History of the Christian Church ![]() ![]() |
With new Additions, 1889.
[In the additions to the literature I have followed the method of italicizing book-titles and words in foreign languages, as in the revised edition of vols. i. and ii. The same method will be carried out in all subsequent volumes.]
Page 11. Add To Literature On Constantine The Great:
Th. Zahn: Constantin der Grosse und die Kirche. Hannover, 1876. Demetriades: Die christl. Regierung und Orthodoxie Kaiser Constantin's des Gr. Muenchen, 1878. Th. Brieger: Constantin der Gr. als Religionspolitiker. Gotha, 1880. E. L. Cutts: Constantine the Great. Lond. And N. Y., 1881. W. Gass: Konstantin der Gr. und seine Soehne, in Herzog,2 vii. (1881), 199-207. John Wordsworth: Const. the Gr. and his Sons, in Smith and Wace, i. 623-654. Edm. Stapfer: in Lichtenberger, iii. 388-393.—Comp. also vol. ii. p. 64-74, especially on the Edicts Of Toleration (only two, not three, as formerly assumed). Victor Schultze Geschichte des Untergangs des Griechisch-roemischen Heidenthums. Jena, 1887, Vol. i. 28-68.
Page 40. Add To Lit, on the heathen sources:
Juliani imperatoris Librorum contra Christianos quae supersunt. Collegit, recensuit, prolegomenis instruxit Car. Joa. Neumann. Insunt Cyrilli Alexandrini fragmenta syriaca ab Eberh. Nestle edita. Lips., 1880. Kaiser Julian's Buecher gegen die Christen. Nach ihrer Wiederherstellung uebersetzt von Karl Joh. Neumann. Leipzig, 1880. 53 pages. This is Fasc. iii. of Scriptorum Graecorum qui Christianam impugnaverunt religionem quae supersunt, ed. by Neumann.
Page 40, bottom of the page. Add to works on Julian the Apostate:
Alb. De Broglie (R.C.), in the third and fourth vols. of his L'église et l'empire romain au quatrième siécle. Par., 4th ed., 1868. (Very full.) J. F. A. Muecke: Flavius Claudius Julianus. Nach den Quellen. Gotha, 1867 and 1869. 2 vols. (Full, painstaking, prolix, too much dependent on Ammianus, and partial to Julian.) Kellerbaum: Skizze der Vorgeschichte Julians, 1877. F. Rode: Gesch. der Reaction des Kaiser Julianus gegen die christl. Kirche. Jens, 1877. (Careful, partly against Teuffel and Muecke.) H. Adrien Naville: Julien l'apostate et sa philosophie du polythéisme. . Paris and Neuchatel, 1877. Comp. his art. in Lichtenbergers "Encyclop.," vii. 519-525. Torquati: Studii storico-critici sulla vita ... di Giuliano l'Apostata. Rom., 1878. G. H. Rendall: The Emperor Julian: Paganism and Christianity. Lond., 1879. J. G. E. Hoffmann: Jul. der Abtruennige, Syrische Erzaehlungen. Leiden, 1880. (Old romances reflecting the feelings of the Eastern Christians.) Comp. also art. on Jul. in the "Encycl. Brit.," 9th ed., vol. xiii. 768-770 (by Kirkup); in Herzog2, vii. 285-296 (by Harnack); in Smith and Wace, iii. 484-524 (by Prebendary John Wordsworth, very full and fair).
Page 60. Add to literature:
Tillemont: Hist. des empereurs, tom. v. A. De Broglie, l.c. Victor Schultze: Gesch. d. Untergangs des gr. roem. Heidenthums, i. 209-400.
Page 81, last line, after Muenter, 1826, add:
; by C. Bursian, Lips., 1856; C. Halm, Vienna, 1867).
Page 93. Add as footnote 3:
3 Jerome, who was a shrewd observer of men and things, and witnessed the first effects of the union of church and state, says: "Ecclesia postquam ad Christianos principes venit, potentia quidem et divitiis major, sed virtutibus minor facta.'
Page 148. Add at the bottom of the page:
H. Weingarten: Der Ursprung des Moenchthums im nachconstantinischen Zeitalter. Gotha, 1877. See also his art. in Herzog2, x. 758 sqq. Ad. Harnack: Das Moenchthum, seine Ideale und seine Geschichte. Giessen, 1882.—Comp. vol. ii. ch. ix. p. 387 sqq.
Page 226. Add to footnote:
Ad. Franz, Marcus Aur. Cassiodorus Senator. Breslau, 1872.
Page 242, i 50, add:
See Lit. on clerical celibacy in vol. i. p. 403 sq., especially Theiner, Lea, and von Schulte.
Page 314. Add to Lit. on Leo the Great:
Friedrich (old Cath.): Zur aeltesten Geschichte des Primates in der Kirche. Bonn, 1879. Jos. Langen (old Cath.): Geschichte der roem. Kirche bis zum Pontificate Leo's I. Bonn, 1881. Karl Mueller in Herzog2, viii. (1881), 551-563. C. Gore, in Smith and Wace, iii. (1882), 652-673. By the same: Leo the Great (Lond. Soc. for Promoting Christ Knowledge, 175 pages). On the literary merits of Leo, see Ebert: Geschichte der christl. Lat. Lit., vol. i. 447-449.
Page 329.
Add to § 64 the following:
* Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1997. This material has been carefully compared, corrected¸ and emended (according to the 1910 edition of Charles Scribner's Sons) by The Electronic Bible Society, Dallas, TX, 1998.