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51: Fossilized Hammer: Found in a formation famous for its dinosaurs ...
The wood handle is partially coalifed with quartz and calcite crystalline inclusions. Tests performed at Battelle Laboratory document the hammer's unusual metallurgy, 96% iron, 2.6% chlorine and .74% sulfur (no carbon). Density test indicate casting of exceptional quality. A unique coating of FeO, which does not readily form under present atmospheric conditions, appears to inhibit rusting. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View The enclosing rock contains Lower Cretaceous fossils. It is a concretionary sandstone nodule from the nearby cliff which is made up of concretionary sandstone nodules. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View The location where the hammer was found. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View This cliff is part of the Lower Cretaceous Edwards Plateau which evolutionists tell us was formed 140 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Of course, the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs would destroy evolutionary theory, so ... ...

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52: Articulated Fossils: Evidence of rapid fossilization and that ...
Evidence of rapid fossilization. Click to View An articulated fossil shows the bones of an animal together, connected in the rock as in life. To illustrate, when a cow dies on the open range, within a few weeks, the animal is fully decayed and the bones are scattered over a wide range of area by coyotes etc. Yet, even these individual bones rarely become fossils because small rodents and insects reduce them to powder. "Articulated" skeletons obviously indicate rapid burial. "In other formations where articulated skeletons of large animals are preserved, the sediment must have covered them within a few days at the most." (Dunbar & Rogers, Principles Of Stratigraphy, p 128, Standard geology textbook used in universities) Click to View Spectacular Ichthyosarus Skeleton (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Click to View Pregnant Ichthyosarus (Click on either photo for high resolution) Click to View Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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53: Dino Heart Fossilized - obviously rapidly!
Dinosaur Heart Fossilized - Obviously Rapidly! Click to View Willo! Roll your mouse over an anatomical name to see that part highlighted. Click to View Scapula Neck Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Interventricular Septum Click to View Willo: A fossilized heart could not form slowly. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Left is a CT scan of the heart taken from the area identified below. Click to View Here is a CT scan of the rest of the body cavity. Click to View Click to View Associated Press, April/20 Michael Hammer, a co-author of the study, found the nearly intact dinosaur fossil in Harding County, S.D. in 1993. ... Dr. Andrew A. Kuzmitz, an Ashland, Ore., physician and amateur paleontologist, later examined the specimen with a CT scan, a form of medical X-ray that gives details of internal structure. He said seven cardiologists looked at the images and identified the object as a heart with separated pumping chambers similar to the human heart. "You could see both ... ...

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54: Rapid formation of coal: Proof that strata form rapidly and that ...
This small iron pot was imbedded inside a single lump of coal. Such finds are not unusual, but few are fully certified and documented to be true. Here we have a notarized letter certifying the authenticity of the find. This pot is in the Creation Evidences Museum today, in Glen Rose, Texas. The letter reads: Sulfur Springs Arkansas Nov. 27 - 1948 While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came upon a solid chuck of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression, or mould of the pot in a piece of the coal. Jim Stull (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal and found that it came from Wilburton, Okahoma Mines. Frank J. Kennord Sworn to before me, in Sulpur Springs, Arkansas, this 27th day of November, 1948 Julia L. Eldred N.P. (illegible text) May 21, 1951 - Benton Co. Click to View Click to ... ...

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55: Hox (Homeobox) Genes
Hox (Homeobox) Genes-Evolution's Saviour? © 2000 Don Batten, Ph.D.. All Rights Reserved. [Updated: 28 January, 2000] Click to View Some evolutionists hailed homeobox or hox genes as the saviour of evolution soon after they were discovered. They seemed to fit into the Gouldian mode of evolution (punctuated equilibrium) because a small mutation in a hox gene could have profound effects on an organism. However, further research has not born out the evolutionists' hopes. Dr Christian Schwabe, the non-creationist sceptic of Darwinian evolution from the Medical University of South Carolina (Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), wrote: 'Control genes like homeotic genes may be the target of mutations that would conceivably change phenotypes, but one must remember that, the more central one makes changes in a complex system, the more severe the peripheral consequences become. ... Homeotic changes induced in Drosophila genes have led only to monstrosities, and most experimenters do not ... ...

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56: Evidence for Creation: FOSSIL RECORD
The Only Direct Evidence. CARL DUNBAR, Yale, "Although the comparative study of living animals and plants may give very convincing circumstantial evidence, fossils provide the only historical, documentary evidence that life has evolved from simpler to more and more complex forms." HISTORICAL GEOLOGY, p. 47 S. M. Stanley, Johns Hopkins, "It is doubtful whether, in the absence of fossils, the idea of evolution would represent anything more than an outrageous hypothesis. ...The fossil record and only the fossil record provides direct evidence of major sequential changes in the Earth's biota." NEW EVOLUTIONARY TIMETABLE, p.72, 1981 HISTORICAL - NOT EMPIRICAL, JOHN H. HORNER "...paleontology is a historical science, a science based on circumstantial evidence, after the fact. We can never reach hard and fast conclusions in our study of ancient plants and animals... These days it's easy to go through school for a good many years, sometimes even through college, without ever hearing that some ... ...

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57: Shane Scott's view that the days of Genesis are not literal
The Days of Genesis are to be taken literal! Click to View THE DAYS OF GENESIS by Shane Scott, former Faculty of Florida College Note: This is false material we have supplied to document what Mr. Scott teaches. All this material, including Mr. Scott's "objections answered", are refuted by Dr. Patton's outline above. The Bible, which is the inerrant word of God, teaches that God created the universe from nothing. Contrary to naturalistic evolution, it teaches that different kinds of animals were created distinctly. Contrary to theistic evolution, it teaches that man was created separately from all animals, and made in God's image. But over what kind of time frame did God create our universe? Some Bible believers insist that the world must be only 6,000 years old, because the world was created in six days, according to Genesis 1. In this article I will argue that the Bible allows for a much older earth, because the days of Genesis 1 should not be interpreted literally. THE DAYS CANNOT BE ... ...

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58: Fossilized Human Finger: Proof that fossilization is rapid and ...
Some geology textbooks tell us that stalagmites and stalactites form at a rate of thousands of years per cubic inch. Obviously, at such slow rates, it would take a very long time to form them. The public is often exposed to claims of these great ages by tour guides in commercial caverns. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View George Rogers Clark Memorial is built on the bank of the Wabash River at Vincennes, Indiana. The limestone came from Bedford Quarry, near Bedford, Indiana, just six miles from the entrance of Blue Springs Cave, one of the most beautifully decorated caves in the nation. Water percolates down through cracks in the memorial building into the basement as it does in the cave and the result is the same kind of formations as found in the cave. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Stalagmites, stalactites as well as five columns eleven feet tall are found in the basement. This building was forty years old when these pictures were taken. What does ... ...

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59: High Resulution photo: Layers In The Grand Canyon that are supposed ...
This means the time frames indicated by the geologic column are impossible. Click to View Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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60: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Pepper Moth (biston betularia): "Piltdown Moth ...
Click to View see also "Mothballed Science" by Phillip E. Johnson Click to View Textbook Fraud Click to View Biology Textbook Fraud "The Piltdown Moth" Click to View Introduction: The "Ptolemy Epicycles" in the Pepper Moth Theory Click to View Use this fraud test on your own textbooks Click to View Why the Pepper Moth is so important to evolutionists Click to View Quotes: Informed scientists reject the Pepper Moth Theory Click to View The fraud exposed: Important Summary Click to View Textbook Pepper moth theory falsified Click to View Must be removed from Textbooks for uncertainty & lack of research Click to View Photo Gallery of the fraud Click to View Majerus' book reviewed by Jerry A. Coyne Click to View Scholarly falsification by Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Click to View Majerus book on Melanism critiqued by Steve Rudd Click to View Current textbooks that engage in classroom fraud Click to View Argument /Counter argument! The Pepper Moth: Click to View Click on photos for high ... ...

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61: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Inherit The Wind is intellectual pornography ...
Inherit The Wind: Intellectual Pornography! Click to View "Inherit the Wind" Drama; 1960; 128 minutes; B & W. Shown in classrooms as an accurate historical account (docu-drama) of the Scopes Trial to deceive students for over 50 years. The film is full of lies and deception and very anti-Christian. The film is a deliberate misrepresentation of the trial and designed to sway the audience against Christians and towards evolution. This film is intellectual pornography and quite unsuitable for any classroom! What value is there in distorting history? Another typical Hollywood movie where good Christians are portrayed as bigoted buffoons and the devil is the hero! Amazingly, all of the proofs of evolution used in the actual Scopes trial have now been discarded as fraud by evolutionists! Click to View Fraudulent pro-evolution arguments used in the movie now discarded Click to View Overview of the deception in the movie Click to View Detail of the deception in the movie by David N. Menton, ... ...

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62: Polygraph Vindicates Don Patton
...Were you there when it happened?" "Were you complicit in any way?" I stated that if he did pass such an exam by a qualified examiner, I would pay for the test and pay him an equal amount for restitution and post a correction on the web site. I specified that a qualified examiner would be a member of the American Polygraph Association and licensed by the state. I repeated the offer to Kuban face to face in the Paluxy riverbed in the year 2000 (He was disrupting our excavation efforts with his loud railing.) He was almost enthusiastic about the offer until he heard my specifications. Nevertheless, he promised me that he would take the test. Maybe he did. If so, I haven't heard about it and he certainly hasn't asked for my reimbursement. That was seven years ago. I was thoroughly disgusted with his comments circulated recently and determined to take the initiative. I searched and found what appears to be the most experienced, qualified polygraph examiner in the Dallas area. I paid the ... ...

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63: Review: Telling Lies for God: Reason vs Creationism By Ian Plimer
Jesus said "cannot be broken" (John 10:35). He also claims on p. 278 that belief in life after death is evidence that one has not been 'taught how to think'. It seems the main reason for this tirade against creationism is that it challenges his religious faith. He uses about every unfair rhetorical trick in the book, including leading questions and guilt by association. Despite being subtitled 'reason vs. creationism', Plimer seems incapable of stringing two logical thoughts together. Plimer even brags about deceiving creationists in several places. So if he thinks that dishonesty is justified when attacking creationism, then how can a reader be sure that he's not deceiving them elsewhere for the good of the 'cause'? In fact, Plimer's book has the dubious distinction of being the most embarrassing anti-creationist book for many anti-creationists. His fellow anti-creationist Jeffrey Shallit described this as 'a shoddily-written polemic that, in places, verges on the hysterical' and ... ...

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64: Evolution Falsified: Fossil Man
...Converter Quotes from Video Lectures! Click to View Fossil Man Click to View Click to View Professor Knockout Quotes! Click to View The only official collection of quotes by Dr. Don Patton on the internet. An important message from Dr. Patton regarding these quotes: I use most of these quotes as handouts to provide documentation for my lecture series. They were not intended to stand alone as arguments by themselves. However this web site ( convinced me that they could be useful as a reference tool, especially for those who attend the lectures, and I agreed. I commented at the time that some of the quotes would not make sense without the lecture. A few (two) have charged that a small number of these quotes misrepresent the intent of the context. When the charges were investigated, it was discovered, sure enough, if they had heard them used in the context of the lecture, they would have seen that the use was appropriate. It should be remembered that we are not quoting these ... ...

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65: Matthew Fontaine Maury "Pathfinder Of Sea" Psalms 8
Click to View The story has now been confirmed to be true! Click to View Oh the victory of this timeless story over those who called this the "Maury Myth"! A Brief Sketch of the Work of Matthew Fontaine Maury By Richard Launcelot Maury 1915 AD INTRODUCTION WHEN I took charge of the Georgia Room, in the Confederate Museum, in Richmond, Virginia in 1897, I found among the De Renne collection an engraving of the pleasant, intellectual face of Commodore Matthew Fontaine Maury, so I went to his son, Colonel Richard L. Maury, who had been with his father in all his work here, and urged him to write the history of it, while memory, papers and books could be referred to; this carefully written, accurate paper was the result. At one time, when Commodore Maury was very sick, he asked one of his daughters to get the Bible and read to him. She chose Psalm 8, the eighth verse of which speaks of "whatsoever walketh through the paths of the sea," he repeated "the paths of the sea, the paths of the ... ...

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66: "Mothballed Science" by Phillip E. Johnson
Click to View see also The fraud exposed: Important Summary! Click to View "Mothballed Science" by Phillip E. Johnson The peppered moth story, for almost fifty years the prime textbook example of evolution by natural selection, is fast becoming biology's greatest embarrassment. Before long, Biston betularia, to use the moth's scientific name, will be famous only as the subject of a messy experiment whose faults were overlooked because the data were needed to support something that leading biologists and many other people badly wanted to believe. Anybody who ever took a biology class has seen the photos of light and dark moths that all the textbooks use to illustrate this classic example. The official story is that the peppered moth in Britain, normally off-white with a freckling of black scales, was well camouflaged against a background of lichen-covered tree trunks until the Industrial Revolution. In 1848, a collector spotted a single dark (melanic) moth in the industrial midlands. ... ...

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67: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Hyracotherium "dawn horse" eohippus, mesohippus ...
Photo Gallery of the fraud: Straight line vs. "Bush" evolution Photo Gallery of the fraud: fossil horses Othniel Charles Marsh's original 1874 drawings of horse evolution, now rejected. Argument /Counter argument! Current textbooks that engage in classroom fraud What is textbook fraud? Click to View Evolutionists deliberately tolerate knowingly fraudulent pro-evolution evidence in School Textbooks. Click to View New Textbooks purchased by schools in the last year are full of fraud and lies to promote evolution. Click to View School Teachers and professors know the material is fraud, but still teach it. Click to View Misleading, deceptive things are still found in High School and University Textbooks that were exposed as fraud over 90 years ago! Click to View Evolutionists turn a quite blind eye, because this fraudulent data is the best they have! Click to View Click to View Use this fraud test on your own text books: We charge any school textbook with fraud and gross misrepresentation ... ...

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68: The Archaeoraptor Fraud: National Geographic: all-time low for ...
...National Geographic has reached an all-time low for engaging in sensationalistic, unsubstantiated, tabloid journalism" Storrs L. Olson, Smithsonian Institution Click to View The Archaeoraptor Fraud of National Geographic Magazine "Piltdown bird" Click to View The original story was featured in National Geographic magazine. Feathered Dinosaurs At a press conference held at National Geographic Headquarters October 15, a team of Geographic-supported experts unveiled the fossil, which they named Archaeoraptor liaoningensis. At the time, the team members announced that the 125-million-year-old creature, as well as two other fossils from China which were also featured, demonstrated that feathers were widespread among theropods, the carnivorous dinosaurs that include Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor. Unique to the Archaeoraptor fossil, they said, was the presence of both a bird-like bone structure and a strong, dinosaur-like tail. Click to View We await National Geographic's next major ... ...

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69: Young Earth Evidence: Rapid Petrifaction
Everyone has heard the story. "We know absolutely for certain, it takes millions and millions of years for fossils to petrify." It's so obvious that no proof is necessary and of course no witnesses verify. The claim is just repeated over and over. So we hear, "Everybody knows that." Oh yea? How old do you think this boot could be? Millions and millions of years old? I suppose it could be made from T. Rex skin. Do you really think so? Click to View The rubber-soled boot with petrified cowboy (human) leg, bones and all was found in a dry creek bed near the West Texas town of Iraan, about 1980 by Mr. Jerry Stone, an employee of Corvette oil company. (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View The boot was hand made by the M. L. Leddy boot company of San Angelo, Texas which began manufacturing boots in 1936. Gayland Leddy, nephew of the founder, grew up in the boot business and now manages Boot Town in Garland, Texas. He recognized the "number 10 stitch pattern" used by his uncle's ... ...

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