The Night Journey (mi'raj) of the Apostle of God—Upon whom be Blessing and
Peace! while awake, in the body, to Heaven, then to what place God Most High willed of the
Exalted Regions, is a Verity.
The Wonders (karamat) of the Saints (walis) area Verity. And a Wonder on
the part of a Saint appears by way of a contradiction of the ordinary course of nature,
such as passing over a great distance in a short time, and the appearing of meat and drink
and clothing at a time of need, and walking upon the water and in the air, and the speech
of stones and of beasts, and the warding off of an evil that is approaching, and the
guarding of him who is anxious from enemies, and other things of the same kind. And such a
thing is to be reckoned as an evidentiary miracle (mu'jiza) on behalf of the
Apostle followed by the Saint on whose part the wonder appears. For it is evident by it
that he is a Saint and he could never be a Saint unless he were right in his religion and
worship and in abiding by the message committed to his Apostle.
The most excellent of mankind after the Prophets are Abu Bakr, the Very Veracious (as-Siddiq),
then Umar, the Divider (al-Faruq), then Uthman, he of the Two Lights (Dku-n-Nurayn),
then Ali—The good-will of God be upon them! Their Khalifates were in this order, and the
Khalifate extended to thirty years; then, thereafter, came kings and princes.
The Muslims cannot do without a leader (Imam) who shall occupy himself with the
enforcing of their decisions, and in maintaining their boundaries and guarding their
frontiers, and. equipping their armies, and receiving their alms, and putting down
robberies and thieving and highwaymen, and maintaining the Friday services and the
Festivals, and removing quarrels that fall between creatures, and receiving evidence
bearing on legal claims, and marrying minors, male and female, and those who have no
guardians, and dividing booty. And it is necessary that. the leader should be visible, not
hidden and expected to appear (muntazar), and that he should be of the tribe of
Quraysh and not of any other. And he is not assigned exclusively to the sons of Hashim nor
to the children