Early Church Fathers ![]() ![]() |
Letter I. To the Bishop of Aquileia.
Letter II. To Septimus, Bishop of Altinum.
Letter III. From Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.
Letter IV. To the Bishops Appointed in Campania, Picenum, Etruria, and All the Provinces.
Letter V. To the Metropolitan Bishops of Illyricum.
Letter VI. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
Letter VII. To the Bishops Throughout Italy.
Letter VIII. The Ordinance of Valentinian III. Concerning the Manichaeans.
Letter IX. To Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria.
Letter X. To the Bishops of the Province of Vienne. In the Matter of Hilary, Bishop of Arles1 .
Letter XI. An Ordinance of Valentinianus III.
Letter XIII. To the Metropolitan Bishops in the Provinces of Illyricum.
Letter XIV. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
Letter XV. To Turribius, Bishop of Asturia1 , Upon the Errors of the Priscillianists.
Letter XVI. To the Bishops of Sicily.
Letter XVIII. To Januarius, Bishop of Aquileia1
Letter XIX. To Dorus, Bishop of Beneventum.
Letter XX. To Eutyches, an Abbot of Constantinople.
Letter XXI. From Eutyches to Leo1 .
Letter XXII1 . The First from Flavian, Bp. Of Constantinople to Pope Leo.
Letter XXIII. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter XXIV. To Theodosius Augustus II.
Letter XXV. From Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, to Eutyches, the Presbyter.
Letter XXVI1 . A Second One from Flavian to Leo.
Letter XXVII. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter XXVIII. To Flavian Commonly Called "The Tome"
Letter XXIX. To Theodosius Augustus.
Letter XXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter XXXI. To Pulcheria Augusta1 .
Letter XXXII. To the Archimandrites of Constantinople1 .
Letter XXXIII. To the Synod of Ephesus1 .
Letter XXXIV. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter XXXV.to Julian, Bishop of Cos1 .
Letter XXXVI. To Flavlan, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter XXXVII1 . To Theodoslus Augustus.
Letter XXXVIII1 . To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter XXXIX. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter XL.to the Bishops of the Province of Arles in Gaul.
Letter XLI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
Letter XLII. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
Letter XLIII1 . To Theodosius Augustus.
Letter XLIV. To Theodosius Augustus.
Letter XLV. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter XLVI. From Hilary, Then Deacon (Afterwards Bishop of Rome) to Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter XLVII. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
Letter XLVIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter XLIX. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
Letter LI. To Faustus and Other Presbyters and Archimandrites in Constantinople.
Letter LII. From Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, to Leo. (See Vol. III. Of This Series, P. 293.)
Letter LIII. A Fragment of a Letter from Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo
Letter LIV. To Theodosius Augustus
Letter LVI. (from Galla Placidia Augusta to Theodosius).
Letter LIX. To the Clergy and People of the City of Constantinople.
Letter LX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter LXI. To Martinus and Faustus, Presbyters.
Letter LXV. From the Bishops of the Province of Arles.
Letter LXVI. Leo's Reply to Letter LXV.
Letter LXVII1 . To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
Letter LXVIII. From Three Gallic Bishops to St. Leo.
Letter LXIX. (to Theodosius Augustus.)
Letter LXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter LXXI. To the Archimandrites of Constantinople.
Letter LXXII. To Faustus, One of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.
Letter LXXIII. From Valentinian and Marcian.
Letter LXXIV. To Martinus, Another of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.
Letter LXXV. To Faustus and Martinus Together.
Letter LXXVI. From Marcianus Augustus to Leo.
Letter LXXVII. From Pulcheria Augusta to Leo.
Letter LXXVIII. Leo's Answer to Marcianus.
Letter LXXIX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter LXXX. (to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.)
Letter LXXXI. To Bishop Julian.
Letter LXXXII. To Marclan Augustus.
Letter LXXXIII. To the Same Marcian.
Letter LXXXIV. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter LXXXV. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter LXXXVI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter LXXXVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter LXXXVIII. To Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.
Letter LXXXIX. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter XC. To Marclan Augustus.
Letter XCI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter XCII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter XCIII. To the Synod of Chalcedon.
Letter XCIV. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter XCV. To Pulcheria Augusta by the Hand of Theoctistus the Magistrian1 .
Letter XCVI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
Letter XCVII. From Eusebius, Bishop of Milan, to Leo.
Letter XCVIII. From the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo.
Letter XCIX. From Ravennus and Other Gallic Bishops.
Letter C. From the Emperor Marcian.
Letter CI. From Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo.
Letter CII. To the Gallic Bishops.
Letter CIII. To the Gallic Bishops.
Letter CIV. Leo, the Bishop, to Marcian Augustus.
Letter CV. (to Pulcheria Augusta About the Self-Seeking of Anatolius.)
Letter CVI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, in Rebuke of His Self-Seeking.
Letter CVII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CVIII. To Theodore, Bishop of Forum Julii.
Letter CIX. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CX. From Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXI. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXII. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter CXIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CXIV. To the Bishops Assembled in Synod at Chalcedon.
Letter CXV. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXV. To Pulcheria Augusta.
Letter CXVII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CXVIII. To the Same Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CXX. To Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on Perseverance in the Faith.
Letters CXXI. And CXXII. The Former to Marcian Augustus, and the Other to Julian the Bishop.
Letter CXXIII. To Eudocia Augusta1 , About the Monksof Palestine2 .
Letter CXXIV. To the Monks of Palestine.
Letter CXXV. To Julian, the Bishop, by Count Rodanus.
Letter CXXVI. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXXVII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CXXVII. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXXIX. To Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria.
Letter CXXX. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXXXI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CXXXII. From Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo.
Letter CXXXIII. From Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria, to Leo.(Upon the Easter Difficulty of 455.)
Letter CXXXIV. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXXXV.to Anatolius.(in Answer to CXXXII.)
Letter CXXXVI. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXXXVII. To the Same, and on the Same Day.
Letter CXXXVIII. To the Bishops of Gaul and Spain.(on Easter.)
Letter CXXXIX. To Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem.
Letter CXL. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CXLI. To the Same.(on Several Minor Points of Detail)
Letter CXLII. To Marcian Augustus.
Letter CXLIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter CXLV.to Leo Augustus1 .
Letter CXLVI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter CXLVIII. To Leo Augustus.
Letter CXLIX. To Basil, Bishop of Antioch.
Letter CL to Euxitheus, Bishop of Thessalonica (and Others).(to the Same Effect.)
Letter CLI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter CLII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
Letter CLIII. To Aetius, Presbyter ,of Constantinople.
Letter CLIV. To the Egyptian Bishops.(See Letter CLVIII.)
Letter CLV. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter CLVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
Letter CLVIII1 . To the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in Constantinople.
Letter CLIX. To Nicaetas, Bishop of Aquileia.
Letter CLX. (See Letter CLVIII.)
Letter CLXI. To the Presbyters, Deacons and Clergy of the Church of Constantinople.
Letter CLXII. To Leo Augustus.
Letter CLXIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople. By Patritius the Deacon the Deacon.
Letter CLXIV1 To Leo Augustus.
Letter CLXVI. To Neo, Bishop of Ravenna.
Letter CLXVIII. To All the Bishops of Campania, Samnium and Picenum.
Letter CLXIX. To Leo Augustus.
Letter CLXX. To Gennadius, Bishop of Constantinople1 .
Letter CLXXI. To Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria.
Letter CLXXII. To the Presbyters and Deacons of the Church of Alexandria.
Letter CLXXIII. To Certain Egyptian Bishops.
Sermon I. Preached on His Birthday1 , or Day of Ordination.
Sermon II. On His Birthday, II.: Delivered on the Anniversary1 Of His Consecration.)
Sermon III. On His Birthday, III: Delivered on the Anniversary of His Elevation to the Pontificate.
Sermon IX. Upon the Collections1 , IV.
Sermon X. On the Collections, V.
Sermon XII. On the Fast of The, Tenth Month, I.1
Sermon XVI. On the Fast of the Tenth Month.
Sermon XVII. On the Fast of the Tenth Month, VI.
Sermon XIX. On the Fast of the Ten Month, VIII.
Sermon XXI. On the Feast of the Nativity, I.
Sermon XXII. On the Feast of the Nativity, II.
Sermon XXIII. On the Feast of the Nativity, III.
Sermon XXIV. On the Feast of the Nativity, IV.
Sermon XXVI. On the Feast of the Nativity, VI.
Sermon XXVII. On the Feast of the Nativity, VII.
Sermon XXVIII. On the Festival of the Nativity, VIII.
Sermon XXXI. On the Feast of the Epiphany, I.
Sermon XXXIII. On the Feast of the Epiphany, III.
Sermon XXXIV. On the Feast of the Epiphany, IV.
Sermon XXXVI. On the Feast of the Epiphany, VI.
Sermon LIV. On the Passion, III.; Delivered on the Sunday Before Easter.
Sermon LV. On the Lord's Passion IV., Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week.
Sermon LVIII. (on the Passion, VII.)
Sermon LIX. (on the Passion, VIII.: on Wednesday in Holy Week.)
Sermon LXII. (on the Passion, XI.)
Sermon LXIII. (on the Passion, XII.: Preached on Wednesday.)
Sermon LXVII. (on the Passion, XVI.: Delivered on the Sunday.)
Sermon LXVIII. (on the Passion, XVII.: Delivered on the Wednesday.)
Sermon LXXI. (on the Lord's Resurrection, I.; Delivered on Holy Saturday in the Vigil of Easter1 .)
Sermon LXXII. (on the Lord's Resurrection, II.)
Sermon LXXIII. (on the Lord's Ascension, I.)
Sermon LXXIV. (on the Lord's Ascension, II.)
Sermon LXXV. (on Whitsuntide, I.)
Sermon LXXVII. (on Whitsuntide, III.)
Sermon LXXVIII. (on the Whidsuntide Fast, I.)
Sermon LXXXII. On the Feast1 Of the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29).
Sermon LXXXIV1 . Concerning the Neglect of the Commemoration.
Sermon LXXXV. On the Feast of S. Laurence the Martyr1 (Aug. 10).
Sermon LXXXVIII. On the Fast of the Seventh Month, III1 .
Sermon XC. (on the Fast of Seventh Month, V.)
Part II. Of the Life of the Pastor.
Register of the Epistles of Saint Gregory the Great.
Book I. The Month of September, Indiction IX., Being the First Year of His Ordination.