The Fallacy and Myth of Islamic Tolerance In Religion
Islam: Truth or Myth? start page |
No Religious Tolerance In Islam Today! |
Muslims kill and persecute Christians in their home countries, while demanding their religious freedoms in the civilized world. |
Muslims claim that Islam is a religion of love and peace and tolerance. They cite the Qur'an and Surah 2:256 |
Claims and reality, however, are two different things
. Each month, I plan to present several news stories that focus on Islamic violations of their claims. These stories will not be focused on radical fringes, but upon instances of Islamic governments persecuting those who do not hold to Islam.It is my belief that Islam cannot endure the light of the truth of the Bible. Consequently, Islam's adherents make every effort to suppress Bible teachers. Error cannot stand when exposed to truth, thus Muslims feel they must not allow any who believe the Bible the right to declare their belief, nor will they allow the Bible to be taught to Muslims. Their very persecution of Bible believers declares their lack of trust in their own religion. They do not trust the power of the Qur'an, but must rely on physical force and intimidation. Islam converts with the sword while Christianity converts with the heart!
Christians need to be aware of the danger in believing the lie that Islam is tolerant of other religions.. Read the following news articles that prove the point.
The Pact of Umar is an important historical document. It sets the legal foundation for the way Muslims mistreat Christians right down to the present time.
Christians On Trial For Public Prayers In Nigeria
Egyptian Police Terrorize Christians To 'Confess' Crime
Government Orders Church Closed In Nigeria
Ailing Sudanese Convert Has 'Made Up His Mind'
Sharif Calls For Imposition Of 'Sweeping' Islamic Law
Pakistan News Stories of Muslims killing and persecuting Christians.
Summary of killings in Pakistan in 2002
Sunday Service Ends in Carnage for Christian Worshippers in Pakistan
International Church Attacked In Pakistan
Saudi Arabia Still Holding Two Foreign Christians
Last Two Christian Prisoners Deported From Saudi Arabia
Muslim Who Converted To Christianity In Grave Danger
Is Release Imminent For American Missionary Hostages In The Philippines?
Returning Christians Face Threats And Violence In Indonesia
Jordanian Christian Widow Loses Custody Of Her Children
State Government Closes 24 Christian Schools In Nigeria
Nigerian State Bans House Churches
Christians On Trial For Public Prayers In Nigeria
by Obed Minchakpu
JOS, Nigeria (Compass) -- Thirteen Christians were recently arrested at the New Benin Market, in Benin, Edo state, for allegedly disturbing other traders with their public prayers. The arraignment and trial of these Christians climaxed a long crisis that has been brewing since July between Christians and adherents of African traditional religion in this southwestern Nigeria state.
A confrontation occurred July 23 when Christians went to the market to preach and were attacked by the traditionalists. Prior to the incident, the traditional ruler of Benin, Omo N'oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo Erediauwa II, had given orders banning Christians from praying in the markets. Christians responded to the order by asking him to withdraw the directive or he "would face the wrath of the Almighty God."
The traditional ruler, who is the spiritual head of adherents of African traditional religion, said he was very upset by the actions of the Christians. "We have been doing everything humanly possible to ensure that peace reigns in Edo state and Benin city, the state capital, in particular. And we pray that God and the ancestors will not allow enemies of peace and progress to destabilize the peace in Edo Land," he said.
The traditional ruler quoted from Matthew 6:1-5, which he said enjoined Christians not to pray in open places. "We consider it a strange development that with such injunctions from their master, Jesus, the Christians in Benin city and environs chose to do the very opposite and harass innocent women in market places."
Christians gave the ruler an ultimatum to withdraw his order banning Christians from praying at their workplaces because the directive was an infringement on their rights, said Apostle B.O.C. Esiri, a leader of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) in Benin. Esiri reminded the traditional ruler that "every Nigerian citizen in Benin city has the right to pray anywhere, anytime and in any place to their God."
The state chairman of PFN in Edo state, Rev. Dr. Felix Omobade, told journalists, "The injunction to preach the gospel to every creature is to all believers, and Jesus Christ said we should go into all the world. A close look at the ministry of Jesus showed that He went everywhere. He was in the market. He preached in the market. We have records in the Bible that apostles that lived after Him preached at every nook and cranny. The right to pray and conduct our faith is both spiritual and constitutional."
The PFN Edo State chapter has taken the problem to the office of the State Military Administrator.
Egyptian police terrorize Christians to 'confess' crime
Murder Investigation Subjected 1,000 Coptic Villagers to Harsh Treatment
by Barbara G. Baker
ISTANBUL (Compass) -- At least 1,000 village Christians were arrested by local police and subjected to harsh interrogations and torture during a month-long investigation into the August murders of two Coptic men in Upper Egypt.
Not until mid-September, however, did news of police abuse in El-Kosheh village filter into Cairo and out of Egypt. Located in Sohag Governate some 300 miles south of Cairo, El-Kosheh has approximately 40,000 inhabitants, 70 percent of them Coptic Christians.
Coptic Orthodox Bishop Wissa of El-Belyana, whose diocese includes El-Kosheh, told Compass that he began hearing about hundreds of Christians being tortured under police interrogation just three days after the August 14 murders of Samir Aweida Hakim, 25, and Karam Tamir Arsel, 27.
Coptic villagers had complained to their local priests that large numbers of Christian "suspects" were being arrested and tortured in order to force "confessions," the bishop said.
Government Orders Church Closed In Nigeria
by Obed Minchakpu
JOS, Nigeria (Compass) -- Muslim officials in Nigeria's Nasarawa state ordered the closure of a church recently established in a predominantly Muslim area of Lafia. Citing "security reasons," the directive is the latest action in a series of incidents bringing increased pressure on the state's Christians.
In an August 4 letter, Lafia local government council officials told pastor Nelson Tatadi of the Covenant of Faith Mission to immediately close his church. Pastor Tatadi was instructed "to comply strictly" with the directive for "his own interest." According to Tatadi, the order follows an earlier directive by the former local government chairman of Lafia, Alhaji Abdulahi Angibi, who visited the church on April 24 and ordered it closed.
"February 2, to be precise, two Muslim leaders in company of a security officer, visited me in my house and wanted to know why I was building a church in an area that is dominated by Muslims," the pastor told Compass. "I told them that it was God that sent me to that city, and it was through Him that I got the land to build the church. All I know is that this land in which we've built our church does not belong to any Muslim. I bought it from a Christian woman who sold it to us for this purpose. I cannot therefore see why they should be complaining about our presence there," he added.
A month later, two men came to his house again at about 11 p.m. and asked that he follow them to the office of the State Security Service, but the pastor refused. The following morning, another security officer came to his house and arrested him. He was taken to the office of the State Security Service, interrogated, and asked never to worship there again.
Security officers claimed the land on which the Covenant of Faith Mission was built belongs to a Muslim who sold it 18 years ago and now wants to reclaim it.
However, Pastor Tatadi said he told them that what they were asking was impossible. He also said it was a deliberate provocation and an act of discrimination against the church.
After the closure order, the pastor and officials of the Christian Association of Nigeria made several attempts to discuss the matter with the chairman of the local government council, but without success.
The pastor and church members have also received threats against their lives. "Sometimes at night, some unknown persons come to attempt to attack the church. This has adversely affected us, as some members of our church who are afraid have decided to leave the church," Tatadi said. So far 11 members of his congregation have left the church because of the fear of their being attacked while worshiping there.
The Covenant of Faith Mission was established in Lafia two years ago. According to the pastor, the church desires to reach the Muslim Kambari ethnic group who live in the area.
So far, about three Muslim families from this unreached Muslim ethnic group have converted to Christianity, and the church has relocated them because of the threat to their lives.
COMPASS DIRECT Global News from the Frontlines September 23, 1998 Copyright 1998 Compass Direct
Ailing Sudanese convert has 'made up his mind'
by Barbara G. Baker
ISTANBUL (Compass) -- Sudanese convert Al-Faki Kuku Hassan has been diagnosed with serious medical problems that require hospital treatment, his defense lawyer Abel Alier confirmed in early September. Alier told Compass that he was requesting the prosecutor general to transfer his client to the hospital as soon as possible.
Arrested in late March on charges of apostasy, Hassan is being held at Omdurman Prison while his case in Criminal Court remains under study by the Justice Ministry.
The state prosecutor gave Hassan two months to recant and return to Islam, or face the death penalty. However, the judge has yet to rule on the controversial case, which has been given only brief public mention in Khartoum newspapers since the last week of June.
Hassan, 44, is a former Muslim sheikh who converted to Christianity in 1995. He and his wife, who finally won court permission to visit him in jail, have six children.
According to Alier, a well-known Christian lawyer from Southern Sudan defending Hassan, his client has a history of serious health problems. He said these included a chronic heart ailment and "a variety of complaints. He's not a very healthy man," Alier said.
Admitting that the convert's medical condition "worried" him, Alier said he had requested a physical examination for Hassan, "to see whether we can have him transferred from the prison cell to the hospital." The lawyer stressed, however, that Hassan's condition stemmed from chronic health problems, not from any known physical mistreatment since he was arrested six months ago.
"But he has had a lot of pressure to change his mind, and to recant his new position," Alier told Compass by telephone from Khartoum. "They have also tried to make attractive suggestions. But he is a fellow who has made up his mind," he said.
A member of the fast-growing Sudanese Church of Christ, Hassan has continued to testify to his Christian faith before the courts and among his fellow prisoners.
In a letter dated August 10, the British Foreign Office stated that its embassy in Khartoum "had been informed that at present Al-Faki Kuku Hassan is released on bail." In a telephone interview from Khartoum in late August, Alier declared: "This is disinformation. I would have been the first to know, or the second, because his wife is quite keen."
Alier said he was waiting for a decision on Hassan's case sometime in September. "That's my expectation," Alier said. "We do not want him to stay in that condition under detention."
Sharif Calls For Imposition Of 'Sweeping' Islamic Law
Pakistan's Christians Oppose 15th Amendment Bill
ISTANBUL (Compass) -- Pakistan's Christian community spoke out forcefully in early September against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's new 15th Amendment Bill, which is designed to replace the nation's civil legal system with Islamic law.
Both Catholic and Protestant church leaders declared the proposed constitutional amendment would curb religious freedoms and subject many non-Muslims to further persecution.
Addressing a September 2 press conference in Islamabad, Roman Catholic Bishop Armando Trinidade and Church of Pakistan Bishop Alexander John Malik publicly appealed to Sharif to withdraw the bill. They were backed by Christian members of both the national and provincial assemblies, who pledged to resign their posts in solidarity with their church communities over the controversial legislation.
Sharif's proposal would scrap the country's civil laws and install the Koran and Sunnah, the holy books of Islam, as "constitutionally and legally supreme." Introducing the measure on August 28, the prime minister stated that Islamization was "the key to solve deep-rooted problems" such as rampant corruption, social injustice, economic inequality and maladministration.
Sharif and his close aides, Religious and Minorities Affairs Minister Raja Zafar ul-Haq and Law Minister Khalid Anwar, insisted the amendment would "protect the rights" of the non-Muslim minorities, some five percent of the national population. However, they admitted that the formal establishment of what Sharif called a "new Islamic order" over Pakistan's 140 million people was "sweeping."
Under the bill, the federal government would be required to enforce Islamic prayers five times a day, collect religious tithes and take responsibility "to prescribe what is right and to forbid what is wrong."
Sharif's three-page proposal to impose Islamic law through a multi-party parliamentary democracy would erode certain provincial powers, the Senate's role in parliament and an independent judiciary. As such, critics claimed, it would enable the federal government to move towards a personal dictatorship.
Even veteran Muslim Leaguer Syed Ahmed Saeed Kirmani stated that the bill would enable Sharif to declare himself the nation's caliph (both political and spiritual leader) and establish dynastic rule over the country.
Jamaat-e-Islami chief Qazi Hussain Ahmad accused Sharif of imitating past rulers who had "tried to save their own skins by misusing Islam." Some Muslim religious leaders publicly agreed, declaring the prime minister was using Islam for his own political gain, not trying to conform the nation into an ideal Muslim society.
"We are already exposed to discrimination and victimization," protested Cecil Chaudhry, a Catholic layman heading the National Christian Action Forum. "This new law will multiply our woes," Chaudhry told the Associated Press. Members of the minority Christian and Ahmadi communities have been targeted heavily in recent years by a heavy-handed blasphemy law, which requires the death penalty for insulting the prophet Muhammad.
According to Washington Post correspondent Pamela Constable, a "variety of observers" see Sharif's new amendment as a deliberate "bombshell to distract the nation's attention from more urgent crises in the economy and foreign policy."
So far, the Supreme Court has refused to accept petitions filed against the bill, which opposition parties, human rights advocates and women's groups claim violate the current constitution.
Although a vocal political alliance has formed to block the amendment, Sharif controls a comfortable two-thirds majority in the National Assembly.
"But we hope and pray they will not be able to pass it in the Senate," one of the leading Christian bishops told Compass in mid-September. "They are having difficulty to find a two-thirds majority in the upper house." Opposition parties currently hold a majority in the 87-member Senate.
Asawal Sardar contributed to this article.
Sunday Service Ends in Carnage for Christian Worshippers in Pakistan
Agence France Presse: Islamabad, March 17, 2002
What should have been a quiet morning service for foreign and Pakistani worshippers at the Protestant International Church here ended in carnage Sunday when at least one attacker hurled grenades into the congregation, killing five and injuring dozens more.
Around 60 to 70 Christians, including foreigners and children, were attending the service when a "local-looking man" entered the church around 10:50 am (0550 GMT) and threw up to eight grenades into the crowd of worshippers.
Five people, including two Americans, a Pakistani woman, an Afghan man and another man of unidetermined nationality, were killed in the resulting deadly blasts which were heard in the heavily-guarded US embassy nearby. As shocked and panic-stricken worshippers ran for the door, residents rushed to the church in the quiet and—until now—safe district in the heavily-guarded diplomatic enclave of southeast Islamabad.
"I was playing tennis in the embassy when I heard loud explosions from the church," an American woman at the scene said.
"Because my colleagues and friends were there I rushed towards the church and it was sheer panic. I don't know who is injured and who is dead."
From the outside the low white modern building which served as the church bore no obvious signs to indicate the devastation which occurred inside.
A boy whose father worked as the church security guard was playing outside making paper boats when he heard the blasts.
"I was playing in the courtyard of the church when I heard a big explosion. And I saw everyone trying to come out of the church screaming and there was severe panic," the 13-year-old Afghan boy told AFP before being whisked away by a security official.
A police guard had also been deployed, even though there had been no direct threats against the church.
Sixteen Pakistanis from the minority Christian community were massacred at a church in Bahawalpur, Punjab, in October, but Sunday's attack is the first on foreign christians.
Only a handful of the worshippers escaped unhurt, with 46 injured in the attack, including Sri Lankan ambassador Srilal Weerasooriya, his wife Dilhani and their child, and the wife of a Japanese diplomat.
Reflecting the cosmopolitan makeup of the congregation, the injured also included eight Pakistanis, nine Americans, seven Iranians, two Australians, five Britons, a Candian, a German, an Ethopian, one Iraqi, one Swiss, one Afghan and five as yet unidentified others.
Police were already on alert for the Islamic holy month of Moharram—which began Saturday—as authorities had feared further sectarian violence, but trucks full of soldiers accompanying senior military officials inspecting the site were also posted outside the church following the blasts.
The church, in an area of the enclave near the fashionable Clara Apartments which are home to expatriates and diplomats and the US embassy, was cordoned off by dozens of armed police who further increased the usually high security presence in the area.
Dozens of bewildered foreigners gathered outside the church after hearing of the attack, but were held back from entering by police while ambulances and firefighters stood ready.
While no-one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, Muslim religious extremists are opposed to President Pervez Musharraf's crackdown on militants.
Since outlawing five religious extremist groups in January, more than 2,000 suspected radicals have been detained in a nationwide sweep.
While Islamabad is usually regarded as the safest place in Pakistan, last month gunmen killed 11 people in a Shiite mosque in the capital's twin city of Rawalpindi.
COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
International Church Attacked In Pakistan
COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
Is Release Imminent For American Missionary Hostages In The Philippines?
Mission Officials Balance Hope with Realism and Experience in the Burnham's Case
by Deann Alford
SANFORD, Florida (Compass) -- It was hoped that American missionary hostages Martin and Gracia Burnham were within days of gaining freedom from their radical Muslim captors in the southern Philippines, officials with the couple's sending agency said on March 16.
But New Tribes Mission (NTM) leaders remember five NTM hostages held in Colombia in the 1990s. None of the five survived, and the Burnhams have yet to see freedom.
"We have been down this road many times already in this kidnapping, so there is a high level of excitement but also an experience of disappointment when things do not materialize," said NTM spokesman Scott Ross. "[But] we're optimistic and believe [the Burnhams] are going to be released. It could happen any time."
Ross declined to elaborate, citing the possibility of further endangering the missionaries. The Burnhams were celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary when the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) snatched them from Dos Palmas Resort more than 10 months ago. They are currently being held on the southern Philippine island of Basilan.
While the FBI and others working to free the Burnhams are constantly updating NTM and the hostages' families on the case's status, "We're being coy about what we know, and I'm afraid we're going to have to stay that way," said NTM vice chairman Dan Germann.
But keeping the Burnhams' story in the media and before the Christian community has been key, Ross said. That's why Ross sometimes grants 60 interviews in a week.
"If the constituency begins to believe a situation is important, that gets people in Washington believing it's important, and then you'll see people getting things done," Ross said.
For the first five months of the Burnhams' captivity, nothing was happening. Once NTM officials started making trips to Washington, the mission believes, those in power became responsive to the case and developed a strategy to resolve the kidnapping, Ross said.
"We have assurances from the administration that the White House is doing everything that it can," he said. "In my mind, there's a big difference between 'everything it can do' and 'everything that can be done.' The U.S. is probably doing everything it feels it can do within the political arena it finds itself. I don't think it's doing everything that can be done."
Heather Mercer -- the Shelter Now aid worker in Afghanistan who was jailed by the Taliban -- joined NTM officials in meetings with U.S. Senators in December. Mercer spoke with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice about the Burnhams. In January, Congressman Todd Tiahrt of Kansas -- where the Burnhams are from -- went to the Philippines to support their case.
Germann said the mission's crisis management team is keeping close contact with Philippine sources that are able to gather information -- sources that in the past have delivered to the Burnhams letters, pictures and even packages with food and supplies. The team maintains daily contact with the U.S. Embassy and State Department and with the Philippine military and government.
NTM officials have interviewed several hostages held with the Burnhams who either escaped or paid ransom and were freed. The former hostages have been unexpected sources of support, Germann said.
"They deeply loved Martin and Gracia and received spiritual strength from them," he said. "They have been calling and asking how they could help and what they could do. Always without exception they said they don't know what they would have done if it hadn't been for the spiritual support of Martin and Gracia."
Ross said that he is encouraged by the presence of U.S. troops and equipment, which includes a spy plane and helicopters, "so the rebels will feel they should be dialoguing."
When Mercer and fellow Taliban prisoner Dayna Curry speak about their arrest, imprisonment and rescue from Afghanistan, they also talk about the Burnhams' plight and ask prayer for them. NTM co-workers worldwide hold a monthly prayer meeting; March was for the Burnhams.
"[We are] rejoicing in a God who can lovingly care for Martin and Gracia in the midst of their suffering," Germann said. "The ultimate victory is His."
Saudi Arabia Still Holding Two Foreign Christians
Ethiopian, Filipino Both Jailed at Jeddah Deportation Center by Barbara G. Baker
ISTANBUL, March 11, 2002 (Compass) -- Two expatriate Christians jailed since last August by Saudi Arabia's religious police still remain in custody, their deportation orders stalled by the inaction of either their employer or their respective consulate.
Both Filipino Dennis Moreno and Ethiopian Worku Aweke (Ismail Abubakr) remain incarcerated at Jeddah's Bremen deportation center, rated by a fellow Christian released last month as "the very worst prison among all the prisons we had seen."
Since Tinsaie Gizachew left for Ethiopia February 14, Moreno had been the last foreign Christian detained at Bremen awaiting formal deportation by Saudi authorities. But on March 7, he was rejoined by Aweke, an Ethiopian isolated for the past six weeks in a jail near Mecca.
"Worku is together with my husband now at Bremen," Moreno's wife confirmed today from Jeddah. "Dennis has seen him and talked with him."
Moreno and Aweke were among 14 foreign Christians arrested and jailed without charges in Jeddah since last summer. All were active members of expatriate house churches meeting privately for worship in the port city. After holding them five months without consular access, Saudi Arabia began to deport them during January and February.
Speaking by telephone today from Jeddah, a vice consul of the Ethiopian Consulate confirmed that Aweke's deportation details had been completed with his employer in Mecca, clearing the way for his transfer back to Jeddah last Thursday.
"Our liaison officer met with him and is processing his travel documents," the official said. "When this is finished, he will be going back to Ethiopia, maybe this coming Thursday, March 14."
Members of Jeddah's Ethiopian Christian community became alarmed last week, after six weeks passed with no direct communication from Aweke. The unmarried Ethiopian had been isolated shortly after he was sent to Mecca's Matta Jail in January, reportedly to facilitate the completion of his discharge papers from his employer residing there.
An Ethiopian of Christian descent, Aweke began working in Saudi Arabia six years ago. But at some point, either he or his employer changed the name on his passport and Saudi identity card to Ismail Abubakr, perhaps hoping the Muslim name would facilitate job openings in the strict Islamic nation. Just two months before his arrest, he had professed personal faith in Christ and become involved in an Ethiopian house church in Jeddah.
Last week, the Washington, D.C.-based International Christian Concern had expressed fears that Saudi authorities might target Aweke because of his Muslim name, concluding that he was an apostate from Islam who should be executed for becoming a Christian.
Moreno's departure appears to be stalled by unresolved issues with his Saudi employer, including one last set of car registration papers. After working in Saudi Arabia for 16 years, the Filipino driver and car mechanic has accrued considerable work benefits that his employer is apparently reluctant to honor. A foreigner's official Saudi sponsor must sign his exit visa before the employee is allowed to leave the country.
"Our consulate is doing nothing," his wife Yolly Moreno said today. "They even ask information from me! So I'm the only one who is going around." She said she would go to the consulate tomorrow to get a power-of-attorney form for her husband to sign, and then take it to be filed at the Labor Office, so that he would get his contractual benefits.
"But in Saudi Arabia, it is very hard for a female," she sighed. "So I have to press more, to push more." While her husband has been jailed the past six months, Yolly Moreno has continued her daily shifts as a full-time nurse in Jeddah, while caring for their two school-age children and seven-month-old baby.
Meanwhile, Moreno and Aweke remain jailed in the Bremen deportation center, described last week by a former prisoner as "a shed for sheep or pigs."
"It was like hell for me," Indian national Prabhu Isaac told Compass by telephone from Madras, India. "It can only accommodate 400 people, but when we came, there were 1,200 people there. There was no place to stand or sit or sleep, and only three toilets."
"I never thought that in this 21st century, in the so-called number-one Islamic country, they would do something like this," Isaac said. "It was full of hardened criminals, with people who were infected by skin diseases, tuberculosis, and also AIDS patients. They supplied water for just two hours a day, one hour in the afternoon and again once in the evening. It was very horrible."
But his worst experience there, Isaac said, was being forced to watch the lashing of three of his fellow Christians from Ethiopia, in front of 500 other prisoners. The three Ethiopians—Tinsaie Gizachew, Bahru Mengistu and Gebeyehu Tefera—were given 80 lashes each with a steel cable on January 28, after an Ethiopian Muslim cooperating with local jail authorities accused them of "preaching against Islam and the prophet Muhammad" among the other prisoners.
According to the U.S. State Department report released last week on human rights in Saudi Arabia for 2001, "Non-Muslim worshippers risk arrest, lashing and deportation for engaging in overt religious activity that attracts official attention."
COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
Last Two Christian Prisoners Deported From Saudi Arabia
Muslim Who Converted To Christianity In Grave Danger
Former Muslim in 'Critical Danger,' Church Leader Says
by Barbara G. Baker
ISTANBUL, February 27 (Compass) -- Sudanese security police have mounted a widening manhunt to track down a local convert to Christianity who went into hiding in Khartoum three weeks ago to escape arrest and possible death.
According to a church leader in contact with Aladin Omer Agabni Muhammad, the former Muslim is in "a real tough situation now."
"He is being hunted everywhere," said the Khartoum churchman, who requested anonymity for the protection of all concerned. "The situation is really becoming intolerable, and I am not sure how he is going to survive, because he's really being threatened."
As a known "apostate" who left Islam 11 years ago to become a Christian, Muhammad is subject to the death penalty under Sudanese criminal law. Now 34 and unmarried, Muhammad was denounced by his family and expelled from his university studies shortly after his conversion. He has since been jailed on several occasions for months at a time.
But so far as Muhammad knows, formal legal charges have never been filed against him. Instead, authorities of the Islamist Khartoum regime have resorted to a pattern of harassment, trying to force him to renounce his faith and return to Islam.
Since late January, Muhammad has been subjected to ongoing interrogations, beatings, drug injections and death threats by Khartoum authorities.
When he tried to leave the country by plane on January 30 and again on February 3, the police intervened, pulling him out of the check-in line at the Khartoum airport. Both times, Muhammad had bought a ticket to Uganda, where he planned to apply to study theology in neighboring Kenya.
Ordered to stay in Khartoum, Muhammad was put under constant surveillance and summoned repeatedly to a security office located opposite St. Francis School in Khartoum. But after the second travel ban was imposed, he decided to go into hiding, changing his lodging frequently and maintaining only occasional telephone contact with relatives and friends.
"Up to this moment Aladin is safe," one of his friends told Compass. "He is now ready for any relocation anywhere, but traveling by land and escaping is too dangerous." Muhammad's passport remains in the hands of the security police, who must also approve his exit visa before he can leave.
Since his release last September after four months in prison, Muhammad stayed with relatives in Khalakla, a district of south Khartoum, and in Morzuk, an area in the adjoining city of Omdurman. But when he spoke with family members by telephone two weeks ago, he said they all admitted they were being watched by the police, who had instructed them to report immediately any contact with him.
Muhammad's relatives reportedly pressed him to say where he was and turn himself in, accusing him of "causing our family much trouble."
So far, his Christian friends have been unable to arrange for any medical check-up for the former Muslim, who in January was forcibly given a series of injections of unknown drugs that left him drowsy and disoriented.
"We really wanted to find out what medical injections were being given," the source said today, "but we are not in a position to do this now." He identified this as an "immediate need" for Muhammad, along with prayer support, protection and his daily necessities while he waits in hiding.
"We are even getting more worried," the source admitted. "It's like we are passing through a tunnel which is completely dark, and when we reach the end, we don't know whether there will be some glimmering light there or not."
According to the church leader, two other Sudanese converts to Christianity are caught in a similar situation, facing "critical danger" under threats from the security police. Both are reportedly in hiding to avoid arrest and further torture, he said.
"Since [the authorities] do not want them, then they should be allowed to get out!" he declared.
U.S. Congressman Joseph R. Pitts commented on Muhammad's case from Washington, D.C., today, noting that leading Islamic scholars had assured him that according to the Quran, "There is no compulsion in religion."
"The government of Sudan disturbingly appears to be following the pattern of the Taliban in its treatment of people," Pitts observed. He urged the Khartoum authorities to "protect religious freedom for all people in Sudan, and allow Aladin Muhammad to freely leave the country."
COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
Returning Christians Face Threats And Violence In Indonesia
Muslim Leader Refuses to Guarantee Safety of Refugees
by Geoff Stamp
MANADO, Indonesia (Compass) -- Muslim groups are trying to prevent Christians from rebuilding their homes, says Mona Saroinsong, coordinator of the Crisis Centre of the General Synod of Protestant Churches in North and Central Sulawesi.
Following last November's violence in Central Sulawesi, the presence of additional armed forces has resulted in "a significant cooling down." The government, keen to implement last December's Malino agreement which seeks to re-establish the peaceful cohabitation of Christians and Muslims, is pressuring people to return to their villages.
Nevertheless, Christian families are experiencing threats and stone-throwing when they start to rebuild their houses or tend their crops.
On Sunday, March 17, more than 500 Laskar Jihad, a Muslim extremist group, went to Tagolu, a village five miles south of Poso, and threatened the Christians using a public address system.
"If you do not listen, we will have to speak with our guns. If Muslims try to hinder us, we will throw them into the river. We will take back all of this land from the Christian dogs," the Muslim leader said. The Laskar Jihad extremists threw stones at Christian houses and spray-painted insults on the walls. They promised to return the following week, but were prevented from doing so by the presence of armed forces.
Christians from Toini and Malei villages, from Poso city and Poso Pesisir, confirmed the stone throwing and threats. They told Saroinsong they were living in constant fear of anti-Christian violence. Muslim fishermen who had resumed trading in Christian communities, however, said that nobody had threatened them and they felt at ease.
A bomb exploded at the Department of Social Affairs in Poso on March 26, destroying most of the main building. Crisis Centre workers believe this was a deliberate act to destroy any evidence of misuse of public funds. A rehabilitation grant of $4.50 per person per month had not been made available to the refugees since the government program began last December.
A Crisis Centre spokesman said that few people had ever received any of the allocated funds, but when questioned about this, local officials had claimed the funds were needed for other projects. Representatives from the refugee groups, the aid organizations and the Crisis Centre recently asked for proof of these projects. This now appeared impossible as all documents were destroyed in the blast.
In Palu and Poso, 155 Christian prisoners were released during February and March following the advocacy efforts made by the Crisis Centre supported by national and international advocacy organizations.
Fifteen Christians remain in Poso prison, including five men facing murder charges. The men were arrested following violence in Peleru during July 2001 when several villagers were killed. Muslims arrested for the same offense were released within three months. The men -- Imanuel Mokere (35), Pagi (25), Mudar (32), Sabar Prenta (27), and Boy Puai (25) -- have been in prison for eight months without trial, and their morale is low: one of them recently attempted suicide.
Twelve Christians are left in Palu prison. Among them are the three men sentenced to death for their alleged part in the June 2000 violence in Poso: Fabien Tibo, Marinus Riwa and Dominggus da Silva, who await presidential clemency or a re-trial.
The Crisis Centre advocacy team constantly raises matters of inequality and injustice to no avail. Crisis Centre spokesman Jan Patris Binela said there was "no justice for Christians." Christians received 18-month prison sentences for weapons-related charges while Muslims were given three months. In one instance, 29 Laskar Jihad Muslims who had been caught in the destruction and looting of Christian property last year were allowed to finish their month of fasting before arrest. "To date, these men have still not been arrested," said Binela.
"We need international human rights lobbying to bring these cases to the attention of Western governments," he added.
In Manado (North Sulawesi), six non-governmental aid organizations (NGOs) are pleading for Christian refugees threatened with forced repatriation to Halmahera in North Maluku. Government funding for almost 10,000 refugees in North Sulawesi has been stopped and refugee camps could all be closed by the end of April.
Those people who have returned to Halmahera face desperate conditions: no medical facilities, shortages of food, fuel and power supplies; children have no schools, books or clothes, and infants are malnourished. Tuberculosis and malaria are rife in the makeshift camps.
"We are beginning to see disease and malnutrition among the refugees in camps here," said Saroinsong. "We need to distribute medicines and good food now but lack the means. International NGOs seem to have no more funds. We are appealing for help from the international community.
"The authorities push the refugees to return to their burnt-out villages but have prepared nothing for them. Aside from starvation and disease, these people face the constant threat of Muslim aggression."
Laskar Jihad leader Jafar Umar Thalib recently stated that there was no guarantee for the safety of refugees returning to North Maluku. Unrest could break out at any time.
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COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
Jordanian Christian Widow Loses Custody Of Her Children
COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
State Government Closes 24 Christian Schools In Nigeria
COMPASS DIRECT, April 19, 2002
Nigerian State Bans House Churches
By Daniel Pipes
National Post: Thursday, October 03, 2002
Militant Islam keeps on killing, but politicians and journalists continue to avert their eyes.
One terrible example comes from Pakistan, where a sequence of assaults on Christians, both local and foreign, has taken place over the past year:
- Oct. 28: an attack on St. Dominic's Church in Behawalpur kills 16.
- March 17: an attack on the Protestant International Church in Islamabad kills five (including two Americans).
- May 22: an attack on the executive secretary of Karachi Diocese of Church Pakistan, who was tied to a chair and injected with poison.
- Aug. 5: an attack on the Murree Christian School kills six.
- Aug. 9: an attack on the Christian Hospital in Taxila kills four.
- Sept. 25: an attack on the Institute for Peace and Justice, a Christian charity in Karachi, kills seven.
There have also been many more non-lethal assaults on churches and church services, the most recent this past Sunday.
There is no doubt about the motives of the perpetrators, for militant Islamic groups brazenly speak their minds, declaring their goal "to kill Christians" and afterwards bragging of having "killed the nonbelievers."
Victims know full well why they are targeted -- "just for being Christians," as one person put it. A local Christian leader states "that the terrorist attack was an act by al-Qaeda or some pro-Taliban organizations."
Pakistani law enforcement also recognizes who engages in this violence and why. "We are investigating whether there is an anti-Christian gang operating in Karachi, made up of jihadis," the city's chief investigator explains. A provincial police chief comments about the Sept. 25 carnage: "Unlike the usual terrorists, the killers [last week] showed no haste. They took a good 15 minutes in segregating the Christians and making sure that each one of their targets gets the most horrific death."
A survivor of that slaughter recounts that the murderers separated Christians from Muslims by requiring each hostage to recite a verse from the Koran. Those who could not were seated at a table in the library, bound to chairs, gagged, and shot in the head (except for one person who was shot in a bathroom).
Politicians and journalists, however, pretend not to recognize the problem.
Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf reacted to the Sept. 25 butchery with seeming bewilderment: "I could not say who [was behind the killings]. It could be al-Qaeda, it could be any sectarian extremists within, or foreign elements of RAW" (RAW is the Research and Analysis Wing, India's intelligence agency). Pakistan's interior minister likewise emphasizes that RAW's role "cannot be ruled out."
The media is almost as bad: Paul Marshall of Freedom House shows that North American and European reporting on these many massacres in Pakistan overlooks the militant Islamic dimension, instead presenting the atrocities as vaguely anti-Western in purpose.
This pattern of reluctance and euphemism in the case of Pakistan fits into a more general context.
George W. Bush declared war not on militant Islam but on a faceless enemy he has variously called "terrorists," "a radical network of terrorists," "terrorists in this world who can't stand the thought of peace," "terrorism with a global reach," "evildoers," "a dangerous group of people," "a bunch of cold-blooded killers," and even "people without a country."
The establishment media has been complicit. With the notable exception of CNN's Lou Dobbs, who talks about "the war against radical Islamists," it unthinkingly echoes the U.S. government's line that the conflict has nothing to do with religious motives.
It's as though Franklin D. Roosevelt, after Pearl Harbor, declared war on surprise attacks rather than on the Japanese empire.
This evasion has consequences, for an enemy who cannot be named cannot be defeated. Only when "war on terrorism" becomes "war on militant Islam" can the war actually be won.
Fortunately, the President has on occasion hinted at this, as in May when he called the enemy those "defined by their hatreds: they hate ... Jews and Christians and all Muslims who disagree with them."
It is not a war on terrorism, nor a war on Islam. It is a war on a terroristic version of Islam. Authorities in the United States, Pakistan, and elsewhere need to face this unpleasant fact. Not to do so will mean the unnecessary loss of lives.
Daniel Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and author of Militant Islam Reaches America.