The Expository Files


Satan Has Desired to Have You

Reading in Luke 22:31-32, we find Jesus issuing a serious warning to Peter. In just a few short hours Satan was going to try Peter with all of his skill. But despite these conflicts shortly to take place, Peter was not much concerned - he was a tower of strength and had everything under control. He insisted to Jesus, “Though I should die with Thee, I will not deny Thee.” (Matthew 26:33). Peter intended on staying with Jesus to the very end. He was not overstating his intentions either - he meant every word - in just a few short hours he would draw his sword against overwhelming odds to defend Jesus and Jesus would tell him to put his sword away. That was not what His mission was all about.

You see, Peter was ready to fight bravely for Jesus on the physical side - but he was also about to lose a spiritual struggle. Later that evening, he would deny that he even knew who Jesus was. Like many today, he was willing to scrap and fight to protect what was his. Brave men and women have fought for our rights and freedoms, but having won them, many fail to exercise them. We are free to worship God, but many seldom worship, and some do not worship at all. Its not that a law should be passed to force worship of God because people cannot be forced to worship in truth and spirit. Such activity involves the whole heart. Many are ready to fight against flesh and blood, but unprepared to meet Satan on the battlefield of the heart and mind.

Peter lost the battle that dark night, but repented and came back to win the war, securing his place in eternity with the Lord. When all is said and done, we can do no better than that.

By Jon W. Quinn
The Front Page
From Expository Files 16.10; October 2009