The Expository Files.

1995 Concluded

With this issue we conclude our second year of publication. Warren and I are very appreciative of all who have written these past two years. We are very happy with the results of this year's special theme; "What The Bible Says About...". We feel that the twelve articles have been insightful, Scriptural and a welcome addition to our standard expository treatments.

In addition to our regular expository articles , we plan a another series in 1996; "Modern Controversies Facing the Christian". We think these will be very
profitable for modern men and women of faith, especially given the moral ambiguity that is plaguing our society today. Many deny that there are any moral absolutes
anymore. Such has always resulted from the ideas of men; yesterday's moral truths are often discarded in favor of more modern "moral enlightenment". The Christian must not allow himself to be "tossed about by every wind of doctrine" but rather reject the shifting sands of the standards of men in favor of the rock of Christ's words.

If the Lord wills, see you in 1996!

 By Jon W. Quinn 
The Front Page
 From Expository Files 2.12; December 1995