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351: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #40: Zedekiah and the Edomite invasion into ...
The story told by Ostraca #40 and 24: 1. Edomite history: At age 30, Esau moves from Judah to Seir, conquers the Horites in 1926 BC and begins to occupy their historic Transjordan territory east of the Arabah valley in the highlands of modern Jordan. During the time of the Exodus 1446 BC, Edom's territory ran beside Kadesh Barnea at Nabatean Petra from the gulf of Aqaba north to the Wadi Zered at the south end of the Salt Sea. After ... "To Edom: Do not stand at the fork of the road To cut down their fugitives; And do not imprison their survivors In the day of their distress." (Obadiah 10-14) Edom was condemned by God for its role in the destruction of Judah, Jerusalem and Solomon's temple in 587 BC and became an extinct nation by the time Judah returned from captivity in 536 BC. "To Edom: Like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors," says the Lord, "no one will live there, nor will a son of man reside in it." (Jeremiah 49:16-18)" (Steve Rudd, 2015 AD) Click to View ... ...
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352: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Xenephyris, Egypt 139 BC
Acts 16:13; Philo, Embassy 132-134; Josephus Life 277 B. Inscription footnotes: 1. Lit. proseuche = house of prayer 2. Lit. exedra = adjoining structures: Out buildings: houses, storage, water installations, gardens a. Appendages: Hostels, Housing and Food Banks in Synagogues b. Also at Theodostos 18 ... Providence: God's eternal plan: The providential transition from Temple to Synagogue to Church Origin: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: Master list of fulfilled messianic prophecies 4. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "He shall be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural Prototypes in the Church: 1. Standard architectural ... ...
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353: Archeology and the Temple in Jerusalem
Detailed maps by Charles Wilson and Charles Warren in 1864-1871 Infrared Imaging of the Temple Mount Detailed map by Frederick Catherwood, Plan of Jerusalem, 1835 AD (Olin, Stephen. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land. New York, 1844, vol. II.) The Fortress of Antonia was built at the Dome of the Rock. The wailing wall was built by "Hadrian" not "Herod" Solomon's aqueduct that supplied water to the Temple. Today, the temple mount level is 10-20 meters higher than is was in Jesus' day. Today, the temple mount area is twice as large as it was in Jesus' day. The Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon Video: Ascent stairs ... Ephesians 1:22-23 "You are saints, God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building is a holy temple in the Lord, a dwelling of God in the Spirit." Ephesians 2:19-22 D. The location of the Temple on the Temple Mount: There are four places today where people locate ... ...
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354: Abijah King of Judah 914-911 BC. They're Digging up Bible Stories ...
... Numbers 25:9 many people killed by God Zered river Numbers 21:6 120,070 killed by God Shiloh, Beth-shemesh 1 Sam 1-8 a. At Kadesh Barnea: "But those who died by the plague were 14,700, besides those who died on account of Korah." Numbers 16:49 b. At Shittim, just before crossing the Jordan: "Those who died by the plague were 24,000." Numbers 25:9 c. Golden Calf at Sinai: "So the sons of Levi did as Moses instructed, and about 3000 men of the people fell that day." Exodus 32:28 d. Golden Calf at Sinai: "Then the Lord smote the people, because of what they did with the calf which Aaron had made." Exodus 32:35 e. Golden Calf at Sinai: "Nor let us act immorally, as ... We must not be double minded men: "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to ... ...
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355: The Bible, the Conscience and mental illness
For example, playing with matches or drinking out of the toilet is neither right or wrong to a child. They do not see any difference in playing with matches and daddy starting the fireplace; playing in the bathtub vs. playing in the toilet water. One smack on the behind quickly teaches the ... Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief;" 1 Timothy 1:13 B. We must have a clear conscience: "I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers did, as I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day, " 2 Timothy 1:3 "Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, "Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day." Acts 23:1 ... is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. " 1 Timothy 1:5 "So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. ... ...
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356: Scientific evidences of the Bible's inspiration
We must not view the Bible as the word of Paul, Peter, or Jeremiah, but rather, as the message God revealed through these men just as it is written in Jeremiah 1:9, Then the Lord stretched out his hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, 'behold, I have put my words in your ... If man alone were the author of the Bible, we would expect to find many such humorous errors contained in it. However, if we examine the scientific data of the Bible and find it to be accurate to present-day knowledge, then we have powerful evidence for divine authorship. The scientific ... She chose Psalm 8, the eighth verse of which speaks of "whatsoever walketh through the paths of the sea," he repeated "the paths of the sea, the paths of the sea, if God says the paths of the sea, they are there, and if I ever get out of this bed I will find them." source The Hydrologic Water Cycle Revealed in the Bible: Job 36:27-28 The water cycle was not fully understood until about 30 B.C. by a Roman engineer ... ...
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357: Official creed of the Evangelical church
... A. The Apostles' Creed (2nd century) I believe in God the Father Almighty; Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the virgin, Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hades. On the third day He rose again, ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father; from thence He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy ... We deny that the church should work as though we are living in the last generation (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2). We believe baptism in water to be a symbol of baptism into Christ, which the Holy Spirit performs at conversion. Water baptism therefore ... We believe that in the prohibition of stealing, God has ordained the institution of private property. We believe that the Christian church should teach against theft in all its forms (Exodus 20:15). We deny that the institution of private property ... ...
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358: The false doctrine of Roman Catholic apostolic succession!
... said he, 'by my mouth; for John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.' " (Acts 1:4-5). "...You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..." (Acts 1:8). All of this was in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies which said, "...The law shall come forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Isa. 2:3; Micah 4:2). The apostles received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2:1-4 and "began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak." (Verse 4). Thus, they began to proclaim by inspiration the will or law of God as Jesus had declared in the words, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven; and whatever ... In medieval times the Cathedrals and Churches were not heated, yet the clerics entered, Winter and Summer, day and night, to chant the divine hours. In cold weather they kept themselves warm by wearing furlined cassocks." (New ... ...
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359: Tongues Ceased in AD 100: Introduction: Cessation of Spiritual ...
Created by supernatural power Stands as a monument of God's work by natural means without additional help since God rested on the 7th day! Life on Earth Created by a special act of God Perpetuated by natural reproduction Tabernacle Men were spirit ... They ceased in the first century! 3. There are only 9 gifts: "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. 7 But to each one is given the ... 2 this man came to Him by night, and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." 5. The alleviation of suffering was a secondary benefit to the primary purpose of confirming the word. Notice all these people who had illnesses that Paul didn't heal! a. "Trophimus I left sick at Miletus" 2 Ti 4:20 b. "No longer drink water exclusively, but use a ... ...
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360: TRINITY: Christology: Diety and Humanity of our Savour!
Rev 5:12-14 Mt 2:2,8; 11; 14:33; 28:9, 17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38; Rom 1:25; Heb 1:6 + Deut 32:43 LXX + Dead Sea Scroll 4Q44 + Justin Martyr, Dialogue 130 We pray to Jesus as God 1. Command: Jn 14:14; ... Jn 17:5 that they may behold My glory, which Thou hast given Me Jn 17:24 Knowledge "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." Mt 24:36 And He asked his father, "How long has this been happening to him?" And he said, "From childhood. Mk 9:21 And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Lk 2:52 "Jesus heard that they had put him out, and finding him, He said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"" (John 9:35) "and said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to Him, "Lord, come and see."" (John 11:34) ... Was the Bread of Life and miraculously fed multitudes: John 6:35; Mark 6:38-44, 52 Thirsted: John 19:28 Gave living water: John 4:14 Grew weary: John 4:6 Gave rest: Matthew 11:28 Slept in a storm: ... ...
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361: Judean Governors, Procurtors and Prefects time of Jesus, first ...
... But I did not do so because of the fear of God." (Nehemiah 5:14-15) "Then Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, "This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep." For all the people were weeping when they heard the words of the law." (Nehemiah 8:9) Sanballat and Tobiah opposed Nehemiah in 445 BC in Neh 2:10 "Aramaic dedication inscription of Qaynu son of Gashmu, king of Qedar, on a silver bowl from Tell el-Mashkhuta, Egypt. Four of the silver bowls bear Aramaic dedicatory inscriptions to the goddess Han-Ilat. ... This is also directly east of the current wailing wall of the Jews. See detailed outline of the Holy of Holies located over the Al Kas fountain where Hadrian placed his Horse statue. f. 2. See full outline on Messianic expectation seen in Dead Sea Scrolls and Jewish coins 3. See also Messianic symbols used in Hasmonean coins 4. Summary of Messianic coins of "Simon Christ" Messianic ... ...
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362: Isa 66:23, does not teach that the Sabbath will be in heaven ...
... What proves too much proves nothing at all! "And it shall be from new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all mankind will come to bow down before Me, says the Lord" Isa 66:23. Sabbatarians have the Jewish new moon festival in heaven: ... Priesthood changed Heb 7:12. Sabbatarians have night in heaven Isa 66:23? (new moons require night) No! Revelation says there is no night in heaven. Rev. 21: 23; 22:5. You cannot have "new moon to new moon" without day and night! Is. 65:20: What kind of ... D. Even if Isa 66 was speaking of heaven (which it is not) there are some things in the church, that will not be in heaven: Lord's Supper in church, but not in heaven. Water baptism in church, but not in heaven. Marriage in church, but not in ... F. New moon is just another Jewish feast used in a yearly, monthly, weekly sequence! When God wanted to refer to the whole system of Jewish holy days, rather than name them all, He would refer to the yearly, monthly and weekly as representing the ... ...
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363: Ancient Synagogues: [SOD] Synagogue Occupation date" computation ...
Like wise with the exodus route. B. Here are six examples to illustrate the new occupational dating system which should be adopted in all universities: 1. Capernaum in Judea: 30 AD: The "excavation ... in Egypt: 194 BC: There is no "excavation date" or "literary date" of Athribis because no synagogue ruins have been excavated and no literary sources mention it. However two synagogue dedication inscriptions were found in Schedia that date to 240 BC. One of these inscriptions says "the Jews of Athribis dedicated this synagogue (proseuche = house of prayer) to the Most High God". This gives ... The New Testament records that on Paul's first missionary Journey in 45 AD, "Paul arrived at Pisidian Antioch, and on the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down. After the reading of ... Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. ... ...
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364: Trinity proof texts: John 5:18
... Jesus obviously didn't break the Sabbath so neither was Jesus actually claiming to be equal with God. On both counts, the Jews MISUNDERSTOOD Jesus. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #2 refuted Anti-Trinitarians really only have this one ... And Jesus actions were specifically covered in both the Mishnah and the Law of Moses: Jer 17:21-22 'Thus says the Lord, "Take heed for yourselves, and do not carry any load on the sabbath day or bring anything in through the gates of Jerusalem. 22 "And you shall not bring a load out of your houses on the ... In our war against "situation ethics" where liberals argue that all moral laws "ethics" can be broken, given the right "situation", we have thrown the baby out with the bath water. There are no situations when moral laws can be ... On a side note for Sabbatarians, only ceremonial laws are subject to being nullified by the "greater good principle", true moral laws are never nullified. Remember, that the Sabbath Law did not exist before Exodus 16 and was ... ...
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365: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #24: Letter from Zedekiah to send troops ...
The story told by Ostraca #40 and 24: 1. Edomite history: At age 30, Esau moves from Judah to Seir, conquers the Horites in 1926 BC and begins to occupy their historic Transjordan territory east of the Arabah valley in the highlands of modern Jordan. During the time of the Exodus 1446 BC, Edom's territory ran beside Kadesh Barnea at Nabatean Petra from the gulf of Aqaba north to the Wadi Zered at the south end of the Salt Sea. After ... "To Edom: Do not stand at the fork of the road To cut down their fugitives; And do not imprison their survivors In the day of their distress." (Obadiah 10-14) Edom was condemned by God for its role in the destruction of Judah, Jerusalem and Solomon's temple in 587 BC and became an extinct nation by the time Judah returned from captivity in 536 BC. "To Edom: Like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors," says the Lord, "no one will live there, nor will a son of man reside in it." (Jeremiah 49:16-18)" (Steve Rudd, 2015 AD) Click to View ... ...
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366: Table of the Scrolls: Prototype of the Church Communion Table
Tabernacle and Temple: Table of Shewbread b. Synagogue: Table of the scrolls c. Church: Communion Table: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons." (1 Corinthians 10:21) 5. The Elephantine Papyrus form 419 BC ... Providence: God's eternal plan: The providential transition from Temple to Synagogue to Church Origin: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: Master list of fulfilled messianic prophecies 4. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "He shall be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural Prototypes in the Church: 1. Standard architectural ... ...
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367: A list of inspired and non-inspired books mentioned in the Bible ...
This providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and brought about His will to form the Bible we ... The Book of Wars of the Lord: "Therefore it is said in the Book of the Wars of the Lord," Num. 21:14 The Book of Jasher: "So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day." Joshua 10:13 The annals of Jehu: "Now ... Book of the Chronicles in the king's presence." ... "During that night the king could not sleep so he gave an order to bring the book of records, the chronicles, and they were read before the king." ... Enoch lived before the flood but the book of Enoch dates to about 150 BC and many fragments of the book have been discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls. v. "It was also about these men that Enoch, in the ... ...
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368: Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
This notion of limiting the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" to the apostles ONLY was a false theology developed last century to refute modern day Pentecostals and Charismatics who claim to have miraculous power of the Holy Spirit like the first ... The supernatural function of the Holy Spirit is called fellowship: i. "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all." (2 Corinthians 13:14) ii. "Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is ... The metaphoric fellowship indwelling is unconditional for every Christian. Once you have met the conditions of faith, repentance, confession and water baptism, you are born again and immediately God unconditionally begins to dwell in you as ... Unlike the other 10 faithless spies who recommended NOT entering Canaan and brought death and condemnation upon themselves and the entire Exodus population of the Jews, Joshua and Caleb had the spirit of God inside them because of their ... ...
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369: Official creed of Worldwide Church of God (Plain Truth Magazine ...
... Repentance toward God leads to faith in Jesus Christ and a converted life sanctified by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38; Romans 2:4; 10:17; 2 Timothy 2:25; 2 Corinthians 7:9-11; Matthew 3:8; Romans 12:2) Water Baptism Water baptism signifies a believer's repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Worldwide Church of God practices baptism by immersion. (Matthew ... The Christian Sabbath is the regenerated life of faith in Jesus Christ, in whom every believer finds true rest. The weekly seventh-day Sabbath, which was enjoined upon Israel in the Ten Commandments, was a shadow that prefigured the true Reality to whom it pointed--our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Though physical Sabbath keeping is not required for Christians, it is the tradition and practice of the Worldwide Church of God to hold its weekly worship service on the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday). (Exodus 20:8-11; Matthew 11:29-30; Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 4:3, 8-10) Annual Festivals The Worldwide Church of ... ...
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370: The weekly Sabbath is abolished, being nailed to the cross!
Yet the Sabbath did not exist until Moses. Sabbatarians haven't comprehended the fact that the word "Sabbath" is never found in the book of Genesis. The first case of Sabbath keeping was in Exodus 16 at Mt. Sinai. Click to View $10,000 for one Bible verse that proves the Sabbath!!! Click here Click to View ... This powerful argument proves that the weekly Sabbath did not exist before Ex 16:23. What makes it irrefutable, is the fact that every Jewish Holy Day follows this same pattern! Click to View Adventist's use this false 3 part argument to prove the Adam kept the Sabbath: 1. In the beginning God made "all things" Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16. 2. The Sabbath day was MADE: Mk ... The fallacy of this is illustrated by the fact that many Sabbatarians, who do not participate in Halloween, will themselves will refer to it as a time system. They might say, "Our church is having a party for the kids, Halloween night." In the same way, Christians, living in the first century, used the common ... ...
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371: Modalism refuted: UPCI's Sixty Questions On The Godhead refuted ...
... Yahweh (Jehovah, LORD) is the singular name of a plurality eloheem (God). The biblical doctrine of one God refers either to the one plurality eloheem or to the singular Yahweh which is the name of the one plurality eloheem. b. Malachi 2:10 will be addressed when consideration is given to question 14. c. In Matthew 22:32 the word God is translated from the Greek word theos. Matthew there quotes Exodus 3:6. In Exodus 3:6 the word God is translated from the plural Hebrew word eloheem. There is one plurality ... UPC Question #41. "Does the Bible say that God alone treads upon the waves of the sea? Yes. Job 9:8." In the parallel passage (Psalms 104:1 - 3) these things are attributed to Yahweh eloheem. UPC Question #42. "Why, then, was Jesus able to walk ... Although I do not believe there was anything artificial about the conception of Jesus, at the same time I do not believe it was by the natural process by which all other humans conceptions occur. It should be understood that in our day when ... ...
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372: Arguments against Al-Lawz as Mt. Sinai, refuted!
Two verses are used to support the idea that Moses must have been at Mt. Musa: 1. Exodus 18:27 "Then Moses bade his father-in-law farewell, and he went his way into his own land." 2. Numbers 10:29-31 "Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out to the place of which the Lord said, 'I will give it to you'; come with us and we will do you good, for the Lord has promised good concerning Israel." But he ... From a strictly language point of view, they were already out of Egypt while sleeping in Goshen before they left (Gen 50:7-8; Ex 9:25-26). They were already "out of Egypt" the first night they slept, 25 miles from Goshen. (Ex 12:51; 13:3; Deut 16:6) We understand that this ... 1 Samuel 9:16; "land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali" Isaiah 9:1; After the divided kingdom, the Assyrian Captivity in 722 BC was warned against the land of Israel, in distinction to the land of Judah: "thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel, 'An end! ... ...
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373: The Apostolic Fathers believed in expedient, optional tradition
... The origin of Wednesday night, mid-week bible study, may have started with a single Christian setting aside that time for personal Bible study, worship and prayer. Others wanted to join him and in time a decision was ... Unfortunately this good practice of spending extra Bible study time together as a church, may become an unwritten law and seen on the same level of authority as the first day (Sunday) communion worship services. Most expedient traditions are merely good optional choices, but we must always separate what God requires from the freedom God gives us to ... It is these expedient things that are "tradition" and clearly optional that scripture is silent about. Other examples of tradition in this same category today, might be making sure the temperature of the water in the ... Hereupon we are thrice immersed, making a somewhat ampler pledge than the Lord has appointed in the Gospel. Then when we are taken up (as new-born children), we taste first of all a mixture of milk and honey, and ... ...
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374: Exodus route and Conquest: Hormah, Tamar, Way of the Spies
(Redating the Exodus, Bimson, Livingston, BAR 13:05, Sep/Oct 1987) This of course fits well with an exodus dated at 1446 BC at which time Hormah was destroyed and not occupied for several hundreds of Years. ... Biblical Tamar, 30 miles south of the Dead Sea, was one of the main cities on the spice trade. More than 25,000 objects ranging from the First Temple period to the early Arab period have been uncovered here, ... Tamar is one of the few sites where volunteers can dig for a single day. The references to Arad, Hormah, and the Way of the Atharim have provided biblical historians, geographers, and archaeologists ... a foretaste of great things to come when they would enter the Promised Land under the power of God and the leadership of Joshua. The key statement in this passage is that the Israelites, when faced with the adversity of an ambush by the Canaanites, consulted the Lord and vowed to put their enemies under the destructive condemnation of holy war.11 Budd has offered a ... ...
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375: Official Creed of Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI ...
supernatural power, Who ascended in supernatural splendor, Who intercedes as a supernatural priest and Who will one day return in supernatural glory to establish a supernatural kingdom on the earth. ... Genesis 17:1; Exodus 20:2-3; 15:11; Psalm 83:18; 90:2; 147:5; Jeremiah 10:10; Matthew 28:19; Mark 12:30; John 4:24; 10:30; 15:26; 17:5; Acts 5:3-4; Romans 11:23; 1Corinthians 12:10-11; 8:6; 12:4-6; 2Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 2:18; 4:6; Philippians 2:5-6; 1Timothy 1:17; 1John 5:7; Revelation 4:11 Of The Holy Spirit We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person; equal with God the Father and ... We hold him to be man's great tempter, the enemy of God and His Christ, the accuser of the saints, the author of all false religions, the chief power back of the present apostasy; the lord of the ... Of Baptism And The Lord's Supper We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, with the authority of the ... ...
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376: Development of Trinity Doctrine from the Old to the New Testament
... To their horror, the divine name underwent change and development. "God spoke further to Moses and said to him, "I am the Lord; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, Lord, I did not make Myself known to them." (Exodus 6:2-3) From Adam to Moses, God's name was "El-Shaddai" (God Almighty). From Moses to Christ, God's name was YHWH (Yahweh or ... In other words, without the New Testament, no one would have ever understood the hidden meaning of the Old Testament events, shadows and anti-types. Water baptism (Acts 2:38 = Ex 30:18; Col 2:11 + Ex 30:6 = Gen 17:10) The Lord's Supper (1 Cor 11:26 = Ex 12) The second coming of the Messiah (Heb 9:28 = Jude ... V. New Testament Doctrines that contradicted Old Testament doctrines: During the Old Testament God's people first entered into "Covenant relationship" by way of circumcision on the 8th day, and afterward were taught about the conditions of the covenant. The New Testament teaches the opposite because God's ... ...
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377: Stele, inscriptions, manuscripts, scrolls, codex, New Testament ...
Full outline on the Origin of the Philistines Origin of Synagogues in 280 BC in Alexandria Egypt Origin of Synagogues "The Septuagint was Synagogue seed" See also: How the Septuagint gave birth to ... Outline: Victory Stele of Esarhaddon Archeology of the Exodus Archeological evidence of the Exodus Survey of Archeological evidence from the recently translated Sinai inscriptions, stone carvings, ... A collection of 6 stela, tablets and statues A stunning collection of six (6) stela, statues and inscriptions fully document how God used Assyrian king Adad-Nirari III, as the one who delivered ... New Testament and Old Testament manuscripts Bible Manuscripts Scrolls, Codex, Papyrus, Vellum, Dead Sea scrolls The Bible is the most historically verified book on earth with over 5000 manuscripts and ... Prototype of the Book of Revelation. Historical insight: Jesus patterned his beatitudes after the well-known poetic style of his day with 8 short beatitudes followed by an 9th longer one. Like saying, ... ...
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378: Role of Women preachers, segregation and Children in Synagogues
... Synagogues - Archaeology and Art: New Discoveries and Current Research, Rachel Hachlili, p579, 2013 AD) 4. The "Therapeutae" were a Jewish monastic order in Egypt of self-denial and devotion to God that later Christians used as a pattern for Christian monastic orders. a. ... bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. " Genesis 2:19 "rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth." ... Eve had not yet been created when God told Adam about the forbidden tree. Eve never actually heard God say this direct, but had to trust Adam's word on the matter. "The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die." Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be ... ...
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379: Official creed of the Wesleyan Church
... Christ rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven, and there intercedes for us at the Father's right hand until He returns to judge all men at the last day. Ps. 16:8-10; Matt. 1:21, 23; 11:27; 16:28; 27:62-66; 28:5-9, 16-17; Mark 10:45; ... The canonical books of the Old Testament are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, ... We believe that the two great commandments which require us to love the Lord our God with all the heart, and our neighbors as ourselves, summarize the divine law as it is revealed in the Scriptures. They are the perfect measure and norm of human duty, both ... We believe that water baptism and the lord's Supper are the sacraments of the church commanded by Christ and ordained as a means of grace when received through faith. They are tokens of our profession of Christian faith and signs of God's gracious ... ...
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380: Reglan, Lord: The Hero
... kill him, but (7) he is spirited away, and (8) reared by Mary and foster father Joseph in the far-off country of Egypt. (9) We are told nothing of his childhood in the Gospels, but (10) on reaching manhood he comes out as a public .../Golgotha. (21) Though he came back to life and ascended in his physical body to heaven to sit at the right hand of God, yet (22) he has a holy sepulchre near Jerusalem. (Lord Reglan, The Hero, p 178-79, quoted by Ulfat 'Aziz as-Samed, Peshaver University, Muslim, "A Comparative Study of ... His father was Abdullah, the son of the chief of the tribe of Zuhrah, as well as its eldest and noblest member. Page 46, "The Life of Muhammad," by Muhammad Husayn Hykal. NO 3. Often a near relative of his mother "On the same day that ... Muhammad died of a fever that many considered mysterious since he was never sick. During this sickness, on a sleepless night, Muhammad wandered to the cemetery where he stood between the graves and addressed his fallen. He told the ... ...
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381: Birth order of Shem and Japheth: Shem second born: Chronology ...
At the time of Christ, Jewish messianic expectation was of the arrival of Melchizedek as a "heavenly being" not Shem as witnessed in the Dead Sea Scrolls dating to 90 BC in 11QMelchizedek. The earliest literary source that equates ... "The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek." The Lord is at Your right hand; He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath. He will judge among the nations, He will fill them with corpses, He will shatter the chief men ... Only once, at the funeral of Isaac, did the order harmonize with birth order: "Esau and Jacob" in Genesis 35:29. Also note that Esau and Jacob buried Isaac in 1886 BC, the year Joseph became king of Egypt and the first year of the ... a. "About Shem it says (Gen. 9:26): "Praised be the Eternal, the God of Shem," (Ps. 110:4) "about my word to Malchisedekio [Melchizedek]."" (Seder Olam Rabbah 21:77, 160 AD) 3. 400 AD: Augustine believed Shem was firstborn: a. ... ...
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382: Holy Spirit Comforter passages of John 14-15-16
... There is no way to limit this to the apostles. 4. Personal indwelling advocates often quote Acts 5:32 or Jn 7:39 as proof texts. The argument goes like this: God promised to give the Holy Spirit to all who believed and obeyed. There are ... Then they began laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Spirit What Must I do to be saved? Act 16:31 + 33 Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved Same hour of night, immediately he was baptized, he and all his household. IV. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit ... together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, 'Which you have heard of from Me; for John baptized with water, but YOU shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. " a. ... Only the twelve were "filled with HS": i. They of 2:1 refers back to "11 apostles" in 1:26 even though 10 days separate the chapters "And when the day of Pentecost had come" ii. The ones filled were Galileans: 2:7 iii. Peter took his ... ...
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383: Official Declaration of beliefs of the church of God, International ...
Romans 5:2; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Hebrews 13:12. Holiness. Luke 1:75; 1 Thessalonians 4:7; Hebrews 12:14. Water baptism. Matthew 28:19; Mark 1:9, 1 0; John 3:22, 23; Acts 8:36, 38. Baptism with the ... The life of Christian discipleship calls for the fulfillment of our duties to the body of Christ. We are to unite regularly with other members of the church for the purpose of magnifying and praising God and hearing His Word (Matthew 18:20; John 4:23; Acts 2:42, 46, 47; 12:24; Hebrews 10:25). Sunday is the Christian day of worship. As ... It is our duty to respect and to submit to those whom the Lord Jesus has placed over us in the church (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:7, 17). Our exercise of authority must be as a spiritual example rather than as a ... Sexual involvement, either before marriage or with someone other than the marriage partner, is strictly forbidden in Scripture (Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:15-18). Understanding the sanctity of marriage, partners ... ...
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384: 671 BC: Victory Stele of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria
... half a day (and) by means of mines, breaches, (and) ladders, I besieged (it), conquered (it), demolished (it), destroyed (it), (and) burned (it) with fire. Lines Rev. 43b-50a: I carried off to Assyria his wife, his court ladies, Usanahuru, his crown prince, and the rest of his sons (and) his daughters, his goods, his possessions, his horses, his oxen, (rev. 45) (and) his sheep and goats, without number. I tore out the roots of Kush from Egypt. I did not leave a single persa there to praise (me). Over Egypt, all of ... of the god Ashur, my lord, (and) the might of my deeds which I had done with the help of the god Ashur, lord, and my victory (and) triumph. I set (it) up for all time for the admiration of all of (my) enemies. Lines Rev. 53b-57: Whoever takes away this stele from its place and erases my inscribed name and writes his name, covers (it) with dirt, throws (it) into water, burns (it) with fire, or puts (it) in a place where cannot be seen, may the goddess Istar, lady ... ...
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385: Silence of Scripture and Bible authority
... Only the clean on Nissan 14, unclean prohibited. In, Ex 12:1-51, God instituted the Passover on Nisan 14 (first month, 14th day). The unclean (including those who touch the dead) were forbidden from all the feasts: Num 19:11-13. 2 ... Moses understood they had a valid point in their complaint. But rather than speaking where God was silent, Moses said, "Wait, and I will listen to what the Lord will command concerning you" Num 9:8. Now if God had never replied, Moses would not have allowed them to partake of the Passover. But God ... The third commandment was "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain." Exodus 20:7. In Lev 24:10-16 a teenager had cursed the name of Jehovah and ... Baptism is essential to salvation, circumcision prohibited. Judaizers: "God never said Circumcision was no longer required." God had specifically said that water baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, was essential to ... ...
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386: Is the RC church infallible and unable to make errors?
... Consequently, it is abundantly clear that the baptism which God ordained is a burial or immersion in water. We raise a simple question here, "Who gave the Catholic Church the authority to change what the Lord ordained?" We are taught in God's holy Word that we must follow the laws of the Lord without change or variation (Gal. 1:6-9; Rev. 22:18-19). When we follow the traditions and doctrines of men, our religion becomes vain (Matt. 15:9; Col. 2:8; Titus 1:13-14). The Bible plainly reveals that there would come a great "falling away" (2 Thess. 2:1-12) or "departing from the faith" (1 Tim. 4:1-5). In the last day many sincere religious people will be rejected because they worked iniquity or acted without ... The wicked king Jereboam made things convenient for the people by setting up idols and saying, "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt." (See I Kings 12:28-33). Two of the priests under the Mosiacal ... ...
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387: Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!
... Click to View "I understood nothing about the various experiences such as the vision of dissolution and the radiant light that had come to me on the first day. Only afterwards did I learn that they were all part of a process pertaining to shaktipat (the divine power-touch of the ... Click to View It is typical teaching that Rodney Howard-Browne tells people God likes to have fun with His children and wants them to laugh; this laughter is equated with "the joy of the Lord." (seen in video of Browne) RAJNEESH: "God is not serious ... this world cannot fit with a theological god ..." Click to View Rodney Howard-Browne: "One night I was preaching on hell, and laughter just hit the whole place. The more I told the ... It seems more useful to think of kundalini as a natural intelligent force whose natural movement untangles the knots which limit its expression. The garden hose analogy makes another point clear as well. Imagine what happens if the hose is very tangled. Turning up the water ... ...
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388: Noah's Flood
... We read: ...the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. (Genesis 6:6, NKJV) The KJV says repented the LORD..." Chàn is a Chinese word for REPENT which appears to picture the LORD's sorrow about ... A Chinese word for DESTROY is ju, which fitly pictures the destruction God would bring. The image identifies the source of the destruction as WATER MOREOVER! God would use a flood to destroy all flesh. Flood Hóng, meaning FLOOD, reveals the extent of the ... Torrent of Rain Once the ark was built, God told Noah, ...after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made ... on that day all ... As a sign of this second promise, the LORD said to Noah, It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all ... ...
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389: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. ... alterations I train'd her into the Engine house putting her in hopes of getting home from thence that night but when she went into the Room in which she was to Lay I ordered her to be blindfolded. Her nurse and other women stript her. She was lifted up by force, plac'd in and fixt to the Chair in the bathing Tub. All this put her in an unexpressable terrour especially when the water was let down. ... It mattered now if she believed in Bible which forbad her leaving in such cases. Mt 19:9. She didn't even have to believe in God. It was the purely social barriers (based on the bible) that were the ... The basic formula is to wear them down physically so they don't have the energy to play the game of schizophrenia. It's like asking someone who is sea sick if they want to go out dancing. Modern ... ...
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390: Collective Names of Synagogues: House of Prayer, Temple, Church
... established these days to celebrate in good cheer for the time of their sojourning, 20 which events having also devoted to writing on a pillar and dedicating a place of prayer at the site of the banquet, they departed unharmed, free, and overjoyed, having been rescued by both land and sea and river by the command of the king [Ptolemy IV 222-204 BC], each to their 21 previous place. ... Synagogues: heiron] shall enter, and all the Judeans shall be subjected to enrollment for poll tax and to servile status; and those who speak out against this are to be brought by force to be put to death" (Ptolemy IV Philopater 222-204 BC; 3 Maccabees 2:28, 75 BC) 3. "The "Therapeutae" were a Jewish monastic order in Egypt of self denial and devotion to God that later Christians used as a pattern for Christian monastic orders: Philo describes them: "And this common holy place [Greek: semneion] to which they all come together on the seventh day is a twofold circuit" (Philo Contempl. Life 32) H. Synagogue ... ...
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391: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Ostia, Seaport of Rome, Italy ...
As the Septuagint was distributed in 280 BC throughout the world, it spawned synagogues according to its disaposra circulation. f. See also: Origin: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint 2. "Recovered in the vestibule of ... or from all the firstfruits the consecrated portion from it.'" (Numbers 18:29, LXX) c. "And it shall be the place, wherever the Lord your God may choose his name to be called there, you shall bring all that I commanded you today: your whole burnt offerings and your ... Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: Master list of fulfilled messianic prophecies 4. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "He shall be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural ... ...
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392: Greek word study of the Biblical pattern of counseling
... "He said to them, "Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?" Then He got up and rebuked [epitimao] the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm." Matthew 8:26 "Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke [epitimao] Him, saying, "God forbid ... and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16 "We urge you, brethren, admonish [verbal council to put what is right and wrong into another's mind: nouthesia] the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone." 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ""Therefore be on the alert, remembering that night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish [verbal council to put what is right and wrong into another's mind: ... we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction [verbal council to put what is right and wrong into another's mind: nouthesia]" 1 Thessalonians ... ...
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393: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Psalm 8:6 "Got put all things ...
Psalm 8:6 echoes Gen 1:26 in 1000 BC: Psalm 8:6-8 "You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, All sheep and oxen, And also the beasts of the field, The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea, ... to him, you shall surely release it with him." (Exodus 23:5) c. "Know well the condition of your flocks, And pay attention to your herds;" (Proverbs 27:23) d. "The angel of the Lord said to him, "Why have you struck your donkey these three times? ... order that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days." (Deuteronomy 22:6-7) g. "But he said to him, "My lord knows that the children are frail and that the flocks and herds which are nursing are a care to me. And if they are driven hard one day, all the flocks will die." (Genesis 33:13) h. ""Who prepares for the raven its nourishment When its young cry to God And wander about without food?" (Job 38:41) i. ""Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there ... ...
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394: Official creed of Vineyard Churches (AVC)
BELIEVE that as King, God later redeemed His people, by His mighty acts, from bondage in Egypt and established His covenant through Moses, revealing His perfect will and our obligation to fulfill it. ... WE BELIEVE that when Israel rejected God's rule over her as King, God established the monarchy in Israel and made an unconditional covenant with David, promising that his heir would restore God's ... Gathering His disciples, He reconstituted God's people as His Church to be the instrument of His kingdom. After dying for the sins of the world, Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, ... and sanctifies through Jesus by the Spirit all who repent of their sins, and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. By this they are released from Satan's domain and enter into God's kingdom reign. ... WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: water baptism and the Lord's Supper. Both are available to all believers. WE BELIEVE that God's kingdom has come in the ministry of ... ...
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395: Ein El Weibeh: K. Von Raumer's choice for Kadesh Barnea in 1831 ...
At first the search for Kadesh-barnea focused on the Arabah, the deep, desolate geological fissure extending from the south end of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba." (Excavations At Kadesh-Barnea: ... Today we know that the Nabateans arrived in Petra about 350 BC they found a vacant city of Hebrew tombs from the Exodus 1200 years earlier. Remember 2.5 million Jews died here. The Nabateans greatly enhanced the location with the elaborate carvings we see today. Being longstanding enemies of the Hebrews, they removed all traces of the Hebrew past, just like Pharaoh did in Egypt after Israel left ... history, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, 1856 AD, p84-99) In 1870 this map represented the thought of the day, that Kadesh was located at Weibeh, from The Bible Handbook, A Rawson: Schmidt misrepresents ... When I visited the place in June, 1905, I was particularly impressed with the large number of palm trees and the excellence of the water in one of the springs. The references to Thamara in Ptolemy, ... ...
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396: Official creed of Church of God, International (Tyler, TX)
... True repentance is the first step toward reconciliation with God, and thereby toward ultimate salvation. Acts 2:38; 3:19-21; 8:22; I John 3:4 10. BAPTlSM The ceremony of water baptism is performed by immersion, for the forgiveness of sins, ... Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5; Matthew 5:17-19; Romans 13:10; I Corinthians 7:19; Revelation 12:17; 22:14 19. SABBATH The seventh-day Sabbath is to be taught and kept holy in accordance with the biblical instruction. Instituted at creation, reaffirmed to Israel as a part of the covenant at Sinai, and taught by Jesus Christ, who is the Messenger of the New Covenant, the observance of the Sabbath is basic to a Christian's relationship with God. Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 16; 20:8-11; 31:12-1 7; Mark 2:27-28; Luke 4:16 20. ... The church does not "enforce" or "police" tithing, but simply teaches the responsibility to tithe. Each individual has the responsibility to "honor the Lord with his substance and with the firstfruits of all his increase.'' Tithing is a ... ...
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397: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Cyrene (Berenice) Libya: 55 ...
... (Acts 2:10) d. "But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and began speaking to the Greeks also, preaching the Lord Jesus." (Acts 11:20) e. "Now there were at Antioch, in the church that was there, prophets and teachers: Barnabas, and Simeon who was called Niger, ... Providence: God's eternal plan: The providential transition from Temple to Synagogue to Church Origin: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: Master list of fulfilled messianic prophecies 4. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "He shall be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural Prototypes in the Church: 1. Standard architectural ... ...
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398: The Septuagint: God approved Translation in every synagogue like ...
... And all the people answered, "Amen, Amen!" while lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. Also Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, the Levites, explained the law to the people while the people remained in their place. They read from the book, from the law of God, translating to give the sense so that they understood the reading." (Nehemiah 8:4-8) b. "The first archeological evidence for a synagogue appears in Schedia, near Alexandria in Egypt, in the third ... From the Septuagint a Latin translation has been made, and this is the one which the Latin churches use. This is still the case despite the fact that in our own day the priest Jerome, a great scholar ... The Septuagint: A text of the Bible in the language of the common people (Greek) A Mikveh: Also known as "The Christian Maker", full immersion water baptism washed away sins in the name of Jesus and ... ...
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399: Death is a departure to the spirit world, not extinction
Num 31:2 God to Moses: afterward you will be gathered to your people Deut 32:50 God to Moses: Then die on the mountain (Mount Nebo) where you ascend, and be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people Deut 34:5-6 3:27 So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial place to this day. 2 Sam 12:23 But now he has died; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return ... Greek: "Phantasma" a phantasm or phantom Mk 6:47-51; Mt 14:26 before Jesus death "And when it was evening, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and He was alone on the land. And seeing them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night, He came to them, walking on the sea; and He intended to pass by them. But when they saw Him walking on ... ...
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400: The Water Supply and Distribution System of the Nabataean City ...
Positioned between Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, many influences dominated the formative Nabataean cultural landscape over time. The sacred spring created by Moses, as described in Exodus accounts, has been equated with the Ain Mousa ... administrative, manufacturing and water-supply structures commensurate with the city's wealth and status as an emporium city. Under Roman governance of Syria, the Nabataeans enjoyed relative independence, perhaps on account of tax and tribute revenue to Rome. Wealth generated by trade and taxes on caravans to Cairo, Gaza, Damascus, Palmyra, Jauf, Median, Madain-Salih and Eastern locales, came finally under Roman dominance. The gradual shift to sea trade (Taylor 2001) led to the decline ... Regulation of the system required bureaucratic oversight, as decisions regarding storage or release needed not only day vs night but also seasonal adjustments. Efficiency dictated that no water could be wasted. As a consequence, transfer piping from ... ...
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