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151: Historical Encyclopedia of Psychiatry. Dictionary of mental illness
Archaic medical terms related to mad doctoring of the 1700's. These are terms from the 1600-1900 that were used in medical and mental health discussions Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Ab Extra from outside. Adustion the state of being adust, or excessively dry. Affidavit a written statement sworn by a deponent for a judge, from the Latin affidare, to declare on oath. Aloes a bitter purgative derived from the aloe plant. Alterative any medicine intended to produce alteration, particularly in the processes of nutrition. Anodyne any medicine intended to alleviate pain. Antiphlogistic any medicine intended to counteract inflammation. Aorta the main artery of the system, descending from the left ventricle of the heart. Apoplexy a stroke. Black hellebore Helleborus officianalis, which is drastically cathartic, was formerly regarded as a specific in mental illness. It is native to Greece and Asia Minor, but was especially associated with the town of Anticyra on the ... ...

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152: Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia is pure "classic" Junk ...
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) is pure Junk science. Psychiatry is Junk science Click to View Snapshot: Phobia Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) is one of many specific categories of anxiety in DSM-5. Anxiety is a behaviour choice not a disease. Click to View A. Snapshot summary: Phobia 1. Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia, is a behaviour choice not a disease. 2. People become anxious because they lack self-control. 3. People can feel panic for many reasons: a. Seeing a spider or snake. b. Being in public. c. Suddenly remembering they are 3 payments behind on their mortgage. 4. Treating Anxiety Disorders with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus. 5. While people may condition and train themselves to experience sudden panic fits for an infinite number of specific things, it is not a disease. 6. Jesus commands us to be anxious for nothing. Anxiety is a sinful behaviour choice which is "cured" through self-control not drugs. B. ... ...

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153: Psychiatry: Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative ...
Made popular by movies like "Sybil" and "Faces of Eve" Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) has been equated with theatre but is included in DSM-IV. Also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, (DID) it is a behaviour choice not a disease. Click to View A. Snapshot summary: 1. Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a behaviour choice not a disease. 2. Treating Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus. 3. Dissociative Identity Disorder, (DID) is best treated by nominating them for an Oscar. 4. Jesus commands us not to be deceptive. 5. Multiple Personality Disorder is closely associated with "repressed memory syndrome" where a woman is hypnotized and has false memories of abuse implanted by the psychiatrist. Movies like "Sybil", and "The faces of eve" have actually coached thousands of viewers into thinking they have multiple personalities as a result of forgotten sexual abuse as a child. a. These stories of claiming to ... ...

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154: Clinical Psychiatry Quick reference master index of Mental Illnesses
The Bible is the standard of all moral behaviour. Mental Illness is a behaviour choice not a disease. Biopsychiatric Behaviour Label Case Studies Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Dominatrix, Egg Attention-Deficit (ADHD) KFC Bipolar Disorder (BPD) Zombie, KFC Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) KFC, Slappy Depression Candy, Muffin, Abba, Potato, Egg, Deferred, River, Amnon Eating disorders: Anorexia, bulimia Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Potato, River Hysteria Shampoo, Hooky, Sponge, Crutches, Deferred, Bedridden, Mouse, Amnon Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative Identity Disorder, (DID) Demon, Bewitched Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Twitchy Panic Disorder (PD) Phobia Mouse Postpartum Depression (PPD) Pregnant Post-Traumatic/Stress disorder (PTSD) Repressed memory syndrome (RMS) Saskatchewan Satanic Ritual sex abuse sandals Schizophrenia, Delusion Applesauce, Faint, Abba, Operator, Barefoot, Dogs, Kitten, Zombie, Wolfhound, Cobbler, Socrates, Moonchild, Soup, ... ...

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155: Denying you are physically sick is proof of insanity: Anosognosia
Denying you have a chemical imbalance is Anosognosia. Really? "To sum up, we are told that the brain damage called "anosognosia" converts a legally competent person who rejects psychiatric help into a psychiatrically disabled patient who needs coerced treatment for his own benefit." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 22) Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: 1. Schizophrenics who deny they are physically sick and refuse to take psychiatric drugs, is considered proof to psychiatrists you are another disease called: Anosognosia 2. When the insane deny they are "sick" psychiatrists claim this, itself is another disease called, "anosognosia". 3. Yet this anosognosia can be applied to the psychiatrist himself, since he also has no idea what the problem is, scientific data to confirm it. 4. In this way, psychiatrists also suffer from a diagnostic anosognosia because they are in denial ... ...

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156: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is pure "classic" Junk science ...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, (GAD) is a catch-all category for anything the DSM-IV doesn't specify as an anxiety disorder. To keep the cash flowing, when they can't find some thing specific, you get labeled a "GAD" patient. They must label you with something to make it appear legitimate. Click to View A. Snapshot summary: GAD is a general "catch-all" category of anxiety disorder. After naming every specific type of anxiety they wanted to have one that could be labeled on a person that they missed. Of course the next version of the DSM-5, etc will include the one they missed. What is anxiety? An uneasy feeling. A feeling of stress. What causes anxiety? To the Psychology industry you have a broken brain, genetic disorder or a chemical imbalance. You need them to fix you and patch you up so you can function. In fact, anxiety can be caused by lots of reasons you have direct control over: An upcoming exam you have not studied for. Worry your wife will catch you sleeping with another woman. ... ...

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157: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) are not caused from chemical ...
Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) is pure "classic" Junk science. Psychiatry is Junk science No scientific data that Psychiatry works! Click to View Snapshot: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) is one of many specific categories of anxiety in DSM-IV. Anxiety is a behaviour choice not a disease. Click to View A. Snapshot summary: 1. Bipolar Disorder, also known as Manic-Depressive, is a behaviour choice not a disease. They have perfectly healthy bodies. 2. People become overly excited or depressed because they lack self-control. 3. Treating Bi-polar with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus. 4. While people may condition and train themselves to experience sudden panic fits for an infinite number of specific things, it is not a disease. 5. Jesus commands us to be anxious for nothing and never be depressed. Anxiety and depression are sinful behaviour choices which are "cured" through self-control not drugs. B. What biopsychiatrists, drug companies and ... ...

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158: F01-F09 Mental disorders due to known physiological conditions
...There are, of course, people who are mentally ill. If I were to raise a crowbar and bring it down squarely across your head, you would have-literally-mental illness; there would be no question about it. You would have an illness caused by physical, organic brain damage. Quite legitimately you could be declared "ill." In every genuine sense of the term you would be mentally ill. Some people whose brains have been injured by toxic substances have mental illness." (The Big Umbrella, Lecture, Jay Adams) Click to View Brain Damage, Mental Retardation F01-F09 Mental disorders due to known physiological conditions F70-F79 Mental retardation There are a number of genuine medical conditions that can trigger symptoms that resemble mental illness and alter cognitive abilities. Click to View DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10 International Classifications of Diseases Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Click to View Introduction: Mental retardation is not mental illness. It is either a chromosomal error, like in ... ...

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159: Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible
Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible. Christians must be warned about the evils of psychiatry today: a. The word "psychiatry" comes from the Greek and literally means, "doctor of the soul", yet psychiatrists and the DSM-V actually mock the idea that man has a soul or a spirit. So psychiatrists are doctors of something they do not even believe in. "Psychiatry was first coined by Johann Christian Reil in 1808 AD who invented the famous "Klinkenkaten" as a treatment to cure the insane. As the keys were played, the hammer would send a nail into the kitten's tail, making it create a single note of music. b. Psychiatry views man as entirely physical being composed of soups and sparks and rejects the dichotomous nature of man possessing both body and soul. c. Psychiatry is to human behaviour what evolution is to human origins. Churches preach lots of sermons about the evils of evolution while sending their members to evolutionary psychiatrists who are more dangerous! d. ... ...

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160: Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible: God strikes sinners ...
God threatened the Israelites from Mt. Ebel that he would strike them with insanity if they sinned against him. This threat is couched within the great passage of the blessings and curses after they entered the promised land with Joshua. a. "The Lord will smite you with madness, blindness and with bewilderment of heart" (Deut 28:27-29) b. "God will send upon them a deluding influence (delusion) so that they will believe what is false" (2 Thess 2:11) 2. When God defeated the armies who attacked Israel, he did so by striking them with madness so that they began to kill each other in a psychotic panic of confusion and delusion. a. Originally madness simply means: "one who has sudden, unpredictable, wild outbursts of uncontrollable anger for no apparent reason accompanied with delusion and paranoia". 3. The Bible clearly says that God will strike sinners with madness as a curse. a. Exactly how God accomplishes this is unknown. b. Paranoia, panic and horror was a key factor in why armies ... ...

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161: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Pregnant" (prenatal depression) Post-partum Depression Click to View The case of "Pregnant" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Prenatal depression. see Post-partum Depression Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Fornication, anxiety, depression Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Sources of personal trauma: I was dumped by the guy who made me pregnant. Self-disablement EDS-7.2 She was sitting idle, rather than doing her work. Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of ... ...

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162: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Twitchy ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Twitchy" (Tourette's syndrome, Obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD, Ticks, blinking, grunting, nervous habits) Tourette's syndrome Click to View The case of "Twitchy" Tourette's syndrome Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Tourette's syndrome F95.2, OCD F42 Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Lack of Self-control, failing to take thought of that which is right in the sight of all men, bodily lust fulfillment through tics Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 No self-control: unnatural thought addictions and ... ...

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163: Textbook of Disturbances of Mental Life, Johann Christian August ...
...Anyone imprisoned by passion is unfree and unhappy. The man who is fettered by passion deceives himself about external objects and about himself. This illusion, and the consequent error, is called madness. Madness is a disease of the reason and not of the soul, but it originates from the passion within the soul." Heinroth understood that the mind can make the body sick and the body can affect the way one feels, he believed that in the majority of cases, insanity was caused by the soul alone. "no longer inquire if the soul disturbances are bodily affections (we fully agree that they cannot take place without a bodily affection, but just as firmly deny that their source is in the body) ... For the same reason, the totality of mental disturbances must not be denoted as diseases of the soul organ, because even though the entire body, which is certainly a soul organ, is able to give rise to mental diseases, in the great majority of cases it is not the body but the soul itself from which ... ...

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164: On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, Robert Brudenell ...
... Carter left psychiatry and became a world class eye surgeon. His book on hysterics should have been the writing on the tombstone that exposed insanity for what it really is and psychiatry as quackery and junk pseudo science. But the Devil was raising to power, two of his demon angels: Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species in 1859 AD. The result is the chemical psychiatry we see today. (On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, Robert Brudenell Carter, 1853 AD) "One of the striking differences between the psychiatric literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is the great freedom with which sexual matters are discussed at the present time and the important role attributed to disturbances of sexual drives in causing psychological ills. Perhaps Freud's work more than anything was responsible for this transformation though few would go so far as to agree that a 'sexual neurosis' is the basis of all mental illness. Yet this doctrine was not as novel as it ... ...

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165: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD is pure "classic ...
Aspergers describe normal human behaviour. Many of the diagnostic behaviours are so confusingly similar that many doctors view them as the same thing. All three fall under "Autistic Spectrum Disorders" in the DSM-IV. Drugging children for any of these is child abuse. Click to View The 10 minute Video Challenge Mental illness is behaviour and not disease. Ritalin is poison not medication. (ADHD) View video 1 (4 minutes) The DSM-5 is the Atheist's Moral Code, the psychiatrist's Bible. View video 2 (6 minutes) A. Snapshot summary: 1. ADHD, Autism, Aspergers have so many similarities that the same child can be diagnosed differently depending screening tool the doctor uses. They always treat these "disorders" with the same drugs: Ritalin! a. "Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder. Both Asperger's Disorder and Autistic Disorder are in fact subgroups of a larger diagnostic category. This larger category is called either Autistic Spectrum Disorders, mostly in European ... ...

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166: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS): Mental Illness Depression, Brain ...
... Then his mere touch turned out to be curative. Finally, he didn't even have to touch patients to cure them-they could cure themselves and each other by means of rituals that utilized the powers of an imaginary magnetic fluid, a property of "animal magnetism." Between 1774 and 1777, in a mere three years, Mesmer rose from obscure physician to world-famous healer, only to be exposed as a quack." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 148) The vagus nerve is nothing more than an electrical wire that sends signals from the human brain down to other physical parts of the body, which also send feedback up the vagus nerve to the brain for processing. A quadriplegic has his spinal cord cut in two and it does not affect emotion, thought, mood, motivation one bit. This fact should be all the evidence a scientist needs to reject Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a treatment that will in a few short years, be placed on the shelf beside lobotomy and bloodletting. A. The shock of Vagus Nerve ... ...

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167: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "KFC" ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Sunshine" (Depression: Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD) Click to View The case of "Sunshine" See also: "the myth of Seasonal Affective Disorder" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Winter Blues Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 High self-esteem, Depression, lack of acceptance of life situation Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 I feel unhappy that my family cannot get along at Christmas Self-disablement EDS-7.2 - Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 Yes. She ingested ... ...

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168: Ontological trichotomy of man: Spirit, Soul and Body
Insanity is thought, mood and behaviour. Thought behavior really exists as real energy, but it has no physical component. Thoughts cannot be measured or seen, but are part of the spirit world where God exists. Thought are real, but they are not physical." Thoughts are energy, but they are not part of the periodic table. There are no body chemicals that represent thought or mood. Behaviours are thoughts, moods that can control and manifest themselves in our physical body. Understanding this is simple Christian doctrine from the Bible is the fundamental flaw in chemical psychiatry. Christians know that man has a dichotomous ontology and that we consciously survive death in the spirit world. Ontology is the mechanical makeup of man with separate spirit and body. Dichotomy simply means two separate kinds of parts. A chestnut is a monochotomous seed with a single part, but a peanut is a dichotomous seed that can be broken into two halves. Man is dichotomous because he is half spirit and ... ...

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169: Psychiatry: Postpartum Depression Psychiatric disorders, PPD ...
Ignore everything your psychiatrist told you about Postpartum Depression (PPD). The truth is, that PPD is a very real depression brought on by the mother's or father's sudden realization that her (his) "party days are over", not chemical imbalances. It is caused by selfishness and narcissism and is more frequent in women with unstable or unhappy family relationships. Men and Women can both suffer from Postpartum Depression (PPD) because when the baby is born, they suddenly comprehend just how much their lives are going to change: Diaper changes, staying home Friday nights, feedings every 2 hours, child support payments equal to the cost of a Porsche over 20 years, singing "Mary had a little lamb" rather than dancing to the latest rap music, "spit up" all over your leg and red party shoes! If you think you need psychotherapy, talk to your grandmother who will give you the best advice (and its free): "Its harder raising kids than you thought. I raised 12. Welcome to adult life." ... ...

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170: Tourette's Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD is not ...
Psychology industry, they might be laughable. But regrettably, these simplistic theories are widely applied and widely accepted in a society that naively trusts psychologists to be scientific and objective, optimistic and positive, and caring and other-oriented." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 266) Introduction: See the case of "Twitchy" who was cured of Tourette's. Tourette's syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are classified as "behaviour addictions" There is no known biological cause of Tourette's Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): The unproven theories of Defective DNA, Bad brain chemicals are the only place a biopsychiatrists can look, given the fact he is in compete denial about the existence of the human spirit which is utterly distinct from the body. When these Darwinian atheists rule out the fact that man is body and soul, but a mere collection of chemical soups and shocks that is the only place they can look for the origin of all ... ...

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171: Mental Illness Diagnosis and cures
Diseases of the body need a cure. Sinful behaviours of the spirit need repentance. Mental illness is a behaviour choice, not a disease. Click to View Biblical Psychiatry can accurately self-diagnose your "mental illness" for free! Test and Diagnose Yourself: "Do it yourself psychiatry" Click to View Part 1: Divine Sin Manual (DSM-7) Click to View Part 2: Meticulous Moral Principles Inquiry (MMPI-7) Click to View Part 3: Etiological Diagnostic Snapsheet (EDS-7) Self Help Counseling! "Psychiatry" is a Greek word meaning "doctor of the soul" Click to View Click to View Click to View Be your own psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist and counselor 1. "The spirit of a man can endure his [physical] sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? " (Proverbs 18:14) 2. "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad. " (Proverbs 12:25) 3. "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. " (Proverbs 15:13) 4. "Words from the ... ...

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172: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "River" (Mind induced paralysis) Click to View The case of "River" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Anxiety, depression, Conversion disorder Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Anxiety, depression, lack of self-forgiveness Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Sources of personal trauma: I experienced Death Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Made herself lame in her right arm and hand making it difficult for her to function. Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of prescribed ... ...

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173: F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders Depression, Bipolar, Manic ...
Depression demonstrates a lack of hope in God. Bipolar is a behaviour choice. See the Case of Eeyore (The Eeyore Syndrome: High self-esteem depression disorder) Click to View DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10 International Classifications of Diseases Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Click to View Introduction: 1. Research papers: a. See our main page on Depression. b. See our main page on Bipolar. c. See our main page on Hysteria. d. See our main page on High Self-esteem (The Eeyore syndrome) e. See our main page on Anxiety 2. Historically, depression was called Melancholia. 3. Depression and Bipolar is a behaviour choice not a disease. Treating depression with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus. 4. Depression is sadness and people are always depressed for a reason. a. Often depressed people will say, "I have no idea why I am sad". b. This is a lie. They know why, but if they told you, you would get mad at them. c. This ides that people are depressed for "no reason" ... ...

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174: FRAUD: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) is a fraud ...
Without the DSM-5, they would have no billing standards. One might say that "we are all in it for the money", when it comes to business. Capitalism is the best system. Psychiatrists getting rich is no problem for me. However it matters how they get rich and why. Do remember that when you go to your local church minister for advice over lunch, it is free, altruistic and often more helpful than anything a psychiatrist might say or do. There are two opposite views within the psychiatric industry today: 1. Those who believe man has a spirit, distinct from the body and that mental illness is a spirit problem, not a body problem. Drugs may help a bit, but are not solutions. Talking about what is in the spirit provides the only real possible solutions. 2. Psychiatrists who believe in evolution and that man has not spirit, but is a mere collection of chemicals. Mental illness is caused by chemical imbalances and drugs fix these imbalances. Chemical psychiatry is not only where all the big ... ...

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175: Reflections and Inquiries Concerning the Virtues of Tar Water ...
...Turpentine pills" were also ingested into the stomach. (Reflections and Inquiries Concerning the Virtues of Tar Water, George Berkeley, 1744 AD) "Suffering a goods deal from nervous colic -toward the end of his life, and having received benefit from the use of tar-water, he wrote a treatise (1744) its virtues, on which he said he had bestowed more, pains than on any of his works. His last book, published (1752) but a few months before his death, was "Further Thoughts on Tar-water". Whatever other people may have thought of the efficacy of tar, (and we know by the advertisements that this remedy is largely believed in by people of our own time) there is no doubt that the Bishop had great faith indeed he owned that he regarded it as a panacea. Swift, in his "Bouts Rimes," refers to it: "Let nobles toast in bright champagne Nymphs higher born than Domitilia; I'll drink her health, again, again, In Berkeley's tar or sars' parilla." In case any of our readers would like to know, the-method ... ...

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176: The Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, psychiatry, depression etiology 1550 ...
Egyptians wrote a book of medicine. It is likely a copy of a much older book, but it is quite fascinating to realize just how much the ancients knew about the human body and various diseases. While the cures were no better than a witches brew with "eye of newt", they did understand the various diseases. The only reference to anything coming close to psychiatry, is in the section on the heart where anger and sadness are discussed. Biopsychiatrists love to quote the papyrus as proof that the Egyptians believed depression was caused by bodily diseases. But this is simply untrue. In fact the opposite is true. The Egyptians understood that anger and sadness caused body diseases in the heart. The papyrus reads: "When his Heart is afflicted and has tasted sadness, behold his Heart is closed in and darkness is in his body because of anger which is eating up his Heart." (The Egyptian Medical Ebers Papyrus: 1523 BC) The Egyptian Ebers Medical Papyrus: 1523 BC The beginning of the secret book of ... ...

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177: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Demon ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Demon" (Demon possession: Factitious disorder: Faking mental illness: F68.1) Click to View The case of "Demon" (See also the case of "Bewitched") Insanity is not Demon possession more Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia, Demon possession; Multiple personality disorder; Factitious disorder: F68.1 Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Deception, lying, violence Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 - Self-disablement EDS-7.2 - Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. They were never prescribed psychiatric ... ...

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178: Greek word study of the Biblical pattern of counseling
God is our councilor! The Father: Psalm 73:21-24 Jesus Christ: Isaiah 9:6 The Holy Spirit: John 14:16 The Bible: Psalm 119:24 Introduction: This is a detailed summary page of all the Greek words used in connection with counseling. We have derived our own definitions based upon what various scholars say and how we see the word used in various contexts. It is important that we learn from God how to counsel. Let the Bible be our teacher! A. The councilor must be willing to the Greek! offer sharp cutting criticism (apotomos, 664) offer formal instruction, like in school. (didache, 1322, didasko, 1321) bluntly tell someone they are wrong (Elencho, 1651) very strongly rebuke, identifying sinful behaviour (epitimao, 2008, elenxis. 1649)) fight like a Jedi Knight for right (epagonizomai, 1864) When someone is driving in the ditch and you put their car back on the road in the proper lane. (epanorthosis, 1882) Be patient. Do not be like what happens when you put a match on gasoline. Do not be ... ...

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179: (Diagnosis, Guardianship, and Residential Care of the Mentally ...
... Exactly what could a doctor do to treat these people? Nothing! However, if they had received a blow to the head or suffered from some disease or poising that induced dementia, they were the first to be called in, being an obvious medical matter. There were also cons who claimed, like modern psychiatrists, to be able to cure a person of annoying and antisocial behaviours that others disliked. It is clear that in 1300 AD as in today, that there were people who had nothing wrong with their bodies who became dependant and the courts appointed a close relative as a kind of power of attorney in order to protect themselves and their families from financial ruin. There are always reasons for human behaviour only God reads the hearts and only Christ can provide peace, hope, forgiveness, purpose and joy! Steve Rudd (Diagnosis, Guardianship, and Residential Care of the Mentally Ill in Medieval and Early Modern England, Richard Neugebauer, American Journal of Psychiatry Dec 1989 AD) Diagnosis, ... ...

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180: F80-F89 Pervasive and specific developmental disorders: Learning ...
Even Albert Einstein had learning problems. Learning problems F80-F89 Pervasive and specific developmental disorders Reading, writing, math, autism, Aspergers Even Einstein had learning problems Click to View DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10 International Classifications of Diseases Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Click to View Introduction: 1. This strange category in the DSM includes Autism, Aspergers and learning problems in reading, writing and math 2. Learning variations are not diseases but normal expressions of the wide variety within human aptitudes. We are not all born alike, but very different from one another. 3. Drugging individuals for these natural variations in personality is as sinful and stupid as drug abuse. Autism, Aspergers, ADHD: We are not all the same! Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, describe normal human behaviour. See our main page on Attention-Deficit (ADHD) Click to View 1. ADHD, Autism, Aspergers have so many similarities that the same child can be diagnosed differently ... ...

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181: Children's Aid Society (CAS) legally kidnap your kids while you ...
The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: Children's Aid Society are all over North America and vary greatly from place to place. There are cases where Children's Aid Society's do a good job in protecting children from abusive parents. However the net damage that they do to society far outweighs their very existence. The CAS does such damage that the government should shut them down and start up a new organization under the control of elected officials. You might be surprised, but the CAS is not a government organization. The Children's Aid Society is a network of private non-profit organizations. They are organized on almost a town by town basis in a way that is independent and autonomous, not only from the government, but each other. Under the charities act, they are organized like independent churches with a local board of directors for each local chapter. The government has granted fascist levels of power, in unprecedented ... ...

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182: Brain damage: Lobotomy: Psychosurgery, Bilateral Stereotactic ...
Rosemary Kennedy (John F Kennedy's sister) when was 23. Rosemary was asked to sing while the knife cut brain tissue. She continued to sing, so he cut more until suddenly, she stopped singing and never sang again. Rosemary suffered permanent brain damage and was left in a vegetative state until she died natural causes at the age of 86 in 2005. Rosemary Kennedy is a prime historic example of deliberately inflicting brain damage. "Lobotomy is synonymous with brain damage: it is intentional brain damage, just as cutting-off the hands of pickpockets is intentional hand damage." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 170) B. Lobotomy given new names: When a business gets a bad reputation, they change the name to hide the same old bad management from its bad reputation. This is exactly what psychiatrists have done with lobotomy. They have given the same old brain damaging proceedure new names like: Psychosurgery, Bilateral Stereotactic Surgery, Cingulotomy, Limbic Leucotomy. "Personally, ... ...

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183: Ordinary Christians make the best psychologists
Everything you ever needed to know about counseling and therapy, you learned from your mom when you were five. Description: Click to View Ordinary Christians make better psychiatrists than psychiatrists, better psychologists than psychologists and better councilors than councilors! Introduction: The Scientistic Language of Counseling: 1. In order to make themselves sound smart and educated, psychologists, counselors and therapists have actually invented their own language to describe common, everyday human behaviours: a. (CBT) Cognitive-Behavioral therapy b. (SBPT) Strength based perspective therapy c. (NHAT) Nurtured heart approach therapy d. (GT) Rogerian therapy e. (RLT) reflective listening therapy f. (CCT) client-centered therapy g. (NDT) non-directive therapy h. (EDIMT) Egocentric decoy information mining therapy (Gathering history and information interspersed with compliments.) i. (PRT) performance review therapy (being "present with the person" by asking, "are you getting what ... ...

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184: Psychiatry: Eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa ...
Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa are pure "classic" Junk science. Psychiatry is Junk science No scientific data that Psychiatry works! Click to View Snapshot: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa are two of many specific categories of eating disorders in DSM-IV. They are behaviour choices caused by being too concerned with outward appearances and not diseases. A. Snapshot summary: 1. Eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder is a behaviour choice not a disease. 2. People who are overly concerned with their outwardly physical appearance and being overweight are the ones who acquire the behaviours of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa. 3. It is purely mind over body and requires self-control to overcome. 4. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are bad habits that can kill and therefore are serious. Once you have developed the habit of vomiting up your food, it becomes a routine. 5. Treating these eating habits with drugs is like smashing a computer because ... ...

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185: Daimonomageia. A small treatise of sicknesses and diseases from ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Bewitched" (Multiple Personality Disorder: MPD) Multiple Personality Disorder Click to View The case of "Bewitched" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia, multiple personality disorder Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Deception, lying, violence, rebellion, slandering her father Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Complaints: I feel Unhappy Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Unable to do household chores Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of ... ...

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186: Psychiatry Myth: Chemical imbalances in the brain!
Mental Illness and the Myth of "Chemical imbalances" of the brain. Click to View Psychiatry: Chemical imbalances are mythical "Chemical imbalances" are to psychiatry what "the missing link" is to evolution. There is no scientific proof that chemical imbalances even exist, must less that they cause mental illness. Drugs don't fix chemical imbalances in the brain, they create them. Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Most people are in for some "shock therapy" when they learn that the popular idea that mental illnesses are caused by a Chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth! It is so widely accepted, it appears "nuts" to question it as fact. Get ready for your shock! You have been lied too by mental health officials and physiatrists! Common Lies promoted by psychiatrists, drug companies and the media: "Depression is a serious medical condition", "Drugs are the most effective treatment for your serious illness", "This drug corrects biochemical imbalances ... ...

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187: Incomparable Oleum Cephalicum: The best method for the cure of ...
Medicine in the World, in all the Kinds of Lunacy I have met with. It is of an excellent and most pleasant Smell; and by raising small Pustules upon the Head, which I always anoint with it, opens the Parts which are condens'd, and made almost insensible, by the black Vapours fix'd upon the Brain; it confirms the Texture of the Brain, strengthens the Vessels, and gives a Freedom to the Blood and Spirits inclos'd in them : Being given at first beginning of Disorder, it removes the Cloudiness of the Mind, makes the Patient chearful, lively and active, and when apply'd after the greatest Fury and Passion, it never fails to allay the Orgasm of the Animal Spirits, and sweetly compose 'em. It removes the Terror of the Mind, scatters the Vapours that are the Cause of Enormous Dreams, to which Distracted Persons are almost constantly subject; and procures quiet easy and natural Sleep, to which when the Patient can be brought, without the use of Opiates, he cannot miss of an entire Cure; the ... ...

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188: Mental Ilness Cures: (MMPI-7) meticulous moral principles inquiry
This is the second of three self-tests. a. If you have not completed self-test #1, Divine Sin Manual: DSM-7 do it first. Click to View 1. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is a 567 "yes/no" test used by psychologists and Children's Aid Societies (CAS) to determine which mental illness. a. It assumes you have a mental illness and its purpose is to determine which one. b. Everyone who completes the test can be diagnosed with a mental illness. For example, even the psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker who administers the test, will be diagnosed with a mental illness, if they hand their completed test to a colleague under a fake name. c. It is impossible not to be diagnosed with a mental disorder if you answer all of the 567 questions of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) d. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is interpreted with a complex key and algorithms. 2. This document is the MMPI-7 self-test that consists of ... ...

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189: Psychiatry: The Science of Lies by Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD
Thomas Szasz is an atheist libertarian and not a Scientologist. He views schizophrenia as a behaviour choice, rejects all physical etiologies of "insanity" and is opposed to all involuntary commitment to mental hospitals. Thomas Szasz is an honorable warrior for truth whose importance will only be recognized in coming decades. Click to View Thomas Szasz Professor of psychiatry emeritus at State University, NY "Psychiatry-a term I use here to include psychoanalysis, psychology, and all the so-called mental health professions- is one the most important institutions of modern societies. The institution rests squarely on the postulate proposition that "mental illness is an illness like any other illness." That proposition is a lie. This lie is what makes malingering-the faking of disease-the great secret of psychiatry: a popular understanding that faking illness is a form of deception (and often self-deception) would destroy psychiatry. In this book I try to advance such understanding, and ... ...

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190: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. Note: Although these are based upon real case stories, the names and details have been changed to hide the identities of the people. This practice follows the standards of medical case history publication. Based upon True Clinical Cases: Master index Case Biopsychiatric diagnosis Bible diagnosis Etiology/Cause 1. Applesauce Schizophrenia Adultery, Deception, lying, violence, uncontrolled anger, rage Secret sin of adultery soon to be discovered with pregnant mistress 2. Candy Depression Lesbian sex, ... ...

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191: The Spiritual Brain, Mario Beauregard Ph.D., Neuroscientist 2007 ...
Mario Beauregard is a brilliant Canadian Neuroscientist and has done a fabulous job of exposing what all Psychiatrists know, but few in the general public do. Namely that Psychiatry is founded in atheistic, naturalistic evolution that views mans thoughts, feelings and dreams as the result of chemicals inside the brain. The view of spirit, soul, self and freewill are mere illusions. Buy This book Mario Beauregard has been used on this site as one of many scientific witnesses to our main premise that modern Psychiatry is junk science. Mario may or may not agree with our conclusions. Click to View Mario Beauregard is a theistic evolutionist. This means he fully accepts the standard story evolution taught in schools today, except he believes a creator was behind the whole process. He says on page 12: "Lest there be any misunderstanding, it is not the purpose of this book to argue that evolution did not occur. There is a fossil record, after all." Of course we reject evolution as ... ...

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192: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Soup" (Schizophrenia, secret sin) Click to View The case of "Soup" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia, depression Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Some unknown secret moral sin, Deception, lying Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Insanity Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Committed to an asylum Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only ... ...

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193: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Mouse" (Hysteria: anxiety, strangulation, convulsions) Hysteria Click to View The case of "Mouse" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Hysteria; Phobia, conversion disorder with anxiety, strangulation, convulsions Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Deception, duty shirking, anxiety Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Complaints: I feel Unentertained, bored, dull Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Employment: Time off work Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of prescribed ... ...

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194: Complete Guide to Psychiatric drugs
Psychiatric drugs do not work. In trials, they performed no better than placebos. 4. Chemical imbalances in the brain are a myth. 5. Mental illness is not a bodily, physical disease, but a spiritual freewill choice. A. Psychiatric drugs: Antidepressants (for depression) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Celexa (citalopram), Lexapro (escitalopram), Luvox (fluvoxamine), Prozac and Sarafem (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine), Zoloft (sertraline) Other Newer Antidepressants Cymbalta (duloxetine), Effexor (venlafaxine), Remeron (mirtazapine), Symbyax (Prozac + Zyprexa, a newer antipsychotic) Wellbutrin and Zyban (bupropion) Older Antidepressants (partial list), Anafranil (clomipramine), Elavil (amitriptyline), Parnate (tranylcypromine), Tofranil (imipramine), Vivactil (protriptyline), Surmontil (trimipramine), Phenelzine (Nardil), Marplan (isocarboxazid) B. Psychiatric drugs: Stimulants (for depression) Classic Stimulants, Adderall, Adderall XR (amphetamine mixture), Desoxyn ... ...

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195: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Barefoot ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Barefoot" (depression, schizophrenia) Click to View The case of "Barefoot" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Adultery Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Sources of personal trauma: Sexual assault/rape as a minor. Insanity Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Shirked basic duties of a wife around the house. Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 Yes, a few months during which time she was on psychiatrist prescribed drugs. But the chemical imbalance in the brain ... ...

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196: A treatise of the passions and faculties of the soul of man, ...
Husbandmen use to do those Trees which are crooked . . . or else it is done, by scattering and distracting of them; and that not only by the power of Reason, but sometimes also by a cautelous admixture of Passions amongst themselves, thereby interrupting their free current". To Reynolds, a man who is mentally ill is like a crooked tree that needs to be corrected by pruning and staking of the farmer. Of course the primary one to do this staking and pruning was the person themselves, to themselves! To Reynolds, the Bible command to "flee fornication" was achieved by power of will and self control. He also recommended people avoid such sinful sexual activity and to replace such thoughts with positive wholesome things as a kind of "minds decoy" to get your thoughts off of sex. When your mother told you to take cold shower and read the Bible because you were "horny", this is exactly the kind of thing Reynolds would advise. (A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soul of Man, Edward ... ...

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197: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Hooky" (Hysteria, mentally induced disability) Click to View The case of "Hooky" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Hysteria, mentally induced disability Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Deception, lying, duty shirking Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Duty shirking, Unnatural repetitive thoughts or actions Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Physical disablement to stay home from school. Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Never ingested opium. Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which ... ...

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198: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Bedridden" Hysteria Click to View The case of "Hysteria" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Hysteria, Conversion disorder Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Sloth, laziness Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Deception, lying, Dependency Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Employment: Time off work in asylum Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 Benefits EDS-7.4 unknown Monetary EDS-7.5 - Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6 High Diagnostic Laws EDS-7.7 Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC Law of Derivative Personal ... ...

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199: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Cobbler" (Catatonic schizophrenia) Click to View The case of "Cobbler" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Catatonic Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Lack of contentment, depression, laziness, duty shirking Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Sources of personal trauma: I was Dumped Insanity, Dependency Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Employment, life duty: 100% self-disabled, bedridden in an asylum. Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 - Benefits EDS-7.4 Escape duty or life situation: ... ...

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200: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "faint ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Faint" (schizophrenia) Click to View The case of "Faint" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Adultery, Deception, lying, violence, uncontrolled anger, rage Insights MMPI-7 Quick Pick EDS-7.1 Insanity Self-disablement EDS-7.2 Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 No. Not taking any prescribed psychiatric drugs. Benefits EDS-7.4 Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5 Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 Smokescreen for secret sin that ... ...

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