It Was A Religious War
Genesis 4:1-12
Recently, a well known entertainer, ex-Beatle Paul McCartney,
remarked how that religion was responsible for so much war in history. He's
right, it has been. Often world religions have extolled peace while bringing
war. Paul's friend John Lennon wrote a song entitled "Imagine" where he invites
us to imagine a world without religion, or thoughts of God or heaven or hell....
or politics or nations or personal property, and with everyone living just for
Concerning violence as it relates to religion, it must be understood that the
culprit is not religion itself, but evil tendencies brought on by envy or
jealousy or greed or pride. A power hungry despot may well urge his followers
on, even inflaming them with religious rhetoric, but that is just a cover up of
his evil motivations. That's also why we are often left scratching our heads
when men call upon God for justification of the most horrendous acts of cruelty,
hatred and mayhem. We seem to understand that God condemns such behavior.
The fact is, if these quasi-religious leaders lived in a world with no religion,
no concept of God or heaven or hell, they would be just as hateful and cruel and
violent. It is their own evil lusts that is responsible. Religion is just window
dressing. Perhaps a good way to examine this issue would be to look at the first
"war". It, too, was set against a religious back drop. But religion was not the
cause of it. Consider the first surprise attack launched in human history.
Background of the Conflict
After Adam and Eve were driven from the garden as a consequence for their
disobedience, Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain (Genesis 4:1). Then she gave
birth to another son and named him Abel. In the relationship between God and
these two sons of Adam, and in their relationship to each other, we learn
several principles.
Abel was a keeper of sheep and offered the "firstlings" of his flock. Cain
offered his offering of the fruit of the ground. (Genesis 4:2-4). Centuries
later, Jesus would call Abel "righteous Abel" for the manner in which he
worshipped God and lived his life (Matthew 23:35). He offered a sacrifice that
was "more excellent" than his brother's (Hebrews 11:4). The Scriptures tell us
that the Lord respected Abel and his offering but did not respect Cain and is
offering (Genesis 4:4,5).
God expects a sacrifice or an offering from man. Today, it is the praise of our
lips and the service we render in the name of the Lord (Romans 12:1,2; Hebrews
13:15,16). Just like in the beginning, these sacrifices can be accepted or
rejected by the Lord. Only that which God commanded is acceptable to Him as an
offering (John 4:23, 24; Matthew 15:8,9; Colossians 3:16,17). Also, God expects
the first and best from us, and has a right to expect nothing less than that
(Matthew 6:33; 1 Peter 2:4-5; Malachi 1:6-10; 12,13).
We are never really told why the Lord rejected Cain's sacrifice. Some have
thought that it was because he did not offer an animal sacrifice like Abel did,
but we recall that God did at times require both animal and vegetable
It could also be that Cain's heart just was not right. Or maybe he offered that
which was rotten or spoiled. Whatever it was, it was not righteous and faithful
as Abel's was.
The Anger Of Cain
Cain was angered when the Lord did not respect his sacrifice. The anger was
evident in his countenance, or the expression on his face (Genesis 4:5). The
options open to Cain were explained to him by the Lord (Genesis 4:7).
If you do well, you will be accepted .
If you do not do well sin lies at the door.
Cain's actions were subject to his decision. This does not all have to end
badly, even at this point. There need not be war, but if there is, the source of
the problem is not that Abel worshipped God by faith, but Cain's unwillingness
to do what is right.
If you do well, God will receive you. Our past may not have been "done well" but
that does not mean our present and future must match past failures. It is up to
us (John 15:5; Acts 10:34,35; 2:38; 8:22).
Sin is ready to take advantage of you if you allow it to do so. Do not make
yourself vulnerable (Ephesians 6:10-13; 1 Peter 5:8). Like Cain, your actions
are up to you. To trust and obey... or not, in good times or bad is our decision
to make. "Oh, my problems are worse than everyone else's so God will overlook my
neglect!" Do not count on it (1 Peter 5:9; 4:19).
"Religious War"
It was a "day that will live in infamy!" Cain killed his brother Abel (Genesis
4:8). Cain was of the wicked one. He was angry with his brother because his
brother was doing what was right and he wasn't! (1 John 3:12). But Cain's
jealousy was not caused by religion. If there had been no sacrifice unto the
Lord, and if Abel has been successful and Cain not in some other area, Cain's
reaction would have been the same.
Of course, God was displeased with Cain. He cursed Cain. The ground would not
longer yield its strength for Cain (Genesis 4:12). Cain would be a fugitive and
vagabond (4:12). A mark would be placed upon Cain to prevent him from being
murdered for his deed (4:15).
Men do become angry when they are unwilling to do as God says (Galatians 4:16;
Acts 7:54-60). But pleasing God is as easy as doing from the heart, earnestly
and diligently, what God has commanded (1 John 3:24).
Also, murder is condemned (see also Genesis 9:6). But we should also understand
that harboring hatred in our hearts is also contrary to God's will for us (1
John 3:10,11; 4:20,21).
And a final thought: The blood of Abel brought a curse, but the blood of Christ
brings forgiveness (Hebrews 12:24). It speaks better than the blood of Abel.
So, it is not religion that is the source of the problem, even in the so called
"religious wars." Instead, the sources are the same as they always are for any
human conflict; greed, hatred, jealousy and pride. Jesus came to show us a
better way. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
By Jon W. Quinn
From Expository Files 9.5; May 2003