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Early Church Fathers
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107 "Tantum" = "tantum quantum primo fuerat," i.e., with a body as well as a spirit.

108 Pignus: "the promise of the Father" (Acts i. 4); "the earnest of the Spirit" (2 Cor. i. 22; v. 5.). See, too, Eph. i. 13, 14; Rom. viii. 23.

109 The reference is to John iii. 6, but it is not quite correctly given.

110 See note on 245, above.

111 See 2 Cor. v. 1. sqq.

112 I read "inerum" - a very rare form - here for "inermem." But there seems a confusion in the text, which here, as elsewhere, is probably corrupt.

113 "Cerae," which seems senseless here, I have changed to "cereris."

114 There seems to be a reference to 2 Pet. i. 17.

115 Here again I have altered the punctuation by a very simple change.

116 See 1 Cor. xv. 54; Isa. xxv. 8 (where the LXX. have a strange reading).

117 Isa. liv. 1; Gal. iv. 27.

118 Gal. iv. 19-31.

119 The Jewish people leaving Christ, "the fountain of living waters" (Jer. ii. 13; John vii. 37-39), is compared to Hagar leaving the well, which was, we may well believe, close to Abraham's tent.

120 Et tepidis errans ardenti sidere potat. See Gen. xxi. 12-20.

121 See Matt. xix. 27; Mark x. 28; Luke xviii. 28.

122 See Matt. xxiii. 35.

123 i.e., apparently the "giants;" see Gen. vi. 4; but there is no mention of them in Enoch's time (Migne).

124 i.e., over the general sinfulness.

125 I suggest "translatus" for "translatum" here.

126 See Gen. vii. 1.

127 Loosely; 120 years is the number in Gen. vi. 3.

128 Gente.

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