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451: Apostate church organization: 588 - 606 AD: The final dog fight ...
the bishop of Rome dies and is replaced by Boniface III. Phocas writes to the new bishop of Rome, Boniface III and through imperial decree of the Roman government, proclaims Boniface III, as the "Head of all the Churches" and "Universal Bishop". ... It is interesting that the first eastern leader (John IV) to proclaim himself as "universal bishop" and the first western (Boniface III) leader, to do the same, died within 12 months of claiming to be the "universal bishop". Was God sending a message ... The title he called foolish, proud, pestiferous, profane, wicked, a diabolical usurpation; the ambition of any who assumed it was like that of Lucifer, and its assumption a sign of the approach of the king of pride, i.e. Antichrist. His arguments are ... condemning a heretic bishop in 595 AD. Although the title was first granted in 588, this first official use of the title starts a firestorm of protest in Rome from Gregory I. The real battle and controversy began in 595, but was never settled. ... ...
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452: Introduction to the history of psychiatry
... The poor looked to their relatives, their feudal lord or their local church for benevolence. "Medieval English society was based on the preservation and stable transmission of landed wealth. Consequently, as early as the thirteenth century, the king ... These were cared for by a close relative, but never strangers or medical doctors. There are always reasons for human behaviour only God reads the hearts and only Christ can provide peace, hope, forgiveness, purpose and joy! B. Summary of earliest ... Michel Foucault says: "England and Scotland alone had opened 220 lazar [leper] houses for a million and a half inhabitants in the twelfth century. But as early as the fourteenth century they began to empty out; by the time Edward III ordered 'an ... Even at the close of the eighteenth century, the tally of the confined mad poor in Bristol, a town of some 30,000, was only twenty. . . . [Whereas] about 400 people a year were being admitted to private asylums."Roy Porter, Mind-Forg'd Manacles: A ... ...
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453: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Gamla 76 BC
It was a formidable physical fortress that the Romans had great difficulty defeating with their Ballista and other slings. c. "Finds at the synagogue were from the final stage and battle. They included 350 ballista balls, 35 arrowheads, and many ... Here is the famous widow's mite (prutah) of Alexander Jannaeus dating to year 25 (78 BC): "And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large ... his administration it was that a certain Galilean, whose name was Judas, prevailed with his countrymen to revolt; and said they were cowards if they would endure to pay a tax to the Romans, and would, after God, submit to mortal men as their lords. ... the daughters of Philip, and Philip himself was the son of a certain eminent man called Jacimus, who had been general of king Agrippa's army; (82) and these did therefore escape, because they lay concealed from the sight of the Romans when the city ... ...
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454: Mad-Doctors: William Battie: 1703-1776 AD
... Like modern chemical psychiatry, Battie was caustically hostile to Christianity and religion in general. His entire A Treatise on Madness, written in 1758 AD, does not mention the words: soul, spirit, God, Jesus. The only time Christianity is brought ... strictly to be forbidden." (A Treatise on Madness, William Battie, 1758 AD, p 68) John Monro responded to Battie the same year: Remarks on Dr Battie's Treatise on Madness, John Monro, 1758 AD: "My own inclination would never have led me to appear in print; but it was thought necessary for me, in my situation, to say something in answer to the undeserved censures, which Dr. Battle has thrown upon my predecessors." (Remarks on Dr Battie's Treatise on Madness, John Monro, 1758 AD) Monro claims that the ... Battie did not believe anything could cure those with "original madness". "He [William Battie] also took in pupils, including Sir George Baker, who became physician to George III, thereby stimulating the development of a professional line of ... ...
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455: Reconstructing Petra Smithsonian: June 2007; Vol 38 Num 3 By ...
... A monument to Petra's prosperity and Its status as the capital of Nabatea, the Great Temple (above) was a pile of rubble until archaeologists (led by Martha Sharp Joukowsky, left) started restoring It. By 100 B.c., the tribe had a king, vast wealth and a rapidly expanding ... Petra has lately fulfilled that prophesy It is now Jordan's top tourist destination, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. Hollywood's Indiana Jones sought the Holy Grail in one of Petra's caves in a 1989 film, dramatizing the site for a worldwide audience. The 1994 peace treaty between Jordan and Israel made mass tourism possible. Foreigners began coming to Petra, and devout Jews began making pilgrimages to nearby Jebel Haroun, which, ... No one has found the sites of the busy market-places that must have dotted Petra. And although local inscriptions indicate that the Nabateans worshiped a main god, sometimes called Dushara, and a main goddess, the Nabateans' religion otherwise remains mysterious. So while ... ...
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456: SUMMARY: PROOF that TRINITY is NOT of PAGAN origin!
... The texts speak for themselves; by various linguistic devices they formulate the unity of the three gods in Apis. His power is greatly enhanced by being associated either with the Heliopolitan primordial god Atum and the god-king Horus or with his mighty neighbour Ptah, the ... The names of the chaldean trinity are: anos, illinos, aos Click to View The Chaldean oracle mentions many Gods. These three were never formally grouped into a 3 in one type of God. False rumour without any evidence many overzealous unscholarly anti-trinitarians spread click here to send us proof! The emperor of China offers once each year a sacrifice to the spirit of trinity and unity. Lao-tse (600 b.c.) Says: "tao is by nature one; the ... She usurped the position of Antu as the wife or concubine of Anu. She was the goddess of love but in one of her forms her lovers suffered pain and death. Also a goddess of battle, she was Anunitu and goddess of Akkad. She was also held to be the wife of the god Ashur war-god of ... ...
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457: Freewill Weekly Collections for Benevolence In Synagogues: First ...
... E. WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS: CHURCH VS. SYNAGOGUE 1. Both first century Synagogues and churches took weekly collections. 2. Synagogues used the money for the local poor Jews and once a year sent the money to Jerusalem to support the Temple. 3. Churches ... G. Individual Benevolence vs. Collective Church Benevolence from treasury: 1. "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James ... The end never justifies the means. g. Anything we do that we have have no Bible authority for, is a sin. 2. "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of ... 6:26) ii. "Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this said, "This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?"" (John 6:60) iii. "As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore." (John 6:66) e. ... ...
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458: The Clinical Textbook of Biblical Psychiatry: home page
... Benefits Scale: EDS-7.4 i. To escape criminal prosecution: EDS-7.4.1 ii. Fun, entertainment, relief from boredom and monotony: EDS-7.4.2 iii. Attention seeking, pride, praise, honour, fame: EDS-7.4.3 iv. Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 v. ... The Devil loves Evolution because is takes away all personal responsibility and accountability for behaviour choice being genetic robots. The Devil loves Biopsychiatry because every year new diagnoses are invented to excuse criminal activity as "not responsible for reasons of insanity" and removing guilt by turning sinful choices into medical conditions. The Devil loves Evolution because in the vacuum of a divine moral code of right and wrong, it turns man into the god of himself and the author ... Today, most church ministers fail to realize that they are immensely more qualified to council than any Biopsychiatrist or Psychologist. Just as Disney's Rafiki told the young "Lion King" after hitting him on the head with his staff: "You have ... ...
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459: Jacob enters Egypt with 70 or 75 persons: Exodus 1:5: Textual ...
... For Jacob is the name of one who is wrestling and engaged in a contest and trying to trip up his antagonist, not of one who has gained the victory. (201) But when he appeared to have gained ability to behold God, his name was changed to Israel, and then he uses only the computation of seventy, having removed the number five, the number of the outward ... adorned and honoured by him. (204) Moreover, he also enacts laws for the whole of Egypt, that they should honour them, and pay taxes and tribute to them every year as to their kings; for he commands them to take a fifth part of the corn, that is to say, to store up in the treasury abundant materials and nourishment for ... If we add these, which are sixteen, to the fifty-four, the forementioned number [70] is completed, Jacob not being himself included in that number." (Josephus, Antiquities 2.176-183) III. Master summary of All Archeological evidences by date: 1. 150 BC: Jubilees 44:33 reads "70 persons" 2. 150 BC: Ezekiel the Tragedian ... ...
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460: Bedlam: The most famous mental hospital in history. 1677 - 1815 ...
... According to Wesley, recalling an interrupted visit of a year or so be-fore John's election as joint physician, it had been decreed that "none of these preachers were to come there" (although there is no trace of such an order in Bethlem's records). ... It also proposed that each person be visited by their own minister and a justice of the peace at least once every 14 days. What ended up happening is that ministers were considered mentally ill themselves, since they believe in God, and were not only ... Two years later (1774), the Act for Regulating Madhouses (14 George III c. 49) was finally passed. Perhaps, as Porter has suggested, the prolonged delay in enacting legislation should be seen as a function of the opposition of the College of ... 1815 AD, Testimony of Henry Alexander, Esq.) Sexual assault by the male "Keepers": "Do you remember a keeper of the name of King, at Bethlem, who is now at Liverpool? Perfectly. Was not he employed as keeper of the female patients at Bethlem? ... ...
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461: Eternal torment proved ... annihilation refuted
... The way annihilationists define man as a "mono-unit" of flesh alone, instead of a dichotomous combination of flesh and spirit like God, annihilationists simply cannot explain how man cannot kill the soul. Here are the instanced in the Bible where ... Apollumi #622 with TVM 5656 Aorist; Active; Indicative: HAD LOST; DESTROYED Matthew 22:7 (5656 Aorist; Active; Indicative) "But the king was enraged and sent his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and set their city on fire" Luke 15:9 (5656 ... Here a couple of useful passages where the LXX uses the word: Is. 43:28 - "and the rulers defiled my holy things and I have given to destroy Jacob and Israel unto a reproach." "destroy" is APOLESAI Ezek. 30:11 - "to destroy the land" Here's something ... This speaking of the time when Jesus would come. Notice v4 that Elijah (John the baptist) would come at the same time. It is not speaking of the final judgement. It also employs the same kind of word pictures typical of heaven and hell. This verse is ... ...
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462: Augusta Triumphans, Daniel Defoe, 1728 AD
... FIRST, By establishing an University where Gentlemen may have Academical Education under the Eye of their Friends. II. By an Hospital for Foundlings. III. By forming an Academy of Sciences at Christ's Hospital. IV. By suppressing pretended Madhouses, where many of the Fair Sex ... Those who cannot be so hardhearted to murder their own offspring themselves, take a slower, though as sure, a way, and get it done by others, by dropping their children, and leaving them to be starved by parish nurses. Thus is God robbed of a creature, in whom he had breathed the breath of life, and on whom he had stamped his image; the world of an inhabitant, who might have been of use; the king of a subject; and future generations of an ... Nothing calls for more redress than their quitting service for every idle disgust, leaving a master or mistress at a nonplus, and all under plea of a foolish old custom, called warning, nowhere practised but in London; for in other places they are hired by the year, or by the ... ...
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463: Synagogue Moses' Seat: Metaphor of Pride: Mt 23:2-3; Jas 2:1 ...
... Listen, my beloved brethren: did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you and personally drag ... and (2) built-in seats abutted to the Jerusalem-oriented wall next to the Torah Shrine. (1) Movable stone chairs were discovered in two synagogues in the Land of Israel-Korazim and Hammath Tiberias A, and one in the Diaspora, at the Delos synagogue. ... A marble chair and footstool were found in situ, flanked by a row of marble benches, along the northern half of the west wall of the Delos synagogue in room A, dated to the 1st century BCE (Goodenough 1958, III:Fig. 876; Bruneau 1970:492; Hachlili ... with two flanking lions as side-supports and a dais of six steps with twelve standing lions, one at each end of each step.8 The throne of King Solomon is depicted on the wall paintings (Panel WA2) of the mid-third century CE Dura Europos synagogue. ... ...
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464: The Jerusalem Water Aqueduct from the Solomon's Pools:
... It is the earliest reference to the Septuagint (LXX) and documents Ezekiel 17:15 where king Zedekiah sends troops in 593 BC to Psammetichus II (Psamtik II), king of Egypt 595-589 BC. iii. Now the letter was written in 150 AD, so clearly the aqueduct ... In excavations the Byzantines would rebuild on older sites by scraping everything down to bedrock leaving little or no evidence of the previous occupation level. iii. "The original Lower Aqueduct is dated to the Hasmonean period (mid 2nd - mid 1st c. ... Amihai Mazar, "The Aqueducts of Jerusalem," in Yigael Yadin, Jerusalem Revealed (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1975), pp. 79-84. 7. Pilate upgraded or built a new aqueduct from the Etam pools 40 km away: a. "But Pilate undertook to bring a ... However later manmade traditions and rules were added to the law of Moses that were incorporated into temple worship. God doesn't care if the water is from a spring or from pots carried on people's heads. If He did care, God would have told us in the ... ...
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465: Apostate church organization: 250-451AD: The rise of the diocesan ...
... These 5 are listed in the Second Ecumenical Council: "The Bishop of Constantinople, however, shall have the prerogative of honour after the Bishop of Rome; because Constantinople is New Rome." (The Second Ecumenical Council, Constantinople, Canon III... His warnings and complains went unheeded. A rapid change take place between 250 AD and 325 AD. Two important changes occur during this 75 year period: 1. The rise of diocesan bishops who rule a small group of churches in addition to his own local ... There is clearly no papal monarchy in existence, even though again, Rome is seen as first among equals. But this is because Rome was the most powerful city in the world, not because God had chosen this city to be the world headquarters for his ... Rome having first place and Constantinople, which wasn't even one of the original four, having a very close second to Rome. Antioch and Alexandria are demoted and Constantinople is promoted. This sets the stage for the beginning of the final battle ... ...
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466: Testimony of H. F. Brown Ex-member after 80 years!
... I could not understand how we could perform a character ourselves, which is outlined so clearly in her books, then have her discuss this, staking that He provided everything necessary, as the parable of the king of the supper, to his people. So the ... He did that, along with some of the other doctors, till it became a little pamphlet. He presented it to her and she said she had gotten a vision from God telling her not to waste her time trying to answer those questions, and those questions never were answered. I did not have a personal conversation with Dr. Kellogg, but I used to hear him lecture in the Sanitarium and I read his meeting with two of the ministers of the Battle Creek Sanitarium church in which they were to find out whether he ... White's portentous of being a prophet, and her interpretation of the Sanctuary and its place in the Christian epoch; the matter of 1844; and the use of the verse - a day for a year. Those things I cannot fit into a Bible explanation. Those things I ... ...
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467: Isa 66:23, does not teach that the Sabbath will be in heaven ...
"Then they shall bring all your brethren from all the nations as a grain offering to the Lord, on horses, in chariots, in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy mountain Jerusalem," says the Lord, "just as the sons of Israel bring their grain ... "I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. " (Isaiah 1:13-14) "So David said to Jonathan, "Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I ought to sit down to eat with the king. ... F. New moon is just another Jewish feast used in a yearly, monthly, weekly sequence! When God wanted to refer to the whole system of Jewish holy days, rather than name them all, He would refer to the yearly, monthly and weekly as representing the whole system. Sabbatarians argue that the Sabbath Day of Col 2:16 is the years Sabbaths. But yearly Sabbaths were already referred to in Col 2:16 as "festivals". The "Year, Month Week" pattern is so well established in the Old Testament, that Col 2:16 ... ...
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468: One verse refution of Transubstantiation
... Everett Ferguson, 1981, p 114) 2. Orthodox writers misrepresent history, but correctly identify the Lord's Supper as a battle ground between Christians and Gnostics. "In the early Church, the only people who denied that the Eucharist was truly the ... Since therefore the cup that has been mixed and the bread that has been made, from which things the substance of our flesh grows and is sustained, receive the word of God and the eucharist becomes the body of Christ, how do they say that the flesh ... the historical development of Transubstantiation, since its invention was no sooner than the third century. After all, Transubstantiation only became official Catholic doctrine in 1215 AD, with Pope Innocent III, in the Fourth Lateran Council. ... Every Sunday (Acts 20:7) Every day. Most Catholics commune weekly. Every week. Most Orthodox commune usually only four times a year during the four Lents. (Christmas, Easter, Peter and Paul, The virgin Mary) Fasting requirement None Fast one hour ... ...
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469: Death of the Anti-Black Doctrine, Salt Lake City Messenger, December ...
... They don't matter any more. "It doesn't make a particle of difference what anybody ever said about the Negro matter before the first day of June of this year (1978). It is a new day and a new arrangement, and the Lord has now given the revelation ... For eleven more years the Latter-day Saints continued to cling to a policy of discrimination. Church leaders claimed that the doctrine could only be changed by revelation from God. Finally, on June 9,1978 the Mormon Church's Deseret News carried a ... over the issue.) In November 1965 we published a Messenger which showed that a black man named Elijah Abel held the priesthood: in the early Mormon Church and that his descendants, who now pass as "whites," are still being ordained to the priesthood. ... If the white man who belongs to the CHOSEN SEED mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.' God has commanded Israel not to intermarry. To go against this commandment of God ... ...
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470: The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, Moshe Dothan, Ein el-Qudeirat ...
The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea Moshe Dothan Ein el-Qudeirat 1965 AD (The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, M Dothan, Israel Exploration Journal, 1965, p134-51) The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea M. DOTHAN Department of Antiquities In the later parts of 1956, an ... It formed a unit in itself and occupied the entire site. We have no information on any possible changes within the fortress up to the time of its final destruction. Period III. The trial-trenches within the casemates reveal that the ruined wall was ... Also to be noted are the lamps with disc-bases (Fig. 5 : 8-9; Pls. 29, B; 31, A-B 3, or higher bases (Fig. 5 : 10; Pl. 31, A), well-known from levels of the 8th-7th cen-turies B.C.E. at various sites in Judah, such as Lachish9, Tel Beit-Mirsiml°, ... B.C.E. Historically, this building may be attributed to Jehoshaphat, who reigned in Judah in the years 870-846 B.C.E. This king attempted to enter the Red Sea trade, appointing a governor in Edom and building protective forts along the roads in the ... ...
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471: "Scientology: From Science Fiction to Space-age Religion"
... Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matt. 16:26) And, "This is eternal life, to know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent." (John 17:3) NOTES 1 John Warwick Montgomery, _Faith Founded on Fact_ (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1978), 152-53. 2 L. Ron Hubbard, _Dianetics Today_ (Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California, 1975), III; and LRH Personal Secretary Office, ed., _What Is Scientology?_ (Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California, ... Minister's Handbook_ (Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California, 1976), 551-52; cf. the comments of former 14-year member Cyril Vosper in _The Mind Benders_ (London: Neville Spearman, 1971), 164-66, and member Peter Gillham in _Telling ... _Ole Doc Methuselah, Slaves of Sleep, Death's Deputy, The Final Blackout, The Dangerous Dimension, The Tramp, Fear, King Slayer,_ and _Typewriter in the Sky._ 37 E.g., L. Ron Hubbard, _Scientology: A New Slant on Life_ (Los Angeles: The American St. ... ...
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472: (Diagnosis, Guardianship, and Residential Care of the Mentally ...
... There are always reasons for human behaviour only God reads the hearts and only Christ can provide peace, hope, forgiveness, purpose and joy! Steve Rudd (Diagnosis, Guardianship, and Residential Care of the Mentally Ill in Medieval and Early Modern ... Medieval English society was based on the preservation and stable transmission of landed wealth. Consequently, as early as the thirteenth century, the king was entitled to take possession of the person and estate of mentally ill subjects who were ... Having scaled these elementary hurdles, Ambrose Bennett was questioned about several things for his estate. He [stated] that he had £200 a year annuity or better . . . and a legacy of £2000 ... in ready money ... [The examiner] inquiring how he did ... Collection. f 129, 1625 Public Record Office, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, Great Britain, Wards 9/519, f 308, 1580 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office (Henry III-15 Richard II). ... ...
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473: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Inherit The Wind is intellectual pornography ...
... But does Inherit the Wind, or even the Scopes trial itself, show the triumph of science (evolutionism) over religious dogma (special creation)? More importantly, is the play/film a fair and accurate representation of the great battle of ideas and ... Drums pound ominously in the background as sinister men (clergymen and businessmen) gather to do foul deeds in the name of God. They intrude into the biology classroom where John Scopes is caught teaching evolution with enthusiasm and conviction, and ... FACT: No one intruded in John Scopes' classroom. Scopes was not a biology teacher. Scopes only filled in for two weeks near the end of the school year for the biology teacher, Mr. Ferguson, who was ill. Scopes didn't even have a college degree in ... New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1965. de Camp, Sprague L. The Great Monkey Trial. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company Inc., 1968. Coletta, Paolo E. William Jennings Bryan III: Political Puritan, 1915-1925. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of ... ...
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474: Psychiatry calls Jesus a paranoid schizophrenic!
... Therefore the brain should not be abused by having forced upon it any religious or political mystique that stunts the reason, or any form of crude rationalism that stunts the religious sense." (Battle for the Mind; A physiology of conversion and ... According to Wesley, recalling an interrupted visit of a year or so before John's election as joint physician, it had been decreed that "none of these preachers were to come there" (although there is no trace of such an order in Bethlem's records). ... purges and vomits when what he needed was counsel and guidance." (Undertaker of the mind: John Monro, Jonathan Andrews, Andrew Scull, 2001 AD, p 81) "Two years later (1774), the Act for Regulating Madhouses (14 George III c. 49) was finally passed. ... Volition, planning, initiative is organized with no consciousness whatever and then "told" to the individual in his familiar language, sometimes with the visual aura of a familiar friend or authority figure or "god," or sometimes as a voice alone. ... ...
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475: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... Two considerations, however, preclude the possibility of any firm conclusion with respect to any relatedness in the Scriptures quoted.... Furthermore, White and Hanna both used the King James Version of the Bible...probably m editions with marginal ... But is was no use. There would always be those who would say if Ellen touched it, or saw it, or was even aware of it-it had to come from God and was all inspired! Even that statement of oft-quoted by the Adventists that some librarian from the ... Of such things are the white lies of this life made. References and Notes 1. Ellen C. White, The Spirit of Prophecy (Battle Creek: Review and Herald, 1870-1884), vol. 2, p. 5. 2. Robert W. Olson, "EGW's Use of Uninspired Sources," photocopied (Washington: EGW Estate, 9 November 1979), pp. 1-4, 7, 8. 3. William S. Peterson, "Ellen White's Literary Indebtedness," Spectrum 3, no. 4 (Autumn 1971): 73-84. Since Peterson's article, others have appeared in Spectrum each year since 1971. 4. Neal C. ... ...
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476: Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2010 AD
... In many of Shakespeare's plays, insanity plays a central role. Shakespeare always provides a clear reason for the insanity in each play: Lady Macbeth from guilt of murder. King Lear goes mad because he is betrayed by his two daughters: "Blow, winds, ... He recognizes the conflict between good and bad conduct and how the conscience can bring turmoil to the spirit and also physical illness to the body. He echos the battle between the spirit and the flesh in Romans 7:24. "Now the reason why imagination ... He also says that hypochondria is beyond dispute because of how clear it was that people became insane over the mere worry of contracting and dying from the plague, which was seen as a judgement of God upon people's sins. "I need bring no Examples ... 1744 AD) Click to View In 1747 AD, John Wesley, Preacher, Founder of Methodism, understood that insanity was caused by sin and noted a case of a young 20 year old man who went mad "by hearing a sermon of Mr. Wheatley's, fell into great uneasiness". ... ...
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477: Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Maurice Bucke, 1901 AD
... It is upon this instantaneous evolution of the Titan from the Man, this profound mystery of the attainment of the splendor and power of the king- 170 Chapter Five dom of heaven, that this present volume seeks to throw light' (p. 226). For ... In the exegesis of the lines he mentions, Bucke finds the following significance: 'The new experience came in June, probably in 1853, when he had just entered upon his thirty-fifth year. It would seem that he was at first in doubt what it meant, then ... Yet he continues to trust 'the ray of light, steady, ineffable, with which God has lighted his life; and says it is rare, untellable, beyond all signs, descriptions, languages' (p. 234). Bucke concludes his examination of Whitman's poetry with a ... Bucke, Richard Maurice, 1837-1902. Psychiatrists - Canada - Biography. I. Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine. II. Title. III. Series. RC438.6.B8R4 1994 616.89'0092 C94-930503-0 The story of the Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine ... ...
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478: Beidha, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea: mass food production ...
Solutions to this problem might be found in the fact that Israel drank miraculously supplied water and manna all the time they were at Kadesh and God miraculously kept their clothing and shoes from wearing out. Could this miracle have extended to their pottery as well. Perhaps God miraculously preserved their pottery from breaking while at Kadesh, or perhaps, maybe they did use ceramic ... Diana Kirkbride was director of the Beidha excavations for 7 seasons between 1958-1967. Brian Byrd joined her in the final season in 1983. b. Diana Kirkbride's 5-year report (1966) and Brian Byrd's 2005 book on the excavations at Beidha both lack object lists and object levels. c. In his 1989 book on ... These are unfailingly of different plan from the corridor complexes. of Levels II and III, although the large house of those levels can be described as enlarged and more angular versions of a typical Level IV house. These early houses are subrectangular in shape with gently curving walls; they are ... ...
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479: Scientology's Relationship With Eastern Religious Traditions
... It is the creator of things") as Hubbard tersely stated in 1956 (Hubbard, 1956: 54). The Samkhya Karika is definite in its claim that "purusa is neither created nor creative" (S.K. III, in Larson, 1969: 258). Moreover, yoga's insistence that it "is ... The battle over E-meter labelling would drag on for the next decade, but eventually the government returned the material after the court ordered that a printed disclaimer would be placed on all meters about their sole function as a tool for religious counselling (Atack, 1990: 154, 193, 204; Church of Scientology of California, 1978: 15&155). Still another period when Hubbard emphasized religious aspects of his organisation was 1968. In May of that year, he launched a publication called Advance! ... The appeals judge stated that it seems to me to be more a philosophy of the existence of man or of life, rather than a religion. Religious worship means reverence or veneration of God or of a supreme being. I do not find any such reverence or ... ...
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480: Temple Mount Temple of Jupiter Roman History, Cassius Dio, Book ...
... He also distributed gifts by means of little balls which he threw broadcast both in the theatres and in the Circus, for the men and for the women separately. And further, he also commanded them to bathe separately. 3 Besides these events of that year... habits,- and he reformed and corrected in many cases practices and arrangements for living that had become too luxurious. 3 He drilled the men for every kind of battle, honouring some and reproving others, and he taught them all what should be done. ... Paulina he had not immediately paid her any honour . . . 12 At Jerusalem he founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the temple of the god he raised a new temple to Jupiter. ... Finally he abandoned his careful regimen and by indulging in unsuitable foods and drinks met his death, shouting aloud the popular saying: "Many physicians have slain a king." 23 He had lived sixty-two years, five months and nineteen days, and had ... ...
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481: Basta, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea. slaughterhouse, crop storage ...
... In my book on Nimrod and the archeology of the Tower of Babel, Tortoise pottery from Eridu, found in Temple 8 beside a platform in a niche containing sacrificial goat-fish bones to the water-god Enki. 4. Another issue to be taken into account on ... they rested on an already even surface, most probably provided by an earlier slope adjusting system like the one of Phase III in Area A." (Basta II The Architecture And Stratigraphy, Gebel, Nissen, Zaid, p158, 2006 AD) 5. "Offering proposals for ... The excavators at Basta commented that this low percentage of pig bones was because pigs don't live in hot, dry areas. Yet they go on to note that there is an excellent water supply in the city year-round and diverse vegetation including forests in ... The frequency of pig remains was relatively high (3.5%). A remarkable feature of this stratum is the absence of deer and equid bones." (Shiloh Excavations, Israel Finkelstein, p312, 1993 AD) b. STRATUM VI: LATE BRONZE AGE" "A stratum of dumped debris ... ...
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482: The Myth Of Psychotherapy, Thomas Szasz, 1979 AD
... Oedipus was not a king but a complex; Leonardo was not a heroic painter but a deviant sex practitioner pervert; Moses was not a Jew, but an Egyptian. It is significant, in this connection, that Freud was satisfied with transforming the founder of his ... That simple idea applies, of course-with the slight modification that the behavior adopted need not be the imitation of bodily illness-to the so- called psychoses as well. III A few years later, Jung underwent another profound experience, which he ... I knew that I would never again be able to participate in this ceremony. 'Why, that is not religion at all,' I thought. 'It is an absence of God; the church is a place I should not go to. It is not life which is there, but death.' "9 Jung's struggles ... In two weeks she was discharged, cured, and was never hospitalized ag ain. 1 a Jung's experiences at the BurghOlzli must, again, be set in their precise psychiatric-historical context. By 1900, the year Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams ... ...
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483: What Christians Need to Know about Scientology
... In the spring of his junior year, Ron dropped out of school. Two years later, Ron was enrolled in the Woodward School for boys in Washington, D.C. as a substitute for taking the College Entrance Examination. In 1930, Ron was admitted to George ... as the first U.S. returned casualty of the Far East. He served in the South Pacific, and in 1942 was relieved and rushed home to take part in the battle against German submarines as Commanding Officer of a corvette serving in the north Atlantic. ... Heaven after all -- which is why you are on this planet and were condemned never to be free again until Scientology. For a long while, some people have been cross with me for my lack of cooperation in believing in a Christian Heaven, God and Christ. ... Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. Corydon, Bent. 1987. L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Secaucus, New Jersey: Lyle Stuart. King, Francis. 1970. Ritual Magic in England. London: Neville Spearman, Ltd. Miller, Russell. 1987. Bare Faced ... ...
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484: The Wilderness of Zin, C. Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence ...
... The government post consists of two or three stone-built houses on little limestone hummocks above the spring. Beyond them on the north are some early graves, discussed in Chapter II with the other graves we found. III. Ain el Guderat From Kossaima ... The tribesman is a great maker of flints, and Ain el Guderat, with its flocks and herds, is a place where they must use many flints each year. Another unpromising object is a cave in the south wall of the valley: it is a very simple hole, hewn in the ... We know where Ezion-Geber was, more or less, and where Edom was; though there is not the faintest light upon her boundaries. Somewhere between these points the children of Israel seem to have spent nearly forty years. We have no safe clue as to the ... Certainly it is useless to look for this copious fount in the barren gorge of Ain Kadeis, unless we suppose that it dried up as miraculously as it appeared. At a later date Moses, writing to the King of Edom, described Kadesh as `a city in the ... ...
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