Encyclopedia of Islamic Myths:
The Hajj is purely of pagan origin."That Islam was conceived in idolatry is shown by the fact that many rituals performed in the name of Allah were connected with the pagan worship that existed before Islam. ... Because the rituals involved with the Islamic Pilgrimage are either identical or very close to the pre-Islamic pagan idol worship at Mecca. (Is Allah The Same God As The God Of The Bible?, M. J. Afshari, p 6, 8-9)
"Muslims are notoriously loathe to preserve traditions of earlier paganism and like to garble what pre-Islamic history they permit to survive in anachronistic terms" (Southern Arabia, Carleton S. Coon, Washington DC, Smithsonian, 1944, p 398)
Islam: Truth or Myth? start page |
Muslims claim Muhammad performed the Hajj, but truth says otherwise.
Muslims today make great boasts of how Islam is the purest monotheistic religion on the planet. Yes, Islam, is a monotheistic religion, but then again,
Pharaoh Akhenaten was also the inventor of a monotheistic religion in 1362 BC. But what Muslims don't realize, is that all their rituals of the Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca, where they circle the black stone 7 times etc.) are of purely pagan origin. Although Muslims will claim that these rituals were practiced by Adam, Noah and Abraham as Muslims perform them today, this is nothing but pure myth, totally unsupported by history. In fact, the Hajj is documented in history as being solely of Arab pagan origin. Muslim myth says that Abraham performed the Hajj but it was corrupted down through the ages and then Muhammad came along and restored it to its original purity. But this also is myth because the history of the Hajj has ONLY a pagan history before Muhammad. It is clear that Muhammad took these pagan practices and assigned them new meanings, never before imagined. The Arabs, have perpetuated these myths ever since, even though history proves otherwise.Note: These quotes below are in no particular order:
Written by
Brother Andrew