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'Amm-Anas The Khawlin[1] had in the land of Khawlan[2] an idol called 'Amm-Anas[3]. They were wont to set apart a portion of their livestock property and land products and give one part to it and the other to God. Whatever portion of the part allotted to 'Amm-Anas made its way to the part set aside for God they would restore to the idol; but whatever portion of the part consecrated to God made its way to the part allotted to the idol they would leave to the idol. | |
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They were a clan of the Khawlan called al-Adim[4] who are al-Usum[5]. Concerning them die following verse was revealed, "Moreover they set apart a portion of the fruits and cattle which he hath produced, and say, 'This for God' - so deem they - 'And these for our associates.' But that which is for these associates of theirs, cometh not to God; yet that which is for God, cometh to their associates. Ill do they judge[6]. Hassan ibn-Thabit[7], addressing al-'Uzza which was in Mecca, said:
Is the Apostle of Him who reigneth above the Heavens; And that Zacharias and his son John [8] Have worshipped Him with acceptable and meritorious works[9]; And that which standeth by the dam in the valley of Nakhlah[10] And those who worship her are removed from truth, hopelessly lost[11]."
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FOOTNOTE 1. Ishtiqaq, p.227. 2. Buldan, vol.II, p.499. 3. Text "'Umyanus." See Ryckmans, vol. i, p.220, Sirah, P.53; cf. Buldan, vol.III, p.731. 4. Text "al-Udum"; Sifah, p.114, line 21 and Sirah, p.53, line 7 "al-Adim"; in Buldan, vol.III, p.731, line 8, "al-Adhum." 5. Unidentified. 6. Surah vi: 137. 7. Al-Shi'r w-al-Shu' ara, pp.170-173; al-Aghani, vol. IV, pp.2-17. 8. Text "And that both the father of John and John." 9. Cf. Surahs iii: 32-36, vi: 85, xix: 1-15, xxi: 89-90. 10. "Namely al-'Uzza; see above, p. 16. 11. cf. al-Aghani, vol. iv, p. 10; Diwan Hassan ibn-Thabit, ed. Hartwig Hirschfeld, Leyden and London, 1910, pp.44-45. | ||