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66 a0ei\ a0naiti/wj e0k Patro/j.

67 Greg. Naz., Orat. 35.

68 I Cor. ii. 8.

69 Baruch iii. 38: these words are absent in many mss.

70 Leont., Resp. ad argum. Sever.

71 For kai\ th= ai0tiarh= kai\ u0i>\kh=, kai\ th= ai0tiath= kai\ e0kporeuth= we get kai\ th= ai0tiatikh=, kai\ poreuth' in Cod. Colb. I, Cod. Reg. 3, and so Faber also.

72 oi0konomi/aj, incarnation.

73 Leont., Resp. ad argum. Sever.

74 See Leont., Act. 7. De Sect., with reference to one of the arguments of the Nestorians; also Greg. Naz., Orat. 36; Max., Ep. I ad Joan. Cubic.

75 Infr. ch. vii.: Basil, Epist. 40 and Bk. De Spir. Sanct ch. 17

76 ei\doj, form, class, species.

77 These words are gound only in Cod. Reg. 2927.

78 The words ou=si/a paqhth/ and pe/ponqe are omitted in some editions.

79 Against Arias, Apollinaris, and the Severians.

80 Col. ii. 9.

81 Dion., De div. nom., ch. 2.

82 Athan., De salut. adv. Christ: Greg. Naz., Epist. I ad Cled. et Orat. I: Cyril, in John viii.

83 Cf. Greg. Naz., Orat. I, &c.

84 Greg., Orat. I, 38-51.

85 perixwrei=tai u0po tou krei/ttonoj.

86 Infr., ch. xviii.

87 ou su/noikoj. It is proposed to read au0tou= su/noikoj, or w0j su/noikoj.

88 Greg., Epist. I ad Cled.

89 Athan., De salut. adv. Christ.

90 Ephes. ii. 6.

91 Text, u0pemfai/nontej. Variant, e0mfai/nomen.

92 a0parxh\n tou= h0mere/rou fura/matoj.

93 su/nqeton genesqai th\n proteron a0plh=n ou\san tou= Lo/gou u0po/sttasin, su/nqeton de\ e0k du/o telei\wn fu/sewn.

94 Text, kai\ xro/nw kuh/sewj. Various readings, kai tro/pw kuh/sewj: kai\ xro/nw kai\ kuh/sewj.

95 Cf. Ruf., Expos. symb.; Epiph., in the epilogue to his De Haer.; Joan. Scyth., Epist. Dionys. 4.

96 Mariaj is absent in most mss.

97 Expositio fidei a Patribus Nicaenis contra Paul. Samos. III. p. conc. Ephes.

98 Commonit. ad Eulog. et Epist. 2 ad Succes.; cf. supr. ch. vi. et infr. ch. xi.

99 o!loj me\n ou\u e0sti Qeo\j te\leioj, ou0x o!lon de\ Oeo/j

100 o!loj.

101 o!lon.

102 o!lon.

103 o!loj.

104 Greg. Naz., Orat. 51.

105 the following is added in R. 2927: e0n pa=si me\n h\n, kai\ u0pe\r ta\ pa/nta, kai e0n th ga/stri th=j Qeomh/toroj, a0ll' e0n tau0th te, e0nerge/a th=j sarkw/sewj. This is assuredly and interpolation.

106 u. supr. ch. iii.

107 Leontius de sectis, Act. 3.

108 Directed against the Severians. See Leont., De Sect., Act. 7; Greg. Naz., Orat. 37.

109 upo\ to\ sunexe\j po\son a0na=gontai ai0 tou= Kuri/ou fu/deij, h@ i0po to\ diwrisme/non.

110 Text, a0na/gontai. Variants, a0nafe/rointo and diafe/rointo.

111 mi/a e0pifa/neia.

112 Cyril, De Anath. 8 cont. Theod.

113 The Apollinarians attacked the orthodox as a0nqrwpola/trai, man-worshippers, and as making the Trinity a Quaternity by their doctrine of two perfect natures in Christ. see greg. Naz., Ep. I ad Cied.; Athanas., Ep. ad Epictet.; Anastas. Anitioch., De Operationibus; Cyril, Contr. Nestor. et Eutych. I.; John of Dam., Dialect. 29.

114 See Migne on the position of this section.

115 Another allegation of the Severian party is in view here. see Leont., De Sect., Act. 7, Contr. Nestor. et Eutych. I.; John of Dam., Dialect. 29.

116 Leont., De sect., Act 7.

117 Dam., Epist. ad Jord. Archim.

118 Text, bla/sfhmon. Variant, blasfhmi/an.

119 Text, bla/sfhmon. Variant, blasfhmi/an.

120 1 Cor. viii. 5.

121 These words which refer to the Holy Spirit are absent in R. 2930 and in I Cor. viii., but are present in other Codices and in Basil, De Spirit. Sancto, and in Greg. Nazianz., Orat. 39, and further in the Damascene himself Parallel, and elsewhere, and could not be omitted here.

122 Orat. 39.

123 Rom. xi. 36.

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