"Judging": Do I Have This Problem?
Matthew 7:1-6
When most people read this passage or quote part of it, they have one thing in
mind: You cannot judge! This assertion is often made before the context is
studied, and without regard to everything else the Bible says that bears upon
the matter of judging. There can be little doubt, the desire that produces this
assertion is the yearning for complete tolerance - a religious and social
climate where nobody says that anybody is doing anything wrong. Is this what
Jesus intended? Are we to believe that nobody is allowed to say anybody is wrong
about anything?
First, if this is what the passage means - those who argue for this complete
tolerance violate the passage when they judge us in this matter, as the least
showing their inconsistency. If you argue that all arguing is wrong - either you
disobey your own principle in so doing and demonstrate inconsistency. Or, you
imply that arguing and judging is wrong for everybody, except those who argue
against arguing and judging! It should be clear, Jesus is not advocating this
kind of confusion.
Second, when you study the context of Matthew seven, great light is shed on what
the Lord meant. The kind of judging He is forbidding is described in verse 3.
When you search out the speck in your brother's eye, but you "do not consider"
the plank in your own eye; then when you proceed to do "eye surgery" on your
brother to remove his speck, Jesus says you are a hypocrite, thus guilty of what
He condemns!
Some of the typical Pharisees in the time of Christ displayed an obvious
capacity and obsession for judging and condemning other people for their
weaknesses, while they were guilty of deliberate rebellion against the law of
God. These men would condemn their countrymen for neglecting to pay the exact
tithe according to their interpretation - yet these harsh accusers would be
guilty of neglecting the weightier matters of the law - justice, mercy and
faith. These religious policemen would enforce every minute detail of their
religious tradition, but they would devour the homes of widows! Jesus said, in
Matthew 23, they would "strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!"
This is the kind of hypocritical judging Jesus forbids. Not all judging, but the
kind of judging He describes.
If we are anxious to dispense judgment, but not anxious to be examined
ourselves, we are guilty of the hypocrisy Jesus is exposing here! If I have the
ambition to watch others carefully, call them into account and offer
condemnation, but I do not have equal diligence about examining myself and
correcting my own behavior, I'm guilty of what Jesus is talking about. If I want
to judge, but I refuse to be judged; if I want to dish out medicine, but I'm not
even willing to examine my own health; if I refuse to be judged "with the same
measure" I judge - I have a problem, and it is the problem Jesus is addressing
By Warren E. Berkley
From Expository Files 7.12; December 2000