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Early Church Fathers
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1119 Juvenal, vi, 277-295 (Dryden's translation).

1120 Madaura.

1121 Gesta-records of judicial procedure.

1122 This is supposed to be the name of a Donatist church in Carthage.

1123 Apringius. See note, p. 471.

1124 Letters CXXXIII. and CXXXIV.

1125 Anaunia, a valley not far from Trent, destined to be so famous for the Council held there. In the month of May, 397 A.D., Martyrius, Sisinnius, and Alexander were killed there by the heathen.

1126 Angariant. See Matt. v. 41.

1127 The Conference presided over by this Marcellinus at Carthage, in the preceding year.

1128 Letter CXLI.

1129 Letters CXXXVII. and CXXXVIII.

1130 Letter CXL.

1131 Principalis.

1132 Quos vulgo moriones vocant.

1133 Nescit vox missa reverti.

1134 Rom. viii. 3.

1135 The text here obscure, we have followed the Mss., which omit the words, "interim quod constat peccatum primi hominis."

1136 Gal. v. 17.

1137 2 Cor. v. 4.

1138 Wisd. ix. 15.

1139 1 Cor. xv. 53.

1140 1 Tim. vi. 16.

1141 Eccles. xii. 7.

1142 Gen. ii. 7.

1143 Rom. i. 24.

1144 2 Pet ii. 19.

1145 John viii. 36.

1146 Gal. iii. 24.

1147 Joel ii. 32.

1148 Rom. x. 14.

1149 2 Cor. iii. 6.

1150 Rom. v. 5.

1151 Rom. xiii. 10.

1152 1 Tim. i. 8.

1153 Rom. x. 3.

1154 Rom. vii. 13.

1155 Ps. xix. 9.

1156 1 John iv. 18.

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