Newspaper Evangelism Using the local newspaper to save souls! |
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Display and 9classified Adds:
Most of these were designed and used by Steve Rudd in his work as a local evangelist.
25 more examples at this link: more ads
Some Practical Suggestions for Effective Newspaper Advertising
by Roy A. Davison
Advertising is expensive. Thus care should be taken that funds are not wasted because of ignorance of basic advertising principles. Most libraries have a number of books on advertising and those who are responsible for advertising in a congregation would do well to read several books on the subject.
It can also be helpful to place your ads through an advertising agency. The use of their services does not normally cost any more because they work on a commission basis. You pay them the same price for placing an ad that you would pay directly to the newspaper. The agent receives a discount from the newspaper and the difference is his commission.
An advertising agent can help by giving expert advice and by taking care of detail work for you. For example, suppose you wish to place the same ad in ten different publications. You only have to send one copy of the ad to your advertising agent and he takes care of placing the ad in the ten different publications. He also checks to be sure that the ad was included in each paper as requested. You get just one bill each month for all your advertising. Without the use of an agent you would have to send a separate copy of the ad to the ten different publications yourself. You would also have to check each publication to be sure that the ad appeared as requested. And you would receive ten different bills at the end of the month.
It would be ideal if the advertising agent were a Christian. This is seldom possible, however. As a `second best' you should try to find an advertising agent who is a religious person and who has some knowledge of the scriptures. Then he will appreciate your viewpoint and can better advise you as to the most effective means of reaching your goal.
Although it is not possible in this article to go into a detailed discussion of advertising principles, it might be good to mention a few things which are often neglected in religious advertising.
Repetition increases effectiveness. If you have $100. to spend on advertising over a ten week period, ten weekly ads costing $10. each will have a greater impact than October, 1978
one $100. ad during the same period. Of course if you have $100. to spend each week, that would give an even greater impact! But even then, it might be better to place four $25. ads in four different papers each week (or on four different days of the week if it were a daily newspaper) than to place just one $100. ad each week.
Effectiveness is more closely related to the number of copies than to the size of the ad. It will give a greater impact to use your $100. for a small ad which goes into 100,000 homes than for an ad ten times larger which goes into only 10,000 homes. Or, to give another example, if there are three newspapers in your area, the impact would be greater from placing a $50. ad in each newspaper, than from placing a $150. ad in just one of the papers.
Define your purpose. Ask yourself "What is the purpose of our advertising program? What is the purpose of this particular ad?" If your purpose is to do actual teaching through the ad, it will have to be of sufficient length to accomplish this. And you will have to realize that it will require quite a lot of money. Do not set a higher goal than you have the means to accomplish. (Although sometimes if you draw up a big plan on faith, the means are provided.)
If you are in a smaller or medium sized city and are able to spend $50. or $100. per week on a teaching ad, such could be an effective way of reaching many people you would never reach in any other way. If you are in a large city several hundred dollars would be required each week to accomplish the same goal because advertising rates in larger papers are higher. But you would be reaching more people as well.
If your purpose is to get names and addresses of interested people with whom you might be able to set up private Bible studies, a small want-ad with an attention-getting question or statement will bring in just as many letters as a large ad and of course the classified ad is much less ex-pensive. (Want-ads, by the way, are by far the best read ads in a newspaper. Because of this they are an advertising bargain.)
If you have only $50. per month to spend, it would probably be wiser to spend it on several small classified ads spread
throughout the month with the purpose of finding people who are interested in private study, than to save it up for two or three larger ads per year. Of course, conditions must be taken into consideration. Suppose that because of circumstances in your community, interest is high on a certain religious or moral issue. That would be an ideal time, even if you normally don't have much money for advertising, to scrape together enough funds to run a larger article on that subject. For example, several years ago the Catholic Church `kicked out' a number of their `saints' and appointed others in their places. (Each saint has a special day of the year, and the year was full!). Many Catholics were upset that some of their favorite saints had been deposed and there was much public discussion of the matter. In Roeselare, Belgium, we made use of this interest to place an ad entitled: "What happened to the saints?" in which we presented the biblical teaching regarding this subject. Or suppose that some homosexual organization is staging a big demonstration in your area demanding `equal rights' and the matter gets a lot of public attention. That would be an ideal opportunity to place an ad explaining what the Bible teaches on this subject and what Christ can do to help these people if they are willing to repent.
Who are you trying to reach? This may sound strange at first, but your ads should not be designed for the masses. Jesus has told us that most people will not respond to our message. A favorite expression of His was: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" The ad is directed to the masses but not designed for the masses. It is directed to the masses for the simple reason that we do not know where those few are, who are `of the truth' (John 18:37) and we must find them. Many are called, but few are chosen. Our ads should be designed to appeal to those few souls who love truth and who are searching for something higher and nobler than what they normally find in the world around them. Your ad should give a ray of hope to those who are looking for the light.
The ad should say something. Good advertising is informative. Many ads have little content. For example: "Write for a free Bible correspondence course!" Someone who just loves Bible correspondence courses might respond. It would be better to say something such as this: "You can be a Christian without being a member of any denomination. Write for eight lessons which explain how this is possible." Or you might say: "Many people call themselves Christians. But do they really follow Christ from day to day? To learn what it means to be a true Christian write for eight free lessons by correspondence." The ad should catch the attention of truth seekers. It should emphasize truths which are neglected in most churches.
The Bible is the best source of material for ads. All ideas presented in the ad should be an expression of biblical teaching. In many cases it is good to use quotations from the Bible as attention getters. For example: "What is your life?", "You must be born again!", "Christ died for the ungodly.", "The end of all things is at hand!"
Don't forget to pray. When preparing the ad pray that God will bless your efforts. When the ad is published pray that the Lord will open the hearts of those who read it (Acts 16:14). If you don't believe that prayer makes a difference, don't bother to advertise.
Think carefully about the address which you use. Possibly you will be surprised again, but in many cases it is unwise to use the name `Church of Christ' in the address. This name can be used, of course, if you are announcing activities of the local congregation. Even then, however, it might be wise not to do so. The purpose of advertising is to communicate. What do most people think when they read the name `Church of Christ' on your advertisement? Do they not have some such reaction as the following: "Oh, this ad is placed by a denomination called Church of Christ." But that isn't what we mean when we say that we are a church of Christ! We aren't communicating.
In ads for a Bible correspondence course the name and address of an individual can be used effectively. We have had good response using the name: Christians. Or you can use some such name as "Bible Course". By this I do not mean that we should try to hide who we are, to the contrary, but only that we need to avoid frightening people away because they misunderstand the significance of a name which is used in the address.
Even when announcing activities of the local congregation why not place some such statement at the bottom to identify those who placed the ad: "The Christians who meet at 10th and Main Street cordially invite you to hear this series of gospel messages"? Or just state: "Meeting place, 10th and Main". Whatever name you use, consider the idea which will come to the reader and try to avoid misunderstandings.
Emphasize that which is most important. Emphasize Christ and the gospel, not the preacher and the building. Much church advertising includes a big picture of brother Longwind and-or of the local edifice. If the speaker for your series of evangelistic messages is well known and respected in your community it can be of value to place his name in big letters on your advertising. Otherwise you would do better to give predominance to the topics to be discussed (assuming that they are interesting, which should be the case, but unfortunately sometimes isn't). Some place on the ad it should also be in-conspicuously stated who the speaker will be along with i brief statement of any special qualifications which he might have.
Test ads before placing them. One hundred heads are better than one. If you plan to advertise an upcoming event or a correspondence course provide the congregation with the basic information which will have to be included in the ad and ask everyone to submit suggested texts for ads. Not all will respond, but some will. Collect the ideas submitted and mimeograph enough copies for all the members of the congregation. Then sometime when the whole church is together ask everyone to take a few minutes to go through the suggested texts and grade each one. (Use some consistent grading method, such as giving each ad a grade between zero and ten). The average grade received by each ad will indicate which ads are commonly considered to be best. Such a process will improve the quality of your advertising and will allow everyone to have a part in the advertising program of the church.
Since the evaluation of the ads comes from the whole group there is less chance that someone will be offended because his suggestion was not used.
Make an offer. Ask for a response. Even with a longer teaching ad one purpose is generally to come in contact with people who are interested in further study. Not many people will just write you a letter after reading an article unless you ask for some response. If you offer a booklet or Bible course, however, people are more likely to respond.
Remember that ads are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Few people will ever become Christians solely from reading a newspaper ad, or even from taking a Bible correspondence course. Ultimately the advertising will only get results if there is an active program of private and public teaching directed to those who are contacted through the ads.
Make use of free publicity. Many newspapers have a church directory in which the place and times of your assemblies can be announced. Often this is free of charge, or for a small fee. Submit reports of newsworthy events to the local newspaper. Most papers have a religious section where church activities are reported. Here again it would be good if the person in charge of sending these reports would read a few books on news reporting.
A paper is much more likely to run an article which is already in the proper form.
News articles are placed free of charge and are extremely valuable as a means of informing the community of the activities of the congregation. If you are in doubt as to what type activities are newsworthy, watch the religious section of the paper for several weeks to see what stories are included, or phone the religion editor and ask him what reports he likes to receive. And if your congregation never does anything which is newsworthy . . . well, maybe you need to get busy.
Newspapers are one of the market places in our times. Just as Paul went to the market place in Athens to preach, let us make effective use of newspaper advertising to proclaim the message of Christ.
around to dividing the land, Joshua said, "As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me; as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. "Now therefore give me this MOUNTAIN . . ." (Joshua 14:11, 12).
Just think when 85 years old he said, "Give me a mountain!"
Now then, do you still want an easy job? Do you want to walk without a burden and let Christ bear the cross alone? When there is a job to do within the body - let there be a waiting list for those willing to go.
49 Actual Newspaper add Examples:
The Newspaper articles below were supplied to me by Michael Hurst. Each one was about 3x 5 inches with a thick border. Each one also used a graphic of some kind.
By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them |
There are two major views of life. The view of the believer, and the view of the infidel. The believer's position is simple: God created man in his own image (Gen. 1:27). Man is the offspring of God and is to conduct himself accordingly. The atheistic view is that man merely evolved from slime and is no better morally or spiritually than a diseased rat. What is the product of the two views? When men conduct their lives from a spiritual perspective, good always follows. Hospitals are built, colleges are formed, and the crime rate always drops. On the other hand, when people are robbed of their self-respect that comes from knowing we are the hand-work of God the crime rate goes up; illegitimate pregnancies increase and the drug problem becomes uncontrollable. Do you wonder why there are so many major problems in America today. Well, it grows from the evil tree of evolutionary thought. To deny this fact is to bury one's head in the sand. To learn more about man and how he must live before God visit, call, or write the: |
Call No Man Father: |
When Jesus stood before the clergy of his day (in the last week of His life) he gave a simple command. "Call no man father" (Matt. 23:9). To use religious ti tles, he explained, is to compete for attention with God himself. The truly righteous do not do this. Why, then, do men call themselves "Father, Reverend, Doctor, etc."? Because some like to exalt them-selves above measure. Jesus said, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46). When Jesus told religious leaders in His day to forsake flattering religious titles they led a movement to crucify him. What would modern religious leaders do if He were alive today? Come visit or call the: |
Ask Your Preacher |
One of the greatest paradoxes of scripture is the death of Christ on the cross. It was there that he re-ceived at Satan's hand his greatest loss. It was there at the hand of God he received His greatest victory. To true believers, the cross of Christ compares to nothing else in human experience. Want to ask your preach-er an interesting question? Ask him whether or not he be lie-as that those who are not Christians are saved or lost. His answer will tell you a great deal about what he believes about Jesus Christ. You see, Jesus said that he gave His life on the cross for the salvation of all mankind, but that for one to be saved he had to accept Jesus as his personal savior. If a preacher believes that one can be saved who does not believe in Christ then he believes that Jesus Christ either died on the cross for no reason, or that he lied about Himself. At the Annandale church of Christ a loving message of salvation is held out to all who are outside the body of Christ. |
Things We Are To Find |
The kingdom of God is likened unto a treasure hid in a field, or to a coin which is lost and whose owner searched diligently till she found it. In-deed, there is preciousness associated with the kingdom which warrants our seeking that we might find it. We need to find the yoke of rest which is in Christ Jesus (Matt. 11:28-30). Our increasingly complex and difficult world has left many thousands without hope, perplexed, and on the verge of suicide. There is relief in God's safe haven, Jesus Christ, which can be found nowhere else. There is a pasture which provides sustenance when we go in and out to feed in it (John 10:9). The spiritual nourishment provided by God will ease the discomfort brought on by a spiritually bankrupt world. There is God's grace which is found in Christ (Heb. 4:16). God does not want any to be lost and has provided his avenue of salvation to all who will seek Him. To learn more about these precious treasures which man needs to find visit, call, or write the: |
What Denomination Did Peter And Paul Belong To? |
Denominational divisions did not exist for more than 1,000 years after Christ died on the cross. He did not initiate them nor condone them. Should they exist today? To learn more about undenominational Christianity visit or write the: |
Who Wept For The Dinosaurs? |
Our generation has become increasingly ecology conscious. One of the primary interests of the ecology movement has been the preservation of the many "endangered species" of the earth's population. As Christians, we should have a great deal of empathy for such environmental causes. After all, we believe this earth was created by God and belongs to Him (Psa. 50:10-12). We should regard ourselves as stewards of every bless-ing He provides. We are not afraid to use the natural resources but we should not abuse them, either. What is truly amazing is that anyone should be ecologically minded in view of the overwhelming popularity of evolutionary theory. According to this theory, the extinction of a species is not only inevitable, it is necessary in the continuing process of the survival of the fittest. Morever, it is averred that hundreds of thousands of species became extinct before man ever walked the earth. Thus, if logic holds, man's attempts to thwart the extinction of a species is contrary to nature. After all, who wept for the dinosaurs? Our children are taught in school that if a species died out, it wasn't fit to survive. Only the fit survive. What we are saying is this: if evolution is true we should not only be free from anxiety for the "endangered species" but we should be glad when they are gone! After all, the unfit endanger the fit. Who can believe It? Atheists, that's who. To learn more about God and His creation, visit or write the: |
"I Hate The Stuff!" |
Many religious people in our day use the same kind of logic (?) with reference to Bible teaching on subjects such as the salvation of the soul, use of instrumental music in wor-ship, the doctrine of once saved always saved, etc., etc., as did the small boy at a dinner who was offered spinach. Said he, "No, I don't like spinach, and I'm glad I don't like it; for if I did, I'd eat it, and I hate the stuff." (From Cheer.) As stated, many people refuse to consider the scriptures on salvation (Mark 16:16; Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38; Rom. 10:10), the use of instrumental music in worship (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16-17), the doctrine of once saved always saved (Gal. 5:4;1 Cor.10:12), etc., etc., lest enlightenment produce acceptance and "They hate the stuff." |
We're Having So Much Fun..There's No Reason To He Religious! |
Have you attended a religious service lately? Was it a service dedicated to preaching the gospel and edi-fying the saints or did it more closely resemble a rock concert? Modern church services often appear to constitute little more than carnal entertainment. Can you imagine what some religious people would have done at the Cross of our Lord? They would have asked for tambourines and upbeat music. If you are tired of such in the "name" of religion then visit or write the: |
Call No Man Father, Rabbi, Master (Reverend?) |
When Jesus stood before the clergy of his day (in the last week of His life) he gave a simple command. "Be ye not called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ .... and call no man your father upon the earth, for one is your Father ... Neither be ye called masters" (Matt. 23-8-10). To use religious titles, he explained, is to compete for attention with God himself. The truly righteous do not do this. Why, then, do men call themselves "Father, Reverend, Doctor, etc."? Because some like to exalt them-selves above measure. Jesus said, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46). |
How Unwelcome Job Would Be: |
Can you imagine Job as a guest on a modern religious "prosperity" television program? Well, after God had restored to him double all that had been taken away he would fit right in. But can you imagine him while he was wrestling with his so-called friends about why all the calamities had befallen him? They would be wont to tell him that his problems were evidence of little faith, or that he had not planted a "seed gift" (i.e., giving money to a TV evangelist) in keeping with his gift of faith. The truth of the matter is this: God has not promised material prosperity to the faithful. Neither has he promised freedom from want, persecution, illness, nor death. Paul and Timothy were both victims of ill-ness and, like all faithful saints In the first century, died. Jesus was persecuted and had not where to lay his head, being the possessor of no personal property. The peace and prosperity preachers are selling a bill of goods - and the product line is of the Devil. To learn more, visit or write the: How Unwelcome Job Would Be |
A Prophet Like Moses |
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob spoke to His prophet, Moses, from the burning bush. The "I Am," as he designated himself, commissioned Moses to deliver Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Moses was a reluctant prophet, but a successful one. The people, at least those who chose to follow his direction, were saved under the leadership of this stalwart servant of God. God said to Moses, "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he -shall speak in my name. I will require it of him." Peter identified that prophet as Jesus Christ, the "I Am" of the New Testament. Some sought to kill Him for this. With his own mouth Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to the Father, but i4 by me." It is time that all men considered the person of Jesus Christ. 'He cannot be dismissed with indifference. He is either the Messiah or He was a lunatic or a liar. Be honest with yourself and with Him, accept Him and be saved from the bondage of sin, or reject Him and be lost in the servitude of Egypt. |
Why Not Snakes? |
The apostles of Jesus Christ were upbraided by Him for their unbelief in Mark, the sixteenth chapter. In sending them out to preach the gospel to the whole world, he said that certain signs would follow them if they overcame their unbelief. He did not promise hat these signs would accompany believers in general, but that they would follow the apostles specifically. ' Today certain ones try to get the "signs" to apply to all believers so as to justify the present day prac-tice of "unknown," and "pagan," tongues. However, the "proof text" passage, Mark 16, says that the apostles would be able to take up serpents (as Paul did in Acts 28:3-5) and that they could drink any deadly thing. Why don't we see snake-handling and poison, drinking as part of the modern "charismatic" package? Because modern "pentecostalism" has so little to do with the Bible, that is why. To learn more, visit or write the: |
Are We In The Final Decade? |
No subject sparks more interest than "when will the world end?" That question was asked by the disciples in Matthew 24 (along with two other questions, When will the temple be destroyed?, and, what are the signs of thy coming?) Jesus answered quite fully the first two, but said of the final question, (Matthew 24:36-40) "But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah [were], so shall also the coming Son of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." You can't make it plainer than that! There are going to be NO signs of the coming of the final judgment. Life will be going on as always. Speculators have been predicting the end of the world, however, for years. We were told it would be 1844, 1914, 1921, 1975 and more recently 1989 (in October). None of the speculators were right. Predictions of such a nature come from fertile imaginations, not from scripture. To learn more about this visit, call, or write: |
The New Year |
Now is the time to determine to follow Jesus Christ as never before. We are told in the scriptures that we are to seek the Lord while he may be found and to call upon Him while he is near (Isa. 55:6). Additionally, we learn that now is the accepted time and that today is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2). What better time to reach out to God than the day we have before us now? For one thing, we have today-- whereas we have no promise of tomorrow at all (James 4:13). Therefore, we will not boast of another day in which to serve the Lord but will seek Him today. To learn more, visit or write the: |
He Threw Out The Moneychangers |
When Jesus entered the Jewish Temple for the last time (Matthew 21) lie encountered moneychangers selling items do-voted to worship. Jesus overthrew their tables and drove the merchandisers from the sacred ground. What do you believe Jesus would do today when he sees so much "moneychanging" taking place in modern temples of worship? Do you suppose He would drive those who foster such out and declare that they had made the houses of God into dens of thieves? The carnality that is so characteristic of modern religion is evidence that God has little to do with it. To learn more about New Testament worship please visit or write the: |
Will We Learn From Cain? |
The first sin that occurred in the world, after the Fall, was that of Cain in his religious practices. Cain offered what gave pleasure to himself in sacrifice to God. Abel, on the other hand, made an offering "by faith" (Heb.11:4). Which sacrifice was pleasing to God? To ask the question is to _ answer ft. The gift of faith. Why, then, can't we learn from Cain today? Why are so many in the religious realm readily giving sacrifices to God which are not of faith? That is, not found within the pages of holy writ? Because the spirit of Cain is very much alive among religious people today. The sacrifices of Cain are such as instrumental music, holy days not specified in scripture, religious titles, etc. These may please men, but there is no evidence they are pleasing to God. To learn more, visit or write the: |
They Lied To Us |
As Americans celebrate life with the news of the hostages being released, another bit of news is less cheerful. In America today, the number one cause of infant death is murder! Child killing, the number one cause of infant death. However, it wasn't too many years ago that social planners told us that the more unwanted a child was the more likely it was to be abused, even to the point of death. Those same humanistically-minded moralists said that if women were allowed to terminate unwanted pregnancies then the child-abuse rate would decrease. The truth? It has increased dramatically. What this shows is that when society becomes convinced that the least able to defend themselves (infants) are expend-able then that feeling will continue whether the child has been born or not. The ready availability of such draconian practices has spawned a new round of increasing child abuse. |
How Many Bats Could Jesus Have Broken? |
Matthew 12:38 - Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. Jesus identified the "sign" seekers as an adulterous generation. What a strong rebuke, but fitting, for these were trying to reduce the drawing power of God to the status of "cheap tricks" to draw crowds. Can't you hear them saying, "Do that walk-on-wafer stunt for us again." Wow! Imagine the stampin' and hollerin' that one would bring on. Jesus' answer was a sharp rebuke and a "Just Say No" denial. Jesus Christ would not draw crowds with parlor tricks of entertainment for the carnally minded. Religious people today should be similarly minded. To draw a crowd with entertainment is to reduce the true drawing power of God to a sideshow. The drawing power of God is the word of God. All who are truly drawn to Him are taught of God, not entertained by some shallow theatrics. To learn more, come and visit the: |
What "Spacemen" Are Saying |
It wasn't too many years ago that men spoke of space travel as "science fiction." What was science fiction twenty years ago is now SCIENCE FACT! But, have we learned anything? Yes, many of us have. We have learned that the universe is a mechanism of complex ORDER which reflects the genius of an in-finite Creator! Consider what some spacemen have said: "When you get out there a quarter of a million miles away from home, you look at earth with a little different perspective. The earth looks big and beautiful ... The earth looks so perfect...I didn't see God. But I am convinced of God by the order out in space. I know it didn't happen by accident." ---Eugene A. Cernan, Apollo 17 "Anything as well ordered and perfectly created as is our earth and universe must have a Maker, a Master Designer. Anything so orderly, so perfect, so precisely balanced, so majestic as this creation can only be the product of a Divine idea ... There must be a Maker; there can be no other way." --- Dr. Werner Von Braun. To learn more about God's plan for man in His creation visit or write the: |
The Right To Die |
Hitler pioneered the idea of the productive killing of innocents. Sadly, the idea has gained new defender, in our society. However, the administering of tine final solution to those unwanted innocents has been given a nice-sounding name; The Right to Die. We are encouraged to accept the idea that the terminally ill (and sometimes others) should have the right to die and end their suffering. Quite realistically, they have that right even now. More than that, they have an obligation to die (see; Heb. 9:27). There is no way the grim reaper can be cheated. But what social planners really want is THE RIGHT. TO KILL. Think about it. Every article proposing the right to die real- ly is a defense of the right to kill. No man has the right to commit murder, no matter what the justification. God said murder was sinful -- and so it is (see; Gen. 9:6 et al). When we reject the morality of God then chaos results. The Right to Die movement is an example of it. Do we really want the government to sanction The Right to Kill? To learn more about this call, visit, or write the: |
It Doesn't Matter What You Take, So Long As You Are Sincere |
Can you imagine going to a druggist who operated under the concept of "it doesn't matter what you take, so long as you are sincere?" What the doctor prescribed really doesn't matter to this fellow, for he feels that your attitude means more than the good physician's sound medical advice. Dispensers of religious "medicine" often operate with this very philosophy. Most will freely declare, "It doesn't matter what you believe, so long as you are sincere." The Great Physician, on the other hand, often warned about being deceived to one's soul (Sec; Gal. 1:G-9, et al.) The doctrine of "faith only," for instance, may be very full of comfort to some "healers," but it is anathema to Cod. God said that "by works a man is justified, and not by faith only" (James 2:24). Yes, one may sincerely believe that this bromide may save, but God's medicine has been prescribed and it, and it alone, will bring salvation from the curse of sin. To learn more about this, come and worship with us at: |
He Wasn't Really A Doctor - |
Several years ago it was discovered that a respected "doctor" in a Michigan community was not a doctor at all. In fact, he wasn't even a high school graduate. However, he had been successfully practicing medicine for several years. To his credit, the really tough cases before him were referred to specialists for treatment. He handled only what seemed to him to be the obvious problems. Thus, for the most part, his advice was beneficial, occasionally benign, and only occasionally harmful. When it was revealed that he was a fraud many of his patients rose to his defense and castigated those who exposed his deceit. Isn't that strange? However, Satan, too, has spiritual "doctors" who practice religious healing. (See 2 Cor. 11:14-15). Most of their advice is beneficial, some benign, but some harmful. What amazes, is that when their calumny is revealed many of their followers rise up to defend them. Such ought not to be the case. Let us follow God's advice and try the spirits to see if they are of God (1 John 4:1). To learn more about this, contact the: |
The Spirit Of The Age |
G. Campbell Morgan was once told, "You must catch the spirit of the age." Immediately this preacher responded, "God forgive the preacher who does that. The preacher's business is to correct the spirit of the age." ' God expressed that same thought this way, "Be ye not conformed to the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Indeed, the spirit of the age --the spirit of compromise with sin--is not for the faithful child of God. True Christians stand apart from it, and opposed to it. Too many churches fashion themselves according to the standards characteristic of the spirit of the age. If you are interested in a church which does not do that we beg you to consider the: |
Is He His Keeper's Brother? What You Get When Men "Monkey Around With Science! " |
No more bankrupt theory has ever been pawned off on the American public than the theory of evolution, Even so, our young people are being taught that they are their brother's keeper in the Washington Zoo. The truth of the matter is this: God created man in "his own image" (Gen. 1). To teach our children that they are anything less than that is to encourage immoral and anti-social behavior. In fact, it would seem that the rash of juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, abortions, etc., ,can be charged to the humanistic philosophies being taught in the public schools. To learn more about this visit, call, or write the: |
The Religion Of The Gentiles |
Plato once said, "The greatest of blessings is the gift of madness, indeed, mad-ness that is Heaven sent." (Phaedrus, 244). The philosopher did not have in mind the idea of insanity, but that of a achieving a state of religious ecstasy in which the communicants lost control of themselves. In this environment the participants would babble senselessly in a confusion of "tongue-speaking." Unknown tongues were a regular part of Gentile worship. Jesus Christ specifically forbade such for his disciples. In Matthew 6:7 he said, "And in praying use not vain repetitions as the Gentiles do." The New International Version more correctly renders that, "babble like pagans." When multitudes babble like pagans non-believers might be led to believe that they are "mad"* (that is, in the state of pagan ecstasy called "madness" by Plato and others) (se; l Cor.14:23). As the Gentiles were "led away" (carried away) into a spirit of ecstasy, so, too, are some today. Since it is not the Spirit of God behind such, what spirit is it? To learn more, visit or call the: |
Evolution Is Not A Harmless Theory: |
"And God made man in his own image. 'And he made of one every nation of men to dwell on the earth.'. The Bible is very clear in its assertion that all men are alike and that we stand before God as one. Not so, the theories of men. Evolution, for instance, is considered a harmless theory which explains the origin of man. Were that the case, then all would be well. Evolutionary thought, however, seems to originate in racism in an attempt to find a rational explanation for the prejudices men hold toward other races. The illustration above is from the book "The Death of Adam" and has long been used to prove the superiority of one race over another using the "scientific" method. Don't be beguiled. by the racism of evolutionary thinking. In fact, Hitler's hatred of some people was rooted in his ideas that men "ascend" and that some are "higher" than others. To learn more, visit: |
Waterslides, Baseball And The Blood Of Jesus |
If you want to draw a crowd, just throw a baseball game or build a waterslide. Kids and old folks alike will come out in droves. However, should these things be used to attract people to the church of Jesus Christ? Do we really believe that Jesus died on the cross so that Christians could have their own amusement park or ball-Aeams? These are "part of the arsenal of weapons" we use to attract people, defenders argue. "After. we get them into the park we preach Jesus to them." . But Paul said that the "weapons of our warfare are not carnal." If you feel more comfortable in the company of Paul than with promoters of the flesh, visit or Write the: |
Looking For A Place To Worship? |
We Provide: * A Warm, Friendly, People * Congregational Singing * Sound, Bible-Based, Preaching * Bible Classes For All Ages it You Are Looking For A Church Where The Focus Is On God Rather Than On Man's Social Needs, Then Visit: |
Is Christ Divided? |
That's a good question, isn't it? In fact, it is a rhetorical question asked in the first chapter of the Corinthian letter. The answer is a resounding "NO!" Where, then, have all of the religious divisions come from? They come from Satan himself, along with all of the doctrines of demons which are adjuncts to the divided bodies. Interestingly, the Bible says that God is- 'not the author of confusion, but of peace. There-fore, all of the confusing doctrines' 'in so-called Christendom have come from Satan, not God. _ If a doctrine is not in the Bible, it is not from God. If a church condones, that is, sees nothing wrong with religious division, it is not from God. To learn more about this, visit or write the: |
The Theme. Of Tv Evangelism |
A few TV evangelists seem to be genuinely intertested in the well-being of their audiences, but most appear to be more interested in money than anything else. In fact, between begging for money and promising generous returns on the "seed gifts" they leave lithe time for spiritual concerns. God never promised prosperity to the righteous in His kingdom. For some, in fact, He promised death an:. deprivation (see Rev. 2:10 et al). Jesus, who had nc: where to lay his head, would not be welcome on mos'. prosperity-minded TV religious broadcasts. Modern evangelism bears little resemblance to the religion of Christ. To learn more about this come visit or write: |
The Bible: A Symbolic Idol In Most Churches? |
What place does the Bible hold in the typical "Christian" church today? Well, quite frankly, it en joys. about the same status that a pagan idol held in the ancient past; that is, it stands as a symbol of the deity before which the worshipers bow. There was a time when men were concerned about what the Bible taught: The phrase "prove al things," taken from its pages, had some meaning. Men were willing to engage in open controversy to determine whether or not their practices and doctrines originated with God or the Devil. Not so any more. Today the Bible may be held in one hand while preaching; it may be thumped from time to time for. emphasis; it may even be quoted to verify a point; but it will not be examined to see whether or not the things preached are so. That noble practice, while named among the Bereans, is not often named among men today. God encouraged the disciples to debate the issue of circumcision in the first century. God even said, "come, let us reason together" by the prophet Isaiah. The devil, however, has convinced men that such is wrong because the devil doesn't want men to examine their teaching by God's word. If you believe God's word should be more than a symbolic idol then why not visit or write the: |
One Religion Is As Good As Another |
Because we live in a pluralistic society, we must seek to live together in harmony and peace and without the prejudices that characterized the heathen world. Thus was born the idea that "one religion is as good as another." Now, think about that. If that is the case, then Catholicism is no better than, nor different from, Hinduism; Protestantism is to be viewed as one with Islam; Judaism is no better than Voodoo; and New Testament Christianity is the same as the paganism of the Gentiles. Was this the way the early saints viewed it? No, of course not. The early saints were evangelistic; that is, they carried the "good news" of salvation to every creature because men are lost without it. While there is no room in the religion of Christ for prejudice against any people, neither do we have to close our eyes to the worth of the gospel of _ Christ. In fact, those who hold prejudicial attitudes toward others show that they see no worth in others, nor in their own religious convictions. Such is not a characteristic of genuine Christians who see the inherent worth of all men and who want to share the precious gospel of Christ with all men. Let us be neither prejudiced against men nor blinded to the preciousness of God's word merely be-cause we happily live in a pluralistic society. |
Modern Miracles |
God gave the apostles, and those few upon whom they laid their hands, the power to per-form miracles. This gift was given to confirm that the word spoken was from God and not Satan. (see Heb.l, 2:4) Obviously, the word has been confirmed so that work of the Holy Spirit has been accomplished. When God's men performed miracles none could deny that a great and notable miracle had taken place. (see Acts 4:9, 16) Limbs which were withered were restored, ears which had been severed were replaced, the dead were raised and those known to be lame were healed. An could seethe miraculous power of-God demonstrated. How different that is from today. Modern faith healers do not journey to hospitals to work their cures. True, they do venture to them when they, or their children, are sick. But they go to be cured, not to be miraculously healed. In fact, the ob-viously sick or lame are scrupulously avoided. All cures are accepted as such because the worker or recip-ient said that a cure had taken place. The faith behind modern faith healers is that one has to believe that a miracle has taken place in the absence of evidence. |
Will Satan Se Saved? |
Jesus said that no one can come to the Father "but by me" (John 14:6). But what does "but by me" really mean? Does it mean to believe in Jesus? If so, then Satan will be saved because Satan believes in Jesus Christ (James 2:19). Does it mean to confess Christ? Problems again. The devils confessed Jesus (Mack 5:7), but most certainly are not saved. Does it mean to quote scripture? Hmmm. Didn't Satan quote scripture when he tempted Jesus (Matthew 4)? "But by me" must mean more than faith, confession and scripture quoting. It includes, and requires, obedience. God said that we belong to those whom we obey (Rom. 6:16). Now, whom do you obey? |
Speak No Mope In The Name Of Jesus |
In the first century those who were most opposed to the dissemination of the gospel ordered the apostles to "speak no more in the name of Jesus" (Acts 4:18). These were trying to sup-press the truth by denying it a public hearing. This was being done because the truth pricked the consciences of honest men and women and led them to repentance. Some did not want this. What a tragedy. However, the same is being done today when the truth is denied the same access to the public media that error has. We should remember, however, that God has declared, "Come, let us reason together." Those who oppose such a free exchange appear to be unfriendly to God. For this reason, the pulpit of the Annandale church of Christ remains open to those with whom we disagree. If you want to come to an assembly of the saints and address us, please call or write the: |
Babbling Like Pagans? |
Charismatic tongue-speaking did not originate with Christianity. In fact, historians tell us that the ancient Greeks would get "carried away in the spirit" and babble nonsensically as part of their worship to the gods. ' Jesus forbade his disciples to "babble like the pagans" (Matt. 6:7, New International Version) and they did not. The tongues on Pentecost were intelligible, spoken, languages of the first century. Paul warned that certain ones who were "carried away," by some spirit other than God's might engage in "unknown tongues" -but it was a phenomena little known among first-century Christians. One wonders what spirit leads men and women today to "speak in tongues." For more information, visit or write the: One religion is as good as another Because we live in a pluralistic society, we must seek to live together in harmony and peace and without the prejudices that characterized the heathen world. Thus was born the idea that "one religion is as good as another." Now, think about that. If that is the case, then Catholicism is no better than, nor different from, Hinduism; Protestantism is to be viewed as one Just as one with Islam; Judaism is no better candidate than Voodoo; and New Testament Christianity is the same as the is as good as paganism of the Gentiles. another Was this the way the early saints viewed it? No, of course not. The early saints were evangelistic; that is, they carried the "good news" of salvation to every creature because men are lost without it. While there is no room in the religion of Christ for prejudice against any people, neither do we have to close our eyes' to the worth of the gospel of , Christ. In fact, those who hold prejudicial attitudes toward others show that they see no worth in others, nor in their own religious convictions. Such is not a characteristic of genuine Christians who see the inherent worth of all men and who want to share the precious gospel of Christ with all men. Let us be neither prejudiced against men nor blinded to the preciousness of God's word merely be-cause we happily live in a pluralistic society. |
Safe Sex: |
Health professionals, leading clergy, and many others are advocating "safe sex". What they mean by this, are practices which make "unsafe" sex less risky. Really, to put it bluntly, they are promoting immorality among the youth under the guise of concern. The Bible teaches the only means of "safe sex". That is, two virgins marrying each other and remaining faithful to one another. "Let marriage be had in honor among all and the bed undefiled" (Heb. 13:4). Any other practice is fraught with danger; both in the hereafter and in this present world. Don't be deceived by the modern moralists who say you can have your cake and eat it too. Do not be deceived, for what a man sows, that is what he will reap. To learn more about this, visit, call, or write the: |
The Saddest Chapter In Our History |
The saddest chapter in American History relates the struggle of minorities seeking the respect of the majority. In the two decades between 1882 and 1902 more than 2,000 people were lynched by hate-filled, angry mobs. Christ died on the cross to set men free. While he did not have political freedom in mind, He did have freedom from the prejudicial passions which lead some men to treat others differently than they would want to be treated. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not an empty platitude of Christianity. It is the working motto of all who follow Him. With God "there is no respect of persons" and' the same can be said of those who love Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. To learn more about this, visit or write: |
The Poison On Television |
Centuries ago the Lord said that "evil companion-ships corrupt good morals." Who would have dreamed then, or even a generation ago, that the most constant companion that some of our children have would be the television set. To make matters worse, with some it is the nearly pornographic MTV. Any who argue for or against women serving as "priests" evidence their total disregard for Jesus Christ. Too, any who plead for a "special ministry" (whether male or female) show they have no respect for the Lord. 'To learn more about this come and visit: |
Gimmicks In Religion |
Have you taken note of the increase of "gimmicks" in modern religion? It seems that one can't go to church nowadays with-out being confronted by "Cowboy Bob" or a "weightlifter for Jesus" who will astound us by breaking out of handcuffs or do some other feat of strength to amaze us. Did you ever wonder if the apostles ever did such things? Well, there is no Biblical evidence that they did. In fact, the Biblical evidence is that they did not. They, in fact, would not appeal to carnal means in order to win men to Christ (2 Cor. 10:4). The power to draw men to God. is the gospel (see; John 6:44, 45; Rom. 1:16). The more confidence one has in God to draw men to Himself the less there will be a dependence on the carnally spectacular. The next time you see someone carrying a cross a-round the world, or doing gymnastics for Jesus, etc., the more you can believe that such people have little confidence in God. Come and visit where gimmicks are avoided Parents need to censor what their impressionable little ones_ watch on the tube, but more important than that, they need to provide some positive input by teaching them about God and the Bible. With that thought in mind, let us invite you .and your children to visit or write the: |
Modern Miracles |
God gave the apostles, and those few upon whom they laid their hands, the power to per-form miracles. This gift was given to confirm that the word spoken was from God and not Satan. (see Heb. 2:4) Obviously, the word has been confirmed so that work of the Holy Spirit has been accomplished. When God's men performed miracles none could deny that a great and notable miracle had taken place. (see Acts 4:9, 16) Limbs which were withered were restored, ears which had been severed were replaced, the dead were raised and those known to be lame were healed. All could see the miraculous power of-God demonstrated. How different that is from today. Modern faith healers do not journey to hospitals to work their cures. True, they do venture to them when they, or their children, are sick. But they go to be cured, not to be miraculously healed. In fact, the obviously sick or lame are scrupulously avoided. All cures are accepted as such because the worker or recipient said that a cure had taken place. The faith behind modern faith healers is that one has to believe that a miracle has taken place in the absence of evidence. A called and sent ministry is the pride and boast of some religious people, and the experiences of the preachers who claim to have been called in a direct way and especially sent to preach the gospel is varied, as well as amusing. In the first place, we wonder why they all do not preach the same things, if they are called by the same power, to preach the same gospel. It seems that they would all i speak the same things, but they-do. not do this, for -all sorts of doc-trines are preached by all kinds of preachers. Did God call,. send and qualify. all of them? Did God call, send, or qualify even those who admit to have been "demon possessed?" One preacher claimed to have cast out more than 90 devils from another "called, Spirit-filled" cohort. Is 'God behind this, or is this the work of another? |
Was Your Preacher "Called"? |
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob spoke to His prophet, Moses, from the burning bush. The "I Am," as he designated himself, commissioned Moses to deliver Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Moses was a reluctant prophet, but a successful one. The people, at least those who chose to follow his direction, were saved under the leadership of this stalwart servant of God. God said to Moses, "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken `unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him." Peter identified that prophet as Jesus Christ, the "I Am" of the New Testament. Some sought to kill Him for this. |
A Prophet Like Moses |
If one preacher should preach all of conflicting doctrines found in the warring creeds of Christendom, would we not call him a hypocrite? Then what of the spirit by which their preachers are called and qualified? But is it not clear that all such preachers are not called by God? Therefore, we need something More objective to go by than a preacher's claim that He is "called". We need the Bible. To learn more visit: With his own mouth Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to the Father, but by me." It is time that all men considered the person of Jesus Christ. He cannot be dismissed with indifference. He is either the Messiah or lie was a lunatic or a liar. Be honest with yourself and with Him, accept and be saved from the bondage of sin; or reject Him and be lost in the servitude of Egypt. |
"Faith only is a most wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort," we are told. Well, the Devil likes it. In fact, it is his most useful argument to keep men and women in his fold. If faith alone saves, then the Devil himself will be saved for the Bible says the devils believe and tremble (James 2). On the other hand, the Bible says that Jesus is the author. of salvation to those who obi Him. While it is true that those who have received Jesus by faith are headed in the right direction, they are not yet God's children. They do have the power to become his children (John 1:12). To learn what one must do to become a child of God visit, call or write the: |
Without Christ All Are Lost Should We Cry Out A Warning? Because Of Love, Yes! |
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down. his life for his friends" (John 15:13). That. love was shown by Jesus Christ when he willingly died for all mankind, even those who participated in his crucifixion. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8), we are told. The greatest act of love we can show for sinners today is to point them to Christ. "No man can come to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6), God's Son declared. All who are outside of Christ are lost. Because we love you we want to share Him with you. To learn more come and visit or call the: |
Raising Children From The Dead |
Any loving, caring, compassionate person will call out a warning to one who does not see the danger in his present course. To do otherwise is unthinkable. In the spiritual realm, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob required His servants to issue warnings to any who were caught up in a sinful state (Ezek. 3:18). Needless to say, those who are faithful to Him today do this very thing. Those who reject God do not. The only thing more uncaring than failure to issue warnings is the attempt to stifle the plaintive cries of those who do care. To engage in such censorship is unthinkable, but it does go on. More's the pity, more's the shame. If you want to know more about a loving group which cares about the souls of lost men and women, please call or write the: |
Neither The Wise Men Nor Early. Christians Everaeard Of Christmas |
Surely few would object to children enjoying their fantasies about ghosts, goblins and the dead being raised at the "witching hour". However, when responsible adults begin claiming that such is part of the twentieth century religion of Christ, then something must be done. God said that for those who "believe not the truth" a strong delusion could be sent that they "might believe a lie." Be not deceived, learn the truth, come and visit or write the: |
Honoring Men And Honoring God |
Actually., the appeal is obvious. It brings families together who have been apart for a while. That is good. It increases good will among men; also good. It is -a lot of fun and makes people feel good about one another. It may be responsible for increased greed among youngsters but that would not be good. So, all in all, there is something to be said for it. Except that it did not originate with God and should not, therefore, be celebrated as anything religious by Christians. The Bible is totally silent on the subject; there-fore, God, who provided all things that pertain to life and godliness, did not intend for us to incorporate it as a part of our religious practices. To learn more about this visit or write the: |
Honouring Men And Honouring God |
We do not honor these men by merely naming a "holiday" after them. On the contrary, we . honor them by incorporating into our daily lives the good principles for which they stood. We practice the things they taught us to practice. At the same time, we .~-do not "honor" God by' merely saying that we do. In fact, God said that some men "honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, teaching as their doctrine the commandments of men." Whenever a church teaches something not taught in the word. of God it is teaching the doctrines of men and not the precepts of God. Judging by the my doctrines represented on this page, one would conclude that many do not submit themselves to the righteousness of God but fashion for themselves their own forms of "righteousness." Is this any way to serve the God of Heaven? To learn more about this please visit, write, or call the: |