Early Church Fathers ![]() ![]() |
22 Matt. vii. 2; [Luke vi. 38].
27 Luke xviii. 18, ff.; Matt. xix. 16, ff.
29 Cotelerius' MS. inserts "the Creator" (Demiurge).
30 We have adopted the Latin translation here, as giving the meaning which was intended by the writer: but the Greek will scarcely admit of such a translation. Probably the text is corrupt, or something is omited. The literal translation is, "in consequence of the unjudging supposition on account of the gododness."
32 "Incomparably wicked, more wicked than;" literally, "incomparably wicked as."
33 The Greek has o0moi/wj, "in like manner." We have translated o!mwj.
1 This passage is corrupt. Wieseler has proposed to amend it by bold transposition of the clauses. We make one slight alteration in the text.
2 [Compae with this discussion respecting the origin of the evil one, Recognitions, ix. 55, 56; x. 3, etc. In Recognitions, iii. 15-23, the existence of evil is discussed.-R.]
7 This passage is not found in the New Testament. It resembles Eph. iv. 27.
11 [Comp. Homily XX. 8, 9.-R.]
12 This passage is probably corrupt. We have adopted the readings of Cotelerius-h!, h@ instead of ei0 and mh/.
14 The words genhto/j and a0genhtojare difficult to translate. The first means one who has somehow or other come into being; the second, one who has never come into being; but has always been. The MSS. confound genhto/j with hennhto/j, begotten, and a0ge/nhtoj with a0ge/nnhtoj, un begotten.
15 We have changed ei0 into h@.
16 By "Him" is understood God, though it may mean the devil.
17 Lit., "his usefulness was most necessary of all."
18 This sentence is obscure in the original. We have, with Wiseler, read e0pei/, omiting a0rxh=. Instead of supplying mh/, we have turned suggnw=naiinto the participle.
19 We have adopted the pointing of Wieseler.
21 We have altered the punctuation. Editors connect this clause with the previous sentence, and change h!of the MS. into ei0.
22 This sentence is regarded as corrupt by Wieseler. We have retained the reading of the Paris MS., o0, and understand lamba/netai after it. De/ would naturally be inserted after tau/th|, but it is not necessary. Kaqarqeisw=n is translated in the Latin purgatis, which may mean the same as in our translation if we take it in the sense of "washed away:" but kaqaireqeisw=n would be a better reading. The translation of Cotelerius gives, "Since this is reasonably assumed with firmness,-namely, that it is right to give to God," etc.
23 The text here is evidently corrupt in many places. If the reading "by him" is to be retained, we must suppose, with Wieseler, that "by God" is omitted in the previous clause. Probably it should be, "by himself."
24 "And bad" is not in the MSS., but is required by the context.
25 The text is corrupt here. Literally it is, "I do not admit that God had been begotten."