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1: age_of_earth* copy
Geophysicist at Sandia National Laboratory Believes "Most (90%) Age Indications Favor Young Earth" 1. Galaxies wind themselves up too fast 2. Comets disintegrate too ... 7. Injected sandstone shortens geologic 'ages' 8. Fossil radioactivity shortens geologic 'ages' 9. Helium in the wrong places 10. Not enough stone age skeletons 11. Agriculture is too recent 12. History is too short Significance Of Time, George Wald, Nobel ... The Physics And Chemistry Of Life, p.12. Time Does Not Work Miracles. Time Degenerates Radiometric Dating Involves At Least Seven Untestable ... Research New, Science, 1470 Skull: "The calculated age was quickly refined to be 2.61+ 0.26 million years, which, to anthropolgist ... St. Helens lavas) Demonstrate Undeniable Problems. Dating 11 year old rock: Five samples taken in 1997 from Mt. St. Helens caldera (errupted ... How could blood cells survive that long?'" SCIENCE, Research News, V.261, 9/7/'93 "Refused Data" Dr. Mary Schweitzer, North Carolina State ... ...
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2: Unreliability of Radiometric Dating and Old Age of the Earth
half to almost three million years old, all from eleven year old rock. (Click on photo for high resolution) We know when this dome formed. When we date rock of known age we test the claims and we see obvious failures. But, when we date rock of unknown age, we are assured that the ... Click to View How Errors Can Account for the Observed Dates Click to View Why older dates would be found lower in the geologic column especially for K-Ar dating Click to ... On the surface, radiometric dating methods appear to give powerful support to the statement that life has existed on the earth for ... dating methods is a result of a great misunderstanding of the data, and that the various methods hardly ever agree with each other, ... I also believe that the evidence indicates that the earth has recently undergone a violent catastrophe. Geologic time is divided up into ... dating meteorites, or precambrian rocks. What I am more interested in is the fossil-bearing geologic column of Cambrian and later age. ... ...
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3: Scientific Age of the Earth
... One has only to wait: time itself performs the miracles," The Physics And Chemistry Of Life, p.12. Radiometric Dating Involves At Least 8 ... The problem is one of judicious geologic selection.", Ages Of Rocks, Planets & Stars, DAUGHTER/PARENT/LOSE/GAIN, Steven M. Stanley, Johns ... These types of errors, which can beset even the most meticulous radiometric analysis, often add up to sizable total errors..." Earth And Life Through Time, 1986, p.122. A. Hayatsu, Dept. of Geophysics, U. of Western Ont., "In conventional interpretation of K-Ar age data, it is ... disaster, and events which brought the Mesozoic to a close may not be 65 million years ago but, rather, within the age and memory of man." Ind. ... To put it another way, 'good' dates are those that agree with the field data. ...the geologist has more faith in the fossil evidence than in a ... Cave Formations Police Speleotherms, "Hanging from a ceiling beam in the 40-year-old building's basement are several rows of formations not ... ...
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4: Nimrod and the Archaeology of the Tower of Babel by Steven Rudd ...
C. Post-Flood Migrations of Gen 10-25: 3298-2000 BC. 15 D. Post-flood world population growth from 8 men to 12 million with ... E. Nimrod = Rebel to God. 19 1. Nimrod led the rebellion against God's orders to disperse across the face of the earth. 19 2. ... BIBLE MARKER 4: Japheth & Ham provide genealogical time marker that decodes. 23 BIBLE MARKER 5: Heber had his language changed ... BIBLE MARKER 7: Peleg was a Babel Baby Boomer born AFTER the division of language: Gen 10:25. 27 BIBLE MARKER 8: 200-year lifespan reduction of those born after the tower of Babel 28 CHAPTER 3: Christian Archaeological Dating (CAD) ... C. Temple VIII (8) 3000 BC: during the 'Ubaid 3 Expansion Archaeological Age when Nimrod. 66 D. Temple VI (6): 2950 BC: Ubaid 4. ... rapid growth contributed to the formation of the current "fossil fuels" like oil, gas and coal when the antediluvian world was ... Therefore, the data the Archaeologists collected was correct and their conclusions provide powerful truth understood by later ... ...
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5: The Record of the Rocks and the Geologic Column
... BUILT BY CORRELATION, L. Don Leet (Harvard) & Sheldon Judson (Princeton), "Because we cannot find sedimentary rocks representing all of earth time neatly in one convenient ... have to be the same age. ...fossil successions made it possible to say that the Cambrian rocks are older than the Ordovician rocks. In this way our geologic time table came into being. ...Without the theory of evolution and the interdisciplinary science of paleontology, it could not exist." Geology, p.544. Non-Radioactive Correlation, Derek Ager (Past Pres., British Geol. Asso.) "...fossils have been and still are the best and most accurate method of dating and correlating the ... Gingko, P. Arduini & G. Teruzzi, "The Gingko biloba is the sole surviving species of a very old group of gymnosperms which died out 100 million years ago." Prehistoric ... If a single, well verified mammal skull were to turn up in 500 million year old rocks, our whole modern theory of evolution would be utterly destroyed. Incidentally, this ... ...
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6: Sabbatatrians Refuted and Sabbath keepers Exposed: 2011 AD
... date which differs from the AD 33 date accepted by most Christian scholars and which is supported better by historical and astronomical data. ... strongly correlated through a study of the calendar, historical, and astronomical records of the major world civilizations of the age. ... Today scientists believe they have proof that the magnetic field of the Earth has reversed polarity several times in the past, and some ... With respect to the calendar, the book of Genesis implies a 360-day year at the time of the Flood (Dictionary of the Bible, by James Hastings, s.v. ... A perpendicular axis prevents seasonal changes, which appears to be the case from the opening chapters of Genesis. Fossil remains prove that ... Historians have argued over whether Karaism has a direct connection to anti-Rabbinic sects and views, such as those of the Sadducees, dating ... SDA physician, Dr. Donald Davenport, had managed to bilk over 25 million dollars of SDA Church funds- mostly tithe funds- from various SDA ... ...
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7: Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Maurice Bucke, 1901 AD
... finds the following significance: 'The new experience came in June, probably in 1853, when he had just entered upon his thirty-fifth year. ... At last, in 1891, at the age of seventy-two, "Brahmic Splendor" finally departed, and in those mystic lines, "To the Sunset Breeze" . . . ... breathing the air with us, but at the same time walking another earth and breathing another air of which we know little or nothing, but ... are /1/ consciousness and /2/ self consciousness the one many million[s] of years old the other dating back perhaps a few hundred thousand years. 3 What I claim is that ... beomes general in the race. 5 "C. C." dates back at least to the time of Buddha-it was this faculty that came to him under the Bo tree ... Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Rechnitzer, Peter R.M. Bucke (Canadian medical lives : no. 12) Co-published by the Hannah ... In attempting to give an idea of this vast evolution of mental phenomena from its beginning in far off geologic ages down to the latest ... ...
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8: Lunar Eclipses at birth and death of Christ: 1 BC and 3 April ...
"And I will grant wonders in the sky above [darkened sun, eclipsed moon] and signs on the earth below [earthquake] Blood, and fire, and vapor of ... eclipse, Christ was born 2 BC. What is stunning, is that this event most likely marks Herod's Slaughter of the Children 2 years of age and younger. ... as well at the same time! The birth of Christ of 4-7 BC is based upon a partial lunar eclipse on 13 March 4 BC but must be rejected because it places the birth of Christ too early and has serious chronology problems in harmonizing historic records. NASA data shows that the total eclipse of 10 January 1 BC is the best choice in dating the death of Herod based upon the writings of Josephus: Antiquities 17.167. This places the birth of Christ most likely in the spring of that same year of 1 BC. NASA data shows that the partial "blood moon" eclipse of ... and expelled them from Canaan. 11. There was no Tetrad in 1943 AD when Hitler killed 6 million Jews during the Holocaust of the second world war. ... ...
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9: The ministry of Dr. Hugh Ross exposed
... At the very least, that would be two light-years or about twelve trillion miles. By 1965 that figure was reduced to 275 million miles, by 1972 to 71 million miles, by 1974 to 54 thousand ... But there is an inconsistency between a multiple billion year old earth and a Biblically recorded time of only 1656 years from the creation of Adam, the first man, to the flood. Anyone can figure out this interval of time in a few ... As is to be expected, and as is common practice among those who espouse long ages of cosmic and geologic time, he brings up the matter of the Hebrew word yom, used for "day" in the creation ... yom (day), as used in Genesis 1, accompanied by a numeral should properly be translated as (a) a day as commonly understood, ((b)) an age, (c) either a day or an age without preference?" ... Concerning the evolution of the horse, long the showcase example of evolution through the evidence of the fossil record, he says the inaccuracy of the textbooks is that the gaps in the ... ...
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10: Men
... If this were the case, then each scientist faced with the same data would necessarily reach the same conclusion. But as we've seen earlier and will see again and again, frequently this does not happen. Data are just as often molded to fit preferred conclusions." Bones Of Contention, p.61, 68 Homo erectus Was A Man Contemporary, would have been alive when modern human and Neandertals roamed the earth. ...If the dates are right, we have three different species coexisting at the same time..." ... Science News, V.150, p.373, 12/14/1996 KNM-ER 1470, 'Either we toss out this skull or we toss out our theories of early man,' asserts anthropologist Richard Leakey of this 2.8-million - year-old fossil, which he has tentatively identified as belonging to ... Science, 221, (9/9/83) p.1073. "Turkana Boy," Richard Leakey, "...the boy from Tukana was surprisingly large compared with modern boys his age; he could well have grown to six feet. ...he would probably go unnoticed in a crowd today. This ... ...
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11: Long vs. Short Egyptian sojourn: Israel spent 430 not 215 years ...
The theological variant interpretation about the long vs. short sojourn of Israel in Egypt makes a 215-year difference in the age of the earth. Israel lived in Egypt 430 not 215 ... time in Egypt was a full 430 years. 4. While we have solid chronological data up to the destruction of Shiloh in 1094 BC, the date of the Exodus is determined by the 480 years from the 4th year of Solomon in 967 BC. a. The date for the birth of Jacob in 2006 BC is considered a cornerstone of the Patriarchal chronologies, yet this date is calculated by taking the dates of the Exodus in 1446 BC, adding 430 years to the time Jacob entered Egypt in 1876 BC at age 130. (1446 + 430 + 130 = 2006 BC) b. So we have no independent error checker or alternative method of dating the birth of Jacob in 2006 BC to prove the long sojourn. ... Indeed, the growth of Israel from 70 people to some two million, while consistent (at the high birth rates Scripture mentions in Ex.1:7) with the 430- year sojourn, would have ... ...
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12: Fossils
... Stephen J. Gould, Harvard, "The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however ... do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth? ...why is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? ... Proceedings of Geological Association, Vol.87, p.132 Worse Now, David M. Raup, University of Chicago; "The evidence we find in the geologic record is not nearly as ... Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn't changed much. ...ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin's time. By this I mean some ... closet. ...paleontologists all over the world saw that stasis was the general pattern, and that gradualism was rare- and that is still the consensus 40 year later." ... ...
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13: pre-earthquakes-history-data
Israel became a nation in 1948 AD. 3. This interesting scientific data file proves that earthquakes have not been any more common in the ... Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives. Multiplied thousands more will perish in greater earth spasms ahead. Never since the days of Noah has the world been so badly battered. Again God is speaking to us - He is seeking to tell us that our time is short. His Son, Jesus ... have experienced an enormous increase in such earthquakes since that year: The frequency of major earthquakes has increased about 20 times ... source of most of our information for the greater part of history from the first century to the "Age of Discovery" in the fifteenth century. ... Magnitude 7.5 or more on the Richter scale Deaths 100 or more Damage $5 million (U.S.) or more in property destroyed. These standards for ... Finally, in the Reports of the British Association for the years 1852-54, he published a catalog of nearly seven thousand earthquakes, dating ... ...
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14: Evolution Falsified: Fossil Man
... CONTEMPORARY, "[H. erectus] would have been alive when modern human and Neandertals roamed the earth. ...If the dates are right, we have three different species coexisting at the same time..." ... He might be heavier-featured, squattier and more muscular than most, but again he might be no more so than the porter handling the beer cases back in the stock room." EVOLUTION, Time-Life Nature ... Science, V.277, 7/11/1997, p.177 "But some researchers believe the data can be interpreted differently. ...'The amount of diversity between Neanderthals and living humans is not exceptional.'" ... RUINED FAMILY TREE, "'Either we toss out this skull [1470] or we toss out our theories of early man,' asserts anthropologist Richard Leakey of this 2.8-million-year-old fossil, which he has tentatively ... MODERN & TALL, Richard Leakey, "...the boy from Tukana was surprisingly large compared with modern boys his age; he could well have grown to six feet. ...he would probably go unnoticed in a crowd ... ...
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15: The Fossil Record
... sheep, a twelve-foot-tall bird and the flattopped skull of the erect 'Nutcracker man'.", Time Magazine, 3/10/1961 Larger Boy, Richard Leakey "...the boy from Turkana was surprisingly large ... Peter Murray, Mu. of Central Australia, Quoted in Daily Telegraph, 8/17/2002, p.7 "Stone Age Elepant" "...would have been twice the size of the largest modern African elephant. ...Bones from ... The discovery of the 70 million year-old fossil frog" 2/18/08, All Insects Larger, "In general all the Pennsylvanian insects were larger than the ones we know today." Trilobite, Dinosaur And Man, ... "If stars did not exist, it would be easy to prove that this is what we expect.", Stellar Structure, p.577 Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished." ... Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective Cambridge University Press, p.53 "All in all, developing a theory of lunar origins that could make sense of data obtained from the Apollo lunar landing ... ...
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16: The Laws of Science support young earth creation
... sheep, a twelve-foot-tall bird and the flattopped skull of the erect 'Nutcracker man'.", Time Magazine, 3/10/1961 Larger Boy, Richard Leakey "...the boy from Turkana was surprisingly large ... Peter Murray, Mu. of Central Australia, Quoted in Daily Telegraph, 8/17/2002, p.7 "Stone Age Elepant" "...would have been twice the size of the largest modern African elephant. ...Bones from ... The discovery of the 70 million year-old fossil frog" 2/18/08, All Insects Larger, "In general all the Pennsylvanian insects were larger than the ones we know today." Trilobite, Dinosaur And Man, ... "If stars did not exist, it would be easy to prove that this is what we expect.", Stellar Structure, p.577 Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished." ... Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective Cambridge University Press, p.53 "All in all, developing a theory of lunar origins that could make sense of data obtained from the Apollo lunar landing ... ...
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17: Fossil Man
... sheep, a twelve-foot-tall bird and the flattopped skull of the erect 'Nutcracker man'.", Time Magazine, 3/10/1961 Larger Boy, Richard Leakey "...the boy from Turkana was surprisingly large ... Peter Murray, Mu. of Central Australia, Quoted in Daily Telegraph, 8/17/2002, p.7 "Stone Age Elepant" "...would have been twice the size of the largest modern African elephant. ...Bones from ... The discovery of the 70 million year-old fossil frog" 2/18/08, All Insects Larger, "In general all the Pennsylvanian insects were larger than the ones we know today." Trilobite, Dinosaur And Man, ... "If stars did not exist, it would be easy to prove that this is what we expect.", Stellar Structure, p.577 Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished." ... Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective Cambridge University Press, p.53 "All in all, developing a theory of lunar origins that could make sense of data obtained from the Apollo lunar landing ... ...
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18: Dinosaurs and Man Coexisted: Evidence from Acambaro Mexico
... sheep, a twelve-foot-tall bird and the flattopped skull of the erect 'Nutcracker man'.", Time Magazine, 3/10/1961 Larger Boy, Richard Leakey "...the boy from Turkana was surprisingly large ... Peter Murray, Mu. of Central Australia, Quoted in Daily Telegraph, 8/17/2002, p.7 "Stone Age Elepant" "...would have been twice the size of the largest modern African elephant. ...Bones from ... The discovery of the 70 million year-old fossil frog" 2/18/08, All Insects Larger, "In general all the Pennsylvanian insects were larger than the ones we know today." Trilobite, Dinosaur And Man, ... "If stars did not exist, it would be easy to prove that this is what we expect.", Stellar Structure, p.577 Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished." ... Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective Cambridge University Press, p.53 "All in all, developing a theory of lunar origins that could make sense of data obtained from the Apollo lunar landing ... ...
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19: Noah's Ark
... sheep, a twelve-foot-tall bird and the flattopped skull of the erect 'Nutcracker man'.", Time Magazine, 3/10/1961 Larger Boy, Richard Leakey "...the boy from Turkana was surprisingly large ... Peter Murray, Mu. of Central Australia, Quoted in Daily Telegraph, 8/17/2002, p.7 "Stone Age Elepant" "...would have been twice the size of the largest modern African elephant. ...Bones from ... The discovery of the 70 million year-old fossil frog" 2/18/08, All Insects Larger, "In general all the Pennsylvanian insects were larger than the ones we know today." Trilobite, Dinosaur And Man, ... "If stars did not exist, it would be easy to prove that this is what we expect.", Stellar Structure, p.577 Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished." ... Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective Cambridge University Press, p.53 "All in all, developing a theory of lunar origins that could make sense of data obtained from the Apollo lunar landing ... ...
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20: Dinosaurs and Man Coexisted: Evidence from Acambaro Mexico
... sheep, a twelve-foot-tall bird and the flattopped skull of the erect 'Nutcracker man'.", Time Magazine, 3/10/1961 Larger Boy, Richard Leakey "...the boy from Turkana was surprisingly large ... Peter Murray, Mu. of Central Australia, Quoted in Daily Telegraph, 8/17/2002, p.7 "Stone Age Elepant" "...would have been twice the size of the largest modern African elephant. ...Bones from ... The discovery of the 70 million year-old fossil frog" 2/18/08, All Insects Larger, "In general all the Pennsylvanian insects were larger than the ones we know today." Trilobite, Dinosaur And Man, ... "If stars did not exist, it would be easy to prove that this is what we expect.", Stellar Structure, p.577 Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished." ... Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective Cambridge University Press, p.53 "All in all, developing a theory of lunar origins that could make sense of data obtained from the Apollo lunar landing ... ...
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21: Video Quotes, Don Patton, What Is Creation science
Justice Scalla, "We have no basis on the record to conclude that creation-science need be anything other than a collection of scientific data supporting the theory that life abruptly appeared on the earth." Edwards vs. ... information content of a simple cell has been estimated at around 10 12 bits, comparable to about a hundred million pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica." ... And I think I realized that at the age of about 16. Isaac Asimov, "I have faith and belief myself... I believe that nothing beyond those natural laws is ... It's time for scientists to break out the steel-toed boots and brass knuckles, and get out there and hammer on the lunatics and idiots." scale of human history. "Discover, 5/1981, p.36. Observe Evolution? (In Fossil Record) Stephen J. Gould, Harvard, "The extreme rarity of transitional ..., February 3, 2015. Fungus Tests the Assumption "World's oldest fungus' raises evolution questions". "...found in rocks dating back 2.4 billion ... ...
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22: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
Dating the Gospel of John to AD 98 Old Testament Bible Book and Chapter Dating Jewish to Julian Calendar Date Converter Josephus Josephus ... The two destructions happened on the exact same day of the year, the 10th Av. Both Nebuchadnezzar and Titus were crown princes when they ... last remaining Christians on earth being annihilated (by Muslims), save the intervention of God (20:7-11), which triggers the second coming. ... Then he released Barabbas for them; but after having Jesus scourged (a second time), he handed Him over to be crucified." (Matthew 27:24-26) ... Also remember about 1 million first-hand witnesses inside the city were killed by the Romans. With this in mind, the author has not attempted ... The site was known then as Gibeah of Saul, located about 5 km north of Jerusalem. Iron age I installations have been excavated including the ... By the first cent. the Jewish population in Asia Minor perhaps reached in excess of one million. From these data, Ramsay rightly concludes ... ...
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23: Basta, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea. slaughterhouse, crop storage ...
... With 8 people exiting the ark after the flood (3298 BC) you would have about 800 people in 3200 BC, 300,000 people in 3000 BC during the great Ubaid expansion, and about 12 million ... of construction with only minor renovations done later. 6. Scientific looking carbon and radiometric dating reports cannot and will not ever challenge the Biblical age of the earth once you understand both the assumptions and methodology used in dating labs. ... This led us to assume that the entire complex followed a common master plan with the individual units being built more or less at the same time. This applies also to the relation ... Yet they go on to note that there is an excellent water supply in the city year-round and diverse vegetation including forests in the nearby wadis. We also know that in the Late ... In addition, the comparative data on burnt bones suggests a slightly higher (though not significant) frequency at Mount Ebal than that expected from a bone sample of this size. All ... ...
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24: Bulwarks of the Faith Foy E Wallace JR. Refuting Dogmas Catholicism ...
... with the shackles of the Inquisition, in the fetters of the most sinister and insidious system this earth has ever known- Roman Catholicism. ... characterized by such preaching and crowds, and made such an impact upon the whole area, that a repeat engagement was made for the next year. ... The writer believes that time will very shortly VIII find students acclaiming this as the ablest and most thorough work on the subject, and yet, boiled down so that the reader may see and understand the heart of the errors without having to wade through a tedious amount of data. ... Born in Sep-tember, 1896, in Montague county, Texas, he was baptized into Christ in 1909, and began preaching at the age of fifteen. Almost ... The dominant personalities of this period were Gregory, Boniface and Charlemagne. It was preluded by rapid de-partures in the church dating ... opportunity, to the headship of the Roman Episcopacy in England, and to the guidance of the million or thereabouts of souls in its communion. ... ...
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25: Joshua's Altar on Mt. Ebal and the Lead Curse Tablet
Monograph by Steven Rudd on AD 2019 Mt. Ebal Lead Curse Tablet "'You shall make an altar of earth for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your ... of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech ensured the accuracy of the raw data which the team interpreted. ... Ebal Altar and the Beginnings of the Nation of Israel". See also: (Zertal, A. 1986/87 An Early Iron Age Cultic Site on Mt. Ebal: Excavation ... place in 1446 BC. However, this is a Hebrew altar built during the time of Deborah the Judge and underneath we believe is the actual altar ... The curse tablet was found in Zertal's excavation dump of Joshua's altar which he determined was abandoned around 1150 BC, dating the curse ... There is a natural acoustic amphitheater between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim with a 1 km valley in the middle. 1 million Hebrews from six tribes ... In 2085 BC Abraham left Haran at age 75 and the same year God appeared to him at Shechem: Gen 12:4. In 2085 BC, Abraham built an altar in ... ...
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26: Four Hebrew Scripts: Mosaic, Hieroglyphic, Paleo, Aramaic, square ...
... The oldest complete copy of the Old Testament (Tanakh) in Hebrew is the Masoretic text dating to 1008 AD. 4. History of Greek extant scripts and translations ... Greek Septuagint (LXX) played in the Old Testament (Tanakh), we must go to the time of Joseph in Egypt who invented the first alphabet on earth. a. See full outline "Hebrew is the world's first and oldest alphabet" b. Before Jacob entered Egypt in 1876 BC the Hebrews used no written language. There is no evidence of any script during the patriarchal age. c. ... "God said to Abraham, "Bring Me a three year old heifer, and a three year old female goat, and a three year old ram, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon." ... Naioth as the genesis of Paleo-Hebrew is also a perfect match the archeologic inscriptional data that we have found. e. After the destruction of Solomon's ... Today the majority of the 6 million Jews living in modern Israel (total population 8.5 million) speak "Masoretic Hebrew". e. A key point is to realize that we ... ...
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27: The Exodus Route: The Archaeology of Mt. Lawz as Mt. Sinai
... a. "The lunar calendar measured time by lunations; a lunation is the interval of time, expressed in days, between two successive new moons. ... position between the sun and earth and produce a "new moon."" (Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, Calendars, p 400) b. It is also possible to have up to 4 consecutive 30 day lunar months: i. Nisan, Iyar and Sivan were 30 day lunar months: "the lunar year is divided into twelve months: ... for - can there be 5, consecutive, 30-day months?) So looking at the data, we see everything is fine - as annotated by "OK" in the far-right ... Sinai: 1. Moses called at the burning bush at Mt. Horeb: a. Moses left Egypt at the age of 80 and lived in Arabia, in the land of Midian (Ex ... Sinai: Numbers 1:19. The second was just before crossing the Jordan 40 years later: Numbers 26:2. There were 2.5 million Jews in the Exodus, ... as being built at the time of Moses are in fact Nabatean dating to the time of Christ. 2. Rule #2: Ignore 100% of archaeological ... ...
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28: Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker, 2010 AD
... I have seen damage to the cerebral cortex that I believe is due to the use of these drugs, and I am beginning to wonder if the dam-age is permanent." Hughes, The ... See in particular Huxley, N."Disability and its treatment in bipolar disorder patients." Bipolar Disorders 9 (2007): 183-96. 15-Year Outcomes for Schizophrenia ... "With psychiatric medications, you solve one problem for a period of time, but the next thing you know you end up with two problems. The treatment turns a period ... More than 1.5 million people are on SSI or SSDI because they are disabled by anxiety, depression, or bipolar illness, and, according to the Johns Hopkins data, more than 14 million ... Disagree with the common wisdom on this topic, and it seems that you must be a card-carrying member of the flat-Earth society. " (Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert ... She went back to school and earned a degree in radio, film, and television from the University of Maryland. In 1998, she began dating the man she lives with ... ...
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29: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
... Click to View Historic antique Exodus route maps from 1500 AD that had no Gulf of Aqaba. Click to View Population of the Exodus Jews: 2-4 Million Hebrews left ... Archeology has confirmed that the Hyksos built three palaces at Tel el-Dab'a directly beside the Hebrews. From the time of Joseph down to the end of the Hyksos ... of Ahmoses I first military campaigns which began after his 10th regnal year in 1547 BC at age 20. Inscriptions on the wall of a cliff-tomb at El Kab, located 100 km south of ... The Slavery and oppression was a political and social policy to make sure the Egyptians never lost economic control of their country again, as they had dating ... The pillar of fire and the angel was the first physical appearance representing the presence of God on earth. This symbol went through a series of physical ... road to Ramm, Egra and Medina diverges SE. If additional confidence in these data is desired, the security of this conviction becomes even more decisive by ... ...
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30: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
... Clearly, Seir/Edom was not just a deserted wilderness in the Late Bronze/Iron Age transitional period - there were enough people there to concern Egyptian ... Sinai is nearby Seir and Edom. ""Lord, when You went out from Seir, When You marched from the field of Edom, The earth quaked, the heavens also dripped, Even the ... 4:45) "Now on the tenth day of the fifth month, which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the captain of the ... in 597 BC and the encroachment of Edom into the Judean Negev for the first time in history. Dating to 597 BC, the Arad ostraca fully document the invasion of Edom into the ... time, foreign nations referred to Edom as "Kushu" or Kushan. "Local epigraphic data and Assyrian sources also suggest that the political development of Edom ... Wars 6.345-350) 9. 2nd September AD 70, Sunday [Gorpiaeus/Elul 8]: 1.1 million Jews died inside Jerusalem: "Now the number of those that were carried ... ...
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31: Scientology: Hubbard and the Occult
The ransacking of the FACTNET files and data base by the OSA Raid Team was not unexpected and the timing of the raid, not surprisingly, corresponded to the ... The first edition of Hubbard's 1950 text Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health (007) carried an advertisement for a book published a year earlier ... When I interviewed Gerald Armstrong, Hubbard's archivist, in 1984, he told me of a Hubbard "scale" dating from the 1940s. At the base of the scale was the ... More usually, Crowley called the Empress by the name Babalon (037). Contemporary New Age groups see the Great Mother in the aspect of Gaia the Earth Mother. This is far from Crowley's view. Diana, the patroness of ... words "a thetan exterior who can have but doesn't have to have a body in order to control or operate thought, life, matter, energy, space and time" (051). ... In December 1966, in North Africa, Hubbard undertook "research" into an incident which he claimed had occurred 75 million years ago. In a tape recorded ... ...
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32: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
... the world for over 40 years that evolution was true when in fact the scientific case for young earth creation is powerful and convincing. ... Hebrews spent 38 years at Kadesh Barnea with Moses and Joshua. Here Miriam and Aaron and 2.5 million Hebrews died. Kadesh-Barnea was a sacred ... While the time scale of these archeologists is off by a factor of 5x, (2000 BC not 10,000 BC) the facts of archeology show a Hebrew presence. "Even before the historical period, however, the Petra region was inhabited by Stone Age people who exploited its natural vegetation and ... Lagrange's description shows that only fifteen years after Trumbull's visit, and at the same time of the year, the place presented very much ... both in meaning and etymology, and best satisfies the scriptural data." (New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD) The Map by ... realize this common wheel-made pottery was far more reliable for dating purposes than the handmade pottery he saved.)" (Jezirat Faraun: Is ... ...
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33: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
... Though many scholars have accepted the above suggestion, there is so far no independent evidence to confirm this viewpoint. (The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating, ... at Kadesh-Barnea, M Dothan, 1965) Gunneweg also says the same: "The Iron Age II fortress of Qadesh Barnea (nowadays called Tell 'Ein el-Qudeirat) is ... God tucked Israel off in an isolated corner so he could cultivate his nation to worship him. Attempting to do this at the ancient equivalent of "Time Square" is significantly unlikely. 2.5 million people ... These fortresses date from the tenth to the sixth centuries B.C. and provide important data which help flesh out the tangled history of this period. ... It is ... Additional rooms were built in the courtyard against the southern casemate wall. The location of the gate has not yet been determined. The beaten-earth floors ... Click to View "On the floor of one of the rooms, partially excavated last year, and located north of the southern casemate line, a large ostracon (Pl. 32:C) ... ...
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34: Nuweiba Beach Red Sea crossing: Rejected, debunked, refuted
... Sinai Sunday evening, which is Sivan 1, day 47 (Ex 19:1). The third new moon rises overnight as the 3 million Hebrews are camped in front of Mt. Sinai, marking the beginning ... Then during the first sabbatical year of 1399 BC they set up the tabernacle tent at Shiloh where it stood for 305 years until 1094 BC. In 1094 BC, the Ark of the Covenant was ... Fritz correctly admits no archaeological evidence dating to the time of Moses has been found in Saudi Arabia or anywhere near Mt. Lawz or Mt. Maqla. "Lacking datable Bronze Age inscriptions, adornments, and pottery, there is little concrete information" (Exodus Mysteries, Glen Fritz, p226, 2019 ... Tiran. Fritz's problem was not in his data, but his misleading presentation of the data with conflicting and distorted scales for visual presentation to the general public. ... This distance is confirmed in Google Earth pro. To correct his defective graphic, it must be compressed horizontally from 19 km to 16 km which has the effect of making the ... ...
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35: Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2010 AD
... Even worse, Chemical psychiatry fails to note that every historic culture on earth believed in "Cartesian Dualism" including the ancient ... 1729 AD, Nicholas Robinson, doctor and governor of Bedlam the same time James Monro, believed insanity was caused by life choices, sin and ... of Methodism, understood that insanity was caused by sin and noted a case of a young 20 year old man who went mad "by hearing a sermon of Mr. ... Colin A. Ross concluded that "claims in textbooks and review articles that ECT is effective are not consistent with the published data". ... The Bible does teach demon possession during the apostolic age, but oddly, he Farmer did not believe the devil or demons even existed. Instead ... histories (space traveler Xenu gets stuck in a volcano 50 million years ago and your mission is to release him) and a dictionary of ... a long history dating back to Charles Wesley, the founder of Methodism in 1747 AD. With ECT people undergo 5 - 20 shocks over several weeks. ... ...
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36: Rocks
Detailed Geologic Column Is Non-Existent, Except In Text Books Conceptual, "The end product of correlation is a mental abstraction called the geological column." p.779, 1985, Encyclopedia Britannica. Built By Correlation, L.D. Leet (Harvard) & S. Judson (Princeton), "Because we cannot find sedimentary rocks representing all of earth time neatly in one convenient area, we must piece together the rock sequence from locality to ... Evolutionary Fossil Progressions? "Fantasy" David Raup, Chicago Field Museum, Prof. of Geology, U. of Chicago, "A large number of well-trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology ... New Scientist, V.90, p.832, 1981 Alternate Explanation: Year-Long Series of Catastrophes Produced By A World-Wide Flood, Father of Modern Stratigraphy, Nicholas Steno, Dott & Batten, ... dragged from the Indian Ocean near the Chalumna River a fish thought to be extinct for 70 million years. The fish was a coelacanth, an animal that thrived concurrently with dinosaurs..." ... ...
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37: Evidence for Creation: FOSSIL RECORD
would represent anything more than an outrageous hypothesis. ...The fossil record and only the fossil record provides direct evidence of major sequential changes in the Earth's biota." ... So much for chordate uniqueness... Contrary to Darwin's expectation that new data would reveal gradualistic continuity with slow and steady expansion, all major discoveries of the past ... Preston Cloud & Martin F. Glaessner, "Ever since Darwin, the geologically abrupt appearance and rapid diversification of early animal life have fascinated biologist and students of Earth history alike....This interval, plus Early Cambrian, was the time ... Evolution, V.13, 6/'59, p.264. Daniel I. Axelrod, UCLA, "This report of fish material from Upper Cambrian rocks further extends the record of the vertebrates by approximately 40 million ... shown that the period of biological innovation occurred at virtually the same instant in geologic time all around the world. ...just as the peculiar behavior of light forced physicists ... ...
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38: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Hyracotherium "dawn horse" eohippus, mesohippus ...
year are full of fraud and lies to promote evolution. Click to View School Teachers and professors know the material is fraud, but still teach it. Click to View Misleading, deceptive things are still found in High School and University Textbooks that were exposed as fraud over 90 years ago! Click to View Evolutionists turn a quite blind eye, because this fraudulent data is ... Click to View If they fail to tell you that they find all "fossil horses" mixed throughout all the different time layers and that only a person looking to prove "horse evolution" would ever try to arrange them is any kind of orderly ... Click to View If they fail to tell you that "Moropus" that lived in the Miocene Age, but is not included in the fossil series although it resembles a horse in great deal. If was not ... "The difference between Eohippus and the modern horse is relatively trivial, yet the two forms are separated by 60 million years and at least ten genera and a great number of species.. . . ... ...
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39: 242 Dates for the End of the world!!! Date Setters!
Camping must quit preaching forever on May 22, 2011, as an act of repentance for speaking where the Bible is silent! He should also dismantle his multi-million dollar empire ... We reported live in Jerusalem, on location, on May 21! click to view Mathew 24:35-36 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and ... Most date setters do not realize mankind has not kept an unwavering record of time. Anyone wanting to chart for example 100 BC to 2000 AD would have contend with the fact 46 BC was 445 days long, there was no year 0 BC, and in 1582 we switched from Julian Years (360 days) to Gregorian (365 days). ... Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus (1-2 Cent) thought the days of the Messiah would last 40 years. Before Bar Kochba the Mess. age was short; longer afterward 130 Rabbi Jose, the ... "Data mense augusto, regnante Rotberto rege, anni ab Incarnatione Domni nostri Jesu Christi usque in presentem diem mille et I." (Charter of Saint- Hilaire of Poitiers, ed. ... ...
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40: The Book of Jubilees: A fictional Jewish chronology of real world ...
Book of Jubilees Chronology1 Creation 3906 BC Creation to Conquest = 50 Jubilees = 2450 years after creation Jubilee Years Time Spans Creation to conquest 50*49 years 2450 years Creation to ... This is computed by adding the incremental sums: In the 45th Jubilee = 44 complete jubilees (not 45). In the third week = 2x7=14 days (not 21). Second year = 2 years. ([44 jubilees x 49 years] + ... for the history of the world and creation at 5554 BC. a. Almost without exception, every historic chronology, both Jewish and Greek, had a date for the age of the earth that agreed with the Septuagint. b. ... Without Christians, Jews today would be lost in both history and archeological dating. e. The book of jubilees must be rejected as the "Mother Goose" story of world history along its companion ... Just as the men of Egypt cast their sons into the river he avenged one million. And one thousand strong and ardent men perished on account of one infant whom they threw into the midst of the river ... ...
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41: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
... Joash, Jehoahaz, Jehoash were names of kings of Judah and Israel at the same time. 5. The contrast, shock and awe of the 9th century BC (900-800 BC) a. The 9th century BC is the golden age of the ... While Elijah is killing the 850 false prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel and flees Jezebel queen of Israel to Mt. Sinai thinking he is the last righteous man on earth, Jehoshaphat king of Judah sends ... While Israel is almost under constant attack from outside nations, Judah enjoys only two wars with the Ethiopians and Aram during a 56-year time of peace (900-844 BC) during the reigns of Righteous Asa ... III. Notable Quotables from 900-800 BC: 1. 896 BC: Asa's great prayer at Meresha when he faced an army of 1 million from Ethiopia: "Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, "Lord, there is no ... Ben-Hadad I (Idri) becomes king of Aram (900-860 BC) in the 10th regnal year of Asa king of Judah. 896 BC 2 Chron 15:19 Double chronological dating 10 years of peace end: "No war until 35th year" ... ...
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42: Beidha, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea: mass food production ...
The Hebrew Exodus population of 3.5 million would clearly take up a space up to 15 km long. Beidha is 5 km north of Petra and Basta is 12 km SE of Petrra. The problem ... While it is clear that evolutionary dating of the PPN sites of Beidha and Basta at 6500 BC is absurd given the creation of the world was at 5554 BC, the lack of Late Bronze Age pottery at Beidha and Basta poses a problem because it was during the Late Bronze Age that the Hebrews spent 38 years in the Petra area. Solutions to this problem might be found in the fact that Israel drank miraculously supplied water and manna all the time they were at Kadesh and God miraculously kept their clothing ... Diana Kirkbride was director of the Beidha excavations for 7 seasons between 1958-1967. Brian Byrd joined her in the final season in 1983. b. Diana Kirkbride's 5-year ... that, like most archeologists, he forgot to read his Bible and realize that there is no archeology on earth today that is older than 3298 BC when the flood occurred. ... ...
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43: They are digging up Bible stories! Start Page
... rather impossible to find any archeology older than the age of the earth. The world-wide flood of Noah happened in 3298 BC. The Noahic flood that wiped off all traces of humanity off the earth and buried it in what is now called sedimentary rock. The flood occurred flood 2258 years after creation. For example, there is a 1.5-mile-deep layer of fossils in the Grand Canyon that was laid within the year of the flood of Noah. ... The oldest possible evidence of human existence that archeologists can dig up must be younger than the time of Noah, or 3298 BC. Archeologists love to come up with time scales based upon assumptions that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. The Bible says the earth is about 7500 years old. The scientific data supports a young earth. Keep in mind that ... Evaluation of these points of reference negates Finkelstein's LC (low chronology). (The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating, Thomas E. Levy, Thomas Higham, Amihai Mazar, 2005, p16, 21) So as we can see, the role of ... ...
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44: THE PIRATES OF PRIVILEGE: Walter Rea Rocks the Seventh-day Adventist ...
treatment of Ellen White. He was 60 years of age when his employment with the Church was terminated, and by then he had given many decades of service to the Church. ... That may have been so, but when his empire collapsed in 1982, millions were missing in the 69-70 million dollar fraud and neither Davenport nor his wife would tell ... First it must be noted that these leaders were responsible for keeping before the membership the shortness of earth's time and history. Every world event, great or ... Did these men really believe what they preached to others that each day, week, month or year might bring the end of all things? These leaders were foremost in ... and know nothing about finance will hasten to spread it to the four corners of the earth that I in desperate trouble and I now have to pay 80% for my money. ... Many progressives felt that once their conservative brethren (scientist, administrators or educators) saw the data they would take the only course open to reasonable ... ...
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45: Scientific evidences of the Bible's inspiration
... If man alone were the author of the Bible, we would expect to find many such humorous errors contained in it. However, if we examine the scientific data of the Bible and ... Isaiah 40:22, Amos 9:6. Today, we chuckle at the people of the fifteenth century who feared sailing because they thought they would fall over the edge of the flat earth. ... Eccl 1:6-7; 11:3; Job 26:8; Amos 9:6. Vitruvius was 1600 years too late! 6 DAY CREATION... GOD WAS TAKING HIS TIME If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince, we would call it a fairy tale. But if the change takes 40 million years, we call it evolution. We often hear that ... But if the Bible is wrong and man actually did evolve in small graduations over a long period of time, we should find ample fossil evidence of links in intermediate ... years old! However, in 1953, when the new fluoride dating process was applied to the bones, scientists were shocked to learn that the jaw bone was less than 50 years old. ... ...
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46: Flavius Josephus Chronology of the Destruction of Jerusalem's ...
... Commotion which preceded the war Wars 2.280-283 A few Days before Passover AD 66 3 million Jews gathered in Jerusalem to complain to Cestius Gallus about the evils of Judean governor Florus. ... They came to the gate killed some Jews, caused a stampede to get back into the city, then they themselves entered the city. Roman soldiers arrived and left Jerusalem all the time. It was not a ... There are no ancient literary sources to prove Nero's persecutions came to Asia or Egypt much less Jerusalem. 6. There is a one year and three-week cumulative dating error in calculating the 7 miraculous signs that preceded ... Jerusalem: "So Nero esteemed these circumstances as favorable omens, and saw that Vespasian's age gave him sure experience, and great skill, and that he had his sons as hostages for his ... And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake ... ...
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47: Flavius Josephus Chronology of the Destruction of Jerusalem's ...
... Commotion which preceded the war Wars 2.280-283 A few Days before Passover AD 66 3 million Jews gathered in Jerusalem to complain to Cestius Gallus about the evils of Judean governor Florus. ... They came to the gate killed some Jews, caused a stampede to get back into the city, then they themselves entered the city. Roman soldiers arrived and left Jerusalem all the time. It was not a ... There are no ancient literary sources to prove Nero's persecutions came to Asia or Egypt much less Jerusalem. 6. There is a one year and three-week cumulative dating error in calculating the 7 miraculous signs that preceded ... Jerusalem: "So Nero esteemed these circumstances as favorable omens, and saw that Vespasian's age gave him sure experience, and great skill, and that he had his sons as hostages for his ... And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake ... ...
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48: A Critique of NAMI Don Patton Randall Price on Mount Ararat Noah ...
... Price and Patton were members) in August-September 2008. However, Paraşüt changed his mind and refused to lead either group to the site at that time. Nevertheless, in October of that year ... Patton was part of the geologic team invited to analyze the NAMI wood sample in January 2008 in Doğubayazit, Turkey. In October of that year he delivered an invited lecture on ... Patton went to Hong Kong (with geologist and veteran Ark researcher Dr. Don Shockey) to deliver a 25-page geologic report and to offer private satellite data for a joint-expedition planned for the summer of 2008. Drs. Price and Patton ... It was carefully burned, blackened on the surface, to appear old when photographed. Dr. Patton sawed a three-inch slice off one end for dating analysis. Dr. Salih Bayraktutan, a Turkish ... Wood from NAMI site 1.jpg Wood from NAMI site showing intentional charring to give appearance of age Click to View NAMI wood plank showing modern (new) wood at end (chip at upper right) ... ...
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49: Negev Pottery: "Negev ware" "Negevite ware" Crude, hand made ...
A. The Handmade Pottery of the Negev Negev ware was first discovered by Woolley and Lawrence in their two year excavation of Qudeirat. They also found it at Bir Birein. Nelson Glueck also ... In Nelson Glueck's excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh in 1938-1940 AD, he threw out much of the wheel made pottery, which is needed for dating and kept the Negev pottery which cannot be dated ... (1972: 153-54), and now, since the excavations at Kadesh-barnea, it is clear that it remained in use until the end of the Iron Age. Within this rather long time span, Negev ware appears to have undergone some changes. ... Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev The remains of the pottery, found in the ash layer that covered the beaten-earth floor of the casemate rooms, are of two basic ... The date of this level cannot be determined in light of current data. (Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh: A Reappraisal, Gary D. Pratico, 1985 AD) Cohen (1979: 77-78) dates the wheelmade vessels ... ...
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50: Josiah, King of Judah 640-609 BC seals, bulla. They're Digging ...
... Yet because you relied on the Lord, He delivered them into your hand. "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support ... the same as the Hilkiah the high priest who would find the book of the law in the temple. 2. Jeremiah was likely the same age as Josiah and they grew up together. a. ... It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the exile of Jerusalem in the fifth month." (Jeremiah 1:1-3) b. "It is likely that these priests of Anathoth were descendants of Eli and Abiathar, priests who at one time ... false religion and warning about impending judgement destruction from God. 6. Dating the sequential chapters of Jeremiah: Reference Date Comment 1:1-3 Composed ... This kind of apocalyptic/symbolic language is also used of the second coming but it is critical to discern the context before spending 100 million dollars on bill ... ...
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