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183 pa/qoj, sensibility.

184 In N. is added: kai\ ei\ e\n th= h0me/ra to= pa/qouj le/gei 9 Pa/ter, ei0 dunato\n, parelqe/tw to\ poth/rion touto a0p0 e0mou=. Plh\n ou0x w0j e0gw\ qe/lw, a0ll 9 w0j su/. 'Idou= du/o qelh/seij, qei>\kh\ a!ma kai\ a0nqrwpi/nh.

185 Phil. ii. 8.

186 Max., ut supr.

187 tw=n u0po\ xei=ra ga\r tau=ta.

188 Orat. 36, some distance from the beginning.

189 Max., Disp. cum Pyrrh.

190 w0j suntrexou/shj tq e!xei th=j proxeiri/sewj, the choice, or decision, being synchronous with the moral disposition.

191 Max., Disp. cum Pyrrh.

192 prw=ton me\n, o!ti ai0 sunqe/seij tw=n e0n u9posta/sei o!ntwn, kai\ ou0 tw=n e0te/rw lo/gw, kai\ ou0 iudi/w qewroume/nwn ei0si/.

193 Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

194 Max., Epist. ad marin.

195 proai/resij.

196 Basil, on Ps. xliv., or rather on Isiah vii.

197 Is. vii. 16, sec. LXX.

198 Fusikai\ men ga/r ei0sin ai9 a0retai/; cf. Cicero, De leg. I.

199 Supr., bk. ii., ch. 30.

200 Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

201 Gen. i. 26.

202 1Cor. vii. 25.

203 Ps. lxxiii. 3.

204 Dan. ii. 15. peri\ ti/noj d0ch=lqen h0 gnw/mh h9 a0naidh\j au!th. In our A.V., Why is the decree so hasty from the king?

205 Text, kata\ ei!kosi o0ktw;: Variants, kata\ koinou=, kata\ polu/, secunda multa (old trans.), and secundum plurima (Faber). Maximus gave 28 meanings of gnw/mh.

206 Cf. Anast., De operationibus, I.; Joan. Scyth, Con. Sever. VIII., &c.

207 Supr. bk. ii.: Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

208 Orat. 37, near the beginning.

209 Anast. Antioch., De operationibus.

210 kai\ au0to\ to\ a0potelou/menon; cf. Max., ad Marin. II.

211 Max. tom. ii., Dogmat. ad Marin., p. 124.

212 St. Matt. viii. 3.

213 St. John vi. 11.

214 See Act. 10 sextae synodi.

215 Text, qehgo/rouj. Variant, qeofo/rouj.

216 Orat. de natura et hyp. Also in Basil. 43.

217 Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

218 Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

219 St. John v. 17.

220 Ibid. 19.

221 Ibid. x. 38.

222 Ibid. v. 36.

223 Ibid. 21.

224 Max., ibid.

225 Maxim., lib. De duab. vol. et Dial. cum Pyrrh.

226 St. Luke viii. 54; Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

227 Max., ibid.

228 Max., ibid.

229 Text, h9 de\ kata\ fu/sin e0ne/rgeia. Variant, ei0 de/.

230 Hom. 1.

231 Thes., xxxii., ch. 2; Act. 10, sextae Synodi.

232 The Monotheletes made much of the case of the raising of the daughter of Jairus. See Cyril, In Joan., p. 351; Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh., Epist. ad Nicand., epist. ad Mon. Sicil.; Scholiast in Collect. cont. Severum, ch. 20.

233 oi\kouomw=j, in incarnate form.

234 Leo, Epist. cit.

235 ou0 ga\r a0f' e9autou\ pro\j ta\ fusika\ pa0qh th\n o9rmh\n e0poiei=to ou0d' au0th\n e0k tw=n luph w=n a9formh\n kai\ parai/thsin.

236 The term is morfh/, as in Phil. ii. 6, 7.

237 Dion., ch. 2, De div. nom. et Epist. 4.

238 Max., Dial. cum Pyrrh.

239 See the reply of Maximus in the Dialogue cum Pyrrh.

240 Gen. i. 31.

241 Max., Opusc. Polem., pp. 31, 32.

242 Leo, Epist. 10.

243 St. Matt. iv. 2.

244 Nyss., adv. Apoll.

245 Chrysost., Hom. in s. Thom.

246 di' a0ntwnumi/aj.

247 Cyril, in Joan., bk. viii.

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