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51: Archeology in Jerusalem
Kas fountain not the Dome of the Rock. Click to View Pool of Siloam Discovered in 2004 by a construction worker, this pool is where Jews washed, then ascended the stairs to the temple each year during Passover. Click to View City of David One believed to be a myth, recent discoveries have uncovered proof of David's city. Click to View Hezekiah's Tunnel You can walk through this tunnel that was built by Hezekiah and is mentioned in the Bible. Click to View Solomon's Quarry This large cave is really a quarry. Solomon probably used the rock to build the temple from this cave. Click to View Solomon's Aqueduct From a spring in Hebron, Solomon filled 3 storage pools which were 12 km south east of Jerusalem. He built an aqueduct that fed fresh running spring water to the floor of the Temple. Solomon's pools provided a whopping 21 meters of head to the present level of the temple mount. However we know that Hadrian buried the Solomon's temple floor and it is likely over 50 feet below the ... ...

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52: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
Introduction 1 to Midrashic Prophecy and Fulfillment. I. Using the Midrashic Hermeneutic to establish Bible authority in the Church 1. II. Master Classification Catalogue of Midrashic Bible Prophecies 1. III. Jewish Messianic Expectation at the time of Jesus's birth. IV. Messianic Expectation witnessed in Dead Sea Scrolls and Judean coins. The Main Exhibit of Specific Bible Prophecies and their Fulfillment 1. Conclusion. The Main Exhibit of Specific Bible Prophecies and their Fulfillment. The Exodus Mt 2:23; Jn 3:14 Tabernacle Prophecy Col 2:17; Heb 8:9; 9:24 Exodus/Christian Election 2 Peter 2:10 The Virgin Birth Isaiah 7:14 A Child will be born Isaiah 9:6 The Suffering Servant Isaiah 53 Subjection under his feet Psalm 8:6 A King builds the Temple 2 Samuel 7:14 He shall be called a Nazarene Matthew 2:23 Heaven and Earth shaken Haggai 2:2-23 Destruction of Temple Daniel 8; Daniel 11 Abomination of Desolation Daniel 9; Daniel 11; Daniel 12 Olivet Discourse Matthew 24 Baptism Reenactment ... ...

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53: Nations of the Bible lands
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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54: Mt. Karkom, Israel
Emmanuel Anati proposed Mt. Karkom as the location of mount Sinai. We feel the most compelling reason for rejecting Har Karkom as Biblical Mt. Sinai, is its location at least 35 km inside the Biblical boundaries of the promised land. Gen 15:18 and many other verses, says that the wadi Al-Arish (River of Egypt) is the southern boundary of Israel. For this reason alone we must reject Har Karkom as the location of Mt. Sinai. Emmanuel Anati's proposals must be rejected because it contradicts the Bible. Israel's "40 years in the wilderness" was not inside the promise land. Others believe Karkom is Kadesh Barnea, but again, neither Kadesh or Mt. Sinai were inside the promised land: "The archaeologist who has been overseeing an archaeological survey of the site [Mt. Karkom], Professor Emmanuel Anati, believes it to have been the mountain of the Ten Commandments (i.e. Mount Horeb). He is wrong in this assumption, but he has indeed found one of the most important places in the Exodus story. for ... ...

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55: The Exodus Route: Debunked: Split Rock of Rephidim (Meribah)
Israel complained at Rephidim, but Moses split the rock at Mt. Horeb 5 days later. Hebrews complained about water at Rephidim on day 42 from Goshen but Moses struck the rock for water 5 days later at Mt Horeb on day 47. The split rock at the foot of Mt. Sinai was 25 km Rephidim and served as the main water supply for the 3 million Hebrew during their 11-month, 5 day stay. "He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them abundant drink like the ocean depths. He brought forth streams also from the rock and caused waters to run down like rivers." (Psalm 78:15-16) Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness ... ...

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56: The Exodus Route: Red Sea Camp at the Straits of Tiran
Bible only, Steven Rudd noticed 42 keys to decoding the Exodus Route that indicated the Red Sea crossing was at the Straits of Tiran, Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia and Kadesh Barnea was at modern Petra. Buy: Exodus Route Restored ISBN: 9798619062717 As featured in Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence "The Red Sea Miracle" and "Journey to Mt. Sinai" Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Red sea crossing home page Click to View Miracles of the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing Click to View Travel times, distances, days of the week Click to View Excluding various exodus routes: Bitter lakes, Gulf of Suez, Mt. Musa, Ein el-Qudeirat. Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Goshen Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Straits of Tiran Introduction: 1. The Red Sea crossing was on day 25 from Goshen: (Iyar 9) a. The author noticed an important fact that the Bible begins counting ... ...

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57: Origin of Ancient synagogues: Architectural prototype of the ...
...What you read in THE BOOK you find in the ground." (Steven Rudd, 2017) Author's Preface and Introduction: The very first Synagogue on earth was the "Great Basilica Synagogue of Alexandria (Egypt: 280 BC - 117 AD) referenced by Philo in 38 AD, which the Jerusalem Talmud in 400 AD says Hadrian destroyed in 117 AD. Synagogues originated in 280 BC at Alexandria, Egypt as a direct result of Ptolemy II translating the Hebrew Torah in the Greek Septuagint. In fact, by Philo 38 AD, Explicitly dated the origin of Synagogues to 262 BC in Egypt. By the time of Jesus, there were thousands of synagogues in the world and more than 400 in Jerusalem alone. The Greek Tanakh (LXX) was the "standard issue, Jerusalem certified" translation used in every synagogue because Hebrew was functionally extinct in the world by 100 BC. This book, published in May 2017 AD by Steven Rudd identifies 54 second temple period synagogue buildings from archeological top plans, inscriptions and literary sources. For the ... ...

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58: Christmas: Separating Bible truth from Myth
Strictly Biblical chronology of the birth of Christ. III. The date of the birth of Christ is 2 BC not 6 BC: IV. The Census of Quirinius in 3 BC not 6 AD: Lk 2:1-3 V. Jesus was born in a house not an Inn: Lk 2:7 VI. The archeology of the first century four room house in ancient Israel: VII. Where did the star lead the wise men (Magi): Bethlehem or Nazareth? VIII. What is the date of Jesus' Birthday? IX. Mary and Joseph: Marriage, betrothal, divorce and other personal matters. X. Focus on the risen Christ, not a baby in a manger. He's not there. The baby grew up! See full outline on Rachel weeping from Ramah. Introduction: The birth of Jesus Christ is in direct fulfillment of many Bible prophecies, Isaiah 7:14 of the virgin birth; Gen 3:15 that he was born of the seed of woman, Isaiah 11:1 that he would descend from the line of Jesse (king David); Micah 5:2 that he would be born in Bethlehem; Matthew 2:18 + Jeremiah 31:15 that Herod would slaughter all the children in an attempt for the ... ...

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59: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
The search for Kadesh Barnea has been misguided. This reminds us of that classic moment in the Indiana Jones movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Germans were "digging in the wrong place" for the Ark because the did not have all the information. For the last 100 years, archeologists were "digging in the wrong place" to find Kadesh. Kadesh, in fact, is not located anywhere near the place almost all Bible maps say it is (ei. Qudeirat) but 100 km east at or near Petra. a. The Hebrews left Egypt in 1446 BC and spent 38 years at Kadesh and then entered the promised land in 1406 BC. b. Many people are unaware that historically, Kadesh was thought to be at Petra from 1446 BC - 1831AD. 2. Our proposed Exodus Route: a. The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. b. The scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. ... ...

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60: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: 2 Samuel 7:14
Sam 7 has a dual fulfillment. b. Acts 2:29-31 and Heb 1:5 directly applies this to Jesus. 3. Acts 2:29-31 partially fulfils two of the six prediction in 2 Sam 7 by stating that Jesus was both a son of David and is a King. a. Even so, the text quoted in Acts by Peter only indirectly references 2 Sam 7. The primary messianic prophecies were Ps 132:11 and Ps 89:3f because they reference an "oath" and 2 Sam 7 does not mention any oath. 4. Heb 1:5 partially fulfils 2 Sam 7 a third prediction by stating the Father/Son relationship between God and Christ. 5. We must infer through Midrashic interpretation, that Jesus also built the temple of God. a. No New Testament passage states that Jesus was the builder of the temple. i. In John 2:18-22 Jesus said "I will raise it [the temple] up" on resurrection day. This is the verse Christians use to prove the deity of Christ because Jesus raised himself from the dead. It must be inferred that Jesus was the builder of the temple, when he "raised it up". ... ...

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61: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Egypt: the Sinai Peninsula
Red Sea at the Bitter Lakes or the Port of Suez. a. There is no wilderness area between Goshen and the Bitter Lakes or the Port of Suez because these were heavily travelled areas. b. The major caravan route started at Goshen (Tel e;-Dab'a) and passed directly by the Bitter Lakes up the coastline. c. Several Egyptian Migdol fortresses have been excavated near the Suez Canal east of Goshen. d. The Port of Suez was a major commerce and military hub. 4. Moses considered it necessary to travel at least three days from Goshen to outside of Egyptian populated areas. a. "Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, "Go, sacrifice to your God within the land." But Moses said, "It is not right to do so, for we will sacrifice to the Lord our God what is an abomination to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice what is an abomination to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not then stone us? "We must go a three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as He commands us." ... ...

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62: The wilderness of Paran: The Great and Terrible wilderness from ...
The Great and Terrible wilderness from which God dawned upon Mt. Sinai! (Deut 1:19) Click to View Mount Paran Click to View Here is where the wilderness of Paran is located: Click to View Click to View Introduction: The wilderness of Paran entirely Transjordan, east of the Arabah Valley. The wilderness of Paran is adjacent to the land of Midian: 1 Kings 11:18 The land of Midian is located at modern Al Bad in North Saudi Arabia. We may not be sure of where Paran is located, but we are sure where Midian is. The wilderness of Paran is usually misplaced in the modern Sinai desert northwest of Elat. This is no where near Midian and for this reason is wrong and must be rejected. This means that most modern Bible maps wrongly located the wilderness of Paran. Scripture says that God "dawned from Seir and Paran" then descended on Mt. Sinai. This is a most fascinating detail clearly revealed in scripture but missed by most Bible students. As Israel sat waiting for God to come to Mt. Sinai, they ... ...

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63: The Exodus Route: Dophkah
They journeyed from Dophkah and camped at Alush." Numbers 33:12-13 b. "Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink." Exodus 17:1 3. Early Christians created metaphoric messianic meanings for Dophkah: a. "And they set out from the desert of Sin and came to Raphaca [Dophkah]." Raphaca translates as "health." You see the order of the progressions, how when the soul is once made spiritual and begins to see heavenly visions, it arrives at health, so that it deservedly says: "Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me, [bless] his holy name!" Which Lord? The one, it says, "who heals all your infirmities, who redeems your life from destruction." For there are many infirmities of the soul: avarice is an infirmity of it, indeed the worst one; pride, anger, boasting, fear, inconstancy, timidity and the like. When, Lord Jesus, ... ...

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64: The Number of the Exodus Jews. The population of the Exodus Hebrews
Egypt when crossing the Red Sea because nobody even stumbled. See: Miracles of the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing. c. We do not believe that an exodus population of 2.5 million defies human reasoning in any way. d. We have reviewed all arguments for the various estimates of the exodus population of the Jews in detail and have come to the conclusion that the Bible is consistent in its view that there were 600,000 men (excluding women and children) who left Egypt. We find no reason to question this number for any reason. e. Israel was "as the sand on the seashore" when they left Egypt and went to occupy the promised land. f. 9 million live in modern Israel today. 3 million in 1446 BC is a very believable number. 2. AD 50: Apion was an ancient Egyptian who hated the Jews claimed there were only 110,000 Jews in the Exodus. Josephus says this number is wrong and is "contrived to agree with Lysimaehus. a. Although the number is wrong, we can be sure it is not too high, but rather too low. Apion ... ...

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65: The Exodus Route: Travel times, distances, rates of travel, days ...
Bible only, Steven Rudd noticed 42 keys to decoding the Exodus Route that indicated the Red Sea crossing was at the Straits of Tiran, Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia and Kadesh Barnea was at modern Petra. Buy: Exodus Route Restored ISBN: 9798619062717 As featured in Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence "The Red Sea Miracle" and "Journey to Mt. Sinai" Overview of the Exodus and Conquest: In 1446 BC, the 700 km trip from Goshen (Tell el-Dab'a) to Mt. Sinai took a total of took 47 days. After travelling day and night 500 km from Goshen, Israel made the 19 km crossing of the Red Sea at the Straits of Tiran on day 25 then took 22 days to travel 200 km from the Red Sea Crossing to Mt. Sinai. Travel was easy for the 2-3 million Hebrews because there was a 20 km wide, flat coastal plain that hugged the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez from Goshen to the Strait of Tiran, which the author calls, "The Exodus Highway". On day 9 after leaving Goshen, they arrived at Succoth, adjacent to the turquoise ... ...

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66: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
Physical Jews were types of spiritual Christians by faith not blood! 25 Archeological confirmations of the Bible: 1. Tel Dan Excavations confirm Ben-Hadad I destroyed the city in 895 BC just as the Bible says: 1 Ki 15:18-20 2. Seal of Jezebel, wife of Ahab, king of Judah 3. Victory Stele of Hazael king of Aram or "House of David stele/inscription": 941 BC 4. Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone) 841 BC 5. Melqart Stele inscription of Ben-Hadad II, king of Aram: 845 BC 6. Nine inscriptions of Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria: 858 - 828 BC a. Kurkh Monolith 852 BC b. Basalt Statue 833 BC c. Black Obelisk 827 BC d. Bronze Gates 847 BC e. Basalt Throne 849 BC f. Clay Brick 858-839 BC g. Twin Bulls 840 BC h. Marble Tablets 838 BC i. Alabaster Statue 838 BC 7. Kuntillet Ajrud ostraca "Fortress in the Negev": 839 BC 8. Silver Scroll from Ketef Hinnom: 725-650 BC 9. Elisha of Ostraca found in the home town of Elisha: 830 BC 10. Excavations at Tel Rehov where the Elisha ostraca was found in 2013 AD 11. ... ...

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67: Montanism: Pentecostalism is the ancient 200AD heresy of Montanism ...
...Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading to the Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 316, 2002) b. "Moreover, Origen believed the writing of scripture had ceased, and regarded its contents as "complete." Presumably Eusebius would have had copied his twenty-six book New Testament in addition to the Septuagint. That may help account for the numerous Greek lists of the scriptures that correspond to our New Testament but lack Revelation." [Footnote # 105 Hom. Jes. Nav. 7.1 and Comm. Matt. 10.12. Cf. the end of his Prologue to the Comm. Cant., where Prov. 22:28, "Do not remove the ancient landmark that your ancestors set up," is quoted in support of not giving a place to apocryphal writings.] (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading to the Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 319, 2002) Excerpt From: Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 5.16: The ... ...

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68: The Exodus Route: Migdol "Egyptian Military Watchtower"
The word "Migdol" in Hebrew means "watchtower". a. It refers to one of many Egyptian military lookout posts scattered across Egypt. b. The existence of the Egyptian migdol's are confirmed by archeology. 2. We have no archaeological evidence for any migdol at the Straits of Tiran, but this is a very likely place for one to have existed, given the tri-intersection of the Red Sea. a. A migdol located on the summit of one of the hills overlooking the sea would not require much additional architecture to elevate. b. Migdols would be equipped with passenger pigeons as communication agents. A passenger pigeon was able to get a message to pharaoh the Israel was "trapped by the wilderness" in only 4 hours since they travel at 100 km/h. c. If Egypt was about to be attacked the ships or troops would be spotted and an early warning sent to pharaoh to ready his army to counter the attack. d. In the Late Bronze Age, Egypt controlled the mines at Serabit el-Khadim on the east side of the Gulf of Suez ... ...

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69: Paul said Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia: Gal 4:25
The teaching of Paul is so clear, that we could locate Mt. Sinai by saying: Mount Sinai is located in the land where Ishmael lived: Midian See: main page on Mt. Sinai in Arabia Click to View A. Arabia in the Bible is Modern Saudi Arabia: Arabia in the Bible is always, without exception, the land of Midian. (Modern Saudi Arabia). Arabia is associated with Kedar. Kedar is called "men of the east" Jer 49:28. Kedar was the son of Ishmael, who intermarried with the Midianites and lived south east of the Dead Sea. "These are their genealogies: the firstborn of Ishmael was Nebaioth, then Kedar" 1 Chronicles 1:29 Ishmael settled in Shur and the wilderness of Paran: Gen 16:12; 21:21; 25:18 5. "Now Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac; but to the sons of his concubines [Hagar], Abraham gave gifts while he was still living, and sent them away from his son Isaac eastward, to the land of the east." (Genesis 25:5-6) "He put him in mind, that when Abraham was come alone out of Mesopotamia into ... ...

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70: Coins of Greek Empire, Alexander the Great: Macedonian Era: 333 ...
Greek Empire, Hellenistic Coins. Macedonian era: 333-302 BC GREEK EMPIRE COIN PAGES (333-31 BC) Macedonian Coins 333-302 BC Ptolemaic Coins 323-31 BC Seleucid Coins 321-64 BC Maccabean Coins 166-37 BC Introduction: Alexander the Great conquers the world in a stunning and unique series of victories: In 334 BC Alexander the Great defeats Darius III in the Battle of Granicus In 333 BC Alexander the Great defeats Darius III in Battle of Issus In 323 BC Alexander the Great dies at age 32 on June 10: The Great broken horn of Daniel. After Alexander the Great died, his kingdom split into four kingdoms just as Daniel had prophesied: "After you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth." (Daniel 2:39) "After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it." (Daniel 7:6) Four horns of Dan 8:8; 11:3-4 ... ...

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71: Demetrius the Chronographer: 220 BC PDF Mt. Sinai in Arabia
Adam to Jacob in Egypt: Both Demetrius and Clement included 130 yrs. Cainan, Lk 3:36, but both wrongly dated Abram's birth to 70th yr. of Terah, correct is 130. 36241 3678 5484-1860 BC 5554-1876 BC Flood to Jacob entered Egypt. 13601 1422 3228-1868 BC 3298-1876 BC Adam to the Flood (computed: 36241 - 13601 = 2264 years). 2264 2256 5279-3015 BC 5554-3298 BC Abraham entered Canaan until Jacob entered Egypt. 2151 215 2075-1860 BC 2091-1876 BC Short sojourn 215 yrs. Clement used the correct long sojourn of 430 years. 2151 430 1866-1651 BC 1876-1446 BC Assyrian captivity to Ptolemy IV (222 BC). 5742 501 796-222 BC3 723-222 BC Babylonian captivity/Temple burned to Ptolemy IV (222 BC). 3382 365 560-222 BC3 587-222 BC Assyrian to Babylonian captivity/Temple burned. (actual sum is 2363 not 129 years) 1292 136 796-560 BC3 723-587 BC 1. Demetrius as quoted by Eusebius in Preparation of the gospel 9.21. 2. Demetrius as quoted by Clement in Stromata/Miscellaneous 1:21.141 3. Demetrius' numbers ... ...

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72: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Agatharchides of Cnidus
Master introduction: Summary overview is the place to start to tie it all together. Providence: God's eternal plan: The providential transition from Temple to Synagogue to Church Origin: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: Master list of fulfilled messianic prophecies 4. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "He shall be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural Prototypes in the Church: 1. Standard architectural synagogue typology: Introduction, Master Chart 2. Mikveh for Ritual Purity: The Christian Maker 3. Ritual purity stone Vessels: Stoneware cups and wash basins 4. Freestanding Columns: Antitype of Christians 5. Artwork: ... ...

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73: Herodotus 484 - 424 BC (Greek Geographer/historian)
Aqaba and made a lot of major mistakes. Herodotus' fabricated a prehistoric "GHOST GULF" that leads from the Gulf of Suez to the Mediterranean near Alexandria (2.11.3). Herodotus tells us that his geography is based upon a secondhand report from another and not firsthand experience: "Thus I give credit to those from whom I received this account of Egypt" (2:12) "Concerning the nature of the river [Nile], I was not able to gain any information either from the priests or from others." (2:19) Herodotus understood that Arabia proper, "the nation" was nowhere near Egypt: "Again, Arabia is the most distant to the south of all inhabited countries: and this is the only country which produces frankincense and myrrh and casia and cinnamon and gum-mastich. All these except myrrh are difficult for the Arabians to get." (Herodotus, Hist. 3.107.1) "On this peninsula live thirty nations. This is the first peninsula. But the second, beginning with Persia, stretches to the Red Sea, and is Persian land; ... ...

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74: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #40: Zedekiah and the Edomite invasion into ...
Zered at the south end of the Salt Sea. After continuously occupying their historic Transjordan lands for 1321 years, they began to move west into the Judean Negev, for the first time, after Nebuchadnezzar's first attack on Jerusalem in 605 BC. By 597 BC the Edomite Threat became very serious when one of the four Negev Judean fortresses, Ramah-Negev, was about to be captured by the Edomites. See also Edomite history 2. Letter 1: Zedekiah issues orders to Malchijah, the troop commander at the Arad fortress, to send 50 troops from Arad and 50 troops from the nearby Kinah fortress, to the fortress at Ramah-Negev to secure its safety and defense. We do not have this letter but know is exists based upon Ostracon #40 3. Letter 2: Malchijah, the commander of Arad fortress, relays Zedekiah's instructions, by sending a messenger named Eshijah, to his son Gemariah, who is the commander of the Kinah fortress, with orders to send 50 troops to defend the Ramah-Negev fortress from the Edomites. ... ...

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75: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Etham
Perhaps the Masoretes erred when they added the vowelling. Many commentators completely ignore it in Num 33:8. b. It may be derived from Egyptian word for wall/fortification. Hb. šûr = "wall" and Egyptian htm = "wall, fortress". "wilderness of Etham Although identified as Shur in Exodus 15:22, this need not imply two versions. Etham is simply Egyptian for Hebrew Shur, both meaning "wall, fortification."" (The JPS Torah Commentary: Numbers 33:8, 1999 AD) c. It may simply mean there is a place called Etham on both sides of the Gulf of Aqaba at the straits of Tiran. A. The one text that says, wilderness of Etham: Numbers 33:6-8 1. "They journeyed from Succoth and camped in Etham, which is on the edge of the wilderness. They journeyed from Etham and turned back to Pi-hahiroth, which faces Baal-zephon, and they camped before Migdol. They journeyed from before Hahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness; and they went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham ... ...

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76: Exodus route and Conquest: Hormah, Tamar, Way of the Spies
Zephath (or Hormah, vid. Josh. 15:30 and Judg. 1:17). (History of the old covenant: Johann Heinrich Kurtz,1872 AD, Vol 3, Geological survey, p217-254) Tel Masos: Hormah/Zephath figures as a flourishing town at the time of the conquest (Numbers 21:1-3; Judges 1:17), yet excavations at the site thought to be Hormah/Zephath (Tel Masos) have revealed a fortification from the Middle Bronze II period (c. 1900-1550 B.C.) and an Iron Age (12th century B.C.) settlement, but no intervening occupation. (Redating the Exodus, Bimson, Livingston, BAR 13:05, Sep/Oct 1987) This of course fits well with an exodus dated at 1446 BC at which time Hormah was destroyed and not occupied for several hundreds of Years. Problem is, Hormah cannot be located at Tel Masos, because it is no where near the transjordan Edomite territory. Tamar "This land will become your inheritance ... On the east side the boundary will run between Hauran and Damascus, along the Jordan between Gilead and the land of Israel, to the ... ...

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77: Infrared Imaging of the Temple Mount
Infrared imaging looks for heat. Motion sensors in a typical home security alarm system are actually infrared cameras that look for the moving body heat of a human intruder (or dog = false alarm). Infrared motion sensors, for example cannot see through glass, they only measure the temperature of the glass itself and cannot see anything outside through the glass. This is good, because if motion sensors could see through glass, you would get a lot of false alarms when someone walks by a store window on the sidewalk. In infrared imaging photography, you are measuring the two dimensional surface temperature. It does not "look" three dimensionally below the surface even an inch, but like a thermometer, measures the surface heat. Although it measures surface temperature only, we can get an idea of what is below the surface with a basic understanding of the laws of physics. If you heated three different blocks of wood, stone and metal to the same temperature, they cool off at different rates. ... ...

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78: The Jewish Synagogue Mikveh was the "Christian Maker" Baptistry
Christians borrowed from Jewish synagogues, not the other way around. Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues SYNAGOGUE MIKVEH: THE CHRISTIAN MAKER: Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pe 3:21 1. The Ritual of using a Mikveh: a. Every time a Jew would enter the synagogue, he was strip off his clothing, descend into the water "ritually unclean", immerse himself, then ascend up out of the water on the stairs "ritually clean" b. In this way the mikveh was a forerunner of Christian water baptism were you have your sins "WASHED AWAY" . (Acts 22:16) c. When the 20 year Paul was told ""'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.'" (Acts 22:16) this was something he had done over 250 times previously as a Pharisaic Jew, except this time, like all elements of contrast between the old and the new covenants, IT ... ...

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79: Did Yahweh Have a Consort, Kuntillet Ajrud, Ze'ev Meshel, 1979 ...
Did Yahweh Have a Consort? Ze'ev Meshel BAR 5:02, Mar/Apr 1979 (Did Yahweh Have a Consort, Kuntillet Ajrud, Ze'ev Meshel, 1979 AD) The new religious inscriptions from the Sinai The book of Kings describes a time during the 9th-7th centuries B.C. when the land was divided into two kingdoms—Judah in the south and Israel in the north. Phoenicia and Israel were linked by commerce and royal marriages and Hebrew monotheism struggled to resist the attraction of pagan gods. The prophets Elijah, Elisha, Amos and Isaiah inveighed against transgressions. At Kuntillet Ajrud, a remote desert way-station in the wilderness of northern Sinai, we found evidence of the multiplicity of religious practices which provoked the prophets' fury. In three short seasons of excavation in 1975 and 1976 we uncovered a remarkable (and completely unexpected) collection of ancient Hebrew and Phoenician inscriptions painted on plaster walls and large storage jars, and incised on stone vessels. When the inscriptions ... ...

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80: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-kuntillet-ajrud-anchor
Ruins of the site date to the 8th century B.C. (the time of the Israelite monarchy), and various remains suggest that it served as some sort of a religious center. Of particular significance are inscriptional references to "Yah-weh of Samaria and his Asherah" and to "Yahweh of Teman," which provide important evidence of the complex nature of Israelite religion during the OT period (Meshel 1979; and relevant articles in AIR. A. Location B. Initial Exploration of the Site C. Recent Excavations 1. Structural and Pottery Remains a. The Western Structure b. The Eastern Structure 2. Textile Remains 3. Epigraphic Remains 4. Artistic Remains D. Conclusion A. Location Kuntillet cAtrild is located approximately 50 km south of Kadesh-barnea and about 15 km W of Darb el-Ghazza, a road which since antiquity has run N-S, connecting Quseima and Kadesh-barnea to Elat and S Sinai. The isolated hill rises prominently from the broad valley of Wadi Quraiya (or "wadi of the small building"), which forms a ... ...

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81: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 7:14 Virgin Birth
Assyrian captivity of 723 BC. a. Isaiah had a child with his prophetess wife shortly before king Pekah died in 732BC as fulfillment of the prophecy (Isaiah 8:1-4) 2. We only learn Isaiah 7:14 is a messianic prophecy when Matthew comes along and applies it to Mary and Jesus in Matthew 1:23. a. Yet the Temple scholars in Jerusalem understood it to be messianic and chose to translate the Greek Septuagint "virgin" as opposed to maiden. b. "It is also fair to point out that Matthew's interpretive method, throughout his writings, is quite typical of the best of ancient Jewish interpretation, reflecting literal interpretations, allegorical interpretations, plays on words, and Midrashic allusions. Thus, in the first two chapters alone, he cites Micah 5:1-2 (in Matt. 2:5-6), interpreted as a direct prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem; Hosea 11:1 (in Matt. 2:15), interpreted as a prophetic parallel (in other words, as it happened to Israel in its infancy, so also did it happen to ... ...

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82: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant ...
Jesus concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. 2. Prophetic partitions by date in Isaiah: 740-685 BC a. Isaiah 1-37: Events during 740-702 BC (Death of Uzziah, Ahaz vs. Rezin king of Aram and Pekah king of Israel) b. Isaiah 38-39: Events during 701 BC (Hezekiah and the Siege of Jerusalem by Sennacherib) c. Isaiah 40-48: Events during 605-536 BC (Babylonian captivity and release by Cyrus) d. Isaiah 49-57: Events after 536 BC down to Pentecost AD 33. (Suffering Servant section) e. Isaiah 58-66: Events after the future second coming, great judgement, Heavenly Jerusalem, hell. 3. Death of Isaiah when he was sawed in two by Manasseh in 685 BC: Heb 11:37 a. This gives fulfillment in Isaiah 53 in the life of Isaiah, who like Christ suffered for the sins of the people. b. Extra-Biblical traditions dating to 200 BC say that Isaiah was sawn in two with a metal tree saw, perhaps while suspended upside down between two trees by Manasseh around 685 BC once Hezekiah died. c. This was recorded in ... ...

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83: Judean Governors, Procurtors and Prefects time of Jesus, first ...
...Dan 2) came into existence. 5. The Maccabees provided a brief period of about 60 years of true independence from under the control of the Greek/Seleucid empire came to an end with the Romans and Herod the Great. 6. Herod the Great brought about huge changes in Jewish culture and worship: a. Herod would build the Jews a temple in 18 months completed in 18 BC. b. In 18 BC, Herod transferred the manufacturing of the Tyrian Shekel (official temple tax coin) from Tyre to a new mint in Jerusalem. See outline on the Shekel of Tyre. 7. Jesus would be born in 2-1 BC and Herod would die in 1 BC. 8. The Roman empire would control the Jews up until the first Jewish war of 66 AD. a. This rebellion resulted in the Romans coming down with a heavy hand and they easily crushed the rebellion and forever destroyed the temple in 70 AD. b. A new temple had been raised from the dust, just as Jesus said: His body, THE CHURCH. c. Jesus said the kingdom of God and the temple is not physical but within each of ... ...

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84: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
...Has the site been correctly identified? If so, why have we found no remains from the Exodus period? ... Thus far our excavations have yielded nothing earlier than the tenth century B.C. - the time of King Solomon." (Rudolph Cohen) See also: Chronological History of "The search for Kadesh" Click to View Click to View Ein El-Qudeirat: the largest oasis in the Sinai but certainly cannot be Kadesh Barnea Introduction document: Solomon's network of military border fortresses Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis Click to View Quseima Click to View Nahas Click to View K. Ajrud Click to View Elat/Kheleifeh Click to View Haseva Click to View Loz Introduction: Ein El-Qudeirat means "Fountain of Omnipotence" or "Fountain of God s Power" If you want to take the easy short cut and skip all the reasons from the Bible, history and archeology why Qudeirat cannot be Kadesh, Click here to learn the true location of Kadesh Barnea now. For an detailed summary of the search for Kadesh Barnea see ... ...

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85: The Onomasticon by Eusebius (325AD) and the Exodus route
...The Onomasticon and the Exodus route. by Eusebius, 325AD) Introduction and summary: Eusebius said that Kadesh Barnea & Mt Hor were at Petra. He also said that the Mt. Sinai, the wilderness of Paran and Wilderness of Shur were all Transjordan. This means that the Sinai peninsula was part of Egypt, according to Eusebius. In Eusebius 325 AD, wrote a dictionary of geographic places called, "the Onomasticon". Onomasticon is derived from the Greek: "book or list of names" Onomasticon is like a modern dictionary where you look up a name of a place and he defines it. This is a remarkable work and no doubt was used by Queen Helena in her tour of the Holy Land where she saw in a vision, the location of the birth place of Jesus etc and chose the site of Mt. Musa as Mt. Sinai. In 400 AD, Jerome had a copy of the Onomasticon and updated it with his own comments. In about 550 AD, the Madaba map was clearly dependant upon the Onomasticon. (Although it differs significantly from the Onomasticon ... ...

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86: The Exodus Route: Succoth
Hebrew miners at Serabit el-Khadim join Moses. The stop at Succoth was not to rest, it was to collect the Hebrew workers at the Egyptian controlled copper and turquoise mines at Serabit el-Khadim. They travelled day and night by miracle. Two Egyptian copper/turquoise mines were in full operation in 1446 BC in the Sinai. Succoth "block, stop the approach, shut off, cover" (Theological Workbook Old Testament: 1492 sākak) Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Goshen Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Straits of Tiran Introduction: 1. Located 120 km south of the Port of Suez, 160 km north of Red sea crossing (Straits of Tiran) 2. We have no idea exactly where Succoth is located, however we can get a clue based upon the name and the proximity of the Egyptian mines. 3. The stop at Succoth was not to rest, it was to collect the Hebrew workers ... ...

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87: Coins of the Seleucid Empire: 321-64 BC
...Then the male goat magnified himself exceedingly. But as soon as he was mighty, the large horn was broken; and in its place there came up four conspicuous horns toward the four winds of heaven." (Daniel 8:8) ""And a mighty king will arise, and he will rule with great authority and do as he pleases. "But as soon as he has arisen, his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four points of the compass, though not to his own descendants, nor according to his authority which he wielded, for his sovereignty will be uprooted and given to others besides them." (Daniel 11:3-4) Four "horns" empires after Alexander the Great: Ptolemy Empire (323-31 BC) Area of modern Egypt Ptolemy Empire Ends when Rome conquers Egypt in 31 BC Antony/Cleopatra commit suicide 30 extincting the Ptolemy empire. Seleucid Empire (321-64 BC) Area of Modern Israel, Syria, Turkey Cassander (319-168 BC) Area of Modern Greece. Cassander founds Thessalonica 315 BC Rome conquered Greece in battle of Pydna in 168 ... ...

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88: Khirbat en-Nahas Fortress: Part of Solomon's network of military ...
This is the largest copper mine in the entire Arabah valley. The true to colour image above shows the piles of black copper slag stacked all around the site. Introduction document: Solomon's network of military border fortresses Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis Click to View Quseima Click to View Nahas Click to View K. Ajrud Click to View Elat/Kheleifeh Click to View Haseva Click to View Loz Click to View Introduction: Khirbat en-Nahas (KEN) is a fortress built by Solomon and the Edomites probably had nothing to do with it. The pre-occupation level under the fortress, is more likely Moabite or Amorite. Click to View KEN is larger than Timna. "The excavations at Khirbat en-Nahas, the largest Iron Age copper production centre in the southern Levant" (Reassessing the chronology of Biblical Edom, Thomas E. Levy, 2004 AD) Learn more about: Timna. Click to View Apart from the obvious shortcomings of Radiocarbon dating, we feel the work of Thomas Levy's team is excellent. For an ... ...

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89: Ein Muweileh, a spring near Quseima, Egypt
...Darb Esh-Sherif, Darb El Ghazza, Darb Ez Aaul, Darb El Arish). Ein Muweileh is one of four nearby springs of water: Quseima, Qudeirat and Qedeis. The "Quseima area" was the center of the largest water supply in the Sinai. The size of the springs from largest to smallest are: Qudeirat, Qedeis, Muweileh, Quseima. The four springs of the Quseima area: Map of the Quseima area showing the location of Ein Muweileh. Click to View Click to View Quseima Click to View Muweileh Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis A. Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev Ein Muweileh was the most westerly outpost protected by Solomon in 950 BC with a network of fortresses he built. The Ahoroni Fortress near Quseima was very near, being about 2.5 km north. Solomon's fortresses at Qudeirat, was 10 km east. B. Map of Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev Click to View Introduction document: Solomon's network of military border fortresses Click to View Qudeirat ... ...

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90: Ein El Weibeh: K. Von Raumer's choice for Kadesh Barnea in 1831 ...
Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba." (Excavations At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) In 1806-7 Ulrich Jasper Seetzen, (AKA Musa el Hakim) a Russian Doctor, was first to explore the Negev in recent times but was more of a Muslim pilgrim than an explorer and contributed little to Biblical archeology. Archeologists started looking for Kadesh on the western side of the Arabah valley where ever they found a natural spring. Two such choices were Ein El Weibeh and Ein Hasb. Click to View In 1831, Karl Von Raumer's chose Ein Hasb for Kadesh Barnea: "Another location of the "city," or of the "fountain," of Kadesh, in Burckhardt s Arabah-Kadesh, was made by Karl von Raumer, a German scientist and theologian, who studied and wrote upon the wanderings of the Israelites before he had visited the East, and who again discussed the subject in connection with a record of his travels there. It was in 1836 that he proposed an identification of Kadesh in the upper Arabah. His ... ...

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91: Kuntillet Ajrud Fortress and Ostraca: One of Solomon's network ...
...Amaryau said to my lord. ... may you be blessed by Yahweh and by his Asherah. Yahweh bless you and keep you and be with you". b. Founded as a Negev border fortress by Solomon, it was occupied by the pagan Jews from the corrupt northern tribes whose capital was Samaria. c. Notice that they are Jews worshipping YHWH, but then say that YHWH has a wife! (Consort or Asherah). d. Most striking is that this pagan inscription contains the oldest quotation of the Bible on earth from Numbers 6:24-26 "may the Lord bless and keep you". e. Although the text is in Phoenician, it predates the famous silver scroll by 140 years! (See details about the Silver Scroll from Ketef Hinnom) f. The Phoenician inscription is not a direct match for the Torah words in Numbers 6:24, but it is clearly a paraphrase. "The Arabic name, meaning "hill of the water-source," of a site located in N Sinai. (Kuntillet Ajrud, Ze'ev Meshel, Anchor Bible Dictionary, 1991 AD). Several anomalies that make Kuntillet Ajrud unique ... ...

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92: The Ahoroni Fortress at Quseima: One of Solomon's network of ...
The two smaller springs at Quseima and Ein Muweileh. A larger spring at Qedeis and the largest spring at Qudeirat. Quseima was the center of the largest water supply in the Sinai. Click to View Ein Muweileh just west of Quseima. Solomon built three border fortresses in close proximity to three of the springs: Quseima and Qudeirat and Qedeis. From a strategic point of view, the Quseima fortress was the most important because it was the most westerly and therefore closest to the Egyptian border and it overlooked the crossroads. The border between Egypt and Israel as stated in the Bible, is the wadi el-Arish. The family of three military border fortresses built in 950 BC by Solomon at Quseima, Qudeirat and Qedeis proves our point that they cannot be used a proof that this is where Kadesh Barnea was located. The Ahoroni Fortress near Quseima, Egypt is one of over 50 outposts built by king Solomon to protect the border between Israel and Egypt, which lie about 19 km west of Quseima and ... ...

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93: Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their history: Kadesh ...
Edom were closed against them. But the geographical controversy, of which the 'Arabah is the scene, though it has or ought to have been set at rest in its essential points by the comparative levels of the Gulf of 'Akaba and the Lake of Gennesareth, still remains unsettled in its lesser details. [For this reason it may be worth while to give a few notes of its general features, taken at the time. After leaving 'Akaba, we entered the Wady 'Arabah, over the mounds, supposed by Dr. Robinson to be the remains of Elath. On the east is a low gap in the hills with three low peaks visible beyond. This is the Wady Ithm, which turns the eastern range of the 'Arabah, and through which the Israelites must have passed on their way to Moab. It is still one of the regular roads to Petra, and in ancient times seems to have been the main approach from Elath or 'Akaba, as it is the only road from the south which enters Petra through the Sik. The only published account of it is that of Laborde. These ... ...

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94: The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, Moshe Dothan, Ein el-Qudeirat ...
Quseima and Kuntilla down to the Gulf of 'Aqaba. At the oasis and in the neighbouring region there are scattered remains of many temporary and permanent settlements, dating from the Palaeolithic, the Middle Bronze I and the Israelite, the Persian and the Roman-Byzantine periods. The large permanent settlement situated near the spring is Tell el-Qudeirat, which lies on the main road leading through the oasis (Pl. 25, B) . Woolley and Lawrence, who surveyed the region in 1914, described the tell and various other remains in its vicinity, and suggested that the tell be identified with the biblical Kadesh-barnea2. This identification, which was based on the biblical text, has been universally accepted. The description of these two famous explorers is quite accurate and even today is useful as a guide to the area, although certain minor changes have taken place since Beduins were first permanently settled in the area, under the administration of C. S. Jarvis, Governor of the Sinai ... ...

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95: Egyptian Ptolemaic Empire rulers coins: 323-31 BC
...Then the male goat magnified himself exceedingly. But as soon as he was mighty, the large horn was broken; and in its place there came up four conspicuous horns toward the four winds of heaven." (Daniel 8:8) ""And a mighty king will arise, and he will rule with great authority and do as he pleases. "But as soon as he has arisen, his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four points of the compass, though not to his own descendants, nor according to his authority which he wielded, for his sovereignty will be uprooted and given to others besides them." (Daniel 11:3-4) Four "horns" empires after Alexander the Great: Ptolemy Empire (323-31 BC) Area of modern Egypt Ptolemy Empire Ends when Rome conquers Egypt in 31 BC Antony/Cleopatra commit suicide 30 extincting the Ptolemy empire. Seleucid Empire (321-64 BC) Area of Modern Israel, Syria, Turkey Cassander (319-168 BC) Area of Modern Greece. Cassander founds Thessalonica 315 BC Rome conquered Greece in battle of Pydna in 168 ... ...

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96: Kadesh-Barnea by Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD
... Jewish and Christian scholars. Going into the desert of Arabia for the express purpose of avoiding study, on an enforced-vacation ramble, I was enabled, most unexpectedly, to re-discover a long-lost site which had borne an important part in the discussions over Kadesh-barnea. This laid upon me the duty of giving to the public the results of my personal observations. Desiring, however, to present the facts of my discovery in the light of kindred facts brought out by prede cessors in this field of research, I delayed the publication of my story until I could examine anew the more important works already treating on this subject. Giving a mere announcement of my discovery, in the Quarterly Statement of the (London) Palestine Exploration Fund, on my return from the East, in the summer of 1881, I set myself at the study of the facts involved. The linkings of Kadesh-barnea proved far more numerous and varied than I anticipated, and the possibilities of gain from farther 1 INTR OD UCTION. ... ...

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97: Water from a Rock: Mt. Sinai (Lawz) and Kadesh (Petra) Wadi Musa ...
...The rock was Christ." (1 Cor 10:4) Introduction: The imagery of God being "the Rock of our salvation" is an anti-type found throughout the Bible and had its origin with the Exodus when God brought water out of the rock through Moses. Twice during the exodus (Sinai and Kadesh), Israel complained to God and twice Moses brought water out of rock miraculously with his staff. There are two different places in the Bible called "waters of Meribah"; Sinai and Kadesh: "He named the place [at Sinai] Massah [test] and Meribah [quarrel] because of the quarrel of the sons of Israel, and because they tested the Lord, saying, "Is the Lord among us, or not?" Exodus 17:7: "Those were the waters of Meribah [at Kadesh], because the sons of Israel contended with the Lord, and He proved Himself holy among them." Numbers 20:13 We have always wondered why Israel did not have the faith to just ask God for water. After all, they just saw the 10 plaques, the parting the Red Sea and have been getting Manna every ... ...

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98: 690-570 BC: Egyptian Pharaohs of Babylonian Captivity: Tirhakah ...
Digging up Bible stories! The five Egyptian Pharaohs of the Babylonian Captivity 690-570 BC See also: 1. Josiah the chosen one: 640-609 BC 2. Jehoiakim the bible burner: 609-598 BC 3. Zedekiah the last hope: 597-587 BC What you read in the book you find in the ground! Introduction: This is a chronological outline of Egyptian Pharaoh's as it relates to the Bible which is organized by date. In the 7th century BC, Judea was caught between Egypt and Assyria. All Manasseh needed to do was turn to God with all his heart and neither nation would have been a threat. In 671 and 667 BC, Manasseh, King of Judah, helped Assyria (Ashurbanipal I) fight Egypt (Taharqa) and Ethiopia (Nubia). It is likely that Manasseh established the outpost at Elephantine in 667 BC in rebellion to Egypt's king Taharqa (Tirhakah) (690 - 664 BC). After the death of Pharaoh Taharqa (Tirhakah) in 664 BC, his son Psamtik I (664-610 BC). Catalogue of Pharaohs: 25th Dynasty: i. 690-664 BC: Taharqa (Tirhakah) 26th Dynasty: ... ...

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99: The Wilderness of Zin, C. Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence ...
Ain Kadeis (Plate X). This second plain is held in by considerable hills: on the east is Jebel el Ain, a rugged bow of cliffs in limestone and flint, with only one possible way over it; on the north is the watershed already mentioned, a procession of pointed hills; on the west and south there are no steep places, but rows of inconspicuous ridges, slowly adding up to a modest height. Looked at from these boundaries the contours of the lower ground fall flat, whereas in reality the whole surface is irregular, running up here and there into tolerable hills, and all seamed with stony torrent-beds. The soil is sandy, between stones, and there are only rare traces of ancient cultivation. The Arabs - husband-men here without hope - still plough each winter a little of the further wady beds, and in wet years reap a harvest. But Ain Kadeis is the only water of the district, and that a spring on the westward slopes of the great mountain far up the Wady Ain Kadeis. The name Kadeis (Kadeis, in ... ...

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100: The Exodus Route: Red Sea Crossing
You who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; who made the depths of the sea a pathway for the redeemed to cross over?" Isaiah 51:10 Crossing at the Straits of Tiran in the Gulf of Aqaba. VIDEO: Archeology of Mt. Sinai in Arabia (Unicorn Internet Archaeology) Watch Video Steven Rudd, 2022 Near Eastern Archaeological Society annual lectureship, Denver A unicorn and a drawing of a goat Description automatically generated Buy "Exodus Route Restored" from Amazon by Steven Rudd Buy Discounted copy: Email Steven Rudd to order: Order discounted copy direct from author by email In AD 2005, using the Bible only, Steven Rudd noticed 42 keys to decoding the Exodus Route that indicated the Red Sea crossing was at the Straits of Tiran, Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia and Kadesh Barnea was at modern Petra. Buy: Exodus Route Restored ISBN: 9798619062717 As featured in Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence "The Red Sea Miracle" and "Journey to Mt. Sinai" A movie cover with a person and a map ... ...

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