Theological and historical errors in the Qur'an
Muhammad was not a very well informed theologian when he wrote the Koran. Yes, we know, Muslims will tell us that Muhammad didn't write the Qur'an. After all that way they can blame Allah for the errors and their prophet remains sinless and blameless! Here are the most obvious errors!
- The Qur'an has also many statements about Christian belief, many of them mistaken, and contrary arguments
; but a detailed consideration of these does not fall within the scope of the present study. (Muhammad's Mecca, W. Montgomery Watt, Chapter 3: Religion In Pre-Islamic Arabia, p26-45)
- The chief error in the Qur'an in respect of Judaism is the assertion that the Jews regarded Ezra ('Uzayr) as 'son of God' (9-30); while it is true that the Old Testament uses the term 'son of God' for the Messiah who was expected, there is no evidence that it was ever applied to Ezra
. (Muhammad's Mecca, W. Montgomery Watt, Chapter 3: Religion In Pre-Islamic Arabia, p26-45)
- The Qur'an shows that there was little knowledge in Mecca of the New Testament apart from the story of the virginal conception of Jesus (19.16-21). On the other hand several mistaken ideas about Christianity appear to have been current among the Meccans. They supposed that Christians worshipped three gods, taking both Jesus and Mary as gods. (Muhammad's Mecca, W. Montgomery Watt, Chapter 3: Religion In Pre-Islamic Arabia, p26-45)
- The well known Muslim "rosary" (sibhah) or chain of beads, in thrice thirty three arrangement, is a means of recollecting serially the Ninety-nine names of God. They may also be seen in the Arabic numerals 81 and 18 adding up to 99, which can easily be read in the left - and right-hand palms
. (The Call of The Minaret, Kenneth Cragg, 1956, 35-41)
Written by Brother Andrew