Children's Bible Center
Resources for Bible class teachers, home schoolers and children



Over the last 14 years I have taught and been schooled in the lessons our Lord God has left for us, His children.  The great thing about God's word is that no one is ever a master of it or finds all of its secrets.  There is always a jewel to find, hidden door to discover and it's the art of literature that never grows old.

Unlike any other book in history the Bible retains a current view of the world and can never be outdated. Its wisdom and knowledge outshine the greatest of all works. Its complexity and simplicity work in perfect harmony to create a seed that grows to abundance in each of us.

As I contemplated creating an organized system of lessons for our children's lessons I worried about the ability to adequately convey the uniqueness and yet commonality in scripture in such a way to do the Word of the Lord its justice.  I came to a simple conclusion.  TEACH.  (Exodus 18:20 NASB, then teach them the statutes and the laws, and make known to them the way in which they are to walk and the work they are to do.)(Acts 20:20 NASB how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you publicly and from house to house,)

That's it really.  God calls us to teach.  No not all of us (James 3:1 NASB Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment)  but many as there are mothers and fathers and those who have the joy of sharing the life of a child. 

So for those of you that are teachers please enjoy these lessons and may God bless you and your pupils.

The Concept 


So the concept of this curriculum is to be as detailed as our secular system is. I plan on having a curriculum style to format the same subjects as our academic schools at the very least

I figured that creating a scriptural curriculum should be just as intensive if not more so than our academic lessons. Scriptural lesson have the most important impact on our daily lives, and while academia helps our knowledge of the world around us and find adequate employment, Biblical teachings will guide us through eternity.  The plus side is God's version of graduation is much grander than any promo or worldly convocation - I mean just think of the dress we will wear!

The lessons will fall under one of the following subject headings and be planned according to the age level of the children in each classroom.

1.      History

2.      Geography

3.      Social Studies

4.      Math

5.      Health

6.      Science

7.      Law and order

8.      Arts

9.      Language

10.  Christian Principles

11.  Bible Basics

Each of these subjects will take core Biblical knowledge to its best understanding. Subjects will be taught to help the student understand the world around them as well how they relate to the concepts of spiritual understanding.  The great thing about this stylized programming is it becomes not only easily organized but fun to teach and fun to learn. Students can recognize the format easier and see it as fundamental teaching not just "extra stuff" they get taught Sunday mornings.

This will also be of assistance to home schooled children of all ages as it works well to compliment home studies already in place!

The flexibility of this program allows teachers to set their own planners at their own speed and arrangement based on the needs of their students.



The simple answer is Titus 1:9 NASB "holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict."

We do however long for both short term and long term results throughout the teaching process. 

In the short term each student should be able to achieve spiritual growth week to week as they complete each lesson.  Matthew 19:14 NASB "But Jesus said, 'Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"

The long term goals for each student would be to eventually raise believing children in sound doctrine easily able to become teachers themselves. Luke 6:40 NASB "A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher."

As teachers we ourselves become the students as we prepare each lesson.  Setting goals and structured accomplishments for ourselves improves our lives as it enriches the students we are nurturing. 

Teachers need to keep records of student accomplishments to see the growth of each pupil to exhort and encourage them. This also helps point out areas of weakness that may need to be addressed as the term progresses.  Do not misunderstand that this training is more important than any classroom your children will enter and it should be regarded as such!  If it's not important to you then how can you possibly convey its importance to your charges?

Therefore it is imperative that you not only keep an accounting of your daily weekly monthly and annual in classroom goals but also those of yourself! 

Proverbs 7:3 NASB "Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart."

Some key goals should include the following headings:

1.      Memory work

2.      Increased difficulty levels

3.      Attendance records

4.      Participation levels

5.      Leadership

6.      Christian conduct and behaviour

7.      Parental involvement

8.      At home studies


Chantel MaKay

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