Camera Ready Flyers
The flyers listed below are ones I have actually used. You download and print them for your own personal use by "right mouse clicking" on the poster you like and selecting "save image as" while on line. This is a Netscape function. If I can help, please contact me!
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Discover it Yourself Choose Your Topic (We mail you the study) When does God allow divorce? Can a Christian ever be lost? Is the Bible scientifically accurate? Must I attend church every week? Why are there 1000 churches? Why get baptized? Does the book of Revelation prophesy today's current events? Is there conscious life after death? Should Christians keep the weekly Sabbath day? What are the signs of the great tribulation of Matt 24? The Trinity: Is God 3 or 1? Are tongues for today? Mail your request to: |
Note: There is a Bible study series I have put together called, "Discover it Yourself" on each topic listed above.
"The Bible Only" (Study By Mail) Absolutely free |
Does |
CIRCLE YOUR CHOICE: (We will mail it to you at no obligation.) Revelation and today's current events? The signs of the great tribulation? Who is the antichrist? Is God's Sabbath day Saturday or Sunday? Is heaven a literal garden paradise? Is there conscious life after death? Why 550 churches but only one Bible? (Circle your choice on the reverse side) |
Is this an accurate map of end times events? |
Other side of flyer
Is this the "666 mark of the beast"? Exciting Bible Information Just you & your Bible Bible prophecy Truth The Bible Only 33 Highcliffe Ave YES! I would like to request the following Bible study be mailed to me: Circle your choice (see reverse): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name: __________________________________ (please print carefully) |