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101: Marriage in the Bible
Christ as his virgin bride. The three "C" of bible weddings: Contract, Consummation, Celebration These same things exist today in modern marriages, the order and timing of each stage is different. Ancient Jewish weddings never involved a wedding ceremony like we see today with the bride walking down the aisle to be married in the synagogue. The "wedding ceremony" is something that did not develop for hundreds of years after Jesus rose from the dead. Modern Jewish weddings are as removed and different from the ancient Jewish marriage culture of the first century as Christian weddings are. If you want to understand the many metaphors, illustrations and figures of speech used by Jesus about "the wedding feast" and the church as the "bride of Christ", you must learn the ancient culture and forget everything you know about modern marriage ceremonies. There were three states of a marriage in the Bible: Stage 1: signing the "ketubbah" contract (Creating the marriage bond) i. The bride would ... ...

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102: The Bible and In-Law Trouble
The reason for this is easy to understand. Family relationships developed over many years ideally are very close and very enduring. Parents by nature love their children. They guide, teach, discipline them, and help form their sense of values, their way of thinking and acting. In a sense, they come to idealize their own children in comparison with those from other homes, who may not have the same sense of values and may not think and act in exactly the same way. Children also by nature love and admire their parents. Over the years, they begin to think and act much as they do, and to have the same sense of values. But when two young people marry, they bring into the new home the cultures from two different families, whose sense of values and ways of thinking and acting may be quite different. In such case, it is easy for the parents of the groom to feel that his bride does not quite meet the standards they had expected in a wife for their son. It is just as easy for the parents of the ... ...

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103: What foundation is you home built upon?
What foundation is you home built upon? Our Lord frequently taught lessons of a moral and spiritual nature by the use of parables. One such lesson is found at the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew, Chapter seven. He began with these words: "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock: And the descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell'- and great was the fall of it." That's verses 24-27. Jesus says that life is a process of building. If it stands the test of time and is able to weather the storms, it must be built on a solid foundation. Jesus Christ is that ... ...

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104: The Bible & How to Solve Family problems!
How to Solve Family problems the Bible way! United Press International recently reported that in Bloemfontein, South Africa, a man built a wall through the middle of the house and told his wife to stay on the other side. This is the kind of wall which one cannot break through physically. But many people have built walls which cannot be seen, but which prevent people from communicating emotionally and spiritually. The statement of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:2, which states: "Bear you one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ", must certainly include the family relationships, but only when we are in an authentic dialogue will we know the burdens that others bear. Only when we are willing to reveal our burdens, only when we are truly sensitive to the burdens of others, only in a relationship of genuine openness can we "Fulfill the law of Christ". It is a truism that you cannot really love another person unless you know that person's needs and help fill those needs. Yet, ... ...

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105: Help For Troubled Marriages
There is a crisis in the American home now. The divorce rate is soaring out of sight. Many of these families could have been saved if they had known what to do to help their marriage. Often advice that is given is too general and broad and lacks being plain and practical. You have called because you want help to relieve some of the pressures in your home. Let me make some very practical suggestions. First, start with your self. What are you willing to do to help your marriage? Write down, and I mean literally write down the things that you could do that would make your spouse happy. Then start doing as many of these things as possible, even though you may be compromising some of your supposed positions. Stubbornness is one of the biggest problems we have to overcome in saving marriages. Second, make a list of the things that your spouse does that upsets you, and be honest with your list. You may find that many of these little things are exactly that - little things. As you review the ... ...

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106: Facing Death with Hope!
Facing Death with Hope! Click to View The life of the Apostle Paul was bound up so with Jesus that he could announce "for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). This actually became his theme for living, as well as for dying. Since living was Christ for Paul, Christ was the beginning of life for him. He could recall the experience on the Damascus road as a time of great change. Christ spoke directly to him, challenging him to be a witness of what he had seen and heard, to be an apostle, and a missionary of light to the Gentiles (Acts 26: 14-18). Paul had surrendered completely. Christ was the continuance of that life. There had not been a day that he had not lived in the presence of his Lord. A quote from Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me". The dynamic, motivating force in his ... ...

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107: How to show your children you love them!
How to show your children you love them! Click to View She has never heard any of her six children make a sound, but despite total deafness, she has found numerous ways to express genuine love to her family. At the wedding of one of her sons, she approached the boy with a kind of secret smile, presenting a small gift. Inside the package he found two strings neatly cut from his mother's apron. A unique way to express love that is willing to let go. Parental love is often pushy and over-protective when the real need is to stand aside. As baby takes his first shaky steps we want to extend a helping hand and there is an impulse to cover our eyes instead of watching that first wobbly bike ride, that first pulled tooth, the first day of school, the first night away from home, the first time alone in the family car. Every milestone of development brings a new test for love. Apron strings are cut but we have to begin cutting them soon after the birth of the child. Our mixed feelings are ... ...

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108: Is your home built with Bible Blueprints?
However they soon discovered a serious problem. None of the utilities has been built in. "How could this have happened?" the foreman inquired. After careful examination of the blueprints, it was discovered that the architect had forgot to draw the utility blueprint. Everything the architect had drawn was perfect and without flaw, but he provided an incomplete set of blueprints for the builders. Now in our parable, God is the architect of the church and we are the builders. God has provided man with a set of blueprints... the Holy Bible. (Heb 8:5 & 1 Cor 3:10-11) They are the pattern of doctrine and worship for the church. But are the blueprints complete? Did God provide a complete set of blueprints or are we left to guess? Is the Bible complete enough to be considered an all sufficient guide? Jesus made this promise to the apostles in Jn 16:13, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth". The apostles were inspired directly by the Holy Spirit and ... ...

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109: The Bible & 8 Basic Causes of Divorce
United States happily married. But oh, the tragedy of the other 25 per cent. Why do we have to have broken homes? Although there are many reasons, let's take a look at 8 of the most prominent causes of divorce. Identifying the major causes of divorce will prevent us from falling into these areas. The Bible says, "God hates divorce" (Mal.2:16). The first is money: The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. (I Timothy 6:10) Just two verses earlier, we also read, "Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content". Paul warns that uncontrolled desire for money will lead to a temptation, a snare and into many and foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition, and pierce themselves through with many sorrows. And then he warns, "Oh man of God, flee these things" I Timothy 6:11. Money is the number one cause of broken homes. Second is alcohol: There is a popular sign that reads: Alcohol Destroys Internally, Externally, and Eternally. ... ...

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110: Wife's complaints about her husband
Wife's complaints about her husband Click to View "But you've never met my husband!" He won't take out the garbage He won't cook. He won't clean up the house He won't do the dishes He won't make the bed He won't do the laundry He won't take me out to restaurants enough He won't cut the grass or weed the garden He won't shingle the leaky roof. He won't paint the house. He doesn't give me enough money He won't have sex with me when I ask He doesn't buy me enough clothes. There is not enough food in the house He won't help me discipline the kids He doesn't participate in family bible studies. He tells me how long to grow my hair and what colour to die it. He has hold me to get a job so I can support him while he stays home and does house work. He tells me how to arrange the dishes in the cupboard. He tells me where to hang pictures on the wall. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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111: Bible Encyclopedia of Marriage Facts and Myths
Proverbs for the home and family! Top 10 list of marriage mistakes Myths about marriage and the Bible Myths about mate selection, marrying a non-Christian and the Bible Common law marriage myths and the Bible Myths about sex in Marriage and the Bible Myths about roles of husbands and wives, and the Bible Myths about the submission of the wife to her husband Myths about raising and disciplining children and the Bible Marriage conflict Myths and the Bible Separation and divorce Myths and the Bible Children of divorce Myths and the Bible Click to View Definition Of The Home: Little boy's: "It's where we eat!" Teenage girl's: "It's where we go between midnight & daybreak when all else is closed." Husband: "It is where we go to fight our private battles." Wife: "It is where we slave the hardest and are appreciated the least." "Home is where the great is small and the small is great." "Home is where our stomachs get three meals a day and our hearts a thousand." "Home is a place where a world ... ...

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112: A practical guide to enduring annoying and hated relatives during ...
...Rubble double-bubble cake". 4. That hated relative you just had a fight with or have never gotten along with. B. The Bible is the blueprint for perfect human behavior. 1. People of the world do not have the benefit of the checklist that is so clear in the Bible. 2. When non-Christians are challenged on a point of conduct, they reject it for their own human wisdom and suffer the consequences. 3. Christians sometimes refuse to be obedient to the word and become the problem. 4. The Bible blueprint for perfect human behavior doesn't check to see if the one who follows it actually believes in God: a) Non-Christians who follow the pattern will experience the peace of God, in whom they do not believe. b) Christians who reject the pattern suffer the anxiety usually reserved for unbelievers. c) All who are obedient to the pattern reap the corresponding benefits regardless of faith. 5. While we have no control over other's behavior, we have complete control over our own. 6. This lesson is to ... ...

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