History of Bible coins and the Hebrew money weight system
"Can I justify wicked scales and a bag of deceptive weights?" (Micah 6:11)
Coins of the Bible
Coins of Jesus and the Bible · History of Money and the weight system · Hebrew units of Money · How money was made · Where money was made
"Can I justify wicked scales and |
I. The history of the weight-money system:
Before coins (600 BC) everything was measured by weight or volume. Today 6 shekel coins in Israel will buy you a coffee. In ancient times 6 shekels was a specific weight and the value was dependent upon what was being weighed in the scale! Weight stones were a standard weight system place in one side of the balance. |
“60 karšayâ. I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, king of all nations, king of this earth, the son of Hystaspes, the Achaemenid.” (inscription on 60 Karsa "DWd" diorite weight from the Treasury of Persepolis)
II. Denominations of biblical coins in the first century:
Chart: Coins of the Bible, Jesus, the gospels, the apostles, the church, the Roman world
Talent (Kikar) |
28,500 Lepton (widow’s mite) 1200 Denarii 3000 Shekels 60 Minas 1 Kikar |
34.2 kg |
2 Kings 23:33 |
Mina |
60 mina = 1 talent A standard weight stone. |
570g |
8 shekel |
8 Judean shekels = 1 Egyptian/Ugaritic deben (10 qedet) = 12 Phoenicia-Ashdod- Mesopotamian shekels |
91.2g |
4 shekel |
4 Judean shekels = 1/2 Egyptian/Ugaritic deben = 6 Phoenicia-Ashdod- Mesopotamian shekels |
45.6g |
Shekel |
1 Tyrian shekel = 1 Tetradrachm 3000 shekels = 1 talent 50 shekels = 1 mina Head Tax = ½ shekel (5.7g) |
11.40g |
Joshua 7:21; 2 Sam 14:26; Ex 30:13; Mt 17:27; 21:12; 26:15 |
Nezef |
3750 nezef = 1 talent 62.5 nezef = 1 mina 5/6 nezef = 1 shekel |
9.12g |
Pym 2/3 shekel) |
4500 Pym = 1 talent 74 Pym = 1 mina 2/3 Pym = 1 shekel 1 Judean Pym = 1 Phoenicia-Ashdod- Mesopotamian shekel |
7.60g |
1 Sam 13:21 |
Bekah, Beqa (half-shekel) |
1 Bekah = half-shekel Tyrian 6000 Bekah = 1 talent 100 Bekah = 1 mina 2 Bekah = 1 shekel |
5.7g |
Ex 30:13-15; 38:26 |
1/3 shekel |
Nehemiah's temple tax |
Neh 10:33 |
Rebah ¼ shekel |
Saul's give to Samuel |
1 Sam 9:8 |
Gerah (20) |
60,000 Gerah/20= 1 talent 1000 Gerah/20 = 1 mina 20 Gerah/20 = 1 shekel |
.57g |
Numbers 3:47 |
Gerah (24) |
71,250 Gerah/24= 1 talent 1187.5 Gerah/24 = 1 mina 24 Gerah/24 = 1 shekel |
.48g |
Bath |
10 bath = 1 homer |
Wet Volume of 22 liters of water |
Ephah |
10 ephah = 1 homer |
Dry volume of 22 liters of water |
Homer |
1 homer = 10 baths/ephahs |
Dry volume 220 liters of water |
Denarius (Plural Denarii) |
1 = 1 day’s wages Roman era 1 = 1 Drachma 1 denarius = 64 quadrans 4 denarii = 1 shekel |
Roman |
Mt 20:2 Equal to a days wages |
As (Plural asses) |
4 Quadrans = 1 As 16 Asses is a Denarius |
Roman |
Luke 21:1-4 |
Quadran (Plural quadrans)
1 prutah = 1 Quadran 2 lepta = 1 Quadran 4 Quadrans = 1 As 64 quadrans = 1 denarius/drachma 256 quadrans = 1 shekel |
Roman |
Luke 21:1-4 |
Prutah (Plural Prutot) |
1 prutah = 1 Quadran 2 lepta = 1 prutah 64 prutot = 1 denarius/drachma 256 prutot = 1 shekel |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Half-prutah (plural half-prutot) |
1 half-prutah = 1 letpa 2 half-prutah - prutah 128 half-prutah = 1 drachma/denarius |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Dekadrachm |
10 drachmae |
43 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Tetradrachm |
1 tetradrachm = 1 Tyrian shekel 4 tetradrachm = 1 drachma 2 tetradrachm = 1 mina |
17.2 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Didrachm |
2 drachmae = half-shekel Tyrian |
8.6 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Drachma (Plural drachmas) |
4 drachma = 1 Tyrian shekel 6000 drachmas = 1 talent 1 denarius = 1 drachma 192 prutot = 1 denarius 6 obols 336 leptons |
4.3 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Tetrobol |
4 obols |
2.85 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Triobol |
3 obols |
2.15 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Diobol |
2 obols |
1.43 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Obol (Plural Obols) |
6 obols = 1 drachma 24 Obols = 1 tetradrachm 4 tetartemoria |
0.72 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Half-obol (plural Half-obols) |
12 Half-obols = 1 drachma 2 half-obols = 1 Obol |
.36 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Lepta (Plural Lepton) |
1 letpa = 1 half-prutah 2 lepton = 1 quadran/prutah 7 lepton = 1 cholkos 128 lepton = 1 drachma/denarius |
.12 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Widow gave two lepta (2 Prutot of Alexander Jannaeus) |
Quarter-obol |
24 quarter-obols = 1 drachma 4 quarter-obols = 1 Obol |
.18 grams |
Greek,Ptolemaic |
Tritartemorion |
3 tetartemoria |
0.54 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Hemiobol |
2 tetartemoria |
0.36 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Trihemitetartemorion |
3/2 tetartemorion |
0.27 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Tetartemorion |
4 Tetartemorion = 1 obol |
0.18 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Hemitetartemorion |
2 Hemitetartemorion = 1 tetartemorion |
0.09 grams |
Greek, Ptolemaic |
Chalkoi (plural chalkos) |
8 chalkos = 1 obol 48 chalkos = 1 drachma |
.9 grams |
Seluecid |
General word for money Mark 12:41 |
AA/Octuple |
25-33 mm. |
20.0-27.99 gm. |
Seleucid |
A/Triple, quadruple |
22-28 mm. |
11.0-16.99 gm. |
Seleucid |
B/Double |
17-22 mm. |
5.49-8.49 gm. |
Seleucid |
C/Unit |
15-21 mm. |
3.0-5.49 gm. |
Seleucid |
D/Half |
12-14 mm. |
1.49-2.99 gm. |
Seleucid |
E/Quarter |
8-11 mm. |
0.6-1.00 gm. |
Seleucid |
III. Cities where Bible coins were made?
Israeli coin mints |
Other Mints from 525 BC |
1. Acco 2. Antioch Syria 3. Arwad, Arados, Phoenicia 4. Ashdod 5. Ashkelon 6. Caesarea 7. Cypress 8. Dora (Dor) 9. Gamla 10. Gaza 11. Gerasa 12. Hippos 13. Jerusalem 14. Joppa 15. Khirbet Rafi (33 km SE of Jerusalem near Lachish) 16. Mt. Gerizim? 17. Nysa-Scythopolis (Beit She'an) 18. Paneas 19. Samaria (Sebaste) 20. Sidon 21. Tiberias 22. Tyre 23. Zippori (Sepphoris) |
1. Acanthus 2. Aegina 3. Alexandria 4. Athens 5. Cannus 6. Chios 7. Corinth 8. Cyprus 9. Cyzicus 10. Kindya 11. Kos 12. Lampsacus 13. Lugdumum 14. Lycia 15. Miletos 16. Paphos 17. Phocaea 18. Rome 19. Samos 20. Sinope 21. Stagira 22. Thasos |
IV. How coins were made: The manufacture of coins:
Hebrew, Judean Coin
Molds |
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.