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51: The Wilderness of Zin, C. Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence ...
Ain Kadeis (Plate X). This second plain is held in by considerable hills: on the east is Jebel el Ain, a rugged bow of cliffs in limestone and flint, with only one possible way over it; on the north is the watershed already mentioned, a procession of pointed hills; on the west and south there are no steep places, but rows of inconspicuous ridges, slowly adding up to a modest height. Looked at from these boundaries the contours of the lower ground fall flat, whereas in reality the whole surface is irregular, running up here and there into tolerable hills, and all seamed with stony torrent-beds. The soil is sandy, between stones, and there are only rare traces of ancient cultivation. The Arabs - husband-men here without hope - still plough each winter a little of the further wady beds, and in wet years reap a harvest. But Ain Kadeis is the only water of the district, and that a spring on the westward slopes of the great mountain far up the Wady Ain Kadeis. The name Kadeis (Kadeis, in ... ...

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52: The Onomasticon by Eusebius (325AD) and the Exodus route
...The Onomasticon and the Exodus route. by Eusebius, 325AD) Introduction and summary: Eusebius said that Kadesh Barnea & Mt Hor were at Petra. He also said that the Mt. Sinai, the wilderness of Paran and Wilderness of Shur were all Transjordan. This means that the Sinai peninsula was part of Egypt, according to Eusebius. In Eusebius 325 AD, wrote a dictionary of geographic places called, "the Onomasticon". Onomasticon is derived from the Greek: "book or list of names" Onomasticon is like a modern dictionary where you look up a name of a place and he defines it. This is a remarkable work and no doubt was used by Queen Helena in her tour of the Holy Land where she saw in a vision, the location of the birth place of Jesus etc and chose the site of Mt. Musa as Mt. Sinai. In 400 AD, Jerome had a copy of the Onomasticon and updated it with his own comments. In about 550 AD, the Madaba map was clearly dependant upon the Onomasticon. (Although it differs significantly from the Onomasticon ... ...

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53: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Egypt: the Sinai Peninsula
Red Sea at the Bitter Lakes or the Port of Suez. a. There is no wilderness area between Goshen and the Bitter Lakes or the Port of Suez because these were heavily travelled areas. b. The major caravan route started at Goshen (Tel e;-Dab'a) and passed directly by the Bitter Lakes up the coastline. c. Several Egyptian Migdol fortresses have been excavated near the Suez Canal east of Goshen. d. The Port of Suez was a major commerce and military hub. 4. Moses considered it necessary to travel at least three days from Goshen to outside of Egyptian populated areas. a. "Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, "Go, sacrifice to your God within the land." But Moses said, "It is not right to do so, for we will sacrifice to the Lord our God what is an abomination to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice what is an abomination to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not then stone us? "We must go a three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as He commands us." ... ...

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54: Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev
Biblical and archeological point of view. It is clear that Pharaoh Shishak destroyed the fortresses in 924 BC. We even have his account etched into the stone at Temple of Amon in Karnak. (see below) Since we know that the fortresses had a short occupation life, this fits perfectly with Solomon as the builder just 26 years earlier. The opinion on the builder and dates of these fortresses varies depending on the bias of the archeologist and fall into two categories: Those who believe the Bible and those who do not. Basically, those archeologists who believe the Bible attribute these 50 fortresses to Solomon in 950 BC. Those archeologists who say Solomon and David are mostly a myth, will attribute dates before or after David/Solomon, but fight hard to avoid any suggestion that confirms the historicity of David/Solomon as revealed in the Bible. Sure these Bible trashing archeologists believe David and Solomon were real people, just that most of what the Bible says is untrue. They have a ... ...

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55: The Exodus Route: Baal Zephon
Tiran was cult mountain of worship. In AD 15, Strabo called Tiran "Seal Island" (Strabo 16.4.18) Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Excluded Exodus Routes: Nuweiba Beech, Bitter lakes, Gulf of Suez, Mt. Musa, Mt. Karkom, Ein el-Qudeirat. Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Goshen Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Straits of Tiran Introduction: 1. Baal-zephon is located at Mt. Tiran, which is 501 meters high. Mt. Tiran is located on Tiran Island, Saudi Arabia. a. "Baal-zephon" means literally: "lord of the north". (Baal = lord + zephon = north.) b. Baal-zephon was a clearly visible marker across the Red Sea. c. The language of the Bible indicates it was on the opposite shore of the Red Sea: "camp in front of Baal-zephon, opposite it". (Ex 14:2) d. There is no archeological or literary evidence for Baal-zephon being located at Tiran Island. 2. Research ... ...

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56: The Story of Sinuhe confirms Gen 36:15-18 in 1900 BC
Egypt (1899 BC) and shorty after Esau moved to Edom in 1926 BC. Translation: "Your Majesty is the conquering Horus; your arms vanquish all lands. May then your Majesty command to have brought to you the prince of Meki from Qedem [lit: sons of the east], Jeush the mountain chiefs from Edom [Kushu -see map], and the prince of Menus from the lands of the Fenkhu [Phoenicians]. (Story of Sinuhe lines 219-220) The storyline of exile-reconciliation echoes Flight and return of Moses in 1486-1446 BC and Joseph's life (1899 - 1406 BC BC). The main character begins in Egypt, is exiled to from Egypt to Canaan, (Joseph was exiled from Canaan to Egypt, whereas Moses from Egypt) then returns home again. A man from leaves behind a life of wealth and privilege when he moves to a foreign land and lives with strangers only to become prosperous in that land, until he is reconciled to his homeland. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! In the story of Sinuhe, we have a reference to one of the "Jeush, one ... ...

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57: Solution to the Chronology of the Book of Judges!
The Chronology of Judges solved! 1350 - 1014 BC for a total of 336 years. 1 Kings 6:1 Exodus to Solomon's 4th year = 480 Years Exodus to Conquest: 40 years (1446-1406 BC) Conquest to death of Joshua: 50 years (1406-1356 BC) Death of Joshua to first Judge: 6 years (1356-1350 BC) First Judge to death of Samuel: 336 years (1350-1014 BC) Death of Samuel to Death of Saul/David king: 4 years (1014-1010 BC) David king 40 years (1010-970 BC) Temple Year 4 of Solomon (970-967 BC) 40 + 50 + 6 + 336 + 4 + 40 + 4 = 480 years = 1 Kings 6:1 Maps of Judges, Timeline of Judges Sermons and Outlines of Judges Archeological evidences of Judges Old Testament Chronology and Timelines Chronology of the Flood outline Chronology of Egypt outline Chronology of the Exodus outline Chronology of Judges outline Chronology of Ruth outline Chronology Eli-Solomon outline Chronology of Kings outline click to view click to view click to view Click to View click to view click to view Judges Sermon Outlines Conquest ... ...

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58: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Jerusalem (Palestinian) Talmud ...
...Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread." And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" (Matthew 15:2-3) "Then the disciples came and said to Jesus, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?" But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."" (Matthew 15:12-14) The first and greatest synagogue in the world at Alexandria Egypt destroyed by Trajan: "It has been taught [in Tosefta Sukkah 4:6A-G, 250 AD]: Said R. Judah, "Whoever has never seen the double colonnade [the basilica-synagogue] of Alexandria in Egypt has never seen Israel's glory in his entire life. [B] "It was a kind of large basilica, with one colonnade inside another. [C] ... ...

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59: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Philo of Alexandria: 38 AD
... Jewish settlement outside Palestine. The only certain date known from his life comes from his account of the great pogrom in Alexandria which started in A.D. 38 under the prefect Flaccus, during the reign of the Roman emperor Gaius Caligula. Philo was then chosen to head a delegation (Gaium 370) sent in A.D. 39/40 by the Jewish community to Gaius Caligula in Rome. A few other datable events are found in his writings. In Alexander, or Whether the Animals Have Reason (Anim) 27, Philo speaks of the celebrations in various places given by Germanicus Iulius Caesar, probably in A.D. 12, when he entered on his first term of consulship. The horse race account in Anim 58 is found also in Pliny HN 8:160-61, where the event is said to have occurred during the games of Claudius Caesar in A.D. 47. Philo was aged already at the time of the embassy. On the basis of these observations, the time of Philo's death should probably be set around A.D. 50, and his birth to around 20-15 B.C. Philo belonged to ... ...

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60: The Number of the Exodus Jews. The population of the Exodus Hebrews
Egypt when crossing the Red Sea because nobody even stumbled. See: Miracles of the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing. c. We do not believe that an exodus population of 2.5 million defies human reasoning in any way. d. We have reviewed all arguments for the various estimates of the exodus population of the Jews in detail and have come to the conclusion that the Bible is consistent in its view that there were 600,000 men (excluding women and children) who left Egypt. We find no reason to question this number for any reason. e. Israel was "as the sand on the seashore" when they left Egypt and went to occupy the promised land. f. 9 million live in modern Israel today. 3 million in 1446 BC is a very believable number. 2. AD 50: Apion was an ancient Egyptian who hated the Jews claimed there were only 110,000 Jews in the Exodus. Josephus says this number is wrong and is "contrived to agree with Lysimaehus. a. Although the number is wrong, we can be sure it is not too high, but rather too low. Apion ... ...

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61: The Exodus Route: 2nd Red Sea Camp
Israel arrived at the second Red Sea camp on the Arabian Gulf. a. The 1st Red Sea camp was at the Straits of Tiran b. The 2nd Red Sea camp was located on the Arabian Gulf. 2. Any proposed exodus route that ignores the second Red Sea camp is poorly researched, superficial, and unbiblical. a. After they crossed the Red Sea Israel went three days into the wilderness away from the Red Sea to Marah. Upon reaching Marah they headed south-east, towards the Red Sea and after camping at Elim, they reached the Red Sea. b. We call this the second Red Sea camp, because is it the second one mentioned in scripture after the Straits of Tiran. 3. Three common errors in Exodus route maps regarding the second Red Sea Camp: a. Most completely ignore the second Red Sea camp as though it did not exist in the Bible. These, in blissful ignorance, just draw a route on a map that never features a second Red Sea Camp then put it on the internet to mislead others. b. Some comically engage etymological gymnastics ... ...

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62: The Jewish Synagogue Mikveh was the "Christian Maker" Baptistry
Christians borrowed from Jewish synagogues, not the other way around. Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues SYNAGOGUE MIKVEH: THE CHRISTIAN MAKER: Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pe 3:21 1. The Ritual of using a Mikveh: a. Every time a Jew would enter the synagogue, he was strip off his clothing, descend into the water "ritually unclean", immerse himself, then ascend up out of the water on the stairs "ritually clean" b. In this way the mikveh was a forerunner of Christian water baptism were you have your sins "WASHED AWAY" . (Acts 22:16) c. When the 20 year Paul was told ""'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.'" (Acts 22:16) this was something he had done over 250 times previously as a Pharisaic Jew, except this time, like all elements of contrast between the old and the new covenants, IT ... ...

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63: The Bema: Prototype Of The Church Pulpit: Neh 8
Christians borrowed from Jewish synagogues, not the other way around. Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues "Ezra read from to all the people the book of the law as he stood at a wooden podium which they had made for the purpose." Neh 8 THE BEMA: PROTOTYPE OF THE CHURCH PULPIT: Nehemiah 8:1-8 1. The origin of the Synagogue BEMA is likely copied from Ezra's raised Podium in the city Gate: Nehemiah 8:4 a. "In the center of the synagogue or at one end was the bema (Heb. bîmâ, "stage, platform," < Gk. bḗma) or almemar (< Arab al minbar, "pulpit, platform"). On this were some or all of the following: a reading desk or table on which the scroll of the Torah or Haftarah was placed for reading the lessons" (ISBE, Synagogue, 1988 AD) b. The raised wooden platform of Ezra was large enough to comfortably allow room for 14 people. c. "And all the ... ...

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64: The Exodus Route: Pi-Hahiroth
Sinai Peninsula north towards the Gulf of Aqaba. The Israel Red Sea camp was below the Egyptian military Migdol's watchful eye, at the tri-intersection of the three Gulfs directly opposite Baal-Zephon. Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Goshen Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Straits of Tiran Introduction: 1. Two Bible verse: Ex 14:2 Num 33:7 2. The Hebrew word "Pi-Hahiroth" is a metaphoric term that means any or all of the following: a. "mouth of water" b. "mouth of the canal" c. "entrance to the water" d. "entrance to the canal" 3. The "entrance to the canal" refers to the large, central, tri-intersection of ocean between the Gulf of Suez, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Gulf of Arabia. a. This could refer to an area of shoreline on either Egypt proper, the modern Sinai Peninsula or Arabia. b. Without a second geographical marker, the ... ...

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65: The Exodus Route: Travel times, distances, rates of travel, days ...
Bible only, Steven Rudd noticed 42 keys to decoding the Exodus Route that indicated the Red Sea crossing was at the Straits of Tiran, Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia and Kadesh Barnea was at modern Petra. Buy: Exodus Route Restored ISBN: 9798619062717 As featured in Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence "The Red Sea Miracle" and "Journey to Mt. Sinai" Overview of the Exodus and Conquest: In 1446 BC, the 700 km trip from Goshen (Tell el-Dab'a) to Mt. Sinai took a total of took 47 days. After travelling day and night 500 km from Goshen, Israel made the 19 km crossing of the Red Sea at the Straits of Tiran on day 25 then took 22 days to travel 200 km from the Red Sea Crossing to Mt. Sinai. Travel was easy for the 2-3 million Hebrews because there was a 20 km wide, flat coastal plain that hugged the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez from Goshen to the Strait of Tiran, which the author calls, "The Exodus Highway". On day 9 after leaving Goshen, they arrived at Succoth, adjacent to the turquoise ... ...

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66: Midianite Pottery: The designer import of the ancient world.
The designer import of the ancient world. Pottery of the Bible Introduction: Midianite pottery was imported from Qurayyah in modern Saudi Arabia. (see map) The Kenites are a sect of Midianites that Moses invited to join him in the promised land. After settling in the Negev, the Kenites were responsible for importing their own pottery into their new home. "Scholars associate the pottery from Qurayyah with the Midianites, the very people that Moses was said to dwell among when he first fled Egypt—and from whom he chose his wife, Zipporah. Evidence of habitation and culture from that same time period—the presumed time of the Exodus—is practically nonexistent in the Sinai peninsula. Harvard scholar Frank Moore Cross believes that the paucity of evidence in Sinai—and the considerable remains in Qurayyah, Al-Bad' and other Midianite sites—points in favor of an Arabian location for Mt. Sinai." (Mt. Sinai—in Arabia?, Bible Review, Apr 2000, Allen Kerkeslager) Midianite pottery was ... ...

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67: Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon, (Hadrian 135 AD)
Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon, (Augustus 15 BC - Hadrian 135 AD) Click on RED number to see high resolution photo Temple of Venus Temple of Muses Propylaea (entrance) Hexagonal Court (North) Hexagonal Court (South) Hexagonal Court (West) Altars Large Court (North) Large Court (South) Exedra (side rooms) Exedra (side rooms) Basins Basins Temple of Jupiter entrance Temple of Jupiter columns Temple of Bacchus Temple of Bacchus - Entrance Temple of Bacchus - Interior Remnants of Arab Construction Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon, (Hadrian 135 AD 1: Temple of Venus 2: Temple of Muses 3: Propylaea (entrance) 4: Hexagonal Court (North) 5: Hexagonal Court (South) 6: Hexagonal Court (West) 7: Altars and Statues 8: Large Court (North) 9: Large Court (South) 10: Exedra (side rooms) 11: Basins 12: Temple of Jupiter entrance 13: Temple of Jupiter columns 14: Temple of Bacchus 15: Temple of Bacchus entrance 16: Temple of Bacchus: Interior 17: Remnants of Arab Construction Click on RED ... ...

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68: Hezekiah's Tunnel
The Meeting Point: Why is the tunnel S-shaped? R. A. S. Macalister said the tunnel was a "pathetically helpless piece of engineering." Henry Sulley in 1929 first suggested that Hezekiah's tunnel followed a natural crack in the rock. Dan Gill argues that the two crews of diggers followed a natural karstic dissolution channel. D. The Location of the Siloam Inscription "[...when] (the tunnel) was driven through. And this was the way in which it was cut through: While [...] (were) still [...] axe(s), each man toward his fellow, and while there were still three cubits to be cut through, [there was heard] the voice of a man calling to his fellows, for there was an overlap in the rock on the right [and on the left]. And when the tunnel was driven through, the quarrymen hewed (the rock), each man toward his fellow, axe against axe; and the water flowed from the spring toward the reservoir for 1200 cubits, and the height of the rock above the head(s) of the quarrymen was 100 cubits." By Steve ... ...

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69: The Temple in Jerusalem over the threshing floor which is presently ...
Solomon built the temple on the threshing floor David bought. The Dome of the rock is the highest point of the temple mount. Threshing floors were never built on hills, but in curved valleys, like directly under the Al Kas Fountain. Under the dome of the Rock, was where the Fortress of Antonia stood. In 135 AD, Hadrian filled in about 50 feet of earth over top of where the temple stood and enlarged the temple mount and built a temple of Jupiter where we see the Dome of the rock today. In 325 AD Constantine tore down the Temple of Jupiter and assumed Hadrian built the temple of Jupiter on top of the spot where the temple of Solomon once stood. Constantine built an octagon church on the site. In 700 AD the Muslims found the foundations of Constantine's octagon church and built the dome of the Rock we see today. "On the Temple Mount he (Hadrian) erected a temple to Jupiter with an equestrian statue of himself in front of it." (The temple of Jerusalem, Joan Comay, 1975, p199) Where was the ... ...

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70: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
...Has the site been correctly identified? If so, why have we found no remains from the Exodus period? ... Thus far our excavations have yielded nothing earlier than the tenth century B.C. - the time of King Solomon." (Rudolph Cohen) See also: Chronological History of "The search for Kadesh" Click to View Click to View Ein El-Qudeirat: the largest oasis in the Sinai but certainly cannot be Kadesh Barnea Introduction document: Solomon's network of military border fortresses Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis Click to View Quseima Click to View Nahas Click to View K. Ajrud Click to View Elat/Kheleifeh Click to View Haseva Click to View Loz Introduction: Ein El-Qudeirat means "Fountain of Omnipotence" or "Fountain of God s Power" If you want to take the easy short cut and skip all the reasons from the Bible, history and archeology why Qudeirat cannot be Kadesh, Click here to learn the true location of Kadesh Barnea now. For an detailed summary of the search for Kadesh Barnea see ... ...

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71: Transjordan Early Edom And Moab 1900 BC
...Early Edom And Moab, Egyptian evidence on Ancient Jordan; K. A. Kitchen, Editor: Piotr Bienkowski, 1992 AD) The Egyptian Evidence on Ancient Jordan K.A. Kitchen The written historical sources for the lands of the Jordan plateau, between rift valley and outer desert, come for periods before c. 1000 BC almost entirely from pharaonic Egypt, seconded by a limited amount of biblical tradition. Thereafter, Egyptian sources fade, and it is only from the 9th/8th centuries BC that indigenous ancient Jordanian sources and reports from Mesopotamia carry forward the story, still with biblical contributions. Non-literary archaeological data round out the picture. We shall review the Egyptian data chronologically. Early 2nd millennium BC We begin this early - as compactly as possible - to lay the foundations for later epochs. There are now three series of Egyptian 'Execration Texts' that list lands and rulers on both sides of the Jordan: the Mirgissa series (Koenig 1990:111-112) of c. 1870 BC (at ... ...

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72: The Exodus Route: From the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai
Sinai in modern Saudi Arabia. A. Overview of distances and travel times: After crossing the Red Sea, the daily rate of travel slowed down a bit. We would expect this, since they did not fear Egypt any more. They traveled each day, except for 8 days in the Wilderness of Sin to be introduced for the first time to the weekly Sabbath and the first giving of Manna. The only other place they stopped was four days at Rephidim (Meribah) when the Amalekites attacked one stop before reaching Mt. Sinai. More details: Travel times, distances, days of the week Trip Distance Total days Camp days Travel days Daily rate of travel Double back distance from the camp by the Red Sea at the crossing point to Etham and back again (30 km x 2) 60 km - - - - Goshen to Sinai (including Etham double back) 750 km 47 18 29 26 km/day Goshen to Red Sea (including Etham double back) (8 days camped at red sea) 490 km 24 7 17 29 km/day Red Sea to Sinai (Camp days: 7 days in wilderness of Sin, 3 days at Rephidim, 1 ... ...

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73: The Vulgate: Jerome's Latin Translation of the Hebrew Masoretic ...
Old Testament and Gospels certainly being translated by him." (LBD, Vulgate) b. "Vulgate. The Latin version of the Bible (editio vulgata) most widely used in the W. It was for the most part the work of St *Jerome, and its original purpose was to end the great differences of text in the *Old Latin MSS circulating in the latter part of the 4th cent. Jerome began his work, at the request of Pope Damasus in 382, with a revision of the Gospels which was completed in 384. Here he seems to have used as the basis of his revision a Greek MS closely akin to the *Codex Sinaiticus. That he revised the remaining books of the NT is unlikely." (The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Vulgate, 2005 AD) 2. The Need of a Latin Bible: The Latin of the western church at Rome: a. "The rise of Latin: The sense that Greek was the language of the apostolic books and of the Jewish Scriptures-Christians read and defended the LXX translation as sacred text, not the Hebrew-meant that Latin versions were ... ...

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74: Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs 100 BC: 70 Weeks of Daniel
Daniel but it is very special and abstract. I. The Christian editorial additions to the original (100 BC) Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs in 192 AD 1. Evidence of the Christian rewrite of the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs: a. Testament of Levi 16: "In perverseness ye will persecute righteous men1, and hate the godly; the words of the faithful will ye abhor, and the man who reneweth the law in the power of the Most High will ye call a deceiver2; and at last, as ye suppose, ye will slay Him3, not understanding His resurrection4, wickedly taking upon your own heads the innocent blood5. Because of Him shall your holy places be desolate, polluted even to the ground6, and ye shall have no place that is clean; but ye shall be among the Gentiles a curse and a dispersion, until He shall again look upon you, and in pity he shall take you to Himself through faith and water7." (Testament of Levi 16) Testament of Levi 16 New Testament 1 perverseness ye will persecute righteous men "Indeed, ... ...

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75: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-arabah
Arabah describes two different areas in the Bible: 1. Southern Arabah: the valley between the Red sea and the Dead sea. 2. Northern Arabah: the Jordan Valley between the dead sea and the sea of Galilee. The Hebrew "arabah" means: wasteland, barren district or plain. While wasteland describes the southern Arabah, it hardly describes the northern Jordan valley. It is used in a variety of ways and contexts in the Bible. Yet arabah clearly implies a dry place without water or vegetation: Isaiah 35:6; Isaiah 35:1 "the sea of the Arabah" is the dead sea since the Dead Sea is in between the northern and southern Arabah areas: Josh 12:3; 2 Kings 14:25 "the Arabah road" is the road of the Southern Arabah between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea: Deut 2:8 "way of the Arabah" is the Jordan Valley road and it never describes the Southern Arabah between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea: 2 Samuel 2:29; 4:7; 2 Kings 25:4 "the brook of the Arabah" is the Jordan River: Amos 6:14 Click to View Southern Arabah: ... ...

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76: Great Edict of Horemheb Harmhab, Horemheld THARU 1348-1320 BC
Maspero in February or March, 1882. It is, or when complete was, about live meters high by three wide, and stands against one of the pylons of Harmhab at Karnak. Over a third of the stone has broken off. The inscription occupies the face and the side edges. It has been copied and published very inaccurately by Bouriant, Recueil, VI, 41 ff.; important corrections, which unfortunately include only part of the inscription, by Piehl, Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache, 1885, 86 f.; see also Revue égyptologique, VIII, 106-9. I am greatly indebted to my friend, Mr. A. H. Gardiner, for a careful copy of the original on the spot. His copy corrects the incredibly numerous errors of Bouriant's publication, and fills out many of the lacunæ therein, though the stone shows loss since Bouriant's copy. Some fragments still surviving when Bouriant made his copy, Mr. Gardiner slates, are now missing entirely. An exhaustive study by Müller, with translation and notes, in Zeitschrift für ... ...

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77: The southern border of Judah and Kadesh Barnea at Petra
Most maps wrongly place Kadesh at ein el-Qudeirat and draw border line south of Qudeirat. The problem with this should be obvious to anyone who believes the Bible is both inspired and error free. If you draw the border south of Qudeirat, then Kadesh Barnea is inside the promised land! When you correctly place Kadesh where Eusebius said it was located, at Petra, then it all becomes simple and clear. The Brook of Egypt (Wadi el-Arish) is the border between Israel and Egypt. Numbers 34:3-5 Joshua 15:1-4 Imagine you are in a car driving on the Bible border of Judah. You start driving at Engedi and follow the western shoreline of the Dead Sea. When you reach the end of the Dead Sea, turn left (East) and start driving towards modern Jordan. Those who wrongly place Kadesh at ein el-Qudeirat must head WESTWARD, not Eastward. They go 180 degrees the wrong direction and head in a straight line through the assent of Akrabbim (wrongly located at Ma'ale Aqrabim on the west side of the Arabah ... ...

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78: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Sinai
The final camp of the Israelites at Mt. Sinai for 11 months 5 days. See also: Mt. Sinai Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness of Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai Discussion: 1. The Wilderness of Sinai was the last stop of the Exodus where Israel camped for 11 months and 5 days: a. Israel arrived at the final camp in front of Mt. Sinai in the Wilderness of Sinai on day 47 from Goshen: Ex 19:1 b. Scripture never says Israel camped in the ... ...

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79: Beidha, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea: mass food production ...
The Hebrew Exodus population of 3.5 million would clearly take up a space up to 15 km long. Beidha is 5 km north of Petra and Basta is 12 km SE of Petrra. The problem of course, is that both Beidha and Basta are both PPN (pre-pottery Neolithic) sites, meaning there is no pottery found at either site. PPN sites sites are dated to 6500 BC strictly because of the lack of pottery, yet this is clearly mistaken because PPN is contemporaneous all the way down to the Iron age. There have always been isolated sites that never used pottery and it is a mistake to automatically date them thousands of years before the Early Bronze Age for that reason alone. While it is clear that evolutionary dating of the PPN sites of Beidha and Basta at 6500 BC is absurd given the creation of the world was at 5554 BC, the lack of Late Bronze Age pottery at Beidha and Basta poses a problem because it was during the Late Bronze Age that the Hebrews spent 38 years in the Petra area. Solutions to this problem might ... ...

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80: Ein El Qedeis: "Piltdown Kadesh" Kadesh Barnea: 1881 - 1916 AD
Its looks the same today. Introduction: Ein Qedeis means "Holy Fountain". (ein = spring; Qedeis = holy) Qedeis also known as Kadis or Kades. Ein which is sometimes spelled ain, means "spring". John Rowlands goes down in history as the man who plunged the search for Kadesh Barnea in to the "Dark Ages" (1881 AD - present). But Ein Qedeis would be just another desert spring without Henry Clay Trumbull who is responsible for literally deceiving the entire world into believing it was Kadesh Barnea. The "one-two punch" of Rowland-Trumbull moved the worlds attention for the location of Kadesh from the Transjordan Arabah to where it has been presently located on all Bible maps since 1916 AD. There are actually two Kadesh's in the Bible. Transjordan Kadesh Barnea in the negev where Israel spent 38 years from 1445-1407 BC (barnea = wilderness). One located north of Israel in Syria: (Kadesh on the Orontes) "Then they came to Gilead and to Kadesh in the land of Tahtim-hodshi, and they came to ... ...

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81: Ein Haseva Fortress: One of Solomon's network of military border ...
Negev through Ein Haseva, to the heartland of the promised land. It matters not that we reject this as the location for the Ascent of Akrabbim, for the fact remains that this was an ancient route used from the time of Solomon. Although it is a possible location for the Ascent of Akrabbim, there is a better transjordan choice, on the east side of the Arabah valley. The same kind of Negevite war pottery is found most of the border fortresses. The ambivalence of archeologists to use this crude ancient hand made pottery in establishing a specific date, like wheel made pottery, does not change the fact that if the site was built by Solomon, we would expect to find Negevite war. The absence, not the presence of this pottery is what would disqualify Solomon as the builder. The key here, is that the modern choice of Kadesh Barnea located at Qudeirat, is clearly wrong. For all of Solomon's border fortresses share so much in common, that none of them were in existence during the Exodus at 1446 ... ...

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82: The wildernesses of the Bible:
Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites." Numbers 21:13 "They journeyed from before Hahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness; and they went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham and camped at Marah." Numbers 33:8 "The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh." Psalm 29:8 ""So I sent messengers from the wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon with words of peace, saying," Deuteronomy 2:26 "Their border on the north side was from the Jordan, then the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill country westward, and it ended at the wilderness of Beth-aven." Joshua 18:12 "David stayed in the wilderness in the strongholds, and remained in the hill country in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him every day, but God did not deliver him into his hand." 1 Samuel 23:14 "Then they arose and went to Ziph before Saul. Now David and his men were in the ... ...

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83: The wilderness of Paran: The Great and Terrible wilderness from ...
The Great and Terrible wilderness from which God dawned upon Mt. Sinai! (Deut 1:19) Click to View Mount Paran Click to View Here is where the wilderness of Paran is located: Click to View Click to View Introduction: The wilderness of Paran entirely Transjordan, east of the Arabah Valley. The wilderness of Paran is adjacent to the land of Midian: 1 Kings 11:18 The land of Midian is located at modern Al Bad in North Saudi Arabia. We may not be sure of where Paran is located, but we are sure where Midian is. The wilderness of Paran is usually misplaced in the modern Sinai desert northwest of Elat. This is no where near Midian and for this reason is wrong and must be rejected. This means that most modern Bible maps wrongly located the wilderness of Paran. Scripture says that God "dawned from Seir and Paran" then descended on Mt. Sinai. This is a most fascinating detail clearly revealed in scripture but missed by most Bible students. As Israel sat waiting for God to come to Mt. Sinai, they ... ...

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84: Zedekiah, Matteniah King of Judah 597-587 BC The Chronological ...
After countless loving warnings from God to repent of idolatry and moral sins, Zedekiah was Israel's last chance before the temple of Solomon was destroyed on Monday 28th August 587 BC. Jesus vs. Zedekiah: Zedekiah was a failed king who sought to save his own life but brought destruction upon his people. Jesus was a successful king who sought to lose his own life but saved his people from death. Josiah The Promised Child Outline Jehoiakim The Bible Burner Outline Gemariah Jeremiah's scribe Museum of Bulla Neco II King of Egypt Egyptian Pharaohs Zedekiah's Cave Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. And this is exactly what we have found. The Bible is the most historically accurate book of history on earth. Read the Bible daily! What you read in the book, you find in the ... ...

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85: Borot Loz Fortress: One of Solomon's network of military border ...
Meshel and Tsafrir 1974. The situation described by no means implies that there was no connection between the fortresses and roads (Finkelstein 1984: 190). The location of some fortresses, such as the Aharoni fortress and Nahal Loz, cannot be explained otherwise. (The "Aharoni Fortress" Near Quseima and the "Israelite Fortresses" in the Negev, Zeev Meshel, 1994 AD) Click to View Borot Loz: Borot (pond) Loz are man made reservoirs that are dated to the time of Solomon. There is a border fortress that has been located here and excavated. One of King Solomon's network of border fortresses. Located about 4 km west of the Ramon Crater. Click to View Click to View The ponds are round and square in shape, but are quite shallow, being only 3 feet deep. The ponds were dug out or rock and stones were laid as a liner. Take Road 40 from Be'er Sheva south turn right on Road 171 before you get to Mitzpe Ramon. About 30 kilometers from the road, before the turnoff to Ma'ale Arod and the foot of Mount ... ...

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86: Beatitudes of Jesus and the Beatitudes Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q525
Digging up Bible stories! Historical insight: Jesus patterned his beatitudes after the well-known poetic style of his day with 8 short beatitudes followed by an 9th longer one. Like saying, "knock, knock" or "Roses are Red..." today, everyone sitting on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee was familiar with the format and listened curiously to the Nazarene's own variation on the poetic form. Jesus used known cultural paradigms so his message was: revolutionary, relevant and refreshing. Notice both Jesus' and Qumran Beatitudes use the same format of 8 short beatitudes followed by a 9th longer one. Beatitudes of Jesus 30 AD Qumran Beatitudes Scroll 4Q525 50 BC Matthew 5:3-12 [Words (or Proverbs) of David (or of Solomon son of David), which he spok]e (or [wrot]e) by the wisdom God gave to him [to ... ... to acquir]e wisdom and disci[pline,] to understand [ ... ... ] to increase knowledge or wisdom]. 1 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [Blessed ... 2 ... ...

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87: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
The search for Kadesh Barnea has been misguided. This reminds us of that classic moment in the Indiana Jones movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Germans were "digging in the wrong place" for the Ark because the did not have all the information. For the last 100 years, archeologists were "digging in the wrong place" to find Kadesh. Kadesh, in fact, is not located anywhere near the place almost all Bible maps say it is (ei. Qudeirat) but 100 km east at or near Petra. a. The Hebrews left Egypt in 1446 BC and spent 38 years at Kadesh and then entered the promised land in 1406 BC. b. Many people are unaware that historically, Kadesh was thought to be at Petra from 1446 BC - 1831AD. 2. Our proposed Exodus Route: a. The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. b. The scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. ... ...

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88: Khirbat en-Nahas Fortress: Part of Solomon's network of military ...
This is the largest copper mine in the entire Arabah valley. The true to colour image above shows the piles of black copper slag stacked all around the site. Introduction document: Solomon's network of military border fortresses Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis Click to View Quseima Click to View Nahas Click to View K. Ajrud Click to View Elat/Kheleifeh Click to View Haseva Click to View Loz Click to View Introduction: Khirbat en-Nahas (KEN) is a fortress built by Solomon and the Edomites probably had nothing to do with it. The pre-occupation level under the fortress, is more likely Moabite or Amorite. Click to View KEN is larger than Timna. "The excavations at Khirbat en-Nahas, the largest Iron Age copper production centre in the southern Levant" (Reassessing the chronology of Biblical Edom, Thomas E. Levy, 2004 AD) Learn more about: Timna. Click to View Apart from the obvious shortcomings of Radiocarbon dating, we feel the work of Thomas Levy's team is excellent. For an ... ...

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89: The Ascent of Akrabbim: (Ascent of Scorpions)
Akrabbim is the word for scorpion, so it is literally the "ascent of scorpions". It was north of but near Petra (Sela) being a southern marker for the boundaries of the Amorites: Judges 1:36 Click to View Introduction: 1. It was a reference used to determine the southern border of Israel and was just north of Kadesh Barnea (Near Petra): Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3 2. We feel the best candidate for the Ascent of Akrabbim is indicated by the blue #1 on the map below that starts at the dead sea and travels east from modern "Feifa" to "At Tafilah" in Jordan. Our close second choice, is blue #2 on the map below that starts from the Arabah valley and goes up the ravine to Dana, Jordan. 3. Traditionally, ascent of Akrabbim, has always been looked for on the western edge of the Arabah valley, but we feel this is wrong and that an easterly ascending path towards modern Jordan is the best choice. There are two reasons for this choice. a. First, the Bible says that the Ascent of Akrabbim is north ... ...

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90: How Petra was Built, Shaher M. Rababeh, 2005, p223-227
...How Petra was Built, Shaher M. Rababeh, 2005, p223-227) Conclusions The previous chapters have dealt with the surviving evidence concerning Nabataean construction techniques. Data collected were used to provide the bases for a systematic study of the building materials and to determine the specifications of the various types of Nabataean construction techniques applied in both the freestanding buildings and the rock-cut monuments. The Nabataeans had their own distinctive architectural style which reflected both Hellenistic and Oriental influences, the origins of which it is possible to suggest. However, determining the origins of the techniques used to build them is not easy. I found that some of these construction techniques were used in the same way as throughout the Greco-Roman world, and were probably borrowed. However, there are some technical features used by the Nabataeans which indicate that they further developed and adapted these techniques rather than merely borrowing them. ... ...

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91: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-judahs-last-outpost-carol ...
The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 39, No. 4. (Dec., 1976), pp. 148-151. (Kadesh Barnea: Judah's Last Outpost, Carol Meyers, 1976 AD) Joshua 15:1-4 assigns Judah the Wilderness of Zin as far south as Kadesh Barnea in the northern Negev. Later, the United Monarchy of David and Solomon expanded southward into the central Negev. After Solomon's death, the new territory was lost. However, the results of a new survey of the Negev and a surveyor's excavation at Kadesh Barnea suggest that the border city itself flourished until the fall of the Judean Kingdom. The highlands of the central Negev are the true desert of Palestine, a complex series of intermingling geological formations: high plateaus and sandy valleys, conical hills and lunar craters. Known as the High Negev, this region extends southward from the Beer-sheba Basin, from the Arabah on the east to the springs and wadis leading toward the coast on the west. The High Negev was long considered completely hostile to human habitation. ... ...

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92: Reconstructing Petra Smithsonian: June 2007; Vol 38 Num 3 By ...
Two thousand years ago, it was the capital of a powerful trading empire. Now archaeologists arc piecing together a more complete picture of Jordan's compelling rock city. Donkey, horse or camel?" The question from my Bedouin guide reminds me of a rental car agent asking, "Economy, full-size or SUV?" I choose economy, and we canter on our donkeys through the steep valleys that surround Petra, in Jordan, as the rock changes from red to ocher to orange and hack to red. Two millennia ago our now deserted track was a well-engineered caravan route, bustling with itinerant traders on foot, Roman soldiers on horseback and rich merchants on camels. Directly ahead is a sheer cliff lined with elegant carvings reminiscent of Greek and Roman temples, a surreal vision in this remote mountain valley surrounded by desert. This is the back door to Petra, whose very name means rock in Greek. In its heyday, which began in the first century tic. and lasted for about goo years, Petra was one of the world's ... ...

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93: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-the-lost-testament-david ...
...Mountain of Commemoration'. The modern Israelis have dubbed it Har-Karkom (`Saffron Mountain). (The Lost Testament, David Rohl, 2002, p 223-227) The archaeologist who has been overseeing an archaeological survey of the site, Professor Emmanuel Anati, believes it to have been the mountain of the Ten Commandments (i.e. Mount Horeb). He is wrong in this assumption, but he has indeed found one of the most important places in the Exodus story. for this is the true site of Kadesh Barnea the holy gathering place where the multitude of Israel prepared to enter the Promised I and where they commemorated their covenant with Yahweh for the first time on top of the sacred mountain. (The Lost Testament, David Rohl, 2002, p 223-227) Whilst the Israelites rested at Kadesh, Moses sent spies into the country north of the Negeb desert to scout out the terrain and bring news back about the land and its people. (The Lost Testament, David Rohl, 2002, p 223-227) In the eleventh month of the long sojourn in ... ...

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94: Book of Balaam Son of Beor Inscription at Tell Deir Alla, Succoth ...
...The warning of the Book of Balaam, son of Beor, who was a seer of the gods." 1. Echoing the Bible exactly, the phrase "Balaam son of Beor" is found three times in the first four lines of the Balaam wall inscription that dates to 750 BC. 2. The God referred to in the inscription is "el" and "Shaddai" which is again exactly how God was referred to during the period before Moses. 3. Deir Alla, is identified with Succoth may also be identified with Pethor from a tablet discovered here. Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. And this is exactly what we have found. The Bible is the most historically accurate book of history on earth. Read the Bible daily! Introduction: 1. "Now that the ass episode is recognized as an interpolation, one can inquire as to its purpose. Why was ... ...

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95: Moabite Stele of Mesha, king of Moab: 841 BC
Digging up Bible stories! "I am Mesha the king of Moab... Omri was the king of Israel, and he oppressed Moab for many days, And his son Ahab) succeeded him, and he said "I will oppress Moab!" In my days (941 BC) I looked down on him and on his house, and Israel has gone to ruin. ... And Chemosh said to me: "Go, take Nebo from Israel!" ... I took it, and I killed [its] whole population, seven thousand male citizens ... And from there, I took the vessels of yhwh" (Mesha Stone, 841 BC) "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Introduction: 1. Importance of the Moabite Stone (Mesha Stele) for Bible students: a. It directly confirms the Bible stories in 2 Kings 3:4-27; 10:32-33 b. It documents the submission of Moab to Omri in 885 BC c. It documents the rebellion of Moab after the death of Ahab in 841 BC d. It documents the geography of the Bible! 2. Confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible: a. Bible Names: Mesha the sheep breeder, Omri, Ahab, Israel, YHWH b. Bible Places: ... ...

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96: The "Aharoni Fortress" Near Quseima and the "Israelite Fortresses ...
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 294. (May, 1994), pp. 39-67. Zeev Meshel Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel (The "Aharoni Fortress" Near Quseima and the "Israelite Fortresses" in the Negev, Zeev Meshel, 1994 AD) The first part of this article is the final report on the excavations at the Iron Age site on a high hill near Quseima, dominating the Dharb Ghazza road to Eilat and Sinai. The second part returns to an old archaeological controversy: who built the sites known as "Israelite fortresses," when, and why? The article argues that the model of self-initiated nomad sedentarization recently proposed by Finkelstein, Herzog, and Eitam has many weak points and does not answer the questions. THE EXCAVATIONS The site, named for the late Y. Aharoni, be-longs to the category of "Israelite fortresses," of which some 50 have been discovered in the Negev Highlands. From the earliest stages of research in this area, initiated mainly by ... ...

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97: Philo of Alexandria 50 AD (Jewish philosopher)
Allegorical Interpretation III 12; Moses I 47). Twice Philo said that Judea bordered Egypt, Phoenicia and Syria without any mention of Arabia (Philo Moses I 163-164; Embassy 281). Philo understood Arabia was Transjordan in Arabia Felix. Joseph was sold into slavery in Canaan at Dothan to the Ishmaelites and Midianites who were travelling by convoy to Egypt on their spice trade route from Arabia (Philo, Joseph 15). Philo's Arabia at Midian is also Paul's Arabia where Mt. Sinai is located (Gal 4:25). Introduction: 1. Philo was a Jewish philosopher who was born in Alexandria, Egypt. His family was powerful and influential with ties, through his brother Alexander's son by marriage to the daughter of Herod Agrippa. a. Whereas Philo's Greek predecessors, Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Hesiod and Hecataeus, (with the exception of Strabo who understood the Gulf of Aqaba) ignored Israel, Philo focused on Israel. b. Philo was just one generation ahead of Josephus, who used Philo as a resource. For ... ...

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98: Ai, Israel: Khirbet El-Maqatir: Master Index of Free Bible Maps ...
Four Archeological time periods you can help dig! 1. Late bronze: 1400 BC. The time of Joshua during the conquest. 2. Iron 1: 1200 BC. The time of Judges when Deborah lived. 3. Time of Christ: 50 AD Roman house 4. Byzantine: 350 AD Church marking Ai of Abraham. Events at this location: 1. Abraham built an altar near or at Ai when he first arrived from Haran: a. "Then he proceeded from there to the mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; and there he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord. Abram journeyed on, continuing toward the Negev. Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land." (Genesis 12:8-10) 2. Abraham left Egypt and returned to where he built his altar at or near Ai: "He went on his journeys from the Negev as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai, to the place of the ... ...

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99: The Rectangular Fortress at Kadesh Barnea, David Ussishkin, 1995 ...
Israel Exploration Journal 45: 118-27. 1995 AD Website note: David Ussishkin is a modernist, Bible trashing archeologist: "I am afraid that evidence regarding the magnificent Solomonic capital was not discovered because it is nonexistent, not because it is still hidden in the ground." (Jerusalem in Bible And Archeology, David Ussishkin, Tel Aviv University, 2003, p.112). This means that he has a strong bias against the concept of Border Fortresses that Cohen proposes. However, Ussishkin does make some good comments regarding the procedures of archeology, although we question his interpretations. Ussishkin makes his comments based on a visit to the site in 1982 and in conjunction with other like minded liberal Bible trashers like Finkelstein. We include Ussishkin comments because he agrees with Dothan and Cohen, that the site was first inhabited about the time of David in 1000 BC. We have focused primarily on the earliest and oldest fortress at Qudeirat, since it is the only part of the ... ...

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100: The True Mount Hor, Jebel Maderah. George L. Robinson, The Biblical ...
Aaron died and was buried with that peak of the Mt. Seir range near Petra known as Jebel Nebi Haroun. Yet ever since Dean Stanley in 1856 (Sinai and Palestine, pp. 152, 153, 161) identified Jebel Nebi Haroun with Mt. Hor, and Petra with Kadesh-Barnea, most commentators have adopted without question his conclusion. On the other hand, there is abundant evidence that the true mountain on which the Great High-Priest died must have been located considerably farther to the north and west. In 1863, Rev. Edward Wilton, M.A., suggested Jebel Maderah as the probable peak; [The Negeb, or "South Country" or Scripture, pp. 127 ff] while in 1884 the late Dr. Henry Clay Trumbull argued at length to demonstrate the same hypothesis. [Kadesh-Barnea, pp. 132 ff.] The location of this mountain in the wilderness of Paran answers so perfectly all the conditions of the Exodus story that one wonders why more have not seized upon it as the true Mt. Hor. Until recently, however, the entire Negeb has been so ... ...

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