
Koran text and concordance
 Koran text display and concordance search. 5 English translations with Boolean searchable concordance.
Hadith Text Display |

Islam in definitions.
Massive Online Encyclopedia of Islam for Beginners. "Its all Greek to me?" NO! "Its all Arabic to me!" Confused by the terms, expressions and buzzwords of Islam? Here is a fabulous reference section for those who are not familiar with Islam. Learn what a Kaba is, who an Imam is and the difference between the Qur'an and the Hadith. |

Islam in Pictures.
Photo gallery of Islamic worship today. Islam is a physical oriented religion with many objects, relics and buildings. Once you have learned what a Kaba is, now you can see what it and the "black stone" in its side, looks like! |
2000 BC
Islam in Archaeology.
Historical & Archaeological Photogallery of Islam. This is a photo gallery that documents and traces Allah the crescent Moon god, from Muhammad back to the very city Abraham was told by God to leave: The Ur of Chaldees near Babylon. The Babylonian worship of Sîn the Moon god is the ancient root of Islam. |
2000 AD

History of the Kaba |
