the undersigned for many years as an earnest, consecrated Christian man, and a true minister of Jesus Christ. ... of the Grand Rapids Methodist Ministers' Association, by "JOHN R. T. LATHROP, District Supt. "CHARLES NEASE, President. "J. ... For proof of this see their printed year books. where my name appear constantly. I was made theological teacher in their ... A conformity to the system of worship set up by the Papacy, that great anti-Christian power, the image to the beast, would be ... Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. The angel in Rev. 14:6,7, is ... ...
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46: Sabbathgate 1888 by Kerry Wynne
... become a classic of the anti-Sabbatarian movement because of the depth of the author's research and his gentle, yet persuasive logic. ... In proof of this he introduces testimony that he treated God's Sabbath with contempt, denied its origin at creation, taunted the Jews ... likeness of his death, and hence also of his resurrection" (Commentary on John 2:28 [A.D. 229]). 8. Victorinus [A.D. 300] "The sixth day [Friday] is called parasceve, that is to say, the preparation of the kingdom. . . . On this day also, on account of the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ, we make either a station to God or a fast. ... FIRST MENTION: "an" altar Gen. 8:20 SUBSEQUENT MENTION: the altar: Gen. 8:20 This pattern may only be totally consistent in texts of ... Instead of Mrs. White acknowledging her mistake, Elder Daniels, the man wrongly accused, was induced to make the following statement: ... Ellen White-- Seventh-day Adventist Prophet-- Her False Claims Refuted, by D.M. Canright, Chapter 10 - "A Great Plagiarist"). 1883 - ... ...
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47: Refuted: The Christadelphian view of Resurrection, Judgement ...
Refuted: The Christadelphian view of Resurrection, Judgement and Hell Click to View Click to View Introduction: Understanding the Christadelphian doctrine Click to View Universal resurrection of every creature proven in Bible Click to View Christadelphian proof texts refuted Other links outside this page: Click to View Click to View conscious life after death Click to View Objections ... Top 6 verses that outright refute the Christadelphian doctrine: #1 John 5:28 outright states all in the tombs will be raised at the same moment #2 2 Thess 1:5-8 Outright states that those who do not know the gospel will suffer at the second coming. #3 Acts 17:30-31 God does not exempt the ignorant from the final resurrection and judgement. #4 Romans 2:9-16 Outright says that those without law will be judged at the last day by Christ #5 Jeremiah 25:17-18, 26-28 The people of Jerusalem would "fall and rise and no more". (Same language Christadelphians use to in other verses to prove no resurrection) ... ...
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48: Zedekiah, Matteniah King of Judah 597-587 BC The Chronological ...
... Come Lord Jesus Rev 22:21 Refuted: Full-Preterism: "Left Behind" Refuted: Lord Jesus already came on 4th June AD 66 See Bible Only ... (Mt 9:34; 12:24; Mk 3:22; Lk 11:1) The "angel of the abyss" was Satan of the pit and was common Jewish thought before Christ: a. ... The author has excavated Ephraim (John 11, Khirbet Maqatir) and documented the 8 women and children killed by the Romans in a ... In the Septuagint text serpent in Isaiah 27:1, is rendered dragon, and in both Hebrew and Greek texts it is made the symbol of Babylon, the power hostile to the people of God. In Ezekiel 29 :3 dragon in the .../premillennial theology which wrongly teaches that Jesus Christ will rule as king in Jerusalem for 1000 years at some future time. ... Nebuchadnezzar's withdrawal of sieging Jerusalem then returning to destroy the city is an anti-typical echo of when on Nov 10, AD ... be thrown into the sea by many nations." (Ezekiel 26:1-14 A Proof text for Inerrancy or Fallibility of the Old Testament, Paul ... ...
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49: Sola Scriptura proof texts: John 20:30 proves the Bible is enough ...
False arguments that Catholics and Orthodox use to prove oral extra-scriptural church tradition are refuted. Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View More Pro-Oral Church tradition arguments refuted! Click to View "John 20:30 ... that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name." John 20:30-31 "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written." John 21:25 Click to View Refutation of the false Catholic & Orthodox tradition argument: "John 20:30 clearly tells us that the Bible lacks many things Jesus did" Sola Scriptura proof texts: John 20:30 proves the Bible ... For oral tradition to be of any value, it must contribute something to the pool of information we already posses about the life of Christ. Click to View More Pro-Oral Church tradition arguments refuted! Click to View More Anti-Sola Scriptura ... ...
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50: Personality and deity of the Holy Spirit proven!
Personality & deity of the Holy Spirit proven from the Bible The Holy Spirit in the Bible: Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Holy Spirit in the New Testament Gift of the Holy Spirit Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Important Topics on the Holy Spirit 1. Comforter passages of John 14-15-16 2. Romans 8 Study 3. Qualifications of an apostle 4. Tongues have Ceased Unitarians and the Personification of the Holy Spirit False views of the Holy Spirit identified and exposed. Click to View The Holy Spirit is not a Personification of God's power! Click to View Play the Holy Spirit game! (Prove the Holy Spirit is a "He", not an "it"!) Click to View Anti-Trinitarian proof texts against the Holy Spirit refuted Click to View Quotes by scholars on the personality of the Holy Spirit Is God a ventriloquist? Click to View Anti-Trinitarians make God into a master ventriloquist who tricks us into thinking his active force is really a person called the Holy Spirit! Click to View Anti-Trinitarians make ... ...
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