
Bad Men
Jude 3
“For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long
ago were
marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn
the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny the only
Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Jude 3
The apostle Peter (in 2 Pet. chapters 2 & 3) and Jude (in the brief letter
that bears his name) wrote with a great sense of urgency about very bad men.
These sections of the New Testament were written to sound an alarm for that
generation of Christians, but not limited to ancient times.
There may be some temptation to limit that teaching to the first century time
frame, thinking that these bad men were a problem then, but not today. Note,
however, the statement of the apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2:1: “…there will be
false teachers.” John echoes this: “many false prophets have gone out into the
world,” (1 Jno. 4:1). There is no reason to relax. This is all relevant to our
time, and we ought to have a sense of urgency combined with careful discretion
based on God’s Word.
“…certain men have
crept in unnoticed…”
This world would be a very different place if everybody was pure and honest
and unselfish and if there were no individuals who desire to creep in among
good people and cause trouble. Of course, the news industry might struggle to
find stories. We would not need so many people, and all the money tied up in
criminal justice. Emergency rooms wouldn’t be so busy. But neighborhoods would
be safer; churches would be better; marriages would be happier If everybody in
the world was pure, honest, and unselfish. Wouldn’t it be great if nobody had
any desire to sneak around and cause trouble?
That’s Not Our Reality! And the current presence of evil in the world is not
new. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, and they brought upon themselves and
others a variety of consequences.
Choice to sin continued after them, though not because of them. In world
conditions before the flood, in the building of the tower of Babel, and
throughout the ages until now, people choose against God’s will to engage in
their self-will.
People rebel against God, aggressively pursue their own interests, and though
it is not widely acknowledged, God decided long ago that these people stand
condemned and worthy of punishment. People continue to sin and to turn the
grace of God into licentiousness, and deny both the Father and the Son. The
problem is sin – not obeying God. As long as that problem is here, bad men
will be here (and many will follow them, 2 Pet. 2:2).
So in the time when Jude wrote this epistle there were “certain men” who had
“crept in unnoticed.”
Even in a religious or church setting – Not everybody who seeks our confidence
is trustworthy and godly.
We shouldn’t be extreme and be paranoid and suspicious and closed toward
everybody. But there is an awareness we need to have as individuals in a world
where there is sin. Some of the people who seek us and appeal to us are not
seeking us for good purpose. And, as a church, there is a sense of caution and
safety we need to have instead of impulsively and automatically embracing
anybody who seeks our confidence. Certain men can get into our lives, families
and churches (and women for that matter) and do considerable damage before
detection! Peter and Jude want us to use God’s Word to do the early detection
work. Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s
clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves,” (Matt. 7:15).
Paul addressed the church at Rome.
Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses,
contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are
such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth
words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. (Rom. 16:17-18).
What we are talking about now is disturbing, and there may be some emotion in
us that could cause us to ignore this, deny this, or turn away from this
reality. But the Bible doesn’t report these things to us in vain, or simply as
a matter of history.
There are ungodly men who creep into our lives and our churches – and their
agenda is, to turn the grace of God into licentiousness and deny God and deny
Christ. There are men and women in modern religion who are false teachers ~
they have no commitment to tell you what the Bible says.
There are people who seek an entrance into our lives, who want a platform to
“speak perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.” (See
also Prov. 2:12). This is why Paul said to the Ephesian elders, “Watch . . .
take heed to the flock.” And the reality then and today is as described in
Romans 16 – men who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine
which we have learned.
This is not pleasant. It is distasteful, but it is immature and naïve to
ignore the reality of sin that is present in the world in so many different
Jude wrote with a sense of urgency when he said, “certain men have crept in
unnoticed…” God – long before these men crept in – had determined and decreed,
that individuals like this be punished. These men “long ago” were “marked out
for this condemnation.” That simply means God, by His sovereign decree, has
made it clear, those who rebel against His will, in the absence of repentance,
face “condemnation.” The ungodly will not be rewarded with the godly, in the
ultimate divine judgment. What do these men do?
“Turn the grace of God into
Before going any further, this sounds shocking to godly people: turning the
grace of God into licentiousness? To take something like the grace of God and
based on that, lead people away from God is the very bottom level of rebellion
against God and moral destruction to men.
These ungodly men crept in among Christians. Jude is putting his brethren on
alert to this and calling them to action.
Now, it is exceedingly important for us to know what this means because, it is
still happening today. Have you ever heard something like this:
Don’t worry so much about sin;
Don’t be so uptight about Bible
authority, or following the
Scriptures . . . Relax; you
are covered by the grace
of God!!
Have you heard that? What’s worse is, that kind of argumentation is often made
by religious leaders, by popular evangelists. Obedience is minimized and Bible
authority is rarely brought up.
If you want to follow the teachings of the Bible, you are labeled as a
legalist. The tough exposure of sin is simply not done in some very popular
religious programs and the claim is, the grace of God should give us such
peace and safety – We don’t need to worry about sin, or religious error.
That kind of preaching and teaching finds an eager audience. If you talk to
people about backing off from obedience, and relaxing and giving up any
concern for what is scriptural, that kind of thing is celebrated.
But it is not what the Bible says about the grace of God, and we shouldn’t let
men creep into our thinking with this licentious encouragement. Often, when
people today talk about the Grace of God – they are not saying what the Bible
says. That’s one reason why we need to be Bible readers! So when people talk
about something in the Bible ~ we will be able to tell if they are right or
Want some clarity about this? Near the end of Romans chapter five, Paul
praises God for His grace that makes it possible for us to be forgiven: Rom.
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the One, much more those
who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in
life through the One, Jesus Christ.)
Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in
condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to
all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience
many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made
Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin
abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so
grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
You see here that Paul speaks of the grace of God through Jesus Christ –
making it possible for us to be saved from sin. And he says – God’s grace is
more than sufficient to save us from sin – “where sin abounded, grace abounded
much more.”
Now that’s great. But there is a tendency of thought about this Paul wants to
warn us about. That typical tendency about grace is to assume, since we have
this abundance of grace, we don’t need to worry about sin. Some will go so far
as to say, we can continue in sin and some may even argue we should, to
advertise how gracious God is. Paul answers (Rom. 6:1-2):
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?
The grace of God expressed in the death of Jesus Christ makes it possible for
us to be forgiven, but should never be used, as an excuse to sin.
When people talk about the grace of God, and in the same sentence – encourage
sin or error, they are not saying what the Bible says about grace. When
popular TV preachers and authors brush aside the exposure of sin and the calls
to respect Bible authority – naming the grace of God – they are not telling
the truth.
These men – Jude tells us about – were not only ungodly, they were promoting
ungodliness, turning the grace of God into licentiousness. We ought to be on
guard against that very thing, yet today. What else do these bad men do?
“deny the only Lord God and our Lord
Jesus Christ.”
I looked up that word “deny,” and the simple definition is – saying “no.” It
may mean saying “no” to the existence of God and the reality of Jesus Christ.
In this case, these men who crept in probably didn’t boldly deny the existence
of God. But in their teaching, their lives and their influence, they were
saying “no” to the authority of God, and the authority of Jesus Christ.
I want to say what we should say “no” to, and I want to do that, by taking us
to another passage in closing: Tit. 2:11-15.
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching
us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
righteously, and godly in the present age,
We learn something about the grace of God in this text. The grace of God
forgives us of past sin when we obey the gospel. THEN, after that - the grace
of God teaches us To Deny Ungodliness!! We are taught to deny, to say “no” to
ungodliness, in whatever form it may appear.
Say YES to God.
Say YES to Christ.
Say YES to the writings given by the Holy Spirit.
Say NO to ungodliness and worldly lusts.
Paul said, “Speak these things, and rebuke with all
Here’s the danger. Mark it well:
“For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were
marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn
the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny the only
Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Why was this written by Jude? And what do we need to take from this? It was
written by Jude out of his concern that Christians would be deceived and
damaged by ungodly men! It becomes, for us today, a reality check; an alarm
for us to carry in our minds and in our dealings with people. Particularly in
our exposure to the religious world. Not everybody who offers themselves to
you have a genuine interest in your spiritual welfare.
It is naïve to just embrace everybody who claims or professes to help you, to
counsel you, to teach you more perfectly. We need to have some defensiveness
and protectiveness about our relationship with God, and not let just anybody
influence us.
The Christian’s response will be to earnestly contend for the faith.
And, there is such an important lesson to be learned from this verse about the
grace of God. We must be on the alert lest anyone deceive us or mislead us
into sin in the name of the grace of God.
The way to keep that from happening is, be informed by God’s Word. Know what
it says about the grace of God. And become engaged in receiving His grace
through the activity of your faith in Christ. Then add to that faith and say
“no” to sin.
By Warren E. Berkley
From Expository Files 18.3; March 2011
