The Expository Files


 Living For Righteousness

1 Peter 2:24

It is not uncommon to hear someone say they live for something. An avid hunter might say he “lives to hunt.” An avid golfer might say the same regarding his favorite interest. Such a statement suggests a passion for some enjoyable activity. Well, have you ever heard a Christian say, “I live for righteousness?”

Regarding the Lord’s death, the apostle Peter writes, “...who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness…” (1 Pet. 2:24). Do we understand this concept today?

Too many professing Christianity have merely died to sin, but fail to live for righteousness. Hence, their Christian lives are dull and listless. There is no passion for what they have become, what they now do and Who they now serve. Many who call themselves Christians have only come half way in their walk with Christ, but often give it all for some other worldly pursuit.

Someone who “lives for” something does not go half way, they go all the way. Have you ever spent time with a rabid hunter? They are nuts for the sport. They buy the best gear and go to extremes to scout, prepare, and partake of the hunt. Likewise, an avid golfer will eat, sleep and drink golf. The same applies for any person who is passionately committed to some activity. If people can get so fired-up about comparatively trivial matters, why are not those who profess Christianity “fired-up” about what they do? Why doesn’t every Christian “live for righteousness?”

Living for righteousness entails passion about serving God. It encompasses the whole of a Christian’s life. They work to support their Christian activities (cf. Eph. 4:28). They live to worship God with fellow saints (cf. Heb. 10:24-25; Psa. 122:1). They love to study from God’s word (cf. 2 Tim. 2:15). They eat, drink and sleep Christianity (cf. Matt. 5:36). They would gladly lay down their life for Christ (cf. Luke 14:26)! They are passionate about what they believe!

Are you “living for righteousness”?

By Jonathan Perz
From Expository Files 17.11; November 2010