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51: Marriage Myths and the Bible
Commitment to each other ensures a lasting marriage. (Commitment to the spouse is irrelevant, commitment to God makes lasting marriages) When one or both of the spouses are unhappy in a marriage, this signals divorce is soon to follow. (Long term studies have found that most spouses feel this way at some point in the marriage, but 5 years later the vast majority of them went from "very unhappy to "very happy". More educated women are less likely to marry than less educated women. (Recent statistics prove the opposite: More educated women are more likely to marry.) Older, more educated people have a lower divorce rate. (Although this is true when all things are equal, the advantage is dwarfed by other far more critical factors like if both spouses attend church every Sunday. In other words, a 15 year old high school drop out that marries a 16 year old boy in her church has a much lower divorce rate than two 25 year old university graduates who marry that don't attend church.) Marriage ... ...

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52: Proverbs for the home and family!
Proverbs for the home and family! Click to View Ward and June got it right! "The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, To discern the sayings of understanding, " Proverbs 1:1-2 A. Proverbs about the family "In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And his children will have refuge. " Proverbs 14:26 "Better is a dish of vegetables where love is Than a fattened ox served with hatred. " Proverbs 15:17 "The glory of young men is their strength, And the honor of old men is their gray hair. " Proverbs 20:29 B. Proverbs for women "The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands. " Proverbs 14:1 "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones. " Proverbs 12:4 "A gracious woman attains honor, And ruthless men attain riches. " Proverbs 11:16 "As a ring of gold in a swine's snout So is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion. " Proverbs 11:22 "Without ... ...

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53: Ten commandments for husbands and Wives
Thou shalt hold thy wife's love by the same means that thou won it. (Sos 5:10-16) Thou shalt actively establish family discipline with thy wife's help. (Eph 6:4) Remember to do all the little things for thy wife when you say you will. (Mt 5:37) Keep thine eyes on thy own wife, not thy neighbors. (Prov 5:15-20; Job 31:1; Jer 5:8) Thou shalt make every effort to see things from thy wife's point of view. (Gen 21:12) Thou shalt not fail to kiss thy wife every morning. (Sos 8:1) Thou shalt not be stingy with thy wife when it comes to money. (Esther 5:3) For long version outline of 10 commandments for husbands click here Click to View Ten commandments for wives Expect not thy husband to give thee as many luxuries as thy father hath given thee after many years of hard labor. (Phil 4:11; Amos 4:1) Thou shalt work hard to build thy house with the husband that you have, not fantasizing about "the one that could have been". (Prov 14:1) Thou shalt not nag...hit him with thine frying pan, it is ... ...

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54: Why, how, and to what extent, must a wife submit to her husband ...
Why must a wife submit? It is fitting and proper in the Lord: Col 3:18 That Word may not be dishonored: Tit 2:5 It pleases God: Col 3:20 Good and long life: Eph 6:3 God will reward: Eph 6:8; Col 3:24 Adorns the gospel: Tit 2:10 Win to Christ: 1 Pe 3:1 B. How must a wife submit? With genuine respect: Eph 5:33 In the fear of Christ: Eph 5:21 With obedience: Eph 6:5 With fear and trembling: Eph 6:5 from the heart and soul: Col 3:22-23 with a gentle and quiet spirit: 1 Pe 3:4 With goodwill, as to the Lord: Eph 6:7 Submit as though you were submitting to the Lord: Col 3:23 Not eye-service but sincerely from heart: Eph 6:6; Col 3:22 Well-pleasing and not argumentative: Tit 2:9 To be ready to do any good deed: Tit 3:1 With chaste and respectful behavior: 1 Pe 3:2 verbally accepting them as leader, boss, authority etc: 1 Pe 3:6 "Sarah called him lord" Clothing yourself with humility: 1 Pe 5:5 C. To what extent must the wife submit? "all things" Wives must submit to their husbands as though he ... ...

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55: Is Divorce Really the Answer to my marriage problems?
Really the Answer to my marriage problems? The breakdown of society in the beginning of this last quarter of the twentieth century is nowhere more apparent than in the breakdown of the home and family. In the Communist Manifesto, Carl Marx wrote, "The family will vanish as a matter of course with the vanishing of the capital". The Biblical concepts of the home and family were denied by Marx as being in the best interest of society. And yet it is a fact of Communism's checkered history that easy divorce and sexual promiscuity were once encouraged, but when it was found that the State was in danger and strong family ties were desperately needed, there was a complete change of attitude towards marriage and divorce. We are confident that Soviet leaders are taking fiendish delight in the knowledge that one marriage in every four in America, in some sections, one in three, ends in divorce, and with each divorce, our nation gains momentum on a collision course with disaster. Whereas most of ... ...

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56: The Bible & How to Properly Discipline your Child
How to Properly Discipline your Child The Bible Way! Click to View Good parents refuse to leave their children at the mercy of their own folly. Exerting every effort to prepare their children for successful living, they teach them the needful skills of self-control, respect for authority, consideration for others, and submission to God. This training involves teaching, leading, correcting. In a word, this training involves discipline. First, effective discipline is consistent ...but it is next to impossible to be perfectly consistent. Personal feelings often spoil our efforts to be consistent. One day because mother has a headache, the child must toe the mark. The following day when everything is going well, the child can get away with anything. Fire always burns, and children learn not to touch it because it is consistently hot. A parent's "no" has meaning only if that parent is consistent, never permitting the child to ignore it. Second, effective discipline is positive. Discipline ... ...

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57: How to Teach your Child The Bible!!!
How to Teach your Child The Bible!!! Click to View William Lyon Phelps, the noted educator, once declared that a knowledge of the Bible without a college education is worth more than a college education without a knowledge of the Bible. With this statement we heartily agree. It is hard to exaggerate the great value of a working knowledge of the Bible. Fortunate indeed is the child whose parents realize the responsibility, the necessity, and the wonderful opportunity of teaching their children the Bible. Example alone is not enough. We would not in the least minimize the importance of setting the right example before the child by living daily the principles of truth taught in the Scriptures. But this is NOT enough. To build a faith in the child that is strong and to equip him to meet the temptations he shall surely face in life, we must teach him by word and deed the Bible. It is significant that Jesus met temptation with the Word of God (Matthew 4). Each temptation was met with "It is ... ...

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58: The insubordination of Queen Vashti to her husband cost her the ...
But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones. " Proverbs 12:4 "King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to display her beauty in royal appearl but she refused." ... "Queen Vashti has wronged not only the king but also all the princes and all the peoples who are in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus. "For the queen's conduct will become known to all the women causing them to look with contempt on their husbands by saying, 'King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to be brought in to his presence, but she did not come.' "This day the ladies of Persia and Media who have heard of the queen's conduct will speak in the same way to all the king's princes, and there will be plenty of contempt and anger." ... "When the king's edict which he will make is heard throughout all his kingdom, great as it is, then all women will give honor to their husbands, great and small." ... "So he sent letters ... that every man should be the master in his own house" Esther 1 From Esther, then we see that ... ...

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59: "At Littleton, yesterday, America got a glimpse of the last stop ...
Why School Shootings? "At Littleton, yesterday, America got a glimpse of the last stop on that train to hell she boarded decades ago when we declared that God is dead, and that each of us is his or her own god who can make up the rules as we go along." -- Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan's reaction to the tragic school shooting in Littleton, Colorado. Whoa! What in the world is happening with our kids today? Let's see... I think it started when Madalyn Murray O'Hair complained that she didn't want any prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you had better not read the Bible in school-the Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said, OK. Remember Dr. Benjamin Spock, who said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem? And we said, OK, we won't spank them. Then someone said that teachers and ... ...

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60: How to Teach Your Child To Work without complaining!!!
Teaching Children To Work without Complaining!!! Click to View A mother who is a Christian in describing how her children are encouraged to work said: "Today the five and seven year olds at our house picked peas. The ten year old gathered green beans, while the fourteen year old pushed the cultivator up and down the rows of our beautiful garden. We picked two golden squash, our first cucumber, and two dozen beets, then all had a part in the preparation, and in the enjoyment of the first meal from our garden. This is an ideal arrangement in which our family can work together." This mother had the right idea. In our crowded cities and with our economy of specialization, the family as a unit at work is seldom possible. Because of this, we as parents must manufacture tasks. We must find ways of giving our children the joy of accomplishment, of seeing the fruits of their own labors, and of gaining confidence in themselves. The Jewish nation insisted that each child be taught a trade as well ... ...

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61: Before You Place Your Child In Day Care...
Before You Place Your Child In Day Care... Click to View "I want my mommy" The first six years are most important. Stay at home! Quit your job! Pre-school day cares should be considered only in desperate circumstances. Never mind who is going to fund the increasing need for child-care facilities. Has anyone investigated the harm of dropping off a child on the way to work in the morning & then picking him up after work? Two seemingly unrelated news items in the newspaper caught my eye. One was on a 15 year old in Deham, Mass. who is being tried for the baseball-bat bludgeoning death of a 14 yr old classmate. When interviewed by detectives, "He was very calm, almost bored. Sort of like,' Don't bother me.' He grinned when I asked him if he knew where Shaun was. " The boy's accusers are his friends who turned him in after the teenager had shown them his classmate's body" ("Teen on trial denies knowledge of death," AP, 3/4/88 ) The other articles were on the editorial page. "Day Care: What ... ...

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62: Marriage: Creating A Family Unit
... Prov 2:17 leaves the companion of her youth...forgets the covenant of her God 3. Mal 2:14 wife of your youth...your companion and wife by covenant B. PROCREATION: 1. Gen 1:28 Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth C. SEXUAL FULFILLMENT: 1. Because of immoralities, let each man/woman have own wife/husband: 1 Cor 7:1-2 2. Heb 13:4 Adulterers and fornicators God will judge but the marriage bed is undefiled: a) Any sexual activity outside of marriage is sin b) Any sexual activity within marriage is undefiled IV. CONCLUSION: A. Prov 18:22 B. Eccl 9:9 Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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63: Marriage Self-Evaluation Test at Home for Husbands and Wives ...
Marriage Self-Evaluation Test at Home for Husbands and Wives! Click to View Problem Check List For Wives Click to View Self-Evaluation Sheet For Wives Click to View Problem Check List For Husbands Click to View Self-Evaluation Sheet For Husbands Print two copies of these 4 evaluations and answer both sets together, then compare results! Most answers are yes and no! Click to View Problem Check List For Wives Answer yes or no beside each question, then note the answers that apply to your marriage. Is the Lord really first in your life? Are nagging, bickering or picking general occurrences at your home? Are you in subjection to your husband? Do you place him in the position of leadership? Are you a happy person? Do you take life, generally, without complaint? Are you a positive, affirming person? Are you a forgiving person? Do you often interrupt your husband when he is talking or telling a story? Do you put your husband down in public? In private? Do you have reasonable control of your ... ...

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64: Father's are critically important to normal development of children
Single parent families headed by women are an engine for social decay. Dads are very important for a healthy family! A. When our country's welfare system was being developed, a rule was issued that if the father resided with the mother, benefits would be reduced or cut off. 1. The impact was predictable, the number of children living in fatherless homes rose from 5.1 million in 1960 to 16.5 million in 1995. B. Articles were published in the 1990's attacking the notion of fatherhood. Myths developed 1. Men batter their wives (truth is that half of abusers are men and half are women - the only difference is that women are more likely to be injured.) 2. Men break up marriages (actually two-thirds of divorces are initiated by women - most common reason cited: they were growing apart or she didn't feel loved anymore.) 3. Fathers abuse their children (the majority of maltreated children were abused by their mother 58% verses 42% for fathers in a 2003 government study) C. Older television ... ...

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65: Top 10 list of marriage mistakes
Going to bed without resolving a problem. Harboring a grudge or anger from the previous day. Thinking that professional, certified marriage councilors or Ph D level psychiatrists will help at all. Thinking that a spouse may separate or divorce without sin. Wives who address their husbands above a "quiet, respectful, submissive, whisper", at any time. Refusing to physically discipline children with spankings from time to time, as needed. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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66: The Bible and Treating the Elderly with respect
There seems to be two views of age in today's society. The most prevalent view seems to be that of repulsion. Age is looked upon as an incurable disease. We fight against aging, we do not want to be reminded of what time can do to us. Thus, the aged elderly person is cast from society. They are made to feel useless, a burden to family, and often are cast off, avoided except on rare occasions of birthdays and Christmas morning. Another view is that age is beautiful. That age demands respect and dignity. That the elderly are giants of the forest, wise, full of experience, worthy of our praise and adoration. This is the view the Bible holds on age. In Proverbs 23:22, Solomon exhorts his son to "harken to your Father who begot you and do not despise your mother when she is old." In the story of Job, we find that Elihu the younger of Job's friends waited until the older men had spoken to Job. He also treated his communication to Job with admiration and respect, since Job was his elder. In ... ...

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67: Common law marriage myths and the Bible
Common law is just like marriage, but without "the piece of paper". Click to View Living common law before marriage dramatically increases the changes of divorce and decreases the happiness within that marriage, than if they had just got married to begin with. Couples who live together before marriage to see how well suited they are for one another, have more satisfying and longer lasting marriages than couples who do not. (Those who never live together have more satisfying and longer lasting marriages than those who live common law.) Living common law is an effective tool in reducing your risk of divorce if you finally marry that person. (The rate of divorce for those who marry after common law is much higher than virgins who married) The physical health, wealth, and emotional benefits associated with marriage are the same for common law relationships proving that common law is "marriage without the piece of paper." (The benefits of common law partners are almost the same as those ... ...

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68: Myths about raising and disciplining children and the Bible
The Bible's Super Nanny! Having children typically brings a married couple closer together and increases happiness within marriage. Click to View Children bring great strain on a family, especially the mother of young children. While it is true that couples who have children have a lower divorce rates than those with none, having children creates huge stresses on a marriage. Physically spanking children as a form of discipline is harmful to them and a crime. Click to View God is smarter than man and he commands to spank with a rod! Proverbs 13:24; 23:13-14 Reasons to spank: 1. The so called "studies" that supposedly prove spanking is harmful to the children are junk science, agenda driven, opinion papers sponsored by anti-spanking interest groups that dishonestly skew the data. The studies and those who report them are by anti-Christian, left leaning, liberal/democratic products of our immoral modern society. Anti-spanking groups are a cause the significant decay of society. Most of ... ...

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69: Myths about separation, divorce and the Bible
Click to View Is Divorce Really the Answer to my marriage problems? A. Myth: Both spouses are always at fault if they divorce. Fact: There is often an innocent party in a divorce. Constitutes unscriptural accusation: 2 Cor 13:1-2. Condemns the righteous: Hosea was innocent: Hos.3:1; God was innocent: Jer.3:8; Christ was innocent: Gal.1:6; Wife of youth was innocent: ""Yet you say, 'For what reason?' Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant." Malachi 2:14; The innocent Christian abandoned by the unbelieving spouse: 1 Cor 7:15 Unlike God's hatred, Mal.2:16 (includes qualified authorization) Catholics condemn all divorce. Rejection contributes to fading societal stigma against divorce (Alive and well in the Church). Denies Divine authority for divorce From Moses, Matt.19:8. Same word, I Cor.14:34; Same root, Acts 26:12; Consider H.S.'s description of ... ...

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70: Seven Parenting Sayings Of Worldly Wisdom
...Parents aren't responsible how kids turn out!" A. Parents are entrusted with a soul of great value: Mt 16:26. 1 Thes 5:14 admonish the unruly children, encourage the fainthearted children, help the weak children, be patient with all children. Prov 20:11 by his deeds that a lad distinguishes himself if his conduct is pure and right. B. Time is short If child doesn't respect and fear authority by age 2, there are big troubles ahead! A child's basic character is entrenched by age 6. The experienced parent is one who has learned to sleep when the baby isn't looking and there are only two animals in all of creation that sleep standing up, horses and parents of newborns. C. What Children need... Click to View ...for strong bodies and souls! Children Need 5 Essential Vitamins for strong healthy bodies: Children Need 5 Essential Morals for strong Healthy Souls: Iron Work Ethic: 2 Th 3:10 Vitamin C Endurance: James 1:2-4 Riboflavin Self-discipline 2 Cor 13:5 Vitamin B-12 Cooperation: Eccl ... ...

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71: Mental, Emotional, Social Development Of Children By Age: Chart
...Likes to assert himself. Wants to be first, best, biggest and to win -Can begin to give of self. Starts to demonstrate generosity and kindness -Protective attitude toward younger children 9-12 -Have attention span of 30-45 minutes -Likes to be challenged -Can learn abstract concepts like sin -Growing understanding of principles behind rules -Self-righteously & rigidly applies his code of rules -Sensitive to his own failures and shortcomings -Able to see own actions & motives objectively -Able to analyze failures & makes plans to act change -They want to join, to become affiliated with the beliefs and values of the important adults in their lives -Can begin to sacrifice self-interest for others -Can learn not to compare himself with others B. Age/Behaviour chart in church services: See also: How to survive a church service with [your] small children! Age What To Do And Expect 0-1 Focus on food, rocking & movement, a soft toy will provide eye and touch stimulation. Clean up any mess. You ... ...

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72: 10 Bible reasons why a wife must submit to her husband regardless ...
Culture has never been a factor as to whether a woman must submit to her husband in the Bible. Modern times of woman's liberation are irrelevant. God gives us His reasons why women must submit to her husband. Click to View 10 Bible reasons why a wife must submit to her husband regardless of culture: Creation order: Man was created first, woman second. "For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. " 1 Timothy 2:13 Creation origin: Man and all creation was created by God directly out of dust, whereas woman was created through the man's rib. "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. " Genesis 2:7 Woman is the only creature not made from dust. Woman derives her origin from Man. "The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. " Genesis 2:22 "For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man" 1 Corinthians 11:8 Creation ... ...

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73: A wife's submission to her husbands does not make her inferior ...
Jesus submits to the Father. Jesus is not less God than the Father because He submits to the Father? A husband must submit to his employer? Is the boss categorically superior to an employee? Never! They are equal in their rights as men, but one is head and the other is subordinate. Some suggest that a wife submitting to husband makes her a second class human, or inferior to men. This is wrong. Husbands and wives share equal rights a humans. The husband is not "higher" than the wife because she must submit to him! Click to View Scripture teaches that the husband must treat his wife as an equal, even though he rules over her and she submits. The husband treats his wife as an equal, the wife treats the husband as a higher rank. Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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74: Material Possessions and the Family
God and of obedience to His will? Do we trade our eternal salvation for material things in this age when nearly everyone has much and when most strive for even more? The answer to these questions is yes; it is possible, indeed, probable, for we know that our God is a jealous God and wants no other God placed before Him. If we prefer the enjoyment of things ahead of duty to God, we are placing our desires ahead of God. In a sense, then, our goods become our God and receive our time, effort, and worship. We know that this is wrong for we are certain that God is displeased. This is idol worship, a sin about which the Bible speaks often. Also denounced frequently in the Bible is the sin of covetousness, which is the overwhelming desire for material gain. Jesus said in Luke 12:15-31: "take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought to himself ... ...

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75: 12 Principles of wholesome Recreation for a Christian
Recreation is necessary for a well-balanced life. Mental health authorities say that balanced living includes work, recreation, companionship, and religion. Time and energy should be apportioned to each of these. Many things present themselves invitingly. You must make a decision about them according to your convictions, and Christians should base their convictions upon biblical teaching or principle. The following twelve principles can guide you in everyday living as a Christian: Will this activity violate my conscience? Refer-to the book of Romans 14:22,23. If you offend your conscience because you do something without faith, to you it is sin. Study your Bible to assure yourself that what you do is in accord with God's will. Will my doing it cause others to fail, or stumble, in their faith? See I Corinthians 10:23-33. Though one having strong faith may participate in an activity without offending his own conscience, he must consider the conscience of another who does not have the ... ...

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76: The Interactive Bible:
The concern now is not so much why the illness. Doctors can often discover reasons. But your immediate problem should be: what can I do now? The following suggestions may be helpful: Follow as exactly as you can the doctor's orders. Search your heart in the light of the New Testament to be sure you are a child of God as He instructs you to be. Read the message entitled "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" under the topic Salvation Pray for God's power and strength to help you bear the burden you feel. Live one day at a time. Don't let yourself be ungrateful and grieve over the past, or impatient and fret about the future. Fill every hour with gratitude to God for whatever degree of health you or your loved one has. Thank God for every improvement you may see. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians, Chapter 5, verse 20, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ". You may be surprised at how much you have to be thankful for. Think about other ... ...

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77: What Teenagers Need to Understand About Dating!
What Teenagers Need to Understand About Dating! Adolescence is a time when the individual questions "Do I like myself?". "What am I going to do for the rest of my life?", "What are my good qualities?", "How should I change?", or "What do other people think of me?". It is a time of growing. The teenager is leaving childhood where he was dependent upon his parents to direct him, to provide for him, and to make his decisions for him. He is becoming an adult capable of caring for himself and, in turn, being responsible to and for others. There are certain activities in which our society generally expects teenagers to participate. One of these is dating. First, let's review the purpose of dating. Against the scale of the centuries, dating is a new phenomenon. Traditionally, children worked until their parents decided that it was time for them to marry, the parents then selected the mate, and the new home was begun. Our society feels it better for those whose lives are most directly involved ... ...

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78: Bible Help to Fight Temptations!
Bible Help to Fight Temptations! Only one has ever walked upon the earth who never sinned; no one has ever walked upon the earth who was never tempted. This fact is our greatest source of strength when we must face temptations- knowing that Jesus was tempted and that He understands. In Hebrews Chapter 2, verse 18, the inspired writer said, "For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to assist them that are tempted". In Chapter 4, verse 15, he said, "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin". There is a beautiful song that asks the question, "Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed to resist some temptation strong? When for my deep grief I find no relief, though my tears flow all the night long?". Then it answers, "O Yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, the long night dreary, I know my Saviour ... ...

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79: Why won't my children submit to me and respect me?
Why won't my children submit to me and respect me? Click to View How one wife finally put her husbands in his place!!! Click to View "Do It Yourself husband!" Click to View Fact: Children treat their mother, the way the mother treats her husband. Cure: "but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. " 1 Peter 3:4 "the wife must see to it that she respects her husband." Ephesians 5:33 Click to View Mothers complaint: The children don't respect me! Children imitate the way their mothers respect their husband. Its likely your own fault the children don't respect you. Children respect the mother the way the mother respects her husband. A wife should never raise her voice and yell her husband, even when he is wrong: 1 Peter 3:4 A wife must never address her husbands above a "quiet, respectful, submissive, whisper", at any time. If you do this, your children will imitate this and address you, ... ...

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80: Myths about Children of Divorce and the Bible
...Christians that divorce is far more harmful than parents that fight. See books like: The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce.) When parents don't get along, children are better off if their parents divorce than if they stay together. Studies have found that in the small percentage of "worst case" high conflict homes (significant physical abuse), children do a little better after divorce. The same damage is inflicted upon the children as a result of the divorce that they will need to cope with, but the removal from the high conflict environment brings greater relief than the divorce creates for a net gain. However the vast majority of all divorces where the parents fight, the children were able to cope quite well until the parents actually divorced. In most cases the children fared much worse after divorce than while they endured fighting parents. Here the damage created by the parents fighting is much less than the damage the divorce creates. Its almost always better for the kids for the ... ...

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81: 12. Myths about mate selection, marrying a non-Christian and ...
Every home has two sinners, 1 Jn.1:8. Sin causes trouble. B. If marry Christian who knows and will follow God's word, you will be able to solve all problems with divine wisdom. She married a frog, until a princess came by and kissed him and he turned into a handsome prince. She wants her frog back. We usually end up with someone different than the one we married. When two Christians marry, it is a guarantee their relationship will be more satisfying than if two unbelievers married one another. (Many non-Christian couples are more mature than Christian Couples. 2 Timothy 3:5) When a Christian marries an unbeliever the influence of the Christian is always greater than that of the unbeliever. (2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 7:16; 1 Peter 3:1) Statistics compiled by Bobby Key from the church in Miami, Oklahoma congregation over the 20-year period regarding 143 Christians over 20 years ending about 1977. Click to View 64 Christians who married a Christian 72 Christians who married ... ...

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82: The best and worst fathers and dads of the bible
The central image of God is that of a Father. Islam has 99 descriptions of Allah but he never described as a father! B. God is the Father of our spirits who loves and disciplines us like our earthly fathers: a. "and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, "My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, Nor faint when you are reproved by Him; For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, And He scourges every son whom He receives." It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live?" (Hebrews 12:5-9) C. "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, ... ...

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83: Myths about Marriage conflict and the Bible
Marital conflicts and divorce indicates fault on both sides. Click to View There is often an innocent party in a divorce. A. Constitutes unscriptural accusation, 2 Cor 13:1-2. B. Condemns the righteous: Hosea was innocent: Hos.3:1; God was innocent: Jer.3:8; Christ was innocent: Gal.1:6; Wife of youth was innocent: ""Yet you say, 'For what reason?' Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant." Malachi 2:14; The innocent Christian abandoned by the unbelieving spouse: 1 Cor 7:15 C. Unlike God's hatred, Mal.2:16 (includes qualified authorization) Catholics condemn all divorce. Rejection contributes to fading societal stigma against divorce (Alive and well in the Church). D. Denies Divine authority for divorce From Moses, Matt.19:8. Same word, I Cor.14:34; Same root, Acts 26:12; Consider H.S.'s description of Joseph's action, Matt.1:19. E. From Christ. Mark ... ...

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84: Top ten list of Marriage Facts
Single mothers find it very difficult to find a man to marry them. Teen marriage increases the risk of divorce by two or three times. Marrying someone with similar cultural and religious values increases the success rate of the marriage. Education level taken by itself, increases proportionately the success of a marriage. If both spouses are from divorced parents, they are three times more likely to divorce, than if both spouses parents had stayed together. The changes of divorces however are reduced dramatically if one of the spouses came from parents who never divorced. Click to View Percent Decrease of Risk Factors of Divorce Both spouses attend church weekly -90% One spouse attends church weekly -45% Annual income over $50,000 vs. under $25,000 -30% Having children after marriage vs. before marriage -24% Marrying over 25 years of age vs. under 18 -24% Own family of origin intact vs. divorced parents -14% Claim a religious affiliation vs. none -14% Some college vs. high-school ... ...

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85: Poem: When your child quits attending church
Then suddenly you slipped away from me. Did I say 'suddenly'? I do you wrong, For not in rash decision did you go, Setting your sail in anger, pushed along By overwhelming force, or undertow. "No---it was gradual---your craft was new, And I left you alone to try it out; I walked the shorelines for a while, and you Held to your course with confidence, no doubt, But when the night grew chill, I went inside, Leaving you, Son, alone with the wind and tide." Mary Oler, The Reaper Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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86: Sex education in the schools and abstinence
What happened next was shocking. There was a great deal of laughter, and someone suggested that if I thought abstinence had any merit, I should go back to burying my head in the sand. The teacher and the nurse said nothing as I drowned in a sea of embarrassment. My mind had gone blank, and I could think of nothing to say. The teacher explained to me that the job of the school was to "teach facts," and the home was responsible for moral training. I sat in silence for the next 20 minutes as the course was explained. The other parents seemed to give their unqualified support to the materials. "Donuts, at the back," announced the teacher during the break. "I'd like you to put on the name tags we have prepared - they're right by the donuts - and mingle with the other parents." Everyone moved to the back of the room. As I watched them affixing their name tags and shaking hands, I sat deep in thought. I was ashamed that I had not been able to convince them to include a serious discussion of ... ...

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87: 10 Commandments for HUSBANDS
The Bible is God's "instruction manual" for happy human living. There is no other book on earth that will bring about inner peace and eternal life. One thing that most men have in common is that they are married. Unfortunately, because we live in an "amoral" (morally neutral) society, most who enter into marriage have little training. Isn't it bizarre that a doctor trains for 7 years, a teacher 4 but there is virtually no training for becoming a husband. You can't take a course in university that certifies you as a husband...the closest you can come is a "bachelors" degree. Here are 10 principles for husbands that are found within the Bible. Click to View COMMANDMENT #1: Thou shalt not take thy wife for granted, but will honour and respect her as thy equal. (1 Pet 3:7) Husband, are you treating your wife as an equal and granting her your highest honor? If not God says he will not answer your prayers! Selfishness is a marriage killer. For many men they think they are better than their ... ...

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88: Ten commandments for WIVES
Little boy's: "It's where we eat!" Teenage girl's: "It's where we go between midnight & daybreak when all else is closed." Husband: "It is where we go to fight our private battles." Wife: "It is where we slave the hardest and are appreciated the least." "Home is where the great is small and the small is great." "Home is where our stomachs get three meals a day and our hearts a thousand." "Home is a place where a world of strife is shut out and a world of love shut in." "Home is where we complain the most, but have the greatest blessings." Click to View Commandment #1: Expect not thy husband to give thee as many luxuries as thy father hath given thee after many years of hard labor. (Phil 4:11; Amos 4:1) Click to View Commandment #2: Thou shalt work hard to build thy house with the husband that you have, not fantasizing about "the one that could have been". (Prov 14:1) Fond Footsteps. I was visiting friends who had just celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary" The husband entered in ... ...

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89: Love vs. Selfishness
Origin seen in naturalistic effort to make guilty people feel better. 1. God intends for sinners to be appropriately miserable in order to motivate them toward repentance (conscience). 2. Since all have sinned, this is pervasive condition of humankind, the very problem Christ came to solve, Matt.11:28-30. Cf "Rest unto your souls," and "Cure of souls" (Psychiatry). 3. It is entirely inappropriate to try to relieve this suffering apart from repentance and God's plan for forgiveness. B. Historical Context: 1. Darwin destroyed faith in Scripture among liberal theologians. They no longer believed in salvation, heaven, hell, etc. 2. Produced Social Gospel; clear slums, feed hungry, relieve suffering, including guilt "feelings" (no longer believed in sin). a. William James; 1890-Self Love b. Erich Fromin; Unconditional Love c. Abraham Maslow; Self-Actualism d. Carl Rogers; Non-Judgmental, Self Help 3. Amazingly many "Evangelicals" jumped on the bandwagon (Ex., Robert Shuler; "New ... ...

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90: Myths about Sex in Marriage and the Bible
Holy Spirit that guards against adultery. See: 1 Cor 7:4-5) Pornography, even if both husband and wife agree to view it, has no detrimental affect upon the marriage relationship: Matthew 5:28 Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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91: The Bible & Taking your Wife for granted???
Are you Taking your Wife for granted??? In the early hours of man's existence, God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make for him an helpmeet for him" Genesis 2:18. The beautiful garden would not have been a paradise without Eve. What a lonely existence man would have had without woman. Man has need for companionship, affection, empathy, procreation. It is not good that man should be alone. Naturally, this applies to woman, too. Home is one of the sweetest and fondest words enshrined in human affections. Woman's greatest joy can come in making a happy home for her husband and children. It is very difficult to overestimate the worth of a good woman. Solomon recognized the virtues of a good woman and man's inability to get along without them. He said, "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies, the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. She will do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life. Her husband is known in the gates, ... ...

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92: The Bible & How To Understand Your Teenager
Cub Scout Committee member. He said he had deeply loved his son but nursed a hatred for what the boy had become. The shy son had sought adjustment through drugs, had become a pusher, and had fallen into a pattern of arguing and fighting with his father. The "showdown" saw the son, crazed with drugs descending the cellar steps with a steak knife in hand, and the father standing at the foot of the steps with a pistol. This example tugs at the heart of every father who has repeatedly called home explaining that he must work late, or whose nerves will not tolerate children's play at the end of a working day. We fathers sometimes point the finger at working mothers as the cause of children's downfall. After all, forty percent of today's American women Are employed outside the home. We insist that rearing children is primarily the mother's responsibility. Who decided that? Most likely men. The Bible certainly did not. The Bible's description of family relationships begins with God and ends ... ...

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93: 10 Bible passages for Teenagers!
Bible passages for Teenagers! One of the burning questions of the ages has been, "How can I get the most out of life?". Each person in each generation must wrestle with this idea. Since God made man and knows what is the best life for him, man should want to know God's advice for the good life. I have selected ten key statements from the Bible which tell one how best to live. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4. Living for this world and its pleasures is a serious mistake. To gain the whole world and lose one's soul is foolish - Luke 9:25. If we sow to the flesh, or to earthly pleasure, we shall reap corruption, or misery - Galatians 6:7-8. Living for God is the better way. We are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26, so we are spiritual beings, who, like God, will live eternally. If we seek first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness our earthly needs will be supplied . Matthew 6:33. Read Romans 8:28 and ... ...

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94: The Bible and Going Steady!
Let us start our study by reading from Genesis Chapter 2, verses 21-24. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, 'This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man'. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh". This passage tells us that God instituted and approved of the marriage of one man to one woman. God has not seen fit to change this arrangement. Marriage is a lasting relationship which must be entered into with much thought and preparation. God has left the method of selecting a mate up to the individual. The pattern of dating; then going steady; followed by engagement and finally marriage has developed in this country. Too often, ... ...

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95: Dating Rules For Teenagers
Refuse too much dating. Do not allow dating with companions of too great an age difference. The interests and intent of an 18 year old man are frequently quite different from that of a 14 year old girl. Insist that late hours be avoided. Control the activities included in dating. Study the message, "Choosing Proper Recreation". Early training of the child is important. Obedience to parents must be developed early, even in their infancy, and be habitual. It is important to gain and to maintain rapport with your children early in their lives. In this way communication and control can be maintained throughout their lives into adulthood. For further study of this vital matter, we refer you to messages, "Discipline - Alternative to Tragedy", "Effective Discipline Part I", and also "Part II". For an extensive study we recommend the book, "Dare to Discipline", by Dr. James Dobson, director of Child Development, University of Southern California School of Medicine. You may check this book out ... ...

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96: Yes! You can you minister to someone who is suffering!
You can you minister to someone who is suffering! What qualifies a person for ministering to a sufferer? Formal training can be an invaluable aid, but one can lack academic credentials and still have a wonderful ministry of helping broken hearts. Divine training is the fundamental requirement. A verse which has served as a beacon says: "The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary." (Isaiah 50:4). How does the Lord train us for comforting the afflicted? He uses our own experiences. Years ago, Dr. Edgar N. Jackson, whose writings on the subject of grief show remarkable insight, suffered the unexpected and tragic death of a son. Out of his own experience, he was able to help other people face their grief and to comprehend the tragedies which strike suddenly. The Apostle Paul was able to comfort others who were afflicted because he had received comfort from God in his own afflictions. (11 Corinthians 1:3-4). ... ...

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97: How to Strengthen Your Family!
How to Strengthen Your Family! Family life is a system of human relationships designed by God to provide man's needs. In the family, man finds companionship, sexual satisfaction, and learns love, which is an attribute of God himself. It is in the family that children learn to become socialized. No other arrangement has ever been devised as a successful alternative. It is evident that Jesus was serious when he said, "What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder" (Matthew 19:6). That which God has provided, ordained, and authorized has always been a focus of attack by the forces of Satan. Today, the family system of life is a major issue in the Devil's warfare against God's design for a fulfilling human relationship. Many couples are asking themselves what is missing in their relationship with one another? Why don't parents really feel close to their children? Why doesn't the family have that warm, close feeling that families should have? Could anything change the ... ...

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98: Planning For Marriage
Many a marriage fails before it starts because it is without preparation. Of all forms of marriage, Christian marriage is best suited to social stability and individual enrichment and is what God expects of the Christian who relies on his promises of salvation. Christian marriage is a life-time commitment. The Bible says, "Let not the wife depart from her husband and let not the husband put away his wife". Christian marriage involves love and consideration. Ephesians 5:33 says, "Let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband". Christian marriage offers legitimate and fulfilling sexual gratification, blessed by God, to which it is rightfully confined. I Corinthians 7: 3,4, says "Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence, and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband, and likewise also the husband hath not power of his body, but the wife". The first ... ...

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99: Ten commandments for husbands and Wives
Work together, play together, and grow up together. Avoid the little quarrels, and the big ones will take care of themselves. Compromise (give and take). It is the antitoxin of divorce. Practice sympathy, good humor, and mutual understanding. Don't grouch before breakfast or after it. Respect your "in-laws," but don't criticize them or take criticism from them. Establish your own home, even in a one room flat. Fight for each other, but not with each other. Build your home on religious faith, with love and forgiveness as the watchword. Ten commandments for husbands Thou shalt not take thy wife for granted, but will honour and respect her as thy equal. (1 Pet 3:7) Thy highest allegiance, except God, shall be to thy wife, not thy relatives or friends. (Gen 2:24) Thou shalt frequently tell thy wife how important & valuable she is to thee. (Phil 2:3; Prov 31:10-11) Thou shalt hold thy wife's love by the same means that thou won it. (Sos 5:10-16) Thou shalt actively establish family ... ...

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100: Divorce, Remarriage and the Bible
Jesus teaches on marriage. Since the teaching on this is very specific it indicates that Jesus regarded it as highly important. The number of divorces is increasing in our society and since the majority of divorced persons do remarry, it is also important that Christian people know the teaching of the scriptures concerning divorce and remarriage. Again, since our society is made up of so many divorced people who will eventually remarry, young people should be alerted to the problem by their parents and teachers so they will know how to face it in a Christian way before they allow themselves to become so emotionally involved that it will be difficult for them to face the problem intelligently. The teachings of Jesus on this subject may be found in Matthew 5:31,32, and Matthew 19:3-9. These passages should be carefully read in connection with this discussion. Jesus went back to the beginning and based marriage on God's original intention in creation. God created man, male and female, and ... ...

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