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Ark of the Scrolls Niche, Torah Shrine: Prototype of the Church Apse ...
51: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Mishnah 200 AD
...Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread." And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" (Matthew 15:2-3) "Then the disciples came and said to Jesus, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?" But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."" (Matthew 15:12-14) History and content of the Mishnah: 1. "The Mishnah was edited and published between a.d. 200 and 220" (Dictionary of New Testament Background, Rabbinic Literature: Talmud, p898, 2000 AD) 2. "MISHNAH: Series of interpretations of the meaning of the law; according to rabbinic tradition, they were given when Moses received the law from God on Mt Sinai, and they were to be passed down in ... ...

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52: Synagogue Organization and Government: Elders, officials, attendants ...
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. GOVERNMENT IN SYNAGOGUES A. Leadership and government Transition from Temple to Synagogue to church: 1. Qualifications change from pedigree to morality and living spiritual faith. a. The Hebrew Jerusalem temple had animal sacrifices and special "ordained" high priests in a system of clericalism based upon pedigree. Like the dynasty of Judean Kings and scribes, the High priest had to trace his parentage back to Levi though specific genealogical records. There are many examples in the Bible of the general population rejecting the successor in prophetic and kingly dynasties. Both Eli and Samuel's children were worthless and the people rejected Samuel's sons on moral basis. 1 Samuel 2:22; 1 Samuel 8:1-5 b. Synagogues began in 280 BC as a simple group of spiritually minded common Jewish men (Non-Levite) in Egypt devoted to reading the Torah and prayer. Over time a body of elders was appointed from these men. By about 100 BC the ... ...

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53: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Jerusalem 18 BC
Current location: Rockefeller Museum. 5. Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = 169 BC a. SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: none c. Inscriptional date: 18 BC d. Literary date: 169 BC i. Agatharchides 169 BC ii. Philo 38 AD iii. New Testament 30 AD iv. Josephus 169 BC v. Tosefta 250 AD vi. Jerusalem Talmud 400 AD vii. Babylonian Talmud 500 AD 6. Contemporary Rulers: Herod the Great 7. References: a. JIGRE #22; Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum II, Jean-Baptiste Frey, 2.1404, 1952 AD 8. Related Literary references: a. "Then some of those who belonged to the synagogue [gr: synagoge]. of the Freedmen (as it was called), Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and others of those from Cilicia and Asia, stood up and argued with Stephen. But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke." (Acts 6:9-10) 9. Literary references to may synagogues in Jerusalem: see details at Jerusalem Talmud a. "They did not find me ... ...

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54: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Titus Flavius Josephus (Joseph ...
Julius Caesar and Tiberias Caesar. 4. "Synagogues were viewed as collegia by Roman authorities in the first century B.C.E., yet their status was special. Two figures dominate the interpretation of the evidence, Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus. Others have summarized the main outlines of the legal position.8 In 64 B.C.E. the Senate prohibited all collegia on principle because of their danger to the state as private institutions.9 It was characteristic of the political and social turbulence of the period that in 58 B.C.E., during the First Triumvirate, collegia were permitted again, and that in 56 B.C.E. the Senate again dissolved political clubs, a specific class of collegia. A few years later (sometime between 49 and 44 B.C.E.), Julius Caesar prohibited all collegia Empire-wide except the most ancient. One exception, perhaps because it conformed to the notion ancient, was Judaism,1° and this exception was also Empire-wide. By this action Caesar made Judaism a religio licita, and ... ...

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55: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Babylonian Talmud 500 AD
...Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread." And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" (Matthew 15:2-3) "Then the disciples came and said to Jesus, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?" But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."" (Matthew 15:12-14) 394 Synagogues, courts and schools in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus "Three judges of civil law were in Jerusalem, Admon, Hanan, and Nahum. Said R. Pappa, "Who is the Tannaite authority who repeats, 'Nahum'? It is R. Nathan, in accord with that which has been taught on Tannaite authority: R. Nathan says, 'Also Nahum the Mede was among those who make decrees in Jerusalem,' but sages ... ...

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56: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Gush Halav, Gischala 78 BC
Jerusalem and paraded by Titus in Rome in the great processional: Jos. W. 7.118 3. The first century synagogue (not pictured here) is on the top of the hill under a church that was built on top of its remains. a. "Surveys made at the end of the 19th and early 20th century revealed the remains of two synagogues. The village church was built over the remains of one which stands at the highest point on the hill. The other built of large carefully dressed blocks and in a better state of preservation, is beautifully situated near the village spring, overlooking a green valley. The inner dimensions of the building are 46 feet by 50 feet. It had an inner colonnade on three sides of the hall, of which the stylobate and some bases and column drums still remain in position. The main entrance to the building was on the south, the side facing Jerusalem, and was decorated with architectural motifs. Lining the long walls were stone benches to seat the congregation. The lintel of the main entrance, ... ...

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57: Collective Names of Synagogues: House of Prayer, Temple, Church
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. COLLECTIVE NAMES OF SYNAGOGUES A. Collective names of the church 1. Technically the church has no name but is described in a collection of metaphors. 2. God never named the church, but collectively there are many metaphoric terms for God's People: Christians. 3. Is "MOON" the name of the moon? No! a. Have you ever asked yourself "why did we name every planet in our solar system but not the moon?" We even named all the moons of Saturn, but we didn't name our own. b. Why? Because you never need to name anything there is only one of! c. Now, let's suppose you asked someone what the name of the moon is. What would they say? Obviously, they would say "MOON". Yet, that does not mean that the name of the moon is really MOON. d. If you say to a child, while pointing to his father, "who is that man over there?" "Dadda" will most definitely be the reply. Now, it is obvious that "dadda" and "moon" are in the same category. There are many ... ...

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58: Synagogue Moses' Seat: Metaphor of Pride: Mt 23:2-3; Jas 2:1 ...
Christians borrowed from Jewish synagogues, not the other way around. Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them." (Matthew 23:2-3) "If a man comes into your assembly [Greek: synagogue] with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes, and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes, and say, "You sit here in a good place," and you say to the poor man, "You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool" (James 2:1-6) SYNAGOGUE MOSES' SEAT: METAPHOR OF PRIDE: Jas 2:1-4 1. The earliest direct literary reference to the Synagogue "Seat of Moses" is in the Gospels: a. "The ... ...

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59: Ancient Synagogue Top Plans: Qumran 100 BC
Righteousness within a generation or so of the founding of the sect." (Origin and Early History of the Qumran Sect, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Biblical Archaeologist: Volume 58, 2001 AD) 2. No synagogue building has been definitively identified at Qumran. a. Room 4, 77 or 30 seem the best candidates. b. At Quran, they ate their meals in total silence. 3. Some believe that Qumran had no synagogue: a. "Could there have been a conscious aversion to imitating what was being done in contemporary synagogues-yet another expression of the Qumran sect's desire to maintain biblical precedents while rejecting models that had evolved within the Jewish community in the post-biblical era? Alternatively, did the ongoing practice of study within the Qumran community render such public readings superfluous? Interestingly, it appears that another breakaway group of the Second Temple period, the Samaritans, did not include the reading of Scriptures as part of its communal ritual at this stage either. They, ... ...

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60: Ancient Synagogues: Qatzion Synagogue and Lintel Dedicatory Inscriptio ...
Faustus inscription from Ostia, dating to the second century (No. 176), is another example. The present inscription is the only one of its kind from the land of Israel. However, it has not been established whether the structure is in fact a synagogue (Foerster), or if the Jews mentioned donated a non-Jewish temple to Graeco-Roman inhabitants of the area (Kohl and Watzinger; Fine). The fact that a Jewish community could donate a temple to non-Jews should not surprise us, since non-Jewish donations of synagogues to Jewish Diaspora communities are well attested (cf. No. 103, Julia Severa). Modem religious sensitivities should not be applied to ancient social systems of benefaction. Until further excavations can determine the nature of the edifice, it seems best to understand the remains as belonging to a non-Jewish temple." (The Ancient Synagogue from its Origins to 200 AD, Anders Runesson, p64, 2008 AD) c. "The archaeological remains of the building connected to the Theodotos inscription ... ...

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61: Origin of Synagogues: 10 Reasons why Synagogues began in Alexandria ...
Septuagint was distributed. The global distribution of the Septuagint was the engine that spawned the birth of Synagogues as a part of God's eternal plan to create a bridge between temple worship and the Christian Church. Introduction: 1. Although Ptolemy II wanted the Jewish scriptures translated into Greek in 282 BC for his father's (Ptolemy I) famous Library of Alexandra, the local Jews quickly made copies and started to gather to read the "Bible for themselves" and of course pray. The very first synagogue in the world was started when a small group of very excited Jews agreed to gather together in someone's home to pray and read the Greek Tanakh, which at this point consisted only of the first five books of Moses. The first and oldest word for a synagogue is the Greek word, "proseuche" and it means "house of prayer". The first synagogues were in "houses" (ie. HOUSE of prayer). As more copies of the Septuagint were produced combined with the large numbers who wanted to participate ... ...

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62: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Hadra district in Alexandria ...
Inscription text: "To God, the Highest ... the sacred precinct1 and the synagogue2 and its appurtenances3" 2. Glyptic artifact: Greek Synagogue inscription on marble 3. Provenance: Hadra, Alexandria, Egypt, discovered in rubbish, 1907 AD. 4. Current location: Alexandria Museum 5. Alexandria Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = 262 BC a. SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: none c. Inscriptional date: 200 BC i. Alexandria 3 AD ii. Gabbary 37 BC iii. Hadra 200 BC d. Literary date: i. Josephus 20 BC ii. Philo 262 BC iii. Tosefta 250 AD iv. Jerusalem Talmud 400 AD v. Babylonian Talmud 500 AD 6. Contemporary Ruler: Ptolemy Epiphanes V (204-180 BC) 7. References: a. JIGRE #9; Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum II, Jean-Baptiste Frey, 2.1433, 1952 AD 8. Related Literary references: a. Acts 16:13; b. Philo, Embassy 132-134; c. Josephus, Life 277 9. Further documentation: a. Great Basilica Synagogue of Alexandria: 280 BC - 117 AD b. ... ...

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63: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Masada 78 BC
Masada Captured by the Jews on 1st June AD 66. b. Ended with mass Jewish suicide: Monday 12th April AD 73. 4. The 7 year First Jewish War: a. Started at Caesarea synagogue: Sabbath 17th May AD 66. b. Ended with mass suicide at Masada: Monday 12th April AD 73. 5. Exactly 40 years from Crucifixion to Mass Suicide at Masada: a. Masada Mass Suicide occurred on Monday 12th April AD 73 = 15th Nisan = 15th Xanthicus: "Those others were nine hundred and sixty in number, the women and children being withal included in that computation. This calamitous slaughter was made on the fifteenth day of the month Xanthicus [12th April AD 73]." (Josephus Wars 7.400-401) b. Masada fell 40 years (one Generation) to the very day, after Jesus was crucified: "Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, ... ...

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64: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Alexandria, Egypt: 3 AD
Gather to me seventy men of the elders of Israel (Num. 11:16). E Since Moses was in addition to them, lo, there were seventy-one. F R. Judah says, "It is seventy." G And how do we know that a small one is twenty-three? H Since it is said, The congregation shall judge, and The congregation shall deliver (Num. 35:24, (25)- I one congregation judges, and one congregation saves-thus there are twenty. J And how do we know that a congregation is ten? Since it is said, How long shall I bear with this evil congregation [of the ten spies] (Num. 14:27)-xcluding Joshua and Caleb. K And how do we know that we should add three more? L From the implication of that which is said, You shall not follow after the many to do evil (Ex. 23:20), I derive the inference that I should be with them to o good. M If so, why is it said, After the many to do evil? N Your verdict of acquittal is not equivalent to your verdict of guilt. O Your verdict of acquittal may be on the vote of a majority of one, but your ... ...

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65: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: New Testament Jericho 75 BC
New Testament Jericho. If Bible trashers would do the tiniest bit of real research, they would not say things they will very much regret on Judgment day when they kneel before Jesus and confess He is Lord of all! 2. There is no record of any synagogue in the New Testament at Jericho, much less that Jesus actually visited on there. However, we do have two known synagogues that have been excavated in Jericho which you can visit today. 3. One in New Testament Jericho 3 km away from the other. (75-31 BC) a. In 25 BC, Herod's built his second palace on top of the synagogue's ruins from the earthquake in 31 BC, it did not exist when Jesus visited Jericho. 4. One in Old Testament Jericho: Byzantine (likely the one Jesus visited) a. The synagogue of the first century is probably the Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue, which is in an enclosed white building in Old Testament Jericho and features amazing mosaics. b. The Mosaics from the Byzantine Old Testament Jericho synagogue feature hearts and a ... ...

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66: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Ostia, Seaport of Rome, Italy ...
Jewish synagogue as far back as 282 BC. a. See also: Greek Septuagint: The Standard Tanakh of every ancient synagogue b. The Septuagint was the "standard issue Tanakh", as an "accepted and trusted translation" in every synagogue much like the King James Version is in the Church today. c. Hebrew was extinct in Judea at the time of Christ, except for the Jerusalem elites (Sadducees) who ran the temple. d. The entire diaspora Jewish population from 300 BC spoke Greek and were unable to read Hebrew. e. As the Septuagint was distributed in 280 BC throughout the world, it spawned synagogues according to its disaposra circulation. f. See also: Origin: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint 2. "Recovered in the vestibule of the Ostia synagogue, this discarded inscription was used as part of the flooring in that building's final renovations in the fourth century C.E. The stone dates two centuries earlier, when it recorded the dedication of an unnamed ... ...

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67: Political, Civic and Town Hall Meetings in Synagogues
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. POLITICAL, CIVIC, TOWN HALL MEETINGS IN SYNAGOGUES A. Town hall type civic meetings in Synagogues: 1. First, it is important to note that these civic meetings were not the same as when a church today holds a purely secular "all candidates political" meeting where the general public get to hear the views with a view to voting. a. Non-Jews were forbidden from entering synagogues. b. The Jews who entered had to be ritually pure, by immersing in the Mikveh before they could enter. c. There were no elections in the first century because it was not a democracy. d. These civic meetings discussed pressing emergency public matters that directly involved and affected the local Jewish community and were not open to the general public. 2. "Assembly hall and town hall for the local Jewish congregation: As such, the synagogue served as a centre for community fund-raising, charitable collections, congregational affairs, and as a type of court ... ...

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68: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Ostia, Seaport of Rome, Italy ...
Ostia is the main seaport of Rome built by Augustus. The fact imperial decrees referenced the Synagogue at Ostia in 49 BC, shows that the port was functioning before Augustus did his makeover after 31 BC. b. The "Sestertius" coin of Nero in 64 AD commemorates a renovation of the Port under Nero. c. Ostia is 32 km south west of Rome on the main highway. d. It is likely that Apostle Paul preached in the synagogue of Ostia after his release from being in prison for two years. e. GPS: 41.748910° 12.288611° 2. The Synagogue at Ostia used the Septuagint, as did every other synagogue in the world. A. Earliest Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = 50 AD 1. Excavation date: first century 2. Inscriptional date: Ostia synagogue inscription of 200 AD 3. Literary date: None 4. SOD computation system details: Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = SOD. B. Synagogue Compass Orientation: 1. Orientation East or towards Jerusalem: No. 2. Compass headings: a. Compass heading towards ... ...

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69: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Qiryat Sefer 90 BC
Assembly hall is a perfect square: 9.6 x 9.6 meters b. The synagogue is similar to Magdala, Masada, Herodium, and Gamla c. GPS: 31.926606° 35.042382° d. Kiryat Sefer is located 25 km east of Tel Aviv, on a hill near the ancient road from Caesarea via Beit Horon to Jerusalem. e. Abandoned after the Bar Kokhba rebellion of 132-5 AD 2. Twin synagogues of the Maccabees: a. The walls in the Qiryat Sefer were painted red, as were the columns at Magdala. b. Qiryat Sefer has two rows of interior plastered and painted pillars c. There is a second Maccabean synagogue at Modein a 6.5 km southeast of Qiryat Sefer that features red and yellow plaster fresco on the synagogue columns and wall. d. Likely both Modein and Kiryat Sefer were built and maintained by the Maccabees given their similarities in interior decorating. Modein 132 BC Qiryat Sefer 90 BC A. Earliest Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = 40 BC 1. Excavation date: first century 2. Inscriptional date: none 3. Literary date: none 4. SOD ... ...

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70: Role of Women preachers, segregation and Children in Synagogues
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. ROLE OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN SYNAGOGUES A. Women not segregated from men in the Synagogue worship: 1. Contrary to popular myth, women were not segregated in first century worship services of either the church or synagogues. a. If you worshipped in a synagogue, you would find entire families worshipping together. b. The only specialized seating was by trade: Stone masons would sit together. Carpenters would sit together, but otherwise there was no segregation of any kind. c. The older sat on the higher benches and the younger on the lower benches, but there was no class or sex segregation. d. Synagogues worshipped exactly like ancient churches and modern churches in united family groups of mother, father and children. 2. Imperial Decree for the synagogue at Halicarnassus in 30 BC a. Halicarnassus: (beside Cos) : "The decree of those of Halicarnassus. "When Memnon, the son of Orestidas by descent, but by adoption of Euonymus, was ... ...

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71: Schools, Education and Literacy of Jews In Synagogues
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. IN 931 BC JEWS COULD ALL READ AND WRITE BOOKS "But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body." (Ecclesiastes 12:12) SCHOOLS AND LITERACY OF JEWS IN SYNAGOGUES A. History of Jewish Literacy: 1. The Jewish nation is the historically most literate of any nation on earth. 2. Hebrew was the first formal alphabet on earth in 1850 BC from which all other alphabets are derived including English. 3. In 1446 BC Moses mandated father's reading the Law of Moses to their sons, and therefore also how to read and write, so their sons could repeat the process for their children. a. ""Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when the Lord said to me, 'Assemble the people to Me, that I may let them hear My words so they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.'" (Deuteronomy 4:10) b. ... ...

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72: Synagogue Basilica and Byzantine Church Octagonal Architecture
Christians borrowed from Jewish synagogues, not the other way around. Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues OCTAGONAL AND BASILICA BYZANTINE CHURCH ARCHITECTURE Post 300 AD: Byzantine church building architecture: Octagonal vs. Basilica 1. The first formal church buildings were Byzantine: a. There are a few cryptic literary references to church buildings in the early 180-240 AD, but these are rare and uncertain. b. From 33 AD to the Edict of Milan in 315 AD, Christians did not have formal church buildings and their focus was to preach words of salvation in Christ as opposed to the inverted modern message of invite people to a church building to satisfy social needs. c. Archeology has confirmed that the first formal church building were posts 325 AD. 2. For those who say we are without Bible authority for church buildings, we have the clear ... ...

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73: Messianic Sermon Topics In Synagogues: How Christians used the ...
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. I. BIBLE READINGS IN SYNAGOGUES A. Public Bible reading, study, teaching: 1. As we have seen elsewhere in this book, Synagogues began in 280 BC at Alexandria, as a direct result of Antiochus II translating the Hebrew scriptures into Greek (Septuagint). a. The spiritually starved Greek speaking Jews were experiencing a famine for the word of God because they could not read Hebrew. b. The genesis of synagogues throughout the world followed the distribution of the LXX. c. As soon at the Septuagint arrived in a distant population of diaspora Jews, they immediately gathered to read and pray. d. The first name used to designate a synagogue was the Greek: "House of Prayer". 2. Public readings in the town: a. In 440 BC, Nehemiah conducted Public reading of scripture in the city gate, proving that synagogues did not exist yet. b. "[I:1 A] [73d], Said R. Yohanan, "[The rule of M. 3:1A] represents the view of R. Menahem b. R. Yosé. For R. ... ...

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74: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Sardis, Asia 49 BC
Christians in Jerusalem to flee its destruction in 70 AD. b. GPS: 38.488333° 28.040278° 2. With Josephus recording two imperial decrees (49 and 48 BC), we can be certain the Sardis synagogue existed before 49 BC, even as far back as 220 BC wherein Sardis joins a family of being among the earliest synagogues on earth. 3. The importance of the city of Sardis, as a commercial center of the former capital of the Persian empire which dates back as far as 536 BC, is matched by the Jewish synagogue in Sardis with a continuous 665 year occupation history (49 BC - 616 AD) 4. Although inscriptional evidence from Josephus Antiquities 14.235 makes the existence of a synagogue building certain in 49 BC, the synagogue likely dates back to the time of Seleucid King Antiochus III (223-187 BC) who was contemporary with Ptolemy III who are a major powerhouse in establishing diaspora synagogues. CRITICAL POINT Sardid synagogue founded around 220 BC The origin of the Jewish Community at Sardis under ... ...

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75: The Septuagint, LXX: 10 Archeological proofs the Septuagint Tanakh ...
High priest in Jerusalem! Archeology has confirmed that while the 5 books of Moses (Torah) were the first to be translated in 282 BC into Greek as the Septuagint, the entire Old Testament (Tanakh) had been translated and was is full circulation by 150 BC. This is the view of one of the top Septuagint scholars in the world is Emanuel Tov, a Jewish emeritus professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. We have highlighted 10 archeological proofs that the Greek Tanakh was 100% complete and that the Septuagint was the standard "pulpit bible" in every Synagogue: footnote to the Greek Esther dates the book to 176 BC, Eupolemos quotes Greek/LXX Chronicles in 150 BC, Aristeas The Exegete quotes Greek/LXX Job in 150 BC, Prologue from the Wisdom of Sirach/Sira/Ecclesiasticus flatly states the entire Old Testament had been translated into Greek in 132 BC, Letter of Aristeas 155 quotes Greek/LXX Job 42:3 in 130 BC, The 32 foot long Greek/LXX scroll of the 12 minor prophets (8HevXIIgr) dates to 50 ... ...

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76: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Xenephyris, Egypt 139 BC
Current location: Alexandria Museum. 5. Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = 139 BC a. SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: none c. Inscriptional date: 139 BC d. Literary date: none 6. Contemporary Rulers: Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II, King of Ptolemy (145-116 BC) 7. References: a. JIGRE #24; Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum II, Jean-Baptiste Frey, 2.1441, 1952 AD 8. Related Literary references: a. Acts 16:13; Philo, Embassy 132-134; Josephus Life 277 B. Inscription footnotes: 1. Lit. proseuche = house of prayer 2. Lit. exedra = adjoining structures: Out buildings: houses, storage, water installations, gardens a. Appendages: Hostels, Housing and Food Banks in Synagogues b. Also at Theodostos 18 BC inscription c. The Land survey of Crocodilopolis 113 BC d. Nitriani 139 BC 3. "presiding": implies they were pro states (synagogue leaders) a. See: Organization of Synagogues: Elders, officials, attendants, Independent, autonomous ... ...

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77: Sacred Meals, Passover, Lord's Supper, Communion: No Common Meals ...
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. SACRED MEALS, NO COMMON MEALS IN SYNAGOGUES A. Communal meals and food preparation: Passover, unleavened bread ovens: "maẓẓot" 1. Three times a year the Jews would have sacred meals like the Passover: a. "Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, 'On the tenth of this month they are each one to take a lamb for themselves, according to their fathers' households, a lamb for each household. 'Now if the household is too small for a lamb, then he and his neighbor nearest to his house are to take one according to the number of persons in them; according to what each man should eat, you are to divide the lamb. 'Your lamb shall be an unblemished male a year old; you may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 'You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month, then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel is to kill it at twilight. 'Moreover, they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two ... ...

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78: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Delos, Greece #1: 250 BC ...
Knossos for his benefactions toward them." 2. Glyptic artifact: Greek Synagogue inscription on marble 3. Provenance: Both Delos inscriptions #1 and #2 were found together on the seashore 100 meters from the Synagogue on Delos Island, Greece 1979 AD 4. Current location: Delos Museum, Greece 5. Delos Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = 250 BC a. SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: Delos excavation top plan 250 BC c. Inscriptional date: 250 BC and Delos #2 synagogue inscription d. Literary date: none 6. References: a. Les Israélites de Délos et la juiverie délienne, Philippe Bruneau, BCH, p465, 1982 AD b. IJO: Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis, David Noy, vol 1, Arc67, 2004 AD 7. Related Bible verses: a. Woman at the well, "Spirit and Truth" John 4:7-45 b. Freewill "first fruit offerings" sent to needy Christians in Jerusalem by early Christians: 1 Cor 16:1-2 8. Further documentation: a. Delos inscription: 250 BC b. ... ...

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79: Synagogue prototype master summary chart and introduction: The ...
Synagogue worship was the prototype for Christian Church. The Synagogue was the prototype of the Christian Church for Worship and Function Prototype Jerusalem Temple Synagogue Church Who controlled Sadducees: Acts 5:17 Not initially, but by 100 BC Pharisees took over control. Lk 11:43, Jn 12:42 Christians: Jew and Gentile Weekly attendance No (3 times a year) Yes: every Sabbath Yes: every first day, Sunday. Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:2 Government Levitical High priest Sole top authority (like Catholic Pope) Democracy: Body of equal rulers (Mark 5:22, 35-36, 38; Luke 8:41, 13:14) Democracy: plurality of equal elders/ bishops/ shepherds. 1 Tim 3; Tit 1 Clericalism Yes: Non-priests who entered the Holy Place were stoned. No: Any Jew could lead any event in the synagogue. No: Every Christian is a priest. Any man can preach, read, pray or officiate communion. Age of participation 30 years for priests: Num 4. Ezek 1:1; John the Baptist and Jesus: Luke 3:23 Any pubescent boy Any baptized boy ... ...

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80: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Schedia, Egypt 240 BC
Inscriptionum Judaicarum II, Jean-Baptiste Frey, 2.1440, p366, 1952 AD 8. Related Literary references: a. Acts 16:13; Philo, Embassy 132-134; Josephus Life 277 b. Schedia: Strabo, Geogr. 17.1.16,22; 3 Maccabees 4:11 9. Literary references to Schedia: a. The Judeans Held in Schedia: "And when these people were brought to the place being called Schedia, and the aimless voyage was finished, just as had been decreed by the king, he commanded them to encamp in the hippodrome, having established it outside the city with an immense circumference, and having made it very well situated for pointing out to public shame to all those returning to the city, and to those going from the city into the countryside for a trip abroad, so that they could not communicate with his forces, nor could they claim the enclosing wall at all." (3 Maccabees 4:11) b. "On passing through the Canobic gate of the city, on the right hand is the canal leading to Canobus, close to the lake. They sail by this canal to ... ...

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81: Table of the Scrolls: Prototype of the Church Communion Table
Christians borrowed from Jewish synagogues, not the other way around. Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues "Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed." (1 Corinthians 5:7) "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons." (1 Corinthians 10:21) TABLE OF THE SCROLLS: PROTOTYPE OF THE COMMUNION TABLE 1. The Table of the scrolls was a standard fixture in all of the earliest synagogues. a. Scrolls would be taken out of the Ark of the Scrolls cabinet and placed on the Table of the scrolls during live worship services. b. An attendant would take the scrolls out of the Ark of the Scrolls, place it on the Table of the Scrolls until the time of reading. c. The attendant would ... ...

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