The Expository Files


Mark 1:1-8 - Mark's Gospel Begins

Mark 1:21-28 - The Unclean Spirit

Mark 1:22 - "A New Teaching With Authority"

Mark 2:1-2 - A Miracle with a Message 

Mark 2:1-12 - They Bore Their Friend To Jesus

Mark 3:1-6 - A Time To Speak

Mark 3:27 - "I Ain't A Skeered A You!"

Mark 4:10-12 - “Lest They Return, and I Should Heal Them”

Mark 4:35-41 - Learning Childish Lessons

Mark 4:35-41 - Beauty Through Adversity

Mark 6:1-6; Matthew 8:5-13 - When Jesus Marveled

Mark 6:1-6 - The Marvel Of Unbelief

Mark 6:23 -The Dance of Herodias' Daughter

Mark 7:1-9 - One of the Devil's Pitchforks

Mark 7:1-13  - "Why Do Your Disciples Not Walk According to the Traditions?"

Mark 7:14-23 - What Man-made Rules Cannot Do

Mark. 8:11-21 - Worrying About Bread

 Mark 8:31 - What Do You Think?

Mark 8:34-38 - Discipleship

Mark 9:30-31  - A Righteous Fear 

Mark 9:38-50 - "Dire Warnings"

Mark 10:17-24 - Jesus Knew How To Love

Mark 10:23-38 - It Is Worth It!

Mark 10:29, 30 - The Hundredfold Recompense

Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 - The Fig Tree Proves It

Mark 11:22-24 - "Have Faith In God"

Mark 11:27-33 - Who Made You Boss?

Mark 12:1-12 -  The Wicked Vinedressers

Mark 12:18-27 - The Truth About How To Find The Truth

Mark 12:38-40 - The Best Seats In The House

Mark 14:3-9 - The Anointing At Bethany

Mark 16:16 - Jesus, On Salvation