He Saved Us
Titus 3:3-11
In most translations, from verse 4 down through verse 7 (and beyond in some),
there is a single, long sentence. That long sentence hinges on the main verb
phrase, "HE SAVED US." So the subject of this passage is salvation, and the
primary affirmation of the text is, He saved us.
Of all those things I need to know and believe about salvation, I must know this
early in my learning. This is basic and essential, and this is a good place to
begin a study of salvation in the Bible. "Not by works of righteousness which we
have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us..."
New Testament Christianity is a religion of salvation (rescue, deliverance) and
God does the saving. This doesn't mean that I (the sinner) have nothing to do.
There is no implication or hint in this passage or anywhere else that man is
passive, that no response is necessary; or that manner of life after the initial
response is irrelevant. But all my thoughts and study about salvation must not
only include, but should begin with this foundational proposition: He saved us.
Notice what is taught here about man's need!
The Holy Spirit describes the lost condition of man in these terms: "foolish,
disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and
envy, hateful and hating one another." This I about knowing what's right and
true, but refusing to do it (foolish); not obeying the Lord (disobedient);
believing lies about yourself and your life (deceived); enslaves by all kinds of
passions and pleasures (serving lusts); acting upon desires to hurt and injure
people (malice, envy); and letting sin corrupt your relationships with others
(being hatred and hating one another). Titus 3:3 is a description of sin and
what sin can do to any of us, and this is what man needs to be saved from.
Question: If you were dealing with people like this, what would your attitude
If you had charge over a group of people, and their behavior was foolish,
disobedient, deceived, self-centered and hateful, what would your attitude or
response be? I would be upset. If I found these attitudes and this conduct in my
house, for example, I would want to throw these people out. I would be
disappointed and frustrated, I would feel justified in rejecting people like
Well, God looks upon the people He made - human beings who have the capacity to
think, mature and chose right - God looks upon us, and He sees people whose
thinking and living is as described in Titus 3:3: foolish, disobedient,
deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, malicious and hateful.
But instead of hating us, HE LOVES US and is willing to save us! "But when the
kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared ... according to His
mercy HE SAVED US," (4,5). Here in Titus chapter three, look at the movement of
thought from verse 3 into verse 4; it is movement from hatred to love.
From our hatred of one another to God's amazing love for us. God's attitude
toward us -- in spite of our sinful condition -- is captured by three tremendous
words: Kindness, Love & Mercy!
We have sinned, acting foolishly and hateful; God loves us anyway, and in His
perfect mind... He chose means to offer us pardon!
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He
saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit."
God doesn't save us, based on our works which deserve or merit salvation as a
reward! That means - I cannot turn from my own sin under my own power, pardon
myself and then live in such a way as to deserve to be saved in heaven! This is
not the way it works, because as one who has already sinned, I cannot do this
(save myself by my own power)!
Rather, it is according to His mercy, and through the washing of regeneration
and renewing of the Holy Spirit. Salvation based on our power to pardon
ourselves and perfect our character on our own is denied or excluded. Then it is
affirmed that according to His mercy He saved us - by means: through the washing
of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.
To summarize: God is displeased with us, but He loves us anyway. And in His
perfect mind, He chose means to pardon us and make us heirs according to the
hope of eternal life.
You cannot turn your life around by yourself, pardon yourself of past sin, and
live in such a manner as to present yourself before God, putting Him under
obligation to give you what you deserve. Forget that. You have to depend (trust,
believe) upon the kindness, the love, grace and mercy of God, and that means --
you so reply upon God and so trust in Him, you'll do whatever He says to make
things right; you will turn over to Him and His beloved Son, mind, soul and
Whatever commands God gives, and whatever you learn He wants you to do, you'll
do that. Whatever means he appoints, you will not resist. You will comply with
whatever conditions He assigns, in order to be renewed by the Holy Spirit, Saved
by the blood of Christ and have the hope of eternal life.
If you have this kind of trust and reliance on God and the ways of God, whatever
this "washing of regeneration" is, you will want to do this - without question
or hesitation. You are aware of your sinful ways. You now understand that you
cannot save yourself by yourself. You have heard the gospel of Christ; you
believe He is the Messiah and Savior, the only begotten Son of God who died for
you. And hearing the Word, you have decided to rely on God and His ways. So,
whatever this washing of regeneration is, you will want it.
What is it?
In the New Testament there is a washing that regenerates. That is, there is an
act commanded by God, and when penitent believers do this - God forgives them,
and grants them a new life. This is what Jesus was talking about to Nicodemus:
"...unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of
God," (Jno. 3:5). This is what Peter commanded when He said, "Repent and be
baptized," in Acts 2:38. This is what Paul wrote about in Romans six - being
baptized into Christ, to arise to walk in newness of life. Baptism in the
washing of regeneration.
God doesn't save me because I have earned the right to be forgiven. He saves me
because of His mercy and grace, poured out abundantly through Jesus Christ our
Savior. I become a personal recipient of that salvation when my faith leads me
to this washing of regeneration. This means a great deal to believers in Christ,
because He said, "He that believeth, and is baptized shall be saved."
After Baptism ...
We should maintain good works, avoid foolish disputes and reject divisive men.
This is the way regenerated people behave; people who are heirs according to the
hope of eternal life.
The primary affirmation of this text is not - "we saved us," but "He saved us."
In Christ, God has poured out on such generosity and grace, we who have obeyed
the gospel have been "justified by grace." Those justified by grace are anxious
to maintain good works, avoid foolish disputes and reject divisive men. May each
one of us determine - we will do all we can to learn about God and His plan for
our salvation; we will explore the Scriptures daily, to see if these things are
so; we will share this message with others, and be zealous for every good work.
By Warren E. Berkley
From Expository Files 5.4; April 1998